
LEGO Jurassic World

Upload: jordan-armytage

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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LEGO Jurassic World

LEGO Jurassic World is a single-player/multiplayer, third person, 3D game, based on the Jurassic Park franchise. The game follows the main story line from all four films, adding in some classic LEGO humor, and divide the game levels depending on the film.

There are twenty different levels in the game, which are divided into 5 different levels for each Jurassic film. The dialogue for the first three films is taken from the films directly, where as the cast of Jurassic World provided additional dialogue for their levels as well.

As the player(s) progress through the level and complete different achievements set within the game, they also unlock over 100 playable characters and 20 different dinosaurs. Within the game, you also have the ability to create your own custom characters and custom dinosaurs.

This game shares characteristics of the LEGO franchise; such as, destroying LEGO objects to build other objects needed to progress through the levels. This game’s difficulty cannot be changed with makes the puzzle-solving all the more interesting and rewarding as you can’t set them to be easy.

There are 4 different objectives to complete in each level and plenty more in the Hub world, which can make this game all the more enjoyable to play. There are plenty of different of collectable objects hidden within the Hub worlds which may require certain characters to obtain them.

The mechanics for this game are fairly simple to understand, there is one button designated for a specific action for you character to do; jump, attack, interact/special ability and change character. The other main mechanic for this game is the control stick, which you use to control the direction that your character moves in.


In certain ways, this game is similar to other Lego games that have been released before it, as they use the same sort of format and graphics. But in many ways, this game isn’t like any other Lego game that’s been released before, where as in previous games, characters have had superpowers, where as this game, focuses on the characters suite and skills; like some characters can dig, and others can track different objects. This game is also unique from others, as it is the only Lego game where you can play as dinosaurs and create your own.

This game is playable on consoles only; either handheld, like Nintendo, or Xbox and PlayStation. The main controls for this game are the same from previous game as they never needed to change. Other new features that the controls now include is the ability to change into any playable character in the game by holding down the character button.

Each level within this game is designed to look like a specific scene(s) from the film that the level is set in. The levels are filled with different puzzles that you need to solve in order to move on.

Levels within the game are set around a major part from the film, usually introduced using a cut scene, then as the level progresses, you have the opportunity to collect 10 Minikits, though, it’s worth mentioning that most of the Minikits can only be obtained after completing the level and playing it once again, in Free-Play. Other collectables in each level is a new item, exclusive for this game only; the Amber brick, which contains the DNA for one of the twenty playable dinosaurs.

This game uses cut scenes to show the beginning of a level, they are also used when the level is changing to another setting (from inside a building to the outside), the final way they are used is for when a level has been completed and they game shows what happens after the levels events. Another way that cut scenes are used in this game is to show an enemy entering the area. The cut scenes are all automatic, and appear in both Story and Free-Play mode.

1 level in particular that I think that everyone will recognize is the kitchen scene from ‘Jurassic Park’ as the level includes your characters trying to escape from the velocirapters and the big fight seen between the T-Rex.

Your characters infoLevel boss

Other characters info

Action required

Interactive objects

Level characters


Money total

Character speech

Name of the game and what genre it is

Age rating

Clear image from the game itself


Screen shots from the game

A few sentences describing the game

This is a screen shot from one of the levels in the game, called ‘The Spinosuarus’ from Jurassic Park III. This level includes an epic battle between the Spinosuarus and a T-Rex, in which they fight, while you control the characters, trying to escape from them. As the level progresses the player(s) are given the ability to control the T-Rex during parts of the fight in order to progress further.

The second part of the level includes you trying to find the camera to try and find where Eric Kirby is, this includes jumping up to high places, gliding across large gaps and cutting through vines. There are two enemies to fight in this level; Troodon and Dilophosaurus. The level also gives you the opportunity to take a picture of a dinosaur in front of a waterfall.

The graphics used in this level clearly show the gamer what they can interact with and the graphics are used to create the landscape make it look as real as well as any characters seen in the level. The graphics within this game are at much higher resolutions then the graphics from previous Lego games, which still showed what they wanted to see, but the quality wasn’t at such a high quality as this game is.

VIDEO GAME ADDICTIONVideo game addiction can be caused by over playing a video game as the reward center of the brain becomes more active, releasing dopamine, which can make the player finds themselves focused on nothing more than the video game itself.

Video game addicts can become isolated as they focus only on the game itself which also makes them docile s they will spent hours on end, sat in one place.

Annotated Catalogue • (Accessed on 22nd September 2015) What makes a video game addictive (

• (Accessed on 22nd September 2015) Lego Jurassic World (

• (Accessed on 23rd September 2015) Lego Jurassic World review (