gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-08...

gjUtej THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 22 1909 fitt Ii f- tr J- rk V Y a I FULLER BILL HAS PASSED THE SENATE PROBABLY MOST DRASTIC PRO- HIBITION MEASURE DEVISED Forbid PesMMton f Liquor Except In Residences Puts Burden of Preef en Accused MONTGOMERY Ala Aug 21 The Fuller bill tho most drastic and prohibition bill ever drawn In this State was passed in the Senate yesterday by a vote of to S The measure forbids the possession- even of liquor except In private real dences makes the accused party prove his own Innocence before any evidence against him lit Introduced makes tho use of tho word saloon a crime bars tho advertisements of liquors from billboards and signs and holds that even tho possession of a Federal liquor license is absolute proof of guilt In selling Intoxicants The bill has a dozen other nearly- as drastic clauses and tho only amendment made was the one strik- ing out the clause forbidding the in the State of all newspapers or magazines which contained liquor ad- vertisements The bill was passed by tho House last week Exception to the Rule- I have n hay In my shod of whim I am very fond said n Nvw York teacher smilingly but I fear to think what his future may be Indeed Does be evince er crlm pail tendencies some grave person Who had rakmcd the smile Inquired Well I an afraid he may become n writer for funny papers the teacher suggested tentatively You see 1 WM having a history review one day I asked this boy who was Peter the Great fle answered A czar of Suwte And was there more than one Peter tINt I asked He appeared to ponder for R mo- ment sad then rrnlled So Miss Mary 23 and Great t lar reaching k sale- M w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ that a raN In which history didnt rePete Itself Judge What Is test for Indigestion- Mr A Robinson of Drninquiti On- tario has been troubled for years with indigestion and recommends Chamber pains Stomach and Liver Tablets as the best medicine I ever used troubled with Indigestion of constipa- tion give them a trial They are cer- tain to prove beneficial They are easy to take and pleasant In effect Price 25 cents Samples free at all drug stores Very Affectionate- Mr Headstall Tbnt horse you brought yesterday seems vicious looking nnlmnl l he affectionate Mr Cropper Affectionate 1 should thlnkso Why when he came out of the stable be stood upon his bind legs and tried to embrace me Active at 17 This would bo unusual news If men and women would keep themselves tree from rheumatism and all aches and pains as well as keeping their muscles and joists limber with Mal lards Snow Liniment Sold by W M Johnson A FEW LIVE ONES Can get a flrstcluus contract to nwonl The LarKont uud Ik l Southern Life Insuranco Co Our agent art making 7500 to 530000 per month according to ability and amount of time devoted Now Helling In Florida double the amount of Insurance of any other company Addrons Lloyd W Robertson Misr Stnto Mutual Life Ins Co Fla- T F TMMUS UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE Of NEW GOODS A1JKNT8 roM MOSUMK TH TOMIIHTOMK8 and IRON FENCK- MW dee our mue- Miesviot to- M Mse orders Ulne vllle Florida WRit If n rep Jaukiion lilt nwe4 Perwaia laeuenla Asia es4 l ttrtpt ewaptar lu ¬ ¬ ¬ DOCTORS Cured Her Willimantlc fire I suffered untold from female troubles backache Irregular ties dizziness and prostra tion It was impossible for BW to walk upstairsw- ithout en the tried three differ- ent doctors and each told me different I nobeneflt from of them but seemed to suf- fer more The last doctor said noth- ing would restore Compound to see what it am restored to natural health Sire ETTA DONOVAN Box lit Willimantlc Conn success of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable from roots is It may be used with women who suffer from displacements Inflam- mation Ir- regularities periodic pains backache dizziness or nervous prostra For years E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound the female nil and suffering women owe it to themselves to at this medicine a trial Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others and why should it not cure you Teaching Him a Lessen The new mall carrier on the rural free delivery route glanced at the name on the letter box by the roadside stopped his horse and spoke to the roughly attired farmer with the old slouch lint who was resting his sun browned arms on the grate and at him AFTER FAILED ble Compound ConnFor ta ln d The Indl gestlon Uon has been Lydia 13PiukliamsVe some- thing ir i E Ilnkhams Vegetable unparalleled look- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1 see he said your neme Is Holmes Yes Beverly G Yes Im the man that lives here Any relation of Sherlock