g. references and organizations/persons consulted. references and organizations/persons consulted...

Antelope-Pardee 500-kV Transmission Project G. REFERENCES AND ORGANIZATIONS/PERSONS CONSULTED Draft EIR/EIS G-1 July 2006 G. References and Organizations/Persons Consulted G.1 References Introduction CAISO (California Independent System Operator). 2006. The California ISO Controlled Grid Generation Queue. [online]: http://www.caiso.com/14e9/14e9ddda1ebf0ex.html. Accessed January 27, 2006. _____. 2004a. Docket I. 00-11-001, “Order Instituting Investigation into Implementation of Assembly Bill 970 Regarding the Identification of Electric Transmission and Distribution Constraints, Actions to Resolve those Constraints, and Related Matters Affecting the Reliability of Electric Supply”. Assigned Commissioner Ruling Regarding Tehachapi CPCN Filing Requirement. October 21. [online]: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/PUBLISHED/Rulings/40697.htm. Accessed February 15, 2006. _____. 2004b. “ISO Board Approves Tehachapi Wind Transmission Project.” July 29. [online]: http://www.caiso.com/docs/2004/07/29/2004072915051723568.pdf. Accessed November 8, CEC (California Energy Commission). 2005. “2005 Integrated Energy Policy Report.” November. [online]: http://www.energy.ca.gov/2005publications/CEC-100-2005-007/CEC-100-2005-007- CMF.PDF _____. 2003. “The State of California Energy Action Plan.” May 8. [online]: http://www.energy.ca.gov/energy_action_plan/index.html. Accessed June 10, 2005. CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality). 2001. “Executive Order 13212 – Actions to Expedite Energy-Related Projects”. May 18. [online]: http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/eos/eo13212.html. Accessed November 8, 2005. CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission), Energy Division. 2005. Mackness, Michael D. Report of the Tehachapi Collaborative Study Group (Docket I.00-11-001 – Order Instituting Investigation into Implementation of Assembly Bill 970 Regarding the Identification of Electric Transmission and Distribution Constraints, Actions to Resolve those Constraints, and Related Matters Affecting the Reliability of Electric Supply. March 16. _____. 2003. Report to the Legislature: SB 1038/Public Utilities Code Section 383.6: Electric Transmission Plan for Renewable Resources in California. December 1. FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), 2005. “Legal Resources: Standard Interconnection Agreements & Procedures for Large Generators.” November 9. [online]: http://www.ferc.gov/legal/maj-ord-reg/land-docs/order2003.asp. Accessed November 9, 2005. Nguyen, Paul. 2006. Personal communication via email from Paul Nguyen, USDA NRCS, Lancaster Service Center, to Aubrey Mescher of Aspen Environmental Group. March 17.

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Draft EIR/EIS G-1 July 2006

G. References and Organizations/Persons Consulted

G.1 References


CAISO (California Independent System Operator). 2006. The California ISO Controlled Grid Generation Queue. [online]: http://www.caiso.com/14e9/14e9ddda1ebf0ex.html. Accessed January 27, 2006.

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_____. 2004b. “ISO Board Approves Tehachapi Wind Transmission Project.” July 29. [online]: http://www.caiso.com/docs/2004/07/29/2004072915051723568.pdf. Accessed November 8,

CEC (California Energy Commission). 2005. “2005 Integrated Energy Policy Report.” November. [online]: http://www.energy.ca.gov/2005publications/CEC-100-2005-007/CEC-100-2005-007-CMF.PDF

_____. 2003. “The State of California Energy Action Plan.” May 8. [online]: http://www.energy.ca.gov/energy_action_plan/index.html. Accessed June 10, 2005.

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CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission), Energy Division. 2005. Mackness, Michael D. Report of the Tehachapi Collaborative Study Group (Docket I.00-11-001 – Order Instituting Investigation into Implementation of Assembly Bill 970 Regarding the Identification of Electric Transmission and Distribution Constraints, Actions to Resolve those Constraints, and Related Matters Affecting the Reliability of Electric Supply. March 16.

_____. 2003. Report to the Legislature: SB 1038/Public Utilities Code Section 383.6: Electric Transmission Plan for Renewable Resources in California. December 1.

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Nguyen, Paul. 2006. Personal communication via email from Paul Nguyen, USDA NRCS, Lancaster Service Center, to Aubrey Mescher of Aspen Environmental Group. March 17.


July 2006 G-2 Draft EIR/EIS

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____. 2006. Forest Service Handbook 1909.12 “Land Management Planning Handbook, Chapter 80 – Wild and Scenic River Evaluation.” [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/im/directives/fsh/1909.12/1909.12_80.doc. February 6.

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Project Description

CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality). 1997. Considering Cumulative Effects Under the National Environmental Policy Act. [online]: http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/Nepa/ccenepa/exec.pdf. Accessed January 30, 2006.

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Los Angeles County Regional Planning. 2005. E-mail communication between Carolina Morgan of Aspen Environmental Group and Hsiao-Ching Chen, Planner, Los Angeles County Regional Planning. August 11 and 15.


Draft EIR/EIS G-3 July 2006

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Air Quality

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July 2006 G-4 Draft EIR/EIS

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Biological Resources

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July 2006 G-6 Draft EIR/EIS

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_____. 2005d. Final Rule to Designate Critical Habitat for the Santa Ana Sucker (Catostomus santaanae). February 17.

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Cultural Resources

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July 2006 G-8 Draft EIR/EIS

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Draft EIR/EIS G-9 July 2006

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Geology, Soils, and Paleontology

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Draft EIR/EIS G-11 July 2006

_____. 1970. Soil Survey of Antelope Valley Area, California. Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database.

Norris, R.M., and R.W. Webb. 1990. Geology of California, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

SCEDC (Southern California Earthquake Data Center). 2005a. Faults of Southern California, Southern Region. [online]: http://www.data.scec.org/faults/sofault.html. Accessed numerous times in November and December 2005.

_____. 2005b. Historic Earthquakes of Southern California. [online]: http://www.data.scec.org/clickmap.html. Accessed numerous times in November and December 2005.

