geos2114-2914 volcanoes, hot rocks & minerals€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals...


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Page 1: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Page 2: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

This unit of study relates plate tectonics to a) volcanoes and their hazards; b) geological processes in the deep crust; c) the formation of precious metal and gemstone ores around the Pacific Rim; and d) an understanding of how Earth's materials (minerals, rocks, rock formations, lithospheric plates etc.) respond the forces that deform them. Methods of analysis involve studies at the micro-scopic scale (performed on thin sections) and the mesoscopic scale performed on hand specimens and out-crops. The unit includes a two to three days field trip to study an extinct volcano in NSW.


Unit Coordinator Contact Details:

Associate Professor Derek WymanSchool of GeosciencesRoom 464, Madsen Building (FO9)The University of SydneySydney NSWAustralia, 2006Email: [email protected] Phone: 61 2 9351 2924Fax: 61 2 9351 0184

Associate Professor Patrice ReySchool of GeosciencesRoom 408, Madsen Building (FO9)The University of SydneySydney NSWAustralia, 2006

Email:[email protected]: 61 2 9351 2067Fax: 61 2 9351 0184

Page 3: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Subduction zones are often viewed as giant factories in which oce-anic lithospheres, and to a lesser extent older continental crusts and water-saturated sediments, are recycled back into the mantle, whereas new continental crust is created. Geothermal fields, volca-noes, ore deposits, earthquakes, mountain belts or sedimentary ba-sins are the surface expression of dynamic deep processes in which the texture, the mineralogy and the geochemistry of hot rocks, includ-ing magmas, evolve in response to changing pressure, temperature, and the composition of fluids. Subduction zones provide a rich back-drop to explore many fundamental geological processes (weather-ing, erosion and sedimentation, metamorphism and partial melting, melt migration and crystallization, deformation and development of tectonic fabrics). They are prime locations for the cycling of key ele-ments including carbon and hydrogen, and for the geochemical cou-

pling between the continental crust, the ocean and atmosphere, and the mantle.

This Unit of Study relates the tectonics and geodynamics of subduc-tion zones to: (a) volcanoes and their hazards; (b) geological proc-esses in the deep crusts; and (c) the formation of precious metal and gemstone ores around the Pacific Rim. A problem solving ap-proach is used to develop the skills required to understand the his-tory of individual volcanoes and predict their future activity and haz-ards. The Unit includes an optional trip to the north island of New Zealand, or a two- to three-day field trip to study an extinct volcano in NSW. Practical work includes supervised and independent study of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-


Migmatites (Finland)

Page 4: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

vides knowledge relevant to all senior units in Geology and Geophys-ics.

Throughout this course, we will journey through subduction zones from the Earth surface down to the depths at which diamonds form. In weeks 1 to 5, Derek Wyman will address the formation of volca-noes, their eruption dynamics and morphologies, the geochemistry of their lavas and that of their associated felsic plu-tonic rocks. The origins of volcanoes lie deep in the mantle where partial melting occurs. Derek will show you how mantle melting is not always due to rising temperature and will describe the mechanisms through which the geochemistry of magma evolves. Finally, Derek will consider the processes in-volved in formation of new continental crust.

In week 6 and 7, we will consider evidence of how magmas evolve and the continental crust is formed. We will consider how elements cycle through subduction zones, building on knowledge from GEOS1003. Some of this recycling creates ore deposits. We will ex-amine how humans have exploited natural geological processes to their own ends, by looking at how some common metals are concen-trated and how this knowledge can be applied to predict where more can be found. You might be surprised to learn that some met-als are concentrated by rain!

Finally from Week 10 to 13, Patrice Rey will introduce key Structural Geology concepts and tools to study and understand rocks deforma-tion in hot environments. He will introduce structural features that commonly develop in subduction zones and other deep crust envi-ronments. Patrice will address the development of ductile shear

zones and related structures and microstructures that can be ana-lyzed to infer the direction and sense of shearing. The development of foliation (planar fabric) and lineation (linear fabric) is an important consequence of ductile deformation. Patrice will show how to ana-lyze these fabrics to gain information on the orientation and tectonic evolution of past subduction zones.


Page 5: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

LEARNING RESOURCESAn eLearning site will be used to support the learning and teaching activities in this course. It is important to note that any material pro-vided through eLearning is designed to support, rather than re-place, face-to-face activities.

To access the eLearning site follow the instructions below:

1. Open a browser window2. Go to the University of Sydney home page ( Select the 'Current Students' link4. Choose ‘Learning Management System (LMS)' from the menu far right5. Enter your UniKey login name and password6. Select the link of the Subject you wish to look at from your 'My eLearning sites' home page.

