fwcs excom minutes september 13, 2011 page 1 of 22 · fwcs excom minutes september 13, 2011 page 1...

FWCS EXCOM Minutes September 13, 2011 Page 1 of 22 The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM. EXCOM members present (five are required for a quorum): 6 Section Chair – Serge Beauzile called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees. Attendees introduced themselves. Secretary – Ralph Painter presented the secretary’s report. Background. Paper copies of the minutes of the August EXCOM meeting were distributed to the EXCOM members at the beginning of the meeting. Motion: To accept the minutes for the August meeting with the minor corrections discussed in the meeting. Second Voice Ballot Passed Failed X X X Treasurer – Paul Schnitzler was not present. Serge Beauzile presented the treasurer’s report. A copy is attached to these minutes. Motion: To receive the report of the Treasurer. Second Voice Ballot Passed Failed X X X Vice Chair’s Report – Claude Pitts presented the membership report. A copy is attached to these minutes. John Stackowich mentioned that, contrary to the membership report, the Life members met once this year. The membership report is based on L31 report submittals. Apparently, the Life Members did not file an L31 report for that meeting. Business Manager and PACE Report. Jim Anderson presented the reports. Copies are attached to these minutes. Teacher In-Service Program Report - Sean Denny reported. A copy is attached to these minutes. Conference and History - Jim Beall reported. Future conferences: 2014 MTT (Microwave Theory and Techniques) in Tampa, FL Education Report – Dr. Rudy Henning was not in attendance. He is at home and available for phone calls. His address is: Rudy Henning 1100 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: 727-735-5460

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FWCS EXCOM Minutes September 13, 2011 Page 1 of 22

The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM. EXCOM members present (five are required for a quorum): 6 Section Chair – Serge Beauzile called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees. Attendees introduced themselves. Secretary – Ralph Painter presented the secretary’s report.

Background. Paper copies of the minutes of the August EXCOM meeting were distributed to the EXCOM members at the beginning of the meeting.

Motion: To accept the minutes for the August meeting with the minor corrections discussed in the meeting.

Second Voice Ballot Passed Failed


Treasurer – Paul Schnitzler was not present. Serge Beauzile presented the treasurer’s report. A copy is attached to these minutes.

Motion: To receive the report of the Treasurer.

Second Voice Ballot Passed Failed


Vice Chair’s Report – Claude Pitts presented the membership report. A copy is attached to these minutes. John Stackowich mentioned that, contrary to the membership report, the Life members met once this year. The membership report is based on L31 report submittals. Apparently, the Life Members did not file an L31 report for that meeting. Business Manager and PACE Report. Jim Anderson presented the reports. Copies are attached to these minutes. Teacher In-Service Program Report - Sean Denny reported. A copy is attached to these minutes. Conference and History - Jim Beall reported.

Future conferences: 2014 MTT (Microwave Theory and Techniques) in Tampa, FL

Education Report – Dr. Rudy Henning was not in attendance. He is at home and available for phone calls. His address is: Rudy Henning 1100 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Clearwater, FL 33756 Phone: 727-735-5460

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Old business New business Next EXCOM meeting The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 2011 at 5:30 PM at TECO Plaza, 702 N. Franklin St, Tampa, 33602. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Motion: To adjourn the meeting.

Second Voice Ballot Passed Failed


Minutes Submitted by Ralph D. Painter, Jr. Esq. Secretary, IEEE-Florida West Coast Section (FWCS)

Chapter and Affinity Group Reports

Chapter or Affinity Group Person reporting Written report attached?


PES/IAS Serge Beauzile No

COMP/AESS No report No

MTT/AP/ED No report No

SP/COMM No report No

EMBS John West No

RAS George Schott Yes

USF Student Activities Victor Basantes No

Student Mentor Jim Howard No

Newsletter Editor Richard Sanchez No

Membership Development Jim Anderson No

Awards/Bylaws No report No

History/Conferences James Beall No

PACE/Business Development Jim Anderson Yes

IEEE Consultants Network Hermann Amaya No

TIS Sean Denny Yes

LIFE Bob Franklin No

Webmaster Claude Pitts No

GOLD No report No

WIE No report No

Note: The content of informal oral reports is not recorded in the minutes.

