geometry of actionable choicemaking

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  • 7/28/2019 Geometry of Actionable Choicemaking



  • 7/28/2019 Geometry of Actionable Choicemaking



    AAA... RRR... BBBooorrrdddooonnnLLLiiifffeee PPPhhhyyysssiiicccsss GGGrrrooouuuppp --- CCCaaallliiifffooorrrnnniiiaaa

    n actionable vector formation (human group) for the manage-

    ment of the upcoming events requires a corps of seven human

    action-vectors in resonance, with actionable vectored-intentions

    pair-matched to a focus, all of whom are located in a common physicaltimeline, ambient environment, transparent common intention in each

    pair, sustaining ambient energetics, and a protected physical cocoon

    (when in the presence of radiation dangerous to human life).There are two interlocked aspects to the performance of the required

    processes in the geometry of vector-intention that is necessary for

    engaging the events and conditions to be targeted. One aspect is the roleperformed by humans in pairs with a guide to target, who also performs

    a connect function with the other aspect: assisting consciousness

    densities in the galactic and extragalactic range. So a geometry of

    actionable choice making is a sophisticated engagement with what

    Western human religions know as deity consciousness density, while

    acting within the geometry to establish, exert and achieve action-

    response acknowledgment from the consciousness densities by acting

    from inside the membership of all pair and guide participants in the

    Earth Human Overfunction. The Earth Human Overfunction is the sum


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    total of all embodied spirits (integrals and fractional) who ever existed,

    exist, and will exist on Earth since its formation until its demise.The geometry to be used in the case at hand then fits into a larger set

    of connected consciousness densities. The objective of using this

    geometry then is to call forth the necessary handshakes betweenelements in the chain of consciousness for the performance and

    achievement of a purpose that is made common along all chain

    participants by the call to action generated by the pairs in the initiating


    Why and how it works

    This configuration of participating consciousness density chainsworks by responding to the call upon the whole chain by the humanactionable pair-geometry of vector-intention proposed in this essay.

    When an upward call is made to the whole chain by two or more in

    paired geometry of vectored-intention, the chain (being a literal chain of

    life) responds to its kind. It wont act to save, for it is not its function,

    but it will assist in the petitioners actionable alignment by connecting inhandshaking of resonance across the entire chain.

    When the petitioner on Earth acts solely on behalf of the pair, there isless chance of the actionable asked for being responded to by aconnecting in handshaking resonances across the entire chain. But when

    the petition is made from within the overfunction membership to which

    the petitioner(s) is/are part of, it is the entire overfunction membershipasking, especially if and when the petition is made for and on behalf of

    the entire human race.

    Thus, the actionable in this case must be an act of encompassing the

    all-one of the overfunction membership. The focus must then be the

    continuation of life of the entire overfunction membership whether on

    Earth or in any other medium suitable to human life to which the entire

    willing membership (whose who wish to continue membership in the

    overfunction tree of life) may be assisted to transition to under direct

    sanction of the whole chain. Pair participants must also thoroughly

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    understand that, at the biological level of existence on Earth, members of

    the all-one as information clouds (i.e., souls or spirits) must becomeconnective (heart) in order to be included in the effects generated by the

    mobilization of vectored-intention initiated by one or more pairs in an

    actionable geometry. At the biological level, then, nothing is given orgranted; in creation, at this level, everything is earned. And the earning

    take many forms, but must be lead by the heart (again, connectivity).

    A. One/2-Geometry x 3

    The basic formation of vectored-intention needed for actionable

    performance in the case at hand is whats called One/2-Geometry x 3 of

    vector-intention. Two human beings connected and sharing the same

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    objective. Three pairs acting in near-unison in the same timeline and

    space. And one who guides the vector-intentional wavefront to targetand handshakes the geometry to the chain of consciousness densities

    (including the human overfunction).

    Let me explain. It is not difficult at all to grasp the mechanics. Onceyou get it, the dynamics of making things happen also become easier.


    The process into which each pair is engaged and involved is gnosive,

    internal and topologically expansive.

    It is internal in that all practices and procedures are mental/emotional/

    spiritual/visual-internal, with use of broad-internal attention focused on acommon desired outcome carefully defined and understood by eachmember of each pair.

    It is gnosive in that there is a requirement of common connectivity

    between pairs and across all pairs present in the ambient actionenvironment.

    It is also topologically expansive in that the topology of the internal

    action is extension, and can neither projective (sovereign integral selfinducing an effect on the actionable object or target) nor subjective

    (reliance on personal energetics only in order to acquire the desired

    target, exert effect[s] on it, or act upon target without the required



    Each of the three pairs become actionable through the acting from

    within by extension onto the actionable target by

    mental/visual/emotional envelopment and inclusion of the target in theinternal processes required to lead to desired results. Extension simply

    means extending ones clear channel awareness (extremely low physicalstress [as in a meditative state] onto and unto the external object target,

    event or process).

