gay mysticism

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  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism



    From the ancient mysticaltraditions of the Land Of Countless

    Gods, India, comes the teaching

    that the Universal Spirit (Brahman,

    the Creator first manifested as a

    Unified Being composed of all of

    the traits of BO!" "U#$%

    S&'&S Usually depicted as

    Female and Blac) on the left side

    of the *ody and #ale and +hite onthe right side, this First Being is

    named IS"$-$ and it is .he. or

    .she. or .+e. +hom "indus consider

    to have said /Let us ma)e man)indin our o+n Image/

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    $ccording to "induism, as any

     person .returns to God. throughspiritual self0development, the very

    L$S! thing they e1perience as .self 

    identity. is IS"$-$2 for +e

    retrace the 3ourney of Life from

    +here +e $re to +here +e Began,and +e *egan as Ishvara

    !hus, anyone +ho has unified *oth

    of the Se1es into their daily selfidentity is either Ishvara Creating

    Itself O- Ishvara .-eturning "ome.

    to Brahman 4hile most +estern

    societies fro+n upon the$ndrogynous or Gender0Unified

    individual (a common attitude even

    in the gay community and

    consider them someho+ .distorted.

    or /un0natural/ for not *eing either

    a #acho #an or a proper Bar*y

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    5oll Clone, India recogni6es the

    Ishvaran $ndrogyne as !"&C-&$!O-, BO5I&5 $s +e

     progress through the many cultures

    of the +orld, you +ill see this

    theme repeated many times, and +e

    hope you +ill learn from it thatGender0Unified Self Identity is not

    only 5II%& *ut capa*le of

    original Creations on a scale

    unattaina*le *y either Gender&1treme

     %aturally, "induism recogni6es

    that Ishvara +ent on to .split in t+o. *y creating the Gender &1tremes in

    the form of a #ale /Father God/

    and a female /#other Goddess/

    +ho did the actual Birthing of the

    Universe !hus, Ishvara and the

    $ndrogynous individual are sho+n

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    as SU77O-!I%G or giving po+er

    to *oth of the Gender &1tremesfor Ishvara is capa*le of loving

    them BO!" 8uite e8ually (for +ho

    does %O! love themself9:


    Coming-Out In

    GREECE!he +estern version of this Gender0

    Unified First Being is recorded in

    the +ritings of the most famousGree) 7hilosopher, 7lato 7lato

    +rote that the first human *eings

    had four arms and four legs, and

    +ere composed of a male and afemale half united into a single

    Self !hese *eings had to .roll.

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    rather than +al), due to their

    anatomy, and this made themun+ieldy !herefore they +ere

    divided *y the gods into #ale and

    Female halves as +e find them

    today2 *ut the memory of our once0

    united 4holeness stays +ith usal+ays, and +e feel the pull of this

    memory every time +e are dra+n

    to another person se1ually

    4hile this story is considered

     purely a 7ara*le of 7lato.s o+n

    invention (for it has no mythic

    roots in the Olympic legends of the"ellenes, it does demonstrate that

    the Ishvara or unified gender of our 

    original nature +as clearly )no+n

    to the classical Gree)s

    "omose1uality especially *et+een

    men is of course traditionally

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    associated *y +estern cultures as

    /Gree) Love/ 4hile the ancient"ellenes certainly did have a strong

    and deeply respected Family

    !radition (every successful Gree)

    man +as .socially &'7&C!&5. to

     *reed, and preserve the *loodlinethat *rought him to prominence it

    is also undenia*le that "ellenic

    Culture rested firmly on a

    "omose1ual foundation &verycity0state in Greece had it.s o+n

     preferred .version. (later &uropeans

    +ould say /7&-0version:/, of Gay

    Love though they all recogni6edthat genuine Social Order and

    creative genius re8uires

    (especially #&% to love one

    another early in life, to prevent the

    development of .estrangements.