Lecture notes of the structural geology module are here: website is an Introduction to Structural Geology. The content of this course is split between GEOS2114 and GEOS2124. In GEOS 2114-2914 we will cover the following sections: Introduction, Shear Zones, Fabrics, and Strain Analysis only. The other sections (Frac-tures and Faults, Paleostress Analysis, Folds and Folds Systems) will be covered in GEOS 2124-2924 in the second semester. In addition to Patrice’s website site, compulsory assessable reading includes: Chapters 1, 4, 9, 11, 12 of the following textbook (also used in 3rd Year and available at the bookstore):Title: Earth Structure (Second Edition)Authors: Ben A. Van der Pluijm, Stephen Marshak Publisher: Norton ISBN: 0-393-92476-X


Micaschist (Finland)

Page 6: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

Figures from the freely available webtext “Earth’s Dynamic Systems” by W.K. Hamblin and E.H. Christiansen are used frequently and de-noted by the chapter they are found in. For example EDS3 refers to a figure from chapter 3.

The chapters can be downloaded via:

Optional Additional Reading

Subduction Factory:, D., E. Trica, M.-P. Doin, 2005: Numerical simulations of subduction zones: Effect of slab dehydration on the mantle wedge dynamics.

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 149 (2005) 133–153.Audétat, A., and H. Keppler, 2004: Viscosity of Fluids in Subduction Zones. Science, v. 303, 513-516.Behn, M.D., G. Hirth, P. B. Kelemen, 2007: Trench-Parallel Anisotropy Produced by Foundering of Arc Lower Crust. Science, v. 317 , 108-

111.Billen, M. I., M. Gurnis, 2001: A low viscosity wedge in subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 193, 227-236.Bosock, M.G., R.D. Hyndman, S. Rondenay and S.M. Peacock, 2002: An inverted continental Moho and serpentinization of the forearc man-

tle. Nature, v. 417, 536-538.Brudzinski, M.R., C. H. Thurber, B. R. Hacker, and E. R. Engdahl, 2007: Global Prevalence of Double Benioff Zones. Science, v. 316.Bucher, K. & Frey, M., 1994. Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks. 6th edition, complete rewrite of the classic Winkler book.Calvert, A.J., 2004: Seismic reflection imaging of two megathrust shear zones in the northern Cascadia subduction zone. Nature, v. 428m

163-167.Cas, R.A.F., and Wright, V., 1987, Volcanic Successions, Chapman & Hill, 528p. Authoritative book covering volcanism in the field.Chen, W.P. and M. R. Brudzinski, 2001: Evidence for a Large-Scale Remnant of Subducted Lithosphere Beneath Fiji. Science, v. 292, 2475-

2479.Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A. & Zussmann, J., 1993. An introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals - 2nd edition. Tabulated mineralogical and

chemical details of all the common minerals. If you think that you are going to pursue geology, it is worth buying at some time. Will be needed in any petrological Honours project.

Demouchy, S., S. D. Jacobsen, F. Gaillard and C. R. Stern, 2008: Rapid magma ascent recorded by water diffusion profiles in mantle olivine. Geology, v. 34, 429-432.

Eiler, J.M, B. McInnes, ,J. W. Valley, C. M. Graham and E. M. Stolper, 1998: Oxygene isotope evidence for slab-derived fluids in the sub-arc mantle, Nature v.393, 777-781.


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Elliott, T., A. Thomas, A. Jeffcoate, and Y. Niu, 2006: Lithium isotope evidence for subduction-enriched mantle in the source of mid-ocean-ridge basalts. Nature v. 443, 565-568.

Fischer, T. P., D. R. Hilton, M. M. Zimmer, A.M. Shaw, Z.D. Sharp, and J. A. Walker, 2002: Subduction and Recycling of Nitrogen Along the Central American Margin. Science v. 297, 1154-1157.

Foley, S.F., S. Buhre, and D. E. Jacob, 2008: Evolution of the Archaean Crust by Delamination and Shallow Subduction. Nature, v. 421, 249-252.

Foley, S., M. Tiepolo, and R. Vannucci, 2002: Growth of early continental crust controlled by melting of amphibolite in subduction zones. Na-ture v. 417, 837-840.

