getting the fish (ball) in the net

Ali Anani, PhD The Art of Hunting in Fishing and Football: How to Win the World Cup The Art of Hunting in Fishing and Football: How to Win the World Cup

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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The presentation offers a novel approach to predicting winners in soccer and in business. Getting the fish in the net and sending the ball in the net share many commonalties. Extending our experiences in fishing shall help us strategize the football games and business games as well. Based on this extrapolation who shall be the winning team in the World Cup Tournament 2014? The presentation offers an answer.


Page 1: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

Ali Anani, PhD

The Art of Hunting inFishing and Football:How to Win the World Cup

The Art of Hunting inFishing and Football:How to Win the World Cup

Page 2: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

I am as curious as you are to make a sound guess of the World Cup 2014 winner

Page 3: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

This is a formidable task that I decided to embark on

Page 4: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

The team that nets more goals shall be the winner

Page 5: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

The team that nets more goals shall be the winner And the players shall be fishing to put the goal in the net

Like a fisherman who wishes to put as many goal fish in the net

Page 6: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

Putting the ball in the net and putting the fish in the net

Page 7: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

We need to grasp how fish behave and react in order to catch them Likewise; in soccer and in business you need to understand how your competitor behaves and reacts to catch him

Page 8: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

The fish has to be in the right mood to enter the net

Always consider the mood of fish and the environment they are in. This will help you find the best speed. Mood is defined by weather and the time of year. High and low barometric pressure are a part of the weather question. They both have a significant impact on the mood of all


Page 9: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

The fish has to be in the right mood to enter the net

Activity level in fish will change with the movement or lack of barometer movement. You must know what the weather has been preceding your fishing trip. This information will set the stage giving you the information you can use to your advantage. A clear blue high sky after a low pressure front is every anglers nightmare. Fish get spooky, neutral or negative in these conditions.

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The winning soccer team will find out the mood of the competitor team members. The winning team will also control the speed of the game to lure his rival.

The winning soccer team will find out the mood of the competitor team members. The winning team will also control the speed of the game to lure his rival.

Page 11: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

Moody fish are also affected by the temperature of the water

Moody fish are also affected by the temperature of the water

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Moody fish are also affected by the temperature of the water

Fish are cold blooded and their metabolism changes as their body temp changes. Most anglers know there are cold and warm water species of fish. Which means all fish if given a choice will find their preferred temperature range

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The winning soccer team shall put the rival team in the wrong zone of comfort. If the team prefers “hot” game, the winning team shall slow down the game

The winning soccer team shall put the rival team in the wrong zone of comfort. If the team prefers “hot” game, the winning team shall slow down the game

Page 14: Getting the fish (ball) in the net

If one attacker of the rival team missed an easy goal in a recent game and the media mocked him

If one attacker of the rival team missed an easy goal in a recent game and the media mocked him

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The mood of this player might be negative. He might be an easy catch forthe other team

The mood of this player might be negative. He might be an easy catch for the other team

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Fish mood affectsthe size of lures and the jigging actions we use.

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The winning team knows how to jig and in what space to outperform the competing team

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Fish mood affects the color of lures and the jigging actions we employ

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The winning team lures the opponent team with the right lure color. They show a “red eye” when needed, but shift color if need rises

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Negative fish have an extremely small strike zone in comparison to actively feeding bass.


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Negative defensive play by the underfish (underdog) team requires constant striking in this zone by the other team

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Downsize Your BaitBig crankbaits, large worms or bulky flipping jigs hold no interest for a negative-mood bass. They will continually turn their noses up at these offerings, but they can be coaxed by a smaller version of the same lure.

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Smaller offerings might be more luring to the competing team.I would say reserve player might be more effective to tempt the opposing team leave its defensive zone

Smaller offerings might be more luring to the competing team.I would say reserve player might be more effective to tempt the opposing team leave its defensive zone

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Targeting negative-mood largemouth can bea tough and tiring game, but they can be beaten by changing your approach and tactics

Targeting negative-mood largemouth can bea tough and tiring game, but they can be beaten by changing your approach and tactics

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If a team senses the rival team is in a negative mood it starts early trying different playing tactics to unlock the weak points of the negative team and crack it.Fixed tactics might fail

If a team senses the rival team is in a negative mood it starts early trying different playing tactics to unlock the weak points of the negative team and crack it.Fixed tactics might fail

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Emotion-performance relationships are dynamic, especially when playing team with negativity

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Fish operate best within narrow zones of temperature, pressure and wind speed

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So are individual members of a team-within-individual consistency of the individual zones of optimal functioning (IZOF)

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The winning team knowsin advance the emotion- performance pattern of each player of the opposing team

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For example, if a player is known to get angry easily and his performance goes down accordingly, the opposing team may outrage him to the extent that he might get the red card and be sent off

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Negative thoughtsare so many as:Fear of FailureFear of SuccessFear of Disapproval or Criticism

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Fear of failure is constraining and may kill playing creatively.

Brazilian team will havethe fear of losing on its own ground, for example

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Negative emotions might subdue talents and opposing teams may benefit from that

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This fear may be easily detected from the number of incorrect passesFear has a smell that the opposing team may detect

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Negative thoughts might generate storms in the mind of the negative player

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Like we have scale for wind

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Likewise, negative thinking may generate winds of great disturbing effects

Remember, out of control thinking leads to out of control performance

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Because of the Butterfly Effect we are unable to predict the weather for more than 80% accuracy up to three days

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Who dares to predict the weather in the minds of players for the duration of the world cup 2014?

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Dare I predict?

No, as I would resemble hunting a specified goal fish in a stormy ocean