Topozada, T.R., and D.L. Parke, 1982.Areas Damaged by California Earthquakes, 1900 - 1949, CDMG Open File Report 82-17.

Topozada, T.R., D.L. Parke, and C.T. Higgings. 1978. Seismicity of California 1900 – 1931, CDMG Open File Report 135.

Topozada, T.R., C.R. Real, and D.L. Parke, 1981. Preparation of Isoseismal Maps and summaries of reported effects for pre-1900 California Earthquakes, CDMG Open File Report 81-11.

Youd, T. L. and D.M. Perkins. 1978. Mapping Liquefaction Induced Ground Failure Potential, in the Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division.

Public Health and Safety

DTSC (California Department of Toxic Substances Control). 2005. Brownfields databases. [online]: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/SiteCleanup/Brownfields/index.html. Accessed August 2005.

Enertech (Enertech Consultants). 1985. AC Field Exposure Study: Human Exposure to 60 Hz Electric Fields. EPRI EA-3993.

EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute). 1985. Evaluation and the Effects of Electric Fields on Implanted Cardiac Pacemakers, EA-3917.

_____. 1979. The Effects of 60 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields on Implanted Cardiac Pacemakers, EA-1174.

Gauger, J. R. 1985. Household Appliance Magnetic Field Survey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Vol. PAS-104, No. 9:2436-44.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Radio Noise Subcommittee. 1971. Radio Noise Design Guide for High-Voltage Transmission Lines, 70TP631-PWR.

IRPA/INIRC (Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee of the International Radiation Protection Association). 1998. Interim Guidelines on Limits of Exposure to 50/60 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields. Health Physics. April.

LACFD (Los Angeles County Fire Department). 2005. Health Hazardous Materials Division. [online]: http://www.lacofd.org/hhazmat.htm. Accessed August 2005.

Morgan, M.G. 1991. 60 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields: An Overview of the Issues. Carnegie Mellon University.


July 2006 G-12 Draft EIR/EIS

Public Utilities Commission of Texas.1992. Health Effects of Exposure to Power Line Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2004a. Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Southern California Edison Company, Antelope Substation, Antelope, California. September 9.

_____. 2004b. Application of Southern California Edison Company (U-338E) For a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct the Antelope-Pardee Transmission Project. December 9.

_____. 2003. Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Southern California Edison Company, Pardee Substation, Valencia, California. October 6.

Severson et al. 1988. Acute “Nonlymphocytic Leukemia and Residential Exposure to Power Frequency Magnetic Fields.” American Journal of Epidemiology.

Silva et al. 1988. “Power Frequency Magnetic Fields in the Home.” Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, No. 88 WM 101-8.

SWRCB (California State Water Resources Control Board). 2005. Geotracker online database: http://geotracker.swrcb.ca.gov/. Accessed August 2005.

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). 2005. CERCLIS Database Search. [online]: http://cfpub.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites. Accessed August 2005.

Wertheimer, N., and Leeper, E. 1979. Electrical Wiring Configurations and Childhood Cancer. American Journal of Epidemiology.

WHO (World Health Organization). 2001. Fact Sheet No. 263, Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health, Extremely Low Frequency Fields and Cancer. October.

_____. 1987. Environmental Health Criteria 69. Magnetic Fields.

_____. 1984. Environmental Health Criteria 35. Extremely Low Frequency Fields.

Forest Management Activities

CDF (California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection). 2006. Personal communication via telephone from Mark Derosier, Captain, Fire Prevention Bureau, to Jacob Hawkins, Aspen Environmental Group. March 4.

_____. 2005. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Website. [online]: http://osfm.fire.ca.gov/regulations.html. Accessed September 5.

City of Lancaster. 1994. City of Lancaster Plan for Public Health and Safety. Amended October 3.

City of Palmdale. 1993. City of Palmdale General Plan Safety Element. Adopted January 25.

City of Santa Clarita. 2001. City of Santa Clarita Safety Element. Submitted by City of Santa Clarita, October 23.

County of Los Angeles. 1996. Los Angeles County Fire Code. [online]: http://ordlink.com/cgi-bin/hilite.pl/codes/ lacounty/DATA/TITLE32/FIRE_CODE.html. Accessed September 5.


Draft EIR/EIS G-13 July 2006

_____. 1990a. Hazard Reduction in Los Angeles County. Technical Appendix to the Safety Element of the Los Angeles County General Plan. Volume 1. Department of Regional Planning. December.

_____. 1990b. Los Angeles County General Plan Safety Element. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors, County of Los Angeles, December 6, 1990.

National Fire Plan. 2005. National Fire Plan Internet Website. [online]: http://www.fireplan.gov/overview/ whatis.html. Accessed September 5.

National Wildfire Coordinating Group. 2006. “Incident Response Pocket Guide.” [online] http://www.nwcg.gov/pms/pubs/nfes1077/nfes1077.pdf. Accessed May 2006.

OSFM. 2001. Office of the State Fire Marshal. “Powerline Fire Prevention Field Guide.” [online] http://osfm.fire.ca.gov/pdf/fireengineering/powerline/Power%20Line%20Fire%20Prevention%20Field%20Guide%20MED%20RES.pdf. Accessed May 2006.

USDA Forest Service. 2005a. Land Management Plan, Part 1 Southern California National Forests Vision. Adopted September.

_____. 2005b. Land Management Plan, Part 2 Angeles National Forest. Adopted September.

_____. 2005c. Land Management Plan, Part 3 Design Criteria for the Southern California National Forests. Adopted September.

USDA Forest Service. 2006. Personal communication via telephone from John Thomas, Forest Fuels Officer, Santa Clara/Mojave Rivers Ranger District, District Office to Jacob Hawkins, Aspen Environmental Group. March 3.

_____. 1987. Angeles National Forest Land and Resources Management Plan.

Hydrology and Water Quality

Briggs, Mark. 1996. Riparian Ecosystem Recovery in Arid Lands. The University of Arizona Press.

CSUS (California State University Sacramento). 2006. Office of Water Programs. “Water Quality Planning Tool.” [online]: http://www.water-programs.com/wqpt/SelectByHSA.asp. Accessed June 8, 2006

DWR (Department of Water Resources). 2006. Hydrologic Region South Coast: Sana Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118, Updated January 20. [online]: http://www.dpla2.water.ca.gov/publications/groundwater/bulletin118/basins/pdfs_desc/4-4.07.pdf. Accessed March 17, 2006.