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    Paired extension of two human operators requires a local handshake

    between them (i.e., an extension of awareness to the other pair memberby becoming bodily aware of the person without any physical contact).

    This is the heart-centered handshake. This handshake is the basis of all

    subsequent internal action. When there is bodily awareness of the otherwithout physical contact, the pair is at the start of an acting or actionable

    internal state. This is a state that must be sought and entered into in order

    to proceed internally as consonant holomoving vectors of directed

    common intention [i.e., two humans in a paired state of intention starting

    at the common space and time shared where they are, with a common,

    joined heart-handshake].


    The Waveguide is the virtual connector, much like a computer (with

    appropriate and necessary software sets already installed) is a virtual

    connector to the internet. This Waveguide is an equivalent of thecomputer but in human form. He/she already, by function and choice,

    has the needed lifeware installed within and know how to use it. When

    the pairs begin to operate and reach echoic resonance [resonance ofshared message that echoes throughout the chain as clear channel

    message/petition]. There are already Waveguides embodied in the world,

    who may or may not know with any degree of clarity that they are here

    to fulfill this function at the time it is needed to be performed.

    The function of the Waveguide is to offer his mental/emotional/visual

    platform to the pairs in the resonance chamber [the place where the

    paired-performance is taking place] as a kind of laser light beam that is

    directed at the Pleiades system keyhole point and then to another in the

    Orion system to specific cosmic addresses he/she already has inscribed

    in the lifeware with which he/she already came into the world, oracquired by download sometime thereafter.

    The Waveguide holomoves (travels) with all pairs, establishing heart-handshakes at all keyhole points. All of these are already known by the

    Waveguide, and knows the protocol needed for the 3-pair + 1 to

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    continue holomoving as clear channel all the way to the throne function.

    The throne function is the harmonic resonance position of the containingconsciousness density, also recognized as local harmonic of the deity.

    The containing consciousness density as deity extends local harmonic

    to just about every galaxy in the universe. As a whole, this containingconsciousness density is creator function and idiomaterial counterpart of

    What Is beyond the T-boundary (the limit beyond which there is

    Nothing, also known as the Silence).1

    Life is preserved and protected by the containing consciousness

    density in its creator function. This preservation and protection is

    delegated finely and carefully and the Waveguide, to fulfill the function,

    must be aware of all of this, and of the protocols involved in invoking

    the preservation and protection functions of the creator functionconsciousness density all throughout the link of consciousness densitiestraversed along the way.

    The Waveguide must, and does, know these things, and know the

    protocols by which to guide the wavefront created by the combined pairsconducting the petition event.

    B. One/8-Geometry x 9

    A second geometry is also considered necessary and appropriate in

    the case of the event cascades expected to happen. This is a geometry of

    eight by nine four pairs of two plus one Waveguide per each team ofeight, plus one active consciousness entity which performs the resonance


    1. For a far more clear explanation of the idiomaterial physics of the

    Unum/universe, see Part 6 ofESSAY ONE: Idiomaterial Physics A life physics

    of a bicausal Universe/UNUM(A. R. Bordon, K Strzyzewski, J.C. Graham, J. N.

    Traveler, J. A. Sanchez, and R. B. Solingen), 2012.

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    harmonics and the intercessory function between the HOF (human over-

    function or Krist) and the geometric pairs-plus-one, and between theHOF and the galactic O

    2or Order Superfunction (what human religions

    regard as deity). The intercessory connecting function performed by the

    consciousness entity referred to above is a function performed by anEthereal Guidance Function (or what Judeo-Christian religions regard as


    The Objectives, the Procedures,

    the Process, and the Handshake

    that Initiates the Petition EventWhen the pairs come together in the power place, the Process begins.

    The objectives of this Petition Event are the following:

    AA.. TThhee IInnccoommiinngg PPllaanneett tthhaatt bbeehhaavveess lliikkee aa ccoommeett

    The first focus of this Petition Event is to apply the power of thecombined vectored-intentions of the chain of consciousness densities to

    change the trajectory of the planet by .0012th

    of a degree of arc. Thetimeline and cosmic address from where it is being initiated is a powerplace on Earth. A power place is a physical environment in which the

    magnetic field of the Earth is stronger and denser, and the

    electromagnetic/electrostatic ambient fields are palpable to those able to

    detect it.

    Problems. The period of time the incoming takes to move from oneNibiru point to the other is when Earth and the inner planets of the solar

    system experience great tribulation. At least, this is the case undernormal conditions (as we defined normal above).---------2. See Part 6 ofESSAY ONE: Idiomaterial Physics A life physics of a bicausal

    Universe/UNUM(A. R. Bordon, K Strzyzewski, J.C. Graham, J. N. Traveler, J. A.

    Sanchez, and R. B. Solingen), 2012, pp. 51-54.

