gender differences in facial reactions to fear-relevant stimuli


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Page 1: Gender Differences in Facial Reactions to Fear-Relevant Stimuli

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 24(1), Spring 2000

Q 2000 Human Sciences Press, Inc. 45


Monika Thunberg and Ulf Dimberg

ABSTRACT: The aim of the present study was to explore whether females are specif-ically more facially reactive than males, or whether females are more emotionallyreactive in general, as reflected even by non-facial reactions such as autonomicresponding and emotional experience. Forty-eight females and 48 males were ex-posed to pictures of fear-relevant and fear-irrelevant stimuli while EMG activity wasdetected from the Corrugator supercilii muscle region. Skin conductance responses(SCRs) were measured, and the participants were also required to rate how unpleas-ant they experienced the stimuli to be. Fear-relevant stimuli evoked a larger cor-rugator response than fear-irrelevant stimuli, but only for females. Fear-relevantstimuli also elicited larger SCRs and higher ratings of unpleasantness, but thesemeasures were almost identical for females and males. The present results are con-sistent with the hypothesis that females are more facially reactive than males, butnot more reactive in other respects.

Previous research on nonverbal communication has demonstrated that

females are more facially expressive than males in an emotion-provoking

situation (e.g., Buck, Savin, Miller, & Caul, 1972; see Buck, 1984). Earlier

research indicates that facial electromyographic (EMG) responses are re-

lated to emotional activity (for reviews see, e.g., Dimberg, 1990; Fridlund

& Izard, 1983). It has been found that imagery-induced emotions (e.g.,

Schwartz, Fair, Salt, Mandel, & Klerman, 1976) as well as visually pre-

sented emotional stimuli (e.g., Cacioppo, Petty, Losch, & Kim, 1986; Dim-

berg, 1990a), generate specific facial EMG responses that are interpretable

as negative and positive emotional responses. In particular it has been

found that fear-relevant stimuli such as angry faces and snakes sponta-

neously evoke increased activity in the Corrugator supercilii muscle (e.g.,

Monika Thunberg and Ulf Dimberg, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University.This work was supported by the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and

Social Sciences.Address correspondence to Ulf Dimberg, Department of Psychology, Uppsala University,

Box 1225, S-751 42 Uppsala, Sweden; e-mail:

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Dimberg, 1982, 1986). The corrugator muscle is used when frowning in

negative facial expressions (Hjortsjo, 1970).

Furthermore, studies on facial EMG and emotional imagery (e.g.,

Schwartz, Brown, & Ahern, 1980) have presented evidence that females

generate larger facial muscle activity than males. Analogous results were

obtained when subjects were exposed to auditory stimuli (Dimberg,

1990b), and females also tended to be more reactive when exposed to

pictures of different facial expressions (Dimberg & Lundqvist, 1990). In

summary, it seems to be the case that females are more facially expressive

than males.

