gawhs kc may newsletter

CNH | Key Club | Region 13 May Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 2 Glen A. Wilson The Seal’s Bark

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Page 1: GAWHS KC May Newsletter

CNH | Key Club | Region 13

May Newsletter

Volume 1 Issue 2

Glen A. Wilson

The Seal’s


Page 2: GAWHS KC May Newsletter


2. Event Calendar

3.“Spongebob Week” by Crystal Espinosa

4. “March for Babies” by Cameron Joh

5. Instagram

6. “Relay for Life” by Min Wong

7. “RibFest” by Joshua Tong

8. “Eliminating MNT” by Dylan Tran

9. “Nurture for Nature” by Mandy La

10. Upcoming Events

11. A Final Bark from the News Editor

In the Bark

of May. . .


Page 3: GAWHS KC May Newsletter


April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Kiwanis

One Day +

April DCM

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Walk for


19 20 Crazy

Socks Day +

Coloring with

Special Ed

21 Hawaiian



for Special Ed

22 Spongebob

character co-

splay + Lunch-


23 Twin Day 24 Yellow

and Pink


25 March for

Babies +

Relay for Life

26 27 28 29 30

May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Adopt-A-


3 Ribfest +




4 Wear Blue

+ Spam



5 Raise

awareness +

Cookies @




Key Club Joint

Meeting +

Mother’s Day


7 Cookies



8 Wear K-

Family attire +

Face Painting

+ Cookies

and Donations

9 Watershed

Restoration +




10 11 12 13 14 15 16 May DCM

+ Movie


17 18 19 20 21 22 GAWHS

Key Club



24 25 26 27 28 29 30 D35W



Spongebob Week

Event Calendar

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Spongebob Week

This year, Key Club teamed up

with Best Buddies and Students

Supporting Students to put Spongebob

Week together. This was a week

dedicated to the Special Ed students of

Wilson. It was an amazing week and

experience where our members got to

simply just hang out with the students.

We colored, ate snacks, watched a

show, and talked Monday was a

coloring session in the media center

patio, Tuesday was a frame decorating

day, Wednesday was a private drama

performance, Thursday was a teacher

luncheon, and Friday finished off the

week with a rally. Also, there was a

specific dresswear for each day. All in

all, it was a great week that both the

Special Ed students and Key Club

members enjoyed together.

-Crystal Espinosa


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March For Babies is an event that is important to many people in our community. A great deal of newborns are born prematurely, and many die soon after birth, or undergo long treatments in the NICU. March For Babies raises money to support mothers and give them healthy, full-term pregnancies, as well as funding further research as to what caus-es the problems that affect babies. Near-ly 3 million people across the country participated this year and have raised a whopping $2.3 billion since 1970. Our Key Club division served by cheering on walkers as they crossed the finish line of the march and gave them stickers~~ [a lot of stickers :D] What really stood out to me was the overwhelmingly positive attitudes of the people we were supporting. These individuals seemed truly genuine about what they were doing and it gave me a sense of what this is all about: saving lives. And the spirit and motivation of my fellow seals (and elephants) depicted the dedication that our club brings to these events, that we are truly passionate about our service to causes like this. Because at the end of the day, how did we feel?

We felt good.

-Cameron Joh


March for Babies

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Relay for Life, a walk to shed light upon the plight of cancer patients, took place this past month on April 25. This event was scheduled to take place from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. but due to unprecedented bad weather, the event was cut short.

Although the event did not go as well as expected with fewer participants than desired, it was a good start to the hopefully continuing

legacy of the Hacienda Heights Relay for Life. With the support of the community through families struck by cancer, the help of youth leaders and the support of the Kiwanis foundation, Relay for Life has the potential to become a respected and loved yearly event.

These hopes and wishes for the coming year can only be accomplished with the help of Kiwanis, community members and the youth. After experiencing both the highs and lows of Relay for Life, one can truly believe in the idea that Key Club can bring a change in the community through our service. Remember: “Volunteers are not paid—not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.”

Kiwanis took a huge part in this event by inviting both Key Club and Kiwins to participate in Relay by offering a free pancake breakfast to all Relayers. The support of Kiwanis meant a great deal to both the student leaders and volunteers.

