gazette june

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  • 8/10/2019 Gazette June


    Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    InSPE Gazette

    From the HeadteacherAs our children look forward to their

    summer holiday it allows me the oppor-tunity to look back on the last 12 monthsand there is li le doubt that this has

    been a very exci ng year at the school.The developments in the curriculum, theevery increasing ac vi es, trips, a erschool clubs and school teams are all ex-tremely pleasing to see. I am sure youwill enjoy looking at the photographswhich review the various events whichhave taken place since September. As youknow this year the steady growth of our

    school was re ected in the expansion ofour facili es and the taking on of a newbuilding.

    The addi on of this resource and thebene ts to our pupils are a worthy rewardfor all the hard work put into this by theschools board members, o ce sta ,

    teachers and parents. I would like to takethis opportunity to thank everyone whowas involved inthis. All that remainsfor me to do is to wishyou all a wonderfulsummer and I look for-ward to welcomingyou back to the

    school when the newterm begins on Mon-day 1 st September.

    Iain DavidsonHead of School

    Auditionsacting on a real theatre stagesinging and dancing these and many other suchwords made us, the pupils in Primary, a bit nervous and a little scared at first.

    Then, little by little the magic happened. Teachers, the big day came. We started learning our lines,we tried on and got used to our colourful costumes and props and we realised what talented dancersand singers we can be! After hours, days and weeks of practice and rehearsals, supported and en-couraged by our dedicated teachers, the big day came. ( Continued on page 8)

    The Primary School Show

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    The Eco committee has been meeting weekly this term with our new representatives.Mateusz joined us from P5-7, Ana from P4, Victor from P3, Marek and Jana from P2,Roni from P1A and Felix from P1B. We have been recycling again and talking about how

    to make our classrooms and playground more envi-ronmentally friendly.

    Firstly we would like to thank everyone atInSPE for welcoming us into the school.Everyone has been so supportive and we

    have felt like members of this internationalfamily. We have really enjoyed our time atthe school so far, helping with the schoolproductions has been a particular highlightfor us. The experience of working as partof an international teaching community hasbeen invaluable and we will take many expe-riences with us in the future. The childrenhave also been able to provide valuable in-sight during our time here from

    greetings in multiple languages to the latestdance trends! We will definitely be takingsome new moves back to Scotland and Ire-land. Outside of school we have also had thechance to explore the beautiful city of Bu-charest further. A visit to the Village Muse-um and Herestrau Park was highly recom-mended by staff and pupils and we can seewhy, we had great fun exploring all of thedifferent houses.

    A final memory will of course be the weather.Sun is a rare sight back home and we werevery pleased to see it whilst here.We would like to take this opportunity tothank everyonefor making ourtime so enjoya-ble and memora-ble. Who knows

    you might see usback again inthe future!

    Visitng Teachers Over the last 4 weeks InSPE has beenhosting Ms Noreen White, Mr Bruce

    Carr, Ms Alison MaCrae and Ms LauraDolan visiting teachers from Scotland.The teachers have become involved in allaspects of school life. Mr Carr haswritten about his time here at InSPE.

    We have just found out that our school metall the criteria to become an Eco-School!We will officially receive the Green FlagAward this year in October. Congratula-tions to all children and staff involved!

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    Page 3Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    After a long walk on a journey that seemedrather difficult, together we have succeed-ed to achieve most of this years bold socialand humanitarian targets.

    Thanks to P.A efforts and InSPE staff,who planned and organised a successfulFlea Market we have managed to raiseenough funds to sponsor a fun trip to theAnimal Farm for the orphan children. Sev-eral children from the foster care apart-ments in Sector 4 and Harap Alb orphan-age will enjoy a pleasant outdoor experi-ence that will be organised by the Anchorof Hope foundation on the 27th June. Feelfree to join them as a volunteer!

    The Harap Alb Playground Construction project is moving forward and we hope thatby the end of August it will be complete. Atthis point we have the necessary amount ofmoney and a specialised team that will helpbuild and equip the playground. The nextstep in the process is to obtain all the nec-

    essary approvals from the legal authorities.We will keep you updated as we move for-ward with all our projects!

    Thank you for being part of this vision andwell done for your achievements so far!

    For more information pleasewrite us an e-mail or visit thefollowing links:


    [email protected]; [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Green Class trip to the Animal Farm

    Primary 2 trip to the Botanical Garden Primary 2 trip to the History Museum

    Orange Class trip to the Village Museum

    P r i ma r y 3

    t r i p t o t h e r ai l wa y s t a t i o n

    m u se u m P r i mar y 1 t r i p t o t he H er ast r au P ar k

  • 8/10/2019 Gazette June


    Page 5Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    On Monday 16th June the P4 children went ontheir residential visit to the Piatra Crailui Na-tional Park, near Brasov. They borrowed sometents from the Bucharest Scouts and spentthe first night under the stars. The childrenhelped to pitch the tents and they enjoyedplaying with their torches in the dark.

