g kintz w 4

umum timor leste ________________________________________________ kebijaksanaan kenderaan /mobil 12 maret 2003 1.hanya pengemudi yang mempunyai sim yang akan dijinkan untuk mengendarai kendaraan. 2.setiap kenderaan akan mempunyai seorang pengemudi untuk setiap kenderaan . 3.kenderaan-kenderaan hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan kantor dan seharusnya diparkir di kantor pbs pada waktu tidak sedang digunakan. 4.untuk setiap perjalanan lokal dan diluar dili, direktur departemen akan mengisi suatu formulir penggunaan kendaraan yang kemudian akan dikirim kepada koordinator kendaraan, untuk memberi seorang sopir dan kendaraan. administrator juga akan menandatangani semua permintaan penggunaan kendaraan di luar dili (dan sampai administrator disewa, maka penasehat pbs akan menandatangani permintaan.) 5.suatu buku penggunaan perjalanan akan disimpan disetiap kendaraan, dan akan disi pada setiap kali melakukan perjalanan. buku ini untuk mencatat : tanggal, jam,spoir,tujuan,department, kilometer mulai dan kilometer akhir. 6.sekuriti penjaga akan memegang suatu buku ini untuk mencatat penggunaan kenderaan. hal-hal yang dicatat yaitu ; tanggal,jam,pergi-pulang, nomer kenderaan, pengendara dan tujuannya kemana. 7.kunci-kunci kenderaan akan disimpan didalam suatu kotak kunci security, pada waktu kenderaan-kenderaan diparker. 8.suatu buku perbaikan dan pemeliharaan akan diberikan untuk setiap kenderaan, dan buku ini akan disi setiap kali perbaiki, ganti oli, ganti roda atau lain-lain pekerjaan pemeliharaan. hal-hal yang dicatat dibuku ini adalah ; tanggal, kilometer,suatu kerusakan, hasil pekerjaan(perbaikan) dan komentar-komentar. 9.suatu mekanik yang ditunjuk, yang akan menunjukan dan mengidentifikasi mengenai suatu perbaikan dan pemeliharaan kenderaan. 10.kenderaan-kenderaan akan dipakai untuk satu kali penjemputan pegawai disetiap pagi hari dan satu kali pakai untuk antar pulang pegawai di waktu sore hari. 11.kenderaan-kenderaan dapat digunakan untuk keluarga langsung dari pegawai pada waktu darurat seperti kehidupan dan kematian, tetapi hanya melalui persetujuan

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umum timor leste________________________________________________

kebijaksanaan kenderaan /mobil12 maret 2003

1.hanya pengemudi yang mempunyai sim yang akan dijinkan untuk mengendarai kendaraan. 2.setiap kenderaan akan mempunyai seorang pengemudi untuk setiap kenderaan .

3.kenderaan-kenderaan hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan kantor dan seharusnya diparkir di kantor pbs pada waktu tidak sedang digunakan.

4.untuk setiap perjalanan lokal dan diluar dili, direktur departemen akan mengisi suatu formulir penggunaan kendaraan yang kemudian akan dikirim kepada koordinator kendaraan, untuk memberi seorang sopir dan kendaraan. administrator juga akan menandatangani semua permintaan penggunaan kendaraan di luar dili (dan sampai administrator disewa, maka penasehat pbs akan menandatangani permintaan.)

5.suatu buku penggunaan perjalanan akan disimpan disetiap kendaraan, dan akan disi pada setiap kali melakukan perjalanan. buku ini untuk mencatat : tanggal, jam,spoir,tujuan,department, kilometer mulai dan kilometer akhir.

6.sekuriti penjaga akan memegang suatu buku ini untuk mencatat penggunaan kenderaan. hal-hal yang dicatat yaitu ; tanggal,jam,pergi-pulang, nomer kenderaan, pengendara dan tujuannya kemana.

7.kunci-kunci kenderaan akan disimpan didalam suatu kotak kunci security, pada waktu kenderaan-kenderaan diparker.

8.suatu buku perbaikan dan pemeliharaan akan diberikan untuk setiap kenderaan, dan buku ini akan disi setiap kali perbaiki, ganti oli, ganti roda atau lain-lain pekerjaan pemeliharaan. hal-hal yang dicatat dibuku ini adalah ; tanggal, kilometer,suatu kerusakan, hasil pekerjaan(perbaikan) dan komentar-komentar.

9.suatu mekanik yang ditunjuk, yang akan menunjukan dan mengidentifikasi mengenai suatu perbaikan dan pemeliharaan kenderaan.

10.kenderaan-kenderaan akan dipakai untuk satu kali penjemputan pegawai disetiap pagi hari dan satu kali pakai untuk antar pulang pegawai di waktu sore hari.

11.kenderaan-kenderaan dapat digunakan untuk keluarga langsung dari pegawai pada waktu darurat seperti kehidupan dan kematian, tetapi hanya melalui persetujuan

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administrator dan direktur pengelola, dan hanya pakai satu sopir.dari sopir-sopir yang ada. kenderaan seharusnya tidak boleh tidak ada dikantor pbs, untuk lebih dari satu hari.

12.untuk suatu kasus kecelakaan atau kehancuran suatu kenderaan, pengemudi akan bertanggungjawab,jika dia dibawah suatu pengaruh, dan tidak bertanggungjawab dalam mengendarai, atau sudah merupakan tanggungjawab pengendara atas hal-hal lain dari kecelakaan tersebut. jika kecelakaan adalah bukan karena kesalahan pengemudi, pbs tidak akan mengambil tanggungjawab pengemudi tersebut.

13.pengemudi manapun yang ditemukan mengendarai setelah minum alkohol akan dikeluarkan segera.

badan penyiaran umum timor leste________________________________________________

kebijaksanaan sepeda motor12 maret 2003

1.hanya pengemudi-pengemudi yang mempunyai sim yang diijinkan untuk mengemudi sepeda motor.

2.semua pengemudi harus pakai helem.

3.sepeda motor hanya akan dipakai untuk keperluan kantor dan seharusnya diparker di kantor pbs, pada waktu tidak sedang dipakai.

4.untuk setiap perjalanan direktur departmen akan mengisi formulir penggunaan motor

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yang kemudian akan dikirim kepada koordinator kenderaan untuk memberikan suatu sepeda motor.

5.suatu buku penggunaan perjalanan akan diberikan untuk setiap sepeda motor, yang mana akan diisi pada setiapkali melakukan perjalanan. hal-hal yang dicatat adalah ; tanggal,jam,tujuan,pengemudi,departamen,mulai kilometer dan akhir kilometer.

6.sekurity penjaga akan diberikan juga satu buku ini untuk mencatat penggunaan sepeda motor. hal-hal yang dicatat adalah : tanggal,jam,berangkat/tiba,nomer,pengemudi dan tujuan keberangkatan.

7.kunci sepedamotor akan disimpan didalam suatu kotak kunci security, pada waktu sepeda motor diparker.

8.suatu buku perbaikan dan pemeliharaan akan diberikan untuk setiap sepedamotor, yang mana akan disi pada setiap perbaikan, ganti oli atau lain-lain pekerjaan pemeliharaan. hal-hal yang akan dicatat dalam buku ini adalah ; tanggal,kilometer,kerusakan, hasil pekerjaan(perbaikan) dan komentar-komentar.

9.seorang mekanik yang ditunjuk akan menunjuk dan mengidentifikasi perbaikan dan pemeliharaan dari sebuah sepeda motor.

10.sepeda motor dapat diberikan untuk pegawai-pegawai yang harus berdekatan dengan stasiun/tempat kerja atau yang melakukan tugas malam. pegawai-pegawai ini dijinkan untuk membawa motor ke rumah mereka untuk malam tersebut.

11.reporter-reporter distrik akan juga diminta mengikuti kebijaksanaan-kebijaksanaan ini. mereka akan, bagaimanapun juga mereka dijinkan membawa motor ke rumah mereka, atau dimana mereka mempertimbangkan keamanan dari sepeda motor.

12.didalam kasus kecelakaan atau kehancuran, pengendara akan bertanggungjawab, jika dia berada dibawah pengaruh, tidak bertanggungjawab dalam mengendarai, atau sudah merupakan tanggungjawab pengendara atas hal-hal lain dari kecelakaan tersebut. jika kecelakaan adalah bukan kesalahan pengemudi, pbs tidak akan mengambil alih tanggungjawab pengendara.

13.pengemudi manapun yang ditemukan mengendrai setelah minum allkohol, akan dikeluarkan segera.

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badan penyiaran umum timor leste________________________________________________

badan direksihasil rapat 12 maret 2003

rapat dibuka pada jam 9:25 am dengan ucapan selamat datang dari presiden badan direksi.

anggota-anggota yang hadir adalah : virgilio da silva guterres, anito matos, antonio carmen da cruz, joaquim dos santos dan nelio issac sarmento. juga hadir greg kintz penasihat pbs.

1.agenda sudah disetujui untuk disiapkan.2.hasil rapat tanggal 8 maret telah disetujui beberapa perubahan sebagai berikut :

a.kalimat pertama dari b 4.a.ii harus diganti menjadi “ suatu badan sekertaris tidak akan diminta.”

b.perlu untuk menciptakan suatu format yang jelas dari hasil rapat.

c.nama akhir nelio adalah isaac sesuai versi bahasa inggris, dan nama pertama adalah nelio sesuai versi portuguese- nelio isaac.

d.nama lengkap anito matos adalah antonio dos santos matos.

e.nama terakhir joaquim adalah – joaquim santos.

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f.harus pakai nama-nama resmi didalam hasil rapat.

g.meninjau peraturan badan pelayanan umum penyiaran difokuskan pada seksi 3,4,dan 5 (tujuan-tujuan, prinsip-prinsip, fungsi-fungsi dan tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab).

h.pengacara – sejak badan pelayanan penyiaran umum adalah suatu warga negara resmi, sebagaimana per seksi 2 dari hukum, ada keperluan akan suatu perwakilan resmi untuk lembaga.

keputusan: pelayanan dari seorang pengacara harus dibayar sebagai penasihat hukum yang melindungi badan pelayanan penyiaran umum/pbs. penasihat pbs akan memeriksa semua bentuk persetujuan yang harus dipertimbangkan dengan seorang pengacara sebagaimana tugas-tugas dan tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab dari seorang pengacara, dalam hubungannya dengan pekerjaan, dan ketersediaan dana dan biaya. penasehat juga akan memeriksa organisasi-organisasi media internasional yang mana, badan harus menimbang untuk membangun hubungan-hubungan. angota-anggota badan akan memeriksa kemungkinan pengacara-pengacara untuk informasi. suatu pengacara-pengacara terpilih akan diminta untuk bertemu dengan badan untuk mendiskusikan pikiran-pikiran mereka mengenai hukum media, bagaimana mereka melihat hubungan-hubungan antara pbs dan badan, dan untuk memberi suatu kesimpulan dari pengalaman hukum mereka.

5.identitas kelembagaan, bagaimana pbs seharusnya dikenal secara formal dan informal melalui variasi bahasa-bahasa, dan identitas-identitas dari pelayanan radio dan televisi.

6.wewenang untuk membuka bank account-bank account

keputusan: tiga bank accounts akan dibuka secepatnya. satu untuk setiap dana portuguese, untuk dana pemerintah dan dana pendapatan. penandatanganan bank account-bank account akan dilakukan oleh presiden dan kasir dari badan, dan penasehat pbs. kedua dari mereka tiga akan diminta menandatangani semua cek.

7.wewenang untuk mengamankan dana dari pemerintah (etpa)

keputusan: ketiga penandatang bank account, presiden dan kasir, serta penasehat pbs, akan minta bantuan etpa untuk pbs. suatu surat akan dikirim ke keuangan meminta dana-dana ini.

