,g 4 '7>' 2 - umasscourses.umass.edu/econ103h/s12_103h_l17pp.pdf112 total revenue and total cost...

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Post on 28-Jan-2021




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  • O"'1"'5"1,29'P$"M5',)1'L"%%'

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    • R"I'G(C'(%'+



  • TR, TC

    and profit graphically

  • Marginal m

    ethod for maxim

    izing profit

    • Put M

    C and M

    R together

    • Have from

    perfect competition and the

    market price the M

    R curve (horizontal)

    • And have the M

    C curve shape from

    the previous chapter

  • MR

    , MC

    and profit maxim

    ization graphically

  • What w

    e just did: the general rule

    – If MR

    > MC

    , the extra revenue from

    selling one more unit exceeds the extra

    cost incurred to produce it. – E

    conomic profit increases if output


    – The opposite holds if MC

    > MR


  • First decision made: found the

    profit maxim

    izing level of output

    This is the best the firm can do.

    But, is it good enough?

    What is profit at this profit m



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    • H&&1'OD',)1'O!'

    • R,@&'OD'*$"+'P'U'V


    • H&&1'O!9''C&5'56(%'*$"+


  • O6$&&'

  • ;'/"%%'+,J()C'M$+


  • The second decision: stay open or shut dow


    • Temporary S

    hutdown D

    ecisions – If a firm

    is incurring an economic loss that

    it believes is temporary, it w

    ill remain in the

    market, and it m

    ight produce some output

    or temporarily shut dow


  • Why fixed and variable costs are




  • 3#%5'+



  • Decision rule for shutting dow


    So the firm

    produces some output if P > AV


    but shuts down tem

    porarily if AVC

    > P

    Because by producing any output at all it

    increases its losses.

  • a6#51"I)'N"()59''H


  • =6,5'I



  • P$"M5',5'P&$*&

  • What if econom

    ic profit > 0?

    Happens because P > ATC

    at level of output w

    here P (MR

    ) = MC

    . W

    hat does this signal to other potential firm

    s? H

    ow does this lead to econom

    ic profit in com

    petition always = 0?

  • O6&')(

  • e#5'I&'6,@&'N&$*&

  • ?*'%#NN/2'()

  • Role of entry and exit

    – The imm

    ediate effect of the decision to enter or exit is to shift the m

    arket supply curve.

    – If more firm

    s enter a market, supply

    increases and the market supply curve

    shifts rightward.

    – If firms exit a m

    arket, supply decreases and the m

    arket supply curve shifts leftw


  • Dem

    and also plays a role

    – A decrease in demand triggers a sim

    ilar response, except in the opposite direction.

    – The decrease in demand brings a low

    er price, econom

    ic loss, and some firm

    s exit.

    – Exit decreases m

    arket supply and eventually raises the price to its original level.

  • The role of technology: two forces

    1. Firms that adopt the new

    technology make

    an economic profit.


    -technology firms have an incentive to

    enter. 2. Firm

    s that stick with the old technology

    incur economic losses.

    These firms either exit the m

    arket or switch

    to the new technology.