gene expression signatures in neutrophils exposed

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  • thogens that infect cattle. These normally short-lived white blood

    elucidate multiple consequences of neutrophil exposure to glucocorticoids, highlighting a probable role for this interaction in the

    Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 517 353 9702/9815 (Laboratory); fax: +1 517 353 1699.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (J.L. Burton).

    0165-2427/$ see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2005.02.012circulation where they marginate on inflamed blood vessel endothelial cells and migrate through them into the area of infection.

    Once migrated, neutrophils do not reenter the circulation, but rather, perform their bactericidal functions and die by apoptosis in

    the tissue. The cytokine and hormonal milieu of the blood and extracellular tissue fluid can influence neutrophil development and

    immunity-related activities, but the molecular basis of these phenotypic changes and physiological benefits or drawbacks of

    them are poorly understood. In the current paper, we review new gene expression information that resulted from two of our

    functional genomics studies designed to evaluate effects of glucocorticoid hormones on bovine neutrophils. This work provides

    one model to describe complex changes that occur in neutrophils as the cells respond to glucocorticoids, which might act to alter

    the cells functional priorities and tip the delicate balance between health and disease during stress, including at parturition. A

    bovine immunobiology microarray and real time RT-PCR were used to study blood neutrophils collected during the natural

    surge of endogenous glucocorticoid (cortisol) in parturient dairy cows and bone marrow neutrophils collected from

    glucocorticoid (dexamethasone)-treated dairy steers. The gene expression signatures we observed led us to perform additional

    phenotyping of the neutrophils and correlation analyses, which together painted a picture suggesting that glucocorticoids have

    key roles in modulating neutrophil development, life span, and tissue defense functions during parturition and hormone therapy.

    Based on these observations, we postulate that glucocorticoids orchestrate adaptive changes in the entire neutrophil system that

    support increased cell numbers and longevity in blood and heightened remodeling activity in tissues, while at the same time

    decreasing some important antimicrobial defense activities of the cells. Thus, our functional genomics studies have enabled us tocells develop from myeloid-lineage cells in bone marrow. Upon maturation, bone marrow neutrophils are released into theNeutrophils are the first line of immunity against most paGene expression signatures in neutrophils exposed

    to glucocorticoids: A new paradigm to help explain

    neutrophil dysfunction in parturient dairy cows

    Jeanne L. Burton a,b,*, Sally A. Madsen a, Ling-Chu Chang a,Patty S.D. Weber a, Kelly R. Buckham a, Renate van Dorp b,

    Mary-Clare Hickey c, Bernadette Earley c

    a Immunogenetics Laboratory, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University,

    1205E Anthony Hall, East Lansing, MI 48824, USAb Center for Animal Functional Genomics, Department of Animal Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA

    c Animal Health and Welfare Department, Teagasc, Grange Research Center, Co Meath, Ireland


  • rient dairy cows may experience heightened incidence and severity

    rtisol; Dexamethasone

    from bone marrow is clearly detectable in cattle24 hfollowing glucocorticoid challenge and may contri-

    of glucocorticoid receptors (GR). In most mammalian

    cells, including bovine neutrophils (Chang et al.,

    2004), GR exists in two main isoforms, GRa and GRb(Hollenberg et al., 1985). However, only GRa hasglucocorticoid binding capacity (Bamberger et al.,

    1996; Kino et al., 2001). We have shown that bovine

    blood neutrophils have 8-fold higher GRa mRNAabundance compared with the cells more immature

    counterparts developing in bone marrow (Fig. 1).

    Thus, bovine blood neutrophils are predicted to be

    y and Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219

    samples assayed in duplicate. The RNA samples were obtained from

    bone marrow neutrophil-lineage cells and blood neutrophils of

    healthy steers (n = 12) using Percoll density gradients (Webersteroid response (Burton and Kehrli, 1995; Weber

    et al., 2004). Thus, when studying in vivo effects of

    glucocorticoids on bovine neutrophils, it is relevant to

    do so in both blood and bone marrow pools of the cells.

    In cattle, circulating neutrophils are sensitive to

    myeloblasts and promyelocytes, F2 cells 55% late-immaturemyelocytes and metamyelocytes, and F3 cells 70% band andsegmented neutrophils. The P-value indicates the level of signifi-

    cance for the main effect of granulocyte maturation fraction,

    obtained by general linear models analysis of the data, and a and

    b above individual bars indicate significant (P 0.05) differences inbute to additional waves of neutrophilia later in the et al., 2004). Bone marrow F1 cells contained70% early-immatureinduction of parturition and partly explaining why some partu

    of inflammatory diseases like mastitis.

    # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: cDNA microarray; Neutrophils; Bone marrow cells; Co

    1. Background

    Elevated blood levels of glucocorticoid hormone

    during stress and exogenous administration of the

    steroid have been associated with increased suscept-

    ibility to infectious diseases in cattle that affect

    production, including mastitis in parturient dairy cows

    and shipping fever in transportation stressed feedlot

    animals (Roth and Kaeberle, 1982; Burton and

    Erskine, 2003). Our groups are interested in the

    effects of glucocorticoids on bovine neutrophils

    because of the critical role these leukocytes play in

    innate immune defense against such diseases. We have

    studied bovine neutrophils following administration of

    the potent glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (Burton

    et al., 1995; Burton and Kehrli, 1995; Weber et al.,

    2001, 2004; Chang et al., 2004) and during parturition

    when there is a surge in blood concentrations of the

    endogenous glucocorticoid, cortisol (Preisler et al.,

    2000; Weber et al., 2001; Madsen et al., 2002, 2004;

    Chang et al., 2004). Pronounced neutrophilia occurs in

    both cases, showing that glucocorticoids profoundly

    alter neutrophil homeostasis. The vast majority of

    circulating cells in the early phase of glucocorticoid-

    induced neutrophilia are segmented neutrophils that

    have de-marginated from blood vessels due to down-

    regulated expression of surface adhesion molecules

    (Burton et al., 1995; Weber et al., 2004) and, possibly,

    up regulation of anti-adhesion molecules (Goulding

    et al., 1998; La et al., 2001). However, significant

    release of mature (segmented and band) neutrophils

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog198glucocorticoids because they possess high expressionFig. 1. Bovine blood neutrophils express8-fold higher abundanceof mRNA for the hormone-binding alpha isoform of the glucocor-

    ticoid receptor (GRa) than immature neutrophil-lineage cells devel-

    oping in bone marrow. Data were generated by quantitative slot blot

    analysis with b-actin as the control gene (Madsen et al., 2002), GRa

    and b-actin cDNA probes described in Weber et al. (2001), and RNAmean (S.E.M.) GRa mRNA abundance by maturation fraction.

  • highly sensitive to changes in circulating glucocorti-

    coid concentrations.

    In cells not exposed to stress or therapeutic levels of

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 199

    Fig. 2. The surge in blood cortisol during bovine parturition (a) is

    correlated (r = 0.71; P = 0.06) with rapid down regulation ofglucocorticoid receptor-alpha (GRa) mRNA abundance in blood

    neutrophils (b), possibly due to the ability of glucocorticoid to

    reduce the rate of transcription of its own receptor gene (c). Blood

    for serum cortisol assays and neutrophil GRa mRNA abundance

    assessment (a and b) was collected from three primiparous Holstein

    cows on days 7, 0, 0.25, and 1 relative to parturition (on day 0).Serum cortisol was measured in duplicate by EIA (Assay Designs,

    Inc., Ann Arbor, MI) and GRa mRNA by quantitative real time RT-

    PCR (Madsen et al., 2004). GRa mRNA abundance on days 0, 0.25,

    and 1 were relative to expression on day7 (b) and calculated usingthe 2DDCt method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). Nuclear run onassay was used to generate data in panel (c). Briefly, Percoll-isolated

    blood neutrophils of four healthy Holstein steers (34 months of

    age) were left untreated (Control) or treated with 107 M ofdexamethasone (Dex) for 4 h prior to isolation of the cells nuclei,

    which were snap frozen before being used to transcribe new radi-

    olabeled mRNA in vitro. GRa and b-actin (control) cDNA probes

    (Weber et al., 2001) were spotted in excess on nylon membrane

    strips and the blots probed with the newly synthesized, radiolabeled

    mRNA. Densitometry was used to quantify abundance of tran-

    scribed GRa and b-actin mRNA, and the GRa transcription rateglucocorticoids, most GRa are located in thecytoplasm as complexes with accessory proteins that

    maintain the receptors in a high affinity hormone-

    binding state (Bamberger et al., 1996). When

    glucocorticoid concentrations rise inside the cell

    due to elevated extracellular concentrations, hormone

    binding to GRa activates the receptor causing it todissociate from its protein complex. This allows GRato translocate into the cells nucleus (Eicher and

    Burton, 2004). In the nucleus, hormone-bound GRaemploys multiple mechanisms to change expression of

    hormone sensitive genes, including binding to DNA

    and other transcription factors to influence rates of

    gene transcription and to mRNAs already existing in

    the cytoplasm to affect their stability (Bamberger

    et al., 1996; Newton, 2000; Beato and Klug, 2000;

    Almawi and Melemedjian, 2002).

