geon workshop, auckland, new zealand, nov 26-28, 2007 cyberinfrastructure, e-science and the san...

GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007 Cyberinfrastructure, E-Science and the San Diego Supercomputer Center Chaitan Baru San Diego Supercomputer Center California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology University of California, San Diego

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Page 1: GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007 Cyberinfrastructure, E-Science and the San Diego Supercomputer Center Chaitan Baru San Diego Supercomputer

GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Cyberinfrastructure, E-Science and

the San Diego Supercomputer Center

Chaitan BaruSan Diego Supercomputer Center

California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology

University of California, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007


• US National Science Foundation– Sponsors of GEON, and GEON international activities

• The University of Auckland– Local hosts

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

• Cyberinfrastructure: – “…The comprehensive infrastructure needed to

capitalize on dramatic advances in information technology…”

– “…essential to support the frontiers of research and education in this field…”

– From NSF’s Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery,, July 20, 2006

• “E-Science”- the science enterprise enabled by the use of such cyberinfrastructure – “Science increasingly performed through distributed global

collaborations enabled by the Internet, using very large data collections, terascale computing resources and high performance visualizations.”

– From Oxford e-Science Center, public/general/definitions.xml

Cyberinfrastructure and E-science

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

SDSC’s Support for CI and e-Science

• Production Services– For nationally allocated supercomputer platforms, as well as computational

platforms and storage systems for other projects

• User Services– For nationally allocated supercomputers

• Research and Development Collaborations– In support of computational science and informatics in a wide variety of

science, engineering, humanities, and other disciplines– To develop common cyberinfrastructure (software) components

• R&D constitutes >50% of SDSC’s activities– In funding as well as staffing

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007


Middleware Services

DevelopmentTools & Libraries

Applications• Geosciences• Environmental Sciences• Neurosciences• High Energy Physics … •

Domain-specific Cybertools (software)

Domain-specific Cybertools (software)

Shared Cybertools (software)

Shared Cybertools (software)

Distributed Resources (computation, storage, communication, etc.)

Distributed Resources (computation, storage, communication, etc.)





d T





& In



Integrated Cyberinfrastructure System Source: Dr. Deborah Crawford, Chair, NSF CI Working Committee

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Resource Provider (RP)

Software Integration Partner

Grid Infrastructure

Group (UChicago)


U Tenn.

TeraGrid Network

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

TeraGrid Science Gateways

• Provide entry points into TeraGrid for community-specific tools

• Community-led initiative for the TeraGrid

• URL–

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Computational Science and Informatics: And the CS/IT context

• Computational physics and chemistry– Born at the time of Fortran, file-based systems, and expensive

supercomputers, Internet, ftp, and HTML

• Bioinformatics– Born at the time of Relational Database Management Systems

(RDBMS), microprocessors, client-server computing, the Web, 3-tier architectures, CORBA, XML

• Geoinformatics– Being born at the time of Web2.0, Google, mySpace, YouTube,

mashups, social networking, and ontologies…

Ref: Caring and Sharing of e-Science Data, C. Baru, Commentary, International Journal of Digital Libraries, October 2007

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Community Cyberinfrastructure Projects

Middleware Services

DevelopmentTools & Libraries

Distributed Computing, Instruments and Data Resources

Friendly Work-Facilitating PortalsAuthentication - Authorization - Auditing - Workflows - Visualization - Analysis




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Adapted from: Mark EllismanUC San Diego

Shared Tools


Shared Tools


Your Specific Tools & User Apps.

Your Specific Tools & User Apps.

