geschichte ii (global) · 2020. 1. 20. · vorlesung geschichte ii (global) anti-imperialismus und...

VORLESUNG GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) Anti-Imperialismus und Dekolonisation, (ca. 1905-1975) „Dekolonisation in Afrika“ Deutsche Karikatur, 1960) ZEIT: Mittwoch 15:15-16:45 ORT: IFW A 36 DOZENT: Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné ETH ZÜRICH / D-GESS GESCHICHTE DER MODERNEN WELT FS 2020

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Page 1: GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) · 2020. 1. 20. · VORLESUNG GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) Anti-Imperialismus und Dekolonisation, (ca. 1905-1975) „Dekolonisation in Afrika“ Deutsche Karikatur,



Anti-Imperialismus und Dekolonisation, (ca. 1905-1975)

„Dekolonisation in Afrika“ Deutsche Karikatur, 1960)

ZEIT: Mittwoch 15:15-16:45 ORT: IFW A 36 DOZENT: Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné



FS 2020

Page 2: GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) · 2020. 1. 20. · VORLESUNG GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) Anti-Imperialismus und Dekolonisation, (ca. 1905-1975) „Dekolonisation in Afrika“ Deutsche Karikatur,


Die Vorlesung bietet einen historischen Überblick über den Niedergang und Zerfall der gros-

sen europäischen Kolonialimperien in Asien und Afrika seit dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges.

Dabei steht die Geschichte antikolonialer Bewegungen ebenso im Mittelpunkt wie die Prob-

leme nachkolonialen nation-buildings. Nach einer einführenden Sektion in den beiden ersten

Vorlesungen werden anschliessend anhand von sieben Fallbeispielen aus Asien, Afrika und

dem Nahen Osten unterschiedliche Varianten des Ablaufs von Dekolonisationsprozessen

herausgearbeitet und analysiert. Im letzten Block finden übergreifende Themen wie die Kon-

stitution internationaler anti-imperialistischer Organisationen, die ideologische Vielfalt post-

imperialer Weltentwürfe sowie, last but not least, theoretische Erklärungsmuster für das Phä-

nomen Dekolonisation Berücksichtigung.


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( M i t A n ga b e d e r P f l i ch t l e k t ü r e )


01 (19. 02. 2020) a) Einführung: Ziele und Aufbau der Vorlesung

b) Chronologie: Das Ende der Kolonialreiche

FISCHER-TINÉ, Harald, ‘Dekolonisation im 20. Jahrhundert‘, Dossier (Post)kolonialismus und Globalgeschichte, Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung Berlin (aufgeschaltet am 20.5.2016)

Page 3: GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) · 2020. 1. 20. · VORLESUNG GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) Anti-Imperialismus und Dekolonisation, (ca. 1905-1975) „Dekolonisation in Afrika“ Deutsche Karikatur,

02 (26. 02. 2020) Weltordnungen, Weltwirtschaften und Weltkriege: His-

torische Makro-entwicklungen im 20. Jahrhundert

DUARA, Prasenjit, ‘Introduction: The Decolonization of Asia and Africa in the twentieth Cen-tury’, in: Idem, (ed.): Decolonization: Perspectives from now and then, London-New York: Routledge, 2004, pp. 1-18.

JANSEN, J.C. UND OSTERHAMMEL, J., Decolonization: A Short History, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017, pp. 1-34.


03 (04. 03. 2020) Koloniale Transformationen und anti-kolonialer Elite-

nationalismus in Indien (c. 1860-1918)

04 (11. 03. 2020) Massen-Nationalismus, Transfer of Power‘ und die Tei-

lung Britisch-Indiens (1919-1948)

05 (18. 03. 2020) Ungleiches Erbe des Kolonialismus: Nation-Building in

Indien und Pakistan (1948-71)

ARNOLD, David, Südasien, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2012, pp. 448-522.

TALBOT, Ian, India and Pakistan: Inventing the Nation, London: Bloomsbury, 2000, pp. 111-161.