    In previous studies, we demonstrated that blood

    neutrophils of dairy cows express functional GRaproteins, staining brightly with fluorescently labeled

    hormone when collected during mid and late lactation

    and exiting the cells cytosol in response to the cortisol

    surge at parturition (Preisler et al., 2000; Fig. 2a). We

    also showed that glucocorticoid-induced loss of GRafrom the cytosol is time- and dose-dependent when

    cultured neutrophils are treated with the steroid in

    vitro (Chang et al., 2004 and our unpublished data). In

    both scenarios of endogenous and exogenous gluco-

    corticoid challenge, GRa loss from the neutrophilscytosol is associated with acute and pronounced

    changes in expression of two genes that regulate

    neutrophil behavior, including margination (CD62L;

    Weber et al., 2001, 2004) and programmed cell death

    (Fas; Chang et al., 2004). Thus, GRa activation byglucocorticoids in circulating neutrophils causes

    distinctive phenotypic changes in the cells via altered

    expression of hormone-sensitive genes. However,

    these changes are relatively short-lived (48 h),possibly due to the fact that GRa activation rapidlydecreases abundance of its own mRNA (Fig. 2b) by

    was expressed as the mRNA abundance ratio of GRa:b-actin. P-

    values associated with each graph show the level of significance for

    the main effect of parturition (a and b) or treatment (c), and ac

    above individual bars indicate significant (P 0.05) differences in

    means (S.E.M.) shown in each plot.

  • Erskine, 2003; Burvenich et al., 2003). Also, though

    y andneutrophil-lineage cells developing in bone marrow

    express low levels of GRa (Fig. 1), we sought tounderstand if glucocorticoid challenge could never-

    theless impact gene expression in this only renewable

    source of blood neutrophils. To begin to address these

    questions we collected blood neutrophils from dairy

    cows around the parturient cortisol surge, and bone

    marrow cells from dairy steers treated with a high dose

    of dexamethasone. Total RNA isolated from these

    cells was used to obtain preliminary gene expression

    profiles by cDNA microarray and quantitative real

    time RT-PCR (Q-RT-PCR) analyses.

    2. Gene expression profiling of blood neutrophils

    during the surge in cortisol at parturition

    In our first cDNA microarray experiment, blood

    from four primiparous Holstein cows was collected

    close to the surge in parturient cortisol. These animals

    were healthy and did not experience retained placenta,

    metritis, or mastitis at or following parturition.

    Neutrophils were enriched from the blood samples

    to 9498% purity using Percoll density gradients (as in

    Weber et al., 2001) and their gene expression patterns

    profiled using our groups third generation BOTL (for

    bovine total leukocyte) cDNA microarrays (clones

    searchable at As we

    reported in Madsen et al. (2004), expression changes

    (P < 0.05) for 302 genes were detected over the timerepressing the transcription rate of its gene (Fig. 2c).

    Thus, choices of blood sampling times relative to

    glucocorticoid challenges in vivo and in vitro are

    critical in experiments designed to study neutrophil

    gene expression changes in response to the hormone.

    Results of our studies cited above led us to ask

    several questions about possible additional impacts of

    glucocorticoids on the bovine neutrophil system. In

    particular, we wanted to know what other genes might

    be affected in blood neutrophils during the cortisol

    surge at parturition. This is important because such

    knowledge may elucidate why blood neutrophils have

    depressed bactericidal activities that correspond with

    increased susceptibility to opportunistic infectious

    diseases, such as coliform mastitis, during parturition

    (reviewed in Kehrli and Harp, 2001; Burton and

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog200the cows transitioned from the dry period (day 7relative to parturition) through parturition (day 0) and

    into the first day of lactation (days 0.25 and 1).

    Pronounced changes occurred for most affected genes

    at parturition and 6 h postpartum (day 0.25), when

    blood cortisol concentrations and neutrophilia were

    highest (Fig. 2a and Madsen et al., 2004).

    2.1. Apoptosis gene expression profiles during the

    cortisol surge at parturition

    The largest ontological cluster of affected known

    genes (42 genes) in our microarray study encoded

    apoptosis regulatory proteins. Quantitative real time

    RT-PCR was used to substantiate expression changes

    for some of the best known of these apoptosis genes

    (Fig. 3). Percoll enriched blood neutrophils from three

    additional primiparous parturient cows were used for

    RNA isolations and cDNA synthesis in this work, as per

    our described methods (Madsen et al., 2004; Weber

    et al., 2004). Beta-actin was selected as the control gene

    for Q-RT-PCR because its amplification efficiency was

    the same as that for all test genes and abundance of its

    mRNA in bovine blood neutrophils does not change

    through the peripartum period (Weber et al., 2001;

    Madsen et al., 2002). Using this approach, we verified

    that expression of genes encoding 4 death inducing

    signaling complex (DISC) proteins (i.e., FADD, Daxx,

    FLASH, and RIP), which are associated with Fas

    activation by its ligand (FasL; Fig. 3), were profoundly

    down regulated during parturition (Madsen et al.,

    2004). In addition, parturition down-regulated gene

    expression for the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member,

    Bak, while simultaneously up regulating expression of

    genes encoding the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 homologue,

    A1, and the potent pro-survival chemokine, IL-8

    (Fig. 3; Madsen et al., 2004). These preliminary gene

    expression data supported a hypothesis that parturition

    reprograms neutrophils for extended survival in blood.

    In addition, IL-8 is known to enhance cell survival by

    signaling the down regulation of Bak gene expression

    (Grutkoski et al., 2002). Therefore, parturition may

    also induce an autocrine short-loop in neutrophils

    whereby induction of IL-8 suppresses Bak expression

    to support continued survival of the cells. In turn,

    survival induction in neutrophils could partly explain

    the neutrophilia that occurs in conjunction with the

    cortisol surge at parturition (Fig. 2a; Preisler et al.,

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 1972192000; Weber et al., 2001).

  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary ImmunologSince publishing those original data we have Q-RT-

    PCR profiled expression patterns for an additional six

    apoptosis regulatory genes, including pro-apoptotic

    Fas, FasL, and DAP5, and anti-apoptotic TRAF6,

    TANK, and BAFF (Fig. 3). The first five genes listed

    were significantly down regulated between parturition

    and the first day of lactation, while BAFF was up

    regulated at parturition (Fig. 4). BAFF is a relatively

    newly identified member of the growing family of

    TNF ligands and is best known for its critical role in

    development of long-lived mature peripheral B cells

    (Chin et al., 1999; Mak and Yeh, 2002; Mackay and

    Ambrose, 2003). Its pronounced up regulation in

    blood neutrophils at parturition argues in favor of cell

    survival. Down regulation of the TRAF-6 and TANK

    genes is not necessarily congruent with a survival

    Fig. 3. Blood neutrophils are normally programmed to undergo rapid apopt

    plasma membrane and spontaneous death initiated through mitochondrial s

    (FasL) recruits a variety of adaptor proteins [the death initiating signaling

    cytoplasmic tails, which then recruit and sequentially activate caspases 8

    oxygen species (ROS) generated during oxidative metabolism (not shown) a

    of cytochrome c (cyt c) and Smac/DIABLO (not shown), which activate casp

    spontaneous form of apoptosis is normally uninhibited in circulating neutro

    of key anti-apoptotic molecules like A1 (Bcl-2 homologue) and IL-8 (chem

    that the cells continue translating death effector proteins even as they unde

    caspase-induced cleavage of proteins that are critical for DNA repair, cyt

    neutrophils are distinguished from viable cells by their reduced size, flippin

    of the plasma membrane, and irreversible fragmentation of genomic DNA (

    induce expression of genes encoding the potent anti-apoptotic proteins A1,

    events and extend neutrophil life span by quenching mitochondrial mem

    signaling pathways derived from death receptors such as Fas and TNF-aImmunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 201gene expression signature during parturition because

    protein products of these genes act to desensitize cells

    to pro-apoptotic signals from activated TNF-areceptors (Fig. 3; Bradley and Pober, 2001; Wu and

