genealogical and biographical...

IfL'.RI B. Hon F..·\.S.G .. e.G. :\ ./OI!:\'SO:\'/JAi\'SEN FAMILY OF BROOKLYN Ai\"D NEW YORK I "\'J"ne !Iuhh"rd. late wife of John Barnes. she ,enounccd her rigilis in the eStale of John Barne, in fa\or of her son Barelll Johnson on 18 Feb. 1707/8 (Kenneth SCUll Genealogical Data {Tom .·'dml"IIIT",I"" P"pen (TOm Ih •. X"1(' !'oTh State COUTt af Appeal.! in Albany (1977: PI'. 15 I,; I . ~ " .' .. ,~(. C+-ri""l , / r NlJ\IRER 2 " 3~,,: .....' NEW YORK. APRIL 1980 VUI.. III TI1:E NEW YORK Genealogical and Biographical Record Among thl' classic examples of the "three brothers" legr'nds is the purporw! origin of the General jeremiah Johnson family of 'Brook])'n described in jnome B. Holgate's. American Genealogy .... (1848) and e!sewheJ'['. The family claimed to be descended in the male line from "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New Amsterdam with his IH<1thns. joris janseil de Rapalje and William Jansen de Rapalje. Of cour<;e. Anthony jansen Van Salce and Joris janszen Rapalje (to use better forms of their names) were not brothers. and the latter did not have a brother William who scttled in New Netherland. Moreover, Anthony Jansen Van Salce had Ill) sons (REC. IO:j:~7) and the false ancestry of the "three brothers," gi\TII by Ilolgal(' has het'n discreditr't! (T:\C 3S: 19:1 I f),J). I low('\l'I". as with mOSl family legends, there were clements of truth ill the claim. This johnson family was descr"ndec! from a daughter of Anthony jansen Van Salee alld many of them were somehow descended from Joris j;llIszen Rapalje. In Teunis G. Bergen·s .. Early Settlers oj Kings County. (] 88 I. reprinted ] 973: pp. 168·] 69. 329- 330) is good basic material,_amLthere is a surQrisingly accurate and r:omplr~te account of the first two generations in Charles Arthur Hoppin's The Washinglon t/ncestry (]932: 3:]··14). Therc also is a brief account of the Lunily in I{os;djr' h,llows Ibiley's Dutch Systell/S ill FlllI/ily Nallllllg New l'ork - 'vCli'jersey (19:)3: pp. ]·2). It has been ayerred that the family was actually descended from Barent Driessen of Ooslenegh near Sutphen in Gc1derland and his wife Altje, who probahly immigrated in ] 650 on The New Netherlands Fortune. They settled on Slaten Island where they were kiIJecl by Indians in September 1655. Their on]v known child was a son, Jan Barentse, later of Gravesend, born about ]6,18, diet! hefore 5'October ]697, married (as "Jan Barcntsc Van Driest") at Flatlands 18 ~'Iay 1679 J a nnetje WiIJems Van Barke1o. I cia ughter of WiIJem Jam Van Barkelo ant! Cornelia 'Anlonisse Van Salce (Frost. lvlarriages ] :4; Ru:. R·L70: 103:27). ---.-- ..• ,,:11 1•.•• rr'll .-•.•• ,:1 ,.~1

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Page 1: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

IfL'.RI B. Hon F..·\.S.G .. e.G.


I "\'J"ne !Iuhh"rd. late wife of John Barnes. she ,enounccd her rigilis in the eStale of JohnBarne, in fa\or of her son Barelll Johnson on 18 Feb. 1707/8 (Kenneth SCUll Genealogical Data

{Tom .·'dml"IIIT",I"" P"pen (TOm Ih •. X"1(' !'oTh State COUTt af Appeal.! in Albany (1977: PI'.15 I,; I .

~ "

.'.. ,~(.C+-ri""l , / r






Genealogical and Biographical Record

Among thl' classic examples of the "three brothers" legr'nds is the

purporw! origin of the General jeremiah Johnson family of 'Brook])'ndescribed in jnome B. Holgate's. American Genealogy .... (1848) ande!sewheJ'['. The family claimed to be descended in the male line from

"Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New Amsterdam with

his IH<1thns. joris janseil de Rapalje and William Jansen de Rapalje. Of

cour<;e. Anthony jansen Van Salce and Joris janszen Rapalje (to use betterforms of their names) were not brothers. and the latter did not have a brother

William who scttled in New Netherland. Moreover, Anthony Jansen Van

Salce had Ill) sons (REC. IO:j:~7) and the false ancestry of the "three brothers,"gi\TII by Ilolgal(' has het'n discreditr't! (T:\C 3S: 19:1 I f),J).

I low('\l'I". as with mOSl family legends, there were clements of truth ill the

claim. This johnson family was descr"ndec! from a daughter of Anthony

jansen Van Salee alld many of them were somehow descended from Joris

j;llIszen Rapalje. In Teunis G. Bergen·s .. Early Settlers oj Kings County.

(] 88 I. reprinted ] 973: pp. 168·] 69. 329- 330) is good basic material,_amLthere is a surQrisingly accurate and

r:omplr~te account of the first two generations in Charles Arthur Hoppin's TheWashinglon t/ncestry (]932: 3:]··14). Therc also is a brief account of the

Lunily in I{os;djr' h,llows Ibiley's Dutch Systell/S ill FlllI/ily Nallllllg Newl'ork - 'vCli'jersey (19:)3: pp. ]·2).

It has been ayerred that the family was actually descended from Barent

Driessen of Ooslenegh near Sutphen in Gc1derland and his wife Altje, who

probahly immigrated in ] 650 on The New Netherlands Fortune. They settled

on Slaten Island where they were kiIJecl by Indians in September 1655. Their

on]v known child was a son, Jan Barentse, later of Gravesend, born about

]6,18, diet! hefore 5'October ]697, married (as "Jan Barcntsc Van Driest") at

Flatlands 18 ~'Iay 1679 J a nnetje WiIJems Van Barke1o. I cia ughter of WiIJem

Jam Van Barkelo ant! Cornelia 'Anlonisse Van Salce (Frost. lvlarriages ] :4;Ru:. R·L70: 103:27).

---.-- ..• ,,:11 1•.•• rr'll .-•.••,:1 ,.~1

Page 2: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

ancestors of Jannetje Jorisz (who will be identified below as a daughter of

Joris2 Remsen), we may assume the two names came from JanJanzen's family.A review of the New York Dutch Church baptisms 1675-1700 for a child Jan

with the namesjan, johannes and Barent in his parentage revealed only onecandidate: Jan, baptized 25 May 1687, son of Johannes Janszen and AlbertjeBarents.

Before further analysis, the background of this candidate should be given.

His parents were married on 1 October 1684 at the Albany Dutch Church(HSYB 1904:21), his mother probably being the daughter of BarentMyndensz of Albany (TAG 33:1-7). His father, baptized 18 January 1660 atthe New York Dutch Church (BDC 55), was the only child of Jan Q.uisthoutVan Der Linden,3 a soldier from Brussels, who betrothed on 22 February1659 at the New York Dutch Church (MDC 23) Jannetje Barents, daughterof Barent Baltus, the founder of the Van Kleeck family. Jannetje Barents was

a widow by 11January 1661 (HSYB 1902: 17), but the unusual circumstancesof her husband's death appear in neither The A merican Genealogist 33: 1-7

nor in Gl\lNJ 29:2-4. On 21 May 1660 he was indicted on charges of sodomywith his apprentice (CDM 211, 213). On 17 June he entered a guilty plea andwas sentenced the same day "to be taken to the place of execution and there

stripped of his arms, his sword to be broken at his feet, and he was to be thentied in a sack and cast into the river and drowned until dead." [If thissentence was indeed carried out, it is in contradiction to Stokes' statement

(Icon. 6:543) that no capital punishment appears to have been actuallyinflicted in New Amsterdam-ED.].

Jan Quisthout Van Der Linden was apparently heavily in debt at the timeof his death (RNA 3: 139, 145, 146, 153, 156, 159), and on 16 August 1663 his

widow petitioned to be d'ischarged-fromherlaf(nfUsband's'debts-(€DM~251}She married second, after 20 October 1663 at the New York Dutch Church

(l\mC 29), Jan Pieterszen from Goesdorp by whom she had several childrenwho used the name Bosch (Alvin S, Van Benthuysen and Edwin Raben Van

Kleeck The Van Kleeck Genealogy [1957] pp. 6, 10, 12),

Jan. baptized 25 J\.lay 1687, grandson of Jan Quisthout Van Der Lindenand Jannetje Barents, was very probably the 1714 groom for the followingreasons:

(1) Jan Janzen and Jannetje Jorisz named their oldest son Johannes, whichstrongly suggests Jan Janzen's father was named Johannes, This is also anindication that Jan Janzen was not the son of Jan Barentse and JannetjeWillems Van Barkelo, for if he had been, his oldest son probably would

ha ve been named Jan. The fact that in 1714 J an Janzen used his father's

patronymic rather than his own is reasonable for the period (see the

66 johnson/jansen Family [April~'

Miss Bailey lists four children of Jan Barentse and Jan1;~tje Willems VanBarkelo:

1. Barent, bap. Flatbush DC 13 Dec. 1681 (Fro,!. Baptisms 1:29), wit.: Wm. V.

Barkelo, Eva V. Siggelen (maternal grandfather and probably great·aunt).

ii. Cornelia, bap. Flatbush DC 29 June 1684 (Frost, Baptisms 1:43), wit.: CorneliaWillems (maternal aunt).

iii. Margrietje.iv. William.

Bergen adds a fifth child, Jan, with the caution sup. for supposedly, andprovides him with two wives: Mary tie by whom he supposedly had Johannes,Barent and Joris, and jannetje joris by whom he supposedly had Maria,Catherine and Elizabeth. Bergen was evidently referring to the marriage ofJan Janzen and Jannetje Jorisz by the Rev. Vincentius Antonides after theirbanns on 10 February 1714 at the Flatbush Dutch-Church (Frost, Marriages1:51), However, this Jan Janzen had only one wife and only three children(sons Johannes, Joris and Barent) if we identify him with John Jansen ofBrookland in Kings County, cordwainer, whose unrecorded will dated 22August 1729 (WNYHS 11:136)2 mentions wife Jannetje and three sonsJohannis (eldest), Joris and Barent Jansen. While daughters were not alwaysmentioned in wills, there is no evidence there were any. Bergen gives the threesupposed daughters of Jan Janzen baptismal dates in 1737, 1739 and 1747which seem late for a man who described himself as "very sick and weak inbody" in 1729, Also, it is probable the oldest son was the Johannes Johnson inthe 1738 census of Brooklyn as head of a household consisting only of threewhite males over the age of 10 and two slaves (DHNY 4:197), Moreover, boththe 1773 will of J~Janzen's son Barent Johnson (WNYHS 9:22) and the

Jansen Family Bible (at The LIHS) of a descendant, Benjamin GarrisonJansen (#11), mention all three brothers but say nothing about sisters.

Unfortunately, there is scant evidence for identifying Jan Janzen, the 1714groom, as a son ofJan Barentse andJannetje Willems Van Barkelo. As shownby Holgate (p. 25), certain descendants of Jan Janzen's son Barent Johnsonthought they were related in the male line to General Jeremiah Johnson (andthus descended from "Antoine Jansen van Salers"). However, aside fromBergen's cautious identification, the only evidence is that Jan Barentse andJannetje Willems Van Barkelo had at least six children if she was "TheWiddow Barentse" in the 1698 census of Gravesend (DHNY 3:136).

