furniture. special sals of ¦nk...

__a _-!___. tt ts belleved. bowev*T, Is m no imme- *** Jn At Marlett*. all of Front-st. ls under .*** **!?'.* fwinsyrvaala -todroad bridge at Chickles ^lfnTZ ot water. The l>n.',sy.v.nla Can* * "TL-Tv- Coluinbla ls greatlv damaged. and all ia* 8."-,*_Srt .lt ng nulit am tubnit-rg*-. 6-itous **** _r1_i-*T.._- aTwathlngton Borougb. Two Sasar Jia'^^bta onirtfi ihl* morntng and were -aear"-?,,Cl dtm and are be-lleved to bave been ew*-*-.0.litmber vard* at Mar latt a are all sweyt K^T-tosT-_vle8- ate to the effect thtu a bla gjfJar-ch bigher water may be expected to-nlght. fBJS CORPSES AT NINEVEH. iffOT W-U-M; the flood had spent its FORCE. ttVABim TH* DEAD FOR THE OBASBr-hT- MXRANCr OF THEIR .--(»«. ¦nK_r.:ff-£»^ tbat paint tbe Conemaugh has given up a tar* ^^ - . , _ va^tenliv when ns tury portion of ito dead. YeMrrday, ,ub_ided and it became too W*Bb ^_*"2 ST^U *- «2ja4«_3jtKS _*ttom Uind, Sfctff, staring »nd naKea, or S-SrissagiSiS _-_-WbS«S55SS 3s__ft.&^s__iw *"u *______ .. rK». dead. Iheotlor.* F. N.'ti- _-_-_-_S£i*. ae of his ptaalM mill for lb. Sm^rfdispo-iiion of the bodies and II WB8 SS-aTwS inid «¦ bV side -_«d-.t.lB*d anTblood-siaineU. awollen nnd _.K.-_ur*dsome *f them whitc. ethers amilinz aa placidlv aa toough pleared with the sudden »nd rou_h solu- _-_a__ life's problem. One little fellow'a faee hore uoon it t-e eipresaion of the r-hild that is about toburat into teart,. Uron another death stamped lookB of agonv and born* that spoke the ln- e-P-aaa-ble language of the soul during ihe few, yet long and trying, momcnts between lile »nd -**th. Wcmeu sbtiddered aa they looked. s_d w*Pt at the awful fatolity. jfrom tbese lowlands ninety-seven bodies wett recovered up to the time day- Hgbt ended. Maa _nd beaat were tben too much exhausted to continue the work, and the further removal af bodies was abandoned nntil this morning. Tbe bare hodiea of mai* and female were put in cofflns aa soon aa potwible. Moat of th* women were Catholics, for around their neela were hung the .mblen-s of their religion, and tbese were replaci-d afte* waahing and embalming. The atlire and features ot a majority showed them to bc of the lowly elaes, yet there was to be found among tbcm th* finely ehiselled featnre** of thoae t- whom eireumatane»*s evidently a*ve the heneflt of cuhnre and reflnement. Such apparol aa was found upon them indicated that they hnd in hfe plenty and to spare. Directly acrosa the Conemaugh River from Niaeveh, ln Indiana County, there are 315 bodie*. reported lying in a district v.-here there an- only two houses and ten inhabitants. Cofflns will have to be taken acroa* the river. one at a time, ia sldffs, owing to tbe lack of a bridge. Thia will be tedious work, Hundreda of people pasaed Nineveh and went dewn the river wlth the drift. They looked nerther to th* right nor to the left, but kept tbeir eyes flxed ahead. Some of them paascd xrithin three feet of tbe shore, but they made no effort to leave the drift, nor heeded tbe about* of those on ahore. A ehild, probably four .ira eld, went down on a drift float and coutentedly played with a lot of atick*. wholly unmindful of its perilous poai- tdOB. Ab effort was made, but it wna utterly im- po-sible to reach the child. Eighteen men and women, lodged ia treea. mouated to plaees of mt*J- Q SAD 8CEXES AT SAXG HOLI4OW. »0_«X-3 BUBI1-0 tti THE DrirTxVOOD-TH-: FTAK _.__. fobce or thi ri.oon. -ltwburg. Jun. 8 (SpeclaD.-A young man who was a taesenger on the Derrv expaeais. whlrh left Pittaburg jeaterdsy morning, and who rearhed f*an? Hollow, four mlle- from John-town. returnlnp lo the elty last e-enlDg. furnlshe* an Intereatlng acrnunt of hls experte-eet. "VkSB we rea<he<l I»erry." he aaid, -our frafc wat botrrVvl by a rellef commlftoe, and no aooner waa lt acrertalried that we were Rolng on lo Bang Hollow than contributlona of pruvltlooa and auppHe* of every klnd were rriled on bo.rd, fllllng an eatlra ear. On reaehtnc bang Hollow the aeene that praseBted Itaelf to nx wa* bearin*nallnc. The roa<i waa Hned with homelet* peo-le. aome wiih a trunl, or aolltary chalr, the only thlnc saved from »b»*lr _o-*e_okl good., and aU w.-arlnj an a«peet of the moct hopele s mlsery. Men were at work irarxfenlnf from * freiirht ear a plle of rorpvr* at leaet alxty lu Btiasbei-. and here and there a _rha**tly aomethln*; unde- a eoTtrtnc ahowad where the body of xome vlegin .f tV flood lay awaftlng idenflJ|r.tlor, or burlal ln a B-..«leaH grave. r.uiy workett were engBfrd ln dearlng away the plle* of drlftwood and acaitered arti rlaa of houeehoid ns* whieh cumberrd tha trarka and the roada Tbeie plle. told tbetr own niotirnful stoiy. There were bedt. btireai.a. mattretxea, chalr*. tablea, pletur**.. dead horaea aml mul<«. overro-J*. remcaata of drettet *fiekin. on thr, l.rati.Iie-, of trers, and a thouaand other odd pierex of Sot tn. tnd Jetaait. from rulned hornea. I aaw a man net off tba traln and plek up an incuranre poll.y fo. a' An other took away at rellcs a baby'a rhalr and a 88B> -ria-alon eard tn a batteied frame (>n fhe l,anks of raa UMte Conemau«h freek people were delvlng ln la* drlftwood, whkh wat ptled a depth of *lx ...- aevea fetrt. uneartbinit and ramlnft off whaiever eould to tunird ta aeaaaat, Inder Ihoxe plle*. lt la, numbers of bodlea are l.urle.i. not to be re¬ covered exeept by the ltbot ol many dayt. A woman and a MMle artil were brouidit from .lolmunwn |rj M8M BMBaa wheth I eould not aace.iain. Ti.e woman wa*. ln eoofl-ei-ent and wbi ra-rled on a lounge, her tole rematnlBg plere of pioperiy. si.e wat taken 10 L-v trobe for hoxjpltal tre»tmcnt. 1 rannoi uiidera|»,Mi how ll U that people are unable 10 make tbeir w*y from eang Hollow to Johnatown. The dlataiM-e 1, ahort, and lt thou}d renainiy 1^ a rorapBraiively ea*v tatk 10 get over It on foot o: hor_ebaek. tAmrnmnt, there aeeroe to be Mimc Inxupai-hle o-ttacle. All thoae who made tbe trlp on thr- traln wlth me In order to obteiti tldlngt of their iiirnds In Johnatown wei« foreed to retum at 1 did. "The rallro-d I. ln t triTtble r.mdltlon. The day espreea aod the Ifmtrtd whlrh Wi littaburu on Frl- day mortilng, are lying between John*town and ixuk-- Baugh' on the ea«t, havlns beoo rut Q? by the flood. Un'-mra %trt srtil down flfom »ar trtln ae ivery .t.tio-. ti tapair t_n teiegraob wlrea whlcli ai-e damaetau. Tremewious affort. aee belnr exerted to rejian the lnjui r aiiataiiied 81 U*e rallroad. and ll I* only a o,u<-Kf.ori of a ronple. of days until throug*) communlcttioii u re- eatabli.hed. tb"- homeward trlp w.s mailed b* a SBeeatalon of aad -.pec'ar-lee. At Ulalrsville in»-r- taeBoD two llttle «IiU lay dead, and ln . houte Uaaa from the river waa the body of a woman. l fltfah that the lota of llfe la altoprether unriMe.ti ava-ML It lt my oplt-.lon that when the number of dead ls flnally atcertalnei lt wlll be found not k> fali tbort of -.00. 8uiiervLaor Foley, of ihe tomertet a-d Caint.i1. branrh of the llaltliuore and Ofelo road. waa tn Johnttown at *_' o'cloek thlt aftei *aan. aad MBt a lelegram from an offlee elabteen >ttt outjide of tbe lown. He reported that .Ii.i.ii* J_J_* was a eomrdefe wrr-rk. h.rdly anv of tbe h,.n-«* Maa left .randln.. Home Idea of ibe fon-a nf ihe aaod mty be hid from tbe tiatement made hy Mt. JWey tiiat frelrflt eart, both l/ia/le.1 and bmptv, had a_an llfted bealllx from the rrark, aod earrled a Jtoaoea of teveral Moekt. and depnat-xl In a rrave- ftn too ontaklrfa of tbe town. whera thT were vlag in s maat mlxed np wlth tombafonea and PPb-MB-a.' WA_TI!fG FOK FOOI) IN JOII.VSTOWS. PlBflM AtMOST rAMItMri) BFFOBZ THE BBr L14KF TBAI.V ABB1VF0. .toato*^ ju-^, 2 (s~« wm Irapotilble to ***2****o*. tnto JobBtt/,wa from tbU alde ttolil *-*!___!_. D*on**na I'niH tbat ilme unbrokan rr*"** ..Ba-iOBleatlon had extendayl only from PltU- 'lara .L**** Uol,w1r* tour m,,>» "*** otr Johnatown. t>rtf ** ***** ahrwptly ended. Taein waa a _ap tator**-,** * **ng,b. TW* waa coveiaad by huinan - _L100 J*** W>d *"* D-*»Be« ft' a*" datotanr-e -J^*"** T**» *>r Uie remalning thn* mlle*. (here ia.* ,,j__l-trmi*tto0' b*t tb* on"r roMm ttock eu 5<a_Wii ** l'W ** * loc«-»»'''« *»*. teur caia, *"^«a S 2_-_-T^_f,, 7f* «-* off by tbe atorm. 8-t-th___g__r-a*"Ay-* of tae provuiona, one would ^toafi-rS-T-SJ-.^"-?*-* ^^ n-"g8r. On tbe «_*w-»^_r_* ^.l0** ,**a Oo-amawgh River from Johna- .- aa oa aeen _*,*¦ atul women mllfcing the eowa graelng there. and tben eagrrir drtnklnr tha mllk. aOne newsr-aper man earrlea-r-. baaket of oread wltb htir. as he walked along gathertng note* of tbe flood. and d-alt out the loavox io wometi who tp he for thoir atarvlng ehildren. TH^ FLOOD IX WASHIXGTOX. BUSINESS xiTREETS WASHED WITH WATER. THE PEACEFUL POTOMAC A RAGINO TOBrVLNT- IMMENSE DANGER ALONG THE WATER. FROHT-BOATS PI.TINO ALONG THE STREETS OF TIIE KATIONAI. CAPITOL. waahington, June 2.-The nor'hweatern anl mori faablonable part of Iho elty uever lookrd nuir.' lovoiy than it did to-day, bt.l along a gcxxl part of tbn princlpai buslness thoroughfai-e. Ponnaylvanla-ave.. aml ln Ihe adjacent ktreeta to tbe taouihwanl. there was adieary waste of turbl.I, muddy waler, that Waehad five aud slx fr-et deep |__ BMaa of lb- hoaaOB, flllln. rollars an.l basemenis an.l raualng grea. inconvenlence and conslderaHo )o-s of property. Itoats plleil along the avenue n.:.r the I*Oa_aylvaola Raliioail -.tatton atnl IhtO-gh the Hl.-ee.* of *>oiit!i W_-B___*_M. A carp txyn f»srt loag was canglit In th.«' laall-a-' walllng-niom af the. RoltlBaOM and Potomai statlon. and several iilhrr, were rauglit lu tl.e siiei-ts by boys. Tb.'se flah ani<> from tbo OtwrorB-BOBl Klah Pond, the water* ef tlie I'otot.iui- having cnveied tlie pond and allinved IbflBB to om ape. * Along tlie rlver fi-nnt the usually ealm Potomac wa*. a wldi>, roarlng, tiiil.ulent ttreani nf dlily wab'r, m-hlng niadly unwaid, and beailnc on Its swift -awvtag surface loga. U-legrapli poles, pnrtluns uf bo Mee an.l a!l Jtlnds of The stteam xvas nearly twire Its wld.h, and flowcs-l s|\ feet _n<l nime deep Ihiougl. the sfreets along Ihe i*r*"er front. sobeaerglag whan.s, sniall manufacturlni* es.abllshnienis, and lapplng tbe eeeoad atoriea of m!ll»., boatboaae* hmI feitlllr.lng wot-ks tn Oooigatowa It completi-ly floodod tjie llat_. whlrh Uie lioxernmejit had ralscd at great expcn.e tn a helghr ln most part of foiu- and flvo feet, and Inundated tli** a'-ridea of poor BOflTO s'ji:atlris, xvho hal bnlll Ihelr fraii'.-» ibaaflea alorg the rlver's adf* Ihe rising of Ihe water* haa aalliised the hlgh-water mnrk nf 1*»7T. The lo-a will be aaaraBO-B. rToame place lt at a niilllon of dollar*. but no imatworlhy flirurcs- can be glvim untll the water BabaMea, The city bas been ahal oir frotii eotntnutileatlnn wlth the We«t and South fot two days, and there wlll be a sratvlty of mllk and o«)ier -.upplles nn'll Ihe roads are iepalre.1 suflleteiitly to all<.»' ra liord frxina an.l waa-ops to entcr tbe elty. The rlver Iiegan rl«lng here earlv on Saturday morn Ing and from lhat time contlnue. lo ri*" htr-adily untll 5 o'clock tlil s afternoon. when Ibe flood b-pan to ahate. having rearhed a hlj-brr mark than ever before known The flood grew worae and wor>e yesterday, and hefore noon tbe rlver had beeonie so hlgh and atront- that It ovrrflowed the banks Just above the Wa-hlngtou nionutnent. and baeklng fhe water Into the aewer whleh eraptle* Itaelf at Ihla polnt. began lo flnw along the streotB on the lower level*. By ntg-tfal! the water In the atfOOBa had Inereaxed to auch an extent aa to make tbe Itiaeta lmpa-.aal.le by foot p***rnger*. and boats were ferrylng pea.ple from Ihe bimlnei,* part of the town to the hlgh gro-Dda ln Routh Wa»htngton. Tbe street-cer* alao eoutlinict runnlng and dkl a thrlving buslne*. ronveylng pl.-aa- iir-s-«.eekera. **rtio *w \n the xvlndnw. and t.anterc-1 one another aa ihe deepenlrig water* hld the floor Dn Loutkiana-ave.. tbe pi-odure and raa__Uaaloa konaaa are located. and tbe proprfeton. buatled eagerly al-out aeeurfng thelr more perUhabl* property, and wadlng knoe-deep outalde after floailng rhlcken c*x>p*. The gr-irery raerrhanla, hotrl men and other* ha.tlly cleared out thelr cellar- and untll the watrr wa*> xvaiat deep, rrmovlng th.