get the full version - alpha male mentality · get the full version 8 of 221 out from most men. so...


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Page 1: GET THE FULL VERSION - Alpha Male Mentality · GET THE FULL VERSION 8 of 221 out from most men. So go ahead and break some rules yourself! Especially if it helps you to succeed. The
Page 2: GET THE FULL VERSION - Alpha Male Mentality · GET THE FULL VERSION 8 of 221 out from most men. So go ahead and break some rules yourself! Especially if it helps you to succeed. The


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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Break the Rules ...........................................................................................................................................................................6

Don’t Let Others Define You ............................................................................................................................................ 9

Don’t Chase Perfection .......................................................................................................................................................13

Don’t Be Needy ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Be Ambitious .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Don’t Filter Yourself ...............................................................................................................................................................21

Value Your Time ...................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Make Your Own Path........................................................................................................................................................... 27

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Have you ever wondered what makes us all inherently different? Forget

the superficial factors like looks, money and social status. What is the most

basic but the most defining factor that sets two men apart?

Why is one man confident, successful and ambitious, while the other guy

barely even leaves the house because he is terrified of interacting with


No, it’s not how much money they make, how big their social circles are,

or even how many women they have slept with – these are all just the

results of their different lifestyles and choices.

The reason why these guys are so different is because of their different


If you have the right mindset, there is nothing and no one going to stand

in your way from achieving the things you set out to do. While your

upbringing, environment, and intelligence play some part in all of this, it’s

still your mindset that will leave the biggest impact on your life. That’s

why, if you truly want to change your life, you need to start with your


And this is where this book comes into play!

While Rules of the Alpha Male focuses on making you an attractive guy

(someone women want) it also goes beyond it. It is meant to give you a

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direction in life and help you to bring on a positive lifestyle change. It is

also meant to motivate you enough to start taking the right kind of action

and provide you with the fundamental ideas that help you to improve your

interactions not only with women, but people in general.

Because this is a “mindset book” you won’t find many techniques or

tactics here. What you’re going to find are “rules” an alpha male lives by

– something you can adopt and put into practice immediately.

There is no particular order to these rules either. And since there are many

of them, it means that there is going to be some overlapping of ideas. So

don’t freak out if you see two different rules mentioning the same thing,

or reaching the same conclusion – it’s because it is important for both of

them. I didn’t want to leave something important out (but still tried to keep

it as diverse as possible).

If you know anything about becoming an alpha male, you should also

know that being one goes beyond just success with women. It’s not a

lifestyle choice but a way of being. That’s why some of the advice you will

find here has nothing to do with women (I tried to make it as relatable to

it as possible, though) but teaches you how to grow as a man and become

the best you can possibly be.

Because this is what women want: the best man!

But enough of the foreplay, here are the rules of the alpha male.


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Break the Rules

So, let’s start with some mindfuckery by telling you to break the rules. Yes,

including the “rules” mentioned here! The reason for this is simple: if you

let yourself get restricted by rules, you’re making it very hard for yourself

to succeed.

Usually, rules are there for a good reason. They keep people from taking

advantage of each other. But sometimes they can also be very restrictive.

At times, they can even cause you more harm than good.

Growing up, you probably had to follow many rules: don’t be rude, don’t

raise your voice, don’t question authority, don’t step out of line, and so on

and on. While these rules in the right setting aren’t inherently bad and can

help you not to become an asshole, they can stifle your growth in many


It is probably because of these rules that you are the way you are right


• If you were constantly told not to question certain things while growing

up, there’s a chance that by now it’s ingrained into your subconscious

to always trust someone you consider an authority.

• If you were told to shut up or lower your voice while talking because

it’s rude or disturbing others, then now you probably speak in a much

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softer and quieter voice. And you might not even notice it.

• If you were told to be a good boy and not to step out of line, then now

you in all probability keep yourself in check because you don’t want to

stand out. You know that this will draw attention to you and consider

it a bad thing.

In short: you have been socially conditioned to fit in and blindly follow

the rules.

It makes perfect sense to be cautious in many social settings about what

we say and how we say it, otherwise we run the risk of drawing negative

attention to us. But to become good with women, you actually have to

break some social norms and stand out. You have to break rules and even

risk with being called out.

Just think about it… why do women find bad boys sexy?

Is it because of the way bad buys treat them? Hardly!