_____. 2004. South Lahontan Hydrologic Region: Antelope Valley Groundwater Basin. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118, Updated February 27. [online]: http://www.dpla2.water.ca.gov/ publications/groundwater/bulletin118/basins/pdfs_desc/6-44.pdf. Accessed March 17, 2006.

_____. 2003. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118, Updated 2003.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 2005. [online]: http://www.fema.gov. Accessed October 10.


July 2006 G-14 Draft EIR/EIS

FSCR (Friends of the Santa Clara River), 2005. [online]: http://www.fscr.org/. Accessed March 1, 2006.

IWMC (California Interagency Watershed Mapping Committee). 2004. “CalWater Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs.” [online]: http://cain.nbii.gov/calwater/calwfaq.html. Accessed June 8, 2006.

LARWQCB (Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board). 2004. Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region (Basin Plan). Triennial Review.

_____. 2003. Santa Clara River. Total Maximum Daily Loads for Nitrogen Compounds. Staff Report. June.

LRWQCB (Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board). 2003. Lahontan Basin Plan.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

SDLAC (Sanitation District of Los Angeles County). 2005. Draft Palmdale Water Reclamation Plan. 2025 Facilities Plan and Environmental Impact Report. April

SWRCB (State Water Resources Control Board). 2006. NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity, Water Quality Order 99-08-DWQ. [online]: www.waterboards.ca.gov/stormwtr/docs/finalconstpermit.pdf. Accessed March 1, 2006.

USBR (United States Bureau of Reclamation). 2004. “CalWater” and The California Watershed Boundary Database. [online]: http://www.ca.nrcs.usda.gov/features/calwater/. Accessed February 27, 2006.

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 2000. Water Quality Management for Forest System Lands in California: Best Management Practices. Pacific Southwest Region. September. [available online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/publications/water_resources/waterquality/. Accessed June 22, 2006.

_____. 1987. Angeles National Forest Land and Resources Management Plan.

_____. 1971. Soil Survey. Eastern Fresno Area. California. Soil Conservation District.

USGS (United States Geologic Survey) Earthquake Hazards Program. 2005. Accessed website October 10, 2005. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/bytopic/.

VCWPD and LACDPW (Ventura County Watershed Protection District and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works). 2005. Santa Clara River Enhancement and Management Plan. May.

WRCC (Western Regional Climate Center). 2005. [online]: http://wrcc.sage.dn.edu. Accessed August.

Land Use and Public Recreation

BLM (Bureau of Land Management). 2006a. Personal communication between Dr. Larry LaPre, California Desert District Wildlife Biologist for the BLM, and Tatiana Inouye of Aspen Environmental Group. June 8.

_____. 2006b. Email communication between Greg Hill, Planning and NEPA Coordinator, BLM Palm Springs- South Coast Field Office, and Marian Kadota, ANF Project Manager. July 5.


Draft EIR/EIS G-15 July 2006

_____. 2005. Final Environmental Impact Report and Statement for the West Mojave Plan, A Habitat Conservation Plan and California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment. January.

_____. 1999. The California Desert Conservation Area Plan. Adopted 1980; Amended March 1999.

_____. 1994. South Coast Resource Management Plan and Record of Decision. June.

CA State Parks (California State Parks). 2005a. Adventure No. 10: Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve, State Reserve. [online]: http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=627. Accessed August 26.

_____. 2005b. Off-Highway Motor Vehicular Recreation Division, State Vehicular Recreation Areas. [online]: http://www.ohv.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=1170. Accessed August 24.

City of Lancaster. 1994. City of Lancaster General Plan. Adopted March 1992. Amended October 3, 1994.

City of Palmdale. 1993. City of Palmdale General Plan. Adopted January 25.

City of Santa Clarita. 2006. City of Santa Clarita Trail Classifications. [online]: http://www.santa-clarita.com/cityhall/parks/trails/trailclassifications.asp. Accessed June 13.

_____. 2005. City of Santa Clarita Municipal and Unified Development Code. [online]: http://nt5.scbbs.com/cgibin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=316650&infobase=santaclarita.nfo&softpage=PL_frame. Approved March 8. Accessed September 1.

_____. 2003. “City of Santa Clarita Trails” Brochure. April.

_____. 2002. Significant Ridgelines Map for the City of Santa Clarita. Revised December 2002. [online]: http://www.santa-clarita.com/cityhall/admin/technology/gis/products5.asp. Accessed September 1, 2005.

_____. 1991a. City of Santa Clarita General Plan, Land Use Element. Amended June 25.

_____. 1991b. City of Santa Clarita General Plan, Community Design Element. Amended June 25.

_____. 1991c. City of Santa Clarita General Plan, Parks and Recreation Element. Amended June 25.

CEQ (Council on Environmental Quality). 1986. Memorandum: Questions and Answers About NEPA Regulations (“40 Questions”). Response 23c. 46 Fed.Reg. 18026, March 23, 1981. As amended 51 Fed Reg. 15618, April 25.

DOC (California Department of Conservation). 2006. Personal communication via email and telephone with Patrick Hennessy, Research Analyst, California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, and Tatiana Inouye of Aspen Environmental Group. February 27 and 28.

_____. 2005a. Personal communication via email and telephone with Patrick Hennessy, Research Analyst, California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, and Aubrey Mescher of Aspen Environmental Group. August 24.

_____. 2005b. Personal communication via telephone with James Nordstrom, Research Analyst, California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, and Aubrey Mescher of Aspen Environmental Group. August 23.


July 2006 G-16 Draft EIR/EIS

_____. 2005c. “Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program Map Categories, Criteria and Uses: Important Farmland Categories.” [online]: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/mccu/map_categories.htm. Accessed August 25.

_____. 2005d. “Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program.” [online]: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/index.htm. Accessed September 1.

_____. 2005e. “Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program Map Categories, Criteria and Uses: Data Uses and Users.” [on-line]: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/mccu/data_use.htm. Accessed August 25.

