game genre and synopsis


Upload: lewisb2013

Post on 19-Aug-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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I t a l l started 2013 with the batt le of Afghanistan raging on David Cameron was determined to end the war and assigned a smal l team of scientists to experiment with chemicals that targeted the enemies in Afghan and would k i l l them instantly, they fi rst experimented on smal l rats the chemical was success as i t k i l led the rat instantly when exposed to the fumes, they named this chemical “Chemical X”, but what they didn’t real ise this newfound chemical reanimated the creature also causing i t to crave for fl esh, this result ing in the scientists being bit by project #1, they were the fi rst to become the “Infected”.David Cameron real is ing his fault gave ful l funding to the Task Force cal led the G.B.I .S.T (Great Brit ish Infected Str ike Team) as they were neglected in the past for a waste on resources as there was no such thing as “ infected beings” wel l not unti l now. But by then it was already too late the virus had al l ready spread to the whole of the Uk al l they could do was send al l survivors to smal l “Safe zones” that were mostly in subways, tunnels and Army Outposts, these safe zones were successful in containing the infection unti l i t became airborne al l fl ies and insects had become infected and as they were able to fl y they could easi ly fl y over the wal ls, this resulted in ¾ of the surviving populat ion to become infected, by the t ime they came up with answer to that problem (by using fl ame throwers) most of the outposts had been overrun.


5 years have passed s ince the s ta r t o f the v i rus and you a re the las t h ighes t rank o f G .B . I .S .T to be a l ive you have jus t escaped narrow ly f rom the cap i ta l London tha t was jus t recent ly overrun wh ich was where the las t remnants o f the government were ho ld ing ou t a t wh ich means there wont be any he lp f rom hear on ou t . You have fi ve squads le f t f rom the HQ o f G .B . I .S .T wh ich was a l so s ta t ioned a t London bu t managed to escape w i th you w i thout be ing detected by any in fec ted ho rdes . Your bes t be t was to send th ree o f your squads to the rema in ing sa fe zones in L ive rpoo l , Hu l l and Leeds to bo ls te r there de fences , you loose con tact w i th the squad in Leeds one week la te r , t here las t t ransmiss ion was tha t they had con t ro ls to a nuke and p lanned to detonate i t on Leeds to p revent the huge hordes f rom reach ing the rema in ing se t t lements , bu t i t on ly bought us t ime to p repare fo r the ons laught . The UK los t con tact w i th Amer ica 2 years in to the in fec t ion s ta r t ing wh ich g ives you the impress ion tha t no he lp f rom there w i l l come e i ther. The G .B . I .S .T have been hear ing rumours tha t the sc ien t i s t s who s ta r ted the v i rus may s t i l l l i ve as another o rgan iza t ion ca l led the I .E .A ( In fec ted Exper imenta t ion Assoc ia t ion ) had exper imented i l l ega l ly w i th the chemica l X to c rea te super so ld ie rs wh ich resu l ted in ex t reme muta t ions to l i v ing human exper iments bu t w i th there knowledge cou ld g ive you the key to the cu re and to the sc ien t i s t s poss ib le loca t ions . Bu t there a l so rumours o f there be ing mercenar ies w i th the logo o f the I .E .A on there shou lders who a re guard ing these ru ined bu i ld ings as they s t i l l t h ink there i s a way to c rea te these super so ld ie rs , th i s assoc ia t ion i s co rrup ted and they w i l l s top a t no th ing fo r there exper iments to con t inue , th i s a l so makes them another th rea t o f many as they have equa l men and equ ipment to G .B . I .S .T.


Insane RoamersI.E.A G.B.I.S.T Looters

The ob jec t ive o f the game i s to fi nd a appropr ia te p lace to bu i ld your se t t lement in the c i ty o f Manchester to protec t the sa fe zone f rom the in fec ted by fi nd ing resources inc lud ing food, water , fue l and bu i ld ing resources . To top tha t you a re fi nd ing lost documents o f the I .R.C ( In fec ted Research Corpora t ion) who worked w i th G .B . I .S .T but the headquar te rs was overwhe lmed as everyone ins ide the bu i ld ing had supposedly become in fected and a t the t ime there was over 100 people ins ide which spread drast i ca l l y qu ick , th i s bu i ld ing i s the most overrun p lace in the UK as i t was where the in fec t ion began but i s the on ly p lace which cou ld g ive you the research you need to e i ther fi nd any surv iv ing sc ient i s ts who deve loped the v i rus the potent ia l l y cou ld he lp you come up w i th a vacc ine or g ive you the appropr ia te in format ion to make your own vacc ine , wh ich i s a lot eas ie r sa id than done as the sc ient i s ts have not been seen for fi ve years and a t l east ha l f o f them were b i t ten which means tha t a t least s ix o f them cou ld poss ib ly be a l i ve . But you must be wary as there a re insane roamers who have become to worsh ip these undead c reatures and w i l l s top a t noth ing unt i l the whole o f the surv iv ing popula t ion i s overwhe lmed. Th i s makes your chances o f success ext remely un l i ke ly.


Zombie Survival

Horror GameSetting


Modern Day





Zombie Infested Tunnels



Military Bases



UK Military Weapons

USA Military WeaponsHunting


Crawling ZombiesRunning

Zombies Giant Zombie


Flying Swarm