    Arron, 2003). However, TRAF-6 and TANK act

    downstream of other key death inducing molecules,

    including Fas and FasL, which are highly potent in

    their ability to induce apoptosis in bovine neutrophils

    and were dramatically down regulated in the cells

    during parturition (Fig. 4). Presence of DAP5 proteins

    in cells ensures that continued translation of death

    effector proteins occurs even as cells undergo apoptosis

    (Fig. 3; Henis-Korenblit et al., 2000, 2002). Thus, the

    down regulation of DAP5 gene expression that we

    observed during parturition (Fig. 4) would be expected

    to have a positive impact on neutrophil survival. So,

    osis through a combination of death receptor signaling initiated at the

    ignaling. For example, ligation of membrane bound Fas by its ligand

    complex (DISC) molecules FADD, FLASH, RIP, and Daxx] to Fas

    and 3 to effect cell death. At the mitochondrial membrane, reactive

    nd pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members Bak and Bax induce release

    ase 9 to directly and indirectly activate caspase 3 and cell death. This

    phils because electron transport chain activity is high and expression

    okine) is low or absent. Furthermore, expression of DAP-5 ensures

    rgo apoptotic cell death. In both pathways, cell death is mediated by

    oskeletal stability, and plasma membrane integrity. Thus, apoptotic

    g of inner leaflet phosphatidylserine (PS) residues to the outer leaflet

    hypodiploidy). Factors that reduce mitochondrial ROS production or

    IL-8, BAFF, TRAF-6, and TANK temporarily prevent these cellular

    brane destabilizing activities of ROS, Bak, and Bax and blocking


  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog202while the down regulation we observed in TRAF6 and

    TANK gene expression may lead to neutrophil

    apoptosis in some circumstances, it is possible that

    parturient physiology overrides such effects by

    simultaneously down regulating gene expression for

    pro-apoptotic Fas, FasL, DAP5, FADD, Daxx, FLASH,

    RIP, and Bak and up regulating gene expression for

    anti-apoptotic A1, BAFF, and IL-8.

    2.2. Apoptosis gene expression profiles correlate

    with blood cortisol profiles during parturition

    Because blood neutrophils express abundant

    GRa mRNA (Fig. 1) and protein (Chang et al.,

    Fig. 4. Expression changes in six neutrophil genes (Fas, FasL, TRAF6, TA

    Data were generated using quantitative real time RT-PCR (Madsen et al., 20

    gene (Weber et al., 2001; Madsen et al., 2002). Test RNA for these ass

    primiparous Holstein cows on days 7, 0, 0.25, and 1 relative to parturitiorelative to expression on day7 and calculated using the 2DDCt method (Lof significance for the main effect of day relative to parturition obtained thro

    bars indicate significant (P 0.05) differences in mean (S.E.M.) geneconditions used to generate these data are listed under the Links icon 105 (2005) 1972192004), we postulated that cortisol may have been

    one blood factor responsible for inducing apoptosis

    gene expression changes in circulating neutrophils

    of the parturient cows that, by in large, appeared to

    favor cell survival. To test this possibility, we

    performed correlation analyses on these data sets

    using the PROC CORR procedure of SAS. Results

    in Table 1 show that blood cortisol profiles were

    significantly (P 0.05) associated with geneexpression profiles for A1, BAFF, Bak, DAP5,

    Fas, FLASH, IL-8, and TRAF6, and tended

    (P = 0.06) to be associated with expression profiles

    for FasL and Daxx. However, other unidentified

    factors also must have participated in the regulation

    NK, DAP5, and BAFF) whose protein products regulate apoptosis.

    04), with all samples run in duplicate and b-actin used as the control

    ays was obtained from Percoll-isolated blood neutrophils of three

    n (on day 0). Gene expression changes for days 0, 0.25, and 1 were

    ivak and Schmittgen, 2001). P-values above each graph are the level

    ugh repeated measures analysis of the data, and ac above individual

    expression by day relative to parturition. The PCR primers and

    on our Center for Animal Functional Genomics web site (http://

  • y andof specific components of the apoptosis program in

    bovine neutrophils at parturition because correla-

    tions between cortisol and gene expression profiles

    for FADD, RIP, and TANK were not detected

    (Table 1). It is unlikely that estradiol was one of

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog

    Table 1

    Pearson product moment correlations (r-values) between serum

    cortisol profiles and expression profiles for thirteen apoptosis reg-

    ulatory genes in Percoll-isolated blood neutrophils from parturient

    primiparous Holstein cows (n = 3)

    Gene name Effect on apoptosis r-value P-value

    A1 Anti-apoptotic 0.90 0.002

    BAFF Anti-apoptotic 0.75 0.04

    Bak Pro-apoptotic 0.82 0.01Daxx Pro-apoptotic 0.72 0.06DAP5 Pro-apoptotic 0.73 0.05FADD Pro-apoptotic 0.33 0.32Fas Pro-apoptotic 0.75 0.04FasL Pro-apoptotic 0.71 0.06FLASH Pro-apoptotic 0.80 0.02IL-8 Anti-apoptotic 0.73 0.01

    RIP Pro-apoptotic 0.55 0.24TRAF-6 Anti-apoptotic 0.75 0.04TANK Anti-apoptotic 0.65 0.11Gene expression changes were first detected by cDNA microarray

    analysis (Madsen et al., 2004) and further characterized using

    quantitative real time RT-PCR (Fig. 4).these factors because we (unpublished data) and

    others (Winters et al., 2003) could not detect

    estrogen receptor proteins in bovine blood neutro-

    phils. Also, correlations between the cows serum

    estradiol profiles and neutrophil apoptosis gene

    expression profiles were not significant (P > 0.10;not shown). While bovine neutrophils also do not

    express progesterone receptor mRNA or protein (our

    unpublished data; Winters et al., 2003), it is possible

    that fluctuations in serum progesterone around

    parturition contributed to the apoptosis gene

    expression profiles we observed because progester-

    one can act as a GRa antagonist (Preisler et al.,2000). Thus, it is possible that the parturient drop in

    blood progesterone as cortisol levels soar may have

    facilitated glucocorticoid activity on the expression

    of some apoptosis genes. In support of this

    possibility, we observed significant (P < 0.05)correlations between serum progesterone profiles

    and neutrophil gene expression profiles for Fas

    (r = 0.703), RIP (r = 0.796), BAFF (r = 0.793), IL-8 (r = 0.724), and TANK (r = 0.785).2.3. Cortisol in parturient serum is partly

    responsible for inducing survival in blood neutrophils

    To substantiate that the relationships between

    serum cortisol and apoptosis gene expression profiles

    we observed translate into changed apoptosis status of

    the cells, we attempted to phenotype apoptosis of

    neutrophils in fresh whole blood samples collected

    from a group of primiparous cows prepartum and at

    parturition. However, effects of parturition on apop-

    tosis status were not clear because extremely high

    animal variation existed in the staining of neutrophils

    with Annexin-V-FITC, a reagent that binds with

    phosphatidylserine residues that have flipped from the

    inner to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane

    during early stages of apoptosis (Fig. 3; Vermes et al.,

    1995). For example, the mean percentage of Annexin-

    V-FITC+ neutrophils in blood from 16 cows collected

    10 days prepartum was 48.9% (16.20; S.E.M.),with a range of 19.183.2%. This wide animal

    variation in Annexin-V-FITC staining in fresh cells

    is likely related to normal variation in proportions of

    variously aged neutrophil populations in whole blood

    (Shidham and Swami, 2000). In turn, this is a function

    of variation in the rates of bone marrow release, cell

    exit from blood into tissues, and clearance of

    circulating apoptotic neutrophils by the bodys

    phagocytic network (Homburg and Roos, 1996; Savill,

    1997). Thus, it was difficult to conclude whether or not

    neutrophils in fresh blood samples were less apoptotic

    overall at parturition versus prepartum.

