geert hofstede presentation for final project

GEERT HOFSTEDE’S MODEL OF NATIONAL CULTURE Introduction to Business Final Project International Business

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Introduction to Business Final Project International Business

Page 2: Geert Hofstede Presentation for Final Project


Explain the five cultural dimensions as defined in Geert Hofstede’s Model of National Culture.Describe how information about national culture can be used in management practice.

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EXPLORING CULTUREWhat do you see in this picture?

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What did people from various countries see in this picture?

A meeting between a father and his daughter.

She could have some problem.

A daughter helping her old father.

A husband helping his wife.

A father ushering his daughter on gently.

A man angry with a woman and teaching her a lesson.

Two friends who are not on good terms for the time being.

A man trying to talk to a woman who turns her back to him.



A pickpocket.

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What do you see in this picture?

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What did people from various countries see in this picture?

A person walking away from a group of people who have lots of fun. A group of people discussing something and a woman who does not agree. A group of men discussing men's matters and a woman listening in. Disappointment after opening the box. A reprimand or arrest. An assault. A man selling caps.

There is a gangster with some weapon and there is a woman crying. A criminal with a gun against a policeman with cap and badge. A group of policemen guarding an important box. A policeman with badge interrogating witnesses. People going to a funeral place with a box in which the remains of the deceased have been put. Some horse race: a starting pistol, a broker, jockeys.

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Exploring Culture

The people who interpreted the pictures were a diverse group:Ages 14 – 50From Bolivia, China, Ethiopia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Peru, Tunisia and Uganda.

Why is there such a wide range of interpretations?

This survey came from the web site of Gert Jan Hofstede, son of Geert Hofstede, the social scientist who developed a model to identify cultural dimensions.

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Background Information – Dr. Geert Hofstede

Dutch social psychologistWorked from 1967 – 1973 as a psychologist for IBMCollected and analyzed data on values and norms from 116,000 IBM employees in 40 countriesBased on these results, he developed a model that identifies four primary dimensions to culture. He later added a fifth dimension.Currently Director (Emeritus) of the Institute for Research on Intercultural Cooperation (IRIC)

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Low PowerDistance


Low UncertaintyAvoidance

Short TermOrientation


High PowerDistance


High UncertaintyAvoidance

Long TermOrientation

Hofstede’s Model of National Culture

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Individualism CollectivismIndividual freedom and self expression are valued within a society.

Culture that values the group over the individual.

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Low Power Distance

High Power Distance

Equality and opportunity for all is emphasized. Society tries to reduce differences between rich and poor with social programs and taxes.

Inequalities of power and wealth have been allowed to grow within the society. Wide gap between rich and poor.

Power Distance – a society’s acceptance of differences in the well being of citizens due to differences in

heritage, and physical and intellectual capabilities.

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Masculinity or achievement orientation focused on the degree to which society values assertiveness, performance, and success.

Society is results oriented stressing success, money and possessions.

Nurturing-oriented where quality of life, personal relationships and service are valued.

Masculinity Femininity

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Uncertainty Avoidance – the degree to which a society is willing to tolerate uncertainty and risk.

Society values diversity, tolerates differences in personal beliefs and actions

More rigid society, high conformity to norms is expected; structure and rules provide security

Low Uncertainty Avoidance

High Uncertainty Avoidance

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Long-term orientation focuses on the degree to which a society embraces devotion to

traditional, forward thinking values.

Society values thrift, persistence, planning for the future.

Society that values personal stability and happiness and living for the present.

Long-term orientation

Short-term orientation

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Preference for Certainty Questionnaire

Please indicate your level of agreement to the following 6 statements using this scale:

1 Strongly Disagree

2 Tend to Disagree

3 Undecided

4 Tend to Agree

5 Strongly Agree

Please click on a number from 1 to 5 for each of the 6 statements below.

1.    Most organizations would be better off if conflict could be eliminated forever.1 2 3 4 5

2.    One can be a good manager without having precise answers to most of the questions that subordinates may raise about their work.

1 2 3 4 5

3.    An organization structure in which certain subordinates have two bosses should be avoided at all costs.

1 2 3 4 5

4.    In order to have efficient work relationships, it is often necessary to bypass the hierarchical lines.1 2 3 4 5

5.    A company or organization's rules should not be broken - not even when the employee thinks it is in the company's best interests.

1 2 3 4 5

6.    Conflicts with our opponents are best resolved by both parties compromising a bit.1 2 3 4 5

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Comparison of United States vs. the Arab World

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SummaryHofstede’s Model is based on 5 dimensions:

IndividualismPower DistanceMasculinityUncertainty AvoidanceLong-term Orientation

This model can be used as a tool to help understand the cultural differences among countries.Managers need to adapt management practices to a particular culture.