8.dana – akan dibibahas sungguh-sungguh pada rapat berikut.

9.kebijaksanaan-kebijaksanaan – kenderaan (mobil) dan handphone. diskusi kebijaksanaan handphone sudah diundurkan ke rapat berikutnya. perubahan-perubahan berikut yang sudah dibuat untuk kebijaksanaan mobil dan sepeda motor adalah :

a.numer dua diganti untuk dibaca: kenderaan-kenderaan hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan-tujuan kantor dan pada waktu tidak sedang digunakan harus diparker dikantor pbs.

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b.numer 11 diganti untuk dibaca : kenderaan-kenderaan dapat disediakan untuk keadaan darurat dari keluarga langsung (situasi hidup dan mati), tetapi hanya melalui persetujuan dari admnistrator dan direktur pengelola dan hanya pakai satu orang pengendara dari staf pengendara-pengendara. kenderaan-kenderaan seharusnya tidak boleh tidak berada di kantor pbs lebih dari satu hari.

c.dua hal tambahan pada numer 12 dan 13 :i.didalam hal suatu kecelakaan atau kehancuran suatu kenderaan, pengendara yang akan bertanggungjawab jika dia sudah dipengaruhi,mengendarai tidak bertanggunjawab,atau sudahberada pada posisi bertanggungjawab atas kecelakaan itu.ii.pengendara manapun yang ditemukan mengendarai setelah minum mabuk, akan dikeluarkan segera.

d.pergantian-pergantian kebijaksanaa ini adalah sama juga untuk sepeda motor.

keputusan: kebijaksanaan mobil dan sepeda motor adalah disetujui dengan pergantian-pergantian diatas. teks persetujuan dilampirkan pada hasil-hasil rapat ini.

10.urusan-urusan lain- surat resmi dari cavr, 11 maret 2003, meminta akses untuk arsip vidieo untuk produksi dari dua video.

keputusan: badan akan langsung minta tvtl memberi cavr akses produser-produser untuk arsip. produser-produser akan dijinkan untuk mengkopi video dari nama event-event untuk pakai dua video untuk digunakan untuk promosi rekonsiliasi. hal ini akan dinyatakan dengan jelas dan mereka boleh pakai video hanya untuk maksud ini, dan bukan untuk tujuan yang lain, tanpa ijin sebelumnya dari pbs. hak kopi untuk penggunaan video harus diketahui, sepanjang dengan suatu pernyataan akan penghargaan kepada tvtl didalam video.

rapat diundur pada jam 12:50 pm

dengan hormat,

greg kintz, penasehat pbs

disahkan oleh,

virgilio da silva guterres, presiden.

dinas pelayanan penyiaran timor lestedinas pelayanan penyiaran timor leste

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______________________________________________________badan direksi

hasil rapat tangal 26 maret 2003

rapat dimulai jam 9:20 am dengan kata sambutan dari presiden direksi.

anggota-anggota yang hadir: virgilio da silva guterres, antonio dos santos matos, joaquim santos dan nelio isaac sarmento serta greg kintz, penasihat pbs.

1.agenda sudah disetuju sebagaimana disiapkan.2.hasil rapat 19 maret sudah disetujui sebagaimana tertulis.3.persetujuan anggaran-dimasukan ke pemerintah untuk 2003-04.

keputusan : anggaran adalah disetujui sebagaimana direvisi.

keputusan : dokument-dokument anggaran sub-misi untuk kantor anggaran pemerintah adalah disetujui sebagaimana disiapkan. presiden direktur akan menandatangani dokumen-dokumen tersebut.

4. proses penggajian direktur perngelola dan adminsitrator. a.proses penggajian

4. badan kembangkan (lengkapi 2/4-satu minggu) 1.keterangan tugas 2.kualifikasi 3.gaji dan keuntungan-keuntungan 4.rancangan kontrak

5. mengiklankan lowongan melalui stasiun radio dantelevisi koran dan secara internasional. (lengkapi 16/4)

6. melakukan review aplikasi-aplikasi dan daftar pendek pelamar.(lengkapi 23/4)

7. interview pelamar yang lulus.(lengkapi 30/4)8. keputusan akhir pengajian.(lengkapi 7/5)

keputusan : keterangan proses pengajian diatas akan dipakai untuk direktur pengelola dan administrator.

keputusan : gaji dan keuntungan-keuntungan untuk direktur pengelola akan berjumlah-gaji:$500-600-perumahan (bangun atau bayar)-kenderaan dinas-telepon- mobile dan biasa-perjalanan dinas tahunan

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-jangkauan pelayanan kesehatan – local

keputusan: gaji dan keuntungan-keuntungan untuk administrator akan lebih dari direktur-direktur department karena mempunyai tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab lebih banyak. gaji dan keuntunga-keuntungan akan :-gaji : $350-400-fasilitas transportasi pbs untuk kantor-telepone – untuk kantor-perjalanan kantor tahunan-kesehatan jangkauan local

keputusan : suatu rancangan keterangan-keterangan tugas dan kualifikasi-kualifikasi akan dikerjakan pada rapat tanggal 2 april.

5.prioritas jadwal agenda ke depan – akan digunakan untuk menyusun agenda dari setiap pertemuan.

6.pengacara – napoleon soares da silva,

keputusan: presiden direksi dan penasihat akan bertemu tuan da silva untuk diskusi kemungkinan menjadi perwakilan dari badan. dia akan diundang bertemu badan pada rapat selanjutnya untuk persetujuan akhir.

7.urusan lain-laina.suatu departamen pemerintah telah melakukan pendekatan dengan rtl untuk mengudarakan suatu program yang mereka akan kontrol isinya.

keputusan: kebijaksanaan sementara – mengijinkan agen-agen memproduksi program-program dan mengudarakan mereka di pbs, sepanjang mereka memenuhi tujuan dan prinsip-prinsip tertuang pada seksi 3 dan 4 dari hukum pbs, adalah langsung dihubungkan dengan perencanaan pengembangan nasional, dan mereka bayar airtimenya.

b.rapat berikut akan mendiskusikan keperluan untuk bertemu dua kali setiap minggu.

c.kebijaksanaan sementara – akses untuk arsip-arsip – video dan audio –dibuat, untuk dapat disediakan dengan petunjuk khusus untuk penggunaannya.

keputusan : kebjaksanaan sementara – akses untuk arsip-arsip – video dan audio – dibuat untuk dapat disediakan untuk agen-agen pbb, dan ngo-ngo untuk tujuan bukan

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cari untung tapi untuk mendukung perencanaan pengembangan nasional, dan dengan petunjuk khusus cara penggunaanya (hanya satu produksi, tidak untuk penjualan,) dan dengan kopi-kopi untuk diberikan kepada yang lain, ijin-ijin untuk penggunaan selanjutnya dll.

rapat disambung pada jam 1:10 pm

dengan penuh hormat dimasukan,

greg kintz, penasihat pbs

disetujui oleh,

virgilio da silva guterres, presiden.

dinas pelayanan penyiaran umum timor leste

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badan direksihasil rapat tangal 19 maret 2003

rapat dimulai jam 9:20 am dengan kata sambutan dari presiden direksi.

anggota-anggota yang hadir: virgilio da silva guterres, antonio dos santos matos, joaquim santos dan nelio isaac sarmento serta greg kintz, penasihat pbs.

9. agenda sudah disetujui sebagaimana disipakan.10. hasil rapat 12 maret sudah disetujui sebagaimana tertulis.11. anggaran

a.tingakat gaji – suatu gaji yang rendah dan tidak adanya masukan tambahan harus hadapi ekonomi yang mahal, menyulitkan reporter-reporter untuk bertahan dari tawaran-tawaran pekerjaan-pekerjaan lain tersedia dengan gaji lebih tinggi. adalah akan sangat menyulitkan untuk menemukan seorang yang mau menjadi direktur pengelola (dp) dengan standar bayar gaji etpa. seorang sekertaris dibayar $350 sementara seorang dp dibayar $361sesuai standar etpa.

keputusan : badan mengakui keperluan untuk melindungi kemerdekaan dari reporter-reporter, dan jumlah yang dibayar kepada mereka berpengaruh kemerdekaannya. board akan meneliti tingakat bayar pbs seluruh dunia, melihat biaya hidup antara indonesia dan timor leste, dan mengivestigasi opsi-opsi penggajian staff sesuai tingakat pribadi daripada pakai level etpa.

b.semua anggaran

keputusan : anggaran 2003-4 adalah disetujui sebagaimana tertulis. badan akan kembali melihat anggaran ini setelah seperempat pertama untuk membandingkan biaya-biaya proyek aktual dari suatu operasional institusi secara penuh.

12. permohonan pendanaan dirancang oleh hirondelle foundation

keputusan : badan mengesahkan permohonan ini yang sudah disiapkan oleh hirondelle foundation untuk mengamankan dana untuk 2003-04, dengan satu

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tambahan : liputan tv harus diperluas untuk batas-batas areanya dan unutk oeccussi sebagai bagaain dari sasaran.

keputusan : badan akan minta hirondelle foundation untuk untuk membantu didalam mengamankan dana-dana donor unutk 2003-4.

5.jadawal agenda

keputusan : adopsi hal-hal dalam daftar agenda board yang diperbaiki. penasehat akan mengajukan suatu jadwal berdasarkan pada daftar tersebut.

6.pengacara untuk bantuan hukum, napleaon soares da silva, mewakili pendakwa didalam pembelaan hukum melawan stl untuk menang.

keputusan : kejar kemungkinan dari pembelaan napoleon soares da silva. penelitian selanjutnya akan ditunjuk.

7.urusan lain

13. dibukanya tiga bank account di anz pada 18.3.0314. wartawan dari deuchewelle untuk kerjasama di

masa depan. hal-hal dalam agenda berikut akanbekerjasama dengan institusi media internasionalmenyangkut memprogram, latihan dan bantuantehnik.

c.fasilitas tvri – bisa ambil peralatan-peralatanya. mario dan lamberto harus dikirim untuk investi- gasi hal ini.

d.penelitian hubungan kerja antara timor leste dan itu.

e.tempat untuk kantor badan, akan didiskusikan pada rapat berikutnya.

rapat di sambung pada jam 12:30 pm

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penuh hormat dimasukan,

greg kintz, penasehat pbs

disetujui oleh,

virgilio da silva guterres, presiden

to : fausto de sousa director da radio timor-leste

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frm : etelvina do nascimento correia

date : monday 21/04/03

subject: hoiday requests

by the letter i would like to take holiday for one week that will have begun by april

24 to april 30, 2003, with reason i have been working for more then one year but i

have not yet taken any holiday.

for your attention, i am thanking a lots

eelvina do nascimento correia

cc ; greg kintz.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiofusÃo timor leste

23 abril 2003

alberto alves

exmo : alberto,

hau nota hela katak itabot la mai fohatene atu servisu desde itabot fila tiha hosi viagem trainamentu hosi portugal iha fulan fevereiro rohan. itabot mai tihaona kolecta itabot nia salarius ba periodu durante itabot sei iha hela iha portugal, maybe itabot seidauk tama servisu too agora. itabot mos la fohatene itabot nia supervisor, ka advisor pbs kona-ba itabot nia razaun la tama servisu fatin.

hahalok ne’e mak ami la bele konkorda. se itabot la hatudu karta ruma hosi doctor ida konaba itabot nia inkapasidade ka nebe deklara katak itabot sei moras hela no seidauk bele servisu, ami sei la bele selu itabot nia loron servisu nebe lakon ka durante nebe itabot la tama serbisu. tuir mai, se itabot la mai fali servisu lalais, hafoin ami sei hakotu itabot nia servisu ho pbs no rtl.


