gerson and levy

Understanding Google AdWords & Analytics

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Understanding Google AdWords & Analytics

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Rachael Gerson (@rachaelgerson)- Self-proclaimed data junkie- Google Analytics Top Contributor- GA Certified - 4 ½ years at SEER Interactive in SEO &

Analytics- Lover/owner of cute puppy named Cooper

Proud alumni of Villanova University – Go Cats!

Aaron Levy (@bigalittlea)- 5 years in digital marketing- 2 years at SEER Interactive in PPC- AdWords & AdCenter Certified- Managed budgets from $500 to

$100k/mo in B2B & B2C- (Usually) a pretty good hockey player

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Is your online advertising working?

Hint: there are only two possible answers.

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Step 1: Set Goals

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• Establish a key success metric before you do anything else

• Cost Per Acquisition – Use lead-to-sale ratios and avg. customer value to back

into an appropriate figure

• Return on Ad Spend/Investment– Find the break even point

• Page Views/Visit– If the goal is traffic, make sure it’s good traffic

Set a metric to beat – CPA ceiling or break even ROAS %.

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Don’t forget your brand name!

Step 2: Select keywords

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If the keywords have no search volume, you won’t be eligible.

Don’t just guess

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Google Keyword Tool – Start with the basics & see what the tool proposes.

Use the free tools available

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Search Suggest – especially with the advent of Instant, these are terms you need to bid on.

Use what the engines tell you

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Soovle – see up to 15 engines suggestions at once.

Use what all sites tell you

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Use keyword tool exports & suggest to find initial negatives. Use query reports to grow the list.

Be a Negative Nancy

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Broad for volume, exact for control.

Find the perfect match (type)Keyword = brown wingtip shoes

– Buy shoes with wings– Buy brown shoes

– Brown wings buy– Brown wingtip shoes

– Brown wingtip shoes– Wing tipped shoes brown– Buy brown shoes with wing tips

– Where can I buy brown wingtip shoes– Brown wingtip shoes

–Brown wingtip shoes

Broad MBM Phrase Exact

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Include negatives in your estimates & don’t bid more than you can afford; you don’t NEED to be #1.

Don’t fall into a money pit

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Example of organization directly from the Google Help Center.

Step 3: Be meticulously organized

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Make sure to separate top performers into individual campaigns to ensure 100% visibility.

Build strong campaigns

• Budgets – Make sure your keywords

have enough $ to generate data

• Importance– Stronger keywords get more


• Relevance

• Ad Extensions– Sitelinks, Phone #, Products

• Geo Targeting & Dayparting

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Per Google, every keyword with 1,000+ monthly searches should have its own ad group.

And keep ad groups relevant

• Ad copy is set on the ad group level– Each copy point should speak directly to top terms

• Separate high volume terms into their own ad groups

• Set ad groups logically & control where copy shows– Different colors = different ad groups– Different products = different ad groups– Different search intent = different ad groups– Get granular

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Make your ad stand out.

Step 4: Craft crafty ad copy

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You don’t have long – engage the audience quickly.

Don’t be this guy

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Everyone uses best practices. Use them differently.

Or these guys

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You can stand out and still use the same formula. Test & optimize!

Be different, but be smart

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Winning ad copy equation.

Clear call to actionResonates with landing page

Answers “why should I…” + Contains top volume keyword

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Be edgy, but not too edgy.

Step 5: Pick (or build) landing pages

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Page populates with brown wingtips, value-adds clearly displayed on the top.

Strong eCommerce

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Weak eCommerce

No Twitter. No brown wingtips. No dice.

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Quantifiable value propositions directly related to landing page. Clear call to action, customer testimonials.

Strong lead generation

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Too many to count…

Weak lead generation

- Broken landing pages - No clear call to action- Lacking relevance from

ad to landing page- Tough on the eyes- Unsubstantiated claims- No privacy policy- Asking for too much

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No need for external conversion trackers.

Step 6: Install & test tracking

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Separate your PPC traffic from organic.

Don’t forget Analytics!

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Initial settings were designed by engines for most volume, not best performance.

Step 7: Adjust settings

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Both campaign types should be structured much differently (whole other session)!

Networks & Devices

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Use Accelerated delivery for Brand & top performers to capture all volume. But make sure you have the $.

Ad delivery settings

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Warning: the more granular you get, the less accurate the target is. Recommend staying on Metro level.

Location targeting

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Launch early in the week so you can keep a close eye on early performance & optimize!


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…and beyond

The beauty of paid search is that we have data on everything. Use it.

- Test Ad Extensions (+CTR)- Test Ad Copy (+CTR, -CPC)

- But check for Statistical Significance- Mine Search Query reports to grow

negatives & keyword targets (+CTR, -CPA)

- Test & tweak your landing pages- Set up Google Alerts, watch Insights

- Know what’s going on in your space - Link to +1 accounts- TEST EVERYTHING

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Your Knowledge Level

Newbie – Never used GA

Beginner – Use GA on occasion, can navigate through

Intermediate – Power-user, never sets up profiles

Advanced – Use & set up profiles regularly

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Start Using GA

Some Do’s and Don’ts

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Make sure this code is on every page of the site, prior to the closing </head> tag.

Google Analytics Code

Do: • Include the GA code on every page

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Regular code cannot go on a site with multiple domains or mobile sites.