It’s because these guys are wild and unpredictable. They are always

challenging and breaking the rules. They do what they want, when they

want it, and don’t care about the consequences – all things that make them

exciting and interesting to women.

Bad boys were never told “no” as children and that’s why they’re notorious

for their blatant disregard for social norms. A bad boy will always act as

he pleases, not how others tell him to. And because he does that, he stands

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out from most men.

So go ahead and break some rules yourself! Especially if it helps you to

succeed. The only exception here is when breaking the rules can lead to

negative consequences or cause harm to others. While bad boys break rules

without any regard for other people, alphas are considerate. And so should


The truth is: you will always have to face adversity on your way to success

and by needlessly holding yourself back all the time, you will only make

it harder for yourself. If it means breaking some rules to get the most out

of your life, then do it!

Some men still follow the “be a good boy” rule that has been taught to them

as children hoping society and others will reward them for it. By being

“good” and doing as they’re told, they also hope to get the validation and

approval they so desperately crave. Sadly though, this way they will never

become truly happy because they always put the needs of others above their


If you’re determined to become an alpha male, be ready to break some

rules. Stop listening to the naysayers, learn to express yourself freely without

worrying about the consequences and always put yourself first.

Break the rules that are holding you back from achieving your full potential.

“I say break the rules. Not the law, but break the

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– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Don't Let Others Define You You can never find the answer to the question “who am I?” by asking

someone else. Yet, way too many men try to find themselves by joining

movements, gangs, teams, groups etc. They want to belong and be part of

something, so they sacrifice their individuality for conformity.

While being part of something bigger than yourself isn’t actually a bad

thing, it will affect you negatively if you start to identify yourself as a part

of something, instead of an individual. If you sacrifice your individuality

just so you can belong.

But even if you’re not part of something bigger, you should still never let

other people tell you who you are just to fit in. If you allow others to define

you, it means that you aren’t living up to your true potential as a man and

allow them to set restrictions on you that might not even apply.

The thing is, no one knows you better than you do. That’s why you should

never let someone else tell you who you are and what you can and cannot

do! It is something you have to know yourself!

Even if others label you as “the weird guy,” they are only right if you let

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this influence you in some way. People who don’t know you can only

make assumptions. So, don’t give them power over you by letting these

assumptions become your reality and define you! Only you can do that!

For this reason alone, you should never take insults personally. People

don’t know you. Their critique of you is almost always wrong and

shouldn’t be taken seriously. And even if they happen to be right on some

things, it still doesn’t mean they know who you are or can tell you what

you’re capable of.

An alpha male never looks at others to define himself, he feels no need to.

He knows exactly who he. To him, the opinions and judgments of others

are just noise in the background – nothing he feels he should concern

himself with.

This applies even when people praise him. It still won’t influence the

opinion he holds of himself because he knows that praise can be as

damaging as an insult. If you let it get to your head, you are still trying to

live up to the image others have created of you.

Now, in case you are wondering what the hell does this have to do with

dating and attraction, you should know that someone who lets other

people tell him who he is, is always going to stay confined to the limits

others have set for him. He will never dare to venture outside of them.

What this means is that he will never go after the girls he wants (or the

things he wants) because people (and society) have convinced him that he

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isn’t worthy or capable of doing so. He will never try to push himself

simply because he has accepted his place in the world. Most likely, he will

just settle down with the first girl that will have him.

It's not a secret that many men chase fame and fortune to get girls. It's also

not a coincidence that one of the most quoted lines from Scarface is “First

you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women.”

Everyone keeps telling us that these are the things matter. And we blindly

believe it. We blindly set limitations on us, without even trying to figure

out whether they’re actually true or not (hint: they aren’t!).

Ultimately, it’s up to you to find your limitations, and for that, you need

to know yourself first. So if you don’t know who you are, make it a priority

to find out! But never let others do it for you!

If you keep waiting for someone else to come along and tell you who you

are and what you should do, you are going to wait a very long time. And

even then, they’re probably going to be wrong anyway.

While growing up, my mother was the person in my life who defined who I

was (or wasn’t). As a single mom raising two boys on her own, there is no

doubt in my mind she did it with the best of intentions and wanted to protect

me from failures. But this also affected my growth as a man.

Whenever I came up with a new “wild” idea about what I wanted to do with

my life, she was always quick to shoot it down by offering a safer

alternative. What’s worse, sometimes I was even relieved to hear her

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disagreeing with some of my ideas simply because it meant I didn’t have to

step out of my comfort zone or worry about failing. So I didn’t even try.