    When we instead enriched neutrophils from

    prepartum blood samples on Percoll density gradients,

    4% of the freshly isolated cells stained with Annexin-V-FITC. It thus appears that our neutrophil isolation

    protocol is relatively selective in its enrichment of blood

    neutrophils that have no overt signs of this early stage of

    apoptosis. In fact, the recovery of neutrophils in this

    procedure averages 75% when neutrophilia is notpresent (and higher when it is). The majority of

    neutrophil loss (76%) occurs during removal of the

    buffy coat and top one-third of the red cell pack prior to

    addition of the remaining red cell pack to the Percoll

    gradient for neutrophil isolation. A more minor loss

    (24%) results from neutrophils that remain on or in the

    Percoll layer because the cells are not dense enough to

    penetrate through it. The dense neutrophils that do

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 203penetrate the Percoll gradient to form the cell pellet at

  • parturient serum for 12 or 24 h, followed by apoptosis

    phenotyping. Results in Fig. 6a show that RU486 (a

    GRa/progesterone receptor antagonist), but nottamoxifen (an estrogen receptor antagonist), inhibited

    the ability of the parturient serum to support

    neutrophil survival, and did so to the same extent as

    the steroid extracted serum. Thus, cortisol and (or)

    progesterone were likely factors responsible for

    neutrophil survival induction by parturient serum. In

    a final experiment, we showed that cortisol was the

    predominant steroid responsible for neutrophil survi-

    val-induction by parturient serum because only

    y andthe bottom of the tube may thus represent the youngest

    population of neutrophils in blood, presumably those

    that were recently released from the maturation pool in

    bone marrow. We suspect that use of Percoll isolated

    cells standardized the starting population of neutrophils

    in our apoptosis phenotyping assay because, when

    allowed to age in culture over 48 h, these cells had

    significantly extended viability when collected from

    cows at parturition versus prepartum (Madsen et al.,

    2003a). This observation did support those from our

    microarray and Q-RT-PCR experiments, which sug-

    gested that the cells gain a predominantly pro-survival

    gene expression signature around parturition. Addi-

    tionally, we have shown that sera collected from the

    cows at parturition (day 0) supported viability in

    significantly more Percoll-isolated steer neutrophils

    over 48 h in culture than sera collected prepartum (day

    7) or postpartum (days 0.25 and 1; Madsen et al.,2004). This suggested, as our correlation analysis did,

    that parturient blood does indeed contain factors that

    promote extended neutrophil life span. However, given

    the differences in Annexin-V-FITC staining character-

    istics between neutrophils in fresh whole blood samples

    versus Percoll-isolated cells, it would seem important

    for investigators to carefully consider which neutrophil

    isolation method to use for such experiments and to

    characterize the apoptosis status of neutrophils

    employed in various assays. We selected the Percoll

    density gradient method to isolate neutrophils because

    it was the quickest way to obtain high numbers of very

    pure neutrophils with enough quantity of high quality

    RNA needed for our for our microarray and Q-RT-PCR

    work. We felt that this was critical to our ability to

    generate gene expression data from which we could

    draw conclusions about effects of parturition on gene

    expression changes in neutrophils. However, we

    acknowledge that our conclusions about the apoptosis

    gene expression signatures and phenotypes observed

    around parturition may apply only to younger popula-

    tions of the cells and not to all circulating neutrophils.

    With this caveat in mind, we continued with several

    additional experiments using Percoll-isolated neutro-

    phils to study potential relationships between gluco-

    corticoids in serum and neutrophil apoptosis


    Given our in vitro apoptosis results and the

    correlations we detected between blood cortisol

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog204profiles and neutrophil apoptosis gene expressionaround parturition (Table 1), we sought to determine if

    the cortisol component of parturient blood is one

    factor capable of inducing survival in cultured bovine

    neutrophils. We pooled the parturient (day 0) serum

    samples, split the pool into two aliquots, and used

    activated charcoal to remove cortisol (Szafarczyk

    et al., 1995; McCarty and Schwartz, 1999) from one

    aliquot (Table 2). Charcoal treatment also removed

    progesterone and estradiol from this aliquot (Table 2)

    and, perhaps, other unidentified factors. We added

    these sera at 20% of the volume of culture medium to

    Percoll-isolated steer neutrophils as the cells aged in

    vitro for 12 h or 24 h prior to apoptosis phenotyping.

    Representative data from one steer in Fig. 5 show that

    compared to the steroid extracted serum (panel b),

    intact parturient serum (panel a) significantly

    increased the proportion of viable neutrophils in

    culture at 12 h (top panels of Fig. 5) and reduced DNA

    fragmentation in the cells at 24 h (bottom panels of

    Fig. 5). To clarify which extracted steroid may have

    been responsible for this effect, neutrophils from

    additional steers were pretreated for 10 min with

    steroid receptor antagonists prior to addition of intact

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219

    Table 2

    Concentrations (pg/ml) of cortisol, estradiol, and progesterone in

    pooled parturient serum and charcoal-treated parturient serum with

    steroids extracted

    Hormone Parturient


    Steroid extracted

    parturient serum

    Fetal bovine


    Cortisol 29,000 a 150 c 985 b

    Estradiol 1,500 a 75 c 869 b

    Progesterone 900 a 110 c 370 b

    Concentrations in commercial fetal bovine serum are included for

    comparison. P < 0.0001 for within hormone differences (ac) in

    serum sources.cortisol (not estradiol or progesterone) added back

  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunologto the steroid extracted serum reconstituted its

    neutrophil survival-inducing capacity back to that of

    intact parturient serum (Fig. 6b). These results are in

    accordance with the well-documented ability of

    glucocorticoids to induce survival of human and

    rodent neutrophils (reviewed in Fanning et al., 1999;

    Maianski et al., 2004). Thus, while we acknowledge

    that interactions between cortisol and progesterone

    may modify neutrophil survival characteristics around

    parturition in vivo, and that non-steroid survival

    enhancing factors (e.g., endotoxin, cytokines) may

    have been removed from our serum during charcoal

    treatment, it is clear from these experiments that

    glucocorticoids alone are sufficient to enhance the

    survival of neutrophils cultured in steroid extracted

    parturient serum. Combined with the numerous

    Fig. 5. Bovine neutrophils cultured in parturient serum (a) retain viability

    panels) than neutrophils cultured in parturient serum from which steroids ha

    healthy Holstein steer (3 months old) were used in this assay. Top panels sh

    culture for 12 h, and bottom panels show PI staining of genomic DNA afte

    cells aged in culture for 24 h. Data from 10,000 neutrophils are represent

    generate these plots are described in Madsen et al. (2003a, 2003b, 2004)Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 205significant correlations shown in Table 1, we propose

    that survival induction during the surge in cortisol

    contributes an important new piece to the story about

    how bovine parturition affects some circulating

    neutrophils. We are currently performing in vitro

    experiments to determine if effects of glucocorticoids

    on neutrophil apoptosis gene expression are direct,

    mediated via GRa, and translate into alteredabundance of corresponding proteins. So far this

    seems to be the case for glucocorticoid-induced down

    regulation of Fas gene expression, which associates

    with inhibited spontaneous and sFasL-induced cas-

    pase 8 activity (Fig. 7) and may partly explain the

    extended longevity of isolated blood neutrophils

    treated with glucocorticoids in vitro (Chang et al.,


    (top panels) and show less fragmentation of genomic DNA (bottom

    ve been extracted by charcoal (b). Percoll-isolated neutrophils from a

    ow Annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide (PI) staining of cells aged in

    r plasma membrane permeabilization and RNAseA treatment of the

    ed in each plot. The staining and flow cytometric methods used to


  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog206Delayed apoptosis at parturition is difficult to

    reconcile in light of the well-documented migration

    and bactericidal dysfunctions of blood neutrophils

    from parturient cows (Cai et al., 1994; Shuster et al.,

    1996; Kimura et al., 1999; Kehrli and Harp, 2001;