-lr effecta to hlgher fl.-ora Meauwhlle the Potomae. at the Polnt of Kocka. ha.1 overflowed Into the he.apeake and Okla Canal. and tbe two became one, lt brok- oj»en the canal In a great many plaee*, and, llftlng the barge* up. shoi tbem down Ktreara at a rapld rate. Tn.tika of treea and amall houae. were torn fnim thelr placex an<t awept onward. Two mlW above I'rer nrMre .lamra !..)-. an tki *oW!rr. had a two-it-ocry framr houae. b^tarr^n the canal and t*e rlver. Ha <ame b-r* *lx monUi. acn from ("clumbua, Ohlo.. to kmk afti-i lux pen«lon. Ile was **^rned yeiterdsv mornlng tha- U* «*» ln >lan«-r. bui r-fur-cd tn leave Ws house Tf.** canal -.-ai- way, and a tiirrcant nf aUiKk the houar reater day afternoon, ahaiterlng It ln a ¦na.fol, Ifr aae. eaeed*_ in reaehlng a hlgh plrr- .f |*|. »nd waa ir-riied by *o_xe men m aklff*. 1-elow the a-jiH-dnet b.1a*1_-. as far Rnck 4>eek. the rlver'a bank 1* llned wlth bualnea. place. of aJl <\* *eilptiora>. Ineluding coal rlumpx. watOfcoaaea, rerilliiing n.B.iufaetorres. c^ment wnrlts.Uiat bouaM a»l mllls Th«^ oarni-r. of these plac.-- ararBed hai.i ia. s.a - itxctr piT<peity and aur-ceen. i\ to a roiisldpra'ile exi.-.".'. Bal the xxater oa th.-m -,i rapi Ilv iha. |_ei w.-re fontvl Ui deslsl 1-efoee lhr\ haal a. cornpll-li-"! all that fbi y daatood. **n- of th- luaxloai |__a->ra la II. ('. wiiisl.ip. whoae wharf at thr mt.uth of Roc-i fYeek wa* badiy -.n. kx-s-t. He lo-l a lan,"- *ia_titlt* i.f coal. and probahly ls poorei i.\ 985,000. Tb*' Analostan Uuat I'luh h_M a'.oiir tl.e aaaa* amonnt. Thelr boalboaaa waa xalu.-l at *I'_'..mni i> h*<l 1,,-c-n fltted up at at. ripens- of ataiut gBJOOO, _a_ «_, fctored wlth barge*. s'ielis and pleaenrc .-raft 'ln:- eluli ls the oldeet In the Ustrtet. and tioxa Hh wi,.,|c prtiperty ta gnpe. Tte .Sharpahln ShcK.flri-c 4'1-jb loat I1« new rtiua-houKi, whlrh alippei! Ha cnMe «n.| waa ilashrsri io plaaces a«.-alu-t tfir \jit\~ Hrklge. The steati xa. hf Alma. ralaed at O-'I.tHK). tbe property of local pe.rr' aHa-rnay*. wa. alao eompletely wis-arkiil. Tlu- Barbor Vxphalt M'ork* surfered to thr extent ,if OIOikxi a_;,| thr Ini1e->"n'l'-iit and Great |_fla Re ('<-m->a>il** lo«r a."> <a**o rach. an.l 4;.^alc>'. !hi-) llllll 1* John P. A,~nrr .-, t o hl'l J.4XK) tons of roal awrj, t away. aod ivrry b'i.i c tbe rlver fmnt |* damaged, but lo what rx.rit ginot ,-iow be Rtated. Tbe Chmapetke and Ohln t'anal limpanv are the h*ax*le«t Ut*r>t*. aiad ars- a'mo.r afrakl lo ralculate Ih* amount. It cannot b* Jr»s than oioOimbi. hut utitil there I* a nnbaldenrr of tlie flood apd au examlnation can be maile, it lnipo.-ihlr t. Bppn.Minat* the ainmint of damace. Ihe water rontlnued rl-ln_ throughnut Uie night, and about noon today rearhtad ... matlaiuai, ihrr- feet tli Inrbes above hlyl. wai-ar mark ol 1M77 which w** the hlgheaf on reeoed. At thal llm-- the r|iv nrae«ented a *trange *peet*el*. IVnnaylvanla avr from the TN-sre monument. at ihe laal ol the f'aattol to N' W84 floudiatl wlth wbit. and In ai.n.r plaee* lt wa* .:p to fhe thlph. of h<>r»-v The rrllxr> of store« along tbe avrnur wrrr» flonded and a'» w--r«a some of fhe maln flnorv ln th« a1d*Blrne-i nf the avenn" th'Tf waa slx t'i el^r'.t f.r' of walcr. aad vawl*. sklffs ir-d latmr. Ware exiryvhrre to be aeen. ComnuB'eaBtMi xrrpi b* I ..». *-.« to.allv lnterrnpt-vi bataraeii Iforth aad flontb ivash It-gton. Al Ihe Pennsylvaiila itallroal atatlnn Ibe water wa* np to ibe aalUnB-rooai. Thrniieli Ibe Baillbaialaa and A*niruliur*il Drpnr-t- nient groi.nds a Baop Bttcaa. **a« riinnlnp, aii'l Iha Waahlt.glon Miuiumeiit was .ur-roiindnl on all kMea l,y wjfer I'p Iti Uecrgrtow.-i nnl» Ibe srcon.1 >teHra of hr.iiara along the watrr front wrrc vlafble, and B*af4*r-*l. ma a raglng tatream. «, THE DAMAGE IN VIRiiINIV pk/lBMBITHfl sfrnr.s rKOM Ki.'><>r> and firf-- ¦EAVT I.obsks TO PARMI B Pelemburg. Va.. Jun.- _ (Hpaefali..Xol Iba metnory of Iba Bldaal lakaMlaBt. !>h Pet'reburg been liatl8- by a flootl a*. fi.-rr- :m I deetrurthre a* thaf whlfafi anrprl-ed 11 on satutdiv atxl lo dar. The whole population ba* laraad out ln a e tbe tlitht. In addltlon to tlie damage alrr.dv i«poitrd tn .ispttrbe*. ih" ltrg»- Bnrahouaa af Meatis. Kldd A liooth, ou Illvei nt.. nni* deMniyed bv flre thl* nj,»ri.!n_. There wat stoted ln tlil* null'llng a lot af oay and Ilme. Tbe Ilme wa* *et on ll,e by water fiom tbe river mndiig lu *8B-Brl with ll. The huild ln. w_t eontumrl v.Ith Its r-mtent*. entilllng s loaa of rlO.fajo. 'ihe ofbVe bulldlnit of John V i*t.-tine. 4 f'o., pi-nprleffir* 8f Ibe *!lk ftrfory. wi* earrlrd lt]' by Uie 8ood latt night. The B_8*fl a.ljnfiie.1 tbe fsrlnrN bulldlng whlrh ba* al-o lir-ui eantM-raMj dxmaced t-ltether wlth the mu hlnery L*a| Blghl lha ra'iil hurtt above Fleet tt., and tbe water haa been rmhlntr down «ver I'nce Into ller-t and OM al*.. and all ih« hotttet and bnlMlugt lu lhat jiort.on of the rlty .n- floodcd. Tbe bteak ln Ihe .anal wa* ao iiiir\peri-'l that many famlll-i bad bandy tlme ;n e*. spe wlth their livet. At an early hour thl* morning I*k8 \Vhlte':rad, of Cbetiertlekl County, In rompany with Danlel llragg, of thli elty, and two eolored men, were rxiwlii- ln a boat on Klver-at., wben the boat got Into the neavy eur reot and wat eapalred. VN hltehead aud l.ragg WBBB iii-owned, bnt u.e oth-r Iwa bmb ""'" *avcd. The water nn Itlver and Plke M*. la murh blghn Uiday than ll wa* yeaterdav. a* IB88 between three and four feet l.*t, A'l Ih- bulltlliia> ln Jheae iwo ttreeit aro fl,.. d-'f m,| have been de**rt«d by -ceupaait. The wa'er lt rcportrl fo be fali Ing at Karmvltle. The damage by tha frexhet ln I* teraburi w||| ba at leaat twoo.noft, and put It at t murh hlgher gfure. Tt_!.'0*ltn*t "*lf f*rmer» In the rountt**. rontlptou* ., 4__,,J_*?urat h*ro >-oitB'ne;l wlll be n leaxt .1.0)0.01)0, and aii tt.e work tbey barr dntie during Ihe fi__ 4 ""-nlht w'll have to ba dono over agaln. Tw> ¦allroadt eertainly hM. ,,.jfepM i.atvilv hy Ih i weth nj away of their roadbndt and l.tldtf*. ahd Iravel I* MHonsly inrernipfed. There rann'Tl.e ..>¦ tralna North orfioufh through here for at leaai a week. The elragtapb wlrei ar. ifown ln all dlreetlon*. and nus ¦Ma for Sew-Yort and other polnt. North havo to be »nt over a loag and rouiidaboul rlrruti .ITTKBURO'rl CQVYIK XB. AB_UHMKNT8 BUSY. Pittsburg, Pe-in.. Jnne 3 isproiuiTbe tindeetakart' upply eatab-lshatcnt of John Vurphy, oa Oraat-sL. ad t_* Excelsior Cotto Work. of liamilum, Lamoo. ArnoM A Co. ara worklrg to their full rapuclty trlra mlng ar.d shlppln_ eofftn. Kvery avallable pej-jon waa prr-tt-1 Into aervl. «» ln order that the roftlu* mlgbt be made leady a* rapidly aa ptaslble. Af ea<*h plaee tliey bio belng lliilahcd al the ra:e of about l*B an r.on-r, aml probab.J never before ha< tueh iapld Nrorh been done. At noon yeateidar an ord.r fc>r lOii rofllna wa. ptared with tha B-teeMer i'ompany b> Mr. riarupaor.. tlirough .S.ip,r;i,i,-ml.*4ni lll'-alrn. of the Pctinajlvanla Rallmad I'ompatiy. At MurphvV th* Btlg-Bal oixler waa for IM, I.ui Mr. Pltrtlrn .Bhaeqaaatbr rhanged It to *. Kn-p at xrork untll otxlcred to atop." MARYLAND STORM-SWEPT. ENORMOUS DA-U6K TO RAILROADS AND FAI-MS. MANY LIVES LOST IN T1IF. ANCiltY WATEItS- PROPF.RTY DF8TR0YF.I), BRIDOKS TORN DOWN AND VIM.Atil.s BVBMEHGED. BaMaaara, june *_'..a dnren llves loal, a handred pnor f.imltle* Iiutnelcx. .nd over 8_,tV)0,()(io wtnth of property fleatfOJ-d, K the l.r'ef l.ut l.rrlble rero'.l ..f Ibe kavor rtuxed by ihe fliwalN ln Mai vlan.t. I".\ eri river aud nmuntaln alrram ln ti.e WBBBBfB half of ti.e r»t3t* ha* BVerflOWBd lt- l.aril.-. Inuiidtflnr; v.l .-'. *..; BiaaB-Bcterias i.mi laylns thottsard. of _(-.*¦ ..! f.itn lauda. Dwlag tu tl.i' bad I'.inillilon of t.'ie nll- road an.l l*legr*p- line*. aeriirate deralli of Ui» '!»m- ag" were nnt r*-4**tv*d ni.tll lu-t nlg-l anl to-day. The loatea by wrerh*d bridge*, waah*d-oul roadbeda and landt-de. alonir. the wattern _tvl«lon of lha Halti more aml Ohlo Ii all road. from lialtlrnore lo JoboatOWB, will probably roarfa i.alf a mllllon doUara m ine f'hrvapeake tm! Ohlo Canal. that p.iiltlral bon-* of ron tentton and burden to Maryland, whieh i.a* r..xt ti !* Mate inaii.v mlllliuis, I* a fntal w.-erk. Ti.e |>n!oma" lUvep, bv the *lib* of whlrh tDe rtnal iun-.. from Mlll, .N-,| in Qeorgetowo, D. t'., ha* awepl i«iy ihe lor-ks, fowpath-.. brldges and. !n fa-t. -verytblng ooaaeeted wlth the mnal. The probablllty ix tha< tba watarwai win riot ba rastorad, bul that tue rana'i.e<i alll now be 10M to one ol the ratlmada IhBI have b,-en trylng to laenn It fi.r aeveral yaara Tbe ooneern h»* n**ver p»'<I. and anonatl} bat Inrrethed lt* ein.rm...:* debl to the hlsle. Sena t-jr (.orman ind hl* pnJftlrBl a^aoriatrs, who ta'. lha eatial aa patt of the Mary land BMehlaa, wlll ir/:.-' lt* loas, imt tbe taxpayei, r*iolee Ib it^ deatrurilon and lu thr hope fhat tl wlll never _£aln beeomft a jx.liticaJ slnklt.t; pool f..r Ihelr BKMM) Pre*l(1e!,t Maycr and nth*t (.filri-la of tbe DalHmore _i.d i'l.!o 1'ft liilttmon- on a «:-ec!sl trtln ihl* inoro Ing to ln*p«**t the ilatnag,-* t.i the road. Th'-\ ri prctrd to reaeh the Jnhn*tnwn hrnnrh of Ihe ateaterii »11 x. 1-. *"> rn to-nlKbi- Ile fur* leavlug here l"r-*id'-ni Msyer ttated that the .-<impa-\ would pla>-,- traln. at the .ll'.poaal ol the rellef eommlttee. and dn all In ltt poaer to aid thn aufferen In tli** t'onematigh Valley. The Weastern Maryland Rallroad f"ompan\ and Ihe ronnertlng linrs th- llaltIni'ire and llarrlabiirg an.l ihe ruinberlsud Valley ruada. Io-* he.vilv. (»n the monntaln gralex of the lilue Hldge tbe-* are tre tnendoua waahouta and lu tome -eelloui the. trarka are lorn up aod the rotd-ied mmttmttA i*ev.-i_l brtdget were wathcl away. Iiltpa'.-'i(w r*:.ij» penhiirg. Ilagentown and polnt* ln the Valley afate that the daniafie to that fertlle - reglno li Incab ulable. Mlle of ftrm land* w«~- mh merged by the torrenta th.t r:i*he<I down frotn Ibe monntaln*. Several Ihet were lo.t and many head of rattle drowned At tba* ni<>u'i»ajn t«.»n of KTe»le-rtrk, Md the Mr>BB--t*y River, arnll I reek an. oth*w atrnama eomfeloed Ifl the work ,.f dra4nirtkin. Frlday ntgbl wa* i^ie of termr t«. 'be tari.tde of that aertlon. The M.arBBf Il1*-*r mi- IBpldl) ^\xm tAe nme ibe raln i-ea-tt untII laat night, whn, Iho wit-pa began lo faQ. Ttie bark aarer Bl ll_* rlvri extenda*! to lha raatea-n llBtll of lha <>> 8nOdlng evrr)ihlng ln ll* latt. an'l M.llng avar tl-r tlell* «nh a fleree ritrr-rr.t tkat nirant ileartre NfHi t<. rr.)., fenrea aid »»ety-blBg Ifl BBlh. Al th<- I' van!* Kailmad brldr" the r\\rr roae Ihlrtv f.el tboxe low water mark. It *nhin-rg.-l th«> Pr, ,. ,,i ihe lu-alga and at one tlme D i*-al, ta-d n Wllh rle»lr bul tbe br-aklrg aa*av of :t>>4.> (r--i f einlaokiiient on ih^ n irth .i.y <f the i.ri.tpr «avrd Ibe alrtremro B'lib lha :kx) fc nf ainbaofc-teni wenl 300 h*l nf nvl 1>ir heavy flea-1 rallx -ere lui*t.«| bl t) i tl I . If they laren wivtii bad la tbe Jtw* ol a inaoiin .1!. vi-e 'Ibe river ai ti.t* i»»m a.4t f. . nany nilh** ai'llg Ua .omao overfl ,'¦ ¦! -i. I. i 'K- Ifl thr v.i t ihoti-and frtji, mbaierglBg ti.r eorri a- >l v,i.»»i fle|r_, on rithe-r ^.te a-id .'Birjitig everythtng -f * lt. Jtiat below th- rallroad bridge a lai_r - . ¦-!-( tuniplke brtdg", waa atiapja^l in Iwo an.l a-i't down the tldr. Iu ihl* way a half Boaea lurnpthe at vartoui polnt* al'mg lha rlvar »ne rarrtrd i.a. Tlie h.** to thr t.a- .1 alnirlloti ..f tli#." hrldir-* xaITI f.M.i i.i. n.a.iy ll,,... ai.d ,1 .Mra. Charle*. M>Fa-M*« atxl Ml*. Mx. of Tanei t.-iwti. vx-re ilnivrji.^1 in Iheh eartlage Wilr iMemyiltia; to rixi-, * ,«-n||, n ai.-.iin Th,- rtal vehlcle were axreiit do-n l!,e ,.;rnn, and foi.tld «l> l'a!g.*l ICtll.'t i Ha«. r a aj I,ln_ hall V.) n lt the rirrllirr *a I-,..,,-,. a/. dled Iii IrytaC lo ext.xrai/- h-,-elf Mra M.l a, boalv wi* (o.iixl uear tl^e .»;iiag- Al K -i-.x \ :! fin-aMerthl~ damage waa .l..n<-. t,.,| at Polnt of Iiu, pSOple Xl^p,. rnii, ri lle.l t.i *'¦._; the roof bo.!*»."> aa>l other pla^«*» <if aafeiN N mrafl) llxlns on au uIbi.iI hi ti.e n.i<_r> ol Ihe rlvar, uppo n .I, l-li.t. l-.ol o,t s gnri ta a al|(nal uf dl> 11^;. »-r. alth dJfflrnirx ¦*-. rd 1-, .!> .. Mltily, Wd Ua* »oa«-a will ajfrrefBt. aCMaDOiBi 1 __.. h'lNl'Wt .lariiagr In fhr r.