An alternative way of interpreting the above findings is that females

are not simply more facially reactive but rather more emotionally reactive

in general. If this is the case, then this reactivity should be reflected by

other indicators of emotional reactions such as autonomic activity and ex-

perience of the stimuli. The purpose of the present study was to distinguish

between these two hypotheses, that is: 1) that when exposed to emotional

stimuli, females are specifically more facially reactive, but not more reac-

tive in other respects or 2) that females are more emotionally reactive in


One class of stimuli that has consistently been found to evoke distinct

responses when measuring the above mentioned three aspects of the emo-

tional response system is pictures of fear-relevant stimuli such as snakes

(e.g., Dimberg & Thell, 1988). That is, pictures of snakes evoke increased

corrugator muscle activity and large skin conductance responses (SCRs),

and are also rated as highly unpleasant, reflecting a negative emotional

reaction. Therefore, one way to test the two hypotheses given above would

be to expose males and females to pictures of snakes while measuring

corrugator activity, SCRs, and ratings of how unpleasant the participants

experience the stimuli. According to the first hypothesis, females should

generate larger facial reactions than males, while there should be no differ-

ence between the groups regarding SCRs or ratings. According to the sec-

ond hypothesis, females should generate not only larger facial EMG re-

sponses but also larger SCRs and should rate the negative stimuli as more


In order to evaluate whether differences in responding between males

and females might be due to a general difference in reactivity unrelated to

the emotional quality of the stimuli, the participants were also exposed to a

set of control stimuli. The control stimuli were pictures of fear-irrelevant

stimuli (flowers), which in earlier studies have been accompanied by a

neutral or a mildly positive facial reaction (e.g., Dimberg, 1997).

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Ninety-six students at Uppsala University participated in the experi-

ment. There were 48 males and 48 females.

Apparatus and Procedure

The participants were individually tested in a sound attenuated room.

They were exposed to slides of snakes and flowers projected onto a screen.

The distance between participant and screen was 2 m and the picture size

40250 cm. The stimuli were presented in blocks of six trials in three differ-

ent phases, with stimulus durations of 0.5, 1 and 8 s. The inter-trial inter-

vals varied from 25 to 45 s. The order of the three different conditions of

stimulus durations were counterbalanced across the participants. The ex-

posure times were controlled by an electronic timer that, together with all

other equipment, was situated outside the room.

Facial EMG activity was measured bipolarly over the Corrugator su-

percilii muscle region (Fridlund & Cacioppo, 1986), with Beckman minia-

ture Ag/AgCl electrodes filled with Beckman electrode paste. Muscle activ-

ity was detected with a Coulbourn Hi Gain Amplifier with the high pass

filter set to 10 Hz and the low pass filter set to 1000 Hz. The EMG signal

was integrated with a Coulbourn Contour Following Integrator with a time

constant of 20 ms. The signal was transformed by a Coulbourn 12 bit A/D

converter connected to an IBM PC that collected data with a sampling

frequency of 100 Hz. The data were expressed in microvolts.

Skin conductance was measured with two Beckman Ag/AgCl elec-

trodes (8 mm diameter) attached to the second phalanges of the first and

second fingers of the left hand. The electrodes were filled with Unibase

0.05 M NaCl electrode paste and connected to a Coulbourn Skin Conduc-

tance Coupler.

After exposure to the different stimuli, the participants were required

to rate how unpleasant they experienced the stimuli on a scale from 0 to 9,

where 0 was “not at all” and 9 was “very much.”

Data Scoring, Design, and Analysis

In accordance with earlier experiments (e.g., Dimberg, 1997), any dis-

tinct corrugator muscle response to the stimuli was expected to be detect-

able during the first second after stimulus onset. Thus, facial EMG was

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scored and analyzed as mean activity during the first second after stimulus

onset. Thus, facial EMG was scored and analyzed as mean activity during

the first second after stimulus onset. Phasic responses were scored as

change in activity from the pre-stimulus levels which were defined as the

activity during the last second before stimulus onset.

As there was no differential responding resulting from the different

exposure times in the present study the data were collapsed over the differ-

ent stimulus durations. Before analysis, the data were further collapsed

over the trials and consequently the statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA)

was performed on the mean response for each subject to fear-relevant and

fear-irrelevant stimuli, respectively. Specific comparisons among means

were evaluated using t-tests.

The SCRs (expressed in microSiemens) were scored as the largest

phasic response initiated within the 1–4 s interval after stimulus onset.

Before the ANOVA, the SCR data were first range corrected (Lykken, Rose,

Luther, & Maley, 1966) and then collapsed over trials.

Consequently, the design and the corresponding ANOVA for all mea-

sures was a two factorial split plot (e.g., Kirk, 1968) with Group (Male vs.

Female) as the between subjects factor and Stimulus (fear relevant vs. fear

irrelevant) as the within subjects factor.