_____. 2005f. “Williamson Act: Questions and Answers” Fact Sheet. Modified August 19. [online]: http://www.conservation.ca.gov/dlrp/lca/. Accessed September 1.

_____. 2004. A Guide to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. [online]: http://www.consrv.ca.gov/DLRP/fmmp/stats_reports/index.htm. Accessed September 1.

LA County Parks (County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation). 2006. Natural Areas: Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park. [on-line]: http://parks.co.la.ca.us/vasquez_narea.html. Accessed February 28.

LA Daily News (Los Angeles Daily News). 2005. Ritter fight in works: Delaware company attempts to foreclose open-space land. Staff Writer Karen Maeshiro. February 6.

Los Angeles County. 1990a. County of Los Angeles General Plan, Land Use Element. Amended January 9.

_____. 1990b. Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan, a component of the Los Angeles County General Plan. Adopted February 16, 1984. Updated December 6, 1990.

_____. 1986. Antelope Valley Areawide General Plan, a component of the Los Angeles County General Plan. Adopted December 4.

Melody Ranch. 2000. Veluzat Motion Picture Ranch. [online]: http://www.melodyranchstudio.com/ Big_Ranch/big_ranch.htm. Modified September 12. Accessed August 30, 2005.

PCT (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail). 2005. Pacific Crest Trail, National Scenic Trail: Official Map and Guide. Received copy July 12.

Round Valley (Round Valley Chamber of Commerce). 2005. Round Valley.org. California Back Country Discovery Trail. [online]: http://www.roundvalley.org/07.EelRiverForestDept/discoverytrail.doc. Accessed November 29.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2005. Responses to CPUC Data Request Set ED-SCE-03. June 10.

____. 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

USDA Forest Service. 2006a. Forest Plans Re-Issued. [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/angeles/. Accessed June 15.

_____. 2006b. Forest Plan Designations provided by Marian Kadota, ANF Project Manager. May.


Draft EIR/EIS G-17 July 2006

_____. 2006c. Personal communication with Angeles National Forest Interpretive Ranger and Tatiana Inouye of Aspen Environmental Group. February 23.

_____. 2006d. Email communication between Marian Kadota, ANF Project Manager, and Jon Davidson of Aspen Environmental Group. July 6.

_____. 2005a. Land Management Plan. Part 2 Angeles National Forest Strategy. September.

_____. 2005b. Recreation Report, July 2005, Angeles National Forest. July.

_____. 2005c. Angeles National Forest: Campgrounds. [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/angeles/ recreation/develop-camp-single.shtml. Accessed August 24.

_____. 2005d. Land Management Plan. Part 1 Southern California National Forests Vision. September.

_____. 2005e. Forest Service Manual. Section 2700- Special Uses Management, Chapter 2700- Zero Code. Effective April 12. [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/cgi-bin/Directives/get_dirs/fsm?2700. Accessed July 10, 2006.

_____. 2005f. Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1, Land Management Plans: Angeles National Forest, Cleveland National Forest, Los Padres National Forest, San Bernardino National Forest. September.

_____. 1995. Forest Service Handbook. Section 7709.58- Transportation System Maintenance Handbook, Amendment No. 7709.58-95-1. Effective July 28. [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/cgi-bin/Directives/get_dirs/fsh?7709.58. Accessed July 10, 2006.

_____. 1992. Forest Service Manual. Title 2700- Special Uses Management, Region 5 Supplement No. 2700-92-8. Effective November 18. [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/im/directives/field/r5/fsm/2700/2723-2728.html. Accessed July 10, 2006.

_____. 1980. Pacific Crest Trail Management Plan: Angeles National Forest. September.

Williams, Chuck. 2006. Personal communication between Chuck Williams, Transmission Engineer for R.W. Beck, and Jon Davidson of Aspen Environmental Group. June 6.


Aspen (Aspen Environmental Group). 2005. Land Use Inventory Site Visit. Conducted by Aspen Environmental Group on July 12.

OPR (California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research). 2003. State of California General Plan Guidelines. Appendix A, Guidelines for the Preparation and Content of the Noise Element. October.

FTA (Federal Transit Administration). 1995. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. Final Report, April.

Google. 2006. Google Maps. Accessed online (http://maps.google.com/), March 2.

Lancaster. 2005. City of Lancaster Municipal Code, Title 8, Chapter 8.24. [online]: http://municipalcodes.lexisnexis.com/codes/lancaster. Accessed August 22.

_____. 1994. General Plan Policy Document, City of Lancaster Plan for Public Health and Safety, page III-14. Amended October, 3.


July 2006 G-18 Draft EIR/EIS

Los Angeles County. 2005. Los Angeles County Municipal Code, Title 12 Environmental Protection, Chapter 12.08 Noise Control. [online]: http://municipalcodes.lexisnexis.com/codes/lacounty. Accessed August 22.

_____. 1990. Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan, Comprehensive Update Adopted by the Board of Supervisors on February 16.

_____. 1974. Los Angeles County General Plan, Noise Element.

Santa Clarita. 2005. City of Santa Clarita Municipal Code, Title 11 Public Peace and Welfare, Chapter 11.44 Noise Limits. [online]: http://nt5.scbbs.com/cgibin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=272491& infobase=santaclarita.nfo&softpage=PL_frame. Accessed August 23.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2005. Responses to CPUC Data Request Set ED-SCE-03, Responses to Questions NOI-01, NOI-03, and NOI-6, June 10.

_____. 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment for the Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 2005. Angeles National Forest Land Management Plan, Part 2, Angeles National Forest Strategy. September.

_____. 1987. Angeles National Forest Land and Resources Management Plan.

USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). 1974. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. March.

Veneklasen Associates. 2005. Antelope Transmission Project – Segment 1. Preliminary Environmental Study.

Public Services

CDF (California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection). 2005. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. [online]: http://www.fire.ca.gov/php/about_content/downloads/Glance.pdf. Accessed August 25.

City of Palmdale, 2006. “K-12 Education.” [online] http://www.cityofpalmdale.org/ community/education.html. Accessed June 19.