(»rr- «a- lu lha vlrlrrlt) "f trilMaaiapurt. M'aal,liigli<n ¦..,...t, Th relli _d« a* If-fxwatown and Wllllaoiapoft were wa OBI Ihe ir,|tr-i h.sya, . |_a I ¦.,.,( -rUml V'Bll' l.'allrx-*<l IU i.e,a li-m brMge I- l!a 1'i.oi.ia. l.'H'-i won' iiu*.,. la.iMug l_-lng lefi uf _be -n ra-taii e\,.-pt iri» ,(,!-, ».!-,» fhe r.xntl l"h- OftglliaJ of the brldga wa- »7.i..Maj. nii slnng .e KatoBaae il.e _*sirai*tlMB *.¦ rr i, At md tietr W l!l!iiii«pnrT. wbrre th fonocoebeagii.. ernpti-. InUi Ihe Potomar, iho loa* I* \.ri The WB-BBOUaet Of \|r,or C|«liWB. htefTev A Flpdlav .ml l'rank Iiarby tre jaarlJally under «airr, and Ihelr ]...e« will l,e great Mr />.il.v al'ine r.flinaiea hla loa. at aio.'iiX) (m«t,.xlf af Hefnhn'a rhali factnix ui. .wef.f aaay. r*.»..i atfer ihe fBeton ga, e wa) Thaodora Wolfe. aee rlghl***, aon of Lotila R W't.lfr, and Kamuel f'.-irtietl, rt,.t!. of NA'l!liBin*n.iri, atatied |n a boal r" rooover *-Nrr»i i.air. NNf.iie ...i^t^i jn dolBg *', M.'.t.l' NNi.lfe f.-ll lotfl the ill.-i Bl.'l i a drowaed. Tb. I.o.ixe. uf Wllliaai Raurboff aml A F.rniliger, . therl itlalBIK* .lb'.ve Wllllaiuapori. u.-rr waahaifl awa-,. Joaetib f retger. il-i *lttt, \v»- drowne,] iii .NtiHeiain f raeh Ywb aillei !,..!, r.i um iBIBsporl '«Ni-rBl bnuaei *»era wathral awa), in,J i!,..»« eblldrwn aee reporiad drowned. Al raliin^ Waien wheee ..r.h a f.*w day. Irefnre . ryelnne ran ad >i, mt. aod de.tnieUon, iwo house went down !., the ingrx »at'-r. aml the llttle lown waa alni,,.' titlr*-|\ mh meige.1 ln ('arn.l! t'lHinty, *>t. lha Intae, wlll -*|, h -aieial lin'i'lre.1 tl,,,,,-aml .lollir* t.ei.rge lierrlrk m, drowned a' Trevaalon Milla, nn I'lpe < r-ek Along ihe PaiatiW'i l(IN-r ln lloward t'ouat] greal damage aa* done lo mill* aml privata i j. ii-. *..-a. Kyketville tbe wafer nined ihi Italumore and 01 lo !.-.,r.,-«. tra, > an.) a fi»-l|.'hl traln waa fuin.- I o\er a.. enihint.fuei,i. J'.ldf.i, nt ttrangn 4;u,\r>. when the strurtuie wa* saarp' a«ai and ):.¦ n a never sr"n af-aln. ,n-'.l'ra!.|e daniag* w*s (iona ti, inlil.n? piniertv in lialilniore ., n.-. The B'a n-n Manufaeti.rlng t'ompanv. near rnarfceyavlll* vriII l<ia<- f6.f*no, a .."un n.lll* >.l H.lllBin l:. Ilonoer .1 Hniia, II * I'arkd-le. Mount B'aahlngtou aud cilpia-r n lll. work .a _a auapendad yeaterday.. iln nnler MVlng riltereri the abeal plU. I'cit llepoall. Iirai' the ni'.o'h nf the )>ua.|tlch;ui'.,i lllvrr la iiiuJer wai«r. Kealdenta ahmir lh>- iivrr fu.iii Irfl t'.ei*- lionirs nu'l took rafilga on .Ina hill- li*c!i of |j |OWn Th* ilvr: |a aiilli HiouMii.l- ..f I..--. fm.n lb* brofcon booaii up lu ih<- tiniher reglnaa, Bbv« rral MBBll 'ta-iie ho'iaea. and lota of fuil-lt'irri have l*rn Baajating hy all Bay, I'rom the easiei-n and anulheni -rcflntia of the m»I-- coiura rejii.r.* of enllre fniit farms twepl awa- Tw-i men were .Ir-.w.i -1 ln the slOI-1 I'V Ihe ra|..l*:iill* Ol B sI.m.ji nea. hillahur* COVKRN.MIAT AID Tf) TIIK 8_tF-_.-U.RS. I KKSIDKNT IfAftRlMOM *M> 4.I.NKKXI. h.'ll'). ril'.l.r) DKV1SI1VJ MF.AXB 01 tID. Wasbln-lon, June _.- I're-|.|"ni llr.rr..s.ii «l"l n'«. attend ebarra. lo-day b.t *peni his time |n eianamnl- ratIng Wlth |r«.|a|«tn the flood.strl.'k"!' dlsti-'ci-. aalth i \ii.44 10 (-raata. Iheni inolt aueeor as lay in the pow-r of the liovruuiieiii. About H o'rhv k In fhe ni'iMln. Ornenl -.rhoIrM, .*< tliig Sccretary of Wa--. IIM la ihe Whlt" lloii.e. and hr and the PrasMeal repalre 1 to Ihe telrpraph rooni. trhem they were pm ln eom- munliallon \xl*h a* many pnltita aud as muny |aneoa* near Ihr llooded d'atrliia as aaaalblB. Tb* r>B*_l*OI offered to extend to Ibe pnnplr ln dl.tra-as any siirror tahlcli Ihe .ioxer.inienl co'tld glve. Iln snld Iha' Ihe. iJovernmetit would s.ipply aa iiiau;, lenia aud ratlon* and soldler* to a*-.l»i ln thr aarfe of tlon aa poxilrl*. (Joveiiioi llnaver, nf I', who waa at Annapolla, Md.. a* a member nf Ihe Iinanl of V|alt4.r. lo th-- Naval xrudrtnj, wa* comn.unlrite4l wlth and waa lnforme.1 nf UM OOWO-BBBOat- ivlllliif- neas io grant aif-eor aad t-ellef. The cnx-ernor aecured a aperlal traln and left Annat.olla loi- Vork, 1'enr... for the p.irpoae of plarlng .hrxao offi-r« ...i ih>' part of Ibe Goveinnient uie people ln the lli.Ml.-d dl*trlct». The Prealdent and «.<-neral BefeBtoM .-eniBltieil nca- Ibe telegrapli ln-triinieiit» reeelvlng an.l i*ep|ylug to telegrania untll BOOB. After lun. heon IkOJ ai/enl rftma more time lt. telegraphlnp, Jj^,i ni ;| o'clock the lYealrrcii. went out drlvlng fo vlew tbe ilestiucllon whlrh thr Bood* of thr Poioma*' hvl wroughf. H< aud Mr». HBUlBOB Ihen agaln went Into tb» trlrj-iaph 8BM0 and afayed 'hero for MBM tlma, the Prealdent ei- tending hla sympstnlai to tha afflletod people aad aa* deavnrlng lo jearn of avery w»y ln which he mlght be of sei-vk-e lo them. Ilie 4ioveniment haa about -J.OOO tent* whleh lt ran lerid to Ibe aufferen. Tbe (.oxeriimeu. haa al... under lt* coiitiol th.iu-a.iil tent* lielcnglng fo the mii;tia of the *e>v|ce, an.l ihr-e wlll lie loane-l If >!.. drd. The nffei- of aoldler* r. a* made for Mie rea»oi. ihnt it wa* thought fhev mltrlit be i/aeful In eleartn. away m1n», aeantilng foi- the rirnwnard and _t._rd.iii; property. Tha <Uv h*« been on«i of feaiful .uspcnsi; to the prlvaua a>-ci-eia.v. Mr. Half nd. Mra. UalfoM and her daughter. J>anettp, left Indianipolis on the traln that got 'ai of Pltt-hur*: mornlng. 11^ nas re- a-snred, however, whan he reeelv.vl a me.*s»i;o from th>- I'ennaa Ivania liallrnad C-a.n.any alatlr.g lhat Mtv Ifalfnrd aml daughter were all Hght, but had loat thelr bajtirage. - »- WESTERX XEW-YORK FLOODS. LOSS OF LIFE IN THE ClIKMrSl. AM) CLS- KSEE VAU.K.S KI.MIR.V STRI-.F.T.S l'NI)I".R WATF.n-R MI.ROAD track-- i)i>T»ovr.i)-4"noi'4-, im thf", chk- Ml NI7 VAI.I.KV TOTM.l.V DKSTRDVP.l). Klmlra, Juna 2..The aratee here laat ni/rit wa* fiuuj a fo;.t Ij a fool aud a half iitniier than ever |ae fur» know:. ihl> afternoon two hodlns floateal down thr river. A roof upon whlcli |bree pet-OM '.rr- ellnglne I- iaM lo have puaaed bf ihe .-Uy laal nlght. Thi i. -i.y of i glri haby -va- aaabed **hore thi* aflar nootl ln Ihe lower portl B Ol tbe rlty. Tho Ki le Baflroad brhlga ui anchorrd ln Ba pbve last n:«ht by two li-liis of loade.1 frailglit .af-, Tlie wafr 8 ta the r*r.. which. Bb* brl.lge, aet-il a* a .lani aad 'io-rr.1 IhO" water hack Ihnnigli Ihe clty nn i'- noi-th iMe 4if tho < 'r-miiri-i Brrer, trmert the prlnripal hiulne-s houses ar-* lorate<l. The wst'-r niv.-re-l tli- atreeta lo a dapth ..f two or three fool aml ih.- baaaneata "f Ibe atorei aera qulekl) Booded, Kia-anda <if dull*/* of daataga. The nnly poaalhla \v:i\ ..f .-nterlng the IfcvUlbOO* II.iu*e. thr prtnrlpal t-oiel nf the cMty and oi Ibe rlrlef bualnoa- wai bj Imata. wbirii arera i_*jred illrerll. lola Ihe hf.'el ofllee. <>n t).e BOtltt .Ide of the river liie aatBfl aore bald ln r.'e.-k for -.'a.-rrij hmir-i b. the tan fo... i-llroad ea.b_fl-i_.nt, hut bun-iad* ol famllle* «-r- drlven ln... lli" upper .loricx of thelr bo.nxes.* lo ihe OVenlug, two-Uiouaand ttt* of the embanknieit -, foiced away, and tl.e wa.'er carrled thr rallroa<l iracks and everyihlng elae liefore li. An extanafve lutnher- yard ln ih¦. path .-f the rnehlog uater was .w>-pl awav. Xanj were h-vrned, and 'he people iiving nn iba t'.M4 were reeened witii dlfBeultj bv the janll. e a id Oremei,. Tha 1 ir paaaanger traln whlrh had been btrt yaaterdaf in<.rnlng went aaal lo ii-iiTalu ui" »hl« aften4n.ii o\.-r the Lackawanna road. »>n Uie Flata. twla-a tnlie. we«! of hrrf. th.-ee mlle. of track* -..,. washcs-l away, aml at Cot_!_g tiie tlg Iron br1-l*te arroxi ihe rlt-et aa», carricd awaay The Krle ex pre-a N... 1, that arrlir.! hri* yeaterday afteinoon a held bf il.e tlooi Part of 'he larlawar*. ijaeKawanna aad Weafert. Kallniad tildae arroa t!e sixrr a' Vaavrtiv I. pane. and the road »<¦** th*" ira-ka from her- fo Illngharn'on "n fhe Nurtheni Central braneh nf the PaanayhraaUl av*tem. ihr WOclboUBd cspraaa traln thal left herr op FtidBT nlght la »falle»l lietween Mlnnequa »nd anton The e are grca. wrahouta on «*ch -Nlr of ihr ti-ack. and rallr-.aal rnen aax thal tho road wlll i_.t he open a ».-ck. Th- d.iu*_» 10 |r..f<t'' ll thia rHy and Vlrlully I. ea'lma"sl ai 0-00.01)0 Tbr rt-** ihro.i.h-mt tbe (''-niueg \ *lley are aJmn-t r.iially | ,\cl. Ihe | all Mn-ok l.a. laal two brldfea and *be tia.k I. t.adly wa.hci out batweea linaxvUla aml Wcalfl.ll. Ilili'a-s-ii !l\** ar* a-l'l t" !*'« been |oa« at ...rnlng A.i.l'.var, N Y., JaaO I * '.-iiltil'- ralnatoriu al. Ited ihla a. i-tioii earh )r,tet-lav mornlng. All liie ilreami an a-x-olleii f*i Btxive tilgh aaalri maik a-il tlrld. aad r<i*ls »«*sia utertlowed Ma le*a Ihan a down t.n.lzrs lu t..-.ii w.-is. .jnlfsl ai.a.1, Bli.l nrwl) plani.-al rn-JM are m.erly riln-a-L Ihe watai roatlnaed io uv. rapklli uniil 4 aVIack. A> lhat h..ui Ihe two d»ma *. ihe poada abov.- ihe xlllaje gaxc a-*ai aad Ile aatlrr ruatied avil.'lT dowi_ Into II,* Xi'la*-*. Nrarlv ra.ra v'lr-t |., ll.r place waa tiv*rt1aj»fa|, a.i.i in inani ._.. ._¦< upanta 4if bouaaa iaru lu the lipptH f,.r .airla tiaa.-u. i.r;. tannerj *a. Bo-Urd »u<i rtilaad .xiii.'«"t eaen .. ..f r»!lr.._.l 'raik u»- ewvtiod arvd auch "f H wlll t,»a.- i., I.e p, t.iili. Tlrf t.-w k at -oi.,r polnla 1- 'O'. fieru f. rt wll.i ctiil, ai.d iralna anriot run lor I... oi 'i.rrs,- daya *i rfa Inmbor, aiaaj MaaU t.uiw ina-s Bnd ..U;r| lia\e 1.,-Wi Brrle«l Bl Mrii illlr \ ) J¦.-, '.' Ilie t.ravx i_lii r>l .water <Ib» iH.xe.1 rpreka Into rlaer. and rlxrisa Into lakea all Lbroug 'hl» arrliou. Nevei, In lb* expericli- e .|f ideat InhaMtaal, h~a Wellsvllh* baaen xixttei aal'h an.l, _ rtoi.I Horh rn 1. »f Ihe lown l.aa.- r. .. .MhaieeOBd, wa.ei in manv .aaea aia.-i.tln/ |, ». '., |||« ..»,(» i,f I, ..i.r. lariua i.ji thr fl*ta ah.'ii' |.-kea r-. k aml ..rneaee Hla r. fi.r mla*>a a,-. un. 1."r 'ioiii .-*.¦ ln ten fert of ¦a-a'rr Hutldliin. brMgam. ll. an.l l,4<- .' ck l.aae baaen gMOg - » ,|. Tb*-r ar* aeveral lal wa*. .11 / .- i!!r.,_,i. N.. '..-ln haa.. arla-l here ali.c* mkl.ilgh). K'lwanl luriir-rr «r. il. il.l. ii .. If r i.ll.a ,|le V V.. June . ..ea.-ral l.ild..*e« on Ihe .. raklrt. ..f me eilj ar- j. and fh.- Ul2t.wa>. an- milrr.*.:* -rlll "ifTe;- |.*i llcilarlT the l-rs .|ari tj ln Ih* vlciiiltv of Ihr ihOM la rieij a.i.mrr-re.l w.rk '*ln* i .'alli li.i.eai xia.j "a-h.'.l- are rp.-i-1 «... 'he Kile. Nol a I.Bli. x- anlae.l or .lejailcl ...Ua rlford I'e- n J-.'n- 'J N'Ol a iraln Iia* px- -:,in .Ihl-i.ii ol n,- Vea Vork. lakr Kdr md -V.'i'ru Kallrvad lodaa F>s:,iu Wrll.i |l|r t.. MitiiIihI b .llstanee of .-n' thre.- mtlex. fhr ma.7 aa ind. along the 1.41.h >.f tl.e Rlrn i..' :t- 'a-.r occiirrr.1 at Flm \ »l|e> T»n Ta.|>. Alfreal aml Imnnd . JK.TTY^rirR.; R THF STORSTS PATH Mt< H nAM.'ii nom m:..i m> mr BTBTORK TDWS XIXNV IUM- i-rit-T fleftyabnrc. June 2 i-«r<sriali The .inrrn that d1-! xv.a- Iii VlrKHil* and Vai-at Vlrclnla on I' re.riir.1 here KalUftlay mornlng Tlie ib'i! h-gan ai 7 .. .-!¦.. k I'tl'taT morrinf ard contlnurd BBtfl 'I o elo. k Katanlay lt waa dm .-cintl.iur.iia during .all tha' time *.. a t-raulf. fhe aire-ima in thia eounl) 4a.-rt- l.l-'iirr tlan Hiea havr boefl for laenfy-flar ycars. Iia a«-iual rnraanremrn. tf.- ral.ifall ia« 1.1 Im a** tbe ahovr huiira. Nearlv n\rr: -*|.|.e lu ihe enuni) i. ei.hrr badly .i»ni»Ke>i nr sw.ipt away, snd faiturr who Ilv- --xr the iBierr a.ieanis m.n f..r fei.eea r»rHe.| awav atid fr.ln ile ll ruln ..i iba iBllri.ids le^iini? |n tli" town bave ha-i large portlona of ihelr niut>anknie_il* ixa.h'd oi.t and inain of ihelr brklgra dlstarhe-l Un ihe Haitinu.ix aml iln, :.'..i- .I'-..,..; ..f iba iVeatern Marylea- Ballroa<l the damage ata- *i- af M Valle) .liiii.flon l.ii.«. fe»4 uf thr en.bankmenl haa-.- diaappeareil. and a; ii'-.k. ni. fhe nrw braneh of Iha road lo llxgersi/iwn. fi.ui dlvlalona of Ihe brtdge aere .-uej.. a«a) \ M*.1* rurna/c a nrw Iron brldge haa nnlblng ln a* up. and further up Il.e :-oa.l ninre than l.-'mi f. f madha-Ml 1.14- been aaa-hed oul, A' Mflleaiown Ulll) «.i|«ni-.. 