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    Nibiru point to the other is when Earth and the inner planets of the solarsystem experience great tribulation. At least, this is the case under

    normal conditions (as we defined normal above). What are the

    distressful conditions, events and situations that can be great ordeals tous? Lets make a list of all possible results from the proximity and

    passage of this astronomical object near Earth, Mars, Venus and

    Mercury. The following effects are likely and possible under normal


    Violent storms with excessive lightning, wind and water (drawn in

    from space in the manner comets do)

    Degradation or complete destruction of infrastructures and facilities

    Groups of cyclones, destroying housing Torrential rains and mudslides, causing mass flooding

    Strong winds and land hurricanes, tearing up Earth and vegetation

    (which will later form coal) Erratic weather, like snow in the tropics

    Influx of chemicals such as water, ammonia, and hydrocarbons

    Contaminated water supplies

    Visible electric discharges between planets and moons

    Colorful auroras, trumpet- and whistle-like sounds caused bydischarging

    Frequent magnetic reversals allowing radioactive particles to enter

    our atmosphere, causing gene mutations and new species

    Blotting out of the Sun leading to mini-Ice Age Meteor stream impacts

    Plagues as electric currents force insects and vermin out of the ground "Pillar of fire" as Earth forms an electrical connection with Planet X,

    scorching the Earth and producing deafening noise

    If the object is larger than Earth, the loss of atmosphere and oceans; if

    smaller, massive pollution events

    Physical pole-shift, displacing continents and causing the flash-

    freezing of animals (e.g., the Wooly Mammoths) and causing

    earthquakes and the eruption of old and new volcanoes

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    The above resulting in an altered orbit, rotation, and tilt of the Earth,

    requiring a re-calibrating of our calendar.

    By 1993, we were aware that the incoming was a planet, and not a

    meteor as many in scientific community thought it was. However, itwould behave like a meteor and be only

    visible in the infrared (IR) range (see

    picture to the left) until it reached the

    incoming Nibiru point, as some scientists

    suspected back in the 1980s. The

    incoming Nibiru point is the place along

    the hypothetical surface of the ecliptic

    (the plane of the orbits of the planets in our solar system) where theincoming planet crosses it. See picture on the next page. Study it very


    On it, you will see the solar system, including Pluto (which no longer

    considered a planet; instead, it is classified as a planetoid not quite aplanet in size and orbit). On the picture, you see Sol (the Sun) at the

    center of the solar system, around which nine planets orbit. From Sol, in

    an outward order, there are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, (the Asteroid

    Belt), Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus. These are the planetsrecognized as such by the International Astronomical Union.

    Now, lets explain what it is you are looking at. The first thing you

    may notice is the red line that runs at an angle to the ecliptic the planeof the planetary orbits. This is the ephemeris, or the orbital path of the

    astronomical object on its way to our solar system. The picture above

    shows its estimated position in mid-October of 2011; this is roughly alittle over one astronomical unit, or 93,000,000 miles, plus an estimated

    17,000 to 18,000 miles more. Next, notice that the places where this

    object will go through the ecliptic (or the Nibiru points) are inside the

    inner solar system this time around. It is interesting to also note that the

    archeoanthropological evidence (the writings of Zecharia Sitchin in

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    particular) indicates that the presence of this astronomical object in the

    far past (as much as three and four billion years ago) has had broader

    Astronomical object near Nibiru Point on 17 September 2012

    perihelia; that is, the passage through the solar system had incoming

    Nibiru points as far out as the orbits of Uranus and Pluto.

    As we said above, the perihelion is the point reached by the object whenit is closest to Sol. As it goes around the Sun to return to deep space, it

    slingshots. The object increases velocity as it approaches perihelion,

    reaching maximum at the perihelion point and then decreasing from thenon. As you see on the picture, the exit Nibiru point is between Mars and

    Earth. One last comment before continuing: here, we referred to

    normal conditions of what happens during the passage; this refers tothe conditions which exist under conditions that do not include any form

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    of assist from sources from outside the Earth. On this passage, there is

    assist. But there are questions as to how well will this assist will work.Sitchin insinuates, but does not present anthropological evidence, that

    this astronomical object he named NI.BI.RU. (or any of its multiple

    satellites [as many as nine]) may have been responsible for the tipping ofUranus on its side and for the dramatic change of the orbit of Pluto, from

    even on the ecliptic to one slightly inclined to it.

    The second focus is a petition for the energetics to form, keep, and

    maintain aDyson shellaround the Earth during the passage of

    superwaves of any

    magnitude emitted

    by the galactic

    center of our MilkyWay during thenext 400 years, or

    until such time that

    we, humans, maydo so by our own

    advancement or

    with extraterrestrialassist. It could look

    like this, looking at

    Earth from the

    Moon please look

    at picture to the left.

    An artist conception of a Dyson Shell around the EarthNOTE: The images here are representations of the real events to give you an idea

    of how they would be. The actual events as phenomena may be quite different. So

    do not use these images as targets. Well get to targeting below.

