g3 terminal vancouver · pdf filetiffany koberstein, g3 brad eshleman, president, western...

G3 Terminal Vancouver Engagement Summary Report October 29, 2015

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Page 1: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

G3 Terminal Vancouver Engagement Summary Report

October 29, 2015

Page 2: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

Table of Contents

1. Background ..................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Project Scope ........................................................................................................................... 1

2. Community Engagement.................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................................... 2

2.2 Approach and Methodology ..................................................................................................... 2

2.3 Consultation Topics .................................................................................................................. 3

2.4 How Input Will Be Used ............................................................................................................ 4

2.5 Stakeholder Notification .......................................................................................................... 4

2.6 Consultation Methods .............................................................................................................. 4

3. Key Results ...................................................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Public Consultation Summary ................................................................................................... 5

3.2 North Shore Waterfront Liaison Committee ............................................................................. 7

3.3 Low Level Road Liaison Committee .......................................................................................... 7

3.4 City of North Vancouver ........................................................................................................... 8

3.5 District of North Vancouver .................................................................................................... 10

3.6 Pacific Pilotage Authority ....................................................................................................... 13

3.7 Chamber of Shipping .............................................................................................................. 13

4. Appendices (see attached file) ....................................................................................................... 15

Page 3: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 1

1. Background

1.1 Project Scope

G3 Terminal Vancouver (G3) is a joint venture partnership between G3 Global Holdings and Western

Stevedoring Company Limited (Western) established to examine the feasibility of building an export

grain terminal at Lynnterm West Gate in the City of North Vancouver at Port Metro Vancouver (PMV).

G3 Te i al Va ou e is desig ed to opti ize g ai e ei i g, sto age, a d shippi g o Ca ada’s west

coast and would facilitate ongoing competitive access to world markets for Canadian farmers and

marketers in the face of increasing supply of and demand for Canadian grain. The proposed export grain

terminal would be a state-of-the-art facility in which best practices – including those associated with

sustainability – are a foundation of design. The project proposes installing and operating the following:

a railcar receiving facility and loop track

grain conveyor systems

a grain storage facility of up to 48 primary concrete storage silos

a grain cleaning facility

dust aspiration systems

administration and maintenance buildings

access roads including three underpasses

a berth structure and ship loader

FleishmanHillard was hired to undertake the public consultation in accordance to Port Metro

Va ou e ’s PER guideli es. This engagement summary report details the process and results of the

public consultation held between September 9, 2015 and October 7, 2015.

Page 4: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 2

2. Community Engagement

2.1 Purpose

The goal of G3’s o u i atio s a d o sultatio p o ess is to p o ide i fo atio to the pu li a d stakeholders, respond to and incorporate feedback, and work collaboratively with all parties in a timely

and comprehensive manner throughout the pre-application and application phases of Port Metro

Va ou e ’s p oje t a d e i o e tal e ie p o ess.

During this pre-application phase, G3 held an online preliminary review phase on the scope of its

technical studies for 20 business days between September 9, 2015 and October 7, 2015. Comments and

feedback on the scope of these technical studies that was gathered at this stage have been shared with

Port Metro Vancouver, publicly and with identified stakeholders through an Engagement Summary

Report summarizing all feedback received from the public and stakeholders. This Input Consideration

Report provides a comprehensive response to feedback received on the scope of technical studies that

emerged from online consultation between September 9, 2015 and October 7, 2015 and through a

series of meetings with key stakeholders.

2.2 Approach and Methodology

G3 Te i al Va ou e ’s o u it e gage e t app oa h as de eloped i e og itio of Po t Met o Va ou e ’s Project and Environmental Review requirements for public consultation. The consultation

process included the following, which are described in more detail in following sections of the report:

Four-week consultation duration between September 9, 2015 and October 7, 2015

Online consultation at shareyourthoughts.g3terminalvancouver.ca with 18 people signed up, 10

provided input (1 via email)

Meetings with City of North Vancouver senior staff, District of North Vancouver senior staff,

Pacific Pilotage Authority, and the Chamber of Shipping

Presentations to District North Vancouver Mayor and Council, North Shore Waterfront Liaison

Committee, and Low Level Road Liaison Committee

Community Notification – Newspaper advertisements, targeted letters, a mail drop postcard.

