geokettle, geomondrian et spatialytics : une suite open source de geobi

06/10/2009 Geospatial Business Intelligence 1 Benefits of Open Source Geospatial Business Intelligence (Geo-BI) By Luc Vaillancourt, Spatialytics CEO for Dr. Thierry Badard (Spatialytics CTO and Professor at Laval University)

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Avec la disponibilité croissante de données très diverses, géospatiales ou non, liés aux efforts et argents investis dans la collection et mise en place de nombreux référentiels ou bases de données tant dans les entreprises que dans les institutions gouvernementales, se fait jour le besoin de plus en plus important et pressant de croiser ces différentes sources de données afin d'appuyer la prise de décision et ceci dans des domaines très variés : banque, assurance, environnement, infrastructures, santé, changements climatiques, ... Les technologies de Business Intelligence (Intelligence d'affaires) permettent le croisement de telles masses de données et leur exploration interactive et rapide afin de dégager des tendances ou mettre en lumière différents phénomènes et ainsi prendre en pleine connaissance de cause des décisions éclairées afin de contrer les effets, corriger ou améliorer la situation observée. La pile logicielle open source disponible et supportée à a été développée par l’équipe de recherche GeoSOA mené par le Dr. Thierry Badard de l’Université Laval. La suite Geo-BI est constituée de GeoKettle (un outil ETL spatial), GeoMondrian (un serveur Spatial OLAP ou SOLAP) et SOLAPLayers (un composant cartographique permettant la navigation dans les cubes de données géo-décisionnelles) et permet la pleine prise en compte de la composante spatiale dans l'analyse de ces grandes masses d'information. Il devient ainsi possible d'observer certaines tendances, et ceci à différents niveaux de détails et différentes époques, par le biais de cartes qui viennent s'ajouter aux moyens usuels de représentation des données de synthèse que sont les tableaux croisés et les graphiques dans les outils décisionnels (tableau de bord, outil de reporting, ...). L'estimation de la répartition spatiale de tels ou tels phénomènes ou de son évolution spatiotemporelle est rendue possible et facile. Cette présentation se veut donc une vitrine technologique dans laquelle seront présentés les différents outils géo-décisionnels disponibles à , des exemples et démonstrations permettront d'en comprendre le fonctionnement, la portée et pertinence.


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Benefits of Open SourceGeospatial Business Intelligence

(Geo-BI)By Luc Vaillancourt, Spatialytics CEO

forDr. Thierry Badard

(Spatialytics CTO and Professor at Laval University)

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Plan1. Spatialytics

– Dr. Thierry Badard

2. Business Intelligence– BI Offering

3. Open Source– Open Source BI Players

• Pentaho Offering

4. Offering– GeoKettle– GeoMondrian– SOLAPLayers

5. Summary

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1. About Spatialytics

• A new company• Based in Quebec City• Inspired by the work of Dr. Thierry Badard

– Inspired by the Pentaho Open Source BI suite..

• Solutions in Geo-BI• CTO : Dr. Thierry Badard• CEO : Luc Vaillancourt

– Co-founded KOREM in 1993, founded BALIZ in 2007

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1.1 About Dr. Thierry Badard• Co-founder & CTO of Spatiaylits Solutons Inc.• professor in Geomatics at Laval University,

Quebec City, since 2005– Leads the GeoSOA Research team

• industrial researcher at IGN of France between 1996 and 2004

• well involved in the OSGeo– Voting member– Co-fonder of the “francophone” chapter (OSGeo-fr)– Co-fonder of the “Québec” chapter (OSGeo-qc)– Member of the FOSS4G organizing committee

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2. Business Intelligence

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2. Business Intelligence

• 22% growth in 2008 (13% in 2007)• $8.8 billion in 2008

– BI platforms, analytic applications, performance management software

• 75% to the top6 :– SAP/Business Objects, SAS Institute, Oracle, IBM/Cognos,

Microsoft and MicroStrategy

• Users : "increase transparency" to identify costs and better align strategy with execution

BI Market Grows 22% In Tough Economy

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2.1 BI Offering• Data Integration (ETL : from OLTP to OLAP)• Data Warehouse (any RBDMS)• OLAP Server (OnLine Analytical Processing)• End-User Applications (via MDX) :

– Analysis - Data Mining– Dashboards - Reporting




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3. Open Source

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3. Open Source

• An IDC study on Open Source :– worldwide revenue from OSS will grow at a 22.4%

compound annual growth rate (CAGR) to reach$8.1 billion by 2013

– OSS has had a much higher level of acceptanceover the past 12 months than previously expected

– the economy accelerated the uptake and use of OSS in the closing months of 2008

Open Source Software Market Accelerated by Economyand Increased Acceptance From Enterprise Buyers

Worldwide Open Source Software 2009–2013 Forecast (IDC #219260)

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3.1 Open Source BI

• Players :– Pentaho– SpagoBI– Talend (ETL)– JasperSoft

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3.1.1 Pentaho

• Pentaho Corporation is the commercial open source alternative for Business Intelligence (BI)

• Pentaho's products have been downloadedmore than three million times

• Pentaho is the only commercial open source BI suite provider who leads and sponsors all of itscore open source BI projects.

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3.1.1 Pentaho

• highly experienced industry leaders with a strong record of creating successful BI products for top-tier commercial vendors, including: Business Objects, Cognos, Hyperion, IBM, Oracle, SAS ...

• « to achieve positive, disruptive change in the BI spaceby building a class-leading BI platform and making itavailable to everyone by releasing it into Open Source »

Cloud Computing

On-Demand Business IntelligenceLucidEra was founded in 2005 by veterans of the business intelligence industry.

