georgina eval 6

Evaluation Question 6

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Evaluation Question 6

Digital Camera

We used this technology to create the whole film. The camera can help us to produce a product to a high standard if used correctly. The camera can be automatically or manually focused when the sot is framed to prevent the shots being blurred.

This is the most important technology that you use in a production of a film. Without a digital camera there would be no film as we use it to film every shot.

To pick up the sound of scenes the microphone is detachable as for some shots like ours we didn’t want sound to filmed.

Accessories: Filming with a digital camera There are may accessories that come Filming with it.

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Flip cam

The flip cam is very to use, one button is used to start filming and the the same is to stop the filming

We used a flip cam to mainly record our our feedback. During the course of production we got feedback from our peers in order for our title sequence to develop.

This USB port is used to import the footage that has been taken on the flipCam to the computer so itCan then be edited


This technology of the Mac is probably the second most useful. Technology as it was where we edited all our shots to make our product come together this is vital in producing a successful product.

This computer supports the software of premier pro and after effects both these are very useful in the making of a product. The mac can also be useful into filming evidence. For example we used Camtasia to film us editing our final credits. The editing process was over the course of of a few weeks, we did this by

The most useful part of the mac was its editing software and the fact that we could use the mac to present our blogs also. E.g. przie, emaze and vimeo were all media devices that helped me show my blogs in a more creative way.


Premier pro:

After effects:

To edit and add titles on to my title sequence I used the software premier Pro. We was able to use premier pro to put filters on the shots; as we wanted to show the different time zones. We also research into the different types of cuts that we could add on to on to our title sequence like dip to black, dissolve and fade. On the time line in premier pro we were able to put our shots in the right order; we were doing cross cutting where we filmed many different shots then alternated the shots on the time difference.

We tried to make title credits on after effects. However, we found that our titles look better on premier pro. Also after effects is very similar to premier pro so using this software developed my skills on premier pro. There fore it was useful to the making of my title sequence.

Presentational devices:

The presentational devices that I have used to create most of my blogs tasks are:• Emaze• Prezi• Timetoast • Vimeo All these presentational devices are extremely useful as the are a media platform which helps to create the blogs to a high standard. They all use different aspects to make you work to a good ability.

Emaze is a media platform where you can make a slide show which is very similar to power point. You can make

Conclusion: To conclude every person that produces a media text will understand that all elements that contribute to the use of production is very beneficial to the success of the media text. We need a combination of technologies to produce the media text. However, technologies like the mac and camera without them it would be impossible to create.

Prezi uses a presentation of bubbles that are set in a order to switch when the person clicks the middle bar. The use already made template.

Vimeo is something that you can share videos on and also look at others.

On time toast you make a time line where you can place different objectives that you have to do on a production schedule.