Holmes gravely asked the carrier No sir answered the farmer but Im detective enough to know tint youre not i very BOM judge of human unhurt You took mo fur an Ignoramus bccniiiu Ivo tot my old working duds on Im ShciloU Holmes enough to look nt n fiee n d eyes before I size him up a n Some mall fur me ThanksYouth Companion No matter how long you have suffer- ed FoleyH Kidney Remedy will help You Mrs S L of Wayne W Va writos I was n sufferer from kidney disease o that at times I could not get out of lsd and wlmi I did I could not stand straight I took Foleyu Kidney Remedy One dillar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely It will cure you- J W McCollum Co Silenced Him The young man In the barbers chair had annoyed by suggestions of the white dotted artist although IIP hut wild clearly enough when be sat down that bi wanted only a hnlr cut and n 8liuniH o Singeing facial mas- sage and hair tonlcH had been offered vainly Finally the harbor crM lrntcd what Is with IttrlHTM till crowning Insult ln wlng his hall over the young mans lure ho eontcniituously Shave yourself duut you Sure wild the young tuna you lad there was silence Washington Post Dicks CAPUDINE Cures Sick Head- ache Also Nervous Headache Travelers Headache and adios from Grip Stom ach Troubles or Female troubles Try rapwdlno lt IIiuW effects tin at lately Soul br druggist CeulaWt Then I wt Ml l Ilk iiitsbttly to enjoy rkU Ian why Uottt you try to marry vi r- As I kl I want to enjoy KMBIMM City TIMHW if Ihwr I h Ml h ami t w- llf and INI ftil dull hlltotU et Mll- U take tl r i f wmlMrUiin- iliMr T4bl i tonlgfct H- cI vn will 1 Teen Doll a eau pit j IIIi h r r I II M l unit nov en a said Jour t s 1 tn4 s alt aR H ay < ¬ > > > > + MEXICAN WOOING From Making Eyes at Senorita to the Grand Serenade In tho uncertain Illumination of the electric lamps some of the senoritas of Teplc City appeared very attractive In breezy fluffy gowns and fetching mantillas and they knew it pretty well too They like to have you look at them directly and admiringly and they will not drop their eyes If you have the nerve to give one a look of this kind such a look as would be considered extremely rude ta any American city the chances are when you meet her on the next turn yon will be rewarded with a smile and a challenge from the black eyes and If you have a sufficient stock of nerve In reserve you will to her and pay her some complimentary remark upon the first opportunity that offers This Is good breeding and will not lx resented Should you then become Infatuated with the lady you will out her home visit her barrel window and mope under It for an hour or two every morning and If you impress her favorably she will make your bean glad by talking with you throvgb the bars or dropping little scented note to you Should you become real serious you will hire a stringed band to serenade her at night now and then To con form with the custom you should start your band out at midnight nnd let It play ns long as your money lasts Out- Ing Magazine COSTERMONGER- The Went In Fermer Times Was Spelled The word costermonger Is now used of an Itinerant fruit seller It was formerly spelled and In this form appears In Drants Hor- ace to translate the Latin word pomarlus Literally means costard seller cos tan being a kind of apple the name of which Murray connects with costa a rib Some etymologists connect It with custard assuming that the pulp of ap pies was used In preparing this dell cacy but there is no reason fur this since the custard apple in Dampicrs Voyages IGOOi Is quite different fruit from tho mid die English custard Some connect It also with custard the humorous name for a bead Take him over the costard with the hilt of thy sword Shakespeare put It seems more prolmblo that the head wax railed after the apple than the apple after the head The termination monger simply menus n dealer or trader ax In fell monger Mini Ironmonger and IK de- rived from the AngloSaxon word iiiiiii lnii tt tratHr or barter which IH iikln i the I itln mnngo a deal- er who oj mill ishes up lilt wares I ui Staiidax Uy ry la a dangerous but c bi cured ChambfrlalnH Colic CI ru and Diarrhoea Remedy hug bwn c used in nine jtldemlcs of IvMMitory It tins never 10 fall It IH wj iy val lUiile lor flilldrtii and adults and itll reduced with water and veet- r it i pleasant to take Sold by nil druggists The Hearts of Sam Houston In the Memoir of n Fennte rin Christian F l klnff reinlls the year just prior to the outbreak of the ilvh war when Snmner Wade otish- llatnlln Houston John P Hale ltr k Inrldce Tliomns and Jefferson I ivl were debating the great ucstloii9 tvhlfli the north and south were ai- vxriiiiue They were an slng NH of men mostly lad In black bnnul cloth and wearlntr high silk hats