To obscure the fact that their facial muscle activity was to be mea-

sured, the participants were told that their facial sweat gland activity was of

interest (e.g., Dimberg, 1990a). When interviewed after the experiment,

none of the subjects reported that they were aware of the actual measure-

ment being made.


The mean responses for facial EMG, SCRs and ratings of unpleasantness

are given in Table 1.

Facial EMG

Fear-relevant stimuli did not evoke overall significantly higher cor-

rugator muscle activity than the control stimuli. However, as indicated by

the Stimulus 2 Group interaction, F(1,94)44.07, p,0.05, males and fe-

males differed in response to the different stimuli. As can be seen in Table

1, this effect was due to the fact that females produced a larger response

than males to the fear-relevant stimuli, t(94)42.08, p,0.05. Females fur-

ther reacted with a larger corrugator response to fear-relevant than to fear-

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The Mean Corrugator Supercilii Muscle Responses, Skin ConductanceResponses and Unpleasantness Ratings of Fear-Relevant and

Fear-Irrelevant Stimuli for Females and Males

Females Males









Corrugator response (mV) 0.305 0.130 0.155 0.185

SCR (mS) 0.146 0.071 0.146 0.080

Unpleasantness (0–9) 4.458 0.562 4.360 0.880

irrelevant stimuli, t(94)42.43, p,0.02, while males did not differ between

the stimuli, t(94),1.


There were no overall differences in responses between males and

females, F(1,94),1. As can be seen in Table 1, and as indicated by the

Stimulus factor, F(1,94)461.37, p,0.001, fear-relevant stimuli overall elic-

ited larger SCRs than fear-irrelevant stimuli. This effect was evident for both

females and males, t:s(94)$5.19, p,0.01.


There were no overall differences in ratings between males and fe-

males, F(1,94),1. As can be seen in Table 1, and as indicated by the

stimulus factor, F(1,94)4217.64, p,0.001, fear-relevant stimuli were rated

as more unpleasant than fear-irrelevant stimuli. This effect was evident for

both females and males, t:s(94)$9.84, p,0.01.


The present study demonstrated that females, as compared to males, pro-

duced a larger corrugator muscle reaction to fear-relevant stimuli. How-

ever, there were no differences in responding between males and females

in SCRs or ratings of unpleasantness. These results are consistent with the

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hypothesis that females are more facially reactive than males, but not more

reactive in other respects. Consequently, the results did not support the

hypothesis that females are more emotionally reactive in general.

Even if not consistently found, some studies have indicated a negative

relationship between expressivity and autonomic activity such as SCRs (for

a review see Buck, 1984). The so-called “internalizer-externalizer” dimen-

sion is a term used to describe this relation between spontaneous facial

signs of affect, on the one hand, and internal physiological arousal, on the

other. The externalizing mode of response involves high overt expression

but low electrodermal responding, while the internalizing response in-

volves the opposite pattern (e.g., Buck et al., 1972). From this perspective,

males—being less facially reactive than females—would have been ex-

pected to react with larger SCRs in the present study, but no such effects

were found.

It is obvious that males and females differed in facial reactivity in the

present study. However, how this difference should be interpreted is not

obvious. For instance, there could be genetic dissimilarities such as differ-

ent mediation by the central nervous system or peripheral dissimilarities

resulting in different facial reactivity (for a discussion see Schwartz et al.,

1980). Another explanation could be that males and females have learned

to express emotions differently (for a review see Brody & Hall, 1993). A

third factor may be that females have a more sensitive perceptual ability

(Buck, 1984; Hall, 1978), and therefore react more intensely. However,

there were no differences between males and females in perceptual ability

as indicated by ratings in the present study.

In summary, the present results indicated that when exposed to fear-

relevant stimuli, females generated more pronounced corrugator muscle

reactions than males, but had similar SCRs and unpleasantness ratings.

These results are consistent with earlier research on facial EMG and emo-

tion as well as research on nonverbal communication indicating that fe-

males are more facially expressive than males.


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