genre research


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Genre research


Page 2: Genre research


I decided to do Hip-Hop/Rap as my genre. I choose this genre as I don’t just like listening to the music, but also because I like he lyrics and the artists.Compared the very popular new popular genres like electronic dance music, Indie and pop, rap lyrics are different. They explore real world narratives and because of that have a high level of verisimilitude.I also find the artists a lot more interesting, as they all have very interesting backgrounds, like Notourious B.I.G and Eminem.

Page 3: Genre research

Book ResearchThis Page from the source magazine describes a concert at Hard Rock Hotel in Palm Springs.The text explain how Hip-Hop and Electronic music mix together, and combine their best attributes.The author Courtney Brown described Hip-Hop as a very intellectual genre.She said that Hip-Hop songs all have a kind of soul, which is another way of saying that Hip-Hop is not just very active in the way that it adapts, and is always changing, but also that Hip-Hop is trying to convey a message. This challanges the stereotypical view of hip- hop, that it is music from the ghettos, which leads to people thinking that the song and it’s lyrics are unsophisticated. As the genre has become more mainstream, it’s audience has also grown beyond the initial cultural influences. The challenging narrative structures have now attracted a whole new audience, without changing it’s equilibrium.

Page 4: Genre research

Web ResearchI came across a text, which explained why out of the authors point of view, rap is the best genre, and I agree with many of his points.For example he said that rap is the genre, where the artists can be most creative. I do agree that Rap lyrics (by good rappers) are always very interesting. Rap is basically spoken word poetry with a rhythm in the back ground. I am not saying that every rapper is also a poet, but there is definitely more to the lyrics then in other genres.