fausto de sousaacting director, rtl

greg kintzpbs advisor.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiofusÃo timor leste

ba : staff pbs tomakhosi : greg kintz, advisordata : 22 abril 2003assunto : kommisaun

directors board hakarak staff pbs rtl-tvtl tomak (hosi kada departamentu, laos deit journalistas) hili ema ida hodi reprezenta nia departamentu ida-idak ba kommisaun selesaun ba pozisauns administrador no director manager pbs nian.

kommisaun selesaun ne’e sei hadia nia applicasauns nebe hatama tihaona, no kria perguntas hirak ba entrevista ida no halo evaluasaun kriterias. kommisaun ne’e sei halo entrevistas hirak ho nia kandidatus. baseia ba entrevistas ne’e no applikasauns hirak ne’e, kommisaun selesaun sei rekommenda kandidatus rua ka tolu ba directors board nian. hafoin board sei halo nia entrevistas rasik, no hakotu selesaun hosi rekommendasauns hirak, nebe rekommenda hosi kommisaun ne’e.

kommisaun selesaun sei hahu servisu ne’e iha loron kinta, 24 abril, no tenke remata iha loron 5 maio.

halo favor hahu imi nian encontru eleisaun, hafoin encontro editorial nebe sei hahu iha loron 23 abril, loron kuarta

to : fausto de sousa;rtl director

from : alfredo lopes da fonseca; translator

date : 24th april 2003

subject : requirement of holiday

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by this letter i would like to take two week holiday which i will have begun by april 28 to may 9, 2003 with reason i haven’t taken any holiday since i have been working for one year. my location of holiday is only in dili. while i am on holiday my duty done by the responsible of portuguese section either radio director or chief of program.

i am thanking for your attention.

alfredo lopes da fonseca

cc : 1. sir greg kintz 2. filomena soares guterres, chief program of rtl

to : fausto de sousa;rtl director

from : etelvina do nascimento correia

date : 24th april 2003

subject : notification of job termination

by this letter i would like to impart you that by may 1, 2003 i will have discontinued working with rtl as the rtl archivist. also by this letter i would like to thank for all friends who have supported me during i have worked with rtl. i think i don’t need to testify how

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the happy or the suffer during working, because all friends or staff know about it. because of we all working shoulder to shoulder hardly and we high sense of nationalism, rtl is always exist on air. also by this letter i would like to excuse to whoever that i have offended both by action and speech during daily working among all friends. nevertheless by the may 1, 2003 i will have not anymore working with rtl, i will always remember all of my friends even i am willingness to help anyone according to my capacity.

i am thanking a lots for your attention, god bless all of us.

sincerely yours.

etelvina do nascimento correia

serviÇo pÚblico radiofusÃo timor leste

30 abril 2003,

anito matos, prezidente komisaunana paula rodriguespaulino quintasmaria fatima gomesjose luis de olivierafernando da cruzgreg kintz

exmo anito matos:

obrigado ba itabot nia konkordance atu serve ba komisaun selesaun ba director manager no administrador ba pbs (rtl no tvtl).

hanesan itabot hatene katak, radio no tvtl mak ecenssial ba dezenvolvimentu timor leste, no director manager ida ho administrador ida nebe diak, mak sei bele halao funsaun pbs nian ho diak tebes.

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favor buka kopi lei ida hodi hatama ba hari pbs, no deskripsauns knar ba pojisauns rua ne’e.

komisauan selesaun sei harefali aplikasauns tomak ba pojisauns rua ne’e, hili kandidatus hirak atu entrevistas, entrevistas no halo evaluasauns ba kandidatus hirak, hafoin rekomenda kandidatus nain tolu ba kada pojisaun ba board. tuir mai directors board sei harefali aplikasauns no materials ba rekomendasaun kandidatus, halo entrevistas ho sira, nomos hili ema ida ba kada pojisaun.

komisaun selesaun sei hahu nia sorumutuk ba dala uluk iha loron thursday, 24 abril 2003, horas 21:00 meiodia. ita sei hasoru malu iha pbs nia servisu fatin, iha caikoli.

komisaun selesaun nia servisu ne’e tenke hakotu iha semana rua nia laran.


greg kintz advisor pbshodi fatin directors board nian.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiofusÃo timor leste


ba : staff pbs tomak (rtl & tvtl)

hosi : greg kintz, advisor

date : 25 april 2003

assunto: : enkontru staff ho directors board

husu ba itabot sira atu marka presensa iha enkontru entre directors board ho staff pbs (rtl-tvtl) tomak, nebe sei hahu iha loron sabado, 26 abril 2003, hosi horas 11:00 dader to’o 1:00 lokraik. han meiodia sei preparado, hafoin enkontru.

objectivus hosi enkontru ne’e ba directors board mak :

1.oficialmente halo sorumutuk nudar instituisaun ida ba nia staff2.aprezenta hadiak kontratu, hafoin staff informa3.aprezenta lei board nian, no director manager homos staff sira4.aprezenta orsamentu ba 2003-04 nian, no explika ninia regimentus5.explika situasaun fundus pbs nian ba 2003-46.explika situasaun actual ba level salarius nian

requerimento enkontru ida ne’e ba staff hot-hotu atu presensa. lista presensia sei prenche. so staff nebe moras todan no iha situasaun knar especial ida deit mak sie hetan perdua tanba la marka presensa. horario radiofusão sei koverturado husi lista-joga automatikamente (automatic play-list) ba radio nian, no programa externo (external programming ba tv nian.

favor le’e fali timor leste nia codique de trabalho – gia introdusaun ida

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serviÇo pÚblico radiofusÃo timor leste

acordo ba serviÇo nudar temporario ba tempo badak

1.hodi ida ne’e estabelese termos contrato emprego temporario nian ba: naran completu : identificasaun completo : hela fatin : numero registrasaun :

2.funcionario ne’e sei servisu nudar temporario ba serviçu publico radiofusão timor leste nian. ida ne’e la’os contrato ba nudar funcionario permanente ba spr-tl

3.sei servisu iha loron nebe tuir mai ne’e : -hahu contrato servisu iha : -hotu iha : -contratado ne’e sei servisu iha : -halao servisu nudar : -nivel : -iha supervisão husi :

4.funcionario ne’e sei halao servico profissionalmente, ho aten berani no ho honestidade hodi halao servico nebe supervisor fo iha horas servico nia laran.

5.chefe/supervisor sei fo orientação lolos ba funcionario nee, simu nia opinioens no sei resolve problemas nebe mosu ho lia los, fo condisoens servico nebe tuir dalan los no iha limites situasaun iha timor laran nomos selu nia salario.

6.chefe ka supervisor bele suspende (haruka para) funcionario ne’e bainhira iha razoens nebe hatudu katak funcionario servico la los, la iha honestidade, hatudu hahalok la diak ka la halo servico ho cuidado ka servico ho baruk ka lori secção nebe nia servico ba ne’e ba perigo.

7.sorin rua ne’e sei bele termina ka hakotu contrato servico iha loron ruma maybe tenke fo hatene semana rua antes.

8.funcionario sei simu osan tuir salario ne’e;----------------------------------,

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ful-fulan no pagamento sei selu tuir loron hira nebe nia serico.

declarasaun katak simu;nudar condisaun ida katak simu, funcionario hotu tenke concorda ho declarasaun tuir mai ne’e :

“nudar comprende no concorda katak : -servico ida ne’e temporario deit no la fo garantia ba futuru nomeasaun iha serviço publico radiofusão timor leste -hau respeita independencia funcionarios serviço público radiofuzão nian -hau concorda atu tuir condisaun geral no regulamentus pbs nian no hau sei tuir codiku travalho pbs nian.

assinatura----------------------------- assinatura-------------------------

data: / / 2003 data : / / 2003 serviço público radiofusão timor leste

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serviÇo pÚblico radiofusÃo timor leste


ba : funcionarios pbs hotu (rtl-tvtl)

hosi : greg kintz, advaisor pbs

loron : 30 abril 2003

assuntu: deskripsaun knaar no cv

ami atu komesa ona processu dezenvolve deskripsaun knaar ba funcionarios pbs. nudar pasu ba dala uluk, ami hakarak itabot sira hakerek kompletu no klaru kona ba itabot ida-idak nian deskripsaun knaar nebe itabot sira servisu daudaun. favor hakerek itabot ida-idak nian knaar especial. karik itabot sira nian knaar nudar journalista ida, la lika hakerek katak itabot mak nudar journalista ida, maybe hakerek deit historia ida nebe mak itabot halo kovertura daudaun, pro exemplo; hanesan itabot hakerek noticias bulletin ruma, eh karik itabot halo edisaun audio eh video ruma, eh karik itabot produtu pakotes programa kompletu ruma. ami precisa deskripsaun knaar ida nebe kompletu no klaru nebe itabot sira hala’o daudaun lor-loron.

tuir mai, ami hakarak itabot sira hakerek hanesan deskripsaun knaar ida seluk tan, nebe apresenta deskripsaun knaar ida nebe tuir itabot sira nia hanoin katak lo-los tenkeser itabot sira hala’o eh servisu daudaun, nomos keta haluha hakerek iha ne’e itabot sira nian knaar especial.

ne’eduni ami precisa deskripsauns knaar rua hosi itabot sira nebe tenke hakerek kompletu no klaru kona ba :1.knaar nebe itabot sira hala’o eh servisu daudaun (kompletu no klaru).2.knaar nebe itabot sira sente katak tuir lolos tenkeser itabot sira hala’o eh servisu. ba dala ikus ami mos hakarak itabot sira prepara daudaun ona itabot sira nian cv ida ho fotokopia sertifikado saida deit nebe relasiona ho itabot sira nian servisu iha pbs (tvtl-rtl).

deskripsauns knaar no cv sira ne’e tenke intrega directamente ba sr. greg nia assistente; wili bele mali, la bele liu hosi loron terça 6 maiu 2003.

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dear radio television directors,

in may 4, 2003, domingos de oliveira drove the tata car which he is

currently driving, dropped his wife and child to attend a wedding party of his

brother-in-law in quintal kiik, dili.

about 12 pm o’clock a group threw stones to the party and beaten

destroyed a mirror windows of the tata car which domingos was parking at

outside of the party, even another cars.

when the perpetrators were throwing, one of them captured by the owner of

party, whom is being detained now by police.

i ask you as domingos’s director to find any solution to solve this case.

dili, may 5, 2003

isac p. dos santosdomingos’s fathers

to : greg kinzt, pbs director

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from : benvinda soares de a id # 10185

date : 05/05/2003

subject : notification on broken down of the car tata sumo

based on above mention subject i am agent benvinda soares as case

investigator declare that, the car tata sumo ex no pol.00.998 was thrown

and broken down by unidentified people when domingos savio de oliveira

drove to a wedding party in quintal kiik, dili where the attack happened,

caused broken down the tata sumo. this case numbered 930/2003 is being

processed .thank you for good cooperation.

radio needs needs ;

40 small battreis amount usd 17,5

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20 discettes for md amount usd 78

drink water /agua as always prepared

these materials are not in the pbs supplay room


relatorio nebe mak hau simu hosi itabot rasik no sira seluk katak iha domingo kalan 4 maio 2003, itabot lori tata numero 998, no uza ba privado ho familia hodi tuir festa ida. iha festa ne’e kareta hetan tiha rahun dala hirak iha oin no bidru kotuk, no janela sorin los nakfera tiha hotu wainhira emaida tuda tiha kareta ho fatuk iha festa ne’e.

ho lori tiha kareta ne’e itabot halo sala ona hasoru regras kona ba uza kareta nebe explica tiha ona ba itabot iha fulan rua ho balun liu ba. baseia ba regulamentu ne’e nudar kondutor itabot tenke hapara kareta iha eskritoria pbs durante semana nia rohan. baseia ba regras ne’e itabot la bele uza kareta ba necessario privado.

itabot hetan tiha advertensia kona ba lori kareta sem lisensa.