Frisch, W., Meschede, M., Blakey, R. 2011. Plate Tectonics Continental Drift and Mountain Building Springer-Verlag, 212p.Gerya, T.V., J. A.D.Connolly, D. A.Yuen, W. Gorczyk, A. M.Capel, 2006: Seismic implications of mantle wedge plumes . Physics of the Earth

and Planetary Interiors 156 (2006) 59–74.Gribble, C.D. & Hall, A.J., 1993. A practical introduction to Optical Mineralogy. UCL Press - new printer from old version. Cheapish book on

optical mineralogy; useful for ALL petrological courses this year and ?the future. A much better investment than the micrographic atlases of textures, which have reproductions of rocks and minerals that never look like the ones you see..... Note that the book covers much the same ground as “Hyperpetmag “ which is available on the web or as a Cd-Rom.

Hawkesworth, C.J., S. P. Turner, F. McDermott, D. W. Peate, P. van Calsteren 1997: U-Th Isotopes in Arc Magmas: Implications for Element Transfer from the Subducted Crust. Science, v. 276.

Hoernle, K., D. L. Abt, K. M. Fischer, H. Nichols, F. Hauff, G. A. Abers, P. van den Bogaard, K. Heydolph, G. Alvarado, M. Protti and W. Strauch, 2008: Arc-parallel flow in the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Nature v. 451, 1094-1098.

Holland, G., and C.J. Ballentine, 2006: Seawater subduction controls the heavy Noble gas composition of the mantle. Nature, v. 441, 186-191.

Hobbs, B.E., W. D. Means, and P.F. Williams, 1976. An Outline of Structural Geology, Wiley.Husson, L. and Y. Ricard, 2004. Stress balance above subduction: Application to the Andes. Earth Planetary Science Letters, v. 222, 1037-

1050.Kawakatsu, H. and S. Watada, 2008: Seismic Evidence for Deep-Water transportation in the Mantle. Science, v. 316, 1468-1471.Kessel, R., M. W. Schmidt, P. Ulmer and T. Pettke, 2005: Trace element signature of subduction-zone fluids, Melts and supercritical liquids at 120–180km depth. Nature v. 437, 724-727.Kincaid, C., and R. W. Griffiths, 2003: Laboratory models of the thermal evolution of the mantle during rollback subduction. Nature, v. 425,

58-62.Klein, C., and C.S. Hurlbut, C.S., 1993 (21st edition) Manual of Mineralogy, John Wiley & Sons, 682p. Detailed, encyclopaedic, summary of

minerals and their properties.


Page 8: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

Kneller, E.A. and P. E. van Keken, 2007: Trench-parallel flow and seismic anisotropy in the Mariana and Andean subduction systems. Nature, v. 450, 1222-1226.

Long, M., D., and P. G. Silver, 2008: The Subduction Zone Flow Field from Seismic Anisotropy: A Global View. Science, v.319.MacKenzie, W.S., C.H. Donaldson, C.H., and C. Guilford, C., 1982, Atlas of Igneous rocks and Their Textures. Longman, 148p.MacKenzie, W.S. & Guilford, C., 1980. Atlas of Rock-Forming Minerals in Thin Section. Longman Group Ltd, London, 98 pp. MacKenzie W.S., and A.E. Adams, A.E., 1994. A Color Atlas of Rocks and Minerals in Thin Section, Blackwell ScienceMarshak, S., Earth: Portrait of a Planet (2001) Stephen Marshak WW Norton & Company Marshak, S., and G. Mitra, 1988. Basic Methods of Structural Geology, Prentice-Hall.Mibe, K., T. Fujii and A. Yasuda, 1999: Control of the location of the volcanic front in island arcs by aqueous fluid connectivity in the mantle

wedge. Nature, v. 401, 259-262.Moores, E.M. and Twiss R.J. (1995). Tectonics, Chapter 7: Convergent Margins, p155-196.Park, R.G., 1982. Foundations of Structural Geology (2nd Edition), Blackie (1982)Passchier, C.W., and R.A.J. Trouw, 1996. Microtectonics, Springer.Peacock, S.M., P. E. van Keken, S, D. Holloway, B. R. Hacker, G A. Abers, R. L. Fergason, 2005: Thermal structure of the Costa Rica – Nicara-

gua subduction zone. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, v. 149, 187–200.Peacock, S.M. and K. Wang, 1999: Seismic Consequences of Warm Versus Cool Subduction Metamorphism: Examples from Southwest and

Northeast Japan. Sceinces, v.286, 937-939.Ranero, C.R. and R. von Huene, 2000. Subduction erosion along the Middle America convergent margin. Nature v. 404, 748-752.Rapp, R.P., I. T. Irifune, N. Shimizu, N. Nishiyama, M. D. Norman T. Inoue, 2008: Subduction recycling of continental sediments and the origin

of geochemically enriched reservoirs in the deep mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 271, 14–23.Raymond, L.A., Petrology The Study of Igneous Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks (2002, 2nd ed) McGraw Hill ISBN 0-07-3661678-6

(Hardcover Schumann: Handbook of Rocks Minerals & Gemstones Houghton Mifflin Company, 369p). An all-in-one petrology text.Regard, V., C. Faccenna, J. Martinod, and O. Bellier, 2005: Slab pull and indentation tectonics: insights from 3D laboratory experiments.