Google Analytics Code

Don’t:• Use regular code on sites that span multiple domains

or mobile sites• Use more than one set of the same code

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Google Analytics Code

Do: • Let plugins do all the work for you!

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Know these guys?

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Make sure you’re driving the right traffic.

Visits = $

Don’t Be These Guys

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Which Metrics Should You Be Monitoring?DO focus primarily on:


Conversions / Transactions

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Data can come into GA up to 24 hours late.


No visits = no salesMore visits SHOULD = more sales

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Make sure the whole team is on board with the KPIs prior to setting up goals.

Conversions & Transactions

Non-eCommerce site:Figure out your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) &

create GA Goals

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Reports should connect actions on site with $$$.

Conversions & Transactions

eCommerce site:Add eCommerce tracking to get detailed reports on

transactions & revenue

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Which Metrics Should You Be Monitoring?DO focus secondarily on:

Bounce Rate

Use Bounce Rate as your indicatorthat you may be losing quality traffic & $

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A bounced visit will show in GA as 0:00 time on site.

What is Bounce Rate?

Google Analytics definition:Visits in which the person left your site from the

entrance (landing) page

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What is Bounce Rate?

Avinash definition:I came, I saw, I puked, I left

This is AvinashHe’s the Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google.<3

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A high bounce rate isn’t always a bad thing.

What’s a Good Bounce Rate?Depends on the site & the industry

High bounce rate = BAD• eCommerce product landing page

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What’s a Good Bounce Rate?Depends on the site & the industry

High bounce rate = Inconclusive• Blog• Research article• Recipe site• Sites with AJAX, Flash, etc.• Service site with a phone number listed

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What’s a Good Bounce Rate?Depends on the site & the industry

High bounce rate = Good• Affiliate site

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Time on site is a critically flawed metric to report on.

Which Metrics Should You Be Monitoring?DO NOT focus on:

Time on Site

Why?• How they’re calculated

• Browser behavior

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Another Avinash Tip:

“Never report a metric without segmenting it to give deep insights into what that

metric is really hiding behind it.”

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How Do I Segment?

Several easy segmentation solutions in GA:

Instant Filters Advanced Segments Profile Filters

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Use RegEx to consolidate multiple items.

How Do I Segment? Instant Filters

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Advanced Segments can cause the dreaded Fast Access Mode.

How Do I Segment? Advanced Segments

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Filters work from the day they’re applied. They do not work retroactively.

How Do I Segment? Profile Filters

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Use GA to Answer Questions

Do I need a mobile site?

Which traffic sources convert best?

Which keywords drive the best traffic to my site?

How does my social media perform?

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Do I Need a Mobile Site?

Do you already get mobile traffic?

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Should I Make a Mobile Site?

How do visits for mobile compare to desktop?

Look at Conversion Rate, Bounce Rate

View the site on your phone!

Let the data make your decision.

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Always dig deeper.

Which Traffic Sources Convert Best?% of Total Goal Completions

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SEER’s sweet spot = SEO

Which Keywords Drive the Best Traffic?

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Look at ONLY Social Traffic

Set up however you prefer, but find a way to limit the data to only social

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Advanced segments cause fast access mode.

Look at ONLY Social Traffic

Example – Compare Visits

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Top pages don’t match across different sources.

Look at ONLY Social TrafficExample – Compare Top Landing Pages

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Look at ONLY Social Traffic

Example – Compare On-Site Behaviors

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Create an advanced segment to only analyze “Twitter” traffic.

What Does Twitter Look Like in GA?

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Launched March 2011

Eight of the New Features

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?

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Usability update.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Searching in Menus

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Dashboards aren’t shared between accounts.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Dashboards

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Create dashboards for each group, based on their needs.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Dashboards

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Use Keyword Clouds to visualize top keywords.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Keyword Clouds

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Multi-Channel calculates attribution from Direct differently from the rest of GA.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Multi-Channel Funnels

(Google’s attempt at attribution)



Organic Search

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Use Real-Time Reports to test campaign tracking.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Real-Time Data

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Use these numbers to show relative trends.

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Webmaster Tools Integration

Why use it?

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• 40% of people abandon a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load

• A 1 second delay can result in a 7% reduction in conversions

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Site Speed

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Only one line of code needed to integrate social for AddThis. ShareThis doesn’t need any changes.

Analyze how users are interacting with Social Plugins

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Social Engagement

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PDF Export & Email Report – Temporary

Old GA turns off January 2012

What Do I Need to Know About New GA?Missing Features

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Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

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Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

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Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

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Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

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Tip: Add a + to any bitly URL to get the stats.

Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

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Use Topsy to find & reach out to influential people sharing your link.

Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

Tweets are not all equal

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Don’t Limit Your “Analytics” to Google Analytics

Point – Lots of other FREE tools available!

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Rachael Gerson (@rachaelgerson)[email protected]

Aaron Levy (@bigalittlea)[email protected]

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• Loading Time Statistics -• Amazing analytics blog -• GA setup checklist -• Google Analytics RegEx tips -

• GA Help Forum -

Analytics Links

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• AdWords Keyword Tool -

• AdWords Traffic Estimator -

• Soovle -

• Analytics URL Builder Tool -

• AdWords Help Forum -

PPC Links • What to watch for post-launch -

• More on Search Query reports-

• Split Testing Tool

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Is My Bounce Rate Good?Know your site. Know what matters to you.