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G.8262 SyncE Conformance TestingApplications User Guide


  • Calnex Solutions Ltd Page 1 of 40

    Reg. SC299625

    G.8262 SyncE Conformance Testing

    Applications User Guide

    1. Hardware and Software required .............................................................................................................. 2

    2. Connecting an EEC to the Paragon-X ......................................................................................................... 3

    3. How to Configure the Paragon-X for ALL G.8262 Tests ............................................................................. 5

    4. Measuring Frequency Accuracy G.8262 Section 6 .................................................................................. 8

    5. Pull-in, Hold-in, and Pull-out ranges G.8262 Section 7 ......................................................................... 10

    6. Wander (Noise) Generation G.8262 Section 8 ..................................................................................... 13

    7. Jitter Generation G.8262 Section 8.3 .................................................................................................... 16

    8. Wander (Noise) Tolerance G.8262 Section 9 ........................................................................................ 17

    9. Jitter Tolerance G.8262 Section 9.2 ...................................................................................................... 22

    10. Wander (Noise) Transfer G.8262 Section 10 ........................................................................................ 23

    11. Phase Transient Response G.8262 Section 11 ...................................................................................... 31

    12. Appendix 1 - G.8262 Testing; Practical interpretation guidance ............................................................. 36

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    1. Hardware and Software required


    o Option 110 GbE electrical and Optical

    o Option 111 10GbE interface (optional)

    o Option 120 Delay and Header Capture

    o Option 213 SyncE measurements

    o Option 223 MTIE/TDEV internal wander generation

    o Paragon- X Software X.10.14 or higher

    Synchronisation (Reference) Frequency Source

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    2. Connecting an EEC to the Paragon-X

    The front panel of the Paragon-X provides the following interfaces for testing:

    1. 100MbE Electrical or Optical (SGMII SFP)

    2. 1GbE Electrical or Optical (SFP) with option 110 fitted

    3. 10GbE Optical (XFP or SFP+) with option 111 fitted

    Paragon-X Front Panel Connections

    10GbE Port 1

    100MbE/1GbE Port 1

    10GbE Port 2

    100MbE/1GbE Port 2

    Status Display

    PC Controller Port

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    The Paragon-X accepts the following reference clocks which should be applied to one of the

    Reference Inputs on the back panel:

    1. 2.048MHz

    2. 10MHz

    3. E1 (2.048Mb/s)

    4. DS1 (T1) (1.544Mb/s)

    Fig. 1 Paragon-X Reference Inputs (Back Panel)

    There are two reference inputs

    BNC with 75 impedance (the connector on the left in the figure).

    Bantam connector with 100 impedance.

    o 3 pole bantam jack o 4.39mm Diameter o Tip; Positive, Ring; Negative, Sleeve; Ground

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    3. How to Configure the Paragon-X for ALL G.8262 Tests

    a) Verify your physical connections have been completed per section 2.

    b) Start the Paragon-X GUI

    c) Select the Operating Mode button.

    d) Select Sync-E then select Close

    e) Click Setup Interface and then Physical Settings.

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    f) Verify that the SyncE Clock Rx > Tx is not checked

    g) Select the reference clock source.

    h) Select the line rate and Electrical/Optical (100M/1GbE/10GbE).

    Note: If using SFPs, XFPs or SFP+s, BOTH Port 1 and Port 2 optical transceivers must be

    inserted into the Paragon-X.

    i) Select the Close button to close the Physical Settings window, and then select Close again to

    close the setup interface window.

    Note: once you have selected Sync-E mode, the Paragon-X GUI will display SYNCE LOCK as grey

    (This verifies that the SyncE Rx > Tx box is unchecked).

    ESMC Generation

    Ethernet Synchronisation Message Channel (ESMC) is a Point to Point Protocol in which each EEC

    generates and terminates an ESMC PDU. This ESMC PDU is normally transmitted once per second

    on the Slow Protocol Channel and contains the Quality Level (QL) TLV of the associated clock . The

    receiving EEC uses this QL to select the best quality clock. The EEC then regenerates the ESMC

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    PDU with the appropriate QL TLV value to indicate the quality of the clock being transmitted to the

    next EEC.

    If the EEC supports ESMC, it is possible for the Paragon-X to use this functionality to indicate if an

    EEC switches clock reference or goes into holdover.