06 (25. 03. 2020) Palästina: Zionismus, Britische Mandatsherrschaft und

die Wurzeln des Nahostkonfliktes

07 (01. 04. 2020) Indonesien: Das blutige Ende des holländischen Em-

pire in Südostasien [Dr. BERNHARD SCHÄR]

08 (08. 04. 2020) Im Sog des Kalten Krieges: Von Französisch-Indochina

zum kommunistischen Vietnam

09 (22. 04. 2020) „La sale guerre” – Der Kolonialkrieg in Algerien als Zä-

sur in Kolonie und Mutterland

10 (29. 04. 2020) Ghana und Kenia – die zwei Gesichter der Dekolonisa-

tion in Afrika

SHIPWAY, Martin, Decolonization and its Impact: A Comparative Approach to the End of the Colonial Empires, Malden-Oxford-Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 140-172.

YOUNG, Crawford, ‘Imperial Endings and small States: Disorderly Decolonization for the Netherlands, Belgium, and Portugal ’in: BANDEIRA, Miguel Jerónimo and PINTO, António

Page 4: GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) · 2020. 1. 20. · VORLESUNG GESCHICHTE II (GLOBAL) Anti-Imperialismus und Dekolonisation, (ca. 1905-1975) „Dekolonisation in Afrika“ Deutsche Karikatur,

Costa (eds), The Ends of European Colonial Empires: Cases and Comparisons, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, pp. 101-125.

BYRNE, Jeffrey J., Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, Decolonization & the Third World Order, Ox-ford: Oxford University Press 2016, pp. 14-67.


11 (06. 05. 2020) Alternative Weltordnungen — Pan-Islam, Wilsonianism und so-

zialistischer Internationalismus

12 (13. 05. 2020) Anti-Imperialismus, Postkolonialismus und „Tiers-mondisme“: Ide-

ologien und Theorien 1900-1980

AYDIN, Cemil, The Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia: Visions of World order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian Though, New York: Columbia University Press, 2008, pp. 127-160.

ABRAHAM, Itty, ‘Prolegomena to Non-Alignment: Race and the International System’, in: Na-taša Mišković, Harald Fischer-Tiné and Nada Boškovska (eds), The Non Alignment Movement and the Cold War: Delhi – Bandung – Belgrade, London: Routledge, 2014, pp. 76-94.

KUHN, Konrad, ‘Liberation Struggle and Humanitarian Aid – International Solidarity Move-ments and the “Third World” in the 1960s’, in: Christiansen, Samantha and Scarlet, Zachary (eds), Liberation Struggle and Humanitarian Aid – International Solidarity Movements and the “Third World” in the 1960s, New York: Berghahn 2013, pp. 69-85.

YOUNG, Robert J.C., Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction, Malden and Oxford: Black-well Publishing, 2001, pp. 274-292.

13 (20. 05. 2020) Reading week (Sitzung entfällt wegen Konferenzteilnahme!)

14 (27. 05. 2020) Abschlussklausur

Leopoldville, Belgisch-Kongo (1960)

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Überblicksdarstellungen und Sammelbände

BANDEIRA, Miguel Jerónimo and PINTO, António Costa (eds), The Ends of European Colonial Empires: Cases and Comparisons, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.

BETTS, Raymond F., Decolonization, London-New York: Routledge, 22004.

BRAHM, Felix, Wissenschaft und Dekolonisation. Paradigmenwechsel und institutioneller Wandel in der akademischen Beschäftigung mit Afrika in Deutschland und Frankreich, 1930 – 1970, Suttgart: Steiner Verlag, 2010.

BROCHEUX, Pierre (ed.), Les décolonisations au XXè siècle. La fin des empires européens et japonais, Pa-ris : Armand Colin, 2012.

CHAMBERLAIN, M. E., Decolonization: The Fall of the European Empires, Malden: Blackwell, 21998.

CRAGGS, Ruth and WINTLE, Clare (eds), Cultures of Decolonisation: Transnational Productions and Practices, 1945-70, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016.

DROZ, Bernard, Histoire de la decolonisation au XXe siecle, Paris : Seuil, 2009.

DUARA, Prasenjit, (ed.), Decolonization: Perspectives from now and then, London-New York: Routledge, 2004.

DÜLFFER, Jost and FREY, Marc (eds), Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

HOPKINS, A.G., ‘Rethinking Decolonisation’, Past & Present, 200 (2008), pp. 21-47.