Instead, the marriage record of Jan Janzen in 1714 points to differentparentage. He is described as "young man born in New York and residing atBrooklyn" while Jan Barentse and his wife are not known to have leftGravesend. Furthermore, the names ofJanJanzen's sons suggest the names ofhis parents, Since the names Johannes and Barent do not occur among the


"""' ..


1980] johnson/jansen Family

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, A .copy of the original will at Queens College Historical Documents Collection was examinedfor this and subsequently cited wills abstracted in WNYHS. --

, His name appears variously as (Van) Quisthout/Guisthout/Twisthoutl Luisthout. He was notrdaled 10 other Van De(r) Linde(n)s ill New Netherland (GMNJ 29:1fO·

Page 3: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan


discussion below of the children of Joris2 Remsen and the comments on"frozen patronymics" in REC. 106: 1).

(2) The Van Kleeck Genealogy p. 15 and The American Genealogist 33:3show no marriages or descendants for the children of Johannes Janszenand Albertje Barents who were:

i. Barent. bap. New York DC 3 May 1685 (BDC 167) .

ii. Jan, bap. New York DC 25 May 1687 (BDC 179).

iii. Jannetje, bap. New York DC 23 Sep. 1689 (BDC 193).

iv. Jannetje, bap. Brooklyn DC 13 Mar. 1692 (HSYB 1897:163).

v. Sara, bap. New York DC 3 Apr. 1695 (BDC 225).

Thus this family had a definite connection with Brooklyn,

(3) Bergen at page 162 tentatively identifies this Johannes Janszen as theJoannes Janse on the 1693 assessment roll of Brooklyn and in the 1698census of Brooklyn with three women and three children in his household(DHNY 3:133).

(4) ThisJohannesJanszen was living in New York in 1686 when his wife was a

member of the Dutch Church (HSYB 1916:31), and they probably werethere in 1687, the year of Jan's baptism, since no Johannes Janszen tookthe oath of allegiance in Kings Co. in 1687 (Kenneth Scott and Kenn

Stryker-Rodda Denizations, Naturalizations and Oaths of Allegiance inColonial New York [1975J pp. 90-93).

(5) There appears to be no evidence contradicting this identification. Onlyone Johannes Janszen appears in the 1703 census of New York (DHNY1:616) with one man, one woman, two male children and two female

children in the household, This man probably was the Johannes Jansen------who_was_May_or of New York in 1725 (MCC 3:374; BDC 215,229,247,

265, 283; REC, 84:7; 88:245). No Johannes Janszen, JanJanzen or Wlelow ,.

Janszen appears on the 1706 assessment roll of Kings Co, (Kings Co.Deeds Libel' 3 pp. 91- 95), but this roll was not as complete as a census.

There was however a Johannis Janse who paid for a shroud on 28 August1710 at the Flatbush Dutch Church (Frost, Marriage Fees p. 37).

As for JannetjeJorisz, the 1714 bride, we can identify her with certainty as adaughter of Joris2 Remsen and Femmetje Woertman:

(1) Joris Remsen had at least seven children according to the 1698 census of

Flatbush (DHNY 3: 137), yet Bergen (p. 238) and Phoenix Remsen FamilyRecord of the Remsen Ancestors .... (1878) pp, 7, 12-13 show only fourchildren living then.

(2) It would have been unusual if Joris Remsen had not named a daughterJannetje for his mother, Jannetje Rapalje.

(3) The only other occurrence of Jorisz and variants as a surname in the

Flatbush Dutch Church records of this period was in 1707 when two

known children ofJoris Remsen were married (Frost, Marriages 1:42-43).(4) The marriage record of Jannetje Jorisz describes her as "born in New Lots

111 Midwoud, living,,j:( Brooklyn." This description is the same as thatgiven for Joris Remsen's daughters Sara and Femmetje who (using Remzeas a surname) were married at the Flatbush Dutch Church in 1715 and

1719 respectively (Frost, Marriages 1:54, 60),(5) The 1773 will of Barent Johnson, son of Jannetje Jorisz, mentions his

loving cousin Rem Rapelye of New York. Joris Remsen had such agrandson (KCo 235), and there is no indication either of Barent Johnson'swives was related to the Rapaljes,

(6) Two sons-in-law of Joris Remsen were executors of the 1729 will of JanJanzen. Moreover, a Jan Jansen had witnessed the 1722 will of RemRemsen, son of Joris Remsen (WNYHS 2:294), and a Johannes Jansen(possibly the oldest son of Jan Janzen and Jannetje Jorisz) witnessed the1734 will of Joris Remsen, son of the preceding Rem Remsen (WNVHS3:412; KCo 124, 240). Finally, a good genealogy (Waldron PhoenixBelknap, Jr. The De Peyster Genealogy [1956J p. 70) calls her JannetjeRemsen.

Children of Jan Janzen and Jannetje Jorisz:

i. Johannes, b. 18Jan. 1715.:! ii. Joris, b. 14 OCI. 1717.

3 iii. Barent, b. 27 July Ii:! I.1. JOHANNES·JOHNSON(fan3 janzen, johannes2janszen, jant Quisthout Van

Del' Linden), was born 18 January 1715 (Jansen Family Bible; Bergen p. 168says he supposedly was baptized that day), It is probable he was the JohannesJohnson in the 1738 census of Brooklyn as head of a household consisting ofthree white males over the age of 10 and two slaves (DHNY 4:197).

He_l'!larried his first cousin, Femmetje Debevoise, daughter of Joost Debe­voise and Mary tie Remsen (KCo 85--=-86;WNYHS-8:'lOO;-1-7:322}-He-probably_died before 19 February 1784, the date of his son's wilJ. Femmetje (Debevoise)Johnson died 28 October 1790 "at four in the morn" (according to a FamilyBible in REC, 105:55). leaving a will dated 18 October 1788 proved 31December 1790 (Kings Co, Libel' 1 p, 68) as Femmitye Johnson of Brooklyn,widow and relict of the late Johannes Johnson of Brooklyn, deceased. The willmentions two grandsons, Teunis Johnson and John Johnson; Maria, wife ofTheodorus Polhemus (called son-in-law when named as an executor);Femmetye De Be Voise, daughter of nephew Jost De Be Voise, deceased; Ida,wife of Fernandus Suydam (called cousin when named as an executor); andMaria, wife of Isaac Meed,

Child of Johannes Johnson and Femmetje Debevoise:

4 i. John, b. 23 Oct. 1748.

2. JORIS·JA:->SE:->(fan3janzen, johannes2janszen, janl Quisthout Van Del'

Linden), was born 14 October 1717 (Jansen Family Bible; Bergen p. 168 sayshe supposedly was baptized 17 May 1722 which seems unlikely in light of his

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younger brother's date of birth). He married 7 April 1739 (Jansen FamilyBible) his first cousin, Sarah Rapalje, born 12 May 1722, daughter of JorisRapalje and Elizabeth Remsen (KCo 235; WNYHS 3:51). Perhaps they werethe George Johnson and wife Sarah who were legatees under the 1754 will ofJeremiah Owen of New York (WNYHS 5:112).

As George Johnson, bolter, he was admitted as a freeman of New York on 3June 1746 (CNYHS 1885: 155). He was elected an assessor of the North Wardin 1752 and 1753 (MCC 5:379, 417) and an assistant of that ward in1756-1760 (MCC 6:65, 100, 147, 183, 222), as well as serving on variouscommittees. He died 20 January 1761 (DDC 170), leaving a will asJorisJansenof New York, bolter, dated 1January 17ql proved 22 January 1762 (WNYHS6:131), mentioning wife Sarah; son Joris (a minor); daughter Jannetie (aminor); brothers Johannes and Barent Jansen; brothers-in-law Tunis andRem Rapalye.

Children of Joris Jansen and Sarah Rapalje (Jansen Family Bible):

Teunis ~iebo~t and Gerritje Vechte (REG. 105:55; Kings Co. wills Liber 2 p.456). It ISpossible he was theJohnJohnson, Cornet in the cavalry of the KingsCounty Militia in 1777 (REG. 105:67).

He died 22 February 1784 "at six in the morning" (REG. 105:55), leaving awill as John Johnson of Brooklyn dated 19 February 1784 proved 15 March1784 (WNYHS 12:212), mentioning wife Polly; sons Teunis and John; andmother Phebe Johnson to have two rooms in "my now dwelling house." Theprovision for his mother suggests his father had died before the date of thewill.

Maria (Tie bout) Johnson married second 18 September 1785 (REG. 105:55

"by the Rev'd Mr. Schoonmaker") Theodorus Polhemus, born 17 February1749, son of Theodorus Polhemus and Annetje Brinkerhoff' (REG.

<o:r' 91:216-218; 105:55-56). She died 28 August 1795 at "Three OClock in the

f A.fternoon" leaving children by both marriages while Theodorus PolhemusI died 28 May 1820 at "eight OClock in the evening" (REG. 105:56).

i. Jannetje, b. Brooklyn 9 July1740, d. y. i Children of John Johrison and Maria Tiebout (all dates from REG. 105:55):5 ii. Jannetje, b. 25 Dec. 1745. I.6 ... G b 8 M 1752 ! I. Johannes. b. 30 Jan. 1775 "On Monday Night at 10 a Clock," bap. by "Mr. V.

Ill. eorge,. ay . 1 S' d . " . "J h. In enn. WIt. 0 5Johnson & Family," d. 8 Jan. 1777 "On Wednesday at 11

3. BAREN-rJOHNSON(fan3 Janzen, Johannes2Janszen, Janl Quisthout Van I oClock in the Morning."Der Linden), was born 27 July 1721 (Jansen Family Bible; Bergen p. 168 says : .ii. Teunis Tiebout, b. 10 Apr. 1778.he supposedly was baptized on that day). He married first on 1 February 1753' 111. Johannes (later John]., less frequently John 1.), b. 17 Feb. 1783.

at the New York Dutch Church (MDC 186) Maria Simonson, perhaps the 5. JANNETJE5JANSEN(foris4 Jansen, Jan3 Janzen, Johannes2 Janszen, Janl

daughter of Johannes Symonse and Zuster Corson baptized there 23 April Quisthout Van Der Linden), born at Brooklyn 25 December 1745 (but her1729 as Mary tie (BDC 491). She died 18 April 1753 and he married second by age at death places her birth in January 1746), married 23 December 1762 atlicense dated 11 April 1764 (NYM 204) Maria Guest, who died 8 April 1769, the New York Dutch Church, Nicholas De Peyster, merchant, born 6 March

______ d_a_,ughterof Captain John Gu~st of New Brunswick, N.]. (Genealogy oj i 1740, baptized there 16 March 1740, son of William De Peyster and Margaret

Theodore Polhemus Johnson [':lndated pampfiJerat""TneNYHS]-pp-:-6"'7; I Roosevelt._Most:oLth~information~on_Jannetje..(Jansen)_De_Eeyster_and_her:William B. Sprague, D.D. Amials oj the A merican Dutch ReJormed PulPit, husband and children ISfrom The De Peyster Genealogy (pp. 43-44, 70-71) .

. . . [1869] pp. 114-115). I .She died 8 September. 1770 aged 24 years, 8 months and 3 days, andBarent Johnson died 15 July 1777, leaving a will as Barent Johnson of ••..~ NICholas De Peyster marned second 3 October 1772 Frances De Kay, born 14

Brooklyn dated 19 August 1773 proved 2 August (not April) 17.77 (WNYHS August 1753, daughter of Thomas De Kay and Christiana Duncan. He died9:22), mentioning son John (a minor); nephews John Johnson, son of brother at Bloomingdale, N.Y. 5 September 1821, leaving children by bothJohn Johnson, and GeorgeJohnson, son of late brother George Johnson; Sarah marriages. His will dated 1 June 1820 proved 20 September 1821 (New York

and Margaret De Peyster, daughters oflate niece, daughter of brother George f Co. Liber 57 ? I?) me~tions (among others) daughters Margaret Ten EyckJohnson and late wife of Nicholas De Peyster; loving cousin Rem Rapelye. and Sarah. HIS WIdow died 4 October 1826.