    Mehrzad et al., 2001, 2002). These dysfunctions are

    normally characteristic of aged neutrophils that are

    apoptotic and no longer useful to host immune defense

    (Whyte et al., 1993; Narayanan et al., 1997; Tanji-

    Matsuba et al., 1998; Whyte et al., 1999; Van

    Oostveldt et al., 2001, 2002). In humans, normal

    apoptosis of aging neutrophils is a process that

    associates with considerable disabling of potentially

    injurious effector functions of the cells, limiting

    transendothelial migration of blood neutrophils and

    phagocytosis-induced degranulation of tissue neutro-

    phils to prevent significant inflammatory damage

    Fig. 6. Cortisol concentration differences largely explain differences in s

    fragmentation (bottom panels; % hypodiploid cells after 24 h in culture) in n

    serum. Percoll-isolated neutrophils were from blood of two healthy Holstein

    (a), cortisol/progesterone receptors were antagonized with RU486 (104 Mto culturing cells in 20% PS or ES. In (b), cortisol (Cort), estradiol (Estr), o

    in PS (Table 2) prior to use in neutrophil cultures. PS alone, ES alone, and E

    staining and flow cytometric methods used to generate these data are shown

    above individual bars within plot indicate significant (P 0.05) differencImmunopathology 105 (2005) 197219(Heasman et al., 2003). Given that our survival gene

    expression signatures and phenotypes were observed

    in Percoll-isolated neutrophils that, on average, may

    have been younger than the total population present in

    blood, it is possible that neutrophils naturally aged in

    the circulation are not rescued from apoptosis during

    parturition and that these were the dysfunctional cells

    noted by others who did not isolate the cells on Percoll

    gradients for use in bactericidal assays (e.g., Cai et al.,

    1994; Mehrzad et al., 2001, 2002). Older neutrophils

    that have de-marginated under the influence of

    increasing cortisol at parturition (Preisler et al.,

    2000; Weber et al., 2001) may be the source of such

    dysfunctional cells because oxidative burst activity is

    observed to be lowest around the time when

    neutrophilia peaks (Mateus et al., 2002; Mehrzad

    et al., 2002). If so, the parturient cortisol surge (and

    urvival (top panels; % viable cells after 12 h in culture) and DNA

    eutrophils exposed to intact (PS) or steroid extracted (ES) parturient

    steers (3 months old) and cultured in duplicate for each treatment. In

    ), and estrogen receptors with tamoxifen (104 M), for 10 min priorr progesterone (Prog) were added back to ES at concentrations found

    S with 107 M of added dexamethasone (Dex) were the controls. Thein Fig. 5 and described in Madsen et al. (2003a, 2003b, 2004). a and b

    es in mean (S.E.M.) cell phenotype across culture scenarios.

  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog

    Fig. 7. Bovine blood neutrophils are extremely sensitive to con-

    stitutive and FasL-induced caspase 8 activation, and dexamethasone

    (Dex) reduces these sensitivities. Neutrophils for these experiments

    were isolated from blood of three healthy Holstein steers (34

    months old) using Percoll density gradients. Duplicate aliquots of

    neutrophils were either pretreated for 4 h with Dex or left untreated

    and then cultured for an additional 3 h in the presence or absence of

    soluble Fas ligand (sFasL) before measuring caspase 8 activity

    (ApoAlert Caspase Colorimetric Assay Kit; ClonTech). ad indicate

    significant (P 0.05) differences in mean (S.E.M.) caspase 8activity across treatments.possibly other factors) may act on the one hand to shut

    down potentially harmful inflammatory processes in

    already aged neutrophils while, on the other hand,

    temporarily rescuing younger neutrophils from apop-

    totic cell death by reprogramming expression of key

    apoptosis regulatory genes. If this is true and our data

    are representative, one is led to question the

    physiological reasons that youthful blood neutrophils

    would be induced to live longer than normal around


    2.4. Parturient cortisol profiles also correlate with

    expression profiles in some key immune response

    and tissue remodeling genes

    In an attempt to gain a handle on this question, we

    opted to study expression profiles for additional

    neutrophil genes revealed by our microarray analysis

    to be altered around parturition. We used Q-RT-PCR to

    profile expression changes for 12 genes, 6 of which

    encode proteins that regulate traditional immune

    defense functions of the cells and the other 6 that are

    less well studied but have key roles in extracellular

    matrix degrading activities of the cells. The immunityrelated genes included CD62L and CD18 (vascular

    adhesion and migration), IL-8 receptor beta (chemo-

    kinesis), IkK alpha (NF-kB-mediated transcription ofpro-inflammatory genes), FcRN (opsonized phagocy-

    tosis), and PSST [regulation of reactive oxygen species

    (ROS) generation and redox status of the cells].

    Though numerically down regulated on days 0.25

    and 1 postpartum, gene expression for IkK-alpha andFcRN was not significantly (P > 0.20) affected byparturition in the Q-RT-PCR analysis (Fig. 8) as it was

    in the microarray analysis. The reason for this

    discrepancy between assays is not known. However,

    this suggested as others studies have, that the synthesis

    of pro-inflammatory mediators and phagocytic activ-

    ity of neutrophils may remain intact around parturition

    (Guidry et al., 1976; Hoedemaker et al., 1992b;

    Shuster et al., 1996; Goto et al., 1997; Zerbe et al.,

    2000). Additional Q-RT-PCR data in Fig. 8 confirmed

    our microarray results by showing pronounced

    (P < 0.01) down regulation of CD62L, CD18, IL-8receptor beta, and PSST gene expression between

    parturition and the first day of lactation. Some of these

    gene expression profiles were correlated (P = 0.05)

    with serum cortisol (Table 3), suggesting three things:

    (i) that the ability of blood neutrophils to get into

    infected tissue is hampered at parturition, even in

    young cells; (ii) that redox homeostasis in neutrophils

    is out of regular balance during parturition; and (iii)

    that the increase in blood cortisol at parturition may be

    involved in both.

    For decades, investigators have suggested that

    slowed neutrophil migration from blood into infected

    mammary glands is a key factor in the heightened

    susceptibility of parturient cows to coliform mastitis

    (e.g., Hill et al., 1979; Shuster et al., 1996). This is

    congruent with our neutrophil gene expression results

    for CD62L, CD18, and IL-8 receptor beta, and the

    documented role of glucocorticoids in the regulation

    of at least two of these genes (Burton et al., 1995;

    Burton and Kehrli, 1995; Weber et al., 2001, 2004;

    Tempelman et al., 2002). However, without supporting

    functional data, the putative imbalance in redox status

    via down-regulated PSST is more difficult to interpret.

    PSST contains the redox group used by NADH:ubi-

    quinone oxidoreductase (Complex I of the electron

    transport chain) to couple the transfer of two electrons

    from NADH! ubiquinone to the translocation of

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 207four protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane

  • J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219208

    Fig. 8. Expression changes in six neutrophil genes (IkK-alpha, CD62L, FcRN, IL-8 receptor beta, CD18, and PSST) whose protein products

    regulate key inflammatory and immune functions of the cells. Data were generated using quantitative real time RT-PCR (Madsen et al., 2004),

    with all assays run in duplicate and b-actin serving as the control gene (Weber et al., 2001; Madsen et al., 2002). Test RNAs were obtained from

    Percoll-isolated blood neutrophils of three primiparous Holstein cows on days 7, 0, 0.25, and 1 relative to parturition (on day 0). Geneexpression changes for days 0, 0.25, and 1 were relative to expression on day7 and calculated using the 2DDCt method (Livak and Schmittgen,2001). P-values above each graph are the level of significance for the main effect of day relative to parturition obtained through repeated

    measures analysis of the data, and ac above individual bars indicate significant (P 0.05) differences in mean (S.E.M.) gene expression byday relative to parturition. The PCR primers and conditions used to generate these data are listed under the Links icon on our Center for Animal

    Functional Genomics web site (

    Table 3

    Pearson product moment correlations (r-values) between serum cortisol profiles and expression profiles for six immune function regulatory

    genes in Percoll-isolated blood neutrophils from parturient Holstein cows (n = 3)

    Gene name Immune function r-value P-value

    IkK-alpha Regulates NF-kB activity 0.49 0.34CD62L Vascular margination 0.66 0.09FcRN Antibody-mediated phagocytosis 0.38 0.24IL-8 receptor b Chemokinesis and cell activation 0.60 0.17CD18 Transendothelial migration 0.70 0.06PSST Mitochondrial electron transport chain; redox homeostasis 0.73 0.05Gene expression changes were first detected by cDNA microarray analysis (Madsen et al., 2004) and further characterized using quantitative real

    time RT-PCR (Fig. 8).