JANSEN, J.C. UND OSTERHAMMEL, J., Decolonization: A Short History, Princeton and Woodstock, 2017.

JANSEN, J.C. UND OSTERHAMMEL, J., Dekolonisation: Das Ende der Imperien, München: C.H. Beck, 2013.

JAMES, Leslie and LEAKE, Elizabeth (eds), Decolonization and the Cold War: Negotiating Independence, London: Bloomsbury, 2015.

KENNEDY, Dane, Decolonization: A very short Introduction, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.

KRUKE, Anja (ed.), Dekolonisation: Verflechtungen und Prozesse, 1945-1990, Bonn: Dietz, 2009.

KOHN, Margaret and MC BRIDE, Keally, Political Theories of Decolonization: Postcolonialism and the Problem of Foundations, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.

LE SUEUR, James D., The Decolonization Reader, New York and London: Routledge, 2003.

MOMMSEN Wolfgang J. (ed.), Das Ende der Kolonialreiche: Dekolonisation und die Politik der Gross-mächte, Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, 1990.

PRASHAD, Vijay, The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World, New York and London: The New Press.

ROTHERMUND, Dietmar, The Routledge Companion to Decolonization, London and New York: Routledge, 2006.

SHIPWAY, Martin, Decolonization and its Impact: A Comparative Approach to the End of the Colonial Empires, Malden-Oxford-Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 2008.

SPRINGHALL, John, Decolonization since 1945: The Collapse of European Overseas Empires, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, 2001.

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THOMAS, M., MOORE, B. and BUTLER, L. J., Crises of Empire: Decolonization and Europe’s Imperial States 1918-1975, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2010.

YOUNG, Robert J. C., Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction, Malden and Oxford: Blackwell Pub-lishing, 112009 [2001].

Vertiefende Literatur zu den einzelnen Sitzungen

(3-4) Massennationalismus und Teilung Britisch-Indiens

AMIN, Shahid, ‘Gandhi as Mahatma: Gorakhpur District, Eastern U.P., 1921-2’, In: Guha, R. und Chakravarty Spivak, G. (eds), Selected Subaltern Studies, New York: Ox-ford University Press, 1988, pp. 288-348.

BATERJEE-DUBE, Ishita, A History of Modern India, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp. 178-302.

BATES, Crispin, Subalterns and the Raj: South Asia since 1600, London-New York: Routledge, 2007, pp. 135-180.

BOSE, Sugata and JALAL, Ayesha, Modern South Asia. History, Culture, Political Economy, London-New York 32011, pp. 111-158.

FORBES, Geraldine, Women in Modern India, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 121-56.

GUHA, Ramachandra, India after Gandhi: The History of the World’s Largest Democ-racy, (Repr.) London: Picador, 2008, pp. 3-58.

HASAN, Mushirul (ed.), India’s Partition: Process, Strategy and Mobilization, Delhi: Ox-ford University Press, 1994.

OMVEDT, Gail, ‘The Struggle for Social Justice and the Expansion of the Public Sphere’, in: G. Mahajan & H. Reifeld (eds), The Public and the Private: Issues of democratic citi-zenship, New Delhi etc.: Sage, 2003, pp., 130-45.

SARKAR, Tanika, ‘Gandhi and Social Relations’, in Judith M. Brown and Anthony Parel (eds), The Cambridge Companion to Gandhi, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 173-95.

(5) Nation-building in Indien und Pakistan

BOSE, Sugata and JALAL, Ayesha, Modern South Asia. History, Culture, Political Economy, London-New York 32011, pp. 169-83.

BROWN, Judith M., ‘Nehru — the dilemmas of a Colonial Inheritance’, in: Jost Dülffer and Marc Frey (eds), Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century, Houndmills and New York, 2011, pp. 177-94.

GUHA, Ramachandra, India after Gandhi: The History of the World’s Largest Democ-racy, (Repr.) London: Picador, 2008, pp. 59-225.

JAFFRELOT, Christophe, ‘Introduction: Nationalism without a Nation: Pakistan Searching for its Identity’, in: Idem: (ed.), Pakistan: Nationalism without a Nation? New Delhi: Manohar 2002, pp. 7-47.