Only after moving out and starting to live on my own, did I actually start to

follow my own ideas because there was no-one to tell me otherwise. And

it’s thanks to them that I actually started to grow and experience new

challenges. Sure, I failed most of the time, but I also discovered that I was

more capable than I had given myself credit for.

The moral of the story is this: never let others define you! Even if their

intentions are pure, they can still keep you back from achieving greatness.

P.S. In the worst case scenario, you even need to cut people out of your life

if they have a negative influence on you. For example, if you have friends

who don’t want you to succeed because they can’t do it themselves and

therefore hold you back just so they can feel better about themselves, you

have to cut them loose.

“If you end up with a boring miserable life because you

listened to your parents, your teacher, your priest, or

some guy on television, then you deserve it.”

– Frank Zappa

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Don't Chase Perfection Perfection is just an illusion. By chasing it, you will always fail. An alpha

male isn’t perfect nor does he pretend to be. He knows that he is going to

have flaws and he works on them to become better. But he never expects

to achieve perfection!

Let me ask you something. If you had to imagine an alpha male, what do

you think he would look like? Just close your eyes for a moment and create

a picture of him in your mind.

Now, did you imagining him as a well-dressed, tall, handsome, and ripped?

If you did, you are creating a very unrealistic image of him. He isn’t the

Mr. Perfect you always see in movie screens, TV shows, and magazine

covers. He can be as average as everybody else. He will have flaws like all

of us. We just don’t notice them because we never look past his positive


The only thing that sets an alpha male apart from any other man is his

mindset. Everything else is pretty much insignificant in comparison. That’s

why you shouldn’t assume that he would always handle every situation

perfectly or never struggle with things. Hell, he would still get rejected by


Therefore, don’t assume that you need to become perfect to be considered

an alpha. Don’t chase this image of perfection! Just know that with every

step you take towards improvement, you’ll get closer to becoming one. But

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you will never become perfect!

As long as you keep improving, you shouldn’t fear that you’re not good

enough for a woman. You don’t have to be perfect to date the kind of girls

you want. Because, believe it or not, they are as flawed as you are (some

even more so)!

Also, women don’t actually want the perfect guy anyway! They’re more

than happy with someone who has flaws but does what he does despite

them. It makes him more authentic and relatable. So, if you assume that

you need to become Mr. Perfect in order to attract women, you will never

feel good enough for them! Don’t set this limitation on yourself!

You already are good enough! Just focus on fixing your current situation

and you will always have a shot with most attractive girls you meet. Yes,

even the supermodels! The secret to success with women isn’t about

becoming perfect, it’s about accepting yourself for who you are.

Another place where you should never expect perfection is in your

interactions with the opposite sex. For example, if you’re talking to a girl

you like, don’t assume that you will have to do everything right to attract


Sometimes you will do or say things she doesn’t like, but you’ll still succeed

simply because she chooses to overlook them. Other times, even if you

instantly hit it off with her and everything goes smoothly, she still goes home

with someone else (and there’s nothing you can do to change her mind).

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That’s why you need to realize that the interactions you’ll have with women

will always be unpredictable and messy (and so will your relationships with

them). So don’t worry about doing everything right. The only thing that

matters, the only thing you should focus on is that you’ll get results.

“The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement.”

– George Will

Don't Be Needy

Being needy is a sin an alpha male never commits. He doesn’t need the

validation, approval, and affection of others. His happiness comes from

within and not from the people surrounding him. That’s why he will never

become needy. That’s also why a guy who wants to succeed with women

can never allow himself to appear needy.

Now, one might protest here that if you are going out of your way to meet

women then you will come across as needy no matter what. But that’s

actually not true. There is a big difference between wanting a woman and

needing her.

Wanting a girl comes from a place of abundance: you want her but are

also always ready to walk away without a second thought.

Needing a girl comes from a place of scarcity: you need her because you

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think that she will make you happy.

That’s why whenever you’re out meeting women, never approach them

with the hopes of finding someone who will make you happy. You should

actually approach them with the mindset that you’re bringing happiness to

them. Women respond more favorably to a man who looks like he has

something to offer rather than to some dude who is only there to take.

Why do you think girls start flirting and approaching you the second you

get a girlfriend? Bad timing? No!