    The Paragon-X can generate ESMC messages on both Ports 1 and 2. For G.8262 conformance

    testing, ESMC messages are generated on Port 2 with a used defined Quality Level (QL) such as


    a) Generate ESMC messages by selecting button. The following window will open.

    b) Check the box Enable TX+Rx Mode

    c) Select Port 2 tab (the output from the Paragon and input to EEC)

    d) Select SSM code QL-PRC, which tells the EEC that the clock from the Paragon-X is of PRC quality.

    e) Set rate to 1000mS.

    f) Click and then

    g) The ESMC Generation button will go red to indicate the Paragon-X is generating ESMC packets.

    After any setup changes to the Paragon-X, please ensure the EEC has had time to settle

    before making any measurements

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    4. Measuring Frequency Accuracy G.8262 Section 6

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    Free run +/- 4.6 ppm

    Recommend to test for

    an hour, longer if close

    to limits

    EEC Option 2

    Hold over +/- 4.6 ppm

    Recommend to test for

    an hour, longer if close

    to limits

    Measurement Setup a) Connect the EEC to Paragon-X to EEC as shown above

    b) Set up the Paragon-X GUI as per Section 3.

    Measurement Process

    a) Select the Start Capture button to start measurement.

    b) To stop the measurement after a pre-defined period for running the test, select Stop Capture


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    c) Paragon-X will provide the ppm frequency accuracy at the bottom of the graph in red text (as shown

    in the screen shot at the top of the next page).

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    5. Pull-in, Hold-in, and Pull-out ranges G.8262 Section 7

    Pullin Range (G.8262 Section 7.1) The Pull-in range is defined as the largest offset between a slave clock's reference frequency and a

    specified nominal frequency, within which the slave clock will achieve locked mode.

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes


    Option 1



    Option 2

    Apply a large Frequency

    offset ensuring EEC is in

    holdover. Reduce offset

    until EEC locks.

    EEC starts unlocked with large offset applied

    EEC locks before offset reaches +/- 4.6ppm

    Lock can also be

    monitored by using

    ESMC (if supported)

    Holdin Range (G.8262 Section 7.2) Hold-in range is defined as the largest offset between a slave clock's reference frequency and a

    specified nominal frequency, within which the slave clock maintains lock as the frequency varies

    arbitrarily slowly over the frequency range.

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes


    Option 1 Not Applicable


    Option 2

    EEC is locked to the clock

    from the Paragon-X. The

    Frequency is then offset

    to +/-4.6ppm

    EEC should remained locked at an offset at +/-4.6ppm

    Lock can also be

    monitored by using

    ESMC (if supported)

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    Pullout Range (G.8262 Section 7.3) Pull-out range is defined as the offset between a slave clock's reference frequency and a specified

    nominal frequency, within which the slave clock stays in the locked mode and outside of which the

    slave clock cannot maintain locked mode, irrespective of the rate of the frequency change.

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes


    Option 1

    EEC is locked to the clock

    from the Paragon-X. The

    Frequency is then offset

    until the EEC unlocks

    EEC should remain locked at an offset at +/-4.6ppm but lock should extend beyond this.

    G.8262 states this is for

    further study


    Option 2 Not Applicable

    Measurement Setup a) Connect the EEC to Paragon-X to EEC as shown in the diagram at the beginning of this section

    b) Set up the Paragon-X GUI as per Section 3, including setting up ESMC with QL=PRC if using ESMC

    to monitor which clock the EEC is locked to.

    Measurement Process

    a) select the Start Capture button to start measurement.

    b) Select the Wander and Jitter Generation button. The Frequency Offset window will appear

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    c) In the Frequency Offset window, add the Frequency Offset required and click the Apply Offset


    d) To remove the Frequency Offset and return it back to 0ppm click the Remove Offset


    e) To stop the measurement after a pre-defined period for running the test, select Stop Capture


    f) The Paragon-X TIE graph indicates if the EEC is in or out of lock as shown in the screenshot below

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    6. Wander (Noise) Generation G.8262 Section 8

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria


    (G.8262 masks)

    EEC Option 1

    (Constant Temp)

    - Locked Mode

    - Wander Free reference

    - Constant temperature

    MTIE & TDEV Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 8.1.1

    MTIE Table 1/ Figure 1

    TDEV Table 3/ Figure 2

    EEC Option 1

    (Temp effects)

    - Locked Mode

    - Wander Free reference

    - Temperature effects

    MTIE Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 8.1.2.