Hut there xvus one senator who re- fused to bo dlgnllletl Senator Hous- ton of Texas Hay otter tiny says Mr l kkff tiring spare moments he sat there in his sent carving hiiirts out of soft pliH wood They Wtr pieces alM nt the slju of plat Vhini he lapel eompleleil one of th i works of art Ue wniihl summon n I IntliiB some s- tiit r in the r umihl sty this to lU l Utly tic there with i i Sum HoiistmiV otinpllaniits Mr l kl tr reiiwmlMrs Iloustin t one of the aeuilest nrnl kindest of men If you are all run down rny ItinifUy told hel uu It tr n cth- en the kidneys u they iliini Hate the IWldirKieM trim the Moo that ilfir the iMrvi sod IWUM- h u ion Imtkurhf rhewniNt ni ain uriMrv irrenMUrUI wbUh i tin vttallt IK nut rut Fu- KMnev U tuedy Hi tuner 1 V MiCul him Ci The want ads do more real estate luslnesn than all other brokers com fact they start mot o business that the brokers sad a speak search rea I 11 II a d upon hand lit Iii Ful Kid III 1 I 1 mined In the Ceetard monger coetsrd monger men- tioned dh ease sfuldy s iml p- etal I Surd fair tz alt k- rill y dell agests Qash ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > > > > > > > > > < > + ° + > ABOUT ADVERTISING 8 The Cellar Hole and the Sewer Hole- By Herbert Kaufman- A coal cart stopped before an office building in Washington and the driver dismounted removed the cover from a manhole ran out his chute and to empty the load An old negro strolled over and stood watching him Suddenly the black man glanced down and immediately burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter which continued for several minutes The cart driver looked at him in amusement Say Uncle he asked do you always laugh when you see coal going into a cellar The negro sputtered around for a few moments and then holding his hands- to his aching sides managed to say No salt but I jest busts when I sees it goin down a sewer The advertiser who displays lack of judgment in selecting the newspapers which carry his copy often confuses the sewer and the cellar All the money that is put into newspapers isnt taken out again by any The fact that all papers possess a certain physical likeness doesnt by any means signify a similarity in character and its character in a newspaper that brings returns The editor who conducts a journalistic sewer finds a different class of readers than the publisher who respects himself enough- to respect his readers What goes into a newspaper largely determines- the class of homes into which the newspaper goes An irresponsible scandalmongering muckraking sheet- is logically not supported by the buying classes of people It may be perused by thousands of readers but such readers are seldom purchasers of advertised goods Its the cleancut steady normalminded citizens who form the bone and sinew and muscle of the com munity Its the sane selfrespecting dependable newspaper that enters their homes and its the hone sale that indicates the strength of an advertising medium No cleanminded father of a family wishes to have his wife and children brought in contact with the most maudlin and banal phases of life He defends them from the sensational editor and the unpleasant adver tiser He subscribes to a newspaper which he does not fear to leave about the house Therefore the respectable newspaper can always be counted upon to produce more sales than one which may even own a larger circulation but whose distribu tion is in ten editions among unprofitable citizens You can no more expect to sell goods to people who haven money than you can hope to pluck oysters from bushes- It isnt the number of reached but the number of readers whose purses vnn be reached that constitutes the value of circulation Its one thing- to arouse their attention but its a far different tiling get their money The mind may be willing limit the fockctbvok is week If you hul t li choice of a thousand acres of desert land or a hundred acres of oasis youd select fertile spot the tract hJ U value because it vmil be L S3 poductive Just so the vhvrtiscr who r irv1r rT- Iwv lj is V m nv fV i not 1 u aloc aKit lie i w v J that he h not puuv I ui A- C TiM I 1 pro- ceeded l J l 1 rend rs to t 1 r 1 La t JldI H t i r- C I f means rca vin irgcr is Cir Its y 44 t a 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < That Which Is Worth Having Is Worth Advertising For The old adage that what is worth having is worth ask- ing for is still true true of the more intricate life of today The thing you it is a used piano or a home whether it is a readymade business or a lost pocket- book is obtained readily through advertising and with difficulty or not at all through other means THE SUN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS DOOO i 1 r i J wantwhether 1 I i eooo DOCOtHNHooooocO OOOO Cr- a u