Child of Barent Johnson and Maria Guest: . Children of Nicholas De Peyster and Jannetje Jansen:

7 i. John (later Rev. John Barent), b. 3 Mar. 1769.

4. JOHN5JOI-INSON(fohannes4Johnson, Jan3Janzen, Johannes2Janszen, Janl

Quisthout Van Der Linden), was born 23 October 1748 (Family Bible in REG.105:55). He married 2 November 1771 (NYM 205; REG. 105:55 "by the Rev'dMr. Rubel") Maria Tiebout, born New York 15 November 1754, baptized 20November 1754 at the New York Dutch Church (BDC II:198), daughter of 1


i. Joris De Peyster, b. 30 Apr. 1764, bap. 6 May 1764 (BDC) wit.; John de Peyster.Anna de Peyster, spinster (paternal uncle and aunt), d. 4 Feb. 1767.

II. William De Peyster. b. 16 Sep. 1765, bap. 22 Sep. 1765 (BDC) wit.; William de

Peyster Sen', Nelle Hardenbroek, wife of Rem Rappeljc (paternal grandfatherand maternal great·aunt by marriage), d. 5 Nov. 1767.

iii. Sarah De Peyster, b. 31 Jan. 1768, bap. 14 Feb. ] 768 (BDC), wit: William de

Peyster Jr., Sara Gest, wife of Barent Johnson (paternal uncle and misnamed

maternal great·aunt by marriage whom a Family Bible correctly identifies as

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6. GEORGEsJANSEN(foris4 jansen, jan3 janzen, johannes2 janszen janl

Quisthout Van Der Linden), born at New York 8 May 1752, was baptized 17May 1752 at the New York Dutch Church (BDC II: 176), witnesses: TeunisRapalye, Elisabet Remsen, wife of Marten Reyerse (maternal uncle andmaternal grandmother, as shown by WNYHS 7:130). He married 15 January1774 (Riker MS typescript p. 677), Elizabeth Bowne, born 11 February 1753,daughter of Thomas Bowne and Helen Reid of "Hortensie," Pleasant Valley,Monmouth Co., N.J. Gansen Family Bible; NJMis 3:5S; Josiah GranvilleLeach Genealogical and BiograPhical Memorials of the Reading, Howell,Yerkes, Perkins, Watts, Latham, and Elkins Families [1897] pp. 53-54). In

1784 he was described as George Jansen, merchant of New York City (NJA I 7. REV. JOHN BARENTSJO!-INSON(Barent4 johnson, jan3 janzen, johannes21:35: 155) and the same year he was elected an assessor for the South Ward janszen, janl Quzsthout Van Der Linden), born at Brooklyn 3 March 1769

but refused to qualify (MCC 11:-1:82,93). In 1786 he and his wife Eliza were-t-(REC.19:67). In November 1785 he petitioned for the appointment of

aescril5ei:fin a Cleed-as'b"ein'g on"Middletown-Point;-Monmouth Co:-(N ew·York gua ohn-J ohnson,.son.of-Barent..J ohnson ,.Iate oLBrookl yn,.deceased _Co. deeds Liber 44 p. 23). These two records agree with the Jansen Family (Kenneth Scott Records oj the Chancery Court Province and State oj New

Bible which further indicates they were living in Brooklyn in 1788 and in New •••.•. York Guardianshzps 1691-1815 [1971] p. 46).

York in 1791. I He graduated from Columbia College in 1792 and was minister at the FirstGeorge Jansen died in New York5 February 1800 at age 47 years, 8 months Dutch Reformed Churches in Albany and Brooklyn (Appleton's Cyclopaedia

and 27 days Gansen Family Bible), and so his oldest son Thomas B. Jansen I oj American BiograPhy 3:414; PA 67; Sprague, op. cit. pp. 114-116). Hewas listed as head of household in the 1800 census of New York Co. (p. 45). married 11 May 1797 at .the New York Dutch Church (MDC 273; N. Y.

Elizabeth (Bowne) Jansen died in New York 4 February 1824 at age 71 Gansen I Weekly Museum, 13 May 1797; N. Y. Diary, 12 May 1797; Kenneth Scott andFamily Bible). She was mentioned in the IS10 will of her cousin Mary Stillwell '. Kristin L. Gibbons The New- York Magazine Marriages and Deaths

(NJMis 3:68). I 1790-1797 [1975] p. 78) Elizabeth Lupton, born 23 December 1777,

All their sons were at various times booksellers, stationers, bookbinders I daughter of William Lupton and Elizabeth (Symes, Frelinghuysen) Rooseveltand/or printers in New York (George L. McKay Regzster oj Artzsts, I (Theodore Polhemus johnson p. 6; Charles B. Whittelsey The Roosevelt

Booksellers, Bookbinders, Printers and Publishers in New York City I Genealogy [1902] pp. 30-31; Records oj the Chancery Court p. 185; NYM1633-1820 [1942] p. 39). 240,241, 32S, 382; WNYHS 7:134; 11:174; 15:68).

Children of George Jansen and Elizabeth Bowne (all birth and death data i She died at Newtown, L.I. 31 March lS03 in her 26th year (N. Y. Herald, 6from the Jansen Family Bible; all baptisms at the Marlboro-Freehold- • Apr. IS03; N. Y. Weekly Museum, 9 Apr. 1803; Commercial Advertiser, 2Middletown Dutch Church): . Apr. IS03). He died at Newtown 29 August IS03 (Albany Register, 9 Sep ..•..


Mary Johnson), d. unm. 2 July 1841, bur. St. Philip's Church, Garrison. N.Y.

(Barbara Smith Buys otd Gravestones of Putnam County New York [1975] p.

82). Her will dated 11 Mar. 1841 proved May 1842 (Putnam Co. Liber D p. 263)left her entire estate to the four daughters of her half·sister, Jane (De Peyster)Arden.

IV. Margaret De Peyster. b. 19 Scpo 1769, bap. 8 Oct. 1769 (BDG) wit.: Gerardus

de Peyster, Margaritha de Peyster. spinster (paternal uncle and aunt). d.childless 10 May 1839 (N. Y. Evening Post, 11 May 1839), m. 6 Mar. 1798 New

York DC Thomas Ten Eyck, b. 1742. d. 20 Aug. 1808 (REe. 63:284: N. Y.

Weekly Museum, 27 Aug. 1808; probate of his will 30 Aug. 1808 New York Co.Liber 47 p. 410), son of Samuel Ten Eyck and Maria Gornie, and widower of

Susannah Barr Stewart by whom he had a daughter (REe. 63:284). Margaret

(Dc Peyster) Ten Eyck's will dated 20 Apr. 1838 proved 10 June 1839 (New York

Co. Liber 80 p. 109) mentions .cousin Ann Hellen M. Jansen and godchild

Margaret Ten Eyck Powers while Thomas]. Powers was an executor andBenjamin G. Jansen was a witness ..





i. Thomas Bowne, b. Paramus, N.J. 24 Dec. 1774, bap. 9 Jan. 1780 (GMNJ

32:21), wit.: Samuel Ried (maternal great-uncle) and Mary Provost, d. unm.

New York 20 Aug. 1838 (N. Y. Evening Post, 21 Aug. 1838; L.I. Star, 23 Aug.1838).

ii. George. b. "HoTtensie." Pleasant Valley, Monmouth Co. 1 Dec. 1778. bap. 9

Jan. 1780 (GMNJ 32:21), wit.: John Reading and Mary Kearney (maternalgreat·aunt per NJMis 3:384). d. unm. New Orleans. La. 4 Oct. 1820. He was

mentioned in the 1810 will of his cousin Mary Stillwell (NJMis 3:68).iii. Sarah Helen, b. "Hortensie" 9 Mar. 1781, bap. 8July 1781 (GMNJ 32:24), d. i.

iv. Lewis Bowne, b. "Hortensie" 9 Mar. 1781, bap. 8July 1781. d. unm. New York

3 Sep. 1816 (N Y. Evening Post, 3 Sep. 1816; L.!. Star, 11 Sep. 1816). He wasmentioned in the 1810 will of his cousin Mary Stillwell (NJMis 3:68).

v. John Bowne, b. New York 8 June 1784, bap. 23 Nov. 1786 (GMNJ 32:75), wit.:

Mary Eckland, wife of Jacob van der Bylt, d. Unm. New York 28 May 1836. He

left a will dated 8 May 1836 proved 7 July 1836 (New York Co. Liber 75 p. 212)mentioning Thomas Powers; sister Helen M. Jansen; brother Thomas B. Jansen;

nephew William P. Powers; and land in Harlem, New York City. New York

State and Pennsylvania. As late as 1851 his executors were still disposing of his

property (New York Co. deeds Liber 583 p. 188).VI. Mary Stilwell, b. 5 May 1786.

vii. Helen Margaret, b. Brooklyn 23 Nov. 1788. d. unm. 7June 1854 (N. Y. EveningPost, 7 June 1854; her death is not in the Jansen Family Bible). She left a will

dated 23 Feb. 1839 proved 5 Apr. 1855 (New York Co. Liber 111 p. 454),

mentioning sister Mrs. Mary Powers, wife of Thomas Powers, and nephewsWilliam P. Powers and Thomas]. Powers. She was living with the Powers family

in the 1850 census of New York (14th Ward p. 249).Benjamin Garrison, b. 27 Sep. 1791.

Page 6: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

12 i. Maria Laidlie, b. 30 Aug. 1798.13 ii. (Rev.) William Lupton, b. 15 Sep. 1800.14 iii. (Rev.) Samuel Roosevelt, b. 18 Nov. 1802.

1803; Commercial Advertiser, 1 Sep. 1803) and was buried at. the Newtown

Dutch Church (Theodore Polhemus johnson p. 9). He left a lengthy will

dated 20 June 1803 proved 9 December 1803 (Kings Co. Liber 1 p. 381) as

John B. Johnson (signature given as "John B. Johnston"), resident in New

York, minister in Brooklyn, mentioning beloved late wife; children Maria,

William and Samuel Johnson; cousins Teunis and John Johnson; brothers

William and Lancaster Lupton; brother Peter Roosevelt; sisters Mrs. Frances

Lupton and Mrs. Judith Roosevelt. The will also leaves bequests to several

friends and employees, and provides for the manumission of three slaves on 4July 1815.

His three orphaned children were brought up by their mother's older half­

brother, Peter Roosevelt. The two sons and their nephew were beneficiaries

under Peter Roosevelt's will dated 15 February 1827 proved 6 September 1833(New York Co. Liber 70 p. 473). In 1841 the two sons owned property in

Brooklyn assessed at $30,000 to $100,000 while their (former) brother-in-law's

property was assessed at $100,000 or more (The New-York Historical Society

Quarterly 55:350). Evidently much of this property had been purchased by

BarentJohnson (#3) just before the American Revolution (MS. volume at The

NYHS of the Rev. John B. Johnson's real estate and its disposal).

Children of Rev. John Barent Johnson and Elizabeth Lupton:

74 johnson Family/Family Record: Underwood- Williams [April,








eu CA'i/3c.