    MTIE Table 1/ Figure 1

    TDEV G.8262 states

    for further study

    EEC Option 2

    (Constant Temp)

    - Locked Mode

    - Wander Free reference

    - Constant temperature

    MTIE & TDEV Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 8.1.2

    MTIE Table 4/ Figure 3

    TDEV Table 5/ Figure 4

    G.8261 Section 8.2 also mentions measurements in Non-locked mode and refers to section 11.2

    Long-term phase transient response (Holdover) and will not be covered in this section.

    Measurement Setup a) Connect the EEC to Paragon-X to EEC as shown in the diagram at the beginning of this section

    g) Set up the Paragon-X as described in section 3, including setting up ESMC with QL=PRC if using

    ESMC to monitor which clock the EEC is locked to.

    Measurement Process

    a) Select the Start Capture button to start measurement.

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    b) To stop the measurement, select Stop Capture. . It is suggested that the test

    should run for approx 3,000 seconds

    c) The graph will show the captured TIE

    d) To display the MTIE and TDEV graphs click on the bottom right hand side of the

    graph and then MTIE/TDEV Analysis from the displayed menu.

    e) A separate window will open showing the TIE in graphical form at the top, with an MTIE/TDEV

    graph at the bottom.

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    f) The MTIE/ TDEV analysis can be carried out against the G.8262 masks for Wander Generation

    which can be selected from the measurement mask pull down selection in the left hand window.

    g) Pass/Fail indication against the masks is shown also in this left hand window and will have a

    green background for Mask Pass and a red background for Mask Fail

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    7. Jitter Generation G.8262 Section 8.3

    Testing Jitter generation is planned for a future Paragon-X release

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    8. Wander (Noise) Tolerance G.8262 Section 9

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    MTIE Wander

    Table 7/Figure 5

    TDEV Wander

    Table 8/Figure 6

    Sinusoidal Wander

    Table 9/Figure 7

    The EEC is;

    i. Maintaining the clock within performance limits.

    ii. Not causing any alarms.

    iii. Not causing the clock to switch reference.

    iv. Not causing the clock to go into holdover.

    To Check whether the

    EEC is switching

    references or going

    into holdover, the

    Paragon can measure

    the wander and/or

    ESMC QL of the EEC


    EEC Option 2

    TDEV Wander

    Table 10/Figure 8

    The EEC is;.

    i. Maintaining the clock within performance limits

    ii. Not causing any alarms.

    iii. Not causing the clock to switch reference.

    iv. Not causing the clock to go into holdover.

    To Check whether the

    EEC is switching

    references or going

    into holdover, the

    Paragon can measure

    the wander and/or

    ESMC QL of the EEC


    Measurement Setup

    a) Connect the EEC to Paragon-X to EEC as shown in the diagram at the beginning of this section

    b) Set up the Paragon-X as described in section 3, including setting up ESMC with QL=PRC if using

    ESMC to monitor if the EEC is switching clock references or going into holdover.

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    Measurement Process

    a) Select the Wander and Jitter Generation button on the Paragon-X GUI.

    b) The Following window will now be open.

    c) Select the Wander Tolerance Tab and the following window will open

    d) There are three methods of generating wander into the EEC:

    i. MTIE/TDEV modes Fastest and most effective way to evaluate EEC

    ii. Table (Sine) Wander Can be used for finding Maximum Tolerable Wander

    iii. Single (Sine) Wander Can be used for troubleshooting

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    e) MTIE/TDEV Wander

    The Paragon-X generates MTIE and TDEV wander as defined in G.8262.

    i. Select the wander mask required from the drop down list. The mask and the maximum

    running time will be shown on the right hand side of the window.

    G.8262 Option 1 MTIE - Running Time is 1000s

    G.8262 Option 1 TDEV - Running Time is 12000s

    G.8262 Option 2 TDEV - Running Time is 12000s

    ii. Click Generate Wander to start the test. The elapsed time will be displayed on the bottom

    right hand side of the window.

    iii. The test will stop after the max Running time has reached, the test can also be stopped

    manually by clicking Stop Wander.

    f) Table (Sinusoidal)

    Can be used to test Maximum Tolerable Wander

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    The user can enter up to 10 different wander parameter sets in the table. The Paragon-X will then

    automatically add each of the specified wander sets in turn giving full indication of progress in the

    Status column. Switching between the different sets is always done at a zero crossing to prevent

    phase steps.

    i. Enter the frequency, amplitude, and dwell time (number of cycles the frequency/amplitude

    pair will be run) for each wander test point.

    The same frequency with different amplitudes can be entered to find maximum

    tolerable wander

    The Restore Defaults button when checked will restore the values to that defined in

    table 9 in G.8262.