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1) CHAIR’S REPORT ································································· Serge Beauzile (5:30)

a) Introductions (5:30) b) State-Of-The-Section Report (5:32)

2) SECRETARY’S REPORT ··························································· Ralph Painter (5:35) a) Accept May, June, July August 2011 meeting Minutes

3) TREASURER’S REPORT ························································· Paul Schnitzler (5:43) a) Receive Treasurer’s Report

4) VICE-CHAIR’S REPORT ··························································· Claude Pitts III (5:45) a) Section Status Tracking Metrics Update

5) BUSINESS Mgr. REPORT ......................................................................Jim Anderson (5:48)

6) CHAPTERS’ REPORTS a) PES/IAS: Power Engineering/Industry Applications Society ··········· Serge Beauzile (5:50) b) Computer/AESS: Computer/ Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society ··· Jim Lumia (5:55) c) MTT/AP/ED: Microwave Theory and Techniques Society ······················ XXXXXX (6:00) d) SP/Comm: Signal Processing/Communications ························· Hector Martinez (6:05) e) EMBS: Engineering in Medicine & Biology ·············································· Ravi (6:10) f) WIE: Women In Engineering ························································ ValerieTur (6:15) g) RAS: Robotics and Automation Society ····································· George Schott (6:20) h) GOLD: Graduates Of the Last Decade ······································ Bashar Salahia (6:25) i) Life Members ········································································· Bob Franklin (6:30) j) PACE: Professional Activities Committees for Engineers ················ Jim Anderson (6:35) k) IEEE Consultants Network ··················································· Hermann Amaya (6:45)

7) STUDENT ACTIVITES REPORT a) Student Activities ································································ Victor Besantes (6:50) b) Student Computer Society ................................................................................... XXXXXX

c) Student Branch Mentor ····································································· Jim Howard

8) NEWSLETTER EDITOR REPORT ············································ Richard Sanchez (6:55)

9) MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT REPORT ········································Jim Howard (7:00)

10) AWARDS/PUBLIC RELATIONS/BYLAWS ···································· Richard Beatie (7:05)

11) WEBMASTER REPORT ······························································· Claude Pitts (7:10)

12) TEACHER IN-SERVICE REPORT ·················································· Sean Denny (7:15)

13) CONFERENCES/HISTORY REPORT ·················································· Jim Beall (7:20) a) FWCS Hosted

i) 2011: WAMICOM [Tampa]

14) 2014: MTT Conference [Tampa] OLD BUSINESS ························································································ (7:25)

15) NEW BUSINESS ························································································ (7:27)

Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 4, 2011

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Attendance sheet

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Vice Chair’s Report

IEEE-FWCS Meetings report

January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8

3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 16

2 1 1 1 1 1 7

1 1 1 1 4

1 2 1 4

1 2 3

1 1 1 1 4

1 1

1 1

1 1 1 3

1 1

8 3 5 9 4 10 10 3 0 0 0 0 52 IEEE-FWCS Meetings attendance report

January February March April May June July August September October November December YTD

IEEE ExComm 15 15 19 19 14 12 17 19 130

PES / IAS 55 31 25 29 26 38 18 42 264

RAS 24 12 14 13 23 86

Consultant Network 2 10 25 12 49

WIE 2 27 1 30

SP / Comm 5 17 22

Computer /AESS 2 10 18 18 48

EMBS 12 12

Gold 27 27

PACE 46 16 18 80

Life Members 11 11


Total 98 92 83 105 53 149 118 61 0 0 0 0 759 IEEE-FWCS Membership report No report.

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Business Development Report

PACE Report

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IEEE FWCS TISP September 2011 Update

Dear Friends, Happy September to all Teachers & Engineers! I hope that the new and exciting 2011-

2012 School Year is off to a good start. The following are important announcements for education and engineering around the Tampa Bay Area. Please continue to browse the Teacher In Service Lesson Plans at these URLs for topics: http://www.ieee.org/web/education/preuniversity/home.html or www.tryengineering.org. We want to assign an engineer to a project that is appropriate for your Science or Math Educators and their students. We encourage that every school examine this lesson plans. After this has been forwarded to the schools in your district, please pick a lesson plan ideal for your class and reply to me at [email protected]. I can ask and arrange with the schools for Engineers to come and demonstrate a presentation for your school. We ask all IEEE Members and Certified Engineers to volunteer with your local schools. Please let me know if you are volunteering, so that I can provide you with the attached surveys. Please have the teachers fill them out, collect them, scan & email, or mail them back to me. The IEEE is dedicated to helping all the districts get Engineering into Pre-College Curricula. We can arrange to do these anytime at the convenience of the schools and the engineers. We are offering effective and economical alternatives to promote engineering. We hope to inspire the educator to perform these activities themselves while enriching their Students. If the teachers and the volunteers work together, students have a better chance at successful careers. In the long run, it helps “The technological literacy of Tomorrow’s leaders. “ Please contact me anytime during the year to arrange availability of our Engineer Volunteers. PROFESSIONAL STUDY DAY OPPORTUNITIES