Cornelis Dumont (Du Mon/Du Mond/Dumon/Dumond) wasborn in Esopus(Aesopus), UlsterCo., the son of Igenas Du Mond and Catrina Schuyler, and was baptized on 21 October 17331On 4 October 1754 he married Catherine Suilant, daughter of Johannes Suilant and Eva VanVechten.' By Catherine he had two children, Evatje, born 28 October 1755, and Jorgnas, bap­tized 6 November 1757.'

After the death of his wife Catherine sometime before 1760, he began the following familyrecord with his second marriage:'

Ulster Co. 1760, January 5, Cornelis Dumon was married to Margriet Hennes

by Domine Van Hoeffenbergh, preacher in Dutchess County,5 at Steuts­

burgh6 in the house of Thunis Van Buntscoten.7

1760, October 19, my first daughter Cathriena was born in Steutsburgh and

was baptized by Domine Van Ovenbergh (Van Hoevenburg) in the church

on the Flatts; sponsors: Thunis Van Buntscoten, Else Van Bunscoten,Cathrina Van Buntscoten.8

1762, March 27, my second daughter Ester was born at 9 o'clock in the

evening and was baptized by Domine V .Evenbergh [Van Hoevenberg] in

the church on the Flatts; sponsors: Rober't Hannes, Ester Hannes.9

1764, March 16, at 2 P.M. my third daughter Neltye was born and was bap­

tized in Rynbeck by Domine Kock;l0 sponsors: Johannis Radclift, Neltye


I Olde Ulster, iv: 1532 Florence Prehn, Lumber, Shingles and ChIps (Saugerties, N,Y.: KTB Asso·

ciates, Inc. 1978); 463 Baptismal Record of Reformed Church, Rhinebeck, New York 1731-

1799 (typescript in the NYG&B Soc.): 33 and 39; henceforth cited as BRRCR.4 Manuscript in Dutch (Hurley, Box 2) here published by kind r.ermission_of _

_______________________ ------------------------,\----;--'the~New-York_Historical~Society.FAMILY RECORD UNDERWOOD WILLIAMS •.••.• 5 Eggo Tonkins Van Hoevenberg, pastor in Rhinebeck 1750-1762.

: - j 6 Staatsburgh, a hamlet in the northern pan of Hyde Park, Dutchess Co., N.Y.(J.H. French, Gazetteer of the State of New York: 272).

7 See also Marriage Record of the Four Congregations of Old Rhinebeck, NewYork 1731-1899, transcribed by Arthur C. M. Ke!!y(typescript in the NYG&B Soc.): 69,where under 12.8 1759/60 is recorded the marriage of Cornelius Dumin, wid., b. Aesopus,liv. Staatsburg, and Margriet Hannes, young woman, born in the PallS, liv. in KleineAesopus (according to French's Gazetteer: 662, note 4, Kingston was designated as "Sopus"and the corporate town as "Klein Sopus" or Little Sopus); see also Baptisms and MarriagesRecorded in the General Church Book of the Dutch Reformed Church on the RhinebeckFlam (typescript in the NYG&BSoc.:120, where performance of the marriage ceremony isascribed to Domine Petrus Vas; this typescript is henceforth cited as B&MC RhinebeckFlam).

8 In BRRCR, 47, it is recorded that Catrina was born on 10.20. 1760 andbaptized 10.23.1760 and that the sponsors were Tuenis Van Bunschoten, his wife Catrinaand Elsje Du Mon; see also B&MC Rhinebeck Flatts:48.

9 In BRRCR, p. 52, it is Tecorded that Hester was born 3.27.1762 and bap­tized 4.18.1762, with "Rabbiet" Hannes and Hester Teerpenning sponsors; sce also B&MCRhinebeck Flatts:53.

10 Gerhard Daniel Cock, pastor of the Reformed Church in Rhinebeck 1766, 1768, 1772,1786.

To be contz'nued

Transcribed by Caroline Graham Stife! from a Holy Bible published in New York by

the American Bible Society, 1829, and found in a bookstore in Bolton Landing, Lake

George, New York.

Hannah Waring Underwood Born June 9, 1817Married David Underwood Dee. 14, 1835

David Underwood Born May 14, 1811Died March 19, 1885

Joanna Waring Born April 26, 1779Married March 19, 1811

Susan L. Williams Born Jan. 22, 1812Joanna Williams Died - April 5, 1867Susan (Williams) died 25 of Oct. 1872




Page 7: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

158 Genealogical Exchange Duly":'

(Offi /3p

1195. DAY-HALL-jOHNSTON. Descendants and death place of

Electa Day of Catskill 1801-1854, who married (1) Lyman Hall of Wall­ingford, Connecticut, and had sons Frederick, Ransom, and Russell; married(2) John C. johnston. Grandson Gene johnston. Moved to New York City1850, and to janesville, Wisconsin 1854.

Katherine Hall, 418 Garner La., Stockton CA 95207 8. TEUNIS TIEBOUT6 JOHNSON (JohnS johnson, johannes4 johnson, jan3

1196. NAYLOR-BRITTON-HAXTON. Where are the interment janzen,johannes2janszen,jan1 Quisthout Van DerLinden), born 10 April

records of the cemeteries in which each is buried: Peter Naylor, died 14 1778 "at ~ o'clock in the Afternoon," was baptized "by Mr Rubel" (REC.January 1818, Assoc. Reformed; Rachael Naylor, died 5 March 1836, 105:55) witnesses: Teunis Tiebout and Garretie Tiebout (maternal grand-Marble; William Britton, died 28 May 1857, Greenwood; Andrew B. Hax- father and either maternal grandmother or aunt). He married 2 August 1797tun, died 27 October 1848, St. Luke's. at St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn Qosephine C. Frost Births, MarTiages, Deaths

TULL Y. Any available information to cla.rify this situation: Hannah A. from the Original Records of St. Ann's -(EPiscopal) Church at Brooklyn,(_) Tully, born New York State of French parents, per death certificate, died N. Y., MS., 1:11) Margaret Cornell, born about 1780, daughter of Isaac Cor-6 September 1871, New York City; obituary says "widow of Francis." Son nel! and ttannah Gortelyou (Kev. John Gornel! lTenealogyoJ the CornellMarcus Cicero Tully's death certificate states his father was John, born Family [1902] pp. 208-209; john V. Cortelyou The Cortelyou GenealogyIreland. [1942] pp. 155, 208-209).

CARMER-NAYLOR. Maternal ancestry of Margaret Varian/Varyan She died at Brooklyn in early May 1825 at age 45 (L.I. Star, 19 May 1825(Carmer) Naylor, wife of Peter, daughter of Nicholas. She resided New York and Sag Harbor Corrector, 28 May 1825, both describing her as wife of TunisCity, per death certificate; died 26 May 1872, aged 70.0.17; buried Marble T. Johnson and daughter of Isaac Cornell), and was buried at St. Ann's 7 MayCemetery. 1825 (Records of St. Ann's 2:56). He died at Brooklyn 20january 1835 (Chris-

Gordon H. Tully, 5 Van Breeman Ct., Upper Montclair Nj 07043 tian Intelligencer, 31 Jan. 1835; L.I. Star, 22 Jan. 1835; Hempstead En-. quirer, 28Jan. 1835), and was buried at St. Ann's 22 January 1835 (Records

.1~97. BURCH .. Birthplace and dat~, parentage, marriage date, and of St. Ann's 2:129; 4:53). of Admiral. Burch, who was III the 1800 census for Cambridge, Children of Teunis Tiebout Johnson and Margaret Cornell (all baptisms atWas Illgton County, With four males and four females An Admiral Burch St A 'Ch h B kl ) .. . .. ' . nn sure, roo yn:was commissIOned 2nd Lieutenant III Col. John Blair's Regiment, Albany .

County Militia, 5 April 1778. Captairi:,Whiteside's Company of Colonel Lewis 1. John B .. b. 30 July 1798. b.ap. 19 Aug. 1798 (Records of St. Ann's 1:15). spon-

____ yan_Woert's_16th_Regiment. My ancestor Admiral Burch died' M k- sors: Isaac Cornell, Teums and Margaret Johnston (maternal grandfather,.. _. ... ,_ ,Ill us parents), d. Brooklyn 5 June 1838 @ 39 (L I. Star 11 June 1838) Children-Illgum County, OhIO, 5 Api'll 1818, leaving a nuncupative will naming sons Margaret Ann (m. DeMou)-:-JohnHenry, Wi1liam'ROo'SCVCIt"'TI1d-~dward-A:-: ------

Erasmus, Zebulon, Admiral Jr., and Warren; his wife (not named) was still (probate of iii and ix).

living; the will was witnessed by Erasmus Burch and Phebe Ray. \Alere all <:..." ii. Isaac Cornell, b. 21 Mar. 1800, bap. 12 Apr. 1800 (Records of St. Ann's 1:21),

these men by name Admiral the same person? ... s~~msors: father, mother, Isaac Cornell (maternal grandfather).'

Mrs. B. G. Hansen, 114 U19th St., San Pedro CA 90731 lll. !V1a~garet, b. 10 Mar. 1802, bap. 13 Apr. 1802 (Records of St. Ann's 1:25), spon-sors. father, mother, Hannah Cornell (maternal gyandmother), d. unm.

Brooklyn 8 Dec. 1870, having outlived aU her brothers and sisters (letter dated 8

Dec. 1870 from Rev. Daniel Van Mater Johnson to Rev. Samuel Roosevelt

Johnson in the author's possession). She left a will dated 23 Apr. 1870 proved 3

Apr. 1871 (Kings Co. Liber 42 p. 246), mentioning only surviving brother

Jerome B. Johnson; deceased sister Ann Maria Johnson Sloan, wife of James

Stewart Sloan; nieces Margaret Ann De Mott, Charlotte Ann Boerum, MargaretAugusta Langston and Ann Maria Munson (wife of Royal R. Munson); nephews

Jerome Johnson, Munroe Johnson, Teunis T. Johnson, John Henry Johnson,William Roosevelt Johnson and Edward A. Johnson; aunt Mrs. Garetta

1198. ABRAMS. Information on children of Samuel Abrams, born

1790; the children were born in Mendham, New Jersey.BARTHOLOMEW. Information on the Tombstone, Arizona miners,

Charles Bartholomew, born New Haven, Connecticut, 1848, and Fred Bar­tholomew, born Connecticut, 1853.

Mrs. V. W. Wagne1', 85 Daniel Brown Dr., Mystic CT 06355




(Continued from THE RECORDIII :74)

'Descendants, if any, evidently all died prior to 3 Apr. 1871 when sisterMargaret's will was proved.


Page 8: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

160 johnson / jansen Family Duly .-.,) 1980] johnson / jansen Family /If; ';-cr-hIs&-161

Polhemus Van Brunt; aunt Mrs. Mary Johnson; unmarried daughter (not

named) of cousin Rev. William Lupton Johnson, D.D. of Jamaica, L.I.; cousins

Sarah Ann Johnson and Caretta Johnson.

IV. William Henry, bap. 31 Mar. 1804 (Records of St. Ann's 1:38), sponsors: Isaac

and Hannah Corneli, John Johnson (maternal grandparents, paternal uncle), d.Hempstead, L.I. 1 or 2Jan. 1865 (Brooklyn Eagle, 3Jan. 1865). Administration

On his estate was granted 6 Mar. 1866 (Queens Co. Liber L, p. 46), the petitionfor which mentions widow Maria L. Johnson and his four children: Charlotte

Ann (m. Boerum), Margaret Augusta (m. Thomas Langston), James Land

William A. (probate of iii and ix). He m. perhaps (1) 5 Oct. 1828 HempsteadPresbyterian Church (Records of Presbyterian Church of Hempstead, L. 1., MS.,NYC &BS, p. 118) Elizabeth Losee. His widow probably was Maria, wife of

William Johnson, d. 15 July 1869, age 60, bur. Hempstead Presbyterian Church

(Cemetery InscnptionsfTOm Hempstead, Long Island, New York (Frost Collec- i. Oscar, b. 13 Dee. 1804, bap. 10Jan. 1805 (Records of St. Ann's 1:40), sponsors:

tion) p. 85). Gilbert Van Mane, father, Margaret Johnson (maternal grandfather, paternalv. Teunis T., b. 24 Dee. 1805, bap. 23 Jari. i806 (Records of St. Ann's 1:45), spon- V"" aunt by marriage), d. Brooklyn 8 Dee. 1878 (Brooklyn Eagle, 11 Dee. 1878), m.