LACFD (Los Angeles County Fire Department). 2005. Los Angeles County Fire Department. [online]: http://www.lacofd.org/faw.html. Accessed August 10.

LACSD (Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department). 2006. “Palmdale Station.” [online] http://www.lasd.org/stations/for1/palmdale/index.html. Accessed June 19.

_____. 2005a. Lancaster Station. [online]: http://www.lasd.org stations/for1/lancaster/index.html. Accessed August 11.

_____. 2005b. Santa Clarita Valley Station. [online]: http://www.lasd.org stations/for1/scv/index.html. Accessed August 11.

_____. 2005c. Field Operations Region I. [online]: http://www.lasd.org stations/divisions/for1/ index.html. Accessed August 11.


Draft EIR/EIS G-19 July 2006

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment for the Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

USDA Forest Service. 2006. “California Mobilization Guide” Personal communication via telephone between Southern Operations Intelligence Office, ANF Fire Chief Officer and Scott Debauche, Aspen Environmental Group. June 5.


CEC (California Energy Commission). 1992. Analysis of Property Value Impacts of the Crockett Cogeneration Project, Appendix X, Crockett Cogeneration Project.

EDD (Employment Development Department). 2005. Employment Development Department Labor Market [online]: http://www.calmis.cahwnet.gov/htmlfile/county.htm. Accessed November.

Kinnard-Dickey (Kinnard, Jr., W.N. and S.A. Dickey). 1995. A Primer on Proximity Impact Research: Residential Property Values Near High-Voltage Transmission Lines. Real Estate Issues 20 (1):23-29. April.

SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments). 2002. SCAG RCPG [online]: http://rtmisweb.scag.ca.gov/data_gis/. Accessed November 2005.

U.S. Census (United States Census Bureau). 2002. Los Angeles County, CA, Table 1 – Selected Statistics by Economic Sector: 2002 [on-line]: http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/GQRTable?_bm=y&-ds_name=EC0200A1&-geo_id= 05000US06037&-_lang=en. Accessed November 2005.

_____. 2000. Year 2000 U.S. Census Lookup [online]: http://factfinder.census.gov/home/ saff/main.html?_lang=en Accessed November 2005.

US Forest Service. 2005. Forest Service Handbook 1909.17 - Economic and Social Analysis Handbook. November.

Traffic and Transportation

Amtrak. 2005. [online]: http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=Amtrak/HomePage. Accessed September 9.

AVTA (Antelope Valley Transit Authority). 2005. Antelope Valley Transit Authority. [online]: http://www.avta.com/. Accessed September 9.

Caltrans (California Department of Transportation). 2005a. Traffic and Vehicle Data Systems Unit. [online]: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/saferesr/trafdata/index.htm. Accessed September 13.

_____. 2005b. Letter from Cheryl J. Powell, CEQA Program Manager for Caltrans District 7, to John Boccio of the CPUC and Marian Kadota of the USDA Forest Service. July 21.

GA News (General Aviation News). 2005. [online]: http://www.generalaviationnews.com. Accessed September 12.

Lancaster. 2005. Personal communication between Alan Perkins, City of Lancaster Senior Traffic Engineering Technician, and Matt Fagundes of Aspen Environmental Group on September 8.


July 2006 G-20 Draft EIR/EIS

Los Angeles County. 2006. Personal communication via phone call between Patrick Arakawa, Los Angeles County Public Works, Traffic Counts, and Jason Ricks of Aspen Environmental Group on June 6.

_____. 2006a. Personal communication between Larry Spencer, Los Angeles County Public Works, Traffic Counts, and Matt Fagundes of Aspen Environmental Group on March 1.

_____. 2005a. Personal communication between Larry Spencer, Los Angeles County Public Works, Traffic Counts, and Matt Fagundes of Aspen Environmental Group on September 13.

_____. 2005b. Transit Rider Los Angeles County. [online]: http://www.transit-rider.com/ca.losangeles/ metrolink.cfm?id=antelopevalley. Accessed September 9.

Santa Clarita. 2006. Personal communication via phone call between Harry Corder, Santa Clarita Public Works, Traffic Section, and Jason Ricks of Aspen Environmental Group on June 21.

_____. 2006. Personal communication via phone call between Debbie Porter, Santa Clarita Public Works, Traffic Section, and Jason Ricks of Aspen Environmental Group on June 6.

_____. 2005a. Personal communication between Erven Jaramilla, City of Santa Clarita Public Works, and Matt Fagundes of Aspen Environmental Group on September 8.

_____. 2005b. Personal communication between Harry Corder, City of Santa Clarita Public Works, and Matt Fagundes of Aspen Environmental Group on November 29.

_____. 2005c. Transportation and Engineering Services, Traffic Engineering Division. Traffic Flow Map (Average Daily Traffic County-Year 2000). [online]: http://www.santa-clarita.com/cityhall/pw/ traffic/adt/adt_big.pdf. Accessed September 9.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment for the Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

SCT (Santa Clarita Transit). 2005. System Map. [online]: http://www.santa-clarita.com/cityhall/admin/ transit/map.asp. Accessed September 9.

USDA (U.S. Department of Agricultural Forest Service). 2005. Personal communication between Alan Adler, Forest Service Road Engineer, and Matt Fagundes of Aspen Environmental Group on September 20.

WJF (General William J. Fox Airfield). 2005. WJF Information. [online]: http://www.foxairfield.com/ information.htm. Accessed September 12.

Utilities and Service Systems

AVEK (Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency). 2005. “2005 Urban Water Management Plan.” [online] http://www.avek.org/avek2005uwmp.pdf. Accessed June 5, 2006.

CIWMB (California Integrated Waste Management Board). 2005. [online]: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/. Accessed August 2005.

CDWR (California Department of Water Resources). 2005. California Water Plan Update 2005 Volume 3 – Regional Reports Public Review Draft Chapter 5. South Coast Hydrologic Region. [online]: http://www.water.ca.gov/nav.cfm?topic=Water_Use_and_Planning&subtopic=California_Water_Plan. Accessed September 9.


Draft EIR/EIS G-21 July 2006

City of Santa Clarita. 2005. [online]: www.santa-clarita.com/. Accessed July 14.