1,500 feci ni ihe track on the Krawlerch dlvl'lon of Ihe IVnnax Ivvila n.Bd have Irr., '(-.I The t.'i-ttyabiirg an] lfnril* llailnal has I.ev-ii h h"av) tuffen i. Sevan mllea fnmi fieity. bmir. al il,e t'onewagn ( ree!,. at let..t j *i .... iu< '. have U-en iwepf j.ui, and b-tweeil Ihtl plaen and farlltle there are thi-iv wMhout., Um ai pine ... ivi and Motthi II dl) nn Ih llne of tlil. p.l. ie-.«i>- lha giB-teal damafs ara* .June Ihe Urge l.ati.Iei .lllll.'i a.ippllri Ih-, wa!e: 1 iiin th f,>r|T a' Plfle trove furna.-e. and whlrh eoven thlitv B'-r-x ol lan.l. I'iir»l. It .n.-p- BWBJ piri ol ibe f.uiiii aml i houte. The orrupanH um BJ iiii-n wi.IIm,- tn .v.iei up a. Ihelr ffl-rltt, A inilr an.1 t half of liai'k oo the flne Ui-irve Itallrnad |. coii" .ml the r.el -III r-.t .. ln runnlng ofder fn. foiu ",e ..-rv lut I.e- wlf. on.. i-xre; run, ln MoUt't II l'y Wa* aW*DI BWB| bj the lloial if, 'BSlOB-d ln ih- br aii" of 'I." ila'n wi.lrh fiinilxlie* watn t ,i ihe paper mh-i *'. th*J plare _arge gapga of repalr hmd. ara xt work, and |f ¦nooufl .-i tl i' fnlii* wlll le runnlng hv Moaday. Next NV.a.V wlll t.e romni'-iiceBMhl werk it I'ennavl raniB L'ollega, aad n.m; <.f ihe vi*nn,« nr«* . ,i,-lxye,| traln*. rttudeata « ho 8rtab*d thei;- exxmlnt t.oi.s rml deatred to gO h'ime w || '*, detaltml foi srvenl .1 IJ . . ' nN'1-TK" ai THI- MIIKV OP THE no.ij.. raalateo, !C. f., iaae a iaprclali.-Caal«t*a hax l**en iBVBtfed bv a Bood the er, nt whle.i haa never heen known nr x.-en In this v|-inliv befora, Thur.-d-v afteinoon a d-tr/llng raln liegtn an.l ciiillniied nnftl lt beratne a perln.-t dej iK,.. Th., rirrk* .n-I mouut.ln rllla Iriblltar) tn the faalateo River bertni" hWo!|aM j-,1 _wept lum thn vllliKe, laandallng mmy of the »i|-e,Ma lo Ih- depih of thiee f*rt md oiherx fnim tlv.. to leven foer. Ihe of dainige done |,v tl,<* flixal ranno' a pirariif be ae(-iirataiy .'rertHtned. but It li e«t(mst d that lt wlll rxreed leieril thoaaand dollat-. Iba itrerti ire *r«irrely p.*xab:e, and aii atore*. on M-ln m,.| ti.e adjareni atreot* are tlocled I* b depth of from ono to IWO feet and murh of 'l.o *» or n-olled. Mani' hoi.iea wem!ed .way from fhel.' -iniidtlloi.a, .nd .everal tiarrow r*c.|a-i fnui dealb ».',.. ____.¦ in.'' oolile ilecd. woilh) nf a,|ie.-|a! mei.*'o... wa ¦Brfo-OMd bv a voi.iia man, who ualrd Into th waer ahrrv tbe 881*881 "a* >>*lft aml rau.hl a babv lu hl. ai ma .a tt V*. thrown from Ihe w.i.U >\v of a houio i,,a. had J.iai 8e*B aui'|.f fnini Hl fmitidatloii. Ihe lUe peparinient Hnlidin,. ono of fh» mo. roaih bbe Iin li, i"*n. **¦_. i.ndermined by th flood tad "he grsatei Parl -"*-. 11 t" ihe Krouml wllh a rra*h. Ihe town lall wa*. a<mo*t d>*irmrd. Iho lota of theae t\i" biilldlngt wlU etitall a he»w rxp*iiw» on ihe .... iK.rii.on. Nn IratBt or mall have arrtved hen ' 'ihe iBlfl and flood have bean general throughnut lanilimr- aa B.-..18 P....I w^-w-r* t_HMw wjb __a>vva«v SeueiisyicMCarbonw. LITTIIA and V1CHT wlth T.milA. CART..BAD. KA< f'.II.MINl), KlaatllOS-g, EMS. --HNVAUBACII. PVR. MOJfT. a'a Analrted hy Uvr princlpil profexmrt cf chetniitr- li 186_. ar.d Indoraed la ah-alNtel- pnre wi ,,r rorrerl rnmr.altlo.ii pn-ierlbed br uie niryllril profetilon; n*el hr ,,,er 800 phytlrltpi and Ihelr rsmllle,. ,,- hiaplttlx rlabi, botrl*. flrai-claxt publir pltca. aad Oio-aaada of prlvata fa-itllea. THE OM.Y fVBM AND COBMOf MINf.BAI. \NJATT.B** HOLD IX TIII*4 (ITV TO.DAV. Special Sals of ArUcte of FURNITURE. Novel, Stylish and Very Cheap. f.nillea' Deaka In very old atylea. I.onla XVI. Iterep. Iloii (lanlrs, Dliana, _r. t'ulonlixl Tnlili-* ofnnlnnc de- al__, Nl.i.iral < nblnrta und Hiniirta, Antlqnr Hockera, Raar ( hnlra, Raok (' itranr edd dealmi* i < hiffnii- alrrea, roarr ihan 1011 pnit-n.* mniilel Klnaerea aad I nbnieia. (ieuilofiiru'x T-IU't **t*nd*. F._t Keeti. K, ii-eaa. dtr., e\r. ln stock, a large number of tastefully upholstered Parlor Sui.s. Odd Chairs, &c, whieh the lateness in the season impels us to offer at a considerable reduction on regularprices. "BuyoftheMaker," GEO.C.FLINTCO., 101. io« a\i> ins wrsT iith-m*. PARQl'nTTK 1T.00RS. WOOD MANTFI.M, AND M.l. KTNDS r>y rtKNITURF: MADE TO ORDKR AT OUR 13TII ST KACTORY. Thr srrat *i»iirt -alr* of thr late flrm of IIohii* «V Finch, I.l and IH Lronard-at., will bt? continned until the entire atock ia dispoard of. By order of TlH.l.s ri.crRRM \ Rrceiver. Nicholson's Liquid Bread I* *ol1 larfelr ihrou-hn-r. ihe t'nlon tnd Ibrotd. li la an ifiaolutely jmra- Malt grtract uf dtlk-toui laaia, a .oah whlrh r**tnr<*4 _>_ iratetn ta t tiralthr eondllioo. t llquid food of aseettBBt '4'ialllr for well or altk peraona II la rerom- nieivled hr phy«lrla-ia ln caara of debllliv. rv ¦.au*'i.n and waaUna dlaraaea: al«o to nurxiiif nothrra aiid Infinl Invillda. It la an exrelleui appatiier, a t*ta*Ma reatomix-o mJ raBMrarttva (4,..h li.arr. aicobolle deielnpment. manuff tured of .-hol-aeat materlal* and rlpened tijr Ui_e. Niedlral and pojiular experlence haa prown the Kt'rari of Mlll a m.,»t vil-.iat.le Miilo nr raniedlal prepiretlon. whlrh I* freelr pre-a-rlbed bjr phy- -irlan*. eaperiaily where the HlIOB. or phyatial n«t,-m« »-.. lajarad tf dl*etae or ovarwork. hold by all leaUIn- f.rorer* and f)ra*_l*t*. Che (Enrt. AMKRJCAN JiKKKV CLUB, ..'.ItoMF. I'AKK. SPi'.iM. Mi.rriM.. le^a. l'-NJTHN I. N V. .XIONDA . IIM !. and (-nnlinuliig until THURBDAY, tl'ttr, 18 Parir.r Car Ttaln. I 40 I-lTji l.rtnd OBtnl Deniu ...ii.s iii \ i¦>*.. PreaiV-or. u I'KIM. ),'\il MI.KTIM. AT JrlRljMr. 0 I'ARB Nlundav, .t.ilie 81; T-rada,. J tl-.,- 4th We*ni--ay -ur.< '><a- 'rh-i.-l.) Ilia. Ch: Krldar. June T'h «Nj'..rday. iuni- 8th r>. "lxx Ju.e ll;h, NN,.,l;_a*- IIT I'.'.r Th'tr4rtav J...... ISth, \f NN N-.I'.K I I NTUXI. AND III DSOS I-l \i:n RAII.- ,-.,.V|) (i.Ml'NNY II4i:r.!rNt t)IVi>!< N. On all ro.v daya, Hrai *_-r,»| Tra.n wlll le», Craiil i'._.iral Mtnon p*amp!lT at I.:S0 p. n. aiu! the li*, .' |0 . ,, ,,i! a> niai v adlll'i.i-l *(«¦- i-I ualn* wlll M run ai tr-.jii-'i.' Intervtl* .a'iw-n thr hour, iiain.-1 »* m r l^ i.-4)iiln-d the ireemni'xlail'iii ot the i..ih'l.-. R. pu'ir iralo.* l.-.tvini Oiand i-utral Siatton at 10 ST i. I 11:30 a. I'. »lil an .mn 'a.r rliv have car* Mtarhrd ahtrh wlll run thrnuth le th.' raea rour*>- wlth- ,ui ban*. rraln 1- avin. C;ti.,(1 ( »n'ral S_«'lon al - 0.N p. «n. ->lli itetVBl f'oBlhjiii on raee Utva. _ ail'iixl, Tl-NIN iirWAONRR nilNV.TM: ROOM I'hBJt wlll leave (.nnd < entral «tii.on FIl.'M M.NN \i.KK NTIUI, WAlTlKli R'")OM .n h rtra dtv at 1 4(. B. «_, returnln. i>ror,ptlr tt ih- rl.iae ,,t the rare.. B ¦fttrMM. .LT1M0KE AND <»HI<> KAILUOAU. ra* I-.ti.reai vla rillLADE-t'HIA. tl HM.I'IMoilr*.. WAMllNG'lO>" CINCINN'XTI. BT. IXIUI-S AND OHIOAOa ri'M.VNS CAR BRRVtCC ON Al.l. TP.AIN8. I_.B\e NRNV-TORK foot of Mbertr-at. a* fo'kiwi: f-: fllD N'.n. » 18 P. ffl.. 1:-:0O md. tfht. Kr CUfCIKNATI »nd ST. I.OflH. d 5o i. m.. 6 OO r..r WASIIIN'iTiiN. HAI.TlMORi:. 8 SO . rr., 11 00 Bl.. I *. I" D V 111. J li P- IIN,. 5 OO P. Bl t:H^nt7BrO a «. 1 ».: SO.8.15 6 t-.m..l2 n Mnlaiiffr All Ualnt tkip at I'hastet and Wiln.ini.-tou eacept S li IT! Kor Tlekra a. d i-.ii'man ''ir Spaee .-all it B. * O. "irtat 81. 2B1. 415 ar.d l,H.) nn.rtaay. or it na'ion faal ol Uhafljr-a*. ,. . . . Inu.-f. r CnrrpanT w:!I eall for and ehret .arcata from hr.t.-l or reaidcne*. .114* O m I.i. <:-n'i ria*amer Ag-nL / T. ODBLL, ti.-.icral xiutu.''r_ j I Illt.M NAl-L... RAlL_a07\Tl. i'N*.-KMii R tkains laave fset ot ronlaadt and I)e.- -,,.-.4 *.« J" f 7 a ih. f«r -im.inarta.ti and Intsrnvdl.te. :n.lnt> s > bi. f" i.ri.e\.\ l-i.-ti* linira IU»ehe*iar, n.:-'!:., nl .he \N,-»r ai.,1 prlnrlual lr>. :i! polnt*, rhilr ai to .Iini.a aml rullaum ar ... K4i*|M>n_lon Hr I.-, ii, f... l.linlni anl !>¦. li-- Ir.t*. -ara 10 rui.fcnann >. k .'onBcotlon lo lUadiua aal ii i Im |U p. in h.r Klmlra and :.rln.-lpal In'er r,-..> * .,. . p..!:i.< tn I in.l... an t r.illih.i, a|,sf>per lo t'lif.-.¦«.. « ao |. m. for Slatll<Bt"H Jinl InlermedlBle lailnii r, io p n. f..r M»u.'a rhaak iad interaaedlBta poiata 'allin*i U'.ii "> lleadltiB aud llerel-taiir-r ( h.lli ,»r |-a klaoeh .'hunk . fir Geneva i.r»n*, Klmlra, Borhf-ater, iimTiiii \\>.i. lViihinii aleepet I.yeni and Kuaprnat*). in t/.. Tra'.ia al H a in.. II 8. B_, I l>. ui ai.1 7) 40 a_ ...iiucl tor aU iwilnt. in Mali.moy and llarleton aal rraaluna. M'SIHV TRAIBB B a ai. tor Maiicra t iniiik. ItB/l.-i >n anl laieinie-lBt* .', 40 p m for M.urh < hunk anl :r.t.uni.'li:ite polnla. 7 |i iu f.r I7eii,ia. I.4,ma Klinlri. It...-hrater. llilffalo and *\r-t P.illman aleepet i.i l.rona aml S.iapen«!,.n Brl lt" __ __, . lir-nrral TaaUrn OITI.e, _g_ Hri>B.|4»ar. JJCtV LINE WASfllN.lTOX A.VD IMi.TIMORF. V1A IM'NTRKI. K. lt OI' N'7W .17T..SF.Y. rnif.A and RRamvi; n. r. and nATTPIORF. ant> ohio r. r Bcllrl TV.lT.a- Vn Tra-l-f. V- Ftir» Vriis. f*. faat TlBl*. pcr.r.M*"* ckh BTMVXCP] on ai.t. trains. gC-U-DULS IN Jr-HXT MAY 1-TU Traln* Icaa* atailuu 4'ei.lrul Kallnia.1 ot fi caa-Jeraey, foot*r.T..t., .Vorth lUxcr. For iVaaairiMton a:id ilar-.u.nraa, 8:80 ». iu. 11 a *_; 1 :<'. 2 80. 3 1), 6 p. n.. 1.' .n*ii.. -uiidaya, 8:80 a aa.; I -to, . l\ :i:is. I y «> '.-' .'Iflhl. All traina atop ai Ch. «_M and XlfllinlngUm. rseep; 1:11 P Kor rhlladclphla *t 4. 7 :<S. 8:80. 0:30. 11 a. ta. 1:80, .._- ||5 4, s. 8;»0 TiBO P. m. 12 nlght. Su.idiy*. B SOl « 80 a. m. 1:80. 2B0. 8 11. 8. *f:J0 p. m.; Ul ""'n'eketa and Parlnr car ar.-afi c»n iie procurej al 21, 71, ee.1 418 944. 1.1*0. 1.888 Praaadwav. 787 Oth-ave.. 2.)l We.t 1*\Vh-al.. ISC B**« 12Rth-«t. Keaa V»rk; | Ceurt- ¦ 1 8«0 F-i'ton »*.. 1)N nrordaa-BT. nr-v-klyn .aTrw-Tork Tranafer (ompaiir "lll -all for and ekeck ba_f»«fl tmm hn'rl or r*ad*nr* YVKST MioRfc KAI1.ROAD. N. Y. C. «. Tf II II. H. lt. C*., I_4a**x4.-'Uaiita leaxe W-ai ti't at atal.'U.. N"w-V.irk. *. loll'i*., -a.1 la.-nly nilnuiea a-srll'-i from f""* «f lav-at.. B. 17 Ohlrairn, Deirolt, leui'loii. Hamliia-u, -9:5) u. ni.. 6 11. .rtHA |>. m. l.oul. 8:14. _¦:»- p. tn To.ontu. 11*;.»."» a. tn. I ..I... ¦B 1 i'l, in. Monle.l, canada Kjxt, 'Sila p. r.. Nli_ja.a )'ia,L r4inc'i-a-, I'tl.-a Biil principal liU'rm«-i:lB'<- suiloua, BilaC *'J *o a. o>.. 'b \b «:1.'. b, ih. |.i-a-l nll :3ai ». m. lor I'ttoa axnlyi. Kliigston, Sau-.-rrtnaa. . aiakill Xlliaoy. » 14, '7:1.',. 9 38. all 80 .. ni. au. a. .*. :1>, 'S 14 ,,. _,! N.iviiiira. '10:14 * m 1 4X. 4:10. :. itb. '41 _J. II :4.x b, ni. IUier»traw. »._.*> a. i»., '-':46. H.U p. in. Ki.-gant r. iiina-.ara lot HuT.l.., N aeaiu .ulla. Torouio, Ix.«i -¦,..-. ihKa.o aud Kt. I/oula. *l)*rly. ll)*liy. rxtopt Saiur- l»y.. Mth.v tialna dally n_cepi Kundaya. ia a) !.,._,>n Ji.'ra«v 4'lty P. lt lt. <l_tli.u. ali:'.n a ni., a. 40 -_. n,. Iliilioken, Weai Hhoi* Matlon, all:*K) a. ni.. .74 V) ii m. Por tj'ket.. trnie-tahlea. or _puly «. !>fflrea: BrooklTii-B.8 W*_hiiialon*t.. 7-i) 8"_ft.ati-at. Xiiin'x iiftii.'. |...ii of N.'w.Vork Clty.1471. ,1n;| and 942 llroadwar. IMI-I B?w«ry- U 1'ark Place, aad Wr.t fHhoraa Mt.atii-**, ffirt of Weat 42d-*t. and fool of J.v. .t.. N. R. \V«_trnll Cxni-aa call. foi and chrcka h... raca frajai haiala and tttthA «a. tl. E, i.a.MBRBT. '^ G*B*ral l'aaaaujixir Agaat, I Vaudarbllt-av^., K. T. _BailroaGt. PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAD. Tnr. STANDARD RAIEWAY Oir AMIElUOiC, PROTECTED TRROTJOnoCT RY TEOB INTT-RLOCKING *WITOT ABTD RXjOCK 8ZOMA-4 TRAISS _x5R~filE YV__9T. Lejv* SlatloD*. foot of l)«*_ro_*ea aad Cartlaao* eaa I Ou aud after Mar 20. 1800. 9 a. m. Tke Olel.rat*l J-en Vork an. Chleado TJmltBd.' Uie pioneer of thi* elaas of tt* enrvlce. com_-B**_ «x*l*v. atvely of Pullman V"»ilhu e si»rt>i_f, D*ai__, anat fcaioning C*r», l.eated hy atei-n aud flght*4 By B_*r*M* aloctilc llght* dally '<>r I'ittaourg. Chleago, tad C_v clnnatl. . 9 a. m. Faat Mnr. wlth Pullmin V«*ti-ulO Parlor and Bieeplna Cara. Iilnlng t'ar from P.lladflphia, 4*_ly fot PlUab.irg. .'luelnnail, Cicveiand, and Kl -out*, -slljr. exeept Saturday, for i_kIcai-o aod Toiedo. «:30 p. m. Weatern Expreaa, .a-itd I'uilman V**Uh_ita aierplng C_ra aud Dlnluf Car. d»Hy for Ptiuoarg. Chl. eago aCIncinnatl. and St. LouJb, dally, «xo*pt _.{**_*-, fer Clevaland and Toiedo. . ____, 8 p. m. Paeluc Expreaa, wlth Ptillman Ve*t1J"*iU* BlaaafBg Car*. dally for .'I'.t.hurg Chleago, snd Tot*do, dally. exi'«_nt Satarday, for CleveTand. For lV(i|iam*|>ort, I/oelc Ilavaa, 9 OO a. it*.. 8 n. ta.: Ct_rrr and F.rle it m p. m,, «oo-i*cilng at Corry 888 TdUwxnua For LebBnon. 