Our founders recognized early the shift of business intelligence to an on-demand model.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

On-Demand Business IntelligenceLucidEra was founded in 2005 by veterans of the business intelligence industry.

Our founders recognized early the shift of business intelligence to an on-demand model.

05/10/2009 !

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3.1.1 Pentaho

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3.1.1 Pentaho• Kettle : ETL / Data Integration• Mondrian : OLAP Server• End-User Applications (via MDX) :

– Pentaho Reporting– CDF (Community Dashboard Framework)– Weka for Data Mining




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Spatialytics leads and sponsors all of its coreOpen Source Geo-BI projects,

available at

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4. Open Source Geo-BI projects,are :

- Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique- Département des sciences géomatiques- GeoSOA Research Team- Dr. Thierry Badard

Origins of those projects :

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End‐User ApplicationsMDXDATA




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BDMS Thematic


Data Warehouse

• GeoKettle : Data & GeoData Integration• GeoMondrian : Saptial OLAP Server (SOLAP)• Enriched MDX with Spatial capabilities• SOLAPLayer : Map Component for Map-Centric or

“Map-Enabled” (Reporting, Dashboards) applications

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4.1 GeoKettle

• GeoKettle is a "spatially-enabled" version of Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

• True and consistent integration of the spatial component– All steps provided by Kettle are able to deal with

geospatial data types– Some geospatial dedicated steps have been added

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4.1 GeoKettle

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4.1 GeoKettle• Current stable version : 3.2.0-20090609• Released under LGPL•• Provides support for:

– Handling geometry data types (based on JTS)– Definition of custom transformation steps by the user – Topological predicates (Intersects, crosses, etc.)– Input / Output with some spatial DBMS– Native support for Oracle, PostGIS and MySQL– MS SQL Server 2008, Ingres and IBM DB2 can be used but it

requires some tricks– GIS file Input / Output : Shapefile (GML and KML soon)

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4.1 GeoKettle• Upcoming features:

– Cartographic preview (work in progress)– Implementation of data matching and conflation steps in

order to allow geometric data cleansing and comparison of geospatial datasets

– Read/write support for other DBMS & GIS file formats• MapInfo (.tab or MIF/MID), KML, GeoJSON, GeoRSS, ESRI

Geodatabase, ArcSDE• Native support for MS SQL Server 2008 and Ingres• WFS, Sensor Web (TML, SensorML, SOS, ...)

– Implementation of a “Spatial analysis” step with a GUI– Raster support : integration in progress of the Sextante


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4.2 GeoMondrian

• SOLAP “allows a rapid and easy navigation within spatial datawarehouses and offers many levels of information granularity, many themes, many epochs and many display modes of information that are synchronized or not: maps, tables and diagrams” – adapted from Rivest et al., 2005

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4.2 GeoMondrian• GeoMondrian is a "spatially-enabled" version of

Pentaho Analysis Services (Mondrian)• GeoMondrian brings to the Mondrian OLAP

server what PostGIS brings to the PostgreSQLDBMS– i.e. a consistent and powerful support for

geospatial data.

• Released under the EPL•

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4.2 GeoMondrian• As far as we know, it is the first implementation of a

true Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) Server• Provides a consistent integration of spatial objects

into the OLAP data cube structure– Instead of fetching them from an separate spatial DBMS,

web service or a GIS file

• Implements a native Geometry data type• Provides first spatial extensions to the MDX

language– Add spatial analysis capabilities to the analytical queries

• At present, it only supports PostGIS datawarehouses

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4.2.1 Spatially enabled MDX• bring to Mondrian and MDX what SQL spatial

extensions do for relational DBMS (i.e. Simple Features for SQL and implementations such as PostGIS).

• Example query: filter spatial dimension members based on distance from a feature– SELECT

{[Measures].[Population]} on columns, Filter( {[Unite geographique].[Region economique].members}, ST_Distance([Unitegeographique].CurrentMember.Properties("geom"),[Unite geographique].[Province].[Ontario].Properties("geom")) < 2.0

) on rows FROM [Recensements] WHERE [Temps].[Rencensement 2001 (2001-2003)].[2001]

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4.2.1 Spatially enabled MDX• Many more possibilities:

– in-line geometry constructors (from WKT)– member filters based on topological predicates

(intersects, contains, within, …)– spatial calculated members and measures (e.g.

aggregates of spatial features, buffers)– calculations based on scalar attributes derived

from spatial features (area, length, distance, …)

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4.3 SOLAPLayers

• SOLAPLayers is a lightweight cartographic component which enables navigation in geospatial (Spatial OLAP or SOLAP) data cubes, such as those handled by GeoMondrian.

• to be integrated into existing dashboard frameworks in order to produce interactive geo-analytical dashboards.

• Released under BSD (client part) and EPL (server part).•

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4.3 SOLAPLayers


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4.3 SOLAPLayers• Is mainly based on OpenLayers and Dojo• Allows:

– the connection with a Spatial OLAP server such as GeoMondrian,

– the navigation in geospatial data cubes,– and the cartographic representation of some

measures as static or dynamic choropleth maps.

• Many Features in development– More thematic capabilities

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5. Summary





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OLTP Operational







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Data Warehouse

+ =+ = Geo-BI (full SOLAP)Geo-BI (full SOLAP)

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Not just free…

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What else…

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On the field…

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…and in the Cloud

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Thank you !



@[email protected]

[email protected]



Coming soon!


Luc Vaillancourt, Spatialytics CEODr. Thierry Badard- Spatialytics CTO - Professor at Laval University