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08 … THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 22 1909 fitt Ii f- tr



fitt Ii f-

tr J-

rk V








Forbid PesMMton f Liquor Except

In Residences Puts Burden of

Preef en Accused


The Fuller bill tho most drastic andprohibition bill ever

drawn In this State was passed inthe Senate yesterday by a vote ofto S

The measure forbids the possession-even of liquor except In private realdences makes the accused partyprove his own Innocence before anyevidence against him lit Introducedmakes tho use of tho word saloon acrime bars tho advertisements ofliquors from billboards and signs andholds that even tho possession of aFederal liquor license is absoluteproof of guilt In selling Intoxicants

The bill has a dozen other nearly-as drastic clauses and tho onlyamendment made was the one strik-ing out the clause forbidding thein the State of all newspapers ormagazines which contained liquor ad-

vertisementsThe bill was passed by tho House

last week

Exception to the Rule-I have n hay In my shod of whim

I am very fond said n Nvw Yorkteacher smilingly but I fear to thinkwhat his future may be

Indeed Does be evince er crlmpail tendencies some grave personWho had rakmcd the smile Inquired

Well I an afraid he may become nwriter for funny papers the teachersuggested tentatively You see 1

WM having a history review one dayI asked this boy who was Peter

the Great fle answered A czar ofSuwte

And was there more than one PetertINt I asked

He appeared to ponder for R mo-

ment sad then rrnlled So Miss Mary





lar reaching








that a raN In which history didntrePete Itself Judge

What Is test for Indigestion-Mr A Robinson of Drninquiti On-

tario has been troubled for years withindigestion and recommends Chamberpains Stomach and Liver Tablets asthe best medicine I ever used

troubled with Indigestion of constipa-tion give them a trial They are cer-

tain to prove beneficial They areeasy to take and pleasant In effectPrice 25 cents Samples free at alldrug stores

Very Affectionate-Mr Headstall Tbnt horse you

brought yesterday seems viciouslooking nnlmnl l he affectionate

Mr Cropper Affectionate 1 shouldthlnkso Why when he came out ofthe stable be stood upon his bind legsand tried to embrace me

Active at 17

This would bo unusual news If menand women would keep themselvestree from rheumatism and all achesand pains as well as keeping theirmuscles and joists limber with Mal

lards Snow Liniment Sold by W M



Can get a flrstcluus contract tonwonl The LarKont uud Ik l SouthernLife Insuranco Co Our agent artmaking 7500 to 530000 per monthaccording to ability and amount oftime devoted Now Helling In Floridadouble the amount of Insurance of anyother company Addrons Lloyd WRobertson Misr Stnto Mutual LifeIns Co Fla-







MW dee our mue-

Miesviot to-

M Mse orders

Ulne vllle Florida





Jaukiion lilt

nwe4Perwaia laeuenla

Asia es4 l ttrtptewaptar lu





Cured HerWillimantlc fire

I suffered untold from femaletroubles backache Irregularties dizziness and prostration It was impossible for BW to

walk upstairsw-ithouten thetried three differ-ent doctors andeach told me

different Inobeneflt

from of thembut seemed to suf-fer more The lastdoctor said noth-ing would restore

Compound to see what itam restored to natural

health Sire ETTA DONOVAN Boxlit Willimantlc Conn

success of Lydia E PinkhamsVegetable from roots

is It may beused with womenwho suffer from displacements Inflam-mation Ir-regularities periodic pains backache

dizziness or nervous prostra

For years E PinkhamsVegetable Compound the

female nil andsuffering women owe it to themselvesto at this medicine a trialProof is abundant that it has curedthousands of others and why should itnot cure you

Teaching Him a LessenThe new mall carrier on the rural

free delivery route glanced at the nameon the letter box by the roadsidestopped his horse and spoke to theroughly attired farmer with the oldslouch lint who was resting his sunbrowned arms on the grate and

at him



ble CompoundConnFor

ta ln d



has been

Lydia 13PiukliamsVe


ir iE Ilnkhams Vegetable








1 see he said your neme IsHolmes

YesBeverly GYes Im the man that lives hereAny relation of Sherlock Holmes

gravely asked the carrierNo sir answered the farmer but

Im detective enough to know tintyoure not i very BOM judge of humanunhurt You took mo fur an Ignoramusbccniiiu Ivo tot my old working dudson Im ShciloU Holmes enough tolook nt n fiee n d eyes beforeI size him up a n Some mall furme ThanksYouth Companion