0:0b a. -.,. B.00 p. ra- and 12:15 nleht "tii Norrlatown. Pkoenlxvtlle, Pot"t_wo, and Readlng. 11 00 a bi 1 00. 2 .00, and 4 :00 p. <-. bunday*. 0:1_ *Dd ihe 011 Reilon*. >r Leblnoii. 9:00 *. n... For Norrlatown, 1'hoenlxvllle. Potut_wo, and 11 CO 1 ai 1 :OT and 10 :00 a m. UAETIMORF.. WA8HTNGT0N AND TITZ SOtTTH, .'Warhlngton Uroltad Kxpre**" of Pull man Parlor tarl da.iT. except Hunday. 10:00 a aa.:* Waahlagtea 4 00 p. m., and daTTy, wlth Dinlng 4 ar. st 8 40 p. «L, .rflvo ".Vaahijijttoii '.' 12 P- **.: re-ul-r expreaa, 4 At. _:20, 8:00 anff 8:39 a. m, 1 :00. 2:00, 8:80. 4 SO. and 9:4)0 p. m., anl |_:]1 mjht. S.nd-ry, 4 .00, 41:13 *n_ B:00 *. m.. 8:80 4 :8o anr! 9:00 p. m., and 1iAb nifht. J-or polnta on Che.aneake aud l)hlo IUilway and Cla- rinniu. Sleepara, Dinlng Car. an. oo*e-«* Uroagh*. ¦! jo i". a_ dailr. For Atlanik- 4 lu. 1:00 ;T7iroti«h Parlor Car) and 1*00 p. m. weekdo.a. lor 4 a-<. May. 1:0*1 p. tn. w**k> daya. FO!'. lyONn RRXNCH. BAY III'.XD JUNCTION, ang iitenriellat* a atlon*. vla lUh-iiT and Aiuhoy, 8 :W). 9:10 a. m. 12 00 n0on. 8:10. 4 -l) and 8:10 p. m. Oa Hunlar. _*:4t a. m. and 5 04- p. m. (do aot atop M Aibuiy I'irki. For 4u-J Poiur. pnd Norfolt. rl* Nrw-York, PbHa-lelpaie and Norf.;ii Iialii-ial, 8:00 p. ra. dally; vla BUU-nor* *nd Bay l.lnc '. :fi. ». m. w-*ai||.U-,Tx. Beata 'f "Hn.oklrn A"i--v." /miaaal wtth all rhr'.e'ra tMln* a. J."*-t r,rT> airording . apeedy anl dlt**ar» tranafer fo* Bro.klyn tr.v..; KOR l'li I.ADi- l.l'ili a Kxi ri-aa Traina lea**e New-York. via I).-.h!.a..-s and Co.t'anli stroet lerrteB,a* [ollow*:-- 4:1.'. 0:20, 7 :.'.>. 8:00. .i :3o. ti .9 Cblraffo Li-_-*<__ wllh D.n.n-t Car snd 10 Wualiln^_)n Llailted), an« 11:00 a BL, 12:20. 1 :0J. 2:00. 74:00, 880. 4 00. « .30. 6 00. 6 :00. .1:30. 8 00 and 9 :00 p. m. aud 12 li nlphi.. At. mmodar:ori. ll .10 a. n... 4:40 and 7 :0O p. m. SSunloA FxuraM*, 4:00, D l.V 9.00 .9 Umlted), and 10 a iu.. 3 30, 4. 4 :30. .*>. U :30. 8 and 9 p. m., a*_l 12:13 nluht. Accnmmoiatlrin, 7 :f» p. m. Traina l«avlu_ New-York daily. exc pt oiiaday. it 8:00, 9 and 11:10 a. ra. 1. 2, 4. S. 8 p. m.. and 10 a. tn.. snd 6 00 p. m. un Sundaya. coni.eet at Trentoa for Tamlen. Tlcki t Oflicea Noa. 1. 48f», 84f) and !)44 Broadaay. t Astoi Ilouae. snd foot ot Deabroaaea »nd CorUandt »i* 1 4 i.ur* «t. a.'.d Ilrooklyn Annox Sla.lon. foot of Fn 110n..*._> Brooklvn T8 Iludaon*'.., llnbokcn S.atlon, Jeraoy Cl"y| KmiKt-nt Tl--k»t Offlce. C_atle Garden. Tno New.York Tranafer t.'ump*.iy arlll <__l for and eha.k bagarvro from hotel a and residencea. C1IAS F^l'l OH. J. R. W4X)D. General ('.-uer_l V-ufi Ax«ai pENTEAL KAfLHOAD OF NEW-JEBSEY. VV FOOT OT. MBKRTY-ST.. NORTH RIVER. Time Table of Mar 20. 1889. 4 00 a ra. for K-.tou. B-:hr.:ii*!:u. Ailcntown. Maaah Chuuk. Wilkeabsrt- *nd Scranton. Readlng, .larrlabu-g. etc. 8:80 a m. for k*te-nln_:.'n. I.ika Ilnpatcong. Eaatan. Brt_l.bem. AUrntown. Man. h 4'huuk. Wilkeab.rro, Hrran- ton r..-*adln*t, llarrlaborg. pottavllla, Tara-qua, bha-.okUx, Knnbiirr. Lewlal.urs. XVlil!ainap..r_ _ 1 00 p in for Flen-.inat»n, Kaatnn, Brxhlehani. Allaa. town'. Mauch Chunk. K.-*_*ig. Ilarrlaburg. Potta-rtlle, tr4>r_- 8:45 B. ru. fo.- Ka*t<>n. Bvtlil. b.:i:i. A,l*n(«wn, Mb«-_ Cboi.a, xVilaeanirre. s-raniuu, lamaqu*. shainolun. 4:80 p. m. tor Flenilnglon, Lake iloiwtion-. baatoa. 1:00 -nl 5:80 p. ni. lor ft.imeialllo and Fla-mlogum. 5 46 p. ui. f"t Eaaton. Bethirh-m. Allentowa. ktaoeB Chunk, Readlns, H-rrl.bui., et.. On J-uad-ya Bl ¦ :8o a Bw 5 ;oo a. tn., rauniiaxa, for Eaa'^n.. For Rrd Bank, Lonn Braneh. Ahbnrr Park. Ocran Orove and Poln', Plca*_nt, 4 80, 8:15. II 18 a m., 1:80. 4 00 4 :80. 8 :10 p. m. bindara 4 :00, 9 00 a. ni. _unda-r Watna do not aVjp at Ocran <>r:ivc or A.hury Park. For I-ikrwood. Tcms Rlx-»r atd, 4 80, 8 :lg aml 744), 4 30 n. m. Parlor cara af 1 30 aad 4 »? p-at. For AtUnt'e Cltr. Vlnelaad anl BrliiretoB, 4 30 a. m., 1 ^orPP»^th AmboT. 4, :30. « OO. 8 13. 10 :3f). 11:15 B, m-. 1 :B0. 4 :0O. * 30. - :St). 6 :10, 8 80 p- ra. Sondaya 4 ;00. 9 04) .. m. SANDY HOOK ROrTE. FOR I.O.N4*. BRANOH. ASBL RY PARK. OCRAN GROVE. Ao- From Pler ., .V. R, For AU*ntlc Ul-.'hl.nds. HighUr.d Beach. Seabrlgkn; Monmoulh Bca. h. and Leng Braneh at 4 30. 10:18 a. bl. 8 45. C 00 li- ni. Sundaya 9 :.o a n.. For llberoii. Aabury 1'ark. Oceaii Grov* i__l Petal I'.'-waant 10 :13 a. n... 'i 45 p- m. -Sui.iaya frxeepl Aa Imry Park and Oa-eau Grove). 9:80 a. m. For I_ia8wood. Toraa Rlver and Barnrgx-. 4 .30 a BL, 5 45 P. BL bHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROCTt. .Ori I'lllLAJJLLWIIA. BAjUTIMORI. ANU WAJSHLNGION. BOCND BKOOK RGUTE, Va C-ntral R. R. of B*W-l*t*a___ rhlladriphla and R___. In; R. lt. 'ii.-I ll-iu-iore aud On-o R. I_, leaare fool *i ;.. *. -r «t N. U. For PMi-~le.lli.x, a* 4:00. 7:45, 8:30, 9:80, 11:00 B Bk. 1 .*)¦ --W. 3 15, 4 00, 5:00. 5.80, 7:80, 12:00 u. n- fit'NDAVS, b:30, 9 80 s ra., 1:30, 2:»0. 1:1*. 6.00. 0:30, 1- 04) p. ui. ,_ Foi Bjitlraore and Waah'.ngton. dally. *l*8:80 (11:00 rx'icu' Mindar, a. m.. I 30. _9, 3.15. 5 On, 1'.' 00 p. ra. Traln. l-ailng Bl 7 45, 11 .4)0 a m.. 1 80, 4 00. 5 80. 7 .30. 1 C<) D_ in have eonnecrton for Rc-dlng, Harrta- burf, Poitavnlr, Ar. T li ka-ts a-i-1 far! r 4'ir »«.ta can br procured at 71, 281, 418 944, 1,140. 1.3.3 Broadway 787 nth avr.. 564 Wea« l_.11.-at.. 184 Ea^t l.Jthat.. New York; 4 Court-**.. 800 Ful'on-.f u*l Brcadw*-. Brooklyn. Nrw-Yirk 'i aa -fc: <...inpany wlll oall for and t_-*k baek*_e from hotel or realdrnee. .aJEtV.YORK CEATRAL Al A M) iirnso.N RIV-R RAii.noAD. Do -.'.l ...".' Mat .'.*> nati.. ¦¦.a* i.ll INIJ . ) NTRAL -TATION. T.arge.t anl Ktiir-t ra.-OK- r su'ion tn Amertca, ls *. ni. H_s*_ra-M anl Uo:i:r.-al I'*xpr*«s drawtng. roo.n car-, Nna Vork lal Allina. arul Aloauy to Mob__b1. ala D. t H. lt R. alao Ba*. Aibany ... bt Alban*. ./la Ceatral ver.noat lla*. ¦'..50 a. in. FAMOD8 VHSTIIU'I.F.n NEW Y0Rj_. CHU'.\4.4J ANO BT.'l*> I.IMITF.D, comi^o*i»d excl-- alaciy .f liuffara __si_lB.-*Br. <1liiln*-car. dr-wlna-room and .lr^r,ing .»r, fi.r Alb.aua. > taca. sa-r».-iiM, K&iliaMrr; Huii.i.i, Erte. rirariai .1 T.iirJo, tu-.. arrlving at Chloago al 9:50 a BL, Indlanaioii* ll.S.'a a. m St Ixiata 7:40 p. m. ncxt day. i:.inii':.:i» ai c'iev.'land wlth u_ln for i' ..un !..i- «m1 4'iiiciiinBii. Blagaaa corapart-ient Bleeplng- car* now ln nnrl**. I 10 80 h. ii. C-icago '-aprra. for Nla*ara Falla, To- ront... Clra"7»n1, I'lna-lon iti. De.i-olt and Chleago; .Irawinc-room .ar. tn i aian-lal.'-i anrl Rocbe-ter. tli B ui . W-a-.'-ru N-aa- V'-rK aad Ni.rthern F.xiir***, f*t >irjtona, Ijxkc ..ror/. Hiitland. Harnntnitton. Nonk A'l*m.. *. l)i_44 lnif.ra.,nt >_f* f.'r AHaxny aud Tr*y. 3:30 p. m., Albanv. Tr.iv and Cilca -spetlal. wlth draw- Ini! r.. ii car. to Triiy anl L'ttca. *S58p. rn.. At.-oron _ laion to Alb*ny aad Troy. C«B- nrcts for Willtamat.w.i. N.,.-'h Xdum. and intennedtat* FlUliuiirj lt. K, Draia in«raoiu ar, Now. York Ail.anr. .>.. |. .n. ni«t .'hl.-ai:... 4'm> Innail and 8t. Ijoula Ex- ""-*, Ta>- pr**., '.".r Kiaa-ra >*;!.. "ByfTalo, Saapenal*a Brldgr, ranui and Cl*v*i*Ba_, I' In.l_n.a|ailla. St, Louia. Uetroll and Chl.-ago. wltb \.-tl'iuIed ala-epiag und dlalng ..»:.. 0:13 p ni 4 .riaiidai-u. Au^orimoda'ion. Sleeplng-car. All.any 1* .'*nandai*ua Tii-uuyh alrepiriic-car, New-York lu 4 xnan laijtuj. o. tbr 7'30 p. m traiu .7 J') l> i". Mootnaai, xdlrontlacka aiid .'ao-ndalj-a Fxprraa. sil.-eptn.-. ar. dnt.a tv llatubnrg aud MoutraaJ. ina lUiuae'a I'.iU.: and xla ht. A'fre«.a. i-onnc.tlnB at Plat.av I.ura. 'ai.h parlor aa. for suranac l_ake and Adlronda.ix M..un'-.ii poinia. and to Sa-io- nae aod r.xna.idslgiw dally. rteepl s4indav. ¦'.. p. n. .s._^.-lal Mail T.iinl.el. arrlre* si T-iehcaler 7 4" a in. r.ulrial.i 9 8.'. a. ii. BBd alrarland 1:25 p. m. -tlll p. in.. I a»l N'.a-hl ICxpra'rs f.,r Roch'.-'er, Boffa- 1... Mairora Fal'.a. T*_f*Bto. Cle*-a|*_d, Cinclruiatl. In- itlai.aiioll-x si Ixiui*. Dc'rol. .;,1 4 hlcago, wlth *leepln|- cBr*. sle.-pln4-*-_ra ti . :.yo... a'* I Oa*. dally, e_c«pt Mturlav. alao to . at-*.i.lai,ux >.u Mindava only. 1-. ml-tnlglii fnr Barauca. Wkltehall xn1 I'utlaad. «o .oiiii-,-ii.iu wllh traiu .^ Batai t*a m- 'ini.g ._*r* u> Albaar i .uineci-ot Aitianv wlth traln tor th.- a*«* Tl¦ kr.a mid *\>ar<* ln _rawlng-roo-l i"! li¦"!_ "era oa sale nt lir-ud irntial Siorlon. 413. TB8 aml IM- Jtr-xdway IJ Park Plaee, 1 Batten R-a*4e..Ba__w*!«a l*__**_*y »>~» 1.1. h-at. Btatl-a, >'. * vork: 333 xTaaklatTtoa and 7.0 Fult.m st... anl ."nir. Badford-avi F. l).. B.-ooklyn. tVeateatt. F_t|-*aaa talla for *ui eBsrBa bii-rat-a rrota h al> ,-ir r.'s..|..|. A__ Ba.) dalli othrra dailr excent Sunlaa-. l.vop at 13{4in->: BUUoti to :ak- up pa'arnzera fo: Morth and Weat. FAST MTTBFIEI.n DKD XORTTI XDAMS KPECIAtv 4i i'i Hea*n_.xVaifner iii-ia'n(r :..«.". .ar*\ ira-ra r,r»nd Cvntrai _tauT_>, na iiaiirn, IHvlMoa. daii* nteaaa Sunday, .1 3 .*_ 1. in Faar tmie. ri«P*r1«l api\|re. " m T'lii )'.v. ..)1di;i:e II. nANIFTJ*, a;..|,na- gap*riBteae>nt. latB'l I'aav.ig'r Agei Aaent. 1r,l.I_. lULLWA-'.-Tickat Offlces, 401, 81T. _f 118 lial ¦'-'.' -4io_.l-ay. l-.>- U'.a*.uy, lo.- ixoal-a-. 1 llaiterr l'lue l'iiumbei'4 and _8.l-a_ forrlea, rf.Wa York; J-l anl S-tS Kultun-.t. Broo-hru 107 Hroadw*-. W HlBmaburs .orner N.'waik and Hudaon .ta., Uoboaea; ai.I No* -tati.u. Jrr-a-y City. wherv Tlck.ta ind Parlor ,.i tilrenln. n... raaer\_u_u» and u~1or» fur rhv^ti-B an* ti-ti.tVr -'f baacaaao CBB bt« ubt-ln- i. _,\p~m traln. Ir_xe 23d-*_ 5 BBIiBBat earlb-r 1h.11 tlnia -hown rroai l luiiib.-.a-ai. looal traln* j 1 I-"-j niiinite. cirller. j a. 11... lnv |-\ I'lillmai BuB'-t Drawin.roora c.^rthr* i.i BiitTjl". ,,,iii..-r'. at llorn. lav.lle for Jame* lown anl t hauu'iijua l.ak.-. A \i. m every day. -l'hli-a..i BB- _._ -*4_H l-lmlt**-,.- «oIlB I ullii-ii traln .«f Dny. Ii. iIbi anl si.-.-p.n. roac-.-* 8a i.irrr, Mei-iviiie. Y011111-4 own, Mirlou tnd 1 hloaaa «iih..u: ehaaga Ba_8l -taaftaa Mmetmt t-i Cl.vei-nC t in, lanail r:id Bt. I. iul*. 8 P n. .-er*- div. I'M, _m md uraol T-uak l.xnteaa M-4 1-.. iui.ti t'llti nf Dtv anl Buf.l Meepln. Coache* ta iluiTalo. Nlagara r_!K HaeiHton. {.<> .ion. i.aiiaiai, lliitl.- Cre*k. (aoufh M.-n l j ni.-r-.n w .rhniu i-tuute. Ituilei S!.-< p:nt <-..|rh K," heifr. ,.-n\ 7.89.. m. Ho r\i:-4 rlixr-r-- Iir fa*t tlme 9 :»o p. tn every dar, .. Chlo__o Expreta," Pullmaa lluflrt M.aera-ra. F.lmin, H- rnellav Ile Jainea ciwri. Oor* .v. Mradvllle. Youi.git'.wii, Clm-lium: tn lCh:ct«o Orsiiir.'. d. K:OT1-. B 11:10 1 nt.. 1. 411 210. 8 18. I -17 *-. 4:.*TL. 5 87*», .'. :<:.. (I 18, 8:4_*>. H. ». 9:45. II 80 p. bi. Snndir-. 8 4V 10.80 a. m.. 2. 0:14, 8:14, 10 p. Ill Rutherford, 4, 4:45, 8, 7. 7 .52 ., 8 .10. 0:30, 10:80. 11 «. 111.. 1. 1:80, 2:50. 3 ir1. 4.07lj, 4 .37.. 8 :22_. 5:37,r. 5:48, il, «:14. 8:.i). 7. 7 :8o 8, 10::»o. 12 n m i*aa<at(-. |, 4:45 0. 7. 7 SCSs. 0 80, 10 *. f_ ,. ,... 1 1:50. 2:50 :i"7'j. 3 87'-. 4 0T*i. 4 87.. 5, 8:18. »:87«B, 5: IV 8 07 V 0:1V d:ftO. 7, 7 :.<.). -.). 10 :*0 12 1'aiar.nn. 4. 4:1V 0. 7. 7 .2-. 0 :**). 10 80 |] i. m. 1 1 :50. 2:88, 8 :07 V * BO. 8:87*-'. * 4 :()7N_. 4 aa. l:^1-.-. V 5:15 .V.TO. i 87. 8:48. 0:l7-. 8:14. 8:80 7. ; 80, h 80. 8, 10 30. 11 p p. '* N,.-T:.rk aud I'r'erao-i, vl* Newnk, 4:44, 8:40 7 52N-. ri-.if. 10 M S(> ... m.. a 3..H) 4:2... 4 M .. 5:32__ ft .,-¦". 8:'.2*», 7:90. 10_ 12 p, m. ^ Itl-irwiMil. 4. 4 :4.V 7 *._g*_. H :M:». 8:80, 10 :30 a m 1 1:50, »:07V 4, 4 :'.X 5. 5 :.>'.'., s ao. «. c 07Jr 8:88k 7. 10:80. IJp. Bt. ** KufV: -.. I, I 4.V 7 :.._.- :».), 10 :30 a m.. l_5f\ 8 frT»a 4. .-., 5 :80. .1 071:. 0 SO. 7. 10 :80. 12 p. m fV 8!«_ _T-t_ rl-t l-'.xpr-a*. w ih |*'l.l ear. 'r«*.'K 4:^5, 7:52'% 4. 10 80 a m., 1. 8:18. 4. 4:80. Ueah.ii'. 4:48. 7.52.. 0. 10:30 .. ra. -, 1. 8:80, 4 n% 8:80, 7. 8:80_p. m. MHII-10W11. 4:4-. 7:48*1. 0. 10:80 a. m.. 1. 8:»>. 4(80 .1 :S0, 7, 8 :80 11. m. siii-lxv l.veal mi... miiii |ine. 4 45. 8:1V 10 80 .. af. 1 :1V 4, 0:30. \2 I). m. -.___.*__. F.xpiaeaa trxlna fn,r- the W.»*l arrtve la N.w-Y "tlt ta «._» 7 :40 a. bi' 4 :55, « :55 ix m. NnUTIIKRN R\II,R.1AD OF N. .. MV,_J°*' lunuiewood anl Touariy--*):14, 9,.I. 7:2?' a*' r-ai.'^ anl T....atty--5:U. 0. 7. 1 :*>. J'^.J'4^ 8:48, 10:16, 11*1 12:14. V'1. ] ?.._, jjlta 5-Vi, 5, 5;80, 5 :4_, 0:07%, «:«. 8. 1*'"w ""^ Oan't Btip'ta