It’s because you lose your neediness once you’re in a relationship. You

actually look like someone who has his shit together and therefore attract

them – you’re not desperately looking for a woman anymore and this

makes you attractive. But once you lose your girlfriend, you’re back to

your old self again, hoping for another girl to come along so you can regain

your source of happiness.

Being needy is one of the biggest attraction killers, and many men are just

that! It’s one of the main reasons why they always get rejected. Most

women can recognize a needy guy from the way he behaves around them.

And they simply don’t want to deal with someone like that!

Women know that a relationship with a needy person would be unbearable

because he is going to suffocate them with his constant need for attention

and affection. Not to mention, neediness can bring out the worst in a man:

like extreme jealousy, controlling behavior and even manipulative tactics.

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That’s why he so rarely ends up in relationships and why these

relationships don’t last for very long.

So, if you want success with women, getting rid of your neediness should

be your top priority. Stop listening to the bullshit you hear in movies and

love songs – you don’t actually need to be with someone to be happy.

You’re the only one who can make you happy! The faster you realize this

fact, the faster you will lose your neediness and the faster you’ll see some

actual results with the opposite sex!

To break this vicious cycle where you find a girl only to get rejected or

dumped by her again because you were way too needy, learn to be happy

being alone. Your source of happiness has to come from you, not from

outside factors (like women, but also your friends and material assets). If

you can be happy being on your own, you will also attract women because

you can actually give, instead of only taking (more on this in Be a Giver).

Trust me, I get it. I’ve been there myself. If you haven’t been with a woman

for a long time, it’s extremely hard not to feel that you’re missing something.

But one thing is for certain, if you keep focusing on the things you don’t

have (a girlfriend), you’re going to stay unhappy and needy.

Instead of constantly thinking about what you don’t have, shift your focus

on what you want. While this doesn’t suddenly fix the problem (or eradicate

your neediness), at least it will set you on a new path that will eventually

lead to it (if you work towards it).

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For an alpha male, getting women will never be the primary focus of his

life. He has always more important matters to attend to than finding the

“right girl” or sleeping with as many women as possible. Therefore, even if

you only bought this program to get girls, find a goal and start pursuing it!

This will help you to lose your neediness.

Be Ambitious

If you lack ambition, you’re basically living in reaction. You are not the

one in control of your life but just go about your day passively reacting to

the changes in it. A true alpha has ambition. Every day he works tirelessly

towards bringing himself closer to his goals.

Ambition is necessary for your growth. It is the driving force that pushes

you towards success. That’s why you should always stay hungry for more.

Because in the end, it’s the pursuit of progress that is turning you from

mediocre to awesome. From average to attractive! From a wimp to a

badass! It’s what builds your character!

Does this mean that you can never achieve anything without ambition? Of

you can! But if you’re not even trying to assert yourself in some way or

other, your success in life will always largely depend on the people around

you – for them to notice you and give you the needed push. And while

you can find many stories just like that, most people will never realize their

dreams because they’ll never get noticed.

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We are all led to believe that by doing everything right, fortune will

eventually smile upon us. But there are an unimaginable amount of people

who do just that and never get their lucky break. Even though they have

some ambitions, it’s not enough. They never dare to just go for it and hope

on being noticed instead of doing everything in their power to get noticed.

But sadly, the odds are just against them!

The same applies to your success with women. If you’re hoping for women

to notice you by doing everything “right” (getting a good job, making a

bunch of money, surrounding yourself with the right kind of people) then

sooner or later you’re going to taste the bitter reality: women don’t give a

shit! Just like you need to be ambitious and aim for the starts, you need to

put yourself out there and go after the girls you want!

Even if you finally get into a relationship, you still need to keep your

ambitions! No woman wants to keep dating someone who loses his

ambition the moment he realizes she is there to stay. Ambition is sexy! It

tells a woman that her man has always his sight set on bigger and better

things and isn’t afraid to dream big (won’t just be satisfied with mere

mediocrity). If you lose your drive in a relationship, it’s possible that you

lose her along with it.

Have ambitious goals and never settle for less than you think you’re worth.

You need to have standards and not try to be satisfied with things just

because you think you couldn’t do any better. Don’t be afraid to have

ambitions and dream big, don’t be afraid to go after things that might seem

unreachable at the moment.

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With enough time and dedication, it’s possible to achieve your dreams.

You don’t even know what you’re capable of until you start pushing

yourself. So stop dreaming about what you could accomplish and actually

go for it!

