gept—high-intermediate level speaking test preparation (2) gept study group

GEPT—High-Intermediate Level Speaking Test Preparation (2) GEPT Study Group

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GEPT—High-Intermediate LevelSpeaking Test Preparation (2)

  GEPT Study Group

Outline Reminder Practice

GEPT 中高級複試—題型以及時間限制 Next Wed: AV-107; 12:15 分之前到考場 Question Types:

20 mins – oral ( 回答問題 ; 看圖敘述 ; 申述 ); 50 mins –writing(translation and guided

writing) Oral

Part I-1 – 15 secs. 2-3 sentences (Question type and Tense!!!)

Part I-2 – 30 secs. 4-5 sentences Part II – prep time—0.5 mins; answer time 1.5 mins Part III--prep time—1.5 mins; answer time 1.5 mins


Part I-1 15 secs. 2-3 sentences (Question type and Tense!!!)

Q 1 When was the last time you exercised? What did you do?

Q 2 What is your favorite song? When did you first heard it sung?

Part I-2 – 30 secs. 4-5 sentences

Q 1 If you could take a one-year break from what you are doing full-time, what would you do?

Q 2 Your friend decides to quit school, what will you say to him?

Part II explanation                                   (解釋含思考 30 sec)

Look at the picture, think about the questions below for 30 seconds, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes.

( 答題時間 1.5 mins)

1. What are the people doing?

2. Where are they? How can you tell?

3. Why do people wear surgical mask in public? When is this a sign of alert?

Vocabulary Pandemic, epidemic Transmission Now there are worries that swine flu can spread around the globe.

WTO is worried that it may be too late to contain the outbreak.


References What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu (or

H1N1) in people? The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu. In the past, severe illness (pnemonia and respiratory failure) and deaths have been reported with swine flu infection in people. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause a worsening of underlying chronic medical conditions.

How does swine flu spread? Spread of this swine influenza A (H1N1) virus is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose

Q -2  Look at the picture, think about

the questions below for 30 seconds, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes. ( 答題時間 1.5 mins)

1. What do you see on the picture?

2. Where are they? Is it dangerous to bike in the middle of a road?

3. Do you like biking? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biking as your means of transportation?

4. Describe the picture in more details if you have time.

Vocabulary Advantages: save money (automobile costs),

lose weight/stay fit, Disadvantages: higher safety risks (risks of

being injured), theft, weather(sun tan and getting soaked up in the rain)

Equipments: helmet month maintenance (tires, brakes, grease,

etc.). Mixed-mode commute, folding bike; bicycle


Part III Discussion

Read the questions, think about your answers to the questions for 1½ minutes, and then record your answers for 1½ minutes. Explanation          ( 解釋含思考 1.5 分 )

( 答題, 1.5 分) It is reported that both shark and tuna are

now endangered species. Do you know why? Do you eat shark fin or tuna? What can we do to help?

Some ideas Overfishing of sharks could cause a worldwide

collapse in sharks’ populations and possibly the extinction of many species.

outlaw finning We can refuse to eat shark fin.

Part III Discussion (2) In a recent survey done by Gallop Polling, 95

percent of the Americans feel they are as good or better than their parents. Yet, almost 40 percent say they don't spend enough time with their kids. What do you think about these figures? Are they good parents or not?

Some ideas 1. Compared with parents in the past, today’s

parents are expecting more of themselves in parenthood, while they are also busier at work.

2. Feeling guilty may not be necessary. But actions can be taken to say no to some unnecessary social activities during the evening time.

Part III Discussion (3) Taiwan’s Adult Baseball team, silver

medallists at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, became the first team to be sent packing from this year‘s tournament. What do you think are the problems with Taiwan’s adult baseball?

Some ideas Government subsidy (subsize corporations

which want to set up professional or amateur baseball teams)

Long-term training and support of baseball players, as well as helping them to make lifelong career planning

Clear regulation of professional baseball teams to avoid gambling and bribery.

Careful organization and thorough training of national teams.