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Page 1: FURNITURE. Special Sals of ¦nK r.:ff-£»^… · _-_-WbS«S55SS 3s__ft.&^s__iw*"u *_____ _-_-_-_S£i*... rK». dead

__a _-!___. tt ts belleved. bowev*T, Is m no imme-*** Jn At Marlett*. all of Front-st. ls under.*** **!?'.* fwinsyrvaala -todroad bridge at Chickles

^lfnTZ ot water. The l>n.',sy.v.nla Can** "TL-Tv- Coluinbla ls greatlv damaged. and all ia*

8."-,*_Srt .lt ng nulit am tubnit-rg*-. 6-itous**** _r1_i-*T.._- aTwathlngton Borougb. TwoSasar Jia'^^bta onirtfi ihl* morntng and were

-aear"-?,,Cl dtm and are be-lleved to bave beenew*-*-.0.litmber vard* at Mar latt a are all sweytK^T-tosT-_vle8- ate to the effect thtu a blagjfJar-ch bigher water may be expected to-nlght.


iffOT W-U-M; the flood had spent its




¦nK_r.:ff-£»^tbat paint tbe Conemaugh has given up a tar*^^

- . , _ va^tenliv when ns turyportion of ito dead. YeMrrday,,ub_ided and it became too W*Bb ^_*"2ST^U *- «2ja4«_3jtKS_*ttom Uind, Sfctff, staring »nd naKea, or


3s__ft.&^s__iw*"u *______ .. rK». dead. Iheotlor.* F. N.'ti-

_-_-_-_S£i*. ae of his ptaalM mill for lb.Sm^rfdispo-iiion of the bodies and II WB8

SS-aTwS inid «¦ bV side -_«d-.t.lB*d

anTblood-siaineU. awollen nnd _.K.-_ur*dsome

*f them whitc. ethers amilinz aa placidlv aa

toough pleared with the sudden »nd rou_h solu-

_-_a__ life's problem. One little fellow'a faee hore

uoon it t-e eipresaion of the r-hild that is about

toburat into teart,. Uron another death stampedlookB of agonv and born* that spoke the ln-

e-P-aaa-ble language of the soul during ihe

few, yet long and trying, momcnts between lile»nd -**th. Wcmeu sbtiddered aa they looked.

s_d w*Pt at the awful fatolity.jfrom tbese lowlands ninety-seven bodies

wett recovered up to the time day-Hgbt ended. Maa _nd beaat were

tben too much exhausted to continue the work,and the further removal af bodies was abandonednntil this morning. Tbe bare hodiea

of mai* and female were put in cofflnsaa soon aa potwible. Moat of th* women were

Catholics, for around their neela were hung the.mblen-s of their religion, and tbese were replaci-dafte* waahing and embalming. The atlire andfeatures ot a majority showed them to bc of thelowly elaes, yet there was to be found among

tbcm th* finely ehiselled featnre** of thoae t-

whom eireumatane»*s evidently a*ve the henefltof cuhnre and reflnement. Such apparol aa was

found upon them indicated that they hnd in hfeplenty and to spare.