According to event head Maggie Serna-Loera, the event was successful in many aspects although the rain negatively impacted it. “Relay for Life, in my mind, was still a great event for the community of Hacienda Heights. Even though the rain forced us to close the event down early than anticipated, Relay allowed the youth to really step up to the plate as they

took on many of the leadership positions and planned many parts of the event. Now that we have learned what we need to integrate to create a more successful event, we can make Relay for Life even better next year,” said Serna-Loera.

-Min Wong

Service Project Coordinator

Relay for


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On Sunday, May 3, 2015, the annual Ribfest occured.

The Kiwanis Club of Hacienda Heights Foundation host-

ed Ribfest 2015. Ribfest is a dinner and auction that

provides scholarships for middle and high school stu-

dents. We first set up the tables and prepared the tasty

food and drinks. There was many kinds of foods, espe-

cially the beef ribs, pork ribs, and chicken. Then we

were assigned jobs. I was a waiter for one of the tables

and it wasn't easy. I had to remember what they want-

ed to eat and drink and go back and forth to get it for

them. I was afraid that I was doing a bad job, but as

they finished eating, they all complimented me and

thanked me. Then came the auction where we had

many different kinds of items being sold. And finally the

choosing of Ms. Fourth of July, which was the female

candidate chosen for a scholarship. After all the hard

work, we were rewarded with all the surplus food. The

juicy meats and the warm baked potatoes made the

nights hard work well worth it.

-Joshua Tong

Tech Editor

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Eliminating MNT

It’s the time for my personal favorite school event of Key Club and that is Eliminate Week! Glen A. Wilson High School Key Club and KIWIN’S

both participated in this week that lasted from May 4-May 8th. With eve-ry day having an event there was no shortage of fun. We started off with a work day which included making posters, the backdrop, going on a food run, and brainstorming ideas, the week was well worth it in the end. From selling Spam Masubi to begging and educating people on why to donate to MNT it was a great experience. Working with KIWIN’S was great because it gave us time to hang out and to accomplish our one goal for the week which was to raise money for MNT. Maternal and Ne-onatal Tetunus affects many children and mothers in countries af-fected. MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere,

come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. With only $1.80 you can help provide 3 doses of the vaccine which will save the mother, child, and all future generations.

-Dylan Tran

Vice President, Executive Assistant

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Nurture for Nature Finally, it was the first watershed restoration of

the term! The Kiwins Goldstone Gators, Key Club D35E,

and D35W all went on a bus trip to the Angeles Forest.

We got lost during the drive, so it took us two hours to

reach our destination. During those two hours in the

bus, the Kiwins and Key Club members bonded and had

a great time. When we reached the forest, we

separated into groups of three. In my group, I worked

with Felicia Kuo and Ben Guo, who was from D35E. We

only planted two trees, and we named one of them

Glen A. Rowland. After our hard work, Mr. Wallach, our

Kiwanis advisor, rewarded us with tasty hamburgers

and drinks to satisfy our hunger and thirst. When lunch

was over, we took group pictures in the foggy, cold air.

On our way back home, everybody felt closer as

friends. Since the work was exhausting, we all dozed

off. My first watershed restoration is a memory to

remember and one of the best and tiring days of my

life. I'm proud of myself and the other people for

planting trees to provide oxygen for living animals.

-Mandy La


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Upcoming Events

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A Final Bark from the News Editor

Hello Seals! What an incredibly busy and amazing

month it has been! I’m so proud of our club’s volunteer

efforts, especially at the end of the school year. From

fundraising for the prevention of a fatal disease in

third-world countries to treating the earth with nurturing

love, we have established a positive influence on our planet.

Although a vast array of maladies and calamities harm the

world, beneficial movements like the ones we participate in

help maintain healthy environments and societies. No

matter how small our contribution is, it does accumulate.

Keep in mind that if we all seek to improve our efforts and

continue to have the right attitudes, we CAN achieve our

goals of dramatically helping a certain cause and healing

the wounds of the world.

During the summer, I encourage you all to continue to

be active helpers of your community. Summer is not an

excuse to fall back and be sedentary! Enjoy the moments of

life as much as possible by meeting new friends, trying a

new activity, and helping others. And since it’s summer,

there’s even more time to attend Kiwanis and Key Club

events! So what are you waiting for? Dive in! There’s a

whole ocean out there waiting for you, Seals! :)

-Brianna Chang

Bulletin News Editor