    BB.. WWiitthh oouurr ffeeeett oonn tthhee ggrroouunndd

    Problems. The most recent time that a major superwave affected

    the Earth, and the entire solar system, was during the period from about

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    16,000 to 11,000 years ago. Through its ultimate energizing effect on the

    Sun, it was responsible for bringing an end to the last ice age. Throughthese solar effects, the superwave was also responsible for the mass

    extinction which occurred 12,900 years ago in which 95 percent of the

    large mammal species on the North American continent were wiped out.

    Gazing out at the night sky, it is easy to assume that what we see is

    the way things have been for millions of years: a star-studded heaven,

    beautiful moon, and a sun that in the morning will rise in its full glory.

    Unfortunately, this has not always been the case. Overnight this peaceful

    scene could be transformed into a grotesque display that could best be

    described as "all hell breaking loose." The hibernating, dust-shrouded

    core of our Galaxy, which long has remained hidden from view

    nestled between the constellations ofSagittarius and Scorpius, will on thatfateful day be seen to have awakened,

    to shine forth a strange brilliant blue-

    white light. It will appear as a gueststar far brighter than the planet Venus

    at full phase, signaling the arrival of

    the cosmic ray particle volley that hadbeen relentlessly traveling towards us

    for 23,000 years as it inconspicuously

    crossed the void separating us from

    the galactic center.

    The galactic superwave will have


    These cosmic rays are ultra

    relativistic, that is, they are travelingso close to the speed of light. This will give rise to superluminal visual

    effects: the light will appear bluish-white. The synchrotron radiationthey emit in the course of their 23,000 year travel through space willappear to unfold towards Earth in a matter of days, showering us with

    everything from low frequency radio waves, to visible light, ultraviolet,

    X-rays, and gamma rays, not to mention the penetrating particle volley

    M-51 Galaxy, also known as the

    Whirlpool galaxy

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    itself. The core explosion phenomenon first became known to astronomy

    in the 1960's with the discovery of the Seyfert galaxies with theirluminous cores, radio galaxies, and at the more extreme end of the

    energetic spectrum, objects called quasars and blazars. LaViolettes

    doctoral dissertation, Galactic Core Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions,and Climatic Change," presented evidence suggesting that our Galaxy's

    core explodes ten thousand times more frequently than had been

    previously thought, about every ten thousand years, rather than every

    100 million years as was then commonly thought.

    What happens when a superwave arrives? And, most importantly,

    when is the next one due to arrive? First, lets talk about the answer to

    the first question.

    When a superwave arrive, our most immediate worry would be theelectromagnetic pulse (EMP) that it would carry at its forefront. Thishigh intensity electromagnetic shock front would send high voltages

    running through any electrically conductive object. When it arrives on

    Earth surface and Earth space, it would:

    create high-voltage surges on the power line grid, shorting out

    power line transformers and ripping line circuit breakers, resultingin global power blackouts.

    fry satellites and destroy all nonhardened electronic equipment

    connected to the electric power grid, resulting in loss of electronic

    communications (TV, telephone, GPS system, etc.) -- airplane

    crashes would be inevitable;

    accidentally electrocute people who happened to be touching alarge metal surface.

    ionize the Earth's atmosphere and consequently destroy the ozonelayer, thereby increasing the Earth's exposure to harmful UV rays

    and ionizing radiation. The atmospheric electron shower

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    produced by the superwave cosmic rays and the consequent

    increased penetration of solar UV would have the effect of raisingthe incidence of skin cancer and the rate of genetic mutation. [6]

    Just in January of this year, 20 years after the Starburst Foundationmade an effort to alert of the dangers of an unexpected superwave

    arrival, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and National Research

    Council issued a report entitled Severe space weather events:Understanding societal and economic impacts [6] See the article inNew



    The report enumerates catastrophes very similar to these occurring as

    a result of the sudden arrival of a very large solar coronal mass ejection,or what scientists call a "Carrington Event." This is named after thesuper-sized solar storm studied in 1859 by British astronomer Richard

    Carrington. Fortunately, because society was then still in the age of the

    horse and buggy, there was minimal social impact. But they say thatthere is a high likelihood that a Carrington Event could occur again in

    that not too distant future, maybe even in 2012 at the height of the next

    solar cycle.But if a solar storm of this magnitude were to occur today, during our

    present age of electric utility dependence, the results would be

    catastrophic. It would result in a complete frying of all step-up and step-

    down transformers used to convert power to and from the high-voltage

    transport grid. The result would be that industrialized societies world-

    wide would be bring to a grinding halt. Electric utilities do not keep

    many spare transformers in stock and without electric power the

    manufacture of new transformers would be seriously hampered. In short,they say that it could take as much as a year to remanufacture the needed

    replacement units, provided that the manufacturing plants could be madeto function. Meanwhile customers would be left to fend for themselves,surviving with candles and wood burning stoves. Even gas pumps

    require electricity. So if gas stations have not taken precautionary

    measures to have standby portable generators, perhaps horse and

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    buggies will end up coming back in fashion. The report estimates that a

    complete recovery from such a hazard could take 4 to 10 years. Thesame horrors described for the occurrence of a Carrington Event would

    occur for the arrival of even a very minor "Magnitude 1" superwave

    event, and as we will discover below, we are substantially overdue forone such event.