Directly acrosa the Conemaugh River fromNiaeveh, ln Indiana County, there are 315 bodie*.reported lying in a district v.-here there an-

only two houses and ten inhabitants. Cofflnswill have to be taken acroa* the river. one at a

time, ia sldffs, owing to tbe lack of a bridge. Thiawill be tedious work,Hundreda of people pasaed Nineveh and went

dewn the river wlth the drift. They lookednerther to th* right nor to the left, but kept tbeireyes flxed ahead. Some of them paascd xrithinthree feet of tbe shore, but they made no effort toleave the drift, nor heeded tbe about* of those on

ahore. A ehild, probably four y» .ira eld, went downon a drift float and coutentedly played with a lotof atick*. wholly unmindful of its perilous poai-tdOB. Ab effort was made, but it wna utterly im-po-sible to reach the child. Eighteen men andwomen, lodged ia treea. mouated to plaees ofmt*J-



_.__. fobce or thi ri.oon.

-ltwburg. Jun. 8 (SpeclaD.-A young man who

was a taesenger on the Derrv expaeais. whlrh leftPittaburg jeaterdsy morning, and who rearhed f*an?

Hollow, four mlle- from John-town. returnlnp lo the

elty last e-enlDg. furnlshe* an Intereatlng acrnunt ofhls experte-eet. "VkSB we rea<he<l I»erry." he aaid,-our frafc wat botrrVvl by a rellef commlftoe, and no

aooner waa lt acrertalried that we were Rolng on lo

Bang Hollow than contributlona of pruvltlooa andauppHe* of every klnd were rriled on bo.rd, fllllng an

eatlra ear. On reaehtnc bang Hollow the aeene thatpraseBted Itaelf to nx wa* bearin*nallnc. The roa<i

waa Hned with homelet* peo-le. aome wiih a trunl,or aolltary chalr, the only thlnc saved from »b»*lr_o-*e_okl good., and aU w.-arlnj an a«peet of the moct

hopele s mlsery. Men were at work irarxfenlnf from* freiirht ear a plle of rorpvr* at leaet alxty lu

Btiasbei-. and here and there a _rha**tly aomethln*; unde-a eoTtrtnc ahowad where the body of xome vlegin .ftV flood lay awaftlng idenflJ|r.tlor, or burlal ln a

B-..«leaH grave. r.uiy workett were engBfrd ln

dearlng away the plle* of drlftwood and acaitered arti

rlaa of houeehoid ns* whieh cumberrd tha trarka andthe roada Tbeie plle. told tbetr own niotirnfulstoiy. There were bedt. btireai.a. mattretxea, chalr*.tablea, pletur**.. dead horaea aml mul<«. overro-J*.remcaata of drettet *fiekin. on thr, l.rati.Iie-, of trers,and a thouaand other odd pierex of Sot tn. tnd Jetaait.from rulned hornea. I aaw a man net off tba tralnand plek up an incuranre poll.y fo. a' Another took away at rellcs a baby'a rhalr and a 88B>-ria-alon eard tn a batteied frame (>n fhe l,anks ofraa UMte Conemau«h freek people were delvlng lnla* drlftwood, whkh wat ptled r« a depth of *lx ...-aevea fetrt. uneartbinit and ramlnft off whaievereould to tunird ta aeaaaat, Inder Ihoxe plle*. lt, numbers of bodlea are l.urle.i. not to be re¬covered exeept by the ltbot ol many dayt. A womanand a MMle artil were brouidit from .lolmunwn |rj M8MBMBaa wheth I eould not aace.iain. Ti.e woman wa*.ln eoofl-ei-ent and wbi ra-rled on a lounge, her tolerematnlBg plere of pioperiy. si.e wat taken 10 L-vtrobe for hoxjpltal tre»tmcnt. 1 rannoi uiidera|»,Mihow ll U that people are unable 10 make tbeir w*yfrom eang Hollow to Johnatown. The dlataiM-e 1,ahort, and lt thou}d renainiy 1^ a rorapBraiively ea*vtatk 10 get over It on foot o: hor_ebaek. tAmrnmnt,there aeeroe to be Mimc Inxupai-hle o-ttacle. Allthoae who made tbe trlp on thr- traln wlth me In orderto obteiti tldlngt of their iiirnds In Johnatown wei«foreed to retum at 1 did."The rallro-d I. ln t triTtble r.mdltlon. The dayespreea aod the Ifmtrtd whlrh Wi littaburu on Frl-day mortilng, are lying between John*town and ixuk--Baugh' on the ea«t, havlns beoo rutQ? by the flood. Un'-mra %trt srtil downflfom »ar trtln ae ivery .t.tio-. ti tapairt_n teiegraob wlrea whlcli ai-e damaetau. Tremewiousaffort. aee belnr exerted to rejian the lnjui r aiiataiiied

81 U*e rallroad. and ll I* only a o,u<-Kf.ori of aronple. of days until throug*) communlcttioii u re-eatabli.hed. tb"- homeward trlp w.s mailed b* aSBeeatalon of aad -.pec'ar-lee. At Ulalrsville in»-r-taeBoD two llttle «IiU lay dead, and ln . houteUaaa from the river waa the body of a woman. lfltfah that the lota of llfe la altoprether unriMe.tiava-ML It lt my oplt-.lon that when the numberof dead ls flnally atcertalnei lt wlll be found notk> fali tbort of -.00. 8uiiervLaor Foley, of ihetomertet a-d Caint.i1. branrh of the llaltliuore andOfelo road. waa tn Johnttown at *_' o'cloek thlt aftei*aan. aad MBt a lelegram from an offlee elabteen>ttt outjide of tbe lown. He reported that .Ii.i.ii*J_J_* was a eomrdefe wrr-rk. h.rdly anv of tbe h,.n-«*Maa left .randln.. Home Idea of ibe fon-a nf iheaaod mty be hid from tbe tiatement made hy Mt.JWey tiiat frelrflt eart, both l/ia/le.1 and bmptv, hada_an llfted bealllx from the rrark, aod earrled a

Jtoaoea of teveral Moekt. and depnat-xl In a rrave-ftn h» too ontaklrfa of tbe town. whera thT werevlag in s maat mlxed np wlth tombafonea andPPb-MB-a.'


L14KF TBAI.V ABB1VF0..toato*^ ju-^, 2 (s~« wm Irapotilble to

***2****o*. tnto JobBtt/,wa from tbU alde ttolil*-*!___!_. D*on**na I'niH tbat ilme unbrokan

rr*"** ..Ba-iOBleatlon had extendayl only from PltU-

'lara .L**** Uol,w1r* tour m,,>» "*** otr Johnatown.

t>rtf** ***** ahrwptly ended. Taein waa a _ap

tator**-,** * **ng,b. TW* waa coveiaad by huinan- _L100 J*** W>d *"* D-*»Be« ft' a*" datotanr-e

-J^*"** T**» *>r Uie remalning thn* mlle*. (hereia.* ,,j__l-trmi*tto0' b*t tb* on"r roMm ttock eu

5<a_Wii ** l'W ** * loc«-»»'''« *»*. teur caia,*"^«a S 2_-_-T^_f,, 7f* «-* off by tbe atorm.8-t-th___g__r-a*"Ay-* of tae provuiona, one would^toafi-rS-T-SJ-.^"-?*-* ^^ n-"g8r. On tbe«_*w-»^_r_* ^.l0** ,**a Oo-amawgh River from Johna-.- aa oa aeen _*,*¦ atul women mllfcing the

eowa graelng there. and tben eagrrir drtnklnr thamllk. aOne newsr-aper man earrlea-r-. baaket of oreadwltb htir. as he walked along gathertng note* of tbeflood. and d-alt out the loavox io wometi who tp hefor thoir atarvlng ehildren.








waahington, June 2.-The nor'hweatern anl morifaablonable part of Iho elty uever lookrd nuir.' lovoiythan it did to-day, bt.l along a gcxxl part of tbnprinclpai buslness thoroughfai-e. Ponnaylvanla-ave..aml ln Ihe adjacent ktreeta to tbe taouihwanl. therewas adieary waste of turbl.I, muddy waler, that Waehadfive aud slx fr-et deep |__ BMaa of lb- hoaaOB, flllln.rollars an.l basemenis an.l raualng grea.inconvenlence and conslderaHo )o-s of property.Itoats plleil along the avenue n.:.r the I*Oa_aylvaolaRaliioail -.tatton atnl IhtO-gh the Hl.-ee.* of *>oiit!iW_-B___*_M. A carp txyn f»srt loag was canglit Inth.«' laall-a-' walllng-niom af the. RoltlBaOM and Potomaistatlon. and several iilhrr, were rauglit lu tl.e siiei-tsby boys. Tb.'se flah ani<> from tbo OtwrorB-BOBl KlahPond, the water* ef tlie I'otot.iui- having cnveied tliepond and allinved IbflBB to om ape. *

Along tlie rlver fi-nnt the usually ealm Potomacwa*. a wldi>, roarlng, tiiil.ulent ttreani nf dlily wab'r,m-hlng niadly unwaid, and beailnc on Its swift -awvtagsurface loga. U-legrapli poles, pnrtluns uf bo Mee!l Jtlnds of The stteam xvas nearly twireIts wld.h, and flowcs-l s|\ feet _n<l nime deepIhiougl. the sfreets along Ihe i*r*"er front. sobeaerglagwhan.s, sniall manufacturlni* es.abllshnienis, andlapplng tbe eeeoad atoriea of m!ll»., boatboaae* hmIfeitlllr.lng wot-ks tn Oooigatowa It completi-lyfloodod tjie llat_. whlrh Uie lioxernmejit hadralscd at great expcn.e tn a helghr ln most part offoiu- and flvo feet, and Inundated tli** a'-ridea of poorBOflTO s'ji:atlris, xvho hal bnlll Ihelr fraii'.-» ibaafleaalorg the rlver's adf* Ihe rising of Ihe water* haaaalliised the hlgh-water mnrk nf 1*»7T. The lo-a willbe aaaraBO-B. rToame place lt at a niilllon of dollar*.but no imatworlhy flirurcs- can be glvim untll the waterBabaMea,

The city bas been ahal oir frotii eotntnutileatlnn wlththe We«t and South fot two days, and there wlll be a

sratvlty of mllk and o«)ier -.upplles nn'll Ihe roads are

iepalre.1 suflleteiitly to all<.»' ra liord frxina an.l waa-opsto entcr tbe elty.

The rlver Iiegan rl«lng here earlv on Saturday mornIng and from lhat time contlnue. lo ri*" htr-adily untll5 o'clock tlil s afternoon. when Ibe flood b-pan to ahate.having rearhed a hlj-brr mark than ever before knownThe flood grew worae and wor>e yesterday, and heforenoon tbe rlver had beeonie so hlgh and atront- that Itovrrflowed the banks Just above the Wa-hlngtounionutnent. and baeklng fhe water Into the aewer whleheraptle* Itaelf at Ihla polnt. began lo flnw along thestreotB on the lower level*.

By ntg-tfal! the water In the atfOOBa had Inereaxedto auch an extent aa to make tbe Itiaeta lmpa-.aal.leby foot p***rnger*. and boats were ferrylng pea.plefrom Ihe bimlnei,* part of the town to the hlgh gro-Ddaln Routh Wa»htngton. Tbe street-cer* alao eoutlinictrunnlng and dkl a thrlving buslne*. ronveylng pl.-aa-iir-s-«.eekera. **rtio *w \n the xvlndnw. and t.anterc-1one another aa ihe deepenlrig water* hld the floor DnLoutkiana-ave.. tbe pi-odure and raa__Uaaloa konaaaare located. and tbe proprfeton. buatled eagerly al-outaeeurfng thelr more perUhabl* property, and wadlngknoe-deep outalde after floailng rhlcken c*x>p*. Thegr-irery raerrhanla, hotrl men and other* ha.tllycleared out thelr cellar- and untll the watrrwa*> xvaiat deep, rrmovlng th.-lr effecta to hlgher fl.-ora

Meauwhlle the Potomae. at the Polnt of Kocka. ha.1overflowed Into the he.apeake and Okla Canal. andtbe two became one, lt brok- oj»en the canal In agreat many plaee*, and, llftlng the barge* up. shoitbem down Ktreara at a rapld rate. Tn.tika of treeaand amall houae. were torn fnim thelr placex an<t aweptonward.Two mlW above I'rer nrMre .lamra !..)-. an tki

*oW!rr. had a two-it-ocry framr houae. b^tarr^n thecanal and t*e rlver. Ha <ame b-r* *lx monUi. acnfrom ("clumbua, Ohlo.. to kmk afti-i lux pen«lon. Ilewas **^rned yeiterdsv mornlng tha- U* «*» ln >lan«-r.bui r-fur-cd tn leave Ws house Tf.** canal -.-ai-way, and a tiirrcant nf aUiKk the houar reaterday afternoon, ahaiterlng It ln a ¦na.fol, Ifr aae.eaeed*_ in reaehlng a hlgh plrr- .f |*|. »nd waair-riied by *o_xe men m aklff*.