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iha sala seriu rua nebe itabot halo tiha ona ho lori kareta ba necessario privado iha domingo kotuk ne’e.

1.itabot hatudo ona attitude desonestidade nebe hasoru pbs ho uza tiha equipamentu nebe konfiado ba itabot hodi hala’o dever officialmente nian maybe uza tiha ba necessario privado.

2.ho itabot nia hahalok ne’e, itabot hatudu ona katak itabot la kuidado nebe ninia rezultado mak harahun barak tiha kareta pbs nian. desobedese ka hahalok la kuidado nebe itabot halo tiha mak uza kareta ba privado maybe la labele atu proteje hosi aat.

hahalok hirak ne’e mak sala seriu ka todan, pbs iha diretu atu hakotu itabot nia servisu imidiatamente. maskenune’e ami sei la kastigu tuir ida ne’e maybe ami sei haruka itabot hela iha uma lai durante semana ida nebe ami sei la selu itabot nia osan nebe lakon durante semana ida ne’e.

tuirmai, karta ida ne’e mak hanesan karta ba advertensia ka peringatan ba dala ikus. se hahalok ida ne’e akontese ka halo tan dala ida karik, ami sei hapara itabot nia servisu ho pbs. karta ida ne’e mos hanesan advertensia ka peringatan nebe durante ne’e foo ona itabot. ho liafuan seluk se itabot lori halai kareta iha dili laran ho makaas liu kilomatru 45 kada horas, se itabot rona staff seluk nebe haruka itabot halai makaas hanesan ne’e viola ona regras kona ba transporte nian. ida ne’e mos inklui hahalok seluk nebe viola estandarte attitude nebe pbs fosai.


fausto de sousa isac p. dos santos domingos de oliveira acting director of radio

approved by,greg kintz ; pbs director. ( domingos’s father) (sr. driver pbs )

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serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste


ba : funsionarius pbs hotu (rtl no tvtl)

hosi : greg kintz, pbs advisor

loron : 13 maiu 2003

assuntu : aktividade 20 de maio

20 de maio mak loron especial ida ba timor leste nia istoria. loron ida ne’e improtante ba timoroan iha timor leste tomak, tan ne’e instituisaun media sei servisu nafatin iha loron ida ne’e. 20 de maio la’os loron feriadu ba funsionarius rtl no tvtl hotu.

funsionarius hotu precisa atu contribui hodi halao kovertura aktividades loron ida n’e nian. nudar teknikus hala’o eventus direta ruma, nudar journalista halo intrevista ho ema iha sidade ruma, nudar reporter distritu prepara kovertura kritikal hosi distritus ruma, nudar kondetur prepara kareta atu atende funsionarius sira, nomos nudar hamosdor/dora servisu atu atende funsionarius. funsionarius hotu tenki marka presensa iha eventu 20 de maio ne’e. funsionariu nebemak sei la marka presensa tenki fohatene antes, ou se la marka presensa sem rekomendasaun hosi doutor ida karik, sira nia salariu ba loron ida ne’e sei koa.

atu kompensa funsionarius hotu ba kontribuisaun ida ne’e, ami sei husu kada itabot sira nian superior ka supervisor atu foo feriadu loron ida depois de aniversariu 20 de maio, ba kada funsionariu, tantu tuir imi ida-idak nia horariu servisu.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste


ba : funsionarius pbs hotu (rtl no tvtl)

hosi : greg kintz, pbs advisor

loron : 13 maiu 2003

assuntu : notifikasaun kona-ba processu seleasaun diretor manager no administrador.

hanesan itabot sira hatene katak diretors board buka daudaun diretor manager ida no administrador ida ba pbs. hafoin processu tiha, board desidi tiha buat hirak tuir mai :

1.posisauns rua ne’e fosai tihaona iha journals timor post no suara timor lorosae durante semanas rua.

2.commissao selesaun nomeadu tihaona ho nia membrus ; paula rodrigues, paulino qintas, jose luis de oliveira, fernando da cruz, maria olandina caera, greg kintz no virgilio guterres.

3.commissao selesaun hare’e tihaona cv hosi 14 aplikantes ( 10 ba admistrador no 7 ba diretor manager – aplikantes 3 ba posisauns rua ne’e). nune’e hili tihaona 8 aplikantes ba selesaun ba dala uluk nian (6 ba administrador no 4 ba director manager – 2 aplika tihaona ba posisauns rua ne’e). aplikantes 8 ne’e sei tuir ejame ida iha loron hirak oin mai. commissao prepara material ejame ne’e daudaun.

4.depois de examinasaun ne’e, commissao selesaun sei hare’e fali ninia rezultado, no halo selesaun ida seluk ba kandidatus-kandidatas hodi nebe commissao sei intrevista sira.

5.depois de entrevista ne’e, commissao selesaun sei rekomenda kandidatus nain tolu ba kada posisaun ne’e.

6.hafoin tiha ida ne’e diretors borad sei hare’e fila fali kandidatus-kandidatas sira nian ; cv, rezultado ijame no intrevista nebe sei hakerek iha lista badak ida, hafoin dirije sira nian intrevista rasik.

7.depois de ida ne’e ramata tiha, board sei nomeia director manager ida ho admistrador

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subject : list of delegation who accompany or consort the pm to jakarta.

with respectfully, we impart more delegations who will effectively

accompany or consort the pm on his official visitation between 11

and 12 june 2003 to indonesia.

kind regards.

12. three persons of social communication (included a mrs. ivana)

virgilio da silva guterresthe pbs president

dear sir,

as you know cavr is formed based on regulation no 10/2001, mandated to invstigate human rights (hr) breaching that committed as the impact of conflictpolitic which

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happened from 1974 to 1999, and facilitating community reconciliation process and also making a las report and recommendation to the rdtl president at the end of cavr’s mandate.

to operate its mandate regarding investgation of human rights breaching through its division truth tracing, cavr uses several methods of truth tracing which relevant to gain its mandate. one of the methods is cavr does a research with thema or topic falintil-fretelin which intend to know kind of breaching which had ever happened also to know more deeply concerning the formation history, operation and plocies of the fretelin-falintuil which taken or done by the both institutions during the time.

to gain this mission, a reseach team of cavr has interviewed a several key interlocutors who know the back ground of the thema or topic, begins from the rdtl first president franscisco xavier do amaral until the rdtl current president, francisco guterres lu olo, and also some leaders of the falintil-fretelin. to complete information or datas concerning this thema or topic, cavr requests rtl to give a submission archives of the program tuba rai metin with its index program to the cavr.

the assistance of rtl is really needed by cavr to write resulted of the reseach complately concerning the history of falintil-fretelin at the time. the cavr also accepts to re-product this version archive complately. for futher details regarding this subject, please could you contact hugo fernandes as coordinator of truth tracing of the cavr at hp: 670 + 7241497 or email to : [email protected].

we are thanking for your kind attention and cooperation.

aniceto guterres lopesnational commisary-chief of the cavr timor leste

cc : rtl director

knowledgement of issues

1.what do you know regarding the rights and independent of pers?

2.what do you know regarding the current situations of plotic, social structur and cultural of timor leste?

3.which relationship (bilateral) do you think must be build with indonesia?

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4.what’s your motivation to apply serving the radio and television timor leste?

5.what do you think regarding the important of radio and television? and for whoever?

6.what’s your experience regarding media, particularly in radio and televisio tl?

ability and experience to lead

1.do you have any experience to lead staff in working?

2.do you have experience to organize and fasilitate any training? which training did you do?

3.do you have any experience to lead any finance task? accounting? budget? fundraising or writing any propostsal due to fundraising?

4.do you have any experience to lead any organization? where? when?

5.do you have any experience to use computer? which program can you use?

6.can you explain your ability to write?

7.can you communicate with english language? which level can you speak it? writing i? reading? (making questions in english)

8.can you communicate portruguese language? which level can you speak it? reading? writing? (making questions in portuguese)

9.can you communicate tetum language? which level can you speak? reading?writing?

10.can you drive car? do you have any driving licence?


1.how can you organize a lot of duties in the same time?

2.can you explain your style in leading?

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3.do you have any experience to speech directly for public from radio and television? how do you think or feel to do this duty?

4.can you work together with different background peoples and languages?

5.can you work together with peoples whom have different experience and perspective with you or against you?

6.do you have any experience to work with foreigner or any delegate from abroad?

7.how do you think or feel to work in a team? is it important or not to work together?

8.what do you need to make any team work running smoothly?

9.do have any contact with international community or a foreigener in abroad?

10.what’s your qualification to run your respomsability to develop great institutions like radio and television timor leste?

11.how do you feel regarding this responsaility?

12.can you explain your idea in management of the radio and television in the future?

questions for the candidates of excecutive director radio and television

1.what do you think regarding the public broadcasting service?

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2.based on the current or actual politic, social and cultural of timor leste, what’s important fungtion of the public bradcasting service?

3.based on the constitution, the pbs is an independent public institution from any intervension of government, of politic group, of economy power. if you are an executive director of the pbs, what’s strategy do you applay to maintain the independent of pbs?

4.if your are an executive director of the pbs tl, what’s your priority to improve the pbs services for public?

5.from section programs of sectors ; politic, education,economy,social-cultural,health and justice, which one of these sector should be the most priority to be broadcasted? why?

6.at the moment, the pbs patronizes (included) the rtl and the tvtl. what do you think or what’s your vision regarding which the best structure organization which can run the pbs services effectively, economicly, and accomodatively?

questions for chief administration

1.what do you think, regarding the pbs?

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2.at the moment, the pbs patronizes (included) the rtl and the tvtl.what do you think or what’s your vision to establise any administration mechanism which effectively, economicly and accomodatively? which section will be your priority?

3.to gain a good administration system, which structure organization do you applay?

4.how do you establise a relationship between the staff and supervisor of the pbs? how do you establise cooperation with another international and national agencies?

public broadcasting service

written test

ref:positions:managing director and administrator

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1.explains in briefly the fungtion and responsibility of the managing director.

2.explains in briefly the procedure of grant licensing for someone to build a station of the radio broadcasting.

3.writes the full meaning of : fm, am,sw and itu-r.

4.what’s the different between radio and television?

5.what do you know regarding the radio digital? what’s frequency does it work?

6.in the constitution of the rdtl enshrines the independent of press and social communication (the independent of press and social communication). what’s article of the constitution? writes it 3 ponits minimally.

7.to extend the covering services of the rtl and tvtl to districts, what’s your effort to do it?

8.explains, what’s the leadership? explains in briefly according to your thingking.

9.as the managing director, explains five characters of a right leader.

to : joaquim santos

i report that i am unable to come to work today because i am sickness. by today i will be

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at hospital to check up my blood condition whether i have got malaria. i am not happy

because i couldn’t contribute fo the special program of 20 may, nevertheless i reall trust

paula and another are able to do it.

15th may 2003rosario martins

planning programs on commemoration of the restoration independence day may 20, 2003


i.may 19, 2003speech of rdtl president.as filomena has conformed since may 14, 2003, the speech will be recorded in the morning of may 19. this speech will also be recorded by all medias in may 20, 2003.

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ii.programs for this event are following:05.30 : presenter alele.06.00 : news + tetum program – presenters – paula r + rosario martins. topic interview will be “general prespective for may 20” first invitation : paul martins pntl. tur matan ruak fdtl commemoration committee : olímpio branco. orientation by eurico/fausto.06.45 : alele returns to enter making program lovely.07.00 : news + portogues program-presenters-alberto alves+filomena soares. interview topic will be “donators support”. unmiset and donator countries invitations in the program : ambassadors of the portugal-china-brasil-spanyol. orientation received by joaquim and eurico araújo.07.45: alele returns to enter making live program. 08.00: news+indonesian lang prog-presenters-isabel cardoso+leo doutel. interview topic will be “how other peoples view on the commemoration”. invitations in the program : indonesian ambassador/minority group. one representatative of moslem group. orientation received by eurico araujo and fausto sousa.08.45: alele returns to enter presenting the animation program.09.00: presenters-aida soares+nelson filomeno. receives direct reports from reporters who deployed at a two commemoration locations regarding situation in this day. this commemoration is also done in the church. reports from districts. invites women representative, church (one nun one padre) to be interviewed. back-up with : vox pop, messages on this day. orientation received by eurico araújo/fausto sousa.9.45 making live transmission to government office where the central commemoration of 20 may 2003 takes place. direct report from government palace. paula / rosário martins.

