gcc regulation standards and halal food regulation2015.pdf · gcc regulation standards and halal...

1 Professor Reyad Shaker Obaid College of Health Sciences University of Sharjah UAE GCC Regulation Standards and Halal Food Food Ingredients Asia Bangkok 2015

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Professor Reyad Shaker Obaid

College of Health Sciences

University of Sharjah


GCC Regulation Standards and

Halal Food

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


:قال هللا تعالى

بات ، أحل لهم ماذا يسألونك ) ي )قل أحل لكم الط

)4اآلية ، المائدة)

“They ask you, [O Muhammad], what has been

made lawful for them. Say, Lawful for you are [all]

good foods” (Quran 5:4)

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


GCC Countries




Total Population %



Saudi Arabia 29. 60 67.6 32.4

UAE 10. 08 11.5 88.5

Kuwait 3. 46 31.5 68.9

Oman 3. 52 56.6 43.4

Qatar 2. 10 14.3 85.7

Bahrain 1. 43 48.9 51.1

Sources: http://countrymeters.info/en/ 2015

National Institute Statistics, 2014

Population distribution in GCC countries

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


GCC Countries

Formation in 1981 to support its members


Social and political ties

Harmonizing regulations like trade and customs

Rapid transition from traditional semi-urbanized life to modern and urbanized society following major oil discoveries since 1960 (International Monetary Fund 2009)

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Food Market of GCC

Major hub in the global food market

Imports ~90% of its food with a market

value of US $32.2 billion; expected to

increase to US $53.1 billion by 2020 (Economist Intelligence Unit.)

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Competitive markets:

“No Entry Barriers and Exit Barriers”

Food import and re-export are amongst

the most vital activities for GCC economy

Market for Halal products (Meat and food

products) has increased exponentially

Food Market Properties of GCC

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


A unified customs tariff of 5% on nearly all processed food products

Food products exempted from tariffs: live animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, some seafood, grains, flour, tea, sugar, spices

A single entry point policy applied to unopened containers

Unified Customs Law and Single Customs

Tariff of GCC

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


The Cooperation Council for The Arab States of the Gulf

Secretariat General

GCC Guide for Control on Imported Foods



GCC Guide for Control on Imported


The GCC Ministers in-charge adopted

the Guide in September 2014

All GCC food standards and technical

regulations are available at GSO

website: www.gso.org.sa

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


The regulatory requirements of which will be

applied by the exporting country

Risk-based inspection of imported food which

will be applied by GCC countries

Specific attestations for animal and plant health


Codex, OIE, IPPC standards incorporated as

international benchmarks where appropriate

GCC Guide for Control on Imported


Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Risk-based Approach to Food

Safety Requirements

Systematic identification & classification

of health risks associated with different

foods in accordance with their intended

use in ensuring food safety

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Food classified into 3 general categories:




Subject to change in light of new scientific

evidence of potential food borne risks to

human health

Risk-based Approach to Food

Safety Requirements

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Evaluation of compliance history based

on the data collected from:

documentary checks,

physical check including product Identity


laboratory tests of imported food

shipments from a particular country of


Risk-based Approach to Food

Safety Requirements

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Special arrangements can be done with

competent authorities in exporting

countries that assure food safety during

primary production and across food chain

The above is encouraged by the GCC


Risk-based Approach to Food

Safety Requirements

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Health Attestations:

Health attestations should be declared in the relevant

section of the standard forms of health certificates

Exporting country needs to certify or otherwise assure

that the food meets the requirements of the importing


Certification from the exporting country should

indicate that the food meets the importing country (i.e.

GCC) requirements.

Risk-based Approach to Food

Safety Requirements

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Health Certificate for Export of

Processed Foods

Food product is in conformity with the existing GCC


The food product(s) was handled in accordance with

the GCC requirements, at an establishment that has

been subjected to inspections by the competent

authority and/or officially recognized body and

implements a food safety management system based

on HACCP principles or an equivalent system

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Health Certificate for Export of

Meat and Meat Products

Meat/meat product in conformity with existing GCC requirements.