    But has it happened before, in more recent times? The answer is yes.

    On August 27, 1998, when a strong gamma ray burst unexpectedly

    arrived after journeying 20,000 light years from the a distant point in the

    constellation of Aquila, scientists awoke to the rude reality that a cosmic

    ray event could upset life on our planet. The event, which lasted five

    minutes, was strong enough to ionize the upper atmosphere and

    seriously disrupt satellites. It triggered a defensive instrument shutdownon at least two spacecraft. Fifteen years earlier in 1983, a much briefergamma ray burst, lasting just four-seconds, had a measurable effect on

    radio transmissions used for global navigation and communication.

    As if things werent enough, there is the strong possibility that thesuperwave EMP (electromagnetic pulse) would also be accompanied by

    a gravity wave. The tidal force exerted on the Earth as it passed could

    trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.A cosmic ray outburst whose gamma ray burst blasted our solar

    system on December 27, 2004 may have been a warning of what could

    happen. The outburst was produced by a stellar explosion that occurred

    about 26,000 light years away near the center of our Galaxy. It was the

    first such gamma ray burst to be observed to originate from within our

    galaxy and the brightest to be recorded in the entire history of the U.S.-

    European GRB observation program. But just 44.6 hours before it

    arrived the Earth was rocked by a 9.3 Richter earthquake, ten timesstronger than any that occurred in the previous 25 years. This produced

    the infamous Malaysian tsunami which left 240,000 people either deador missing. While both the gamma ray burst and its associated gravitywave pulse would travel towards us at close to the speed of light, the

    gamma ray pulse would lag slightly since it would have undergone some

    scattering along the way. Over the course of its 26,000 light year journey,

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    it would have traveled an average of 0.2 millionths slower than its

    associated gravity wave. But this event was far smaller than even thesmallest of superwave events.

    Abrupt changes in climate. In the event of a substantially large-

    sized superwave, a "Magnitude 4" superwave, the worst would be yet tocome. The superwave cosmic ray wind would vaporize frozen cometary

    debris that currently surrounds our solar system and would blow this

    dust and gas inward. Analysis of Greenland ice has shown that, in fact,

    the solar system was filled with large concentrations of cosmic dust

    during the last ice age [8].As this nebular material entered the inner

    solar system, it would scatter sunlight so that a portion of our radiation

    would come from a uniform glow filling both the daytime and night time

    sky.The dust would also redden

    the solar radiation spectrum.

    Since our atmosphere is opaque

    to infrared, a greater fraction ofthe Sun's radiation would

    become trapped in the upper

    atmosphere, warming the upperatmosphere and leaving the

    ground considerably cooler.

    This would produce inversionconditions that would induce

    severe storm activity and rapid

    precipitation of sleet and ice. Moreover as this nebular material crashed

    onto the Sun's surface, it would energize the Sun, increasing its

    luminosity and its cosmic ray output. The warm climate that we have

    been enjoying during the current 11,600 year-long interglacial has been

    accompanied by an equally long respite from the occurrence of majorsuperwaves. However, interglacials, and respites between major

    superwave onslaughts, have rarely been as prolonged as the one we arefortunate enough to be experiencing. The next superwave, which appears

    to be overdue, could throw us headlong into a new ice age.

    Graphic representation of superwave-induced

    cosmic dust incursion

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    The Galactic center may also flare up frequently between major

    superwave events. Astronomical observation indicates that during thepast 5,300 years, the Galactic center has expelled 14 clouds of ionized

    gas. The dates estimated for these expulsions are shown on the timeline

    in the figure below.Such minor superwaves were not intense enough to generate

    beryllium-10 peaks visible above background levels. However, the

    electromagnetic pulse associated with these events could have been

    sufficiently strong that, had one

    such event occurred today, it could

    have had a catastrophic effect on

    modern electronics and

    communication systems unlike

    anything we have witnessed thus far.Such minor superwaves were not

    intense enough to generate

    beryllium-10 peaks visible abovebackground levels. However, the

    electromagnetic pulse associated

    with these events could have been

    sufficiently strong that, had onesuch event occurred today, it could

    have had a catastrophic effect on

    modern electronics and

    communication systems unlike

    From LaViolette [6] Amount of time

    between successive gas expulsions from the

    Galactic center, plotted as a frequencyhistogram.

    From LaViolette [6]. History of minor Galactic Center explosions during the past

    6000 years; dates approximate times when radiation pulses arrived from the

    Galactic Center.