CLWA (Castaic Lake Water Association). 2005.. “Santa Clarita Valley Water Report.” [online] http://www.clwa.org/about/pdfs/2005%20Santa%20Clarita%20Valley%20Water%20Report.pdf. Accessed June 5, 2006.

DWR (Department of Water Resources). 2004. “Water Contractors.” [online] http://www.publicaffairs.water.ca.gov/swp/pdf/contractors.pdf. Accessed June 5, 2006.

LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power). 2005a. “Final Year 2000 Urban Water Management Plan.” [online]: http://www.ladwp.com. Accessed August 29.

_____. 2005b. “DRAFT Year 2005 Urban Water Management Plan.” [online]: http://www.ladwp.com. Accessed August 29.

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. 2005. Utility Resources for Los Angeles County. [online]: http://ladpw.org/epd/solidwaste/main.cfm. Accessed July 14.

_____. 2006. “2005 Integrated Urban Water Management Plan for Antelope Valley.” [online] http://ladpw.org/WWD/WaterworksDists/final_IUWMP.pdf. Accessed June 5.

Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts. 2005. Landfill information website [online]: http://www.lacsd.org/swaste/Facilities/OpenFacilities.htm. Accessed July 14.

MWD (Metropolitan Water District of Southern California). 2006. “Regional Urban Water Management Plan.” [online] http://www.mwdh2o.com/mwdh2o/pdf/ywater/RUWMP_2005.pdf. Accessed June 5.

_____. 2005. [online]: http://www.mwdh2o.com/. Accessed August.

_____ . 2003. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. “Groundwater Projects.” [online] http://www.mwdh2o.com/mwdh2o/pdf/ywater/MWD_GWProjects_Sum_Table.pdf. Accessed June 5, 2006.

PWD (Palmdale Water District). 2006. “Groundwater.” [online] http://www.palmdalewater.org/YW/WS/ws_ground.html. Accessed June 5, 2006.

_____. 2005. “2005 Urban Water Management Plan.” [online] http://www.palmdalewater.org/IS/RP/PDF/2005_UWMP.pdf. Accessed June 5, 2006.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment for the Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

State of California. 2006. Section 1, Chapter 3.1 “Protection of Underground Infrastructure,” Article 2 of California Government Code 4216-4216.9.

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region). 2004. Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Revised Land Management Plans: Angeles National Forest, Cleveland National Forest, Los Padres National Forest, San Bernardino National Forest. May 2004. [online]: http://www.fs.fed.us/r5/scfpr/documents/deis2.pdf. Accessed September 14, 2005.


July 2006 G-22 Draft EIR/EIS

Visual Resources

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14--Aeronautics and Space, Chapter I – Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation, Part 77 – Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, § 77.23 Standards for determining obstructions. (01–01–04 Edition)

County of Los Angeles. 1990. Santa Clarita Valley Area Plan, Community Design Element. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors, February 16, 1984 and updated December 6, 1990.

_____. 1986. Antelope Valley Areawide General Plan. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors, 1986.

_____. 1974. Scenic Highways Element of the General Plan. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors, Resolution 1974.

City of Lancaster. 1994. General Plan, Part II, A Plan for the Natural Environment. October 3, 1994.

City of Palmdale, California. 1993. General Plan, Environmental Resources Element, Part G, Scenic Roadway Designations. January 25, 1993.

Dawson, M. 2005. “Protecting the PCT Experience.” PCT Communicator. Volume 17, No. 2. April 2005.

Foote, Jim. 2006. Personal Communication from Jim Foote of Bureau of Land Management (BLM), to Lee Anderson of Aspen Environmental Group, February 2006.

Nelson, Susan. 2005. Personal Communication via email from Susan Nelson of SCE, to Negar Vahidi of Aspen Environmental Group, September 2005.

SCE (Southern California Edison). 2004. Proponent’s Environmental Assessment for the Antelope Transmission Project, Segment 1. December 9.

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 2005a. Angeles National Forest Strategy, Land Management Plan, Part 2, pages 58-59. September.

_____. 2005b. Angeles National Forest Strategy, Land Management Plan, Part 2, pages 65-66. September.

_____. Forest Service. 1995. Landscape Aesthetics, A Handbook for Scenery Management. Agriculture Handbook No. 701.

_____. 1973a. Forest Service. National Forest Landscape Management, Volume 2, Chapter 1, The Visual Management System. Agriculture Handbook No. 462.

_____. 1973b. Forest Service. National Forest Landscape Management, Volume 2, Chapter 2, Utilities. Agriculture Handbook No. 478.

USDI, Bureau of Land Management. 1986. Manual Handbook 8410-1 Visual Resource Inventory.

Indirect Effects of the PdV Wind Energy Project

Project Description

Denney, Scott. 2006. Personal communication via email from Scott Denney, Supervising Planner, Kern County, to Aubrey Mescher of Aspen Environmental Group. June 7.


Draft EIR/EIS G-23 July 2006

DWIA (Danish Wind Industry Association). 2003. “Guided Tour on Wind Energy.” [online]: http://www.windpower.org/composite-85.htm. Accessed May 25, 2006.

PPS (Power Partners Southwest, LLC). 2005. “PdV Wind Energy Project: Kern County Planning Department, Revised Application for Zone Change”. Submitted to: Kern County Planning Department. December.

Air Quality

E&E (Ecology and Environment, Inc.). 2005. “Draft Environmental Impact Report: Shiloh I Wind Plant Project.” January.

KCAPCD (Kern County Air Pollution Control District). 1999. Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970. As amended July 1.

____. 2003. Ozone Attainment Demonstration, Maintenance Plan, and Redesignation Request. Eastern Kern County Federal Planning Area. Amended May 1, 2003.

Biological Resources

Balow, J. 2005. FPL Energy veto stymies bat study, group says. Charleston Gazette, Charleston, West Virginia. 8 June.

CDFG (California Department of Fish and Game). 2005. Special Animals List. California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB). The Resources Agency, Sacramento, CA. 45 p.

GAO (U.S. Government Accounting Office). 2005. Wind Power: Impacts on wildlife and government responsibilities for regulating development and protecting wildlife. Report to Congressional Requestors. GAO-05-906. Washington, D.C. September. 64 pp.