10.00 direct transmission from government palace 15 minutes before the direct ransmission, participants will be invited to be interviewed. interview making oriented by joaquim who accompanies the group in the government palace.11.00/12.00 come back to rtl studio.11.00:reports from reporters who covering the commemoration in the hospital,prison and what’s going on at it midday in the street.12.00:three languages news (tetum-bahasa-portuguese).13.00:presenters-helder araujo-actual program from districts, vox pop.

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14.00:tetum-presenter-fuasto sousa. analize on the commemoration from (police-minority group of moslem) reports from districts.15.00:português-alberto alves-analize on the commemoration (minority group of protestant by clergywomen dona maria fatima), police, china ambbaisador. reports from districts on the situation of commemoration in the afternoon.16.00:indonésia-leo doutel/isabel cardoso. analizes on the commemoration by the representatives of filiphins and indonesian reports the actual situation from different palaces in dili and districts in the afternoon.17.00:direct transmission (flag set-down in the government palace. (presenter leo doutel) in the sutdio rosário martins.18.00:three languages news (tetum-portugues-bahasa).19.00:crianças unidas program (united childreen program). today’s special program.20.00:repete again president speech to the nation.21.00:programs close of the commeration may 20 / we will meet again on may 21 tomorrow, god bless all of us, good night.

note :we will decide together about what’s time the state speech of president will be broadcasted……….because president cabinet has just decided that it will be done on may 20 the day restoration of independence. to make sure the programs of 20 may particularly the vox pop interviews is running smmothly, will be oriented by fausto sousa, joaquim santos and eurico araújo, who are really expected to be ready at the special day.

news on this special day will be supported by filomena-alberto alves-alfredo fonseca-eurico araújo-fausto sousa and joaquim santos.

the problems of generators and telefhone lines to the studio are essentially to be anticipated before.

distribution tariffs for these reporters or journalits who broadcast the event is the competent assingment editorial of the joaquim santos.

there will be materials, when journalists open interview folder of the independence dayvox pop for the independence daymessages on the independence day

techniques will be responsible by it leaders; hélio gusãofelix dos santos

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eduardo iginhonelson flôr

transmitter techniques ;mário soareslamberto alves

driver : mário mendonça

may 14, 2003

filomena soares guterres rtl program

this to confirm that the archive of tuba rai metin, with record in the cd-rom 37, and guidence book no.5 were given international organization migration (iom) to radio timor leste.

this also confirm that its photo archive of resistance movement history were given in the record cd-room ii.

was given by was received by

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mathew abud mariano lopesproductor of tuba rai metin public transmission directordate 16/08/02 date 16/08/02

principal of agreementsubject : complated the project oral interviews archive of history of tuba rai metinintroduction : the following development project is funded by iom, usaid and japan government;

an archive recorded moreless 150 interviews with members of reistance movement for independence east timor, concerning private experience of those who contributed in the resistant from whole districts of timor leste, and also from different generation and sectors what had involved in the resistance. these interviews were recorded in the cd-rom. the book contained with different fact and topic from different peoples. eventually these

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efforts to help public to use its material.

parts : the agreement is signed by rtl and iomthe agreement is subjected to difine fungtions the both parties in the implemenation.

15. me luiz vieira, iom chief timor leste, staying in dili, declares to give the completed oral archive interviews of the history tuba rai metin in the cd-rooms, included a reference book to the rtl, on august 2002, to facilitate any utilization for public.

16. me, mariano lopes, staying ind dili timor leste, declares to agree receiving the archive tuba rai metin according to this agreement. rtl declares to conserv and secure also utilizing this archive based on the limitation of article in this agreement. after the signature of the agreement, iom has no rights to administer the archive tuba rai metin anymore.

17. this archive will adminster and utilized by rtl in the production program of the public broadcasting service due to the public.

18. the rtl decalares will utilize this archive based on the law which will enter into force in the rdtl constitution as the compotent institution, event will not violate nor aginst this law when broadcast to the public of the rdtl.

19. the rtl declares to secure and insure the archive tuba rai metin during using its material as given by iom to the rtl as institution for whatever publication even the rights of its author.

20. if there will be any case because of misinterpretation shall be solved by the both institution. if couldn’t be solved, the case will judged by any arbitary based on regulations of uncitral. if couldn’t be resolved, will be julged by at higher level of arbitary.

21. this agreement is entered in to force after the both institutions sign it even the iom agrees to give the archive to the rtl and the both sides respect and obey the agrdeement for indeterminate time.

this agreement signed in dili.

kestauns hakerek ba kandidatus administrador

1.saida mak itabot hanoin kona ba objetivu pbs nian

2.explika relasaun saida mak itabot hanoin tenki halo entre administrador no diretor manager.

3.hakerek lista regras ba diretor board atu konsidera kona ba utilizasaun makina fotokopia iha pbs nia servisu fatin.

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4.explika kona ba processu halibur statementu banku ho livru kaixa bot eh buku kas besar no faturs.

5.explika processu sujestaun ida nebe manager ida sei tuir mai itabot ho pedidu ida atu selu mini-disc sanulu uja osan hosi petty cash. explika nia kada pasu hosi pedidu, too saida mak sei akontesi ho fatur ne’e.

6.kria mapa organizasaun ida, ho deskripsaun kna’ar eh dever, ba departamentu administrasaun pbs nian.

7.elementus saida nebe tama iha relatoriu finansial ida ba fundu doador?

kestauns oral ba diretor manager

1.hateten ami kona ba itabot nia estuda nebe relasiona ho managementu.

2.hateten ami kona ba itabot nia experiensia kona ba managementu.

3.hateten ami tamba sa itabot hanoin katak itabot bele sai diretor manager pbs nian?

4.explika itabot nia modelu lideransa.

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5.explika oinsa itabot monta agenda ba enkontru managementu ida.

6.explika itabot nia hanoin kona ba pasu disiplinhariu nebe tenke aplika ba funsionarius pbs.

7.ministru ida foo tiha perguntas ida kona ba istoria ida nebe fosai ona, katak istoria ne’e la los. saida mak itabot halo?

a.tuir-mai: itabot hetan katak los duni istiria la los, saida mak itabot halo? explika asaun-asaun saida mak posivel.

8.explika itabot nia servisu actual iha portuguese.

9.explika serbvisu saida mak itabot hala’o tihaona molok 1999 ho english.

10.istorias hirak saida mak fosai tihaona iha notisias radio semana ne’e?

kestauns oral – ba administrador

1.hateten ami itabot nia estuda saida mak relasiona ba administrasaun.

2.hateten ami kona ba itabot nia esperiensia iha administrasaun.

3.itabot iha esperiensia atu kondukta ka dirije trainamentu?

4.funsionariu ida la mai tiha servisu semana rua, nomos la fohatene ba nia superior

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eh itabot. saida mak itabot atu halo?

a.tuir-mai: esplika itabot nia hare’e kona ba pasu disiplinhariu pbs nian nebe tenke regula nia funsionarius.

5.kondutor ida lori tiha kareta ba nia festa privadu ida no iha neba kareta rahun tiha. a.pasu saida mak ita bot atu halo hodi investiga saida mak akontesi tiha? b.regras saida mak nia viola tiha ho lori kareta ba festa ida?

6.explika oinsa itabot sei arranja agenda ida ba enkontru funsionarius departamentu administrasaun ida?

7.explika itabot nia servisu actual iha portuguese.

8.explika servisu nebe itabot hala’o tihaona molok 1999 ho ingles.

9.explika itabot nia modelu lideransa.

kestauns hakerek ba kandidatus dirtor manager

1.saida mak itabot hanoin kona ba objektivu pbs timor leste nia agora ne’e?

2.pbs inklui tvtl no rtl, kria mapa organizasaun ida ba pbs.

3.explika situasaun politika actual iha timor leste.

4.explika rekursus fundus oi-oin atu pbs bele hetan.

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5.explika ho badak, funsauns and responsabilidades director manager.

6.explika ho badak, saida mak lideransa?

7.explika lala’ok pbs nian iha dezenvolvimentu timor leste.

8.explika lala’ok diretor board pbs nian, no relasaun servisu ho diretor manager pbs nian.

admin name : luis gonasaga amaraldate : 17/05/2003

1.purppose of pbs, according to me to view carefully the services of radio and television that broadcasting a good information to the public based on the reality in domestic. also radio and television may educate and amuse people.

2.relationship between adminsitrator and diretor manager. they both shall have a good relationship in the work place. each one has responsibility but they shall coordinate one another. if there is any difficulty shall be discussing one another therefore the enviroment

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of work place is good and the work can smoothly run according what we want together.

3.board plocy to consider the utilization of copy machine in the pbs office ;1.when copy for any official document we shall give to an officer who dutied for it.2.don’t copy careless when the officer is not in the place.3.when the choppy machine broken down we ask the officer who then report his supervisor to repair it. 4.proccessing to collect the bank statement, the cash book and the receives.firstly sending a memo to the state cash (dept finance) to request fund that we need based on budget that we need. after get this fund we deposit in to the bank, we then write down this fund in the cash book. begins to write down ; date-month-year- and the amount received. when we want to withdrawl it.

yours truly: fuasto de sousa rtl drector

from : romão paulo ximenes rtl journalist

date : monday 19 may 2003

cc : 1.joaquim santos 2.senhor greg kintz 3.paula rodrigues 4.filomena soares

subject : holiday requirement

i would like to take 1 week holiday from may 21, 2003 to may

2003, with purposing to treat my sickness. location of holiday is

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baucau district. while i am at holiday my task will be done by the

responsible of thetetum section, programe chief and radio


i am tahnking a lots for your attention

tvtlbetween voice of government and public

so many peoples think that tvtl is a transmitter of government voice because tvtl was under untaet last years, told antonio dias, tvtl undevinitive coordinator. the public more justifies it because until now there is no any commercial advertising as always broadcasted by a commercial tv, told him. i ‘ll not answer this question wheteher thru or not, anyway tvtl that is broadcast covering dili city has already contributed a lots for this country in this one year service, said him. as it mission tvtl has done that the best tvtl could do by its current condition and limitation, in broadcasting or transmitting informations to the public, in the participation of democracy building of the rdtl,said him. during this one year service we have also done our mandate based on regulation on the electronic media to participate the construction of the rdtl,said him. during this year we have faced and experienced some difficulties which no yet solved, that why the services of tvtl is still far from the public hopes both quantity and quality, for instance ; the lack of human resources and equiptments,told him. tony dias thinks these problems are not only for the tvtl but also for the public (tv watchers).

responding tvtl is belong to government, tony says tvtl is an independence public media that can not be intervened by government. tvtl prioritizes three targets are following; transmitting informations, educates people and amushing people, said tony. since tvtl handed over from untaet to rdtl government in may 30, 2002, tvtl has no any definitive coordinator nor director who really needed by tvtl to form its institution,told him. at the moment tvtl is not yet able to cover districts, meanwhile rdtl constitution recommends

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that all citizens have rights to receive informations from the government, told him. this also means the rdtl guranties all citizens to get complately informations, added him. until now tvtl employes 24 employees. ( 6 reporters, 4 produsers, 3 master control rooms, 2 call back technicians and 5 studio back-ups, said him.