Meat source shall meet OIE criteria related to fitness for human consumption.

Animals slaughtered in a slaughterhouse approved by the GCC authorities and under

the supervision of Competent Authority of exporting country.

Meat produced from animals subjected to ante-mortem and post- mortem inspection

by the Competent Authority, in accordance with GCC requirements.

Meat and/or meat product handled in accordance with the GCC requirements, at an

establishment subjected to inspections by the Competent Authority and implements a

food safety management system based on HACCP principles or an equivalent system.

Good veterinary practice applied in use of veterinary medicines (including growth

hormones) and agriculture chemicals in live animals, and any residues in meat comply

with GCC requirements.

Meat/meat product originates from animals not been slaughtered for the purpose of

disease eradication/control

Meat/meat product not been derived from animals fed with processed animal protein,

excluding fish meal, according to the GCC requirements.

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Health Certificate for Export of Milk

and Milk Products

Milk/milk product in conformity with existing GCC requirements.

Milk /milk product derived from healthy animals that are subject

to the official veterinary service inspections and in compliance

with GCC requirements.

Milk/milk product handled in accordance with the GCC

requirements, at an establishment subjected to inspections by

the Competent Authority and implements a food safety

management system based on HACCP principles or an

equivalent system.

Good veterinary practice applied in use of veterinary medicines

(including growth hormones) and agriculture chemicals in live

animals and any residues in milk or milk product comply with

GCC requirements.

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Health Certificate for Export of

Table Eggs and Egg Products

Eggs/ products in conformity with the existing GCC


Eggs/egg products source meet OIE criteria related to fitness for

human consumption.

Eggs/egg products handled in accordance with the GCC

requirements, at an establishment subjected to inspections by

the Competent Authority and implements a food safety

management system based on HACCP principles or an

equivalent system.

Eggs have not been derived from birds fed with processed

animal protein, excluding fish meal according to the GCC


Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Health Certificate for Export of

Products of Aquatic Animal Origin

Aquatic animal origin products in conformity with the existing GCC


Aquatic animal origin products derived from non toxic species that do not

cause any sign of disease.

Where aquatic animals are grown in farms or aquaculture production areas,

hygiene requirements are under the control of the Competent Authority.

Aquatic animal origin products meet OIE criteria related to fitness for human


Aquatic animals have been fed from feed produced in compliance with GMP &

HACCP principles or its equivalent and is free from any physical, chemical or

biological contaminants prohibited internationally.

Cultured aquatic animals not been fed with feed containing animal protein

excluding fish meal from different species than the cultured one.

Aquatic animal origin products handled in accordance with the GCC

requirements, at an establishment subjected to inspection by Competent

Authority and implements a food safety management system based on HACCP

principles or an equivalent system.

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015



Halal is that the animal is permitted by the

Islamic religion to be consumed as food

Animals that are not permitted by Islamic

religious to be eaten like pork.

Animal fats and ingredients should be

sourced from animals that are Halal


The use of pork fat, as with all pork related

products as ingredients, is prohibited

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Halal Slaughtering Certificate

GCC joint team in collaboration with the Islamic

associations at the countries of origin publish list of

approved Halal slaughterhouses.

Muslim Agencies (Islamic associations) to be in

compliance with the GSO standard No 2055/2010,

including previously approved Halal slaughterhouses

and Islamic associations

List of approved slaughterhouses and Islamic

association will be updated as per harmonized


Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Halal Certificate/Halal Slaughtering


Verification of Halal certificate/Halal slaughtering

certificate for all relevant consignments of food

Meat and meat products- the Muslim agency (Societies and Islamic

councils) in the exporting country approved by the GCC supervise

slaughter process and provide documentation according to GCC


Where meat is manufactured in a country different to

the origin of that meat, the competent authority in the

country of manufacture must provide certification that

the meat used in the manufacturing is the same as that

described in the original Halal slaughtering certificate

provided by the country of dispatch.