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, v.149, 99–113.Regenauer-Lieb, K., D. A. Yuen and J. Branlund, 2001: The Initiation of Subduction: Criticality by Addition of Water?, Science, v. 294, 578-

580.Reinecker, J. O. Heidbach, B. Mueller, 2003. The 2003 release of the World Stress Map ( Rey, P.F., N. Coltice and N. Flament, 2014. Spreading continent kick-started plate tectonics. Nature 513, 405-408.Rondenay. S., G.A., Abers, and P.E. van Keken, 2008: Seismic imaging of subduction zone metamorphism. Geology, v.36, 275-278.


Page 9: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

Rose, E.F., N. Shimizu, G.D. Layne and T.L. Grove, 2001: Melt Production Beneath Mt. Shasta from Boron Data in Primitive Melt Inclusions, Science v. 293, 281-283.

Schmerr, N., and E. Garnero, 2007: Mantle Discontinuity Topography from Thermal and Chemical HeterogeneityUpper. Science v. 318, 623-626.

Song, T-.R.A. and M. Simons, 2003: Large Trench-Parallel Gravity Variations Predict Seismogenic Behavior in Subduction Zones. Science v. 301, 630-633.

Turner, S., and C. Hawkesworth, 1997: Constraints on flux rates and Mantle dynamics beneath island arcs from Tonga–Kermadec lava geo-chemistry. Nature v. 389, 568-573.

Turner, S., P. Evans, and C. Hawkesworth, 2001: Ultrafast Source-to-Surface Movement of Melt at Island Arcs from 226Ra-230Th Systematics. Science v. 292, 1363-1366.

Van der Pluijm, B.A., and S. Marshak, 1997. Earth Structure, Introduction to Structural Geology and Tectonics, McGraw-Hill.Vernon, R.H., 1976. Metamorphic processes. Murby. This book gives a good overview of what the title suggests. Years 3 and 4.Winkler, H., 1974. Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks, 4th ed. Springer-Verlag. This is a comprehensive, albeit dated, approach to the study

of metamorphic rocks. It is a good addition to study in Years 2 and 3, but outgrown by Year 4. However, you may pick up a cheap copy that predates the Bucher & Frey rewrite.

Winter, J.D., 2001, An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice HallYardley, B.W.D., 1988. Introduction to metamorphic petrology. Longman, Essex. This book gives a good overview of recent approaches to

problems in metamorphism. It is as good as Bucher & Frey, but not as detailed.Yogodzinski. G.M., J.M. Lees, T.G. Churlkova, F. Dorendorf, G. Wöerner, and O.N. Volynets, 2001: Geochemical evidence for the melting of

subduction oceanic lithosphere at plate edges. Nature, v. 409, 500-504.Zheng, Y., T. Lay, M. P. Flanagan and Q. Williams, 2007: Pervasive Seismic Wave Reflectivity and Metasomatism of the Tonga Mantle Wedge.

Science v. 316, 855-859.


Page 10: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Students enrolled in any 6 credit point unit of study offered by the Faculty of Science should consider spending up to 12 hours per week on that unit during the 13 teaching weeks of the semester and the study vacation.  In GEOS-2114/2914 this involves:

Lectures: You will have 13 two-hour lectures divided into 2 modules:

• Volcanoes, plates and ore deposits (9 lectures)• Structural geology of hot rocks and magmas (4 lectures)

The lectures are intended to guide you in your study textbooks.

Practicals: You will have 12 two-hour practical classes. One session will be devoted, in part, to developing presentation skills. You will work individually and in small groups on a suite of qualitative and quantitative questions and problems.  Tutors will be present to assist you.

Independent Study: You are expected to do up to 12 hours (per week) of independent study. Use this time to:

• Before classes: get ready for lecture and practical classes by read-ing through the material (min. 2 hours);

• After classes: read through and understand your lecture notes, source and digest complementary information from relevant text-books, and reliable sources from the Internet (min. 2 hours);

• Work through the practical problems, and write your practical re-ports (min. 4 hours);

Study Tips: It is up to you to devise a study plan that best suits you.  Stick to it, attend lecture and practical classes and involve yourself in all learning experiences. This will have a considerable im-pact on your exam preparation and performance.