author (interviewed by saturnino).

diretu autodeterminasaun : rights of self-determinationadjunto (vice)

hau l f monu ba niahau n tebes ba niania sei v ka lae? lalikan moe lalikan duvida mau nia domin ba n sei la muda. maun la preciza n sei v ka lae, so maun preciza deit atu n bele satisfeta m.karik nia sei v hau sei la husu nia atu satisfeta haukarik nia la v ona hau sei bele husu atu satisfeta hauhau la hare’e katak nia muda tiha kerdijer nia kontenti liu depois hatene tiha katak ha n,lfm ba nia.

ultima horas (people is not allowed to a ceremony because time of execution)instrusaun (instruction)formatura (konvidadus hatuur hamriik tuir formatura)

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste


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ba: funsionarius pbs tomak (rtl-tvtl) hosi: greg kintz, advaisor pbsloron: 22 maiu 2003assuntu: processu selesaun direitor manager ho administrador

hau hakarak fohatene kona ba progressu processu selesaun direitor manager ho administrador ninia rezultadio oinsa ona.

posisaun direitor managercomissao selesaun apresenta tiha lista badak ida hosi kandiatus nain haat ba posisaun direitor manager nebe sira liu tiha ejame hakerek no intrevista nebe halo tiha iha loron sabadu kotuk. kandidatus nain tolu tuir ejame escrita, maybe antes de entrevista kandidatus nain rua dada-an tiha basa sira ladun kontenti ho posisaun ne’e. ikus mai so hela deit kandidatu ida.

comissao selesaun senti katak la bele ona atu rekomenda lista badak ida ba board so atu hili deit kandidatu nain ida ne’e hosi sira. tan ne’e sira rekomenda katak, board loke fali anuncio foun ba fo’o oportunidade ba ema barak atu aplika ba posisaun ida ne’e.

tuir rezultado inkontru board nian nebe halo horiseik, desidi tiha katak, atu avisa eh anunsia fali hodi buka ema ba posisaun ne’e. sira sei anunsia avisu ida ne’e durante fulan ida nia laran, hafoin tiha ne’e sei preciza fulan ida atu halo ninia processu selesaun, hafoin tiha ne’e sei fo’o fulan ida ba kandidatu nebemak selesionadu tiha, atu bele husik sira nia servisu, hodi komesa servisu ho pbs – ne’eduni sei lori tempu fulan tolu.

tuirmai board mos desidi tiha katak, pbs labele tan ona atu kontinua servisu sem diretor manager ida nebe asisti pbs ninia aktividades loro-loron. ne’eduni sira nomeia tiha presidenti board virgilio guterres nudar direitor manager temporariu durante fulan tolu nia laran. oficialmente virgilio sei hahu servisu ne’e iha loron 1 fulan junhu oin ne’e, maybe nia sei sai ba estrangeiro atu nune’e marka presensa iha konferensia ida, nebe sei hahu iha semana uluk fulan junhu oin mai ne’e iha grecia. (ida ne’e la hanesan bain-bain iha paises barak, nebe inkuantu ema ida nudar presidenti board nomos nudar chefe exekutivu hosi organizasaun ida.)

posisaun administradorcomissao selesaun kria tiha lista badak ida hosi kandidatus nain neen ba posisaun admistrador, nebe sira tuir tihaona ejame hakerek ho intrevista iha loron sabadu kotuk ne’e. hafoin halo tiha intrevista , comissao selesaun rekomenda ona kandidatus nain tolu iha lista badak ida, ba diretors board. board sei intrevista sira iha semana ne’e nia laran. hafoin board sei halo inkontru ida hodi desidi konaba se’e mak sai administrador, iha loron kuarta oin ne’e.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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ba: jounalistas rtl no tvtl

hosi: greg kintz, advaisor pbs

loron: 22 maiu 2003

assuntu: participasaun população

hau le’e tihaona testu discurso presidenti xanana gusmao loron 20 maio 2003 nebe deklara statementu ida nebe que importante liu ba ita. discurso ne’e deklara ho resumo no klaru atu oinsa radio ho tv kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu timor leste, no halonusa mak itabotsira nudar journalistas, bele fasilita harii demokrasia. discurso presidenti ne’e mak tuir mai ;

“povu tenki participa rasik ba solução problemas iha aldeia no suco nia laran. iha suco ida nia laran, população tomak tenki hatene aldeias sira seluk nia problemas, nia dificuldades oin nusá, hodi fo hanoin ba malu, hodi tulun malu. iha subdistritu ida nia laran, população mos tenki hatene suco hotu-hotu nia problema oinsa, hodi mos fo hanoin ba malu, no tulun malu. iha distritu ida nia laran, população subdistritu hotu-hotu tenki participa hodi hatene distrito tomak nia problemas, nia dificuldades oin nusá, hodi fo hanoin ba malu, no tulun malu.”

“população iha distrito hotu-hotu iha direito atu rona informação, atu hetene sá ida mak hala’o ona iha distrito ida seluk nia laran, hodi bele comprende lolós katak timor lorosa’e iha distrito sanulu resin tolu, subdistrito nennulu resin lima, sucos deit liu atus hitu.”

“buat sira né hotu mak halo parte ba harí ita nia estado. ai-rin hat ita nia estado, órgãos soberania hat nebé ita hotu hatene ona, sira deit la to’o. estado mak ita hotu e importante tebe-tebes katak povo tenki participa daudauk, povu rasik mos mak tenki buka solução ba nia problemas balun, hodi sinti katak, nudar ema ida-idak ka nudar comunidade, timor-oan halo parte maká’as iha desenvolvimento ita nia rain nian.”

xanana gusmao, 20 de maio de 2003.

itabotsira nia responsabilidade liu-liu mak atu fasilita partisipasaun nebe presidenti husu liu hosi nia discurso. presidenti hateten katak, “população iha distrito hotu-hotu iha direto atu rona informação, atu hatene sáida mak hala’o ona iha distrito ida seluk nia laran.” radio hamutuk ho tv transmita informação ba sira ne’e. itabotsira tenki haksolok basa itabotsira ninia servisu mak atu atinji eh alkansa saida mak presidenti deklara liu hosi nia discurso. liu hosi ne’e itabotsira tenki senti iha motivasaun ida (korajen-a vontade) atu kontinua servisu maka’as nafatin ba povu timor leste, ba itabot sira nia familia nomos ba itabot sira nia an-rasik. liu hosi esforsu maka’as atu tenta hala’o servisu ida que diak liu tan ohin, nomos saida mak itabot sira hala’o tihaona horiseik, sei kontinua nafatin hodi hadia dezemvolvimentu rain ne’e.

lunch for rtl staff on live transmission of second public audience may 24,2003.

1.isabel cardoso

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2.leo doutel

3.nelson filomeno

4.aida soares

5.eurico araújo

6.fausto sousa

7.david hugo

8.rosa alves

9.filomeno carvalho

10.toby ribeiro

11.hélio gusmão

12.felix dos santos

13..eduardo iginho

14.nelson flôr

15.mario soares

16.lamberto alves

17.domingos oliveira

18.joaquim santos

19.filomena s.guterres

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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to: filomena soares

from: greg kintz; pbs advaisor

cc: fausto de sousa virgilio guterres

data: 28 de maio de 2003

assunto: anuncío

hau la bele kolekta kuantidades osan pagamento ba anuncíos iha rtl. hau la iha tempo atu hakerek nia faturas, enter ninia transacção iha kaderno kaixa bot ou buku kas besar, etc. hau iha né la’os atu hala’o hotu ida né, nebe gasta liu hau nia tempo. hau so bele halo deit ida né ba ong sira, nebe iha programas mayoria, hanesan agencia onu etc.

halo favor halo sistema ida ihanebe itabot sira bele hala’o servisu né, ou bele husu julio hodi halo ida né, kolekta osan, rai osan to’o hamutuk mais ou menos $100, hafoin intrega ba hau, hodi halo deposito.

virgilio guterres appointed as acting managing director of the pbspbs board appoints president board of pbs virgilio guterres as pbs acting managing director for three months management, begins this first june until frist august of 2003 because the pbs has not got someone to fill this position since two last months. based on the deceison of the five members

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of the pbs board (virgilio guterres government rep, antonia carmen da cruz parliament rep, anito matos president rep, joaquim santos rtl rep and nelio isaac tvtl rep, in a last meeting.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 09/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : mr.greg kintz ; adviser of pbs

from : lamberto soares alves

subject : report on fuel supply for kutulau

radio timor leste has received 400 ltrs. fuel from alberto carvalho dos santos on february 3 ; 200 ltrs, was dropped to kutulau in the same day.

rest 200 ltrs was dropped to kutulau on may 5, 2003.

average daily used 8 ltrs. transmitter operated everyday during this period started from 05:00 am to 22 .

for the time sheet please attach check list in the next page!!!

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 09/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : mr.greg kintz ; adviser of pbs

from : joaquim santos; rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

rtl reporter rosario martins will travel to maliana on june 10 to 11 2003, on the job to cover the activity of pkf and border police. please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam based on regulation.

thank you, for your kind cooperation.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 09/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : mr.greg kintz ; adviser of pbs

from : joaquim santos

subject : perdiam request

rtl transmitter technician lamberto soares alves and mario mendonsa traveled to kutulau liquica on june 6 2003, on the job to check transmitter and salary payment for kutulau security. please facilitate them with perdiam without overnight based on regulation.

thank you, for your kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 10/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : mr.greg kintz ; adviser of pbs

from : joaquim santos

subject : perdiam request

rtl transmitter technician lamberto soares alves and driver mario mendonsa will

travel to manatuto, baucau and viqueque form june 11 to 13, 2003 , on the job to check

kva and fuel payments.

please facilitates them with two overnights perdiam based on regulation.

thank you, for your kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 10/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : mr.greg kintz ; adviser of pbs

from : joaquim santos

subject : perdiam request

filomeno de brito from radio will travel to sub-district natarbora on tuesday to wednesday/ june 10-11/03 on the job to cover the distribution of agriculture and tools by halarae fondation for two days.

requested per-diem to facilitate his journey.

1.filommeno de brito

thanks for the cooperation

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 16/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; pbs president

from : joaquim santos

subject : perdiam request

rtl studio/recording technician eduardo higino will travel to lautem district on monday june 16 to 18 june 2003 on the job to cover an internews training. please facilitate him with two overnights.

1.eduardo higino

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 19/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl deputy director joaquim santos and technician mario soares will travel to baucau district and viqueque district on thursday, june 19 2003, on the job to recrute technicians for bauacau and to repair viqueque’s transmitter. please facilitate us with one day perdiam without overnight.

1.joaquim santos2.mario soares

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 20/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rttl technicians mario soares, josefino babo and journalist paulino qintas will travel to batugade maliana district on friday, june 20 2003, on the job to negosiate the rttl equiptment/transmitter. please facilitate them with one day perdiam without overnight.

1.mario soares2.josefino babo ximenes3.paulino qintas

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 23/06/03

Page 64: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rttl technicians mario soares will travel to manatuto and baucau on monday june 23 2003, on the job to repair transmitters there. please facilitate him with one day perdiam without overnight.

1.mario soares

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 23/06/03

Page 65: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist filomeno de brito carvalho traveled to suai covalima on june 18,19,20,21, 2003, on the job to cover natural disaster (river flood and terrain erosion in suai covalima district. please facilitate him with three opvernights perdiam.

1.filomeno de brito carvalho

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 25/06/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl technicians mario soares and lamberto alves traveled to kutulau liquisa district on june 25, 2003, on the job to repair, deliver and filling fuel in to the generator. please facilitate them with one day perdiam without overnight.