In all the notification materials and meetings, information provided included the overview of the

proposed project, date of the consultation period, details of in-person meeting, where project

information materials can be found how feedback can be provided, and contact information.

Page 5: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

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2.3 Consultation Topics

The following section provides an overview of the consultation topics related to the scope of technical

studies that were separated into four themes: environmental, marine, land and community.

Environmental Studies

Hazardous Materials and Waste

Biophysical Studies

Nesting Birds

Construction Environmental Management Plan

Spill Prevention/Emergency Response Plan

Marine Related Studies

Marine Traffic

Land Related Studies

Energy Efficiency





Community Related Studies

Viewscapes and Shadow Analysis

Light Analysis

Environmental Noise Assessment Study

Environmental Air Assessment Study

Fire Risk Assessment

Alternative Siting

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G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 4

2.4 How Input Will Be Used

All comments received will be reviewed and considered in developing the project application prior to its

submission to PMV. When satisfied that the comments received have been adequately considered in the

application, PMV will initiate a formal review process, including further public consultation.

2.5 Stakeholder Notification

Public notice to participate in the Preliminary Review Phase (September 9 to October 7, 2015) was

provided through the following:

Advertising – Display ads were placed in the North Shore News on September 9th

and 11th

inviting members of the public to participate in online consultation. The advertisement is

attached in Appendix A. Postcard Mailer – A postcard mailer was delivered on September 5th

, 6th

and 8th

to approximately 2,500 North Vancouver residents and businesses neighbouring the

proposed project, notifying them of the opportunity to participate in online engagement. As per

the Po t Met o Va ou e ’s guideli es, eside ts i a fou -block radius of project area were

notified. The postcard mailer and notification map are attached in Appendix B.

Letters to key stakeholders, including local municipal governments, were sent by email on

September 4th

. This contained information about the project overview, information about the

online consultation, website, and contact information (phone and email). A sample letter is

attached in Appendix C.

All public notice materials invited the public to visit the website (www.g3terminalvancouver.ca) for

more information and to participate in the online consultation. The website copy is attached in

Appendix H.

2.6 Consultation Methods

All consultation materials have been available on the project website since the launch of the Preliminary

Review Phase on Sept. 9th

(g3terminalvancouver.ca), including feedback forms for each technical study

and a general feedback form that could be submitted to the project team directly from the website.

G3 met and provided presentations to:

North Shore Waterfront Liaison Committee on September 10, 2015

Low Level Road Liaison Committee on September 30, 2015

District of North Vancouver Mayor and Council on October 5, 2015

City of North Vancouver senior staff on September 30, 2015

Page 7: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 5

District of North Vancouver senior staff on September 30, 2015

Pacific Pilotage Authority on September 30, 2015

Chamber of Shipping on October 5, 2015


1 participant provided feedback via email

11 participants provided feedback via the online feedback form

18 people registered on the site

3. Key Results

3.1 Public Consultation Summary

Theme Summary of comments


Marine Traffic

A consultation participant commented that G3 could reduce ships waiting

at anchor by using a shuttle trans-shipper vessel.

A consultation participant inquired about noise and environmental


Marine - General

Thoughts or Comments

A consultation participant suggested emissions due to bunker fuel may be

reduced by not bringing ocean-going vessels into the inlet.


Energy Efficiency A consultation participant commented that there should be no more port



Consultation participants (2) voiced concern over current traffic levels in

residential neighbourhoods and the possibility this project may result in

increased traffic.

The BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Pacific Gateway

Branch would like to see as part of this preliminary review a full traffic

analysis on roadways in the vicinity of the proposed terminal and also

those linking to the North Shore, both for construction and operation



The BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Pacific Gateway

Branch would like to see as part of this preliminary review a full rail

analysis to determine the impacts of the proposed project on the North

Shore Rail Corridor.

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A consultation participant raised concerns about existing noise waking

them up a least once a week and concerns about new developments

being allowed in regards to making noise unbearable.