Magmatic fabric (aligned K-feldspars in a granite)

Page 11: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

LEARNING OUTCOMES AND GRADUATE ATTRIBUTESLearning Outcomes: 1/ understand key petrological and structural concepts relevant to deep crustal and mantle processes;2/ be able to apply these concepts to analyse igneous rocks, and unravel their mineralogy, structure and geochemical evolution;3/ be able to identify the main types and settings of Earth’s volcan-ism4/ understand the main variables that contribute to the evolution and diversity of magmas;5/ have a basic understanding of the selective processes associ-ated with the formation of ore deposits and factors that contribute to economically and socially responsible resource extraction;6/ be able to construct accurate cross-sections and analyze geologi-cal maps to understand the geology in 3 dimension; 7/ be able to perform kinematic analysis across shear zones, and document the style and magnitude of strain;

8/ source and analyse information, assess its reliability and signifi-cance;9/ to communicate scientific information appropriately, both orally and through written work;10/ to engage in team and group work for scientific investigations and for the process of learning;11/ develop a sense of responsibility, ethical behaviour and inde-pendence as a learner and as a scientist.

Graduate Attributes Graduate Attributes are generic attributes that encompass not only technical knowledge but additional qualities that will equip students to be strong contributing members of professional and social com-munities in their future careers. The overarching graduate attributes identified by the University relate to a graduate’s attitude or stance towards knowledge, towards the world, and towards themselves.


Sheared orthogneiss (South France)

Page 12: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

These are understood as a combination of five overlapping skills or abilities, the foundations of which are developed as part of specific disci-plinary study. For further details please refer to the Science faculty website at:


Graduate AttributesGraduate Attributes Learning OutcomesA Research and InquiryA Research and Inquiry

A1 Apply scientific knowledge and critical thinking to identify, define and analyse problems, create solutions, innovate & improve current practices. 1 to 8A2 Gather, evaluate and deploy information relevant to a scientific problem. 6 to 8A3 Design and conduct investigations, or the equivalent, and analyse and interpret the resulting data. 2, 6 to 8A4 Critically examine the robustness and validity in scientific argument and discourse, and evaluate the relative importance of ideas. 6 to 8

B Information LiteracyB Information LiteracyB1 Use a range of searching tools (such as catalogues and databases) effectively and efficiently to find information. 8B2 Access a range of information sources in the science disciplines, for example books, reports, articles, patents and company standards. 8B3 Critically evaluate the reliability and relevance of information in a scientific context. 2, 6 to 8B5 Use information technology to gather, process, and disseminate scientific information. 8 to 10

C CommunicationC CommunicationC1 Explain and present ideas to different groups of people in plain English. 9, 10C2 Write and speak effectively in a range of contexts and for a variety of different audiences and purposes. 9, 10C4 Present and interpret data or other scientific information using graphs, tables, figures and symbols. 8, 9, 10C5 Work as a member of a team, and take individual responsibility within the group for developing and achieving group goals. 9, 10C6 Take a leadership role in successfully influencing the activities of a group towards a common goal. 9 to 11

D Ethical, Social and Professional UnderstandingD Ethical, Social and Professional Understanding

D1 Demonstrate an understanding of the significance and scope of ethical principles, both as a professional scientist and in the broader social context, and a commitment to apply these principles when making decisions. 11

D2 Appreciate the importance of sustainability and the impact of science within the broader economic, environmental and socio-cultural context. 11E Personal and Intellectual AutonomyE Personal and Intellectual Autonomy

E1 Evaluate personal performance and development, recognise gaps in knowledge and acquire new knowledge independently. 8, 11E2 Demonstrate flexibility in adapting to new situations and dealing with uncertainty. 8, 9, 10E3 Reflect on personal experiences, and consider their effect on personal actions and professional practice. 11E4 Set achievable and realistic goals and monitor and evaluate progress towards these goals. 11E5 Demonstrate openness and curiosity when applying scientific understanding in a wider context. 11

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MARKING SCHEME & ASSIGNMENT MILESTONESALL assessment tasks are compulsory. They are intended to help you demonstrate what you have learned relatively to the goals of the unit of study. They also encourage you to work with the material, but should not dominate your approach to learning. See them as learn-ing activity, accompanying and complementing those listed earlier.Assessment of this unit of study is based on achievement of specific learning objectives (listed in the module outlines) demonstrated in a combination of assignments, tests examination and practical work. Satisfactory performance in ALL aspects of assessment is neces-sary to ensure a pass in this unit.In addition, USyd students must be able to express themselves ac-curately by clear, efficient use of the English language in their written

work. Spelling, grammar, punctuation and correct use of language will be taken into account when written reports and examination work are assessed. Students should refer to the University’s Write-Site ( if they are looking for guid-ance on grammar and other aspects of academic and professional writing. Reference style: Written assignments will employ the refer-ence style of the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, available on line from the library. The appropriate endnote file can be obtained from: are responsible for understanding the University policy regard-ing assessment and examination, which can be found in the Univer-sity Policy Register at summative assessments (e.g. that evaluate learning) are marked


Eclogite (South France)

Page 14: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

and have mark standards that must be achieved to be eligible for each grade in your final result. Refer to Chapter 3 of this UoS outline for de-tails on Grades.