1.mario soraes2.lambero alves

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

k e p a d a yth;

shr. jose luis de oliveira

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direktur eksekutif perkumpulan hak

di -

t e m p a t

bersama ini disampaikan dengan hormat berkas lamaran kerja dari para kandidat untuk posisi direktur administrasi dan direktur jenderal pada radio dan televisi timor leste.

demikian disampaikan atas perhatian dan kerja sama yang baik diucapkan terima kasih.

dili, 03 juli 2003

virgilio guterres

acting direktur manajer

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 01/07/03

Page 68: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist leo doutel traveled to suai district on july 01 to 03, 2003, on the job to cover the visitation of the president xanana in maliana district. please facilitate him with two overnight perdiams.

2.leo doutel

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 01/07/03

Page 69: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl technician mario soares will travel to maliana district on july 01 to 02, 2003, on the job to repair maliana transmitter. please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam.

2.mario soares

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 01/07/03

Page 70: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl computertechnician felix dos santos will travel to maliana district on july 01 to 02, 2003, on the job to repair maliana reporte’s computer. please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam.

2.felix dos santos

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 03/07/03

Page 71: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist filomeno de brito carvalho will travel to manufahi district on july 04 to 05, 2003, on the job to cover activity of the state secreatry for labour and solidarity in manufahi. please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam.

2.filomeno de brito carvalho

thank you, for kind cooperation.

note: joaquim santos wasn’t in the ofice

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 03/07/03

Page 72: G KINTZ W 4

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : joaquim santos : the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl technician mario soares will travel to suai district on july 04 to 08, 2003, on the job to repair the suai radio transmitter. please facilitate him with three overnight perdiams.

2.mario soares

thank you, for kind cooperation.

note : joaqim santos wasn’t in the office in this date.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 07/07/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

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cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : rosario martins ; the rtl chief program

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist filomeno de brito carvalho will travel to atauro island on july 08 to 09, 2003, on the job to cover an inaguration of water project of the ngo bia hula. please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam.

2.filomeno de brito carvalho

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 08/07/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

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cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : rosario martins ; the rtl chief program

subject : perdiam request

the rtl technician lamberto soares alves and mario mendonça traveled to kutulau liquica district on july 08 2003, on the job to transport oil and lubricant from dili to kutulau liquica and to transport back the antenna parabola from kutulau liquica to dili. please facilitate them with one day perdiam without overnight.

1.lamberto soraes alves2.mario mendonÇa

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 09/07/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

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cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : jaoquim santos ; the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist manuel doutel traveled to baucau district from july 09 2003 to july 10 2003, on the job to cover visitation of the rdtl president at the fatumaka technical school in fatumaka, baucau . please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam.

1.manuel doutel.

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

date, 14/07/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

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cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : jaoquim santos ; the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist florival ribeiro traveled toaidabaleten atabae, bobonaro district on july 11, 2003 and returned dili in the same day, on the job to cover the ceremony given medal from the unmiset to un forcethailand/thaibat. please facilitate him with one day perdiam without overnight.

1.florival ribeiro.

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

to : mr. basilio m.x. teixeira ; director of line transport

from : virgílio da silva guterres ; president director of the radiotelevisão timor leste/rttl

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number : /rttl-vii/2003

date : 15th july 2003

subject : motorbike driving licence

the rttl admin assistance wili brodus belle mali is going to treat motorbike driving licence in purposing to operate duty of the rttl administration department. because of our institution imidiately needs this licence, please could you process it as soos as possible based on regulation.

thank you, for the mutual cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

to : mr. basilio m.x. teixeira ; director of line transport

from : virgílio da silva guterres ; president director of the

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radiotelevisão timor leste/rttl

number : /rttl-vii/2003

date : 15th july 2003

subject : motorbike driving licence

the rttl admin assistance wili brodus belle mali is going to treat motorbike driving licence in purposing to operate duty of the rttl administration department. because of our institution imidiately needs this licence, please could you process it as soos as possible based on regulation.

thank you, for the mutual cooperation.

endereço:rua de caicoli, dili, timor-leste: caixa postal:______

telefone: +(670)(390) 321 827-25-26: telemóvel: +(670) 723 6058 (gill silva)

e-mail: [email protected] ou [email protected]

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

Page 79: G KINTZ W 4

ba : dr. henrique de oliveira ximenes ; director da centro registo civil e notariado

hosi : virgílio da silva guterres ; director interino do serviço público radiodifusão de timor leste/sprtl

numero : 12 /rttl-vii/2003

data : 16 de julho de 2003

assunto : rekomendasaun ba requerimento de concessão de passaporte comum ba sr. wili brodus bele mali, assistente de adminitração da sprtl

ho respeito,

ami deklara katak ami nia funsionário wili brodus bele mali, mak hanesan ami nia assistente ida hosi departamento de administração da sprtl, nebe hetan tiaona liçensa hosi director interino do sprtl durante semana ida, hodi halo visitação ba indonezia. nia sei arranka dia 1 de agosto de 2003 no sei fila hikas timor leste dia 7 de agosto de 2003, ho objectivu visita nia familia nebe mak seidauk fila fali tapo leten, maliana, timor leste, iha campo refujiado haliween, atambua, indonezia, homos hodi haklaken diretamente situasaun atualmente kona ba timor leste, atu nune’e sira bele fila fali dadauk ona timor leste. ne’eduni ami husu senhor director atu bele fasilita nia viagen ho passaporte comum, baseia ba regulamento.

ba senhor director nia atensaun, ajudu no cooperação diak, ami hato’o obrigado barak.

endereço:rua de caicoli, dili, timor-leste: caixa postal:______

telefone: +(670)(390) 321 827-25-26: telemóvel: +(670) 723 6058 (gill silva)

e-mail: [email protected] ou [email protected]

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 16/07/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : jaoquim santos ; the rtl deputy director

subject : perdiam request

the rtl technicians mario soares and lamberto s. alves traveled to viqueque district on july 16, 2003 and will return dili on july 17,2003 on the job to repair viqueque transmitter and controlling fuel. please facilitate them with one overnight perdiam.

1.mario soares2.lamberto soares alves

thank you, for kind cooperation.

from : mario soares technicanto : sr.virgilio guterres, acting directorcc : sr.greg kintz, pbs advisor and sr.tony dias,tvtl director

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subject: report was by telephone on a broken down the suai and oecuse radios

we have received report by phone that suai radio has not been operated for four days nor oecusse for 5 days. as has been planed technicians are going to suai on july 24 to 25, and after that the trip will be continued to oecuse. thank you.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 23/07/03

to : sr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : sr.virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

mr.greg kintz; the pbs advisor

from : paula rodrigues ; the rtl directress

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist romao paulo will travel to oecuse district on july 28, 2003 and will return dili on august 02, 2003 on the job to cover program of the governação aberta/open governance program. please facilitate him with five overnights perdiam.

1.romao paulo

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiodifusÃode timor leste

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date, 31/07/03

to : sr.virgilio guterres, pbs acting director

cc : 1.mr.greg kintz, pbs advisor

2.paula rodrigues, rtl directress

from : higinio

subject : annual leave

the rtl journalists can’t launch their jobs in news writing or typing because the rtl

current computers have been without mouses since, therefore we urgently need to

purchase a six mouses in this wee.

thank you for kind cooperation and attention.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

data, 31/07/03

exma :paula rodrigues : diretora radio timor leste

hosi :willy belle mali : administração radio-televisão timor leste

assunto :husu lista naran no titulo funsionario tomak rtl atualmente.

seksaun administrasaun presiza urgente assunto ne’e hodi halo time sheet rtl ts nian ba fulan julhu ne’e basá lista nebe mak ami utiliza durante até fulan junhu kotuk la dun los tiaona ho situasaun atualmente rtl nian, nebe iha funsionarios hirak mak resigna ona husi rtl, ou dalaruma iha ona mudansa titulu ou posizaun ruma iha rtl. sebelekarik, lista ida ne’e ami sei bele simu ona iha lorokraik ne’e, atu nune’e ami bele halo rtl ts, nebe sei intrega ba itabot aban dadersaan, hodi maluk sira bele prense no asina.

ba kooperasaun diak, ami hato’o obrigada.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste


Page 85: G KINTZ W 4

rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

to: virgilio guterres;pbs directorcc:greg kintz;pbs advisorcc:paula rodrigues;rtl directorcc:mario soares;tus responsiblefrm:lamberto soares alvessubject:report for fuel spent at kutulau transmitter

on may 14 2003, we received 660 fuel litres for three months using with following;june 4, we dropped 220 litres to kutulau transmitter.july 6, we dropped 200 litres to kutulau transmitteraugust 6, we dropped 200 litres to kutulau transmitter

we request new fuel for three months using because we have no more fuel now. thank you.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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to: virgilio guterres;pbs directorcc:greg kintz;pbs advisorfrom :rodrigues;rtl directordate : 11th august 2003subject: lack of fuel

based on maliana district reporter report on august 11,2003 that, the pkf who has facilitated a four tanks fuel to rtl transmitter bobonaro since july last month decreased two tanks or 420 litres because of the u n financial condition, therefore since the time fuel using per day is only 13 litres. also bobonaro community can’t listen rtl morning news because etta security whom tasked and should have swithched on the generator at each 6 o’clock morning, does it at the time work begin. we think this issue need be resolved quickly. thank you.

to: virgilio guterres;pbs director

from :antonio dias; tvtl

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date : 13th august 2003

subject: perdiam

tvtl will send two journalists jasinto fernandes and julio lopes to cover digging skeleton of the falintil force who had died during the east timor national resistance movement, on august 15 to 20, 2003. please could you facilitate them with 5 overnights. thank you.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste


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rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 15/08/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : paula rodrigues ; the rtldirectress

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist romao paulo traveled to baucau district on august 21 2003, and will return on august 22 2003, on the job to cover program of the open government. please facilitate him with one overnight perdiam.

1.romao paulo.

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste


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rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 15/08/03

to : mr. mariano lopes da cruz ; the inspector general

cc : virgilio guterres ; the pbs acting executive director

from : paula rodrigues ; the rtldirectress

subject : perdiam request

the rtl journalist romao paulo traveled to baucau district on august 24 2003, and will return on august 30 2003, on the job to cover the minister counsel activity. please facilitate him with six (6) overnight perdiam.

1.romao paulo.

thank you, for kind cooperation.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 18/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject : perdiam request

due to product package of 28th aniversary of the falintil on august 28 2003 to august 28 2003, in viqueque district, tvtl will send a team who consist of ;

1.nelio isaac,reporter2.paulino kintas,reporter3.antonio dias, produser4.josefino ximenes babo, technical director5.mario soares,technical assistance6.casimiro da crus, technical assistance

to support them, please could you facilitate them with one overnight perdiam.

thank you for kind assistance.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 21/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject :-

following a minute of management meeting which has been done since two last week, we would like to sugest you;

1.priority on new staff recrutment due to launch all activity of production, new staff are needed to be recruited to fill the following position ; three journalists ; 1 to replace domingas de araujo who left tvtl, 2 for produser, 2 for studio designer and lighting, 2 for cameramen, 1 for audio designer, 1 for translator, 2 for mcr.

2.sim card allocation for special staffas we have alreday informed you that, staff who have rights to receive it are following paulino kintas, senior reporterjosefino ximenes babo, technical directorestanislao babo, program director

3.motorbike allocation1 motorbike unit is needed for mcr staff to support him in carring out his job disciplinely.

advanced handphone paymentfollowing staff who has alreday stated above who has no handphone yet, we request you therefore he may be borrowed money to buy it and his salary will be deducted monthly, the staff is ;josefino ximenes babo

thank you for kind attention.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 18/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject : perdiam request

tvtl reporters aderito do nascimento and jose a.m.d will travel to suai kovalima district on august 20 2003 and will return dili on august 23 2003, on the job to cover visiting of the rdtl president xanana gusmao to suai kovalima district.

to support them, please could you facilitate them with three overnights perdiam.

