genghis khan

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Post on 10-May-2015




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  • 1.By: Brandy Hinrichs Genghis Khan and his clan

2. Genghis Khan was the founder of one of the greatest empires in history. He was the creator of the Mongol nation and empire. 3. He conquered all of China to Afghanistan. He died while the Mongols were in battle with the Tanguts, Tibetan people, for their land. 4. How did the Mongols succeed so well? 5. There minds were set on these simple things: pit your strengths against your opponents weaknesses out maneuver your opponent no humiliation in retreat; they could than ambush the enemy inflated stories of their battlefield prowess to intimidate their opponents never lose sight of the overall objective 6. The commander of a group was in lines with the troops, not on the side lines like that of many other cultures. The Mongols, also, signaled with banners when the plan was to be silent. 7. They had many tactics! The Moving Bush, the Lake formation, and the Falling Stars are just a few of the many. 8. The Moving Bush is a series of repeated small skirmishes intermittantly at different fringes to draw opponents into a more strung out formation. 9. Lake formation was successive waves along an enemys front. Each line (wave) attacks and withdraws, filtering through the next wave on its attack. 10. Falling stars were small units that attack the enemy at all sides, simultanously, so that no part of the opponents army could reinforce another. 11. The Mongols favored the sabre as their weapon. Their weapon had lasting effects and influenced a lot of other weapons, such as the Arabian saif and the European cutlass. 12. Another favorite weapon among the Mongols was the bow and arrow. Used for many different reason, from hunting to in battle. 13. Even after his death, Genghis Khans empire survived through his progeny who succeeded him by maintaining and extending his power and territories. 14. By 1241, Genghis Khans grandson, Batu, had overrun the Russian Provinces, subdued eastern Europe, and reached the coastline of Croatia. 15. In 1258, Baghdad had fallen due to another grandson of Genghis, Hleg, who firmly established himself in western Asia. 16. The fall of the Mongols came in the 1270s with Qubilai QaDan. In 1279, Qubilai QaDan declared himself the emperor of a united China.