  • y and(Brandt et al., 2003). This reaction is critical for

    respiratory metabolism, but it also produces abundant

    ROS that are toxic to mitochondria (Genova et al.,

    2003), destabilizing the organelles membranes and

    promoting release of cytochrome c that activates

    apoptosis-inducing caspase cascades (Nunez et al.,

    1998; see Fig. 3). If future cell phenotyping

    experiments validate that redox potential is indeed

    reduced in neutrophils at parturition, possibly under

    the influence of cortisol (Table 3), down-regulated

    PSST could help explain the increased survival we

    have observed in these neutrophils. In light of this

    possibility, it is interesting to note that using

    differential display RT-PCR, we previously detected

    pronounced down regulation of mitochondrial cyto-

    chrome b (a component of Complex III of the electron

    transport chain) in Percoll-isolated neutrophils of

    parturient cows (Madsen et al., 2002). Thus, down

    regulation of mitochondrial respiratory metabolism

    during parturition may be an additional mechanism

    that prolongs the life of circulating neutrophils via

    reduced levels of intracellular ROS, with cortisol

    potentially acting as an initiating signal. However, this

    may also contribute to the reduced bactericidal

    activity of neutrophils that presumably underlies

    mastitis susceptibility at parturition (Kehrli and Harp,

    2001; Mehrzad et al., 2001).

    The next question with which we struggled is why

    parturition with its associated surge in cortisol would

    potentially restrict key bacteria-fighting properties of

    neutrophils while at the same time extending cell

    longevity. The answer to this question still eludes us.

    However, biomedical literature suggests that homeo-

    static functions of neutrophils likely exist that are

    outside of the cells traditional bactericidal roles

    (Smith, 1994). For example, the granular nature of

    neutrophils make them outstanding vectors for

    targeted delivery of proteolytic factors to tissues in

    need of remodeling, such as the reproductive tract

    during parturition. In fact, neutrophils have a central

    role in human parturition (Kelly et al., 1994; Kelly,

    1996; Thomson et al., 1999; Winkler et al., 1999a;

    Bowen et al., 2002; Osman et al., 2003). When the

    progesterone block on parturition wanes at term, blood

    vessels in the human cervix and lower uterine tract are

    enabled to express adhesion molecules and secrete

    high levels of IL-8 into the extracellular tissue matrix

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog(Winkler et al., 1999a, 1999b). These act to recruitlarge numbers of blood neutrophils to precisely the

    sites where extracellular matrix degradation is

    required for cervical softening, separation of maternal

    and fetal membranes, and rupture of the fetal

    membrane (Bowen et al., 2002; Fortunato and Menon,

    2002). Neutrophils become activated at these sites,

    probably under the influence of IL-8 (Luo et al., 2000),

    which causes them to increase plasma membrane

    expression the elastase, MMP-8 (Maymon et al., 2000;

    Owen et al., 2004) and release their granule stores of

    the gelatinase, MMP-9 (Junqueira et al., 1980; Osmers

    et al., 1992). These matrix metalloproteinases

    (MMPs) degrade structural proteins in fetal mem-

    branes and the cervix, such that their activity

    correlates with collagenolysis, cervical dilation, and

    duration of labor in women at term (Winkler et al.,

    2000). Cattle studies have also suggested that IL-8,

    recruited blood neutrophils, and activity of their

    MMPs figure predominantly in bovine parturition

    (Klucinski et al., 1990; Eiler and Hopkins, 1992;

    Hoedemaker et al., 1992b; Hussain and Daniel, 1991,

    1992; Maj and Kankofer, 1997; Chassagne et al.,

    1999; Kimura et al., 2002; Mateus et al., 2002). In fact,

    these studies extended information available in the

    biomedical literature by linking inadequate levels/

    activity of these pro-inflammatory mediators at

    parturition to retained placentas (Maj and Kankofer,

    1997; Kimura et al., 2002) and showing that the bovine

    placenta secretes factor(s) that shut down oxidative

    burst activity in the recruited neutrophils (Hoede-

    maker et al., 1992a, 1992b; Kimura et al., 2002). Thus,

    the process of parturition appears to be a massive

    inflammatory process, with the fetus, placenta, and

    reproductive tract playing active roles in the recruit-

    ment, activation, and altered functional priority of

    blood neutrophils. Is it possible, then, that the

    reproductive tract has a more urgent demand for long

    lived neutrophils with elevated tissue degrading

    capacity during parturition than peripheral tissues

    have of traditional short-lived neutrophils endowed

    with potent antimicrobial activity? We think this is an

    important question that warrants further consideration

    because of its possibilities for improving our under-

    standing about disease susceptibility, especially to

    retained placenta, metritis, and mastitis in parturient

    dairy cows.

    In this light, the other cluster of six neutrophil

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 209function genes we selected to profile by Q-RT-PCR for

  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog210expression changes during parturition relate to tissue

    remodeling activity of the cells. The genes included

    MMP-8 and MMP-9, their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-2

    and TIMP-3), TGF-b (a pleiotropic cytokine withprofibrotic properties that can inhibit neutrophil

    chemotaxis and possibly MMP-8; Moilanen et al.,

    2002; Chakir et al., 2003; Ghio et al., 2003), and

    granzyme B (a potent apoptosis-inducing protein

    secreted by neutrophils and other immune cells to kill

    infected and otherwise altered host cells; Talanian

    et al., 1997; Trapani and Sutton, 2003; Andrade et al.,

    2004; Wagner et al., 2004). Results in Fig. 9 suggest

    Fig. 9. Expression changes in six neutrophil genes (MMP-8, TIMP-2, G

    regulate tissue remodeling functions of the cells. Data were generated using

    run in duplicate and b-actin used as the control gene (Weber et al., 2001; M

    blood neutrophils of three primiparous Holstein cows on days 7, 0, 0.25,days 0, 0.25, and 1 were relative to expression on day7 and calculated usieach graph are the level of significance for the main effect of day relative to

    and ac above individual bars indicate significant (P 0.05) differences inPCR primers and conditions used to generate these data are listed under the

    ( 105 (2005) 197219that neutrophils do indeed become programmed at

    parturition for increased tissue remodeling capacity,

    with a gene expression signature that clearly favors

    extracellular matrix degradation. Correlation analysis

    showed strong associations between these gene

    expression profiles and serum cortisol profiles

    (Table 4), some additional relationships (P < 0.04)with serum progesterone (r = 0.815 for TGF-b;r = 0.744 for TIMP-2; r = 0.741 for TIMP-3), but no

    associations (P > 0.10) with serum estradiol (notshown). In support of these correlation data, gluco-

    corticoids have been shown to block synthesis and

    ranzyme B, MMP-9, TIMP-3, and TGF-b) whose protein products

    quantitative real time RT-PCR (Madsen et al., 2004), with all assays

    adsen et al., 2002). Test RNAs were obtained from Percoll-isolated

    and 1 relative to parturition (on day 0). Gene expression changes for

    ng the 2DDCt method (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001). P-values aboveparturition obtained through repeated measures analysis of the data,

    mean (S.E.M.) gene expression by day relative to parturition. TheLinks icon on our Center for Animal Functional Genomics web site

  • y and

    tisol p


    sin 1



    lysis (

    time RT-PCR (Fig. 9).activity of granzyme B and TGF-b in other cell systems(Li et al., 2003; Sasson and Amsterdam, 2003) and

    increase secretion of MMP-9 by monocytes and

    neutrophils while inhibiting their expression of

    TIMP-2 (Valencia et al., 2003; Mirowska et al.,

    2004). Interestingly, elevated MMP-9 and decreased

    TIMP-2 expression have been found to be associated

    with premature rupture of fetal membranes in women

    (Fortunato and Menon, 2001). While we have yet to

    demonstrate that our gene expression profiles equate

    with heightened tissue degrading activity of blood

    neutrophils at parturition, it would make sense that this

    was the case because of the critical role of these cells in

    remodeling the extracellular matrix of the reproductive

    tract and placental at term. In turn, this could provide an

    explanation for the relationships between cortisol (and

    perhaps progesterone) and the neutrophil gene expres-

    sion profiles we have documented (Figs. 4, 8 and 9).

    Parturition appears to occur at the temporary expense of

    innate immune defense, possibly as a way of protecting

    reproductive tract cells and the fetus from damagingJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog

    Table 4

    Pearson product moment correlations (r-values) between serum cor

    genes in Percoll isolated blood neutrophils from parturient Holstein

    Gene name Immune function

    MMP-8 Neutrophil elastase; collagenase 2 activity

    MMP-9 Gelatinase B activity

    TIMP-2 Tissue inhibitor of gelatinases A and B

    TIMP-3 Tissue inhibitor of collagenase 1, stromely

    Granzyme B Apoptosis induction in damaged host cell

    TGF-b MMP and TIMP regulation; anti-inflamm

    Gene expression changes were first detected by cDNA microarray anaeffects of neutrophil-generated ROS.

