gas absorption into a spherical liquid droplet: numerical ... filegas absorption into a spherical...

Gas absorption into a spherical liquid droplet: numerical and theoretical study C. Wylock, P. Colinet, B. Haut 22 th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering Maastricht, The Netherlands September, the 3 rd , 2012 ISCRE 22

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Gas absorption into a spherical liquid droplet: numerical

and theoretical study C. Wylock, P. Colinet, B. Haut

22th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering

Maastricht, The Netherlands

September, the 3rd, 2012 ISCRE 22


Spray absorbers

• Absorption of gas materials by reactive liquid droplets

• Important mass transfer devices for several industrial applications, such as air pollution control (e.g. scrubbing of SO2 by limestone slurry)

• Nowadays, efficient design and optimization require deep understanding of phenomena taking place during the gas-droplet mass transfer BUT complex problem

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Multiscale problem

Several coupled phenomena in an absorbing droplet

• Interactions gaseous flow – liquid flow

• Interactions flow – mass transfer

• If enhanced interactions reactions - mass transfer

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Spray absorber Droplet cloud Droplet Gas-liquid interface

This work


Development of mass transfer model

• Detailed modelling of phenomena and their interactions

fundamental interest for spray absorber modelling

• Looking for «simplicity» (simple but not simplistic) of the mass transfer model in order to be applicable in an absorber model (e.g. for the scaling)

• Approach :

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"Complex" model

Analysis "Simplified"

model Comparison

Studied case

Liquid water droplet in free fall in gaseous air

• Non-deformable sphere

• Non-oscillating interface

• Incompressible laminar flows

• At terminal velocity (stationary flow)

A gaseous component A is transferred from the gas into

the liquid droplet

Possibly irreversible chemical reaction with a

component B in the liquid phase following:

A + B C

Problem studied by Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)

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dd ≤ 1mm ; Re ≤ 250


Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Mathematical modelling

Computational domain

• 2-D axisymmetric domain

• Meshing with boundary layer meshes

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Mathematical modelling

Equations in the gaseous phase

• Navier-Stokes and continuity

• Concentration transport

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Mathematical modelling

Equations in the liquid phase

• Navier-Stokes and continuity

• Concentration transport

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Physical absorption : Ha=0


Mathematical modelling

Conditions at the gas-liquid interface

• Navier-Stokes and continuity

• Concentration transport

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Mathematical modelling

Numerical resolution

• Finite element resolution with COMSOL Multiphysics 3.4

Simulations realized for:

• Physical absorption : various flow regimes <-> various Re

• Absorption coupled with a reaction : various flow and chemical regimes <-> various Re and Ha

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Mathematical modelling

Post-processing: study of time evolution of

• Saturation

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Physical absorption

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

* see our paper doi/10.1016/j.cej.2012.07.085



Mathematical modelling

Post-processing: study of time evolution of

• Saturation

• Time-averaged Sherwood number

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* see our paper doi/10.1016/j.cej.2012.07.085


If physical absorption:


Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption (Ha=0)

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Physical absorption: simulation results

Time evolution of

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Saturation Time-averaged Sherwood number

Analysis of time evolution of concentration fields

• Re = 0.1

Similar to a pure diffusive process in a sphere

Physical absorption: discussion

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Analysis of time evolution of concentration fields

• Re = 200

1. Fast saturation of the vortex periphery

2. Mainly ‘diffusive’ process through toroidal vortex

Physical absorption: discussion

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Analysis of time evolution of concentration fields

• Re=5

Combination of diffusive and convective transport

Physical absorption: discussion

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Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption (Ha=0)

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Physical absorption: analytical solutions

1. Limit case Re 0 : diffusion in a sphere

Model equation:

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Physical absorption: analytical solutions

2. Limit case Re ∞

• ‘Instantaneous’ saturation of a vortex periphery

• ‘Diffusion’ through a toroidal vortex

• Torus cut and unfold gives a cylinder

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Physical absorption: analytical solutions

2. Limit case Re ∞ : diffusion in a cylinder representing

a toroidal vortex

– Model equation:

with and

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Adjustable parameters Fitted from DNS results

0.97 2.4

Physical absorption: analytical solutions

3. Intermediate Re

i. Diffusion in a boundary layer (thiner if Re larger)

similar to penetration-film model with thickness df

Model equation:

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Physical absorption: analytical solutions

3. Intermediate Re

i. Diffusion in a boundary layer (thiner if Re larger)

similar to penetration-film model with thickness df


ii. Diffusion through the toroidal vortex

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Adjustable parameter Fitted from DNS results

𝛿𝑓 = 0.1825 Re−0.587

Physical absorption: analytical solutions

Comparison of the analytical expressions for the mass

transfer rate (continuous lines) with the DNS results (dashed


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Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption (Ha=0)

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Physical absorption: summary

3 steps can be observed:

1. Diffusion at interface vicinity directed towards the droplet center.

2. Convection enhancing the transfer by depleting the interface boundary layer

3. Saturation of the vortex periphery. The transfer rate becomes limited by diffusion towards the vortex inside.

Following the flow regime:

• Re 0 : only the 1st step is observed.

• Re ∞ : the 3rd step is directly observed.

• Intermediate Re : mass absorption rate controlled successively by these 3 limiting steps, transition time decreases as Re increases.

Enables to propose simplified mechanisms to describe the mass transfer rate evolution for any flow regime

Analytical solutions for

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Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction (Ha>0)

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 0.1


Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 0.1

Ha = 0.1



Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 0.1

Ha = 10



Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 100


Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 100

Ha = 0.1



Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 100

Ha = 10



Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 1

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Absorption coupled with chemical reaction:

simulation results and discussion

Time evolution of Sh and f and concentration fields


• Re = 10

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Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction (Ha>0)

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Absorption with reaction : summary

Prevalent mass transport mechanism: depends on Re

Slow reaction (Ha<<1)

• Saturation is delayed by B as it increases absorption capability

• Transfer rate remains mostly controlled by transport of A

Fast reaction (Ha>>1)

• Saturation not delayed

• Transfer rate is first controlled by the transport of B and becomes controlled by transport of A when B is depleted

Moderate reaction (Ha~1) : intermediate situation

• Saturation possibly delayed

• Transfer rate gets influenced by the transport of A and B

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Mathematical modelling

• Domain and equations

Physical absorption

• Simulation results and discussion

• Development of analytical solutions

• Summary

Absorption coupled with a chemical reaction

• Simulation results and discussion

• Summary

Final conclusion

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Final conclusion

Results show the importance of taking into account all the

phenomena simultaneously in gas-droplet mass transfer


Detailed analysis enables looking “smartly” for simplified


• Approximate analytical expressions for physical absorption: OK

• Expressions when coupled with an instantaneous reaction: in development

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Thanks for your kind attention