Sors: Isaac and Hannah Cornell, John]. Johnson (maternal grandparents, pater- Eliza who, according to a family MS., was the daughter of Edward Whitehouse.

nal uncle), d. probably prior to the Kings Co. guardianship proceedings for his Child: Oscar.children on 4 Mar. 1844. He may have been the TeunisJohnson who was killed ii. Margaret Maria, b. 22 Mar. 1806, bap. 16 Apr. 1806 (Records of St. Ann's

18 May 1843 by a fall from a dock in the U.S. Navy Yard in Brooklyn (List of 1:46), sponsors: Teunis Johnson, Margaret McKenney, Catherine Van MatreDeathsfrom Chronicles of Brooklyn from 1806 to 1848 Found in Brooklyn City (paternal uncle, friend, maternal aunt), d. 10 Feb. 1859, bur. St. Ann's

Directoriesfor 1848-9 by Thomas P. Teale, MS., LIHS [1930] p. 2). Children: (Brooklyn Eagle, II Feb. 1859; N. Y. Evening Post, 11 Feb. 1859; Records ofSt.

Teunis T., Jerome B., Monroe F., Ann Maria (m. Royal R. Munson) and Ann's 4:113), m. 1 June 1831 St. Ann's (LJ Star, 8 June 1831; Records of St.

'William (probate of iii and ix). Ann's 5:4) William B. Cooper, merchant, 1804, d. 28 Dec. 1864 @ 61,

VI. Peter Cornell, bap. 4 Oct. 1807 (Records of 51. Ann's 1 :83), d. St. Mary's, Ga. 5 bur. St. Ann's (Brooklyn Eagle, 28 Dee. 1864; N. Y Evening Post, 28 Dee. 1864;

Aug. 1840 @ 22 (L.1. Star, 17 Aug. 1840)' Records of St. Ann's 4: 135), having m. (2) 11 July 1860 Christ Church, BrooklynVII. Ann Maria, b. 14 Apr. 1813, bap. 9 May 1813 (Records of St. Ann's 1:93), d. by the Rev. B.C. Cutler, Harriet Beverly Crane (N. Y. Evening Post, 12 July

prior to 23 Apr. 1870 (the date of her sister Margaret's will), m. James Stewart 1860). He left a will dated 13 July 1860 proved 3 Feb. 1865 (Kings Co. Liber 29Sloan.' I p. 365) mentioning wife Harriet B. Cooper; children (including sons William B.

viii. Whitehead Cornell, bap. 12 Apr. 1816 (Records of 51. Ann's 1 :99), d. 8 Nov. i Cooper, Jr. and Henry W. Cooper and daughter Catherine Maria Cooper); sister

1847 (Brooklyn Eagle, 9 Nov. 1847)' ! Jane R. Cooper. A codicil dated 29 June 1864 mentions a daughter Alice B.ix. Jerome B., of Warren Townsl1ip, Somerset Co., N.J. on 28 Feb. 1865 when he Cooper. Children: William B. Cooper, John Johnson Cooper, Henry Woodward

made his will, proved 17 May 1-872(Kings Co. Liber 45 p. 256), leaving his entire Cooper, Daniel Johnson Cooper, Edward A. Cooper, Theodorus Polhemusestate-to.his-sister-Margaret.-He d .. in_1870according_to.rhe_probate_oLhis_will, Cooper and Catherine Maria Cooper (probate of vi; Records of St. Ann's 4:66;

evidently between 23 Apr. and 8 Dee. 5:48,66, 74,""'fff).

9 JOHN J 6 JOHNSO (J h 5 j h j h 4 j h j 3} iii. Garetta Polhemus, b. 24 Dec. 1808 (family MS.), d. unm. Brooklyn 20 Nov .. . Non 0 nson, 0 annes 0 nson an anzen! ....h . 2 I' . ' 'v", 1881 (probate of her WIll), leavmg a will dated 5 Feb. 1874 proved 28 Dec. 1881jo annes janszen, jan Qwsthout Van DeT Lznden), born 17 February 1783 (Kings Co. liber 89 p. 437), mentioning sister Sarah Ann Johnson and brother

"at 4 OClock in Monday Morning," was baptized by "Parson Van Senderen" Rev. Daniel V.M. Johnson.

(REC. 105:55), witnesses: Teunis Tiebout and his daughter Garritie (maternal iv. Catherine Van Mater, b. 2 Feb. 1810, bap. 20 Mar. 1810 (Records of St. Ann's

grandfather and aunt). He married 26 February 1804 at the home of her 1:88), d. 17 Nov. 1847 (N Y. Evening Post, 19 No\'. 1847), n1. 8 Dee. 1835 by her

father in Brookl (R d if St A '2 32) M V M b brother Dame! (LJ Star, 10 Dec. 1835) John Jacob Moore, b. 29 Sep. 1806, d.yn eeor so. "nns: ary an ater orn 1 June .' .1786 b . d. ' 14 June 1879 (N Y. Evemng Post, 14 June 1879), son of CaptalI1 Dame! Sackett, aptIze 20 September 1786 at St. George's Church, Hempstead, L.r. ! j Moore and Hannah Moore of Newtown, LI. (James J Moore Rev. john Moore

Qohn Sylvanus Haight A dventuTes JOT God .... [1932] p. 272), daughter of :t of Newtown, LJ and Some of His Descendants (1893) pp. 149-151; N. Y. Even-

Gilbert Van Mater and Margaret (Sprague?) of Brooklyn Ferry, later of:~ ing Post, 5 O~t. 1802). Admi~istration o~ his estate was granted 2 Feb. 1880

Newtown, L.r. (George C. Beekman Early Dutch Settlers oj lvIonmouth 1'" (Queens C~. Llber P, p. 21) ChIldren: Damel Sackett Moore, JohnJacob Moore,

County, New Jersey [1901] . 82- 83). ;' Mana LOUIsa ~oore (m. Ohver Hazard Perry) and Garetta Moore (m. SamuelH d f pp MeredIth DlcklI1son).

~ owne a arm on the present-day site of Borough Hall in Brooklyn ac- v. Rev. Daniel Van Mater, b. 7June 1812 (family MS.), bap. 14June 1812 (Recordscordmg to the obituary of his son Daniel in The Brooklyn Eagle. He died at of St. Ann's 1:93), d. Brooklyn 20 Nov. 1890 (Brooklyn Eagle, 20 Nov. 1890;

Brooklyn 24 July 1823 (LJ StaT, 31 July 1823) and was buried at St. Ann's death certificate), bur. Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. He left a will dated 24



(Records oj St. Ann's 2:51). Mary (Van Mater) Johnson died at Brooklyn 25January 1871 (N. Y. Evening Post, 26 Jan. 1871; death certificate) and wasburied in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn. She left a will dated 4 February

1868 (with subsequent codicil), proved 6 April 1871 (Kings Co. Liber 42 p.250), mentioning unmarried daughters Garetta P. Johnson and Sarah AnnJohnson; son Oscar Johnson and his wife Eliza; grandson Oscar Johnson; sonsRev. Daniel V.M. Johnson and Richard A.S. Johnson; grandson William B.Cooper, Jr.

Children of John]. Johnson and Mary Van Mater (all baptisms at St.Ann'sChurch, Brooklyn):

•... ~""

Page 9: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

162 johnson / jansen Family Uuly"""

1980] johnson / jansen Family / Family Record: McCartyef:; KCf7/g r:-163

May 1880 proved 29 Dec. 1890 (Kings Co. Liber 153 p. 345), mentioning his

eight children: John]. Johnson, Garetta (wife of Francis E. Hagemeyer), Mary

V.M. Johnson, Daniel V.M. Johnson, Charles F. Johnson, William G. Johnson,Sarah G. Johnson and Catherine V. W. Johnson.

He graduated from General Theological Seminary in 1835, and was an

Episcopal minister at Trinity Church, Brooklyn, at Trinity Church, MichiganCity, Indiana, at St. John's Church, Oakdale, L.l., and at St. Mary's Church,Williamsburgh, Brooklyn (J. Alexander Patten Lives of the Clergy of GreaterNew York and Brooklyn .... [1874] pp. 308-310).

He m. (1) Hopewell, Dutchess Co., N.Y. 26 Apr. 1836 by the Rev.].W. Diller

(L.I. Star, 28 Apr. 1836; Christian Inteltigencer, 14 May 1836; L.I. Democrat,II May 1836) his half·first cousin Catherine Griffin Van Wyck, b. 9 May 1817,

d. Hopewell 24 June 1842 (L.I. Star, 27 June 1842; N. Y. Evening Post, 28 June1842; Christian Inteltigencer, 2 July 18~2), daughter of Jacob Griffin Van Wyckand Cornelia Polhemus, and granddaughter of Maria (Tiebout, Johnson)

polhemus (REC. 91 :216-218; 105:55; Anne Van Wyck Descendants of Cornelius

Barentse Van Wyck and Anna Polhemus [1912] p. 232). He m. (2) 11 Jan. 1844

St. John's Church, Oakdale (N. Y. Evening Post, 19 Jan. 1844) Caroline Gertrude

Greenly, b. 13June 1818 (family MS.), d. 15 May 1880 (Brooklyn Eagle, 17 May1880), daughter of Dr. Thomas Greenly of Hamilton, N.Y. Children by 1st wife:Garetta Polhemus (m. Francis Ernest Hagemeyer; great-grandparents of the

author),' Theodorus Van Wyck, and John Jacob; (by 2nd wife) Catherine Van

Wyck, Mary Van Mater, Louise Ludlow, Caroline Gertrude, Daniel Van Mater,Charles Frederick, William Guion and Sarah Greenly (probate of vi; family

MS.).vi. Sarah Ann, b. 5 July 1814 (family MS.), bap. II Sep. 1814 (Records of St. Ann's

1:94), d. unm. Long Island City, L.l. 7 Mar. 1894 (probate of her will), leaving awill dated 15 Dec. 1890 proved 17 May 1894 (Queens Co. Real Estate Liber 51 p.

452), mentioning nephew Oscar Johnson; children (unnamed) of deceased sisters

Margaret M. Cooper and Catherine V.M. Moore; children (unnamed) of de­ceased brothers Richard A,S. Johnson and Daniel V.M. Johnson; niece Garettat .

P. Hagemeyer, wife of Francis E. Hagemeyer and eldest daughter of deceased

brother"Daniel-V..,.M.,..Johnson. _vii. Richard Ayscough Sands, b:-17 June 1816 (family MS.), bap. Jan. 1819 (Records

of St. Ann's 1:105), sponsors: the parents, d. 20 Feb. 1884 (family MS.) perhapsat New Brunswick, N.J. but he did not leave a will there, m. New York 13 Sep.

1838 by the Rev. B. Berrian (L.I. Star, 17 Sep. 1838) Catherine Ainslie,

daughter of Robert Ainslie of New York. Children: Mary E. (m. Van Mater),Sarah Ann (m. Davis), Robert A. and William C. (probate of yi).