No matter how long you have suffer-ed FoleyH Kidney Remedy will helpYou Mrs S L of Wayne WVa writos I was n sufferer fromkidney disease o that at times I

could not get out of lsd and wlmiI did I could not stand straight I

took Foleyu Kidney Remedy Onedillar bottle and part of the secondcured me entirely It will cure you-

J W McCollum Co

Silenced HimThe young man In the barbers chair

had annoyed by suggestions ofthe white dotted artist although IIP

hut wild clearly enough when be satdown that bi wanted only a hnlr cutand n 8liuniH o Singeing facial mas-sage and hair tonlcH had been offeredvainly

Finally the harbor crM lrntcd whatIs with IttrlHTM till crowning Insultln wlng his hall over the young manslure ho eontcniituously

Shave yourself duut youSure wild the young tuna

youlad there was silence Washington


Dicks CAPUDINE Cures Sick Head-

acheAlso Nervous Headache TravelersHeadache and adios from Grip Stomach Troubles or Female troublesTry rapwdlno lt IIiuW effects tinat lately Soul br druggist

CeulaWt ThenI wt Ml l Ilk iiitsbttly to enjoy

rkUIan why Uottt you try to marry

vi r-As I kl I want to enjoy


if Ihwr I h Ml h ami t w-

llf and INI ftil dull hlltotU et Mll-U take tl r i f wmlMrUiin-

iliMr T4bl i tonlgfct H-

cI vn will 1


Doll a


pit j

IIIi h

r r

I II M l


nov en





1 tn4s alt

aR H ay









From Making Eyes at Senorita tothe Grand Serenade

In tho uncertain Illumination of theelectric lamps some of the senoritasof Teplc City appeared very attractiveIn breezy fluffy gowns and fetchingmantillas and they knew it prettywell too They like to have you lookat them directly and admiringly andthey will not drop their eyes

If you have the nerve to give onea look of this kind such a look aswould be considered extremely rudeta any American city the chances arewhen you meet her on the next turnyon will be rewarded with a smile anda challenge from the black eyes andIf you have a sufficient stock of nerveIn reserve you will to her andpay her some complimentary remarkupon the first opportunity that offersThis Is good breeding and will not lxresented

Should you then become Infatuatedwith the lady you will out herhome visit her barrel window andmope under It for an hour or twoevery morning and If you impress herfavorably she will make your beanglad by talking with you throvgb thebars or dropping little scented noteto you

Should you become real serious youwill hire a stringed band to serenadeher at night now and then To conform with the custom you should startyour band out at midnight nnd let Itplay ns long as your money lasts Out-Ing Magazine


The Went In Fermer Times WasSpelled

The word costermonger Is now usedof an Itinerant fruit seller It wasformerly spelled andIn this form appears In Drants Hor-ace to translate the Latin word

pomarlusLiterally means costard seller cos

tan being a kind of apple the nameof which Murray connects with costaa rib

Some etymologists connect It withcustard assuming that the pulp of appies was used In preparing this dellcacy but there is no reason furthis since the custard apple

in Dampicrs Voyages IGOOi

Is quite different fruit from tho middie English custard

Some connect It also with custardthe humorous name for a bead Takehim over the costard with the hilt ofthy sword Shakespeare put It seemsmore prolmblo that the head waxrailed after the apple than the appleafter the head

The termination monger simplymenus n dealer or trader ax In fellmonger Mini Ironmonger and IK de-

rived from the AngloSaxon wordiiiiiii lnii tt tratHr or barter which

IH iikln i the I itln mnngo a deal-er who oj mill ishes up liltwares I ui Staiidax

Uy ry la a dangerousbut c bi cured ChambfrlalnHColic CI ru and Diarrhoea Remedyhug bwn c used in ninejtldemlcs of IvMMitory It tins never