KHILNANI, Sunil, The Idea of India, London: Penguin, 1997, pp. 61-106. KHAN, Yasmin, The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan, New Haven and

London: Yale University Press, 2007, pp. 167-210.

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ROTHERMUND, Dietmar, Contemporary India: Political, Economic and Social Develop-ments since 1947, Delhi and Chennai: Pearson 2013, pp. 18-49.

STEIN, Burton and ARNOLD, David, A History of India (second edition), Malden etc.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, pp. 357-401.

VAN SCHENDEL, Willem, A History of Bangladesh, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 105-130.

ZIRING, Lawrence, Pakistan: At the Crosscurrents of History, Oxford: Oneworld Publica-tions, 2003, pp. 45-91.

(6) Palästina

CLEVELAND, W.L. and BUNTON, M., A History of the Modern Middle East, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 52012, pp. 231-51.

DAVIS Richard, ‘Holding onto Empire in the Middle East’, in Idem (ed.), British Decoloni-sation, 1919-1984, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013, pp. 79-98.

KRÄMER, Gudrun, Geschichte Palästinas: Von der Osmanischen Eroberung bis zur Grün-dung des Staates Israel, München: C.H. Beck, 52006, pp. 346-377.

MILLER, Rory, Britain, Palestine and Empire: The Mandate Years, Farnham and Burling-ton: Ashgate, 2010.

NORRIS, Jacob, ‘Repression and Rebellion: Britain’s Response to the Arab Revolt in Pal-estine of 1936.39’, The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 36 (1) 2008, pp. 25-45.

PAPPE, Ilan, A History of Modern Palestine, 2Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 72-140.

ROBINSON, Francis, ‘The British Empire and the Muslim World’, in J. Brown W. Roger Louis (eds) The Oxford History of the British Empire Vol. 5, Oxford 1999, pp. 398-420.

SINANOGLOU, Penny, ‘British Plans for the Partition of Palestine, 1929-1938’, The His-torical Journal, 52 (1), 2009, pp. 131-52.

SEGEV, Paul, One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate, Lon-don: Abacus, 2001.

SMITH, Simon C., Ending Empire in the Middle East: Britain, the United States and Post-war Decolonisation, 1945-73, London and New York: Routledge, 2012, pp. 7-41. (7) Indonesien

FREY, Marc, ‘Drei Wege zur Unabhängigkeit: Die Dekolonisierung in Indochina, Indone-sien und Malaya nach 1945’, Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 50 (3), 2002, pp. 399-433.

VICKERS, Adrian, A history of modern Indonesia, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, pp. 87-116.

WOLTERS, W.G.: ‘Decolonizing money. Central banks in the Philippines and Indonesia’, in: Bogaerts, Els; Raben, Remco(Hg.): Beyond Empire and Nation. The decolonization of Af-rican and Asian societies, 1930s-1960s, Leiden 2012, pp.109–137.

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RABEN, Remco: Small nations, large decolonizations: The Netherlands, Belgium, and Por-tugal, in: Keizer, Madelon de; Tames, Ismee(eds), Small nations. Crisis and confrontation in the 20th century, Zutphen 2008, pp. 102–118.

BROWN, Colin, A short history of Indonesia. The unlikely Nation?, Singapore: Allen & Un-win, 2003, pp. 156—224.

PENDERS, Christian Lambert Maria: The West New Guinea debacle : Dutch decolonisation and Indonesia, 1945-1962, Leiden: KITLV 2002.

BIGALKE, Terence William: Tana Toraja: a social history of an Indonesian people, Singa-pore: Singapore University Press 2005.

KUITENBROUWER, Vincent: Beyond the ‘Trauma of Decolonisation’: Dutch Cultural Diplo-macy during the West New Guinea Question (1950–62), in: The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 44 (2), 2016, pp. 306–327.

(8) Indochina

BRADLEY, Mark P., ‘Making Sense of the French War: The Postcolonial Moment and the First Vietnam War, 1945-54’, in: Lawrence, Mark A., The Vietnam War: A Concise In-ternational History, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, pp.16-40.

BROCHEUX, Pierre and HÉMERY, Daniel, Indochina: An ambiguous colonization, 1858-1954, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2009.