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    such as ego0competition, mistrust,

    violence and +arfare

    In the city0state of $thens, the gay

     pattern of se1uality involved inter0

    generational .sponsoring. or

    #entoring2 a mature or +ell0esta*lished man +ould ta)e the

    sons of his neigh*ors and friends

    /under his +ing/ to teach them not

    only a*out the *irds and the *ees, *ut also a*out living as a free man

    outside the family unit Se1

     *et+een these #entors and their

    Charges +as e1pected to *e largely.touching2. massage, +restling,

     *athing together and laying na)ed

    together +hile en;oying each

    other.s *odies until they each

    e;aculated $nal se1 +as

    considered .socially incorrect. in

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    $thens2 mutual mastur*ation +as

    the $thenian 4ay

     %ot so, in Sparta: Sparta +as a

    strongly military city0state2 every

    citi6en +as e1pected to participate

    in the defense of the realm Boys+ere actually raised in military

     *arrac)s, acting as orderlies,

    house)eepers, +aiters $%5 se1ual

    companions of adult officers andsoldiers +ho guarded the Spartan

    society $nal as +ell as oral se1

    +as common, though pro*a*ly

    most often *y mutual consent It isan interesting tid*it of military

    history (red0facedly admitted to *y

    even the stodgiest homopho*ic

    military historians that the Spartan

    $rmy +as universally considered

    the *est and most courageous in the

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    entire "ellenic +orld 7lato,

    +riting in his famous /-epu*lic,/used the Spartan $rmy as the

    model for his Ideal Society in

    +hich gay se1uality +ould *e the

    /glue/ the holds0together the

    military of his Utopia In hisopinion, the LO& *et+een the

    men0at0arms of Sparta gave them

    e1tra reason to protect and defend

    their o+n troops (for +ho +ould %O! fight for the life of one.s


    Les*ians had their Isle of Les*os+here the poetess Sappho and her

    follo+ers created a miniature

    version of "ellenic culture *ased

    entirely on se1 *et+een +omen

    Bise1uals can li)e+ise point to the

    god $pollo, +hose many loves of

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     *oth young men and young +omen

    earned him a permanent place asthe se1iest .s+inger. on #ount

    Olympus2 and heterose1uals can of

    course al+ays find ample proofs

    that Greece +as $LSO open to

    their o+n .perversions. $ll in all,"ellenic Civili6ation remains the

    most important monument in our

     past history to the importance and

    value of LO& in all it.s forms, andS&' as a natural *ut sacred +ay of

    S"O4I%G Love to others

    AMUN: Cumingfrom EGYPT

    7redating *oth Indian and Gree)society (and all other advanced

    societies of anti8uity e1cept that of

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    China *y many centuries, &G

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    $men, $mon and $mmon +ho

    +as the First Being in the &gyptianCreation !ale $mun +as depicted

    as a +ell0*uilt human macho0male

    +earing a cro+n depicting the head

    of a male GO$!2 $mun.s other

    sym*ol +as a -am or male goat,sym*olic of se1ual drive For those

    +ho did not gro+0up around a

     *arnyard, the male goat is famous

    the +orld over for his insatia*ledesire and a*ility to have se12 as

    often as possi*le, +ith every*ody

    he can !"$! +as the .Original

    God. *eloved throughout &gyptianhistory as the greatest God of the


    $ccording to the &gyptians, $mun

    e1isted alone *efore the creation of

    the universe "e created the

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    universe S&'U$LL

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    hard0on +ith one hand, in the act of 

    Original irtue (

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    Goddess Ge* and %ut !he 7haraoh

    himself as the only person in&gypt allo+ed to perform the -ites

    of $mun in the !emple +as

    considered permanently the

    em*odiment of $mun, the First


    $ll of this +as unuttera*ly .filthy.

    to the not entirely spotless minds of 

    the &uropean e1plorers +ho firstrediscovered the -ites of $mun

    7riceless +or)s of art +ere

    deli*erately destroyed, defaced and

    covered0over to prevent you fromlearning +hat you ;ust learned

    !"$! is ho+ distorted +estern

    .civili6ation. had *ecome *y the

    eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

    !oday +e are slo+ly getting our

     %ature *ac) from the prudes and

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    censors of the past *ut it is a lot of 