    On Tuesday 17 th June the children went on aseven kilometre hike to Cabana Curmaturawith Radu the national park ranger. Heshowed the children chamois and a deer aswell as explaining the ecology of the moun-

    tain. The children returned to school onWednesday 18 th June.

    On the way home they visited the ParadisulAcvatic Swimming Pool where they had lotsof fun sliding down the water slides.

    The children really enjoyed their adventuresin the beautiful Romanian countryside andthey also learned about rural life and agri-culture.

    For their residential trip, the pupils in Primary 5-7 went to the beautiful Saschiz area wherethey had a fantastic time admiring the breath-taking landscapes, getting involved in engagingactivities and learning about local traditions and history. They visited old fortified churches, alocal Romanian school, went up a big hill to reach the old and fascinating fortress of Saschiz.The children also took part in an orientation and strategy game and learned how to makestrong knots, build tents for shelter and use compasses for precise orientation while in themiddle of nature. All these and many more happened in the imaginary land of Fantasia whereThe Nothing wanted to take over the kingdom

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    In order to welcome Spring, Pink classs roleplay area became a park. They loved dress-ing up, pretending they were going to thepark or having a picnic. The children had funpainting and gluing different spring insectsin the creative area; we planted differenttype of seeds and flowers, we wateredthem every day and we enjoyed watchingthem grow.

    In Orange Class we have learned aboutFarm Animals. We sang lots of new songs,our favourite being Good Morning Mrs.

    Hen. In our small world farm, the chil-dren spent time playing with the differ-ent farm animals. On the last week of ourtopic we went to a real farm. It was fun!

    This term Green class learnt about LifeCycles and all the different types ofplants, flowers and animals that growincluding us! We looked at seeds and howthey grow into plants and flowers, at bugsand insects that we start seeing at thistime of year. For three weeks GreenClass planning was around the classic storyof The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

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    Page 7Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    Primary 2

    Primary 1 A

    Primary 1 B

    This term Primary 1A have had a great timeenjoying their outdoor games topic. Chil-dren have had the opportunity to play, in-vent and learn about many different out-door games in a variety of different set-tings. In addition to the roof and thecourt, children had the chance to playgames along with Primary 1B in HerastrauPark.

    This term in Primary 1B the children havebeen doing a topic on Sports and Games.We had a lot of fun trying different sports

    such as athletics, basketball, long jump andgymnastics. We even brought in our bikesfrom home so that we could all cycle to-gether!

    In Primary 2 we have been learning allabout plants and minibeasts for our topic'A Bug's life'. The children have plantedand looked after beans, gone on minibeasthunts, visited the botanic gardens andhave learned a lot about different typesof minibeasts and where they live.

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    The Primary School Show

    Then came fierce pirates and stubbornship captains, clumsy sailors and harshhealth and safety inspectors, treacherousnatives and innocent children who sailedthe seas looking for intriguing treasuresand adventures in The Pirates of the Cur-rybean.

    On Thursday 12th

    June, for a couple ofhours, the sun was up in the sky but thestars were on stage in Ion Manu theatre,where the audience was impressed firstlyby kind fairies, Lord and Lady Woodpidge,cheeky goblins, pixies, woodland creaturesand the Pixieland band in the Primary 1 and2 production of The Goblin Next Door.

    But most of all, we worked hard, we had fun and we will cherish

    the loud applause we were rewarded with!

  • 8/10/2019 Gazette June


    Page 9Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    The Nursery End of Year Presentations

    This week the Nursery have had their class presentations. The children were great singingthe songs that they have learnt this year! The parents really enjoyed them and everyone hadfun.

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    Primary 3

    Primary 4

    Primary 5-7

    Primary 4 children finishedtheir storyline called "A per-fect little town". They made 3Dfamily houses and their charac-ters worked together to keepthe river from flooding over thenearby houses.

    Primary 3 completed their learning aboutVictorian Times with a trip to the Cotro-ceni Museum and the Railway Museum,which helped to reinforce the chil-drens understanding of lifestyle andtravel in the time of the Victorians. Wehave now moved further into the past, inorder to learn about Knights and Castlesin Medieval Times.

    The children in P5-7 have been learningabout the mysterious and flourishing life ofthe Ancient Egyptians. For a better under-standing, we have taken on the role of amember of a community, set along the NileRiver, during the Old Kingdom. We all feltlike Egyptian craftsmen, painters and em-

    balmers while doing the canopic jars, thepainted ceramic tiles and the cuff bracelets.

  • 8/10/2019 Gazette June


    French Proficiency Exams

    On Saturday, 31st of May, the children in the Intensive French Club took the DELFPrim exam with 93% of children passing.

    But the French Club is not about figures. Its about a great team, formed of childrenand teachers alike. Its about spirit and enthusiasm. The most important thing is that every-body fell in love with French.

    Having Zig Zag as a starting point, our children joined Felix, the main character of ourscheme, in his great adventure through the francophone world - cooking, selling, buying, lis-tening to French music or watching French films, reading, writing or playing with Rebel Jun-iorour mascot we simply had fun.

