general licensing class in an emergency your organization and dates here

General Licensing Class In An Emergency Your organization and dates here

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General Licensing Class

In An EmergencyYour organization and dates here


Amateur Radio General ClassElement 3 Course Presentation


1 - Your Passing CSCE2 - Your New General Bands3 - FCC Rules4 - Be a VE5 - Voice Operations6 - CW Lives7 - Digital Operating8 - In An Emergency9 - Skywave Excitement


Amateur Radio General ClassElement 3 Course Presentation


10 - Your HF Transmitter11 - Your Receiver12 - Oscillators & Components13 - Electrical Principles14 - Circuits15 - Good Grounds16 - HF Antennas17 - Coax Cable18 - RF & Electrical Safety

In An Emergency

An amateur station is allowed to use any means at its disposal to assist another station in distress at any time during an actual emergency. (G2B12)

If you find yourself in an emergency situation, you should send a distress call on whatever frequency has the best chance of communicating the distress message. (G2B11)

In An Emergency

The first thing you should do if you are communicating with another amateur station and hear a station in distress break in is to acknowledge the station in distress and determine what assistance may be needed. (G2B02)

Before amateur stations may provide communications to broadcasters for dissemination to the public, the communications must directly relate to the immediate safety of human life or protection of property and there must be no other means of communication reasonably available before or at the time of the event.(G1B04)

In An Emergency

Only a person holding an FCC issued amateur operator license may be the control operator of an amateur station transmitting in RACES to assist relief operations during a disaster. (G2B09)

In an emergency, authorized hams participating in a

RACES organization may communicate

from a police helicopter.

In An Emergency

If the situation is really dire, more specifically when the President’s War Emergency Powers have been invoked, the FCC may restrict normal frequency operations of amateur stations participating in RACES. (G2B10)

General Licensing Class

In An EmergencyYour organization and dates here

G2B12 When is an amateur station allowed to use any means at its disposal to assist another station in distress?

A. Only when transmitting in RACES

B. At any time when transmitting in an organized net.

C. At any time during an actual emergency.

D. Only on authorized HF frequencies

G2B11 What frequency should be used to send a distress call?

A. Whatever frequency has the best chance of communicating the distress message

B. Only frequencies authorized for RACES or ARES stations.

C. Only frequencies that are within your operating privileges

D. Only frequencies used by police, fire or emergency medical services

G2B02 What is the first thing you should do if you are communicating with another amateur station and hear a station in distress break in?A. Continue your communication because you were

on frequency first

B. Acknowledge the station in distress and determine what assistance may be needed

C. Change to a different frequency

D. Immediately cease all transmissions


G1B04 Which of the following must be true before an amateur station may provide communications to broadcasters for dissemination to the public?

A. The communications must directly relate to the immediate safety of human life or protection of property and there must be no other means of communication reasonably available before or at the time of the event.

B. The communications must be approved by a local emergency preparedness official and conducted on officially designated frequencies.

C. The FCC must have declared a state of emergency.

D. All of these choices are correct.

G2B09 Who may be the control operator of an amateur station transmitting in RACES to

assist relief operations during a disaster?

A. Only a person holding an FCC issued amateur operator license

B. Only a RACES net control operator

C. A person holding an FCC issued amateur operator license or an appropriate government official.

D. Any control operator when normal communication systems are operational

G2B10 When may the FCC restrict normal frequency operations of amateur stations

participating in RACES?

A. When they declare a temporary state of communication emergency

B. When they seize your equipment for use in disaster communications

C. Only when all amateur stations are instructed to stop transmitting

D. When the President’s War Emergency Powers have been invoked