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    anything we have witnessed thus far. In other words, it might produce

    effects similar to a Carrington Event solar flare of the sort described inthe U.S. National Academy of Sciences report. About 80% of these

    Galactic center gas emissions took place within 500 years of one another

    (figure to the right). Yet, it has been 700 years since the last event. So,again we come to the conclusion that we are currently overdue for the

    recurrence of such an event.

    The Maya may have designed their calendar not only to mark the date

    of arrival of this past superwave, but also to predict when the next one

    might come. The 5,124 year cycle of their calendar approximates the

    5,750 100 year cycle evident in the 10Be (Beryllium) polar ice record.

    A shorter 5,400 year-long cycle is also marginally present in the data,

    but its existence is far less certain. Based on the Mayan calendar cyclewe are presently overdue for the arrival of the next superwave.

    Based on the 5,750 year cycle evident in polar ice data, we should

    expect a superwave from now to within the next four centuries.

    What to expect: Knowing the past shows us the future. Ice coredata published in the 1990's indicated that, in fact, the Earth was

    exposed to a high cosmic ray flux at that time. When cosmic rays strike

    nitrogen molecules in our atmosphere they produce the isotopeberyllium-10. A record of the past rate of beryllium-10 production is

    recorded in the polar ice caps, and as seen in the figure on the next page

    (arrow marker), atmospheric beryllium-10 production rate rose sharply

    around 16,000 years ago, finally subsiding about 11,000 years ago. Gas

    expulsions from the center of our Galaxy, as well as other astronomical

    evidence, indicate that the cosmic ray barrage ending the last ice age

    indeed originated from a major explosion at our Galaxy's core. As we

    already pointed out, the incoming cosmic dust would have significantlyenergized the Sun, increasing its radiation output, and reddening its

    spectrum. The resulting increase in solar radiation, and the addition of agreater percentage of infrared radiation along with radiation scatteredfrom the surrounding zodiacal dust would have altered caused a global

    warming and could explain why the ice age came to an end some 11,000

    years ago.

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    Scientists have been warning that the sun's solar cycle which peaks in

    2012, could cause powerful solar storms that could leave many places onearth without communication and electricity for months.

    Recent advances in technology have given scientists a look at whatgoes on inside the sun. The findings from this research predict we may

    be in for a chaotic 2012. This is due to the massive solar storms

    predicted to occur in 2012. The sun goes through an 11 year cycle wheresunspots come and go on the suns surface. During the peak of the cycle,

    solar storms occur. Solar storms start with powerful magnetic fields in

    the sun which can snap at any time releasing immense amounts of

    energy into space. Some of the solar particles from the explosion could

    hit earth at about a million miles an hour.

    Usually the magnetosphere, a protective shield created by the earth's

    magnetic field, blocks most of the solar particles keeping damage to a

    minimum. Unfortunately the magnetosphere has been weakeningrecently and its ability to protect earth has been reduced. Another

    concern is that researchers predict the next solar peak will be 50% to 75%

    stronger than the last one which occurred in 2001. Solar flares have doneconsiderable damage to the earth in the past, even when our magneto-

    sphere was strong. In 1859 a strong solar storm caused telegraph wiresto short out in the United States and in Europe. This caused widespreadfires around the affected areas. Other Solar storms in 1989 and 2003

    caused major blackouts in Canada and United States.

    If a major solar storm were to occur, power grids could be knocked

    out leaving millions of people without electricity. Also cell phones, GPS,

    weather satellites and many other electronic systems that depend on

    satellites could stop working.

    Worst Case Scenario. If the solar storm is stronger than predicted,

    the solar particles released into the magnetosphere could boost the

    gravitational pull on satellites and cause them to crash down to earth.This could cause some types of long distance communications to be lost.

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    Countless power grids could fail and electricity could be lost for over

    150 million people in United States alone. In the case of interdependentinfrastructures, people could lose their air conditioning, potable water,

    phone service and transportation. Also drinking water distribution

    systems could break down in a couple of hours.

    It could take months to fix all these problems leading to serious social

    and economic disruptions. Potentially these effects could lead to a lossof governmental control over the situation.

    Some believe that the solar storms could hit the magnetosphere

    strongly enough to flip the earth's magnetic poles. If this were to occur,

    the Yellowstone Super Volcano which is already overdue to erupt could

    explode with the power of ten atomic bombs. This could cover UnitedStates with ash and block sunlight for months, seriously affecting the

    growth of all plant life, and thus disrupting the food chain.

    Best Case Scenario. Satellites could be damaged and

    communications between countries would only be disrupted for a couple

    months. Trading in affected countries, could come to a halt for a coupleweeks. For now, it's advisable to stay away from the northern and

    northeastern portions of North

    America which are morevulnerable to system outages

    caused by solar storms than

    California and many of the

    Western states.