    +or) to erase the ;udgements andreligious *igotries even from one.s

    o+n mind

    Fortunately, the gay community of

    today C$% loo) *ac) to the OldestGod of the oldest civili6ation of the

    +estern +orld, and say /$#&%:,/

    and really mean it 5ivinity, *y the

    +ay, in &gyptian +as pronounced/%eteru=/ the very Gods of ancient

    &gypt +ere called %atures and the

    eldest of them all +as $men or

    $mun, +hose name means/"I55&% 4I!"I% &$C"/

    Certainly I have found him "idden

    4ithin: Can you not find him there


  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism



    Homo!"u#$it% In

    N#ti&! AMERICA

    "aving finally succeeded in driving

    the remaining Gree)0inspired Gays

    of their o+n continent into +ell0

    loc)ed closets, &uropean society

    discovered the %e+ 4orld and promptly had to deal +ith it all

    over again2 for (+ith a fe+

    e1ceptions among tri*es +hich

    +ere truly homopho*ic %ative$merica had a very active Gay

    Society from time immemorial

    Usually found +ithin +hat has

     *een named .the Berdachetradition,. this uni8uely %ative

    $merican homose1uality +as

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    ine1trica*ly inter+oven +ith

     %ative $merican S7I-I!U$LI!

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    !he connection *et+een Gay

    Identity and Spiritual 7o+er +as aso*vious to %ative $mericans as the

    connection *et+een +omen and

    coo)ing +as to the &uropean

    settlers2 the t+o +ent hand in hand

    !o *e Gay #&$%! that one +as.outside the +orld2. homose1uals

    +ere considered Spirit0gifted,

    automatically /"omose1ual/

    O%L< meant the individual +ho preferred the .female role.

    (especially anal se1 for $%<

    .straight. man could freely have se1

    +ith a "omose1ual +ithout havinghis manhood 8uestioned (in fact,

    having a Gay .+ife. or lover +as

    considered a very high honor +hich

    raised one.s status +ithin the !ri*e

    $s for the Berdache himself, the

    Gay #ystic in most !ri*es +as

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    e1pected to +ear .the dress. ;ust as

    they +ere once e1pected to +ear.the ro*e. in old &uropean societies

    to denote e1actly the same status=

    "e>She the Ishvara

    !his !hird Gender or Both0Se1es0In0One +as understood as *eing

    innately more Intuitive, %urturing,

    4ise and S)illed all +ords of vast

    importance to %ative societies Gaychildren +ere considered so great

    an asset to a family that many

    !ri*es had a tradition of trying to

    .teach. Gay Spirit to their young *oys in the hope that they +ould

    .*ecome. Berdache $ll of the

     professions +hich +e no+ call

    "ealthcare, Counseling, &ducation

    and the #inistry +ere $LL

    Berdache specialties, as +ere the

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    $rts, #usic, 5ance and a*ove all

    else, the entire spectrum of#ystical or 7sychic Sciences

    +hich +ere considered the almost

    e1clusive domain of the "e>She

    Li)e #ystics of all other continentsand ages, the %ative $merican Gay

    +as a -o*e0clad figure of e1treme

    veneration and honor, +ithout

    +hose services the society itselfcould not have functioned

    smoothly 4hile the Gay #ale +as

    also the invaria*le *utt of countless

    giggled innuendos +henever he+as seen in the company of a ne+

    .hus*and,. they +ere the giggles not

    of derision *ut of playful *anter2

    and the uni8ue status of the

    Berdache +as valued so highly that

    any man luc)y enough to +in the

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    se1ual favors of the tri*al Ishvara

    )ne+ they had finally made it *ig0time2 /+hat a #$% he must *e,/

    all of the people +ould *e saying as

    he passed, and he )ne+ that /4hy,

    he even pleases the "e>She, and

    you ?%O4 ho+ choosey "& is:/

    -ecent discoveries in the Incan

    region of South $merica have

    uncovered the remains of a vastla*yrinth0ma6e of ruined !emples

    filled +ith art+or), pottery and

    sculptured images +hich prove that

    this Berdache Spirituality e1tendedthe +hole length and *readth of the

    $mericas &arly men of the $ndes

    could travel to the #ystical City

    and +al) through the ma6e of

    hall+ays to choose +hich of the

    many Berdache #edicine #en they

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    +anted to relate +ith as *oth Seer,