Practical reports (25%), field trip (15%), quiz (10%) and final exam (50%)

Late practicals attract a mark penalty of 10% per day unless a special consideration request is approved. Special consideration forms (lodged within 3 days) will be considered as a basis for extension of assignment deadlines. Missing compulsory reports lead to an Absent Fail (AF), with a maximum mark of 49.

GEOS 2914: Practicals with more in-depth analysis of petrography and petrology concepts and principles (15%; No Element Project).

*All reports are compulsory and due at the START (first 10 mn) of the practical class of the following week.

We encourage students to collaborate in understanding all the questions since the objective is to understand concepts and develop your problem solv-ing ability. However all assignments must be completed individually. Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated, please read the University policies on


Assessment types Indiv./Group Due date* Return date (days)Learning outcomes


Week 1: Assignment Individual Week 2 14 1-4, 9-11 1.66%Week 2: Assignment Individual Week 3 14 1-4, 9-11 1.66%Week 3: Assignment Individual Week 4 14 1-4, 9-11 1.66%Week 4: Assignment Individual Week 5 14 1-4, 9-11 1.66%Week 5: Assignment Individual Week 6 14 1-4, 9-11 1.66%Week 6: Assignment Individual Week 7 14 1-4, 9-11 1.66%Week 7: No AssignmentWeek 8 or other weekend

Field excursion Mt Canobolas Group / Individual On the trip 14 1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11 15%

Week 9: Quiz Individual Week 9 14 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 10%Week 10: Assignment Individual Week 11 7 1, 2 4%Week 11: Assignment Individual Week 12 7 1, 2, 6 4%Week 12: Assignment Individual Week 13 7 1, 2, 7 4%Week 13: Assignment Individual Week 13 NA 7, 8 3%

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Volcanoes, plates and ore depositsStructural geology of hot rocks and magmas

Page 16: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Volcanoes, Plates and Ore DepositsVolcanoes, Plates and Ore Deposits

Lectures Tuesday Morning 10am - 12noonCarslaw room 408

Practicals Tuesday Afternoon 1-3pm or 3pm-5pmMadsen Petrology Lab 332

W1: Subduction zone: An overviewWhere: Plate boundariesHow: Dynamics, morphology, subduction InitiationArc evolution – Back arc developmentSlab versus wedge melting, cold or hot fingers

Rock (re-)familiarisation: Hand specimen characteristics

W2: From microscopic minerals to volcanic landformsMinerals & the microscope: polarised light, cross polars, diagnostic Volcanoes as surface expression of magma systems: Lava plateaus,

Shield volcanoes, cinder volcanoes, composite volcanoes, calderas

Microscope introduction

W3: Volcanic rocks as a finger print of deep processesEruption syles and classifications: pyroclastics vs flows; falls. flows, &

surges; plinian vs vulcanian; explosivity & dispersionUnderstanding magma evolution: Bowens reaction series; upper mantle


Mafic rocks under the microscope

W4: From Basalts to rhyolitesCrystal fractionation and magma evolution Intermediate rocks under the microscope

W5: Volcanic features & case studiesVolcanic features and primary to tertiary hazardscase studies

Felsic volcanic rocks under the microscope

W6 Geochemical evidence of magma evolution Melt formation and magma evolution

W7: Continental arcs and the development of continental crustUnderplating, and crustal differentiation Granitic rocks under the microscope

W8: Mafic magmas in the crust Layered mafic intrusions: evidence for complex magma evolution processes

No Practical in lieu of Field Trip.

W9: Review and 30 minute Quiz No Practical in lieu of Field Trip.