10. MARY STILWELL6 JANSEN (GeorgeS jansen, joris4 jansen, jan3 janzen,

johannes2janszen, jan! Quisthout Van Der Linden), born Middletown Point,Monmouth Co., N.]. 5 May 1786, was baptized 23 November 1786 at theMarlboro-Freeho1d-Middletown Dutch Church (GMNJ 32:75), witness: Mary

Eckland, wife of Jacob van der Bylt. She married 17 October 1807 at St.

John's Church, New York (N. Y. VVeekly Museum, 24 Oct. 1807; REC. 81:22)Thomas powers of Brooklyn, born in New York State about 1784 (aged 65 inthe 1850 census of New York, 14th Ward, p. 249), died 2 April 1874 age 90

'The first wife of Francis Ernest Hagemeyer was Cornelia Johnson, daughter of Rev. EvanMalbone Johnson and Maria Purdy (see under #12).







(N. Y. Evening Post, 3 Apr. 1874). She was mentioned in the 1810 will of hercousin Mary Stillwell (NJMis 3:68), and died sometime after the probate ofher sister's will on 5 April 1855.

Children of Thomas Powers and Mary Stilwell Jansen;

i. William P. Powers, lawyer, b. 1812, d. 1890, m. Jersey City, N.j. 14 Aug. 1851(N. Y. Evening Post, 15 Aug. 1851) Mary Brower Van Vorst, b. 1 Feb. 1824, d.

10 Mar. 1884 (N. Y. Evening Post, 10 Mar. 1884), daughter of Cornelius Van

Vorst and Sarah S. Brower (Charles H. Winfield History of the County of Hud­son, New jersey [1874] pp. 437-438). Children: Annie Van Vorst Powers (m.Albert Reid Ledoux); William Van Vorst Powers and Cornelius Van Vorst

Powers (probate of vi).'11. Margaret Ten Eyck Powers, m. 24 Nov. 1849 at St. Bartholomew's Church, New

York (N. Y. Evening Post, 26 Nov. 1849; Judith Rush Nation- Wide Marriage

Notices As Gleaned From The New York Weekly Tribune 1843-1849 (1978) p.

27) Christopher Champlin.'

iii. Thomas]. Powers, lawyer, b.c. 1820 (as he was 30 in the 1850 census), From the

probate of his brother Ten Eyck's will, it appears he left two children: Thomas].

Powers, J r. and Grace Powers.iv. John]. Powers, d. San Francisco, Calif. 24 Nov. 1872 (N. Y. Evening Post, 10

Dec. 1872).'

v. Sarah Helen Jansen Powers, b.c. 1824 (as she was 26 in the 1850 census), d. after

23 Mar. 1906 when her brother Ten Eyck's will was proved.

vi. Ten Eyck Powers, d. New York 21 Feb. J 906 (probate of his will), leaving a will

dated 7 Feb. 1898 proved 23 Mar. 1906 (New York Co. Liber 777 p. 402), men·

tioning sister Sarah Helen Jansen Powers; nephews William V. V. Powers andCornelius V. V. Powers, children of brother William P. Powers.

(To be continued)

'Certain full names and dates from Kenneth H. Chase of North Bergen, N.J. whose wife is agreat-granddaughter of Annie Van Vorst (Powers) Ledoux.

'Descendants, if any, evidently all died prior to 23 Mar. J 906 when brother Ten Eyck's will wasproved.


These records were transcribed by H.E. Masten from an 1853 Bible published in Buffalo andfound in a Manhattan bookstore.


Cornelius McCarty and Martha Jane Stoll, February 21, 1855


Cornelius McCarty, July 12, 1828Martha Jane McCarty, November 16, 1831Bernaldo McCarty, March 25, 1858Mercer B. McCarty, October 25, 1859


Savilla Stoll McCarty, October 11, 1857Martha Jane McCarty, March 31, 1862

Page 10: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

232 Ledger of Dr. Elias Cornelius [October

-". Henry 3 Feb. 1796-31 Dec. 1803 [F]. (wf)- -', James Ii Dec. 1795-31 Dec. 1803 [F]. (wf)

n. -, Jessee 18 Jan. 1802-15 Aug. 1805.- -. Nathan, Jr. Brother to George Lane Esq. 1 July 1783-31 Dec. 1810 [A, E].

-- -. Nathaniel Sr. 21 Aug. 1800-31 Dee. 1803 [FJ. (wf)--, Smith 29Jan. 1802-29 Apr. 1804. (wf)

- --, Solomon 6 Apr. 1782 - 31 Dee. 1800 [A, FJ.

LANG, Caty Medicine for her charged to Gersham Nichol's account 1 Oct. 1799.

- -, Jacob His balance transferred to his father's debt 25 June 1800.

- -, John Paid balance of Robert Lang 16 May 1800.- -. Lydia 24 May 1801-31 Dee. 1807 [E to Robert Lang Jr.'s account]. (ch)- -, Robert 4 Feb. 1795-31 Dee. 1803 [C, E]. (wf Polly, ch). Lidda's baby delivercd 6 Feb.

1801. Received medicine from Mr. Bach (apothecary) 16 May 1800.

--, RobertJr. 9Apr. 1800-31 Dee. 1807 [EJ. (wf, ch). The account of Lydia Lang carried to

his [Ledger EJ 31 Dee. 1807.

LANGDON, Mrs. Medicine for her and child charged to John Forgoson's account. 27 July1796.

LAWRENCE, Stephen (of Franklin) 29 Aug 1803-31 Dee. 1806 [E]. (dau).

LA Y:-'lAN, John 15 May 1797 - 8June 1800. Visit by Dr. Cornelius charged to Joseph Gregory'saccount.

LEACH, Levi 23July 1795-22 Dec. 1798 [E]. (wf, 2 chn).

LEE, Elijah, Esq. Witnessed judgment for costs incurred by J~mes Perry OCl. 1801.- -, Joseph Sr. 22 June 1792-2 Apr. 1803 [A, F.]. Visit to him charged to the account of

Elias Sloot.

LEET, Nathan, 28June 1791-31 Dec. 1803 [C, F].

LEMOURE, Thomas 11 Jan. 1800-12 Sept. 1803. (dau, Wright, Phebe, wf).

LEMOURS, 1. 22 Sept. 1792. William Mirrit was miller at his home.

LENT, Jacob 26 Feb. 1798-28 Apr. 1798. Qenny)I::EVYNE.";"Solomon-2july-1800=31-Dec:-1803"[E]:-( wf;-ch)

LEWIS, A. Cash paid to him by Charles Heroy 7 June 1798.- -, Bontus 15 Apr. 1791-31 Dec. 1803 [C, F].

- -, Henry Visit and medicine for him to account of Isaac Forgoson 27 Sept. 1799 - 9 Dee.1799. Cash from him to account of Isaac Forgoson 5 May 1801 and 22 Dee. 1803.

-- -, Polly Medicines and sundries for her charged to the account of Isaac Forgoson 24 Dee.1796 and 27 Oct. 1800.

--, William 22 Oct. 1794-14 Nov. 1797. (wf, ch, inf)

LIGHT, Elisha 4 July 1798 - 31 Dee. 1803. [C, F].

- -, Henry 11 Aug. 1794-31 Dee. 1803 [C]. (Hannah, Elsa)

LITCHFIELD, James 16 Aug. 1785-31 Dee. 1800 [A, F].

LITTLE, William C. 29 Aug. 1790-31 Dec. 1802 [C].LOCKWOOD, Abraham Jr. 7 Apr. 1796 - 31 Dec. 1803 [C, FJ.

- -, Captain (Peekskill near Mr. Devonses) 19 Apr. 1791 - 31 Dee. 1803 [F]. Formerly lived inresidence later' occupied by William Drake.

--,Jabez 11 Sept. 1792-31 Dec. 1800 [A, F].- -, Peter 7 May 178'1-25 July 1803 [AJ. Brewer Nehemiah lived near him at Peekskill

Hollow. Balance of his account transfered to that of Sarah Lockwood May 1784.

-- -, Sarah (widow of Peter) May 1784-25 Jan. 1803 [E]. (5 chn, fam).

LONGWELL, David 31 Aug. 1795· .. 6 Apr. 1802. Wrote note to pay Hugh Longwell's ac·count 6 Apr. 1802.

- -, Hughe 26 Dec. 1800-7 June 1807.

--,John 24 Aug. 1797-31 Dee. 1804[EJ.(ch) .






(Continued from THE RECORD 111:163)

10. BENJAMIN GARRISON6 JANSEN (George5 jansen, joris" jansen, jan3

janzen,johannes2janszen,janl Quisthout Van Der Linden), born New York27 September 1791, was evidently named for his mother's stepfather, Ben­jamin Garrison. He married 11 August 1821 at St. Luke's Church, New YorkQansen Family Bible; L.1. Star, 15 Aug. 1821; Columbian for the Country,14 Aug. 1821) Elizabeth Amanda Lawrence, born about 1795, daughter ofJohn G. Lawrence of New York (N Y. Evening Post, 22 Mar. 1845; ThomasLawrence Historical Genealogy of the Lawrence Family [1858] p. 88).

He died at New York 24 June 1855 Qansen Family Bible) and was buriedwith his wife at Trinity Church, New Rochelle (D.A.R. New Rochelle Tomb­

stone Inscrzptions MS. [1911] p. 43). Elizabeth Amanda (Lawrence) Jansendied 13 August 1862 at Williamsburgh, Brooklyn (N Y. Evening Post, 14Aug. 1862 which says aged 66 while her gravestone says aged 67 years 5months and 5 days).

Children of Benjamin Garrison Jansen and Elizabeth Amanda Lawrence(most information from the Jansen Family Bible):

1. Thomas, b. N.Y.C. 12 Aug. 1822, bap. Christ's Church, Ann Street there, d.

evidently unm. San Juan, Guatemala 5 Aug. 1853.ii'--John;-b:-N:-Y~ C:-4' Feb:-1824-;-ba p:-Christ' s·Ch urch-;-Ann' Streenhere;-d:- Brooklyn

28 Dec. 1861, bur. "Tarrytown Cemetery," Tarrytown, N.Y.,' rn. (1) Brooklyn 22Mar. 1852 by the Rev. C.H. Halsey (Brooklyn Eagle, 23 Mar. 1852) Elizabeth

Mullinex, b. Sep. 1828 (g.s.) d. 17 July 1855 aged 26 years 10 months, bur. TrinityChurch, New Rochelle (Inscrzptions p. 43), daughter of Jacob and Esther (-)

Mullinex of New Rochelle. He m. (2) N.Y.C. 3 Feb. 1857 by the Rev. Robert G.

Dickson, Catherine Van Zandt Brown. Children by 1st wife: Frank Mu1!ineauxand Benjamin Mullineaux; by 2nd wife: Thomas.

iii. Elizabeth, b. N.Y.C. 29 Sep. 1825, bap. St. Luke's Church there, d. Brooklyn 18

Aug. 1858 (N. Y. Evening Post, 19 Aug. 1858), m. 16 May 1843 St. John's Church,Brooklyn (N. Y. Evening Post, 17 May 1843; Brooklyn Eagle, 17 May 1843; L.I.

Star, 17 May 1843) George H. Bell. Children: George Henry Bell, ElizabethJansen

Bell, Florence Smith Be1!, Francis Vinton BeH and Mary Jansen Bell.IV. George, b. N.Y.C. 8 Oct. 1827, bap. St. Luke's Church there, d. New York 7 Feb.