    Only rows that have the enable check box ticked will be executed in the test. To

    skip over a selection, un-tick the enable box for that selection.

    ii. Click Generate Wander to start the test

    iii. Click Stop Wander to stop the test. The test will terminate at the next zero crossing

    iv. A pop up box stating how long to the next zero crossing is displayed, click the Stop

    v. Immediate button if it is desired to stop the test instantly.

    g) Single Sinusoidal Wander

    Can be used for troubleshooting issues at a specific frequency

    i. Enter the frequency and amplitude of the desired wander

    ii. Click Generate Wander to start the test

    iii. Click Stop Wander to stop the test. The test will terminate at the next zero crossing of the

    wander frequency

    A pop up box stating how long to the next zero crossing is displayed.

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    h) G.8262 states that with the wander applied that the EEC should

    i. Maintain the clock within the prescribed performance limits (the exact performance limits are

    for further study)

    ii. Not cause any alarms

    iii. Not cause the clock to switch references

    iv. Not cause the clock to go into holdover

    For further insight, use the Paragon-X ESMC generation/capture capability and TIE graph to

    check whether the EEC is switching clock reference or going into holdover.

    i) Ensure the Paragon-X has been set up to Generate ESMC messages with QL=PRC as described

    in section 3 of this document.

    j) Select the Start Capture button to start the measurement.

    k) To show both the TIE and ESMC graph at the same time click and then Show 2nd

    Graph and then select ON

    l) To change what a graph is displaying,

    i. click one of the graphs (the selected graph will be non-Grey

    ii. Click and then Graph Display Mode, finally select the graph to display

    Time Interval Error (TIE) vs Nominal

    ESMC Rx Quality vs Time: (Port 1 Rx)

    The screenshot above shows an EEC that has switched references or gone into holdover (top graph

    is ESMC, bottom graph shows the difference in Frequency between the reference and the recovered

    clock from the EEC)

    m) To stop the measurement, select Stop Capture.

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    9. Jitter Tolerance G.8262 Section 9.2

    Testing Jitter tolerance is planned for a future Paragon-X release

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    10. Wander (Noise) Transfer G.8262 Section 10

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1 Not defined The phase gain of the EEC should be smaller than 0.2 dB (2.3%).

    There is no definition of the

    input stimulus to be used in

    G.8262. Without further

    guidance from the Standards,

    it is suggested that the

    amplitude and frequency

    values associated with mask

    points labelled f1, f2 & f3 on

    G.8262 Section 9.1.1, Table 9

    & Figure 7 are used.

    EEC Option 2

    TDEV Wander

    Table 10/Figure 8

    Measure EEC output against TDEV Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 10..2 Table 13/Figure 11

    Measurement Setup

    a) Connect the EEC to Paragon-X to EEC as shown in the diagram at the beginning of this section

    b) Set up the Paragon-X as described in section 3, including setting up ESMC with QL=PRC if using

    ESMC to monitor which clock the EEC is locked to.

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    Measurement Process

    a) Select the Wander and Jitter Generation button on the Paragon-X GUI.

    b) The Following window will now be open.

    c) Select the Wander Transfer Tab and the following window will open

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    G.8262 Option 1 Wander Transfer Test: Paragon-X automated testing

    a) Select the G.8262 Option 1 tab and then the Table tab.

    b) Enter the frequency, amplitude, and dwell time (number of cycles the frequency/amplitude pair will be

    run) for each wander test point.

    i. The Restore Defaults button when checked will restore the values to that defined in table 9 in


    ii. Only rows that have the enable check box ticked will be executed in the test. To skip over a

    selection, un-tick the enable box for that selection.

    c) To calibrate the Paragon-X, connect a short Ethernet cable between Port 1 and Port 2 and click the


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    d) When the calibration is finished the Status window will show

    e) Remove the short Ethernet cable between Port 1 and Port 2 and connect the EEC under test as

    shown in the setup diagram at the start of this section.

    f) Click the Generate Wander button to start the test.

    g) The Paragon-X will show the status of the test, the measured Gain (dB) value and also a Pass/Fail

    indication on the right hand side of the window.

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    G.8262 Option 1 Wander Transfer Test: Paragon-X single frequency test

    This capability can be used for fault finding issues at specific frequencies

    a) Select the G.8262 Option 1 tab and then the Single tab.

    b) Enter the frequency and amplitude of the wander to be generated

    c) To calibrate the Paragon-X, connect a short Ethernet cable between Port 1 and Port 2 and click the


    d) When the calibration is finished the Status window will show

    e) Remove the short Ethernet cable between Port 1 and Port 2 and replace with the EEC under test.