If you lack ambition, then now is the time to do something about it! For

that, figure out what do you want out of your life and then search for ways

to get it. Take your time to reflect and think about what you want to achieve.

Don’t worry if it takes time to figure it out. If you lack ambition, this task

can become a real challenge. But a thorough self-analysis can help you to

see a clearer picture and figure out where to direct your energy.

After you have found what you want to do, create a “master plan” and set

a clear path towards your goal. Make your goal as clear as possible. Then

imagine yourself achieving this goal and work your ass off until it has

become your reality. If you run into obstacles on the way, update the plan

by including them and then find ways to eliminate them. Do this every time

something gets in your way until you have reached your goal.

If you want something then start going after it immediately with ferocity.

Don’t push it further into the future hoping to start it some day when you

have more time/money/energy. Stop waiting for permission to start. Just go

after it with everything you got. Don’t let failures on the way slow you down,

use them to fuel your desire to shoot even higher.

Just so you know, sometimes reaching the end goal isn’t even necessary. In

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your struggles towards it, you will have to face adversity that is going to

shape you in many ways. It's on this journey where you will learn more

about yourself and the world around you. It's also where you discover things

that can create a whole new, better path for you to follow.

If you purchased the Ultimate Collection, you’ll find the book Road

Untaken that can help you to set ambitious goals and make sure that you

actually achieve them!

“Big results require big ambitions.”

– Heraclitus

Don't Filter Yourself

If you’re intentionally holding yourself back from saying certain things just

because you’re afraid people might not approve, you’re filtering yourself.

Not only that, but you are making it very difficult for yourself to build

rapport with them.

To improve the way you’ll come across to others, stop filtering yourself!

Stop holding yourself back from saying what’s on your mind!

Guys who lack self-confidence have the habit of keeping themselves in

check whenever they’re talking to people. They’re terrified of saying the

wrong thing at the wrong time because they fear standing out and getting

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ridiculed. That’s why most of the time they prefer to just shut up and only

speak when they’re spoken to.

And obviously there are things you shouldn’t say. For example, never

make fun of handicapped or mentally ill people. Don’t speak ill of the dead.

Don’t talk behind peoples’ backs. In general, avoid being a dick. However,

if you keep filtering yourself all the time just because you’re afraid of

saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, you’re only making things worse

for yourself.

The constant self-censorship becomes especially harmful when men start

to use it in an interaction with a woman they find attractive. Since they

like her and don’t want to mess things up, they filter themselves to the

point where most things they want to say don’t seem good enough for her.

The end result will be a bunch of guys who always go home with blue balls

because they can't come up with anything to say to girls.

The fear of saying the wrong thing is also why many guys get so fascinated

with pick-up lines – they don’t trust themselves enough to come up with

anything good. They rather use something that “works.”

But here’s the dilemma with pick-up lines: they won’t work unless you

actually deliver them with confidence. And even if they do, you still have

to carry the conversation forward with her. She doesn’t suddenly feel

inclined to talk to you just because you had a great opener.

Relying on lines and canned material (scripts on what to talk about) is not

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the answer. They will only stifle your creativity and make it harder to

acquire good social skills – something you desperately need if you don’t

know how to start and hold conversations with women.

Truth is, if you are too afraid of expressing yourself freely, you will lose

out on many opportunities with women. And the irony here is that you

could say almost anything you want. As long as you do it with confidence,

most women won’t object.

That’s also why an alpha male is so successful with women. He’s so

confident that even if he says something out of place, he doesn’t get hung

up on it and just keeps on going. Even if most of what comes out of his

mouth is nonsense, women won’t mind because they’re not looking at his

verbal communication. They are focused on the way he carries himself,

the tone of his voice, the body language he uses and the attitude he has

(his sub-communication). And because he is very skilled at these things,

it’s the only thing they’re going to notice.

You know what’s going to happen if you stop censoring yourself and give

free reign to the way you express yourself? Nothing bad!

In fact, a lot of good will come out of this decision. You will become a

better conversationalist. The things you say won’t be stupid or create

awkwardness anymore. You will be more confident because you will see

that people won’t react to you as you feared. All because you give yourself

permission to express yourself in a way you want!

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The best thing you can do for yourself is to lower your standards on what

has to be good before it leaves your mouth. The things you say don’t have

to be perfect, they just have to work. And almost everything will work if

it's delivered with the right kind of attitude.