Land - General

Thoughts or Comments

A consultation participant commented that increased air pollutants will

have an impact on their health.



Consultation participants (7) voiced concern over visual impact and

provided suggestions for mitigation.

A consultation participant commented on how public input is considered

in the Port Metro Vancouver review process.

A consultation participant inquired as to the benefits this project would

bring to the community.

Light Analysis

A consultation participant commented on increased light on the dock.

Environmental Noise

Assessment Study

Consultation participants (6) commented on existing noise concerns from

current port related activity, hours of operation of the proposed terminal,

and increased noise concerns and mitigations with the proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver.

Environmental Air

Assessment Study

Consultation participants (3) commented on air quality concerns, the

desire for air quality to be monitored closely, for air quality to be

improved, and on impacts to the Lynn Creek area.

Fire Risk Assessment

Consultation participants (2) commented on fire risk and preparedness.

Alternative Siting

Consultation participants (5) commented on other potential locations for

the proposed project.

Community - General

Thoughts or Comments

Consultation participants (5) commented on various concerns and

mitigation measures related to noise, air quality, traffic, and sight lines

and how public input is considered in the Port Metro Vancouver review



Hazardous Materials

and Waste

A consultation participant commented on the impact of the release of

hazardous materials.

A consultation participant commented that they welcome the hazardous

waste plan and inquires whether it will include a study on air quality,

specifically dust, which will occur during normal operations.

Biophysical Studies Consultation participants (2) requested that G3 include in studies the

restoration of Lynn Creek estuary, a large riparian buffer and contributing

to habitat replacement.

Page 9: G3 Terminal Vancouver · PDF fileTiffany Koberstein, G3 Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring Jeanette O’rien, Director, Human Resources, Administration and ommunity

G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 7

Nesting Birds

A consultation participant commented on impacts to birds beyond the

construction phase related to noise, traffic and air quality impacts.

The following represents the feedback and recommendations from stakeholder meetings and


3.2 North Shore Waterfront Liaison Committee

Date September 10, 2015

Attendees North Shore Waterfront Liaison Committee

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Themes Key Points and Feedback General Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver (please see Appendix D for a copy of the presentation)

Questions raised at meeting included:

ownership and operation of the terminal

job creation

number of ships at the site per day

how unit trains will be moved, will a power on model require shifting,

will there be shunting, will there be an increase in train traffic

has there been an economic impact study

Recommendations Provide a presentation on the project to Mayor and Council at the City and

District of North Vancouver.

Continue to widely publicize the preliminary review phase of the project to the

general public.

Provide for a variety of community feedback opportunities in various formats to

allow for the public to provide input.

NSWLC were pleased to hear of the loop track unloading system that will expedite rail

car turnaround and an anticipated reduction in shunting noise as this is a common

concern heard by committee members.

3.3 Low Level Road Liaison Committee

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Date September 30, 2015

Attendees Low Level Road Liaison Committee

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring

Jea ette O’B ie , Di e to , Hu a Resou es, Ad i ist atio a d Co u it Relations, Western Stevedoring

Themes Key Points and Feedback General Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver (please see Appendix E for a copy of the presentation)

Questions raised at meeting included:

train acceleration, number and types of trains

number of freighters at peak and pollution mitigation, use of shore


next steps in process

connection with Metro Vancouver on air emissions

height of silos

anticipated noise

It was noted that light is likely to be an issue.

Recommendations Note: following G3 presentation to Low Level Road Liaison Committee the

Committee has been dissolved

3.4 City of North Vancouver

Date September 30, 2015

Attendees City of North Vancouver Senior Staff

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring

Jea ette O’B ie , Di e to , Hu a Resou es, Ad i ist atio a d Co u it Relations, Western Stevedoring

Themes Key Points and Feedback General Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver

Questions raised at meeting included:

the p oje t’s ag itude in terms of investment and employment

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G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 9

ownership structure

meetings that have occurred in relation to fire risk assessment and


permitting process

rail configuration and other experience with this configuration

emissions and noise related to idling trains

types of trains

rail bridge crossing time

3d modelling

Site servicing – power, water, etc.