    "ealer, Counselor and se1ual Lover all in one

    Less is currently )no+n of the

    Les*ian traditions +ithin %ative

    $merican cultures largely due tothe continued strength and secrecy

    of the 4omen.s Societies (female

    /clans/ devoted specifically to

    +omen.s issues and activitiesCertainly +omen +ere free to

     pursue any traditionally male

     pursuit they chose including the

    4arrior 7ath Since +omen +eretraditionally vie+ed as intuitive,

    nurturing and .+ise,. they +ere

    often associated +ith spirituality in

    the popular mind, and many

    +omen served as #edicine

    4or)ers, "ealers and Shamans

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    "opefully, future disclosures +ill

    fill0in the details currently missinga*out the role of homose1uality in

     %ative 4omen.s Societies


    4e have a long +ay to go, still 4e

    have only *egun to scratch thesurface of Gay Spirituality in the

    true history of our +orld But even

    this small sample should prove to

    you that your se1ual identity isF$- from .*ase. or .animalistic. no

    matter +hat the hateful or fearful

    have yelled at you Li)e the

     %avaho Indians of $ri6ona around+hom this +riter +as *orn and

    raised (+hose Supreme God is a

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


     po+erful #an dressed as a

    Berdache, all +e today have to dois #&&! !"& S7I-I! any+here,

    and +e +ill find our o+n reflection

    in the mirror of Ishvara




     %o+ that +e have e1plored the

    roots of Gay Spirit, let us e1amine

    +hat is currently )no+n a*out the

    actual structure of the Self (or 7syche !he follo+ing diagram

    and e1planatory notes are ta)en

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    from the mystical traditions of 

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    L!ft. Rig*t #n/ C!nt!r

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    $s you can see from the diagram

    a*ove, the "e*raic #ysticalScience called ?a*allah (also

    spelled Ca*ala and @a*allah

    recogni6es !"-&& 7$!"S of self0

    development identified as /the

    !hree 7illars/ of !he !ree Of Life!he L&F! 7ILL$- is depicted as

    Blac) (or /mysterious/ and

    identified +ith /$ima/ the Great

    #other, and represents F$L&7S

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    !raditional ?a*allist +riters have

    compared these three +ith (Left07illar the "&-#&!IC 7$!" of

    #ental0Intellectual Study2 (-ight

    7illar the O-7"IC 7$!" of

    Spiritual>&motional Idealism and

    discipline2 and (Center 7illar the#

  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    Individuali6ation. *y +hich every

    Self *egins their 3ourney *ymeeting their SHADO0 or Self0

    Fear and Self05enial 7hase

    (something familiar to most Gays

    and Les*ians:2 and then

     progressing into the ANIMA-ANIMUS or Opposite0Se1 7hase,

    during +hich one &I!"&- a*sor*s

    the traits of the opposite se1 into

    one.s o+n personality O- .divorces.oneself from that personally and

    .transfers it. onto Lovers of the

    opposite se1

    In 3ungian theory, it is O%L< those

    +ho are a*le to I%!&G-$!& the

    opposite0se1 psychology into their

    o+n self0identity, +ho can then

     proceed into the higher (Self and

    God0Self phases of self0

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    development2 all the rest of the

    .gender0polari6ed. populace are left *ehind to marry, divorce and

    remarry their o+n potential

    indefinitely until they finally learn

    that +hat they are loo)ing for is

    essentially 4I!"I%!"S&L&S

    In the same +ay, ?a*allah

    descri*es the Central 7illar as theonly one of the !hree 7aths that

    leads directly to the !O7 of !he

    !ree Of Life2 *oth the Female and

    the #ale 7sychology patterns musteventually #&&! and BL&%5

    (producing a #ystical rather than a

    #ale or Female identity *efore

    one can reach the 7innacle of self0


  • 8/9/2019 Gay Mysticism


    Both of these traditions (one

    ancient and #ystical, the othermodern and .scientific. agree that

    the Gay and Les*ian individual has

    attained S&LF0U%I!< on a level

    that the gender0polari6ed cannot

    even imagine and that it is thisUnity *et+een the se1es 4I!"I%

    O%&S&LF that gives us access to

    the higher creativity, spirituality

    and psychic s)ills called .divinity.and .cosmic

    consciousness. ISHVARA #$on!

    1onn!1t t*! S!$f 2it* t*!

    Cr!#tor in every traditionthroughout our planet.s many

    cultures and ages of history