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Portal-based Science Environments Support for resource sharing and collaborations

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Common CI Software Elements

• NSF Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI) Program– ROCKS -- Cluster Management Software– SRB/IRODS -- Collection-based Data Management– Kepler -- Scientific Workflow Software– Open Source DataTurbine -- Streaming Data Middleware– Inca -- Testing and Monitoring Software

• Other Common Software– GAMA -- Grid Account Management Architecture– GridSphere -- Portlet-based Portal Infrastructure– RDV -- Realtime Data Viewer

• Common Portlets– GEON portlets: Registration, Search, myWorkspace, TeraGrid Gateway– Used in several other CI projects

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Observing Systems

• An important area for several US agencies, including National Science Foundation– Several agencies support observing system networks, e.g. USGS, NOAA,


• A range of projects– Major research equipment: deployment of coordinated, regional, continental,

international-scale instrumentation and sensor networks standardized instrumentation and protocols

– Cyberinfrastructure: development of IT and software for managing sensor networks; collecting, analyzing, distributing data; data assimilation and execution of forecasting models

standardized IT infrastructure (interfaces, technology implementations) – Individual investigator, or small group-driven research:

– Local (regional) sensor networks, to study specific phenomena– Analysis of collected data– Modeling and data assimilation– …

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Observing Systems Efforts

• Some NSF Projects– EarthScope: Obtain “snapshot” of the lithospheric structure of the continental US

– US Array; Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO); San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)

– Ocean Observing Initiative: Understand ocean phenomena in the deep ocean and at the coastal margins

– Regional Coastal Observatory; Global Observatory– National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON): model and predict the state of the

ecosystem of the US– 17 climatic domains across contiguous states + 2 in Alaska + 1 in Hawaii

– Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER): intensive studies at local and regional scales

– >30 LTER sites across US– WATERS: monitor watersheds across US to study hydrologic as well as environmental

engineering issues– CLEANER: Environmental engineering-based observatory projects– Hydrologic Information System (HIS): Hydrology-based observing systems projects

– NEES, NVO, …

• Moore Foundation-funded Projects– CAMERA: Metagenomics and marine microbials– GLEON: Global Lake Observatory Network– TEAM: Tropical Ecological Assessment and Monitoring Network

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Components in Observing Systems

• “Embedded CI”– Software for managing instruments, dataloggers, and data in sensor networks,

including metadata generation– “Cyberdashboard” for management of instruments/sensor networks

• Data Management– of data streams (with metadata) from dataloggers (in the field) to data repositories, to

data archives– “Cyberdashboard” to keep track of data collection protocols

• Analysis and Computation– Support for model runs, data assimilation, data analysis, data mining, including

periodic reprocessing of archived data

• Data Access– Authenticated access to a range of data products, from raw to highly derived,

including the ability to “push” data to client applications

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

NSF Ocean Observing Initiative (OOI)

Courtesy: John Orcutt, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

OOI - Coastal Scale Observatory

Courtesy: John Orcutt, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

OOI - Regional

Courtesy: John Orcutt, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

OOI - Global Node

Courtesy: John Orcutt, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

OOI - From Construction to Operations

Courtesy: John Orcutt, SIO Matt Arrott, Calit2, University of California, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

OOI - Conceptual View of the Cyberinfrastructure

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

NEON Cyberinfrastructure

NEON Domains

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

The NEON “Single String” Testbed

NEON Single String Testbed (SSTB)

James Reserve, CA

SDSC, San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

MoveBankFor Animal Tracking and Photo Monitoring Data

• A data repository • A live data pipeline • Online mapping and

analysis tools • An educational tool • A community of

collaborators •• NSF BD&I: 0756920

PIs: Roland Kays (NY History Museum), Martin Wikelski (Princeton), Tony Fountain (SDSC, UCSD), Sameer Tilak (SDSC, UCSD)

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

MoveBankCurrent Activities

• Designing Data System – Requirements analysis– Schema definitions for camera trap and

tracking data (trajectories)

• Extending DataTurbine streaming data system for animal tracking and photo monitoring– Integration of cameras to data acquisition

system– Event detection and notification system


• Building a knowledge base of best practices

• Networking with other animal tracking communities and researchers to build collaborations

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Moore Observing Systems Projects