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Halal Slaughtering Certificate for

Export of Meat and Meat Products

Attestations set forth below must be recorded under the

standardized form for Halal certificate and Halal

slaughtering certificate

Slaughtering has occurred in an approved slaughterhouse and under

the supervision of the designated Islamic Agency approved by

concerned authorities in the GCC and in presence of the Islamic

Agency representative, by Muslim butchers using the knife and in a

place where swine is not permitted to be slaughtered.

Fresh meat (chilled or frozen) originated from a country and an

establishment that is authorized to export Halal meat to GCC; and the

animal source is Halal

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Halal Certificate for Export of products

of Meat Origin

Food product of animal origin including fats & meat

derivatives (such as gelatin) have been extracted under

the supervision of an Islamic Agency in manufacturing

country and approved by the GCC on the basis of the

original Halal certificate of slaughtered animals issued

by an Islamic Agency approved by the GCC in the

country of origin; assurance has been provided that the

meat and fat derivatives used in food processing are the

same ones covered by the original Halal certificates.

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Other Issues in the Guide

Inspection and clearance of imported foods

Reserve notification & detention of consignment

Temporary release

Automatically detained food

Prohibition of importation of foods on sanitary

or phytosanitary grounds

Please visit the Guide to get details about the

about points

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Labeling Regulations

A bi-lingual labels required

Arabic stickers and labels should be

readable and show, at least, the following


● Product description;

● Ingredients;

● Country of origin; and

● Net weight

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Labeling Regulations

Products intended for industrial use, may be

exempt from the Arabic labeling requirement

Bulk cartons of fresh fruits and vegetables must

contain most label information, but need not

carry production/expiry dates

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Labeling Regulations

A food label must contain:

- Product name (name of the food) in a prominent

position on the label

- Ingredients in descending order of proportion

- Additives. Using their “E” number and group

names are accepted

- The source of the animal fats (beef, buffalo)

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Labeling Regulations

A food label must contain:

Foodstuff and ingredients which are known to cause allergic

reaction to be always declared

Net content in metric units

Production and expiry dates

Country of origin

Name and address of manufacturer, producer, distributor,

importer, exporter or vendor to be declared on the label

Special storage and preparation instructions, if any

Lot identification

Nutritional declaration is voluntary, except for foods for which

nutrition claims are made

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Facilitate Food Product Imports in

Dubai, UAE

Dubai Municipality offers the following

services to facilitate food product imports:

Pre-shipment approval of:

Food Labels- Copies of labels can be sent (fax

copies or e-mails acceptable) directly or

through one of the importers to health

officials for review and registration, at no cost

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015



- When approved and registered, the products bar

code added to municipality’s list of approved and

registered products

- It facilitates the importation of products and

reduce clearance time

- Dubai strongly encourages exporters to have

labels for new products “pre-approved”

Facilitate Food Product Imports in

Dubai, UAE

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015



- Officials analyze a product to determine

compliance with food ingredient standards

- Laboratory testing required on first

consignments to the UAE

- Same product may be subject to future random

laboratory testing

- Dubai encourages exporters to have their

ingredients pre-approved for new products

Facilitate Food Product Imports in

Dubai, UAE

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Shelf life

- Food exporters allowed to ship products with

manufacturer’s recommended shelf life

- Products exempt from expiration dating- salt,

white sugar, dried legumes, dried vegetables,

spices, tea, rice, fresh fruits and vegetables and


Facilitate Food Product Imports in

Dubai, UAE

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Food Additives Regulations

Food coloring additives

Food preservatives


Emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners



UAE refers to the Codex Alimentarius and other

internationally recognized bodies to determine

permitted food additives

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Pesticides and Other Contaminants

Pesticides and Other Contaminants

UAE Standards address the maximum residue

limits for

- Pesticides in agricultural and food products

- Veterinary drugs in foods

UAE Standards address the acceptable limits of

aflatoxin and other toxics, radiation

Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015


Thank You






Food Ingredients Asia – Bangkok 2015