Herschler, R. 1995. New freshwater snails of the genus Pyrgulopsis (Rissooidea:Hydrobiidae) from California. The Veliger 38(4):343-373.

Johnson, G.D. 2005. A review of bat impacts at wind farms in the United States. Wind Energy and Birds/Bats Workshop Proceedings. www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets 7 pp.

__, M.K Perlik, W.P. Erickson, and M.D. Strickland. 2003. Bat activity, composition, and collision mortality at a large wind plant in Minnesota. www.bioone.org/bat collisions/ Abstract.

Kunz, T.H. 2005. Wind power: Bats and wind turbines. Wind Energy and Birds/Bats Workshop Proceedings. www.osti.gov/bridge/servlets 12 pp.

Millikin, R. 2005. “Assessing the risks of wind energy project on airborne wildlife.” A presentation to the Sacramento State Office of the California Department of Fish and Game, 27 July 2005. 15 p.

Roth, B. and F.G. Hochberg. 1988. A new species of Helminthoglypta (Coyote) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from the Tehachapi Mountains, California. The Veliger 31(3,4):258-261.

_____. 1992. Two new species of Helminthoglypta (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from southern California, with comments on the Subgenus Charodotes Pilsbry. The Veliger 35(4):338-346.

Thelander, C.G., K.S. Smallwood, and L. Rugge. 2003. Bird risk behaviors and fatalities at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, period of performance: March 1998-December 2000. NREL/SR-500-33829.


July 2006 G-24 Draft EIR/EIS

Whitford Ltd., J. 2005. An investigation of a new monitoring technology for birds and bats developed by EchoTrack, Inc. Prep. for Suncor Energy Projects, Inc., Vision Quest Windelectric, Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc., Enbridge, Inc., and Canadian Dept. of Natural Resources, Ontario, Canada. 20 p.

Cultural Resources

Blackburn, Thomas C. and Lowell J. Bean. 1978. “Kitanemuk.” In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 8. Edited by R.F. Heizer. Pp. 564-569. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.

Fowler, Catherine S. 1972. “Some Ecological Clues to Pro-Numic Homelands.” In: Great Basin Cultural Ecology: A Symposium. Edited by Don D. Fowler. Pp. 105-121. Reno: University of Nevada Desert Research Institute Publications in the Social Sciences 8.

Macko, Michael E., Jeanne D. Binning, David D. Earle, and Paul E. Langenwalter. 1993. National Register Eligibility Determinations for Historic Resources Along the Proposed AT&T Lightguide System, Victorville to Bakersfield, California. Prepared by Macko Archaeological Consulting, Huntington Beach. Prepared for Lilburn Corporation, San Bernardino. Report No. KE-00633 on file at the Southern San Joaquin Valley Archaeological Information Center, California State University, Bakersfield.

Moratto, Michael J. 1984. California Archaeology. Academic Press, Orlando.

Sutton, Mark Q. 1980. “Some Aspects of Kitanemuk Prehistory.” Journal of California and Great Basin Anthropology 2(2):214-225.

Sutton, Mark Q and G. D. Everson. 1992. “Archaeological Investigations at the Oak Creek Canyon Site.” Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly 28(1):43-66.

Warren, Claude N. and Robert H. Crabtree. 1986. “Prehistory of the Southwestern Area.” In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 11. Edited by Warren L. d’Azevedo. Pp. 183-193. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.

Zigmond, Maurice. 1986. “Kawaiisu.” In: Handbook of North American Indians. Volume 11. Edited by Warren L. d’Azevedo. Pp. 398-411. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.

Public Health and Safety

PPS (Power Partners Southwest, LLC). 2005. PdV Wind Energy Project Kern County Planning Department Revised Application for Zone Change. December.

Hydrology and Water Quality

DWR (Department of Water Resources). 2003. Tulare Lake Hydrologic Region. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118, Updated 2003. [online]: http://www.dpla2.water.ca.gov/publications/groundwater/bulletin118/Bulletin118_7-TL.pdf. Accessed March 21, 2006.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 2005. [online]: http://www.fema.gov. Accessed October 10.

Kern County. 2006a. “Engineering and Survey Services Department: Best Management Practices”. [online]: http://www.co.kern.ca.us/bid/pdfs/swppp1-bmp.pdf. Accessed March 23.


Draft EIR/EIS G-25 July 2006

____. 2006b. Kern County General Plan. Approved June 15, 2004. [online]: http://www.co.kern.ca.us/planning/pdfs/kcgp/KCGP.pdf. Accessed March 23.

____. 2006c. Regional hydrology retrieved from the Kern County GIS mapping program. [online]: http://www.co.kern.ca.us/gis/mapping_disclaimer.asp. Accessed March 23.

PPS (Power Partners Southwest, LLC). 2005. “PdV Wind Energy Project: Kern County Planning Department, Revised Application for Zone Change”. Submitted to: Kern County Planning Department. December.

Land Use and Public Recreation

CA State Parks (California State Parks). 2005. Adventure No. 10: Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve, State Reserve. http://www.parks.ca.gov/default.asp?page_id=627. Accessed August 26.

Global Security (GlobalSecurity.org). 2006. Edwards AFB, California. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/edwards.htm. January 21.

Kelley, Daryl. 2005. “Trust May Buy Tejon Land.” Los Angeles Times. http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/swcbd/Programs/sprawl/tejon/LA_Times_5-24-05.pdf. May 24

Kern County. 2004. Kern County General Plan. http://www.co.kern.ca.us/planning/pdfs/kcgp/KCGP.pdf. Approved June 15.

PCT (Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail). 2005. Pacific Crest Trail, National Scenic Trail: Official Map and Guide. Received copy July 12.

PPS (Power Partners Southwest, LLC). 2005. PdV Wind Energy Project Kern County Planning Department Revised Application for Zone Change. December.

Tejon Ranch. 2006a. Pacific Crest Trail: Preserving and Protecting. http://www.tejonranch.com/news/trpreserve.asp?id=4. Accessed March 24.