BROCHEUX, Pierre, Hô Chi Minh: Du révolutionnaire à l’icône, Paris: Éditions Payots & Rivages, 2003.

BRÖTEL, Dieter, ‘Die Dekolonisierung des Französischen Empire in Indochina: Metropo-litane, periphere und internationale Faktoren’, in: W.J. Mommsen (ed.), Das Ende der Kolonialreiche: Dekolonisation und die Politik der Grossmächte, Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, 1990, pp. 89-118.

ÉPAIN, Gérar Gilles, Indo-Chine: Une histoire Coloniale Oubliée, Paris 2012.

QUINN-JUDGE, Ho-Chi Minh: The Missing Years, London 2003.

SPRINGHALL, John, Decolonization since 1945: The Collapse of European Overseas Em-pires, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, 2001, pp. 38-49.

THOMAS, M., MOORE, B. and BUTLER, L.J., Crises of Empire: Decolonization and Europe’s Imperial States 1998-1975, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2010, pp. 182-208.

TØNNESON, Stein, ‘National Divisons in Indochina’s Decolonization’, in: Duara, Prasenjit, (ed.), Decolonization: Perspectives from now and then, London-New York: Routledge, 2004, pp. 253-77.

(9) Algerien

BYRNE, Jeffrey J., Mecca of Revolution: Algeria, Decolonization & the Third World Order, Ox-ford: Oxford University Press 2016.

EVANS, MARTIN, Algeria: France’s undeclared War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 7- 48.

HORNE, Alistair, A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962, New York: New York Re-view Books, 42006, pp. 480-534.

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KALTER, Christoph und REMPE, Martin, ‘La Republique decolonisée: Wie die Dekolonisie-rung Frankreich verändert hat ‘, Geschichte und Gesellschaft, 37 (2), 2011, pp. 157–197.

LE SUEUR, James D., ‘Decolonizing ‘»French Universalism « : Reconsidering the Impact of the Algerian War on French Intellectuals’, in Idem (ed.) The Decolonisation Reader. New York and London: Routledge 2003, pp.103-117.

THOMAS, Martin, ‘Algeria’s violent Struggle for Independence’, in: Idem, Bob Moore und L.J. Butler (eds), Crises of Empire: Decolonization and Europe’s Imperial States, 1918-1975, London: Bloomsbury, 2010, pp. 228-251.

PEYROLOU, Jean-Pierre, ‘1919-1944 : l’essor de l’Algérie algérienne‘, in : A. Bouchène et al. (eds), Histoire de l’Algérie al l’époque coloniale (1830-1962), Paris et Alger : Édi-tions Barzakah, 2012, pp. 319-351.

RENKEN, Frank, ‘Kleine Geschichte des Algerienkriegs‘, in Idem und C. Kohser-Spohn (eds), Trauma Algerienkrieg: Zur Geschichte und Aufarbeitung eines tabuisierten Kon-fliktes, Frankfurt/New York: Campus, 2006, pp. 25-50.

TENGOUR, Ouanassa Siari, ‘1945-1962 : vers l’indépendance’‘, in : A. Bouchène et al. (eds), Histoire de l’Algérie al l’époque coloniale (1830-1962), Paris et Alger : Éditions Barzakah, 2012, pp. 465-501.

(10 ) Ghana und Kenia

BIRMINGHAM, David, Kwame Nkrumah: The Father of African Nationalism, 2Athens, OH 1998.

BURLEIGH, Michael, Small Wars, Faraway Places: The Genesis of the Modern World 1945-1965, Basingstoke and Oxford: Pan Macmillan, 2013, pp. 363-88.

COOPER, Frederick, Africa since 1940: the Past of the Present, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 38-99.

ELLKIN, Caroline, Britain’s Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya, London: Pimlico, 2005, pp. 1-61.

GOCKING, Roger S., The History of Ghana, Westport, CN and London: Greenwood Press, 2005, pp. 17-145.

HYAM, Ronald, Britain’s Declining Empire: The Road to Decolonisation, 1918-1968, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 168-98.

KLOSE, Fabian, Menschenrechte im Schatten kolonialer Gewalt: Die Dekolonisierungs-kriege in Kenia und Algerien, 1942-1962, München: Oldenbourg, 2009, pp. 78-97.