• Some projects funded by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation at UCSD

• CAMERA: Metagenomics project– Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research

and Analysis (Craig Venter, Larry Smarr)

– Provide access to metagenomics databases collected from ocean water samples from around the world

• OceanLife: Biodiversity in seamounts– Karen Stocks & Amarnath Gupta, SDSC

– Integrated information source for seamount biodiversity

• GLEON: Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network– Peter Arzberger, Calit2/UCSD, Tony Fountain, SDSC

– Tim Kratz, Paul Hanson, U.Wisc

• Cyberinfrastructure for TEAM– Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Source: Paul Hanson, U.WiscCourtesy: Peter Arzberger, Calit2/UCSD

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

GLEON’s Mission

Facilitate interaction and build collaborations among an international, multidisciplinary community of researchers focused on understanding, predicting, and communicating the impact of natural and anthropogenic influences on lake ecosystems by developing, deploying, and using networks of emerging observational system technologies and associated cyberinfrastructure.

http://gleon.orgSource: Tim Kratz, U.Wisc

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Lake siteCyber-support site

1. 19 countries participating

2. More than 120 scientists

3. Most sites are developing

Source: Paul Hanson, U.Wisc

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Lake observatories



3 Networks

Source: Paul Hanson

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Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network

• Conservation International project– PI: Sandy Andelman, Vice President, Conservation International– Funded by Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

• Monitor wildland plots in tropical regions– Current sites: Brazil (3), Costa Rica, Suriname– Upcoming site: Madagascar

• Cyberinfrastructure provided by SDSC

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

TEAM Cyberinfrastructure Goals

• Provide secure, reliable access to near real-time data from all TEAM sites

• Facilitate timely, efficient, consistent data entry– By assisting with adherence to site-specific protocols– Providing up-to-date status of data entry– Providing ready visualizations of cross-site, network-level data

• Manage a variety of different data types – Field collections, sensor data, museum collections, remote sensing data– Sensor data includes images and acoustic data

• Provide customized portals (portlets) – E.g. site-specific information (with multi-lingual support), and project specific data

and tools

• CI goals are similar to those of other environmental observatory projects, e.g. NEON…

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

TEAM Initial Implementation

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

• Future capability

• Local PoP node:E.g. at a site in a given country, orOne PoP node for a country

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

TEAM Portal and Data Management

• Portal based on – Drupal: for content management– GridSphere: for sharing and collaboration of data and tools

• Support different data types– Observational data

– Climate data; Photos / images– Spatial (GIS) data

– Different layers, e.g. including socioeconomic data– Museum collections

– E.g. MetaCat, EcoGrid– Acoustic data

– Algorithms for classifying acoustic data– Remote sensing data

– Landsat, MODIS, ASTER, LiDAR

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

(Source: David Maidment, UT Austin)

CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (HIS)

• Hydrology Data Portal

• Digital Watershed

• Hydrologic Analysis

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WaterOneFlow Web Services

Data access through web


Data storage through web







Observatory servers

Workgroup HIS

SDSC HIS servers

3rd party servers





Splus, R

D2K, I2K

Programming (Fortran, C,


Web services interface



- SO


HIS Service Oriented ArchitectureWeb portal Interface (HDAS)

Information input, display, query and output services

Preliminary data exploration and discovery. See what is available and perform exploratory analyses

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WaterML and CUAHSI HIS Mediation

• Develop WaterML as an interchange standard for hydrologic data

• HIS serves as a mediator across multiple agency and individual PI data– Provides identifiers for sites, variables, etc. across observation

networks– Manages and publishes controlled vocabularies, and provides

vocabulary/ontology management and update tools – Provides common structural definitions for data interchange– Provides a sample protocol implementation– Governance framework: a consortium of universities, MOUs with

federal agencies, collaboration with key commercial partners, led by renowned hydrologists, and NSF support for core development and test beds