22. aderito do nascimento23. jose a.m.d,

thank you for kind assistance.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 22/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject : perdiam request

tvtl reporter pascoela do santos and journalist paulino da costa will travel to baucau district on august 24 2003 and will return dili on august 31 2003, on the job to cover activity of the open governance.

to support them, please could you facilitate them with six overnights perdiams.

24. pascoela do santos25. paulino da costa

thank you for kind assistance.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 22/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject : requesting video tape/tape mini dv

due to cover the activity of the open governance which would be covered by reporter pascoela do santos and journalist paulino da costa on 24 2003 to 31 2003 in bauacau, they need a 7 tape mini dv.

thank you for kind assistance.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 25/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject : requesting to repair tata no.00 932 g

this tata is currently used by tvtl daily and now can not be operated because of its brake where needs to change immediately to support tvtl operational day to day.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 25/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : paula rodrigues, rtl directress

subject : requesting to repair tata no.00 998 g

this tata is currently used by rtl daily and now can not be operated because of its starter key is not function, nor its broken mirrors at ; front, back, left side, right side, need to be repaired, to support rtl operation day to day savely.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 25/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : paula rodrigues, rtl directress

subject : perdiam payment requesting to rtl reporters who haven’t paid.

we inform you that the following reporters who already covered in districts and sub districts haven’t been paid since, meanwhile we already submitted its memos to the pbs admin ;

1.leo doutel covered visiting of the rdtl president xg in fatumaca baucau district2.leo doutel covered visiting of the rdtl president xg in maliana bobonaro district3.filomeno de brito carvalho covered in manufahi same district 4.filomeno de brito carvalho covered in atauro sub district5.altino freitas covered covered in suai covalima district6.david hugo covered visiting of the rdtl president xg in suai covalima district

thank you for attention.

budget workshop august 28, 2003points of yesterday budget/procurement meeting minutes in briefly.

budget1.budget spending reports is reported once in after each three months2.budget/money revision/transfer is done once in each year, and for this current year will

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will be done on september 103.virement is if we want to do a program but there’s no money at the program post, we can use our another program post which has money available by propose to budget office, budget office then recomend to trejury office4.all worker contract shall be known by budget office 5.when amount money given is not egual which written in the cpv, we can clime by showing the copy of the cpv and its other document

procurement1.all agents will be given a new procurment regulation which is being drafted now ex : procurement desentralisation administration will be given to each agent to do their own procurement by given budget maximally 10,000 usd2. new requistion for this current year shall be requested after the 15 setember 2003 and and then each 15 date each of month coming3.each time submit any materials/equitment requestion, shall be explained completely its character, kind and so on. any uncompleted data requestion will be rejected/cpv will be sent back to the each agent.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 29/08/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias, tvtl director

subject : perdiam request

tvtl will send nelio isaac and paulino kintas on 30 august 2003 to maliana and will return dili on 31 august 2003 to cover visiting of the rdtl president in maliana.

please could you facilitate them with 1 overnight perdiam.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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date, 29/08/03

ohin dia 29 de agosto de 2003, pbs timor leste intrega tiaona 1 unit motorizada honda win ho

numero idntidade (maquina):-----------------------

ba rtl nebe sei uza hosi sr.eurico de araujo hodi hala’o aktividade loron-loron.

julio correia, pbs acting admin assistance:

paula rodrigues, rtl directress :

eurico de araujo :

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

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criteria to propose in getting the free import tax for ngo is enclousing :

-the ngo tax number identification (tin)(if ngo has no the tin, shall fill the following encloused tin form, and then submit to the revenue office.after the revenue office give the tin number, ngo shall submit) :

-proposal memo is addressed to deputy commisary of the etrs (east timor revenue service)

-the based and operatinal budget of the ngo

-the financial report of the ngo for years 2000/2001/2002/2003

-the activity/operation report of the ngo and its documentation for insatance brocures,stickers and photos

-list of the ngo local and international staff during the period of the 2001 and 2002 and their income tax

-clearly information regarding ; name of person who should be contacted, his address, his mobile number, his email, does your ngo rent a home and pays the withoulding tax

-proposing the project report of the 2002/2003 according to materials which imported by your ngo

-recommendation from the concerned institution on kind of material which imported, for instance agriculture project is recommended by agriculture minister, either education or health.

-the invoice copy from the border control

contact person of the etrs is martinho faria, ngo section mobile ; 7238143

subject : preparation report on melodrama radio

the rtl,radiotimorkmanek, and falintil radio are going to product a melodrama radio jointly. the melodrama radio consist of 12 episodes and being producted now. unicef wants this package launching on setember 10, 2003 time 10.00 am in the rtl/tvtl auditorium. we report you that we

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are going to establise a group to prepare the place of the melodrama radio,chairs ect. budget for snack and decoration of the event, will be proppsed to unicef following meeting resulted which we have done. thank you.

date 07 august 2003from lamberto soares alves

subject: report on oil spending at caicoli genset,aimutin genset,biterlau genset, kutulau genset, viqueque gnset and baucau genset

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on may 16, 2003 i received 24 litres oil from sra celste and alberto de carvalho are following (sees at list : hari=day, tanggal=date, lokasi=location, jumlah=quantity)

now its rest is 4 litres, we request new oil for three months next. thank you

date 03 september 2003

subject : request spare parts and reimbursment for irronadale motorbikes donated repairment

motorbike is very important in supporting reporter doing job.we report you that the irrondale donated motorbike

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numbered 3416 driven by reporter paulino ximenes who because of sickness being driven by reporter david hugo some of its spareparts need tobe replaced to refunction it namely;

1.cdi2.spull3.lamps (front back, signal lamp) 4.batteray our technician mario soares will be able to repair this motorbike, if these materials available.

other irrondale donated motorbike numbered 3629 driven by chief studio technician helio gusmao who has already spent his own money was amount $145.50 to repair this motor, we ask you be reimbursed. its receive bill was given to pbs admin julio. its more receive bill will be given by aitaraklaran repairshop that has repaired this motor, after this payment.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 29/08/03

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to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : paula rodrigues; rtl directress

subject : perdiam request

rtl will send filomeno brito on 08 september 2003 to ainaro and will return dili on 12 august 2003 to cover program of the open governance.

please could you facilitate him with 4 overnights perdiam.

thank you for kind attention.

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serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 09/09/03

lista equipamento irrondale nebe sei iha iha sala de secção administração, regista loron 08 09 2003

naran sasan hamutuk

rack plastic 5 stabilo artline 11 kaixauhu stick/goma 5dvc/video cassette/tape 5 kaixacd-rw rewritable 1 kaixaenvelope bot 4 kaixaenvelope kiik 4 kaixaink printer calidad 1 kaixaink tank bc-3ec 11tijora/kateri -discette/verbatim 1 kiaxacopy paper 2 kaixa

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gabinete file (hen) 1 kaixafatin discettee 1cd rw re writable 1 kaixalabel format guida 1 packprinter canon 1key board 1tip ex + fluit 1 kaixawalkmen cable 1 kaixafirst aid 1 kaixaa-4 failing map (hen ni) 1 kaixa

lista equipamento etpa nebe sei iha iha secção administração regista loron 08 09 2003

naran sasan hamutukexp copy paper 21 kaixafoldback clips 51mm no.51(clib bot) 4 kaixaacco fasterners no.70850(habit map file 1 kiaxadiscette verbatim 4 kaixadiario exp(kaderno) 13 packsdiscettes/ds/hd exp 5.5 1 kaixafujitsu alkaline baterai 1 kaixafile gabinete (hen) 2 kaixagodtron gx-1 60mins for record8887110 110605 6 kaixatoner cartridge c4092a 13key board comp 1copy paper a3 1 kaixakey dor 1

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serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 08/09/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias;tvtl director

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subject : perdiam request

tvtl will send reporter napoleao da silva and cameramen jose a.m.d on 09 september 2003 to ainaro and will return dili on 12 august 2003 to cover program of the open governance.

please could you facilitate them with 3 overnights perdiam.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 11/09/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

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from : paula rodrigues, rtl directress

subject : perdiam request

rtl will send tecnician lamberto soares alves on 12 september 2003 to manatuto district, baucau district and viqueque district will return dili on 12 august 2003 to collect electricity and fuel received bills and transmitter spent fuel report.

please could you facilitate them with 1 day perdiam without overnight.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 12/09/03

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to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : paula rodrigues; rtl directress

subject : perdiam request

rtl will send leo doutel on 12 september 2003 to atauro island and will return dili on 12 september 2003 to cover visiting of the rdtl president.

please could you facilitate him with 1 day perdiam without overnight.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

date, 12/09/03

Page 112: G KINTZ W 4

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : paula rodrigues; rtl directress

subject : perdiam request

rtl will send leo doutel on 15 september 2003 to aileu district and same district and will return dili on 17 september 2003 to cover visiting of the rdtl president.

please could you facilitate him with two overnights perdiam.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor leste

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

Page 113: G KINTZ W 4

date, 12/09/03

to : virgilio guterres, pbs acting managing director

cc : greg kintz, pbs advisor

from : antonio dias ; tvtl director

subject : perdiam request

tvtl will send paulino kintas and josefino babo on 15 september 2003 to turiscai ainaro district district and will return dili on 17 september 2003 to cover visiting of the rdtl president.

please could you facilitate them with two overnights perdiam.

thank you for kind attention.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor lested

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

data, 12/09/03

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bodik ba : naran bolu naran familia

hosi : greg kintz, advisor

data : 12 september 2003

asunto : ita nia numero conta e-mail

manajemento rttl monta tiaona email ida ba journalista, manajemento, administração no teknico. detailho numero conta e-mail mak tuirmai;

e-mail address: <<email>>@rttl.org

password: <<pass>>

atu bele funsiona ita nia email, ita tenke uza computer ida nebe ligado hela ho internet. hafoin, ita tenke ba iha website tuirmai;

www.rttl.org hafoin, klik iha linha staff webmail

hafoin, baku ita nia direção e-mail ho naran field : ita nia passaword ho naran: field.

ita la presiza atu hakerek ita nia passaword, diak liu ita lembra hela deit. nomos la bele fó ba emaseluk. password ne’e la’os liafuan bainbain, maibe bele ajuda hodi halo arkivo.

ami monta ita nia conta e-mail ne’e ho objetivu atu uza ba servico rttl nian. ita libre uza ba e-mail pesoas, maibe ita tenke le’e no hata’an hotu e-mail pesoas, bainhira ita nia servico hotu tia.

ami sei halo sorumutuk especial ida konaba oinsa uza conta e-mail foun ne’e. ami sei oferese treinamento dala hirak, no ita tenke arranja hodi bele tuir sesaun treinamento ida, hosi orario treinamento hirak ne’e.

serviÇo pÚblico radiotelevisÃode timor lested

321825/321826/321827/7231157/7232467rua de caicoli, dili r d t l

11 de setémbro de 2003

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fernando josé medeiros gaspardirector técnicotimor telecomdili, timor leste

ho respeito sr.fernando:

ami hato’o obrigado ba ita nia pedido atu uza sala ida iha ami nia edifisio tranasmiter viqueque. ita bele uza sala ida iha ne’eba ho marka “a” iha nia diagram. no sé presiza karik, ita mos bele uza sala ho marka “b”. maibe ami husu ita atu fóhatene ami nia director tecnico mario soares, wainhira ita atu halo instalação iha ne’eba, atu nune’e ami bele acompanha no hatudu ita oinsa rai ita nia ekipamento, atu la bele estraga fali ami nia ekipamento.


greg kintzadvaisor pbs

haruka mos ba : fernando da cruz ; director geral comunicação, ministro transporte e telecomunicação, virgilio guterres ; director manager pbs, mario soares ; tecnico transmiter pbs.