1905, bur. "Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, N.Y.,'" m. Brooklyn 17 Feb. 1857 by the

Rev. A.H. Partridge his brother's widow, Catherine Van Zandt (Brown) Jansen.Children: Catherine Van Zandt and Maud.

v. Thaddeus Lawrence, b. N.Y.e. 16 Oct. 1829, bap. Annunciation Church there,d. evidently unm. East Pascagoula [Mississippi] 15 Jan. 1861.

VI. Benjamin, b. N.Y.C. 21 May 1831, bap. St. Luke's Church there, d. New York 12Apr. 1904, bur. Cemetery of the Evergreens, Brooklyn, m. N.Y.C. 5 Aug. 1862 bythe Rev. James Millett, Elizabeth S. Armour. Children: George, Mary Ella,

.I' ,Charles Armour. '. I'tl1' .-- I1f~,,· Dvkh c.hGn'r2K <"'t!w1"k/'v~ ~I"r ·f;(;''''''d ,1\ Cl ac('v" T'~ eJ1" ~ I~I rr I wI') {

Page 11: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

vii. Esther Lawrenc~, b. N.Y.C. 21 Aug. IS33.d. <1Oct. IS35;·bur. St.John's Church,

New York (N. Y. Evening Post, 5 Oct. IS35j.

!viii. Eleanor Margaret. b. N.Y.C. 3 Aug. IS35. bap. Annunciation Church there, d.Mamaroneck, N.Y. 29 Dec. IS91, bur. Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, m.

Brooklyn IS May IS63 by the Rev. A.H. Partridge, William C. Coles. Children:William Coles, Howard Lawrence Coles, Kate Coles, and Nellie Coles.

ix. Mary. b. N.Y.C. 5 May IS38. bap. Annunciation Church there, d. N.Y.C. 14July1911, bur. Woodland Cemetery, Newark, N.J., m. Chicago, Ill. 25 July IS64 by

the Rev. L.M. Freeman. William Henry Chase Onderdonk, b. N.Y.C. 22 July

IS3S. d. "Fordham, N.Y." [Bronx, N.Y.] 4 Jan. 1900 age 63. bur. with his wife,

son of William Onderdonk and Lydia Ann Pinckney. Children: Elizabeth May

Onderdonk (m. Louis Schnarr). Florence Eleanor Onderdonk. Wi!liam Henry

Kidley Onderdonk andJohn Townsend Onderdonk (Elmer Onderdonk Genealogy

of the Onderdonk Family in America [1910] pp. 123-124, IS2-IS3, 223).

12. MARIA LAIDLIE6 JOHNSON (Rev. john BarentS johnson, Barent·

johnson, jan3 janzen, johannes2 janszen, jan! Quisthout Van Der Linden),born 30 August 1798, was baptized 26 September 1798 at the Albany DutchChurch (HSYB 1926/27:75). She married 20 February 1816 at St. John'sChurch, New York (N. Y. Evening Post, 20 Feb. 1816; L.I. Star, 21 Feb.1816; N. Y. Weekly Museum, 24 Feb. 1816; REc. 82:99) the Rev. EvanMalbone Johnson, born Rhode Island 1791/92, son of Samuel Johnson andLydia Bull (Clarence Winthrop Bowen The History of Woodstock, Connec­

ticut 1:378-379; 7:325; Vital Record of Rhode Island 10:455; 16:75; N. Y.Evening Post, 22 Mar. 1830). He graduated from Brown University in 1808and was an Episcopal minister at St. James Church, Newtown, Long Island,at St. John's Church, Brooklyn, and from 1847 to his death at St. Michael'sChurch, Brooklyn (Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American BiograPhy 3:442).

Maria Laidlie Qohnson) Johnson died at Newtown 4 July 1825 (N. Y. Even­

ing-Post,5--J uly-1825 ;-L-:--I7""'Star,-7-July-182 5;-Vital~R ecord-oj-Rhode-Island18:524; 21:310), and the Rev. Evan Malbone Johnson married second atNewtown 26 October 1826 (N. Y. Evening Post, 27 Oct. 1826; L.I. Star, 2Nov. 1826) Maria Purdy, born 1800, died January 1860 age 60 (BrooklynEagle, 25 Jan. 1860), daughter of David Purdy and Maria Rapalje (Louis E.Bieringer Descendants of jonathan3 Purdy (JosePh,2 Francis! Purdy). BookIX, MS., NYG&BS, unpaged). He died at Brooklyn 19 March 1865 (N. Y.Times, 20 Mar. 1865; Christian Intelligencer, 23 Mar. 1865), leaving chil­dren by both marriages. His will dated 18 May 1861 proved 7 April 1865

(Kings Co. Liber 30 p. 6) mentions daughter-in-law Margaret Eliza Johnson,wife of son Samuel E. Johnson, and her children Mary B., wife of AlfredBecar, William S. Johnson and Samuel E. Johnson; son Henry B. Johnson andhis daughter Elizabeth; son Evan M. Johnson, Jr.; granddaughter MariaJohnson Thorne.

Child of the Rev. Evan Malbone Johnson and Maria Laidlie Johnson:

i. Samuel Evan, b. IS16/17 (aged 34 in the IS50 census of Brooklyn, 7th Ward, p.

324), graduated from Columbia follege in IS34, Judge of Kings Co. in IS50,

residing in Hempstead. L.l. in IS61, m. Margaret Eliza (-), b. England IS15 (ag·ed 35 in the IS50 census), d. 16 May IS83 probably at Hempstead. She was a prin·

cipal beneficiary of her father·in·Jaw's will in lieu of her decreased husband. Sheleft a will dated I Aug. 1877 proved 27 Oct. 1884 (Queens Co. Real Estate Liber 34

p. 220) as widow of the late Samuel E. Johnson, mentioning only survi,-ing sonSamuel E. Johnson; only daughter Mary B., wife of Alfred Becar; grandchildren

Mary, Pauline and Alfred Becar; granddaughter Margaret Elizabeth Johnson,

daughter of deceased son William S. Johnson; grandchildren Mary B. Johnson,

Amy G. Johnson and Marie L. Johnson, children of son Samuel E. Johnson.Children: Mary B. (m. Alfred Becar), William S. and Samuel E.

13. REv. WILLIAMLUPTON6JOHNSON(Rev. john BarentS johnson, Barent·

johnson, jan3 janzen, johannes2 janszen, jan! Quisthout Van Der Linden),born at Albany 15 September 1800, was baptized at the Albany DutchChurch 12 October 1800 (HSYB 1926/27:81). He graduated from Columbia

College in 1819 and from General Theological Seminary in 1822. He was anEpiscopal minister at St. Michael's Church, Trenton, New Jersey and from1830 to his death at Grace Church,.Jamaica, Long Island (REc. 19:67;Horatio Oliver Ladd The Origin and History of Grace Church, jamaica, New

York [1914] p. 128).He married 12 or 13 November 1823 at Trinity Church, New Haven,

Conn. (N. Y. Evening Post, 17 Nov. 1823; Vital Records of New Haven1649-1850 [1917] 1:485) Mary Elizabeth Whitlock, born 3 January 1805;£..-.-<

daughter of Rev. Henry Whitlock and Eulalia Bartram (Donald LinesJacobus History and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield [1930-32]2:1:69, 71; Address by Rev. Charles Selleck, A.M. at the Centenary of St.Paul's Church, Norwalk, Conn.july 15,1886 [1886] pp. 12-14). She died at

Jamaica 19 May 1848 (N. Y. Evening Post, 20 May 1848; Brooklyn Eagle, 19May-I848;L:'"I:-Democrat;- 23-Ma y-and-l-3-J une-1848) _and_waLa ppaLently __buried at Hempstead, L.I. (Cemetery Records of Hempstead, L.I. 1847-1849,MS., NYG&BS, p. 146).

He died 4 August 1870 (N. Y. Evening Post, 5 Aug. 1870; Ladd, op. cit.

p. 374). His will dated 12 December 1868, proved 17 October 1870 (QueensCo. Real Estate Liber 17 p. 1 file no. 221-1904) mentions daughter Fannie;son Theodore; brother Roosevelt; and unmarried daughter Mary E. Johnson.

In the following list of children, birth and death dates are from Theodore

Polhemus johnson (p. 9) except for the deaths of vii and viii. The first threechildren were baptized at St. Michael's Church, Trenton according to Hamil­ton Schuyler A History of St. Michael's, Trenton .... (1926) pp. 407, 410,412. All the children except vii, viii and x were buried at Grace Church,

Jamaica according to Josephine C. Frost Cemetery Inscriptions from GraceEpiscopal Churchyard at jamaica, New York (MS., 1911) pp. 22-23.

Children of the Rev. William Lupton Johnson and Mary ElizabethWhitlock:

i234 johnson/jansen Family [October


1980] johnson/jansen Family

f!.f:..f '1'i9./ 'f235

Page 12: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

236 johnson/jansen }<'amily [ Octoberr

1980J johnson/jansen Family 237 ~-~/~

• Information from Lady Morshead of Sturmins!er Newton, Dorset, granddaughter of

Virginia Higbie Oohnson) de la Escosura.

i. Elizabeth Roosevelt, b, 20 Sep, 1824, bap. 27 Mar. 1825, d, unm. 3 Nov_ 1842 He died at Amenia 13 August 1873 (N. Y. Evening Post, 14 Aug. 1873; Ll.(L.I. Farmer, 8 Nov. 1842). Democrat, 19 Aug. 1873) and was buried at St. James Church, Hyde Park

II. Samuel Roosevelt, b. 20 Aug. 1826, bap. 4 Mar. 1827, d. 7 June 1840 (L.I .. h h' 'f I-I' 'Il d d 9 A 1870 d 6 0 b 1873 (D hDemocrat, 16 June 1840). wit IS WI e, IS WI ate ugust prove cto er utc essIll. Henry Whitlock, b. 14 Sep. 1829, bap. 1 Jan. 1830, d. unm. 20 Dec. 1863 (L.I. CO. Liber 2 p, 329) mentions wife Elizabeth; children Peter Roosevelt, Susan

Farmer, 22 Dee. 1863). Bard (and her heirs and assigns), Rev. William Allcn and George Barent; and

iv. William Gracie, b. 20 Apr. 1832, d. 32Jan. 1837. niece Elizabeth Johnson (sic), wife of the Rev. H. Warren Fay (evidently his

v. Virginia ,Higbie: b. 6 Sep., 1834, d. 10 Jan. 1873, m. Oct. 1864 Gr~ce Church, wife's niece). Elizabeth (Johnston) Johnson died at Salisbury, Conn. 30 Nov.

JamaIca. FranCISCo de la Escosura y Escosura (Descendants oj CornelIus Barentse 1877 (N Y E . P 3 D 1877)Van Wyck p. 305), d. Cuba 30 Sep. 1866. Child: Francisca de la Escosura (m. her .. ve:!1ng, ost, . ec ....cousin, John Gerhard Hagemeyer, son of Garetta Polhemus UohnsonJ Hagemeyer-- In thc followmg hst of chlldren, the fIrst three were baptized at St. James

see under #9). Church, Hyde Park according to Collections of the Dutchess CountyVI. Edward Seymour, b. 14 July 1836, d. unm. 25 Dec. 1861 (L.I. Democrat, 31 Dec. Historical Society 3: 300, 301, 306.