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    f) Click the Generate Wander button to start the test.

    g) The GUI will show the estimated completion time at the bottom of the screen. The measured Gain

    (dB) value and also a Pass/Fail indication (Green/Red background) will be displayed.

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    G.8262 Option 2 Wander Transfer Test:

    a) Select the G.8262 Option 2 tab.

    b) Press Generate Wander button to start the test.

    c) The amount of the time until completion of the test is shown at the bottom right hand side of the


    d) At any time during the test, it is possible to view an updated output TDEV graph by clicking the

    TDEV Results button. The TDEV graph will then be displayed.

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    e) At the end of the test the Paragon-X will automatically show the final MTIE graph and show Pass/Fail

    against the MTIE mask.

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    11. Phase Transient Response G.8262 Section 11

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    EEC input reference is lost for 15 seconds and a 2nd reference input signal, traceable to the same reference clock, is available simultaneously

    Maximum phase transient at the output due to reference switching to meet mask in G.8262 Figure 12

    To emulate the loss of the

    link either

    Change ESMC


    Remove the cable

    between port 2 and


    EEC Option 2

    EEC input reference

    is lost for 15 seconds

    and a 2nd reference

    input signal, traceable

    to the same reference

    clock, is available


    EEC output should meet MTIE mask defined by table 15/ Figure 14 in section 11.4.2 of G.8262

    To emulate the loss of the

    link either:

    Change ESMC


    Remove the cable

    between port 2 and


    Measurement Setup

    a) Connect the EEC to Paragon-X to EEC as shown in the diagram at the beginning of this section

    b) Set up the Paragon-X as described in section 3 (including ESMC generation if using the ESMC

    method of switching clock references, ensuring SSM code is set to PRC)

    c) Select Configure Capture , select 10mSecs sample period and then close.

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    Measurement Process

    a) There are two methods for determining Phase Transient Response with the Paragon-X;

    i. Use ESMC Generation (if supported by the DUT).

    ii. Remove the link between Port 2 on the paragon-X and the EEC input port.

    b) Select the Start Capture button to start measurement.

    c) If using the Ethernet cable removal method.

    d) If using ESMC method

    i. Select button. The following window will open

    ii. Ensure SSM code is set to QL PRC

    iii. In the SSM Code drop down menu select QL DNU/DUS and then click .

    e) To stop the measurement click Stop Capture. .

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    Measuring Results

    The switching transient will be seen on the Paragon-X TIE graph.

    The Paragon-X graphs can show the TIE and also the ESMC QL for each port

    In the screenshot bellow the ESMC graph shows the time and QL change of the ESMC transition on

    Port 2 Tx of the Paragon-X. This can then be compared in time to the TIE graph showing the


    Method of evaluating the capture for phase transient response is dependent upon whether EEC Option

    1 or Option 2 is being evaluated.

    EEC Option 1

    a) To view the output TIE for EEC Option 1, closely monitor the output TIE graph on Paragon-X for the

    duration (15s) of the test. While the slave clock is acquiring the new reference, the output phase

    transient should be within the limits of figure 12 of G.8262 (provided below)

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    EEC Option 2

    a) To view the output MTIE mask for EEC Option 2 ONLY, perform the following:

    b) To display the MTIE and TDEV graphs click on the bottom right hand side of the TIE

    graph and then MTIE/TDEV Analysis from the displayed menu.

    c) A separate window will open showing the TIE in graphical form at the top, with an MTIE/TDEV graph

    at the bottom.

    d) The MTIE analysis can be carried out against the G.8262 masks for Wander Transient which can

    be selected from the measurement mask pull down selection in the left hand window.

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    e) Pass/Fail indication against the masks is shown also in this left hand window and will have a green

    background for Mask Pass and a red background for Mask Fail

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    12. Appendix 1 - G.8262; Practical interpretation guidance

    Frequency Accuracy G.8262 Section 6

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    Free run +/- 4.6 ppm

    Recommend to test

    for an hour, longer if

    close to limits

    EEC Option 2

    Hold over +/- 4.6 ppm

    Recommend to test

    for an hour, longer if

    close to limits

    Pullin Range (G.8262 Section 7.1)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes


    Option 1



    Option 2

    Apply a large Frequency

    offset ensuring EEC is in

    holdover. Reduce offset

    until EEC locks.