    Feet on the ground. In early

    August, an enormous filament

    was seen stretching across theSun's disk. This image through a

    hydrogen-alpha filter reveals the

    filament which is actually aprominence seen in front of the

    Suns surface. The image is

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    oriented with Celestial North up. H-alpha is a narrow line at the red end

    of the visible spectrum. It iscaused by a transition in the

    hydrogen atom when an electron

    drops from its third to secondlowest energy level.

    The Sun is composed primarilyof hydrogen and its upper


    or chromosphere glows in the red

    light of h-alpha. A telescope with

    a specially designed h-alpha filter

    can reveal amazing structures in the chromosphere that are not visible in

    white light. Enormous prominences rise above the Sun's surface

    reaching altitudes of 150,000 km or more.

    When seen silhouetted against the solar disk prominences are then

    called filaments. They often underlie coronal mass ejections and are

    important to the prediction of space weather. Spicules are long thin tubesof luminous gas that can change in a matter of minutes.

    Powerful magnetic explosions known as solar flaresform in themost active regions and eject clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms

    through the Sun's corona into space.

    PPAARRTT OONNEE:: FFiirrsstt PPhhaassee -- BBeettaa TTeesstt

    WWhhaatt wwee mmuusstt ddoo

    We must do two things: Beta Test and Dyson Test. These are the two

    phases of this operation. One follows the other in this sequence: the first(Beta Test) to be conducted between 17 September 2012 and 21

    September 2012; the second (Dyson Test) to be conducted between 18

    December 2012 and 23 December 2012. Both time periods give us

    operable windows for the use of the geometries of actionable

    choicemaking mentioned and briefly described here. The actual

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    mechanics and dynamics of each of them will be imbued by

    bootstrapping infusion in the course of induction of each member of thepairs between the time this document reaches each such members and

    the period of actionable choicemaking. This document applies only to

    the first test (Beta Test) and not the second (Dyson Test). The latter willbe using the second geometry mentioned but not fully described in this

    document, and will require a different deployment than the one used in

    the first. Below, I will describe in more detail the mechanics and some

    of the dynamics of the Beta Test application ofOne/2-geometry x 3.

    Beta Test: Application of One/2-geometry x 3

    Six active participants are selected for self-choosing for participation

    in this phase. Participants will self-pair in the course of boostrapping.The author will act as Waveguide for this Beta Test application.

    Bootstrapping is the individual process of integration of products ofskills, abilities and natural internal and external predispositions in their

    allocation, use and integration toward becoming a single degree of

    freedom individuated Hall fractional human entity (HFHE).

    An HFHE is a human being occupying a body, whose information

    cloud (spirit or soul) is a fraction of a larger information consciousness

    density composed of many fractional entitiesembodied not only on Earth but also on many

    other planetary and life habitats where

    complex living entities exist. Each individual

    participant is a Hall fractional, which makes

    the information cumulus available to the six tobe sizeable and accessible under suitably

    inducible conditions.

    Beta Tests

    During a petition event what the three

    pairs and the Waveguide perform when usingany Beta Test of the use of the geometry participants are organized in



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    pairs and located in a contained open space no smaller than ten to twelve

    feet by nine feet. A compass is used to find true north in the room. Acircle is drawn on the floor and pairs of chairs are placed facing away

    from each other along the circumference, each pair of chairs equidistant

    from every other pair in the format shown on the figure on the previouspage, with one pair at the true north position on the circumference. Pair

    members sit facing away from each other, but with their backs and necks

    within inches of each other. This is very important, as both will share

    energetic kundalinic upload when pair is in the same space/time. When

    not in line of sight, kundalini is drawn up from the Earth at will and in

    preparation for the window-moment of the petition event.

    Petition ritual in-line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight

    conditions. When all participants (including the Waveguide) are

    present in the same location and all are situated on the circle (line-of-

    sight condition), each trial is ritualistic and coordinated by voice by the

    Waveguide. Each cycle of actionable choosing (the emission of

    coordinated vector-intention by each of the three pairs) should last

    anywhere between 2 minutes to 2 hours. The variance in time is mostly

    due to the period required to set up entrainment of vectored-intentions

    by the Waveguide and the connecting upward in the causal chain.

    In a nonline-of-sight condition, single pairs may or may not have both

    participants in line of sigh of each, or all participants in all pairs are not

    in line of sight of each other. Regardless, the ritual is the same. In thisritual, each of the members of each of the pairs need to also draw a

    circle on the floor of where they choose to be located, ascertain the truenorth of the circle on which they will locate the chair, agree who will be

    sitting looking inward (toward the inside of the circle) or looking

    outward (this must be agreed upon before a ritual begins, and must be

    kept same throughout all ritual trials); each participant must beentangled with his/her pair long before the first trial begins; when the

    first or any subsequent trial begins, all pair members must be able to be

    able to be in phone contact with each other and with the Waveguide by

    way of a conference call configured by someone outside of the functions

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    (pair-participant and Waveguide). It is best if each pod (group of pair-

    participants and Waveguide) is located in the same country, and it highlydesirable to have pods in as many countries as possible. The timing of

    the ritual is then local to the time zone in which the ritual trial is being

    conducted. Finally, for the Beta Test phase, we need to have a minimumof (20) twenty ritual trial repetitions over one month period prior to 19

    November 2012. Trials then must end on 18 November.