Page 17: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Structural geology of hot rocks and magmasStructural geology of hot rocks and magmas

Lectures Tuesday Morning 10am - 12noonCarslaw room 408

Practicals Tuesday Afternoon 1-3pm or 3-5pmMadsen Lab 332

W10: Introduction to Structural Geology

Pre-lecture compulsory reading: Sld1.html to Sld6.html (Patrice website) & Chapter 1 (VdP&M textbook): Overview

Geological maps ... in 3DThe concepts of topographic contours and structural contours

W11: Ductile shear zones and kinematic analysis

Pre-lecture compulsory reading: Sld34.html to Sld 39.html (Patrice website) & Chapter 12 (VdP&M textbook): Ductile shear zones,

Textures and Transposition

a/ Accurate geological cross-sections from geological maps.

b/ Ductile shear zones and microstructures

W12: Tectonic Fabrics: Foliations and lineations

Pre-lecture compulsory reading: SldFab01.html to SldFab08.html (Patrice website) & Chapter 11 (VdP&M textbook): Fabrics: Foliations

and lineations

a/ Probing further the depth of geological maps.

b/ Foliations and lineations

W13: Strain and strain analysis

Pre-lecture compulsory reading: Sld40.html to Sld48.html (Patrice website) & Chapter 4: Deformation and strain and Chapter 9: Ductile

deformation Processes (VdP&M textbook)

Measuring strain using the Fry method

NB1: Patrice Website: NB2: VdP&M: Van der Pluijm & Marshak: Earth Structure (Second Edition), Norton ISBN: 0-393-92476-XNB3: The above lecture notes and textbook chapters are pre-lecture compulsory reading. Lecture time is dedicated to reflect on, to consolidate and to strengthen the learning in an interactive and collaborative environment. It is critical that students come to this class prepared by having read and understood - as much as they can - the reading material.

Questions? [email protected] great App to learn 3D structural geology:

Page 18: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


The Islands of the Four Mountains in Alaska’s Aleutian chain are seen in this photograph taken from the International Space Station (ISS). The is-lands are the upper slopes of volcanoes that rise from the sea floor. (Source: NASA Earth Observatory)

Marking and distribution of gradesPolicy and academic honesty

Page 19: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Marks for the assessment tasks and grades awarded for the unit will conform to the University’s assessment policies and procedures. A recent change to this policy requires that marks be awarded relative to a set of standards that describe a graduated hierarchy of the lev-els of achievement. The marks assigned to the various grades pass, credit, distinction, high distinction remain as they were prior to the change in the policy. The grades are described below along with the criteria that will be used to identify the various levels of achievement. Note the acknowledgement of the several sources (e.g. SLS 2014) from which these grade descriptors were modified; given below, see section on plagiarism).

In reference to these grades students should note that:

a) all marked assessment tasks, with the possible exception of prac-ticals, will normally contain an at least one item that will enable the full range of achievement levels to be demonstrated, although stu-dents should note that some, and perhaps the majority of the individ-ual items, activities or questions presented in each of the assess-ment tasks will be intended to establish that students have achieved a pass or credit level of achievement.


Mount Tambora on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia

Page 20: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

b) that distinctions and high distinctions would normally only be awarded to students who have performed at a high level in all as-sessment tasks – in this context ‘performed at a high level in all as-sessment tasks’ means that distinction students will have achieved a credit minimum in all individual items of assessed work and will have achieved a distinction level of achievement (or better) for the major-ity (>75%) of the assessment tasks. High distinction students will have achieved a distinction minimum in all individual items of as-sessed work and will have achieved a high distinction level of achievement for the majority (>75%) of the assessment tasks

Fail (Below 50%) Work may fail for any or all of the following criteria

No answer or response is provided Does not address or otherwise answer the question Contains numerous minor errors or presents a significant miscon-

ception Presents irrelevant material No evidence of research or analysis Presents a significantly inaccurate or flawed argument The answer is incomprehensible or difficult to understand due to

significant problems with grammar, expression or structure

Pass (Between 50% and 64%) Work awarded a passing grade will usually achieve the following minimum standards or present the described characteristics

An appropriate but superficial answer or response is provided

Presents relevant material in a superficial manner or in a simplistic descriptive style

Correctly identifies key point or points (facts) but does not de-velop an appropriate explanation or argument if this is required

Contains some minor errors or presents minor inaccuracies and misconceptions

Little or no evidence of in‐depth analysis or deep understanding of the concept

Answers can be understood but may be poorly worded or some-what flawed due to poor grammar, expression or structure

Credit (Between 65% and 74%) Work awarded a credit grade will usually achieve the following mini-mum standards or present the described characteristics

An appropriate, accurate and reasonable detailed answer or re-sponse is provided

Appropriate key point or points (facts) and/or concepts clearly pre-sented without significant errors or misconceptions

Presents relevant material concisely with facts clearly integrated into the explanation

Accurate quotation and/or source identification when appropriate. Evidence of some independent research or critical analysis of con-

cept or problem Answers are easily understood with both clear expression and

structure if appropriate


Page 21: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

Distinction (Between 75% and 84%) Work awarded a distinction grade will usually achieve the following minimum standards or present the described characteristics