East gate project



shipping times

Re uest fo Tou of Bu ge’s Lo g ie Washi gto fa ilit

Recommendation Code and Fire

A review of radio communications throughout the site, in-building

amplification may be required subject to results of report.

Needed fire flow calculation, assurances that there will be an adequate

supply of water for fire-fighting purposes.

Thorough Life Safety review and code compliance report of site and



The website gives a good introduction to the scope of the various studies,

but the City would like the opportunity to provide further comment on the

scope as the project review progresses

The energy efficiency studies refer to BATNEC equipment (Best Available

Technology Not Entailing Excessive Cost) – e essi e ost is ot defi ed; given that the facility will be in operation for some time, the City would

encourage the use of BAT (Best Available Technology). This could include

consideration of use of shore-provided electrical power to reduce fuel use

and associated air emissions while the ship is loading/unloading, where

possible. What opportunities are there for innovative approaches here?

Greenhouse gas emissions impacts – consider local & global emissions

associated with increased shipping originating from terminal

Grain management – taking best available measures to reduce grain spillage

to avoid wildlife attractants & corresponding increase in local rat population

Marine traffic impacts should consider the cumulative effects of this

proposal when combined with other tanker traffic increases in Burrard Inlet

(e.g. Kinder Morgan) and the potential safety and environmental risks

The spill prevention / emergency response plan should be finalized in

consultation with NSEMO (North Shore Emergency Management Office) and

clear lines of communication and coordination should be established should

local government resources be accessed to assist in any emergency response

Climate change adaptation, particularly higher summer temperatures and

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G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 10

sea level rise considerations will need to be taken into account

There is a local Lower Mainland group associated with the BCIT Rivers

Institute working on estuary restoration projects in Burrard Inlet. Lynn Creek

and its estuary provides an excellent opportunity for the project to partner

with a local group and have a net benefit outcome of an improved estuary

habitat through improvements that could be made in conjunction with the

project. The City can provide a project contact for this.


The Citywill require details regarding utility requirements particularly

regarding water use.


Economic impact assessment including direct jobs created during

construction and once operational and indirect spin off benefits for local

usi esses (ide tifi atio of a u lo al app oa h to p o u e e t. Ship, rail and street traffic impact assessment.

3.5 District of North Vancouver

Date September 30, 2015

Attendees District of North Vancouver Senior Staff

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring

Jea ette O’B ie , Di e to , Hu a Resou es, Ad i ist atio a d Co u it Relations, Western Stevedoring

Themes Key Points and Feedback General

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver

Questions raised at meeting included:

has the viewscape study looked at all sides of facility

is the design of the proposed terminal consistent with other


expected difference in ship traffic

does traffic study take into account net impact

time to unload train and to load ships

East gate plans and timing

lease details with Port

rail improvements and rail traffic details

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G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 11

dust control and conveyors

train types

height of grain cleaning tower and scale tower

processing and blending at site

future expansion plans

community contribution

impacts to bus network

environmental approval process


economic studies


traffic study for construction phase

projected sea level rise

Date October 5, 2015

Attendees District of North Vancouver Mayor and Council

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Brad Eshleman, President, Western Stevedoring

Jea ette O’B ie , Di e to , Hu a Resou es, Ad i ist atio a d Co u it Relations, Western Stevedoring

General Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver (please see Appendix F for a copy of the presentation)

Questions raised at meeting included:

volume of ships

grain capacity on North shore

exploration of Prince Rupert vs. North shore

rail choke points

number of trains per day

increased ship traffic


Recommendation 1. In addition to the Port Metro Vancouver application submission

requirements and the additional studies which G3 Global Holdings has

committed to conducting, the following information also be included in

the permit application to Port Metro Vancouver and the corresponding

Port Metro Vancouver referral to the District of North Vancouver:

• an economic impact analysis of the project, including an assessment

of direct and indirect spin-off impacts to existing businesses;

• a e ie of the pote tial t affi impacts on all affected routes and

intersections in the Lynn Creek neighbourhood, including the Main

Street and Mountain Highway intersection;