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

NEESit and the NEES User Community NEES Equipment Sites (15 large-

scale labs) NEESR Research Grants (>40 NSF

projects) Earthquake Engineering Researchers Earthquake Engineering

Practitioners K-12 and Undergraduate students

NEES Equipment Sites (15 large-scale labs)

NEESR Research Grants (>40 NSF projects)

Earthquake Engineering Researchers Earthquake Engineering

Practitioners K-12 and Undergraduate students

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

The NEESit SystemScientific Collaboration Environment (NEES


TelepresenceVideo, Data, Audio


Secure Communication

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NEES Portal: Parallel Computing & TeraGrid Access

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Emergency Response Projects

• Katrinasafe and Disastersafe– Collaboration between American Red Cross and SDSC during Hurricane

Katrina – Continuing now as– Funded by an NSF grant for exploratory research on cyberinfrastructure


• Spatiotemporal analysis of 911 call data– Collaboration with Public Safety Network– Funded by the NSF Digital Government program

• UCSD Hazards Initiative

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• Outcome of collaboration on Katrinasafe – Site hosted at SDSC

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Spatiotemporal Analysis of 9-1-1 Emergency Call Streams

• Funded by NSF Digital Government program

• Project Goals– Provide situational awareness at a command and decision level (vs

operational)– Assist local and State level emergency responses by

– Generating immediate and dynamic information about the impact of medium- to large-scale events

– Facilitating dynamic resource allocation– Serving as an early warning system of emergency events

• Collaboration among– California Office of Emergency Services (OES)– University of California, San Diego– Public Safety Network

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Temporal Extent of Collected Data

• San Francisco Bay Area:

30 months of data

• San Diego County:

16 months of data

• Total of

5,301,191 calls

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Spatial Extent of Collected Data

(Dithered to approx. 300m; One day of 9-1-1 call activity shown)

San Francisco Bay Area, 69 PSAPs

San Diego County, 20 PSAPs

= landline call = cellular call

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Average hourly call volume for the San Francisco Combined Emergency Communications Center (CECC) PSAP.

Average daily call volume for the San Francisco Combined Emergency Communications Center (CECC) PSAP.

Call Stream Shows Temporal Regularity

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Daily Call Volume

Histogram of daily call volume for the collected data

Times series of daily call volume for the collected data (SF)

4th of July

Data collection process offline

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

QuickTime™ and aMicrosoft Video 1 decompressorare needed to see this picture.

Animation: Clustering of phone calls

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Cessna plane collision in San Diego

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GEON Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 26-28, 2007

Other projects

• PRAGMA: Pacific Rim Assembly for Grid Middleware Applications– PI: Dr. Peter Arzeberger, UCSD; Co-PI: Phil Papadopoulos– GEON is a participant in PRAGMA, and co-chairs the PRAGMA

Geosciences Working Group

• Optic fiber links and Lamba Grid– PI: Prof. Larry Smarr

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Technical Interoperability Issues

• Authentication– Need a common authentication framework, to provide role-based

access to distributed resources– Else, users will be burdended with too many accounts and

passwords, one for each site

• Information security– Provenance, IP issues

• Distributed Data (and Metadata)– Metadata search interoperability

– Large archives will remain distributed. Need metadata search interoperability so that a single search can search several metadata catalogs

– Caching and replication of frequently used (large) data– “Distributed curation with centralized hosting” could be an option

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Technical Interoperability Issues

• Distributed Computing– “Portlet aggregation”

– A set of functionality, e.g. data+Web services, can be implemented as a portlet

– A portal can be deployed containing a number of such distributed portlets

– Portals can provide “gateways” to large storage and computing resources, e.g. including the TeraGrid

– “Federated portlets”– A set of portlets shared by more than one community

• Technologies to Support Collaborations in Virtual Organizations– Standard tools (email, forums, wikis)– Social networking– Development of ontologies, and recommendation systems

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• email: [email protected]