Accurately answers the question in a convincing, confident man-ner

Presents relevant material accurately in a concise manner or with the facts well‐integrated into a comprehensive explanation or argu-ment

Accurate quotation and/or source identification when appropriate. Evidence of extensive independent research Evidence of extensive critical analysis of concept, and/or innova-

tive perspective on the topic, and/or deep understanding of problem Answers are well written, with clear structure and cogent expres-


High Distinction (Above 85%) Work awarded a distinction grade will usually achieve the follow-

ing minimum standards or present the described characteristics Accurately answers the question in an impressive, compelling, or

highly persuasive manner Presents relevant material accurately in a thoroughly convincing

or forceful manner or with the facts well‐integrated into an extended and comprehensive explanation or argument

Accurate quotation and/or source identification when appropriate. Evidence of exhaustive independent research Evidence of extensive critical analysis of concept, and/or innova-

tive perspective on the topic, and/or deep understanding of problem

Answers demonstrate striking originality, an innovative approach, or impressive analytical skill

Answers are exceptionally well written, with excellent structure ex-pression

Is otherwise exceptional in some way

The completion of all of the assignments in this unit of study will con-tribute to the Graduate Attributes set by the University of Sydney:

Graduates of the Faculty of Science will be able to create new knowl-edge and understanding through the process of research and in-quiry, use information effectively in a range of contexts, work inde-pendently and sustainably, in a way that is informed by openness, curiosity and a desire to meet new challenges, hold personal values and beliefs consistent with their role as responsible members of lo-cal, national, international and professional communities, recognise and value communication as a tool for negotiating and creating new understanding, interacting with others, and furthering their own learn-ing.

With the exception of values and beliefs, which are mainly ad-dressed in lectures relating to mineral deposits, the assessment tasks of this unit are intended to collectively enhance the above graduate attributes.


Page 22: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites


Academic dishonesty is discussed in the University’s Policy for Aca-demic Honesty in Coursework and you are responsible for uphold-ing all components of the policy. There are some components that need clarification for this unit, due to the nature of the written assign-ments. Specifically:

Section 3. Academic dishonesty

(1) The University procedures relating to academic dishonesty must be invoked where an examiner considers that the student has pre-sented another person’s ideas, findings or written work as his or her own by copying or reproducing them without due acknowledgment of the source and with the intent to deceive the examiner.

By way of an example of how such acknowledgment should be indi-cated, the grade descriptors on the previous page are modified from a number of University sources including the University of Syd-ney Faculty of Science, Academic Board, Sydney Law School and Sydney Business School websites and in par-ticular Unit of Study Outlines e.g. LAWS5000 Foundations of Law, Se-mester One, 2014, Unit of Study Outline which would be properly cited using the standard Harvard format Sydney Law School 2014 (SLS 2014): LAWS5000 Foundations of Law, Semester One, 2014, Unit of Study Outline. Sydney Law School, University of Sydney. Syd-ney, NSW, Australia. 38 pp.


Nevado Sajama volcano (Bolivia)

Page 23: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites

(2) It is reasonable to consider that the student has intended to de-ceive the examiner where substantial portions of the work submitted for assessment were copied from another student, or from the work of a former student, in a manner which clearly exceeds the bounda-ries of legitimate co‐operation or group work.

It is acceptable, and encouraged, to work with other students. Some-times we learn things best from our peers. However, it is not accept-able to (1) submit work that is identical to that of another student who is currently or was previously enrolled in this unit of study and/or (2) use previously marked exercises to create your work. While the intellectual ideas that underlie your answers may be garnered as part of a group, you must independently create your own tables, graphs, and wording when answering questions for submitted work.

You are advised that if you utilise old assignments from students who are enrolled in this unit or have previously taken this unit for as-sistance in their own work you will be "submitting another student's work". For the purposes of this course, students who use old assign-ments and the students who provide them violate the policy and will be disciplined to the full extent of the policy, which can include ex-pulsion from the University. All other components of the policy are applicable as stated in the Policy on Academic Honesty in Course-work.

Note that under new University policy, all written work must be sub-mitted to “Turnitin” text matching software that “checks submitted as-signments for originality against other students' assignments, against current and archived Internet content, and against the con-tent of major professional journals, periodicals and business publica-tions, and can create an originality report for submitted assign-ments”.


EPA/DEDI Sahputra

Page 24: GEOS2114-2914 VOLCANOES, HOT ROCKS & MINERALS€¦ · of igneous systems, rocks, and minerals employing both microscope-based techniques and computer modeling. The unit pro-2 Migmatites