10 fall It IH wj iy vallUiile lor flilldrtii and adults anditll reduced with water and veet-

r it i pleasant to take Soldby nil druggists

The Hearts of Sam HoustonIn the Memoir of n Fennte rin

Christian F l klnff reinlls the yearjust prior to the outbreak of the ilvhwar when Snmner Wade otish-llatnlln Houston John P Hale ltr kInrldce Tliomns and Jefferson I ivlwere debating the great ucstloii9tvhlfli the north and south were ai-

vxriiiiue They were an slng NH

of men mostly lad In black bnnulcloth and wearlntr high silk hats

Hut there xvus one senator who re-

fused to bo dlgnllletl Senator Hous-ton of Texas Hay otter tiny saysMr l kkff tiring spare momentshe sat there in his sent carving hiiirtsout of soft pliH wood They Wtrpieces alM nt the slju of platVhini he lapel eompleleil one of th i

works of art Ue wniihl summon n

I IntliiB some s-

tiit r in the r umihl stythis to lU l Utly tic there with i i

Sum HoiistmiV otinpllaniitsMr l kl tr reiiwmlMrs Iloustin t

one of the aeuilest nrnl kindest of men

If you are all run downrny ItinifUy told hel uu It tr n cth-

en the kidneys u they iliiniHate the IWldirKieM trim the Moothat ilfir the iMrvi sod IWUM-

h u ion Imtkurhf rhewniNt ni ainuriMrv irrenMUrUI wbUh i tinvttallt IK nut rut Fu-

KMnev U tuedy Hi tuner 1 V MiCulhim Ci

The want ads do more real estateluslnesn than all other brokers com

fact they start mot obusiness that the brokers sad













Ful Kid





mined In


Ceetard monger

coetsrd monger



dh ease





etal I Surd fairtz alt





agests Qash







< >

> >














The Cellar Hole and theSewer Hole-By Herbert Kaufman-

A coal cart stopped before an office building inWashington and the driver dismounted removed thecover from a manhole ran out his chute and

to empty the load An old negro strolled overand stood watching him Suddenly the black manglanced down and immediately burst into a fit ofuncontrollable laughter which continued for severalminutes The cart driver looked at him in amusement

Say Uncle he asked do you always laugh whenyou see coal going into a cellar The negro sputteredaround for a few moments and then holding his hands-to his aching sides managed to say No salt but Ijest busts when I sees it goin down a sewer

The advertiser who displays lack of judgment inselecting the newspapers which carry his copy oftenconfuses the sewer and the cellar

All the money that is put into newspapers isnttaken out again by any The fact that all paperspossess a certain physical likeness doesnt by anymeans signify a similarity in character and its characterin a newspaper that brings returns The editor whoconducts a journalistic sewer finds a different class ofreaders than the publisher who respects himself enough-to respect his readers

What goes into a newspaper largely determines-the class of homes into which the newspaper goes Anirresponsible scandalmongering muckraking sheet-is logically not supported by the buying classes ofpeople It may be perused by thousands of readersbut such readers are seldom purchasers of advertisedgoods

Its the cleancut steady normalminded citizenswho form the bone and sinew and muscle of the community Its the sane selfrespecting dependablenewspaper that enters their homes and its the honesale that indicates the strength of an advertisingmedium

No cleanminded father of a family wishes to havehis wife and children brought in contact with the mostmaudlin and banal phases of life He defends themfrom the sensational editor and the unpleasant advertiser He subscribes to a newspaper which he does notfear to leave about the house

Therefore the respectable newspaper can alwaysbe counted upon to produce more sales than one whichmay even own a larger circulation but whose distribution is in ten editions among unprofitable citizens

You can no more expect to sell goods to peoplewho haven money than you can hope to pluck oystersfrom bushes-

It isnt the number of reached but thenumber of readers whose purses vnn be reached thatconstitutes the value of circulation Its one thing-to arouse their attention but its a far different tiling

get their money The mind may be willing limit thefockctbvok is week

If you hul t li choice of a thousand acres of desertland or a hundred acres of oasis youd selectfertile spot the tract hJ Uvalue because it vmil be L S3 poductive

Just so the vhvrtiscr who r irv1r rT-Iwv lj is V m nv fV i not1 u aloc aKit lie i w v Jthat he h not puuv I ui A-








rend rs


t1 r 1La


JldIH ti





rca vin irgcr

is CirIts y

44 t a 1




< > >


That Which Is Worth Having Is

Worth Advertising ForThe old adage that what is worth having is worth ask-

ing for is still true true of the more intricate life of todayThe thing you it is a used piano or a

home whether it is a readymade business or a lost pocket-book is obtained readily through advertising and withdifficulty or not at all through other means



i 1


i J

wantwhether 1



eooo DOCOtHNHooooocO OOOO Cr-