1) The Annual Pinellas Professional Study Day was August 16th at Seminole High

School. Ralph Painter reports the success of that day: From: Painter Jr, Ralph D. <[email protected]> I presented three topics at the Pinellas county science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professional day that was held August 16, 2011 at Seminole High School: 1) Orbit of Planet Gamma, 2) Hygrometer activity, 3) Ohm’s Law. Orbit of Planet Gamma and Ohm’s Law are IEEE lesson plans. The Hygrometer activity is a one-off activity that Kim Jacklin helped me develop last year. In total, thirty-five teachers attended the sessions. Most attendees were science teachers, but the surveys indicate that six math teachers attended. Some teachers attended more than on session, so the number of teachers that participated in our sessions is somewhat less than the total attendance.

Pinellas County STEM Professional Day

Lesson plan Hours Attendance






Orbit of Planet

Gamma 1 9

9 10

Hygrometer activity 1 14 14 10

Ohm’s Law 2 12 24 11

----- ----- -----

Totals 4 35 47

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The attendance figures are from the sign-in sheets the county places in each room. I cannot explain how we received ten surveys from the Planet Gamma presentation when only ten signed in. Several teachers provided their contact information."

2) Terri Willingham, [email protected], FIRST Assistant Regional Director for Central FL,

and Jim Melton, [email protected], IEEE RAS Officer did a two hour Presentation at Alonso High School for the Hillsborough Professional Study Day on August 17, 2011. The presentation was called Hands On STEM with FIRST.

Terri described it "as an overview of how FIRST can be used as a classroom enrichment program that's standards aligned and builds real world skills

through mentoring experiences with professional engineers in organizations

like IEEE. Jim Melton, gave his perspectives on how the IEEE has been integral

to our Tampa programs. This shows how FIRST works in the school

environment,and the real world applications of engineering skills, and working

side by side with professional engineers and others, in solving each year's

challenge brings home the point well that providing these types of opportunities

in science and math in public schools will teach far more than a lesson plan can."

After the Presentation, she gave this review of the project: "I'm so glad you were able to make it

to the presentation, Jim! I'm sorry there wasn't a better turn out, but it

doesn't look like our session was promoted very well. Still, the 8 or so

people who were very interested in FIRST and I think you made a very strong

impression on them with your commitment to mentoring. I think those teachers

will be far more likely to contact IEEE in the future, when they're looking

for professional support and guidance, and to consider the power of mentoring

in the classroom. Thanks again! I hope you both enjoy the attached photos,

which were taken by Team Duct Tape student Johnny Kujawa (one of our new team


We were complimented by STEM Director Larry Plank, [email protected],

"Thanks, Sean and IEEE Team! We are delighted to have such wonderful support from academic and community

partners. IEEE and others make for unique opportunities for our teachers and students...ultimately inspiring kids to

pursue careers in STEM! Best regards, -L" Larry R. Plank, Ed.S. Director of K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Education Hillsborough County Public Schools 901 East Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 272-4439 (office) [email protected] 3) Our own Ken Fiallos P.E., Vice Chair of the local IEEE Robotics and Automation Chapter, demonstrated an inexpensive automated DIY Wireless Prototype Data Collection system using Excel. See how your students can automate their data collection needs while avoiding the expense and time consuming setups of commercial data acquisition systems. He collected sureveys from two Middle School and one High School Science Teachers. One commented that "The Demonstration was well put together. The information was very enlightening."

Welcome Back to another great school year fellow Jr. Solar Sprinters!