    After we received the results from the French Institute, everybody congratulatedusteachers and children for our good results. But I would like to take this opportunity tocongratulate the children on the behalf of the IFC teachers for their effort to wake up ear-ly every day, for being enthusiastic every day and for asking every single day- Can we havemore French?

    Page 11Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    La mer est bleue.

    Le soleil est jaune.

    Le ballon est rose et violet.

    La voiture est rouge.

    Le parasol est orange.

    Le ciel est bleu.

    Colorie le reste comme tu veux!

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    InSPE GazettePage 12

    On Saturday, 29th March, our Under7football team took part in the footballtournament organised by Lycee FrancaisAnna de Noailles. InSPE football teamplayed really well winning all three match-es they played and the tournament.

    In the Under9 football league, InSPEplayed three matches in the last month,one at home against IBSB and two awayagainst MTIS and ISB. Although ourteam lost all three matches, the foot-ballers showed great ambition and im-proving skills from one game to the next.

    On Saturday, 10th May our school par-

    ticipated in the swimming competitionorganised by ISB at the Izvorani Olym-pic Complex.

    On Thursday, 15th May, InSPE's bas-ketball team had their first match everplaying against MTIS. Our team won thegame showing great team work.

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    Page 13Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    xtra curricular activitiesInSPE`s an-nual SportsDay tookplace on Fri-day 30 th Mayand it was aw o n d e r f u lopportunity

    for both the competitors and their enthusiastic

    supporters to have fun while demonstrating theirskills in the different track and field events!The pupils in Pink Class had fun playing aminigame, while the pupils in Orange Class andGreen Class took part in an obstacle race. Prima-ry 1 and Primary 2 competed together in a waterrelay, a sack race relay and a pyramid drill relay.Pupils in Primaries 3-7 competed in four events: running relay, standing long jump/ standingtriple jump, shuttle sprint run relay, throwing the ball and a long distance run. All the chil-dren showed great skill and determination, doing their best for their house team.

    When all planned activities finished, parents decided to compete in an obstacle race to showeverybody that sport and sportsmanship go beyond bad weather.InSPEs Sports Day ended with a ceremony when the winners in Rasnov House received thewell-deserved medals and trophy while everybody got certificates.Congratulations to all the children and pupils who took part and showed that the most im-portant thing is to take part and have fun!

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    This was a great opportunity for parents,children, teachers and friends to enjoy alovely afternoon socialising and tasting deli-cious food from around the world. The chil-dren enjoyed music with Miss Daisy andwere able to show off their super dancemoves with Miss Andreea, even Mickey andMinnie Mouse came to visit. A fun afternoonwas had by all and this was a great end toan excellent year!

    On Saturday 14 th June the Parents As-sociation organised their annual Inter-national food fair.

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    Page 15Issue 5, 26th June 2014

    At InSPEs Summer School Programme the children will enjoy awell-balanced, happy and safe summer experience which includeslanguage activities, swimming, cooking with chefs, arts and crafts,

    tennis, horse/pony riding, singing, dancing and many other FUNsurprises! The topics of the four weeks of Summer School areUSA, Romania, France and Around the world and the children will learn interesting thingsabout countries and go on a weekly trip related to the topic.

    Weekly Themes

    Week 1 ( 30th June- 4th July) - Theme: United States of AmericaWeek 2 ( 7th-11th July) - Theme: RomaniaWeek 3 ( 14th -18th July) - Theme: France

    Week 4 ( 21st

    - 25th July) - Theme: Around the world* Each week we will have one trip/visit that fits with our weekly theme.

    Every week!Nursery- Visit to Soft Play- Bouncy Castle- Water play- Music, Dance and Drama with a specialist teacher- 2 Cooking sessions with a professional chef

    Primary 1 Primary 2-7- 2 Swimming sessions at a local pool - Wall climbing- 2 Cooking sessions with a professional chef - Horse/Pony riding- Music, Dance and Drama with a specialist teacher - 2 Tennis lessons with an instructor- Bouncy Castle - 2 Cooking sessions with a professional chef

    - 2 Swimming sessions at a local pool- Music, Dance and Drama with a specialist teacher

    * Please note that some activities are not avail-able for children who are doing half days.



    June 25 th July 2014 Half days 9am-12/1 pm

    Full days 9am-3pm

    www inspe ro

  • 8/10/2019 Gazette June


    Were on the

    and on Facebook!

    International School for Primary Education72 Petre Aurelian,Greenlake Residences, Bucharest 1

    Phone us on: +40 21 380 3535Send a fax to: +40 21 380 3838www.inspe.roE-mail: [email protected]

    InSPE GazettePage 16

    Upcoming Events Calendar

    27th June Last day of school

    30th June First day of Summer School25th July Last day of Summer School1st September First day of school year 2014-2015

    Rasnov Corvin Bran Peles

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