METZ, Steven, ‘In Lieu of Orthodoxy: The Socialist Theories of Nkrumah and Nyerere’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 20 (3), 1982, pp. 377-392.

REID, Richard J., A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present, 2Malden, MA, Oxford and Chichester, 2012, pp. 245-75.

(11) Alternative Weltordnungen

DINKEL, Jürgen, ‘Die Globalisierung des Widerstandes: Antikoloniale Konferenzen und die «Liga gegen Imperialismus und für Nationale Unabhängigkeit», 1927-37‘, in: Kun-

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kel, S. und Meyer, C. (eds), Aufbruch ins koloniale Zeitalter: Globalisierung und die aus-sereuropäische Welt in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren, Frankfurt und New York: Cam-pus, 2012, pp. 209-30.

DINKEL, Jürgen, Die Bewegung Bündnisfreier Staaten. Genese, Organisation und Politik (1927 -1992) (=Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte Bd. 37), Berlin, München und Boston 2015.

ECKERT, Andreas, ‘Bringing the Black Atlantic into Global History: The Project of Pan-Africanism’, in: Conrad, Sebastian/Sachsenmaier, Dominic, Conceptions of World Or-der: Global Historical Approaches, New York: Palgrave 2007, pp. 237-57.

FISCHER-TINÉ, Harald und STOLTE, Carolien, 'Imagining Asia in India: Nationalism and In-ternationalism (c. 1905-1940)', Comparative Studies in Society and History, 54 (1), 2012, pp. 65-92.

HOWE, Stephen, Afrocentrism: Mythical Pasts and Imagined Homes, London and New York: Verso, 1998, pp. 19-58.

KIRBY, David, ‘Zimmerwald and the Origins of the Third International’, in: Rees, T. and Thorpe, A. (es), International Communism and the Communist International, Man-chester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1998, pp. 15-30.

LAKE, Marylin and REYNOLDS, Henry, Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men’s Coun-tries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality, Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-sity Press, 2008, pp. 284-309.

MANELA, Erez, The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Ori-gins of Anticolonial Nationalism, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 19-52.

MAUL, Daniel, Human Rights, Development and Decolonization: The International La-bour Organization, 1940-70, Houndmills and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 13-58.

MIŠKOVIĆ Nataša, FISCHER-TINÉ Harald and BOŠKOVSKA Nada (eds), The Non-Aligned Move-ment and the Cold War: Delhi – Bandung – Belgrade, London: Routledge, 2014.

PRASHAD, Vijay, The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World, New York and London: The New Press, pp. 3-50.

SACHSENMAIER, Dominic, ‘Searching For Alternatives to Western Modernity. Cross-Cul-tural Approaches in the Aftermath of World War I’, Journal of Modern European His-tory, 4 (2), 2006, pp. 241-259.

WILDER, Gary, Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World, Durham and London: Duke University Press 2015.

YOUNG, Robert J.C., Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction, Malden and Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 113-139.

(12) Anti-Imperialismus und Postkolonialismus

CHATURVEDI, Vinayak (ed.), Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial, London and New York: Verso, 2000.

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CHIBBER, Vivek, Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital, London and New York: Verso, 2013, pp, 1-27.

FISCHER-TINÉ, Harald, ‘Postkoloniale Studien’, in: Europäische Geschichte Online (EGO), published by the Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz 2010-12-03. URL:

HIDDLESTON, Jane, Decolonising the Intellectual: Politics, Culture, and Humanism at the

End of the French Empire, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2014.

KOHN, Margaret and MC BRIDE, Keally, Political Theories of Decolonization: Postcoloni-

alism and the Problem of Foundations, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press,

2011, pp. 55-75 und 142-54.

LOOMBA, Ania, Colonialism/Postcolonialism, London and New York: Routledge, 1998,

pp. 184-254.

NAYAR, Pramod K., Frantz Fanon, London and New York: Routledge, 2013.

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Mission accomplished? — Postkoloniale Staatsoberhäupter der ersten Generation im Jahre 1961:

Nehru (Indien), Nkrumah (Ghana), Nasser (Ägypten) und Sukarno (Indonesien).