Give yourself the permission to speak your mind, no matter how “bad” it

might seem! Do this and you will notice that a lot more women will

respond positively to you.

Before I got into pick-up, I used to go out with my buddies every weekend

to get wasted and see where the night takes us. While we were always happy

to meet girls, none of us actually knew anything about how to seduce them.

We just did our best to get them to like us by trying to find some common

ground. Well, every one of us except Tim. Tim always just said what was

on his mind – he lacked a filter.

So, every time we met a girl Tim liked, he immediately started telling her

all the things he thought of her. Often it was the cheesiest shit ever, but it

worked! Hell, sometimes we even made fun of him while he was still talking

to the girl (yeah I know, kind of a dick move), but Tim didn’t give a fuck!

He kept focusing on her and all she heard was his sweet talk!

Because Tim was so congruent and confident in what he was saying, it

didn’t come off as cheesy to her. The words didn’t matter at all, only the

way he was saying them. Well… long story short, Tim did this with every

girl he met and always dated the hottest girls because of it. And I didn’t get

laid until I started to adopt some of his unfiltered way of saying things.

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“When you give yourself permission to communicate

what matters to you in every situation you will have

peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to

your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of

fear and regret.”

– Shannon L. Alder

Value Your Time Your time is the most valuable commodity you have. It’s the only thing you

cannot get back. So value your time! Start valuing it above everything else

in this world and you will naturally set yourself on a path of becoming an

alpha male!

You might be wondering how’s that possible. Well, if you would value your

time above everything else, you would be more careful with how you spend

it. You wouldn’t just waste it on things and people that bring no value into

your life. You would start to “invest” your time into things that actually

gave you something in return.

Fact is, most men don’t value their own time. They’re more than willing to

spend it on trivial bullshit and don’t even mind when other people waste it.

But when it comes to the time of others, they would never dare to ask for

more than absolutely necessary. This becomes especially apparent in their

interactions with a woman where they’ll become overly apologetic and even

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talk faster in her presence just not to “rob” too much of her time.

But just imagine how differently you would start to see things if you would

value your time above everything else. While you would spend it on things

you perceived as most valuable, you would never allow anything or anyone

else to just waste it.

An alpha male doesn’t waste his time on activities or people he perceives as

worthless. If someone wastes his time, he will cut that person out of his life,

regardless of sex. If something doesn’t bring any value into his life, he will

stop doing it. He treasures his time above all because he knows that he only

has a finite amount of it!

But let’s give you an example to drive the point home even further:

Let’s say you like a girl but it turns out she doesn’t reciprocate your feelings.

However, she is more than willing to string you along in the hopes of cash-

ing in some favors. Now, if you would value your time above all, you would

never stand for this! You would cut this person out of your life the moment

you realized she’s not into you and find a girl who actually is. (Even just

trying to “put her into her place” would be a waste of your time!)

That’s the thing about time – the more you value it, the less you allow it to

slip out of your hands, the more successful you will become. It means let-

ting everything that doesn’t matter go and focusing all of your attention to

the things you value the most.

All goal-oriented people who have reached great heights have one thing in

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common: they dedicate all of their time (and energy) on reaching that one

specific goal. When something gets in the way, they either ignore it or try

to deal with it as fast as possible so they can get back to pursuing the goal.

But you will never catch them just wasting it on trivialities.

So if you want to become good with women, don’t waste it on girls who

aren’t interested in you! If a girl rejects you, doesn’t show you affection

(after you gave it your best shot) or just thinks it’s cool to lead you on,

immediately forget her and move on. You will always find more women,

but your time is running out!

Start valuing your time above everything else and you will only invest it into

people and activities that you perceive as important and make you happy!

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not dis-

covered the value of life.”

― Charles Darwin

Make Your Own Path

Don’t be a sheep and blindly follow the herd. Make your own decisions in

life. Make your own path. Otherwise, you might never realize your dreams

and find true happiness.

It’s easy to step into the footsteps of someone else and copy what they

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have done. It’s even easier to do what others tell you to do. But if doing

these things don’t make you happy, then stop and find something that

actually does.

Most people are doing things they don’t like just so they can get through

life. While almost all of them have big dreams for the future, only a few

actually dare to go after them. And only a fraction of these people has the

audacity and determination to see it through. The majority just keeps on

dreaming, waiting for the right moment until it’s too late.

If you truly want to make a difference in your life then at times you need

to move against the current. You need to be willing to take some risks and