    EEC starts unlocked with large offset applied

    EEC locks before offset reaches +/- 4.6ppm

    Lock can also be

    monitored by using

    ESMC (if supported)

    Holdin Range (G.8262 Section 7.2)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes


    Option 1 Not Applicable


    Option 2

    EEC is locked to the clock

    from the Paragon-X. The

    Frequency is then offset

    to +/-4.6ppm

    EEC should remained locked at an offset at +/-4.6ppm

    Lock can also be

    monitored by using

    ESMC (if supported)

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    Pull out Range (G.8262 Section 7.3)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes


    Option 1

    EEC is locked to the clock

    from the Paragon-X. The

    Frequency is then offset

    until the EEC unlocks.

    EEC should remain locked at an offset at +/-4.6ppm but lock should extend beyond this.

    G.8262 states this is for

    further study


    Option 2 Not Applicable

    Wander Generation (G.8262 Section 8)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    (Constant Temp)

    - Locked Mode

    - Wander Free reference

    - Constant temperature

    MTIE & TDEV Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 8.1.1

    MTIE Table 1/ Figure 1

    TDEV Table 3/ Figure 2

    EEC Option 1

    (Temp effects)

    - Locked Mode

    - Wander Free reference

    - Temperature effects

    MTIE Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 8.1.2.

    MTIE Table 1/ Figure 1

    TDEV G.8262 states

    for further study

    EEC Option 2

    (Constant Temp)

    - Locked Mode

    - Wander Free reference

    - Constant temperature

    MTIE & TDEV Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 8.1.2

    MTIE Table 4/ Figure 3

    TDEV Table 5/ Figure 4

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    Wander Tolerance (G.8262 Section 9)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    MTIE Wander

    Table 7/Figure 5

    TDEV Wander

    Table 8/Figure 6

    Sinusoidal Wander

    Table 9/Figure 7

    The EEC is;

    v. Maintaining the clock within performance limits.

    vi. Not causing any alarms.

    vii. Not causing the clock to switch reference.

    viii. Not causing the clock to go into holdover.

    To Check whether the

    EEC is switching

    references or going

    into holdover, the

    Paragon can measure

    the wander and/or

    ESMC QL of the EEC


    EEC Option 2

    TDEV Wander

    Table 10/Figure 8

    The EEC is;.

    v. Maintaining the clock within performance limits

    vi. Not causing any alarms.

    vii. Not causing the clock to switch reference.

    viii. Not causing the clock to go into holdover.

    To Check whether the

    EEC is switching

    references or going

    into holdover, the

    Paragon can measure

    the wander and/or

    ESMC QL of the EEC


    Wander Transfer (G.8262 Section 10)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1 Not defined The phase gain of the EEC should be smaller than 0.2 dB (2.3%).

    There is no definition of the

    input stimulus to be used in

    G.8262. Without further

    guidance from the Standards,

    it is suggested that the

    amplitude and frequency

    values associated with mask

    points labelled f1, f2 & f3 on

    G.8262 Section 9.1.1, Table 9

    & Figure 7 are used.

    EEC Option 2

    TDEV Wander

    Table 10/Figure 8

    Measure EEC output against TDEV Pass/Fail masks shown in G.8262 Section 10..2 Table 13/Figure 11

  • Calnex Solutions Ltd Page 39 of 40

    Reg. SC299625

    Transient Response (G.8262 Section 11)

    Input Stimulus Pass/Fail Criteria Notes

    EEC Option 1

    EEC input reference is lost for 15 seconds and a 2nd reference input signal, traceable to the same reference clock, is available simultaneously

    Maximum phase transient at the output due to reference switching to meet mask in G.8262 Figure 12

    To emulate the loss of the

    link either

    Change ESMC


    Remove the cable

    between port 2 and


    EEC Option 2

    EEC input reference

    is lost for 15 seconds

    and a 2nd reference

    input signal, traceable

    to the same reference

    clock, is available


    EEC output should meet MTIE mask defined by table 15/ Figure 14 in section 11.4.2 of G.8262

    To emulate the loss of the

    link either:

    Change ESMC


    Remove the cable

    between port 2 and


  • For more information on the Calnex Paragon-X and to take advantage of Calnexs extensive experience in

    sync and packet testing technologies, please contact Calnex Solutions on +44 (0) 1506 671 416 or email:

    [email protected]

    Calnex Solutions Ltd Herkimer House Mill Road Enterprise Park Linlithgow West Lothian EH49 7SF United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1506 671 416 Email: [email protected]


    This information is subject to change without notice

    Calnex Solutions Ltd, 2010