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This year we are going to try and expand our race schedule. We will hold 7 to 9 races throughout the course of the school year. Our first race is September 17th at the Brandon campus of HCC. The team that attends and wins the most races will receive a special award at the end of the year. None of the races are manditory. If you can only attend one race this year, then join us for that race. If you would like to attend all of the races that would be great! Another change for this year is that a "Team" must consist of more than one person. Idealy you should have 4 on a team, but it is understandable if not all students show up on race day. On race day there must be at least 2 team members. One to release the car and one to catch. Remember to also put a posterboard together so that others can see how your team worked during practices. I have attatched some of the materials from last year to benefit those who are new to the Jr. Solar Sprint.

Thanks, Gregory Verrill Lomax Magnet School Computer Teacher phone#: 813-276-5569

http://lomax.mysdhc.org/ GREAT AMERICAN TEACH-IN--NOVEMBER 17, 2011

So that I can get the help needed, please forward me the schools and registration forms for the annual GREAT AMERICAN TEACH-IN for November 17th as soon as they are available. -----Original Message----- From: Debra Mora [email protected]

I received your email and it made me think of you and your wonderful friends who came to

our Great American teach-in. We hope that you will be able to come again this year for our

GATI, as it will be held Thursday, November 17th. Please keep us in mind for that date!!


Debra Mora

Guidance Counselor/ESE Contact

Miles Elementary

Ph. (813) 975-7337

Fax (813) 975-7099

[email protected]

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Rt# 2

SCIENCE FAIRS 2011-2012: Please forward me the dates for the Regional & State Science Fairs coming up for the 2011-2012 School Year. 1) From: Jackie Speake <[email protected]> Cc: RandolphRT <[email protected]>; cobra64 <[email protected]> Sent: Mon, Aug 1, 2011 9:59 am

Hi Sean,

The Regional Science & Engineering Fair for Lee, Charlotte, Hendry, and Glades

counties is Saturday, January 13th at Florida Gulf Coast University. We always

need judges, especially for Physics and Chemistry, so if you have some local

engineers that are interested in being judges, our judge coordinator is Tim Jones,

from Kiwanis, and his email is [email protected]

Thanks, Jackie


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Jackie Speake

Curriculum Specialist, K-12 Science, Health/PE

Charlotte County Public Schools, Murdock County Office

1445 Education Way, Port Charlotte, Florida, 33948

(941) 255-0808 X3143

[email protected]

WEBSITE TO INVESTIGATE: -----Original Message----- From: Jim Melton, CISSP, PMP <[email protected]> Sent: Wed, Aug 24, 2011 10:16 am Subject: Free Class from Stanford

Thought you might want to pass this to the total distribution, http://www.ai-class.com/

Jim Melton, CISSP, PMP Publicity & Program Coordinator - Tampa Bay Chapter IEEE - Robotics & Automation Society Tampa, FL 33558 [email protected] Phone:813-546-1200 FAX: 813-920-3461

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REQUEST: For many years, the IEEE Florida West Coast Section has helped your school districts integrate engineering into Pre-college science and math curriculums. The engineers present a topic of your request from www.tryengineering.org at a time and location convenient for you. We take care of several counties through their annual Professional Study Days, Great American Teach-In, Science Fairs, and the Lignell Awards at the annual Tampa Bay Engineering Week Banquet. IEEE Education Activities Representatives Yvonne Pelham (see email below)

and Doug Gorham are coming for a meeting in Tampa and are asking for some of your teachers to attend. Please see below and attached "TryComputing_Lesson_Plan." I regret that I already have an obligation elsewhere that Saturday, otherwise I would be there. One of the local co-founders and Engineer Ralph Painter will represent the IEEE that morning. I thank

Juanita Andrews and Emma Alaba who will represent Pinellas County Schools. Education is very important to everyone and the future of Engineering Education is up to all of us. I ask all Science Supervisors receiving this email update to forward to ALL Science & Math Teachers in your district, Please?

Note, If you are no longer the District Science Supervisor, please forward to your successor and ask them to reach me as soon as possible. More in Next month’s update. Thank you, Sean Denny IEEE FWCS Teacher In Service Chairman

[email protected] 727-678-0183

-----Original Message----- From: Y.Pelham <[email protected]> To: Sean Denny <[email protected]> Sent: Tue, Aug 16, 2011 2:37 pm Subject: Re: Teacher In Service Presentation--September 2011 in Tampa?