1861; L.I. Farmer, 31 Dee. 1861) .. Children of the Rev. Samuel Roosevelt Johnson and 'Elizabeth Johnston:VII. Mary Eulalia, b. 10 Oct. 1838, d. unm. Apr. 1920.' .

viii. Frances Lupton, b. 23 Apr. 1841, d. 1917 !l8leaving a will dated 8 Mar. 1917 pro·,.. i. (Dr.) Peter Roosevelt, b. Hyde Park 18 Dec. 1827, bap. 4 May 1828, sp.: Mary E.ved 13 Aug. 1918 (Kings Co. Libel' 506 p. 360), mentioning daughters Bessie B.· ·Johnston, John Johnston, Jr. (maternal aunt and uncle), d. Sag Harbor, 1..1. 12-

Fullerton, Mary J. Shepperson and Carolyn W. Bull; sons·in-Iaw Henry S. Fuller- Feb. 1905, bur. Oakland Cemetery there with his wife and several children (Louis

ton and Dr. Charles P. Bull; sister Mary E. Johnson; grandchildren Elizabeth B. T. Vail Tombstone fnscrzptions ,'n Oaktand Cemetery at Sag Harbor, L.I., MS.,

Fullerton, Henry S. Fullerton, Jr. and Donald B. Fullerton; greatgrandchildren LIHS, pp. 22, 148), attended Columbia College, graduated from the College of

Henry S. Fullerton, III and Jane Fullerton. She m. July-Aug. 1863 Alfred B. Shep- Physicians and Surgeons in 1851 (Columbia UniversityAlumni Register 1754-1931

person of Richmond, Va. (L.I. Farmer, II Aug. 1863; Ladd, op. cit. p. 118), d. (I 932] pp. 448, 1848). m. Mary Chamberlain Hunt b. Sag. Harbor 12 Nov. 1839,N. Y.C. 20 Nov. 1911. Administration on his estate was granted 28 Nov. 1911 d. there 5 Feb. 1916, daughter of Col. 'Harry W. Hunt and Frances E. Howard

(Kings Co. Liber 175 p. 133). Children: Bessie B. Shepperson (m. Henry S. Fuller- (death certificate; Emma Howell Ross Descendants oj Edward Howell. [1968]

ton), Mary J. Shepperson and Carolyn W. Shepperson (m. Dr. Charles P. Bull).; pp. 61, 117). Children: Mary R., Elizabeth Howard, Susan B., Frances Hunt (m.ix. John Barent, b. 9 Apr. 1843, d. 24 Aug. 1849. : Lincoln Palmer),'· Roosevelt, William Colet, Margaret Howell, Clara Channingx. Theodore Polhemus, b. I Apr. 1845, m. 7 Feb. 1871 St. John's Church, Prov- i and Harold (1880 Soundex of New York State; National Cyclopedia oj American

idence, R.I. Maria Hazard De Wolf, b. Cuba 1846, daughter of Charles Henry De BiograjJhy 32:96).

Wolf and Sarah Fales Hazard (Rev. Calbraith B. Perry, D.O. Charles D'WolJ oj ii. Susan Bard, b. 26 June 1829, bap. 9 Aug. 1829, sp.: Susan Johnston, JohnGuadeloupe .... (1902) pp. 147, 181). Children: Marguerite Hazard (m. Weed), Johnston, Jr. (maternal grandmother and uncle), d. Hyde Park 20 Nov. 1860

Mary Foster and Virginia Roosevelt (Theodore Polhemus johnson, p. 12). (N. Y. Evening Post, 21 Nov. 1860), bur. with her parems, m. Rev. James

14. REV. SAMUEL ROOSEVELT6 JOHNSON (Rev. john BarentS johnson, Souveraine Purdy, b. Rye, N.Y. 1 Scpo 1825, d. 21 Mar. 1883, bur. Greenwood3 2 l' Union Cemetery, Rye, son of Thomas Purdy and Sarah Purdy (Louis E. Bieringer

Barent4 johnson, jan janzen, johannes janszen, jan Quzsthout Van Der D d t .r D . I' P d (J ph' F . I P d) B k V MS NYG&BS- ."- '. escen an S OJ anze ur Y ose , ranCH ur y, 00' I ., .,

Linden), born 18 Novemoer 1802 (GDSC-134):-graduated-from-€0Iumbla---------------unpaged)-;--having m.•...(2).17.Dec.-1862-Frances Hannah Carter..He_graduated..from _College in 1820 and from General Theological Seminary in 1823 (REe. Trinity College in 1849 and from General Theological Seminary in 1852, and was

19:67). He was an Episcopal minister at St. James Church, Hyde Park, New - an Episcopal minister at Trinity Church, Southport, Conn., at Calvary Chapel,

York at St. John's Church Lafayette Indiana, at St. John's Church, New York, and from 1860 to 1876 at St. James Church, ~-{ydePark. On 22 Mar., , . " 186 I he petitioned in Dutchess Co. to be appointed administrator of his first wife's

Brooklyn, at the General TheologIcal Semmary (where he was Professor of r t' I' h' If d I h'ld S J h P d ( Iestate, IS Jog as letTS lInse an an on y C I usan 0 oston ur y w 10 was

Systematic Divinity 1850-1870), and from 1872 to his death at St. Thomas' called Elizabeth Johnston Purdy in her grandfather's probate t~elve years later).

Church, Amenia, Dutchess Co., New York, Child Elizabeth Johnston Purdy.

He married 6 Septem ber I826 at St. james Church, Hyde Park (N. Y. Even- iii. (Rev.) William Allen, b. Hyde Park 4 Aug. 1833, bap: 5 Dec. 1833, sp.: John

in Post, 16. Sep. 1826; L. I. Star, 21 Sep, 1826; Collections of the Dutchess Johnston, Magdalena Johnston (maternal uncle and aunt), d. Colorado 4 Mayg .' ., ' 1909 and bur. with his parents. He graduated from Columbia College in 1853 andCounty HzstoncalSoczety 3: 331) EhzabethJohnston, born 7 Novemb er1800 f 'G ITh I' IS' . 1857 d E' I" S. rom encra co oglca emloary In . an was an . plscopa minIster at t.

(GDSC 134), daughter of Judge John johnston and Susan Bard (REC. 34; 34). Peter's Church, Bainbridge, N.Y., at Christ Church, Guilford, N. Y., at St. Mary's

Church, Burlington, N.J., at St. John's Church, Salisbury, Conn., and from 1883

to 1900 a professor at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn (Who WasWho in America I :642). I-Ie m. 12 June 1860 at St. Peter's Church, Bainbridge,

N. Y. by his father (N. Y. Evening Post, 13 June 1860) Henrietta A. Chamberlin,

Page 13: Genealogical and Biographical · "Antonie jansen Van Salers" who supposedly settled in New ... (as "Jan

238 johnson l<amlly/ l'U"/""y H00V' _. - ' •.

BLANCHAN:Matthew Blanchan in Europe and America. From the papers of Major Louis DuBois

(1891-1965). Revised and enlarged by Ruth P. Heidgerd. New Paltz NY, DuBois Family Asso­

ciation, 1979. 20 PI"

CARSE: Carse-Bradley-Cleland genealogies. Compiled by Caroline Doerr Carse. New York, NY,

1968. Various paging.

CLEVENGER:Clevenger pioneers and descendants. Compiled by Geroge R. Griffiths. Baltimore

MD, Gateway Press, Inc., 1980. 494 Pl" $17.50.

COWELL: The Cowells in America. Being the diary of Mrs. Sam Cowell during her husband's

concert tour in the years 1860-1861. Edited by M. Wilton Disher. London UK, Oxford

University Press, 1934. 426 PI'. [Donald W. Francis]

CRAMER; The ancestors, family, and descendants of William Dickinson Cramer and Abby

Springer Cramer. Compiled by Alfred S. Cramer and Corene Moore Cramer. [Big RapidsMI] 1980. 105 PI"

FANCHER;Fanchers in America. The descendants of Nelson Fancher (1824-1900) and Elizabeth

Virden (1833-1915). [By Marjorie Weber]. [New York NY] 1980. 59 PI"

JOHNSTON;Johnston-Horning families. By N. Vincent Parsons and Margaret Pierce Parsons.

Holland MI, 1980. 202 PI"

.. KELLY:Supplement no. 2 to 3rd edition (dated August I, 1972) of Imprints on the sands of time

MaTT/age •••• left by certain Kelly's, Lampman's, Craig's, Ferguson's. By Henry R. Kelly. Towson MD, 1980.

Fannie A. Terwilliger To Asa H. Wilcox, Oct. 4, 1888 By Rev. O. Haviland 134 PI'·At Ellenville, Ulster Co., New York LEHMER: The Lehmer-Leamer·Lamer history [and] genealogy. By Laurence E. Leamer. Vesta]

NY, 1978, 1979. 2 1'. $15.00.

b.c. 1837,' daughter of Joseph 1'. Chamberlin. Children: Samuel Roosevelt,

Euphemia. William Allen, Margaretta, Elizabeth. Catherine and John Barent(1880 Soundex of Connecticut: GDSC 134).

iv. (Rev.) George Barent, b. Brooklyn apparently c. 1847, d. unm. Isle of Pines, Cuba20 Dee. 1914 @ 67 (N.Y. Times, 27 Dec. 1914; Columbia University Alumni

Register p. 447), graduated from Columbia College in 1867 and was an Episcopalminister. He was an instructor at SI. Paul's School. Concord. N.H., chaplain to the

Bishop of Vermont and subsequently rector of 51. Luke's Church on the Isle ofPines,lO


10 Information from Mrs. Raymond 1>.Chrisman of Atherton, California, granddaughter of

William Colet Johnson.


The following record appears on four pages torn from a Bible and furnished by Henry R.

Kelly. 502 W. Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland 21204. who has had the pages "for man)' years."

This Certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Chas.P. Romer of Sullivan Co. and Annie E. Smith of Kingston on Feby. 15, 1873

at Kingston by William W. Mickle. Witness Chas. R. Hopper & Wife,Stephen Staples Sr. & Wife.


Chas. P. Romer at Sullivan Co. June 15, 1849Annie E. Smith- Westphalia, Germany, Feby. 21, 1845Fannie A. Terwilliger-Sullivan Co. Dec. 30, 1866Chas. A. Romer- Rondout, Nov. 25, 1879


Fannie A. Terwilliger Wilcox July 10, 1889


In the records of the East Hampton, Long Island church, after the entry forDecember 17,1754, appears this note: "I have for a long couse [sic] of years

omited [sic] puting [sic] down marraiges [sic]- Which I think has been a faul­ty omission -- \Nhich I mean to remedy for the Future- East Hampton Janr 1,1793."


AlA';~;:);)lVl~ LA"' .•

DONA TIONS [Presented by the author or publisher unless otherwise noted]


BATEMAN:Extraordinary life and character of Mary Bateman [1768-1809] the Yorkshire witch.

... Leeds UK, Edward Baines, N.d. 56 Pl'. [Donald W. Francis]

Kate and Ellen Bateman: a study in precocity. By Robert Samuel Badal. Evanston IL, 1971.

Reproduction. [Ann Arbor MI, University Microfilms International, 1980] 175 PI" [Donald

W. Francis]

Memoir of Miss Bateman [Kate Josephine Bateman]. N.p., n.d. 16 PI'. [Donald W. Francis]


LUMLEY; Records of the Lumleys and sketches of the Willey, Williams and Waters famIlies. By

C. C. Lumley. SI. Thomas CANADA, The Municipal World, Ltd., 1908. 103 pp. [Donald W.Francis] .

M,NKLER: Minkler in America. Compiled by William Ward Miller. Montgomery AL, Robert A.

Minkler, 1980.280 PI'.

MITTEN; A family genealogy of Mitten, Mittan, Moore, Smith and allied families. By Beatrice M.

Adams. [Titusville FL) 1978. Various paging.

NOTTINGHAM; Some of the ancestry of the Rev. Luther Nottingham (1817-1867) of North·

hampton County, Virginia. Compiled by William Prosser Nottingham. Indianapolis IN,1980. 99 PI'.