_____. 2006b. About Us. http://www.tejonranch.com/about/about_us.asp. Accessed March 24.

Willow Springs (Willow Springs International Motorsports Park). 2006. Media Information: Background and History. http://www.willowspringsraceway.com/mediainformation/mediainformation.asp. Accessed March 24.


Google. 2006. Google Maps. Accessed online (http://maps.google.com/), March 30.

Kern County, 2004. Kern County General Plan. Approved June 14. Noise Element.

PPS (Power Partners Southwest, LLC). 2005. PdV Wind Energy Project Kern County Planning Department Revised Application for Zone Change. December.

Solano County. 2005. Final and Draft EIR Shiloh I Wind Plant Project website: http://www.shiloheir.ene.com. Solano County Department of Resource Management. Solano County, California.


July 2006 G-26 Draft EIR/EIS

Public Services

Kern County Fire Department. 2006. Kern County Fire Department Operations. [online] http://www.co.kern.ca.us/fire/ops/frame.htm. Accessed March 13.

Kern County School Superintendent. 2006. 2005-06 Pocket Facts. [online] http://wwwstatic.kern.org/gems/News/pckfcts05.pdf. Accessed March 13.

Kern County Sheriff Department. 2006. Kern County Sheriff. [online] http://www.co.kern.ca.us/sheriff/. Accessed March 13.

U.S. Census (United States Census Bureau). 2000. Year 2000 U.S. Census Lookup [online]: http://factfinder.census.gov/home/ saff/main.html?_lang=en Accessed November 2005.

Traffic and Transportation

Caltrans (California Department of Transportation). 2006. Accessed the Traffic and Vehicle Data Systems Unit website (http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/traffops/saferesr/trafdata/index.htm) on March 23.

Kern County. 2006. Existing Traffic Volumes on Kern County’s Select and Minor Road System. Obtained from the County of Kern Roads Department website (http://www.co.kern.ca.us/roads/) on March 23.

_____. 2004. Kern County General Plan. Approved June 14. Circulation Element.

PPS (Power Partners Southwest, LLC). 2005. PdV Wind Energy Project Kern County Planning Department Revised Application for Zone Change. December.


Draft EIR/EIS G-27 July 2006

G.2 Organizations and Persons Consulted State CEQA Guidelines (Section 15129) states that an “EIR shall identify all federal, state, or local agencies, other organizations, and private individuals consulted in preparing the draft EIR”. Table G-1 provides a listing of those persons consulted as part of the preparation of this EIR/EIS.

Table G-1. Organizations and Persons Consulted

Name Title Organization Introduction Thomas Burhenn Manager, Regulatory Operations Southern California Edison Susan Nelson Project Manager Southern California Edison Charles Adamson Project Manager Southern California Edison Jorge Chacon Senior Power Systems Planner Southern California Edison Description of Proposed Project/Action and Alternatives Susan Nelson Project Manager Southern California Edison Charles Adamson Project Manager Southern California Edison Jorge Chacon Senior Power Systems Planner Southern California Edison Roman Vasquez PE, Transmission Engineer Southern California Edison Jerry Amalfitano

Manager, Transmission – Civil/Structural Engineering

Southern California Edison

Tracey Alsobrook Biologist Southern California Edison Kai Luoma Senior Planner City of Santa Clarita Planning Department Susan Koleda Assistant Planner City of Palmdale Hsiao-Ching Chen Planner Los Angeles County Regional Planning Air Quality Steve Smith Program Supervisor SCAQMD David Wampler Engineer USEPA, Region 9 Tom Coda Program Coordinator USEPA, RTP Biological Resources Rick Farris Section 7 Coordinator USFWS Ventura Field Office Carl Benz Assistant Field Supervisor for South

Santa Barbara, Ventura, and Los Angles Counties

USFWS Ventura Field Office

Creek Clayton Senior Biologist/Fire Ecologist USFWS Ventura Field Office Chris Dellith Senior Biologist USFWS Ventura Field Office Kirk Waln

GIS Specialist USFWS Ventura Field Office

Teresa Sue

Wildlife Biologist USDA FS; ANF Santa Clara Mojave Rivers Rangers District Office

Janet Nickerman Botanist USDA FS; ANF Supervisor’s Office Ann Berkeley Wildlife Biologist USDA FS; ANF Supervisor’s Office Cultural Resources Tracey Alsobrook Biologist Southern California Edison Grace Cochem Resident Cochem Ranch, Lancaster, California Fire Safety John Thomas Forest Fuels Officer USDA Forest Service Santa Clara/Mojave Rivers

Ranger District Mark Derosier Fire Prevention Bureau Captain California Department of Forestry and Fire



July 2006 G-28 Draft EIR/EIS

Table G-1. Organizations and Persons Consulted

Name Title Organization Land Use and Public Recreation Patrick Hennessy Research Analyst California Department of Conservation, Division of

Land Resource Protection James Nordstrom Research Analyst California Department of Conservation, Division of

Land Resource Protection Mark Herwick Planner County of Los Angeles Department of Regional

Planning Traffic and Transportation Cheryl J. Powell CEQA Program Manager California Department of Transportation, District 7 Alan Perkins Senior Traffic Engineering Technician City of Lancaster Larry Spencer Traffic Counts Los Angeles County Public Works Erven Jaramilla Engineer City of Santa Clarita Public Works Harry Corder Engineer City of Santa Clarita Public Works Alan Adler Engineer Forest Service Road Visual Resources Jody Noiron Forest Supervisor Angeles National Forest Cid Morgan District Ranger Angeles National Forest Rich Borden Lands Forester Angeles National Forest Jose O Henriquez-Santos Landscape Architect Angeles National Forest Rudy Retamoza Landscape Architect Angeles National Forest Cliff Johnson Lands Surveyor Angeles National Forest Jerry Mosier Architect Forest Service Landscape Architects Marian Kadota Adaptive Management Services

Enterprise Team Forest Service US Forest Service

Jim Foote Outdoor Recreation Planner Bureau of Land Management Jean Gorecki Member Pacific Crest Trail Association Susan Nelson Project Manager Southern California Edison Charles Adamson Project Manager Southern California Edison Roman Vasquez PE, Transmission Engineer Southern California Edison Tracey Alsobrook Biologist Southern California Edison