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• due to the pote tial i ease i t u k t affi o Mou tai High a arising from the relocation of the Lynnterm West Gate break bulk

operation to the East Gate lands, an analysis of the capacity of the rail

underpass on Mountain Highway and a safety audit of the at-grade

rail crossing on Mountain Highway at Barrow Street;

• a ide tifi atio of utilit i f ast ucture requirements which have

the potential to impact District utilities;

• a ide tifi atio of easu es to edu e the isual i pa t of the large grain silos, the grain cleaning tower and the scale tower, as

viewed from both the harbour and the lands to the north;

• the feasi ilit of a o -site concrete batch plant and the barging of

construction materials to reduce impacts on Cotton Road/Main


• the d edgi g e ui e e ts to a o odate the e ship e th a d ship movements and the resulting impacts on the marine


• a ide tifi atio of a pote tial i pa ts o the L C eek estua and recommended measures to offset those impacts;

• the ide tifi atio of a o ta i ated site issues; a d,

• ai ualit odelli g of pote tial impacts upon the local air shed

arising from marine vessel traffic.

2. All required studies, including, without limitation, noise, traffic and fire

assessments to take into account the existing development in the Lynn Creek

Town Centre and other adjacent neighbourhoods and recognize the future

redevelopment to higher residential densities in the Lynn Creek Town Centre.

3. G3 Global Holdings work with District and City Fire Departments to ensure

that the scope of the required fire impact assessments address all pertinent


4. G3 Global Holdings be encouraged to work with District and City staff to

identify possible community amenity projects to offset the potential impacts

of this project; and,

5. Staff be authorized to forward this Council report to G3 Global Holdings for

inclusion in the consultation summary report, and forwarded to Port Metro


6. Concerns expressed regarding the amount and type of ship and rail traffic

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G3 Terminal Vancouver | Engagement Summary Report | 13

generated by this project proposal, and the capacity to accommodate

potential traffic and related impacts such as increased air emissions and


3.6 Pacific Pilotage Authority

Date September 30, 2015

Attendees B ia You g, Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada, Director of Marine Operations

Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Themes Key Points and Feedback General Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver

Discussion topics included:

Number of pilot assignments to be efficient in moving grain;

Slack water time;

Vessels’ ight of a ; Hydrodynamic impact off passing ships on terminal;

Proximity to Lynn Creek;

Sizes and availability of tug boats to dock/undock during different tide


Te h i al halle ges sha ed ith G3 Te i al Va ou e ’s te h tea

PPA will conduct a simulation modelling

Recommendation Recommendations from Pacific Pilotage Authority:

Set up a meeting with Kevin Obermeyer, President & CEO of the Pacific

Pilotage Authority, to meet Karl Gerrand, CEO of G3

3.7 Chamber of Shipping

Date October 5, 2015

Attendees Stephen Brown, Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia, President

Michael Theodorakis, Operations Manager, Compass Marine Services

Thomas Gregoire, Security and Policy Analyst, Chamber of Shipping of BC

Marc Fellis, President and CEO, Westward Shipping Ltd.

Bonnie Gee, Vice President, Chamber of Shipping of BC

Kim Christensen, General Manager Operations, ACGI Shipping Inc.

John Yeung, Vice President, Marketing, General Steamship Agencies, Empire

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Shipping Agency Ltd., Alaska Maritime Agencies

Karl Gerrand, G3, CEO

Tiffany Koberstein, G3

Themes Key Points and Feedback General Karl Gerrand, President and CEO of G3, provided an overview of proposed G3

Terminal Vancouver

Questions raised at meeting included:

types of ships

rail capacity

industrial development underway east of Second Narrows to consider

similarity to EGT in Longview, Washington


environmental permitting being handled by PMV

traffic impacts during construction

investment to build terminal

BCMEA – feeder hauls

Capacity of proposed terminal

Grain cleaning and grading location

Recommendation Suggested G3 Terminal Vancouver to reach out to additional industry contacts

at British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA), BC Marine

Terminal Operators Association, and BC Coast Pilots

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4. Appendices (see attached file)