    Pods (participant pairs + Waveguide) need to organize their schedule

    and keep it strictly on the days chosen to ritual petition. The chief reason

    for this protocol requirement is that the ritual will involve petition byspacelike extension. Spacelike extension is petitioning on an object or

    objective not necessarily on the exact real time timeline (exact day and

    time all pods carry out the petition trial, or unison petition), which

    means the event or object being targeted is either in the past or in the

    future. In this case, the target will be in the past; the event focused upon

    is the crossing of the ecliptic by the incoming. See image below.

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    The gnosive contact zone is inside the white circle. This is the area of

    focus of the actionable choicemaking.

    Now, I ask you to lend me your imagination so that your natural

    intelligence may grasp what it is we are asking pair participants to do.Petition ritual information and instruction set

    The approximate positions of all planets at that time are as shown in

    the picture above. The image is shown to have the incoming just below

    the Nibiru point (bright white spot) between the orbits of Pluto and

    Uranus. The Nibiru point is the place on the ecliptic where the incoming

    crosses it. The ecliptic is the plane on which most of the orbits of the

    solar system planets are located, with the exception of Pluto, which has

    an orbit slightly inclined to this plane. The crossing of the ecliptic will

    begin its slingshot around the sun, reaching perihelion sometime inDecember.

    Objective. What we wish to do is to act upon the timeline of theorbital period (unique time onto itself, without any reference to Earth

    time) of the planet; we want to have it make an infinitesimal change in

    its slingshot around the sun, such that instead of crossing the ecliptic

    between Earth and Mars on its outgoing return to space, it changes pathto revolve such that its crossing of the ecliptic would be between Mars

    and Jupiter, or more precisely, between Jupiter and the asteroid belt.

    This would require approximately .00129 degrees of arc change of the

    slingshot turn.

    Actionables A and B. The act to be performed is two-part: the

    first (A) is a petition-event a clearance to have the desired effect

    sanctioned by the local consciousness density charged with management

    of the solar system [the redirect is made by the wave guide]; and thesecond (B) is an action-at-a-distance upon the astronomical object byeach of the three pairs of paired participants (six in total), acting upon it

    to change course by 0.00129 degrees of arc, i.e., changing course to the

    right of the course shown in the image above. Each pair, at the time the

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    pair jointly chooses to perform parts A and B (theymust be performed

    in sequence, and not separately) will then conduct the petition first, andthen the action-at-a-distance. The petition (Part A) is sent to the

    Waveguide (me) for submission to the consciousness density. Part A

    will be performed ten times by all pairs, beginning on 17 September,2012, at a time agreed upon by members before 2:00 PM PDT [this will

    be the timesetter that anchors the petition to a specific date and time];

    then each pair will perform the same exact petition event as instructed

    during a conference call bootstrap session but the holomovement or

    extension will change from being made timelike (on 17th

    September) to

    spacelike (moving along the timeline to the past, back to 17th


    and to the position the astronomical object was on that date and time

    when the petition was made on that date).

    Protocols for ritual in non-line-of-sight conditions.

    Pairs. Protocols for a non-line-of-sight pod call for nonlinear

    connectivity between members of a pair, and handshake/handover to a

    Waveguide. The procedure is gnosively speaking relatively simple. To


    (1) Members of a pair find each others signature by location and

    by emotive set (the overall feel of the individual along with hisor her information cloudpersonality. Once this occurs, pairs are

    on platform as one, and petition as command may then bedirected as vectored-intention to the Waveguide for colocation

    on targeted physical place.(2) Each pair (both members) declare the petition as command in

    spoken form three times before declaring the petition terminated

    by stating the desire to be so happened in the present already.

    This is key and important to the success of the petitionsfulfillment.

    Pairs and Waveguide. In non-line-of-sight pod work, the pairs

    and the Waveguide work together once the pair vectored-intention is

    placed on the Waveguide for colocation on targeted physical place. This

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    means the pairs follow process by witnessing what and how Waveguide

    and allies work the colocation and angle of change. Once the process isdeclared terminated by the Waveguide, pair are then to perform the last

    activity of this phase: journaling.

    Journal as Evidence.The final activity is for all members of all

    pairs to write up and entry into a personal journal of all activities and

    processes experienced by the participant. This is the externalized

    exposition of the internal experiences undergone by each. A copy of the

    entry is then sent to the Waveguide, who enters each submission into anoperation database.

    End of Part One