    3. Contribution of bone marrow to

    glucocorticoid-induced changes in blood


    In addition to direct effects of parturient cortisol

    (and perhaps progesterone) on existing blood neu-

    trophils, it is possible that young neutrophils released

    from bone marrow under the influence of these

    steroids contributed to the neutrophilia and accom-

    panying gene expression signatures we observed in

    Percoll-isolated blood neutrophils of our parturientcows. If true, bone marrow could participate in two

    main ways, through increased production of neutro-

    phils (granulopoiesis) and increased release of mature

    neutrophils into blood. In rat bone marrow for

    example, stress levels of exogenous glucocorticoid

    target immature neutrophil-lineage cells, increasing

    their proliferation and survival and enhancing avail-

    ability of the mature neutrophil pool for release into

    blood (Laakko and Fraker, 2002). In addition,

    proportions of neutrophils in bone marrow and blood

    appear to be positively correlated with blood cortisol

    concentration in neonatal horses (Chavatte et al.,

    1991). Interestingly, glucocorticoid-induced granulo-

    poiesis in humans may be related to the ability of this

    steroid to dose-dependently increase blood concentra-

    tions of a key neutrophil development and activating

    cytokine, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-

    CSF; Jilma et al., 1998). Regardless of mechanism of

    action, it seemed relevant to study gene expression in

    bone marrow cells of glucocorticoid challenged cattle

    to try and learn more about the blood neutrophil

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 211

    rofiles and expression profiles for six tissue remodeling regulatory

    (n = 3)

    r-value P-value

    0.70 0.02

    0.70 0.02

    0.75 0.04, and gelatinases A and B 0.75 0.04

    0.75 0.040.73 0.05

    Madsen et al., 2004) and further characterized using quantitative realpicture that we observed during parturition in dairy


    3.1. Microarray analysis of bone marrow cells in

    dexamethasone treated steers

    We did not have access to cows bone marrow in

    our parturition experiments and turned instead to our

    steer model of glucocorticoid challenge (Weber et al.,

    2004) to perform a second microarray experiment.

    Briefly, four Holstein steers served as untreated

    controls (no glucocorticoid challenge) and another

    four steers were treated with two doses of dexa-

    methasone (0.1 mg/kg of body weight) at times 0 and

  • y and6 h. Bone marrow was harvested from exposed

    sternebrea of all animals 12 h after the first

    dexamethasone dose was administered into the treated

    steers (procedure described in Weber et al., 2004). The

    samples were divided into two aliquots, one for

    microscopic slide preparation and flow cytometric

    analysis of neutrophil-lineage cells (protocols

    described in Weber et al., 2004) and the other for

    RNA isolation and microarray analysis of gene

    expression differences.

    The microarray work was performed using our

    fourth generation BOTL cDNA microarrays, which

    were upgraded to include triplicate spots for an

    additional 200 leukocyte genes relative to the thirdgeneration BOTL arrays used in our parturition study

    (Madsen et al., 2004). All conditions for cDNA

    synthesis, dye labeling, and array hybridizations and

    readings were as described previously (Madsen et al.,

    2004). Each sample RNA was labeled with both Cy3

    and Cy5 dyes so that there was assay replication at the

    level of dye. Samples from control and dexamethasone

    treated steers were randomly paired with each other

    for array hybridizations. Resulting total fluorescence

    intensity values for Cy3 and Cy5 from each spotted

    cDNA were imported into SAS and median values for

    triplicate spots of each gene log2-transformed for

    LOWESS normalization, which was done within array

    and patch to account for potential dye biases (Yang

    et al., 2002). Because the literature reveals lack of

    consensus about the best way to statistically analyze

    cDNA microarray data, we opted to use two

    commonly advocated approaches for our bone marrow

    data set. One approach is general linear model based

    (Kerr et al., 2000; Kerr and Churchill, 2001) and the

    other involves a two-step linear mixed model

    (Wolfinger et al., 2001). Our preliminary list of bone

    marrow expressed genes affected by dexamethasone

    administration was developed based upon the criterion

    that P < 0.05 in both analyses. Least squares estimatesresulting from the general linear model analysis were

    used to indicate putative direction of change in

    expression of these affected genes.

    3.2. Dexamethasone-induced expression changes in

    key hematopoiesis regulatory genes

    Based on our two-pronged data analysis, we have

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog212tentatively identified 10 genes for which dexametha-sone caused expression changes 12 h post-adminis-

    tration in vivo (Table 5). Of these, three genes

    (FANCA, IkB Kinase alpha, and JUN-D) with knownroles in promoting proliferation of immature myeloid-

    lineage cells, were up regulated in bone marrow of the

    dexamethasone treated animals relative to controls.

    The remaining seven genes were down regulated in

    bone marrow cells of the treated steers. Protein

    products of two of these genes negatively regulate

    proliferation of hematopoietic cells (CD164; GRO-

    beta), another is potently pro-apoptotic in neutrophils

    (Bax-alpha; Fig. 3), and two more help drive

    differentiation and maturation of hematopoietic cells

    (endothelin receptor; IL-7 receptor alpha). Another

    gene (receptor type tyrosine kinase RSE) encodes a

    protein known for its role in promoting hematopoiesis

    of monocyte- and platelet-lineage cells. The last

    identified gene encodes VE cadherin, which when

    down regulated enables transendothelial migration of

    circulating CD34+ hematopoietic cell precursors into

    bone marrow by loosening endothelial cellcell

    adhesions in bone marrow blood vessels.

    While we still need to confirm and characterize

    these gene expression profiles in bone marrow cells

    using Q-RT-PCR, and show that they are reflected in

    phenotypic changes in the cells, the signature shown in

    Table 5 suggests that dexamethasone may have acted

    to promote proliferation and survival of immature

    neutrophil-lineage cells in cattle. Substantiating this

    gene expression signature, microscopic examination

    and differential counting of granulocyte maturation

    pools in our bone marrow samples revealed an

    increased proportion of early immature myeloblasts

    and promyelocytes in dexamethasone treated steers

    relative to control animals (Fig. 10a). In addition, bone

    marrow from the treated animals showed modest

    reductions in proportions of mature band and

    segmented neutrophils (Fig. 10a), also observed as

    a small decrease in G1+ immunostained cells

    (Fig. 10b), compared with bone marrow from control

    steers. This presumably reflected an increase in the

    release of newly matured neutrophils into blood.

    Nonetheless, production and release of neutrophils

    appeared to be well balanced during the glucocorticoid

    challenge because there was no gross effect of

    dexamethasone administration on overall cellularity

    of CD45+ leukocyte-lineage cells in bone marrow

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219(Fig. 10c).

  • y and



    ous le

    f gene



    on re

    C1918J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog

    Table 5

    Dexamethasone up-regulated expression of three genes and down-regu

    12 h post hormone administration

    Clone name or actual gene name of spotted BOTL cDNA

    Up-regulated genes

    Clone name: BOTL0100013_E10. FANCA; a nuclear protein, in

    related with cell proliferation in bone marrow in acute myelogen

    (E = 1050, TC190561, BM251970)a

    Gene name: IKB KINASE ALPHA. Activates NF-kB pathway o

    transcription; up-regulated expression in myeloid blasts

    Gene name: JUN-D PROTO-ONCOGENE. Part of the AP-1 tran

    complex; highly expressed in bone marrow cells of multiple mye

    Down-regulated genes

    Clone name: BOTL0100005XH03R. CD164; CD34+b cell adhesi

    acts as potent negative regulator of proliferation (E = 1020.69, TBM 251379)aIt thus appears likely that glucocorticoids influence

    neutrophil production and release from bone marrow

    in cattle, which may have elevated the number of

    youthful neutrophils in blood of the parturient dairy

    cows in our previous study. However, additional

    reprogramming in circulating neutrophils under the

    influence of parturient cortisol (and possibly proges-

    terone) must also have occurred in the cows because

    the complex survival/tissue remodeling gene expres-

    sion signature in their blood neutrophils was not

    detected in bone marrow cells of our dexamethasone

    treated steers. Differences in gene expression profiles

    between bone marrow and blood neutrophils may have

    been due in part to differences in GRa expression(Fig. 1) and related transcription factors between these

    two neutrophil pools. On the other hand, we did not

    Gene name: BAX-ALPHA. Pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member (see F