The IEEE Educational Activities Board and IEEE Computer Society are developing a new online resource which will offer global computing education resources for pre-university teachers, school counselors, parents and students. In order to develop content for teachers, a lesson plan competition is being conducted and is in its final stages. The lesson plans will provide activities that are computing-focused and lead a student, age 8 to 18, to understand the essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computer science and software applications. The lesson plan competition rules are included for your information. The purpose of the meeting on 17 September is to review the lesson plans and select the winners of the competition. In attendance will be members of the Computer Society (the chair of Computer Society-Educational Activities Board, chair of CS-EAB curriculum committee and chair of the CS-EAB competitions.) and IEEE staff . We are seeking 1 or 2 (preferably middle and/or high school) teachers to participate in the review to provide their input and perspective on if the lesson plans are suitable for the classroom. WHEN Saturday, 17 September, 2011 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Breakfast and lunch included WHERE The Westin Tampa Bay , 7627 W. Courtney Campbell Causeway, Tampa, FL 33607 USA

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EAB would pay all reasonable travel-related expenses to attend the meeting, including one-night hotel stay. Please consider recommending one or two teachers for this activity. We would need their name, email address and phone number to send them a personalized invitation to the registration site. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your help Yvonne Pelham Manager, Educational Outreach IEEE Educational Activities 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 1 732 562 5321 (Phone) 1 732 981 1686 (Fax) [email protected] www.ieee.org/education www.tryengineering.org IEEE - Advancing Technology for Humanity



Sean Denny

IEEE FWCS Education –Teacher In Service Chair

5545 Dartmouth Avenue North

St. Petersburg, FL, 33710

Tel: (727) 678-0183

E-mail: [email protected]



For some years now the Florida West Coast Section (FWCS) has participated in the Lignell


Outstanding Teacher Recognition Program to recognize and honor outstanding contributions by

High School teachers to pre-college education in Mathematics and Science in Charlotte, Citrus,

DeSoto, Hardee, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and Sarasota Counties.

In 2011 the winners were in the Tampa Bay Area:

Dr. Barbara Emil, Math Honors Teacher, King High School; Carmen Austin, Advanced Placement Biology Teacher, Paul Wharton High School; Troy Suarez, Honors Chemistry & Zoology Teacher, Tampa Bay Technical High School.

This program is open to all individuals teaching classes in Mathematics or Science in the

public high schools during the current school year. We are currently seeking nominations for this

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year’s awards that will be presented at the Tampa Bay Engineers Week Banquet 2012 at the A-

La Carte Pavilion (4050 Dana Shores Drive, Tampa, FL 33634) on Friday February 24th



There will be three best recipients of this award from the twelve counties and the winners

will be invited to attend the banquet, with a guest, to be presented with the award and an


If there is a teacher at your school who you think should be considered for this

prestigious award, please complete the enclosed nomination form and return it to the above

address no later than December 16th

, 2011. It is encouraged to submit your nomination form and

any supporting materials in digital format through your email account (in lieu of a signature).

An electronic version of the form can be downloaded from the soon to be announced Tampa Bay

Engineering Week Banquet website and returned to me via e-mail to [email protected]. We

also encourage an additional narrative along with the nomination form that justifies the

individual receiving this honor as the “Outstanding Teacher of Math and Science” in the entire

county where they teach. We would like to receive a number of nominations of “deserving and

qualified” candidates throughout the county. Please do not have a narrow screening process

before the nominations are forwarded to me. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to

give me a call.

Sincerely, Sean Denny, [email protected] (727) 678-0183


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Educational Activities Board (EAB) e-mail on TryComputing.org lesson plan review meeting

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Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Chapter report

September 2011 FWCS EXCOM Meeting

Tampa Bay IEEE RAS Chapter Report

Our August meeting was held at DeVry University in Tampa, on Aug 16th.

We had 6 IEEE members, 1 student and 7 guests.

Our receipts from the meeting were $65 and there were no expenses.

Our guest speaker for our August meeting was Stephen Kowski. He explained how he was

instrumental in getting the FIRST robotics team started at Middleton High school in Tampa and

how he has continued mentoring FIRST teams in the Tampa Bay area.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 20 at 6:30 PM at:

DeVry University

5540 W. Executive Dr.

Tampa, FL

We are expecting to have a representative from the University of Central Florida give us a

presentation about their robotics program complete with an operating sample.

Respectfully submitted,

George Schott

Tampa Bay IEEE RAS Chapter Chairman