    Gene name: ENDOTHELIN RECEPTOR. Critical role in tissue devel

    and differentiation, cell proliferation, bone remodeling, and apoptosis;

    expression known to be inhibited by dexamethasone

    Gene name: IL-7 RECEPTOR ALPHA. Activation via IL-7 binding le

    survival, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of hematopoietic

    Gene name: GRO-Beta. Growth-regulated oncogene beta; a chemokine

    dose-dependently suppresses colony formation of myeloid progenitors


    expression; involved in hematopoiesis regulation especially of

    megakaryocytes and myelomonocytic precursors

    Gene name: VE CADHERIN. Vascularendothelial cadherin; mediates

    cellcell adhesion in bone marrow, down regulation associated with C

    transendothelial migration into bone marrow

    a E = expectation value, TC = TIGR cluster number, and BM = GenBan

    microarrays (also see CD34+ cells are leukocyte-lineage precursor cells that can be found in

    differentiation during hematopoiesis.Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 213

    expression of seven genes in bone marrow cells collected from steers


    from GLM

    P-value from two-step

    mixed model

    d expression


    0.003 0.005

    0.014 0.005

    ion factor


    0.003 0.024



    0.042 0.041purify neutrophil-lineage cells from the bone marrow

    samples as we did for the blood cells, and this would

    certainly cause differences in gene expression profiles

    between the two sample types. Furthermore, we

    examined gene expression in bone marrow of the

    dexamethasone treated animals at only one time point,

    which was not necessarily representative of our

    sampling times in the parturient cows. Also, the blood

    environment at parturition in cows is more complex

    than a simple surge in cortisol, and other factors such as

    peptide hormones, cytokines, and prostaglandins also

    may have influenced gene expression in both popula-

    tions of neutrophils. Regardless of these problems

    comparing the results from our two microarray

    experiments, preliminary bone marrow gene expres-

    sion data derived from our dexamethasone treated

    ig. 3) 0.007 0.061

    opment 0.037 0.022

    ads to cell


    0.036 0.042

    that 0.042 0.020

    ll 0.010 0.050


    D34+ cell

    0.049 0.052

    k number for BOTL sequences spotted on fourth generation BOTL

    the blood circulation but home to bone marrow for proliferation and

  • y andJ.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunolog214steers are interesting enough to warrant additional

    functional genomic analysis of bone marrow neutro-

    phils collected from periparturient cows. Such studies

    would benefit from continued expansion and annotation

    of our BOTL microarray, including its significant

    enrichment with genes collected from a bone marrow

    cDNA library.

    4. Glucocorticoid reprogramming of the bovine

    neutrophil system: a new paradigm to help explainneutrophil dysfunction in parturient dairy cows

    Given our collective observations, we propose that

    the sudden surge in blood cortisol at parturition

    Fig. 10. Dexamethasone administration appeared to promote balanced gran

    segmented cells) in treated dairy steers (a) such that gross changes in overall

    of the tissue were not altered. Bone marrow was collected from the steers (

    were obtained from microscopic enumeration of MayGrunwald stained (S

    cells that were isolated by maturation stage on Percoll density gradients

    immunostaining with the bovine granulocyte marker G1 (b) and the pan leu

    the protocol described in Weber et al. (2004). a and b in panel (a) indicate sig

    treated steers within granulocyte-lineage pool.Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219induces adaptive changes in the neutrophil system

    that supports expansion and release of bone marrow

    cells and extended life span of blood cells that have

    re-prioritized functional activities favoring tissue

    remodeling over antibacterial defense. Because the

    surge in parturient cortisol is fetus-derived and

    necessary for rapid shut down of progesterone

    secretion by the placenta and corpus luteum to

    enable parturition, the gene expression profiles we

    observed in the dams blood neutrophils may have

    been driven by the fetus need to be born. Such

    changes in neutrophil gene expression may enable

    recruitment of large numbers of the cells into the

    reproductive tract and placenta to facilitate separa-

    tion of maternalfetal membranes, rupture of the

    ulopoiesis and bone marrow release of mature neutrophils (band and

    cellularity of the granulocytic (b) and total leukocyte (c) populations

    n = 8) as described in the text and in Weber et al. (2004). Data in (a)

    igma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) neutrophil-lineage bone marrow

    (see legend of Fig. 1). The percentage of total bone marrow cells

    kocyte marker CD45 (c) were determined flow cytometrically using

    nificant (P < 0.05) differences between control and dexamethasone-

  • However, as long as parturition occurs rapidly and

    y andfetal membrane, and softening of the cervix for

    delivery of the calf. We propose that such

    reprogramming of bone marrow and blood neutro-

    phils is normal and appropriate because the seven

    cows used in our studies proceeded through par-

    turition without complication and remained healthy

    well into lactation. We are not the first to put forward

    such ideas. Sendo et al. (1996) speculated that

    neutrophil survival induction by glucocorticoids acts

    in some way to benefit innate functions of the cells

    by augmenting the supply of youthful neutrophils

    available for defense of body tissues. In light of our

    observations, we suggest that the dysfunction

    label so commonly used to describe neutrophils

    from parturient cows be changed to altered


    That said, our gene expression results did suggest

    that parturient changes in neutrophil life span and

    tissue remodeling capacity is accompanied with

    temporary disabling of some antibacterial functions

    of the cells. In particular, the ability of the cells to

    marginate on and migrate through inflamed endothe-

    lium in infected peripheral tissues, and to mount

    effective respiratory burst needed to kill pathogens

    they phagocytose in these tissues, may be reduced

    for a short period of time around parturition. In some

    animals, this could translate into increased suscept-

    ibility to disease caused by opportunistic pathogens

    and, combined with the cells new longevity and

    tissue degrading status, increased severity of tissue

    inflammation mediated by neutrophils that do make

    their way into infected tissue as the blood cortisol/

    progesterone profile changes. However, if the

    margination/migration capacity of blood neutrophils

    is disabled at parturition, one is led to question how

    the cells manage to traffic to the reproductive tract

    and placenta. The answer to this question may lie in

    the endothelial cells that line blood vessels of the

    uterus, cervix and placenta, which may up regulate

    their own set of adhesion molecules in response to

    cortisol/progesterone imbalance, effectively pluck-

    ing neutrophils out of blood. This possibility would

    be interesting to address in future studies. We also

    recognize that blood and tissue factors other than

    cortisol and progesterone might be involved in the

    reprogramming of neutrophils at parturition, and

    these will be important to identify in the future. In

    J.L. Burton et al. / Veterinary Immunologlight of our presented observations and the questionswithout interruption, these risky consequences of the

    glucocorticoid hit on neutrophils are expected to be

    quite short-lived because the steroid also down

    regulates expression of its own receptor in neutrophils

    and the population of blood neutrophils turns over

    rapidly. Thus, apoptosis status and traditional bacter-these raise, our next steps will be to try and unravel

    the biological consequences of the neutrophil gene

    expression signatures we have documented to the

    processes of parturition and defense of the mammary

    gland in parturient cows.

    5. Summary comments

    Studies using sophisticated molecular probes and

    global gene expression analyses show that neutrophils

    are not simply short-lived terminally differentiated

    cells, but rather, have mRNA synthetic capacity that

    contributes to their elasticity (Goulding et al., 1998;

    Newburger et al., 2000; Subrahmanyam et al., 2001;

    Maianski et al., 2002; Madsen et al., 2002, 2004).

    Indeed, these leukocytes probably participate in

    previously unanticipated ways to a whole host of

    immune, inflammatory, and tissue remodeling

    responses that keep animals alive during stress (Smith,

    1994; Cassatella, 1999; Brinkmann et al., 2004).

    Through our functional genomics studies we have

    shown that intriguing responses of blood neutrophils

    and bone marrow cells occur during exposure to

    glucocorticoids in vivo. While it has long been stated

    that glucocorticoids induce generalized immune

    suppression, our results offer an additional possibility.

    Glucocorticoids may be a critical component of front

    line host defense during stress, enhancing bone

    marrow production of neutrophils, prolonging survival

    of these new cells in blood, and directing their

    functional priorities to deal with extracellular matrix

    remodeling in the event that tissues become damaged

    during fight-or-flight. One event in nature when this

    system appears to be absolutely necessary is parturi-

    tion. During parturition, the reproductive tract requires

    large numbers of neutrophils that are committed to the

    massive tissue remodeling job that ensures the fetus is

    born alive, even if this occurs at the expense of

    reduced antibacterial defense in peripheral tissues.

    Immunopathology 105 (2005) 197219 215icidal functions of the cells may return to normal

  • for their thoughtful input and assistance during

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