1-elow the a-jiH-dnet b.1a*1_-. as far a« Rnck 4>eek.the rlver'a bank 1* llned wlth bualnea. place. of aJl <\**eilptiora>. Ineluding coal rlumpx. watOfcoaaea, rerilliiingn.B.iufaetorres. c^ment wnrlts.Uiat bouaM a»l mllls Th«^oarni-r. of these plac.-- ararBed hai.i ia. s.a - itxctrpiT<peity and aur-ceen. i\ to a roiisldpra'ile exi.-.".'.Bal the xxater oa th.-m -,i rapi Ilv iha. |_eiw.-re fontvl Ui deslsl 1-efoee lhr\ haal a. cornpll-li-"!all that fbi y daatood. **n- of th- luaxloai |__a->ra laII. ('. wiiisl.ip. whoae wharf at thr mt.uth of Roc-ifYeek wa* badiy -.n. kx-s-t. He lo-l a lan,"- *ia_titlt*i.f coal. and probahly ls poorei i.\ 985,000. Tb*'Analostan Uuat I'luh h_M a'.oiir tl.e aaaa* amonnt.Thelr boalboaaa waa xalu.-l at *I'_'..mni i> h*<l 1,,-c-nfltted up at at. ripens- of ataiut gBJOOO, _a_ «_,fctored wlth barge*. s'ielis and pleaenrc .-raft 'ln:-eluli ls the oldeet In the Ustrtet. and tioxa Hh wi,.,|cprtiperty ta gnpe. Tte .Sharpahln ShcK.flri-c 4'1-jb loatI1« new rtiua-houKi, whlrh alippei! Ha cnMe «n.|waa ilashrsri io plaaces a«.-alu-t tfir \jit\~Hrklge. The steati xa. hf Alma. ralaed atO-'I.tHK). tbe property of local pe.rr' aHa-rnay*. wa.alao eompletely wis-arkiil. Tlu- Barbor Vxphalt M'ork*surfered to thr extent ,if OIOikxi a_;,| thr Ini1e->"n'l'-iitand Great |_fla Re ('<-m->a>il** lo«r a."> <a**o rach. an.l4;.^alc>'. !hi-) llllll 1* John P. A,~nrr .-, t o hl'lJ.4XK) tons of roal awrj, t away. aod ivrry b'i.i ctbe rlver fmnt |* damaged, but lo what rx.rit ginot,-iow be Rtated.

Tbe Chmapetke and Ohln t'anal limpanv are theh*ax*le«t Ut*r>t*. aiad ars- a'mo.r afrakl lo ralculate Ih*amount. It cannot b* Jr»s than oioOimbi. hut utitilthere I* a nnbaldenrr of tlie flood apd au examlnationcan be maile, it l« lnipo.-ihlr t. Bppn.Minat* theainmint of damace.Ihe water rontlnued rl-ln_ throughnut Uie night,

and about noon today rearhtad ... matlaiuai, ihrr-feet tli Inrbes above hlyl. wai-ar mark ol 1M77 whichw** the hlgheaf on reeoed. At thal llm-- the r|ivnrae«ented a *trange *peet*el*. IVnnaylvanla avrfrom the TN-sre monument. at ihe laal ol the f'aattolto N' W84 floudiatl wlth wbit. and In ai.n.r

plaee* lt wa* .:p to fhe thlph. of h<>r»-v The rrllxr>of store« along tbe avrnur wrrr» flonded and a'» w--r«asome of fhe maln flnorv ln th« a1d*Blrne-i nfthe avenn" th'Tf waa slx t'i el^r'.t f.r' of walcr. aadvawl*. sklffs ir-d latmr. Ware exiryvhrre tobe aeen. ComnuB'eaBtMi xrrpi b* I ..». *-.«to.allv lnterrnpt-vi bataraeii Iforth aad flontb ivashIt-gton. Al Ihe Pennsylvaiila itallroal atatlnn Ibewater wa* np to ibe aalUnB-rooai.

Thrniieli Ibe Baillbaialaa and A*niruliur*il Drpnr-t-nient groi.nds a Baop Bttcaa. **a« riinnlnp, aii'l IhaWaahlt.glon Miuiumeiit was .ur-roiindnl on all kMeal,y wjfer

I'p Iti Uecrgrtow.-i nnl» Ibe srcon.1 >teHra of hr.iiaraalong the watrr front wrrc vlafble, and B*af4*r-*l. maa raglng tatream. «,


pk/lBMBITHfl sfrnr.s rKOM Ki.'><>r> and firf--


Pelemburg. Va.. Jun.- _ (Hpaefali..Xol Ibametnory of Iba Bldaal lakaMlaBt. !>h Pet'reburgbeen liatl8- by a flootl a*. fi.-rr- :m I deetrurthre a*

thaf whlfafi anrprl-ed 11 on satutdiv atxl lo dar. Thewhole population ba* laraad out ln a e tbe tlitht.In addltlon to tlie damage alrr.dv i«poitrd tn.ispttrbe*. ih" ltrg»- Bnrahouaa af Meatis.Kldd A liooth, ou Illvei nt.. nni* deMniyed bv flre thl*nj,»ri.!n_. There wat stoted ln tlil* null'llng a lot afoay and Ilme. Tbe Ilme wa* *et on ll,e by waterfiom tbe river mndiig lu *8B-Brl with ll. The huildln. w_t eontumrl v.Ith Its r-mtent*. entilllng s loaaof rlO.fajo. 'ihe ofbVe bulldlnit of John V i*t.-tine.4 f'o., pi-nprleffir* 8f Ibe *!lk ftrfory. wi* earrlrd lt]'by Uie 8ood latt night. The B_8*fl a.ljnfiie.1 tbe fsrlnrNbulldlng whlrh ba* al-o lir-ui eantM-raMj dxmacedt-ltether wlth the mu hlnery L*a| Blghl lha ra'iilhurtt above Fleet tt., and tbe water haa been rmhlntrdown «ver I'nce Into ller-t and OM al*.. and all ih«hotttet and bnlMlugt lu lhat jiort.on of the rlty .n-

floodcd. Tbe bteak ln Ihe .anal wa* ao iiiir\peri-'lthat many famlll-i bad bandy tlme ;n e*. spe wlththeir livet.

At an early hour thl* morning I*k8 \Vhlte':rad, ofCbetiertlekl County, In rompany with Danlel llragg, ofthli elty, and two eolored men, were rxiwlii- ln a boaton Klver-at., wben the boat got Into the neavy eurreot and wat eapalred. VN hltehead aud l.ragg WBBBiii-owned, bnt u.e oth-r Iwa bmb ""'"*avcd. The water nn Itlver and Plke M*. la murhblghn Uiday than ll wa* yeaterdav. a* <» IB88 betweenthree and four feet l.*t, A'l Ih- bulltlliia> lnJheae iwo ttreeit aro fl,.. d-'f m,| have been de**rt«dby -ceupaait. The wa'er lt rcportrl fo be faliIng at Karmvltle. The damage by tha frexhet ln I*teraburi w||| ba at leaat twoo.noft, and put It att murh hlgher gfure.

Tt_!.'0*ltn*t "*lf f*rmer» In the rountt**. rontlptou*., 4__,,J_*?urat h*ro >-oitB'ne;l wlll be n leaxt.1.0)0.01)0, and aii tt.e work tbey barr dntie during Ihe

fi__ 4""-nlht w'll have to ba dono over agaln. Tw>

¦allroadt eertainly hM. ,,.jfepM i.atvilv hy Ih i wethnj away of their roadbndt and l.tldtf*. ahd Iravel I*MHonsly inrernipfed. There rann'Tl.e ..>¦ tralnaNorth orfioufh through here for at leaai a week. Theelragtapb wlrei ar. ifown ln all dlreetlon*. and nus¦Ma for Sew-Yort and other polnt. North havo to be»nt over a loag and rouiidaboul rlrruti.ITTKBURO'rl CQVYIK XB. AB_UHMKNT8 BUSY.Pittsburg, Pe-in.. Jnne 3 isproiuiTbe tindeetakart'

upply eatab-lshatcnt of John Vurphy, oa t_* Excelsior Cotto Work. of liamilum, Lamoo.

ArnoM A Co. ara worklrg to their full rapuclty trlramlng ar.d shlppln_ eofftn. Kvery avallable pej-jonwaa prr-tt-1 Into aervl. «» ln order that the roftlu*mlgbt be made leady a* rapidly aa ptaslble. Af ea<*hplaee tliey bio belng lliilahcd al the ra:e of about l*Ban r.on-r, aml probab.J never before ha< tueh iapldNrorh been done. At noon yeateidar an ord.r fc>r lOiirofllna wa. ptared with tha B-teeMer i'ompany b>Mr. riarupaor.. tlirough .S.ip,r;i,i,-ml.*4ni lll'-alrn. ofthe Pctinajlvanla Rallmad I'ompatiy. At MurphvVth* Btlg-Bal oixler waa for IM, I.ui Mr. Pltrtlrn.Bhaeqaaatbr rhanged It to *. Kn-p at xrork untllotxlcred to atop."




DOWN AND VIM.Atil.s BVBMEHGED.BaMaaara, june *_'..a dnren llves loal, a handred

pnor f.imltle* Iiutnelcx. .nd over 8_,tV)0,()(io wtnth ofproperty fleatfOJ-d, K the l.r'ef l.ut l.rrlble rero'.l ..fIbe kavor rtuxed by ihe fliwalN ln Mai vlan.t. I".\ eririver aud nmuntaln alrram ln ti.e WBBBBfB half of»t3t* ha* BVerflOWBd lt- l.aril.-. Inuiidtflnr; v.l .-'. *..;BiaaB-Bcterias i.mi laylns thottsard. of _(-.*¦ ..!f.itn lauda. Dwlag tu tl.i' bad I'.inillilon of t.'ie nll-road an.l l*legr*p- line*. aeriirate deralli of Ui» '!»m-ag" were nnt r*-4**tv*d ni.tll lu-t nlg-l anl to-day.The loatea by wrerh*d bridge*, waah*d-oul roadbedaand landt-de. alonir. the wattern _tvl«lon of lha Haltimore aml Ohlo Ii all road. from lialtlrnore lo JoboatOWB,will probably roarfa i.alf a mllllon doUara m inef'hrvapeake tm! Ohlo Canal. that p.iiltlral bon-* of rontentton and burden to Maryland, whieh i.a* r..xt ti !*Mate inaii.v mlllliuis, I* a fntal w.-erk. Ti.e |>n!oma"lUvep, bv the *lib* of whlrh tDe rtnal iun-.. from, .N-,| in Qeorgetowo, D. t'., ha* awepl i«iyihe lor-ks, fowpath-.. brldges and. !n fa-t. -verytblngooaaeeted wlth the mnal. The probablllty ix tha< tbawatarwai win riot ba rastorad, bul that tue rana'i.e<ialll now be 10M to one ol the ratlmada IhBIhave b,-en trylng to laenn It fi.r aeveralyaara Tbe ooneern h»* n**ver p»'<I. and anonatl}bat Inrrethed lt* ein.rm...:* debl to the hlsle. Senat-jr (.orman ind hl* pnJftlrBl a^aoriatrs, who ta'. lhaeatial aa patt of the Maryland BMehlaa, wlll ir/:.-'lt* loas, imt tbe taxpayei, r*iolee Ib it^ deatrurilonand lu thr hope fhat tl wlll never _£aln beeomft a

jx.liticaJ slnklt.t; pool f..r Ihelr BKMM)Pre*l(1e!,t Maycr and nth*t (.filri-la of tbe DalHmore

_i.d i'l.!o 1'ft liilttmon- on a «:-ec!sl trtln ihl* inoro

Ing to ln*p«**t the ilatnag,-* t.i the road. Th'-\ ri

prctrd to reaeh the Jnhn*tnwn hrnnrh of Ihe ateaterii»11 x. 1-. *"> rn to-nlKbi- Ile fur* leavlug here l"r-*id'-niMsyer ttated that the .-<impa-\ would pla>-,- the .ll'.poaal ol the rellef eommlttee. and dn allIn ltt poaer to aid thn aufferen In tli** t'onematighValley.

The Weastern Maryland Rallroad f"ompan\ and Iheronnertlng linrs th- llaltIni'ire and llarrlabiirg an.lihe ruinberlsud Valley ruada. Io-* he.vilv. (»n themonntaln gralex of the lilue Hldge tbe-* are tretnendoua waahouta and lu tome -eelloui the. trarkaare lorn up aod the rotd-ied mmttmttA i*ev.-i_l

brtdget were wathcl away. Iiltpa'.-'i(w r*:.ij»penhiirg. Ilagentown and polnt* ln the Ci.nih.-rlai.ilValley afate that the daniafie to that fertlle -

reglno li Incab ulable. Mlle of ftrm land* w«~- mhmerged by the torrenta th.t r:i*he<I down frotnIbe monntaln*. Several Ihet were lo.t andmany head of rattle drowned At tba* ni<>u'i»ajn t«.»n

of KTe»le-rtrk, Md the Mr>BB--t*y River, arnllI reek an. oth*w atrnama eomfeloed Ifl the work ,.f

dra4nirtkin.Frlday ntgbl wa* i^ie of termr t«. 'be tari.tde of

that aertlon. The M.arBBf Il1*-*r mi- IBpldl)^\xm tAe nme ibe raln i-ea-tt untII laat night, whn,Iho wit-pa began lo faQ. Ttie bark aarer Bl ll_* rlvriextenda*! to lha raatea-n llBtll of lha <>> 8nOdlngevrr)ihlng ln ll* latt. an'l M.llng avar tl-r tlell* «nh

a fleree ritrr-rr.t tkat nirant ileartre NfHi t<. rr.).,fenrea aid »»ety-blBg Ifl M« BBlh. Al th<- I'van!* Kailmad brldr" the r\\rr roae Ihlrtv f.el tboxelow water mark. It *nhin-rg.-l th«> Pr, ,. ,,i ihe

lu-alga and at one tlme D i*-al, ta-d n Wllh rle»lrbul tbe br-aklrg aa*av of :t>>4.> (r--i f einlaokiiient on

ih^ n irth .i.y <f the i.ri.tpr «avrd Ibe alrtremro B'liblha :kx) fc nf ainbaofc-teni wenl 300 h*l nf nvl1>ir heavy flea-1 rallx -ere lui*t.«| bl t) i tl I .

If they laren wivtii bad la tbe Jtw* ol a inaoiin .1!.vi-e 'Ibe river ai ti.t* i»»m a.4t f. . nany nilh**ai'llg Ua .omao overfl ,'¦ ¦! -i. I. i 'K- Ifl thr v.i

t ihoti-and frtji, mbaierglBg ti.r eorri a- >l v,i.»»ifle|r_, on rithe-r ^.te a-id .'Birjitig everythtng -f *

lt. Jtiat below th- rallroad bridge a lai_r - . ¦-!-(

tuniplke brtdg", waa atiapja^l in Iwo an.l a-i't downthe tldr. Iu ihl* way a half Boaea lurnptheat vartoui polnt* al'mg lha rlvar »ne rarrtrd i.a.

Tlie h.** to thr t.a- .1 alnirlloti ..ftli#." hrldir-* xaITI f.M.i i.i. n.a.iy ll,,... ai.d ,1

.Mra. Charle*. M>Fa-M*« atxl Ml*. Mx.of Tanei t.-iwti. vx-re ilnivrji.^1 in Iheh eartlage WilriMemyiltia; to rixi-, * ,«-n||, n ai.-.iin Th,-rtal vehlcle were axreiit do-n l!,e ,.;rnn, andfoi.tld «l> l'a!g.*l ICtll.'t i Ha«. r a aj

I,ln_ hall V.) n lt the rirrllirr *a I-,..,,-,. a/.

dled Iii IrytaC lo ext.xrai/- h-,-elf Mra M.l a,

boalv wi* (o.iixl uear tl^e .»;iiag- Al K -i-.x \ :!fin-aMerthl~ damage waa .l..n<-. t,.,| at Polnt of Iiu, .¦

pSOple Xl^p,. rnii, ri lle.l t.i *'¦._; the roofbo.!*»."> aa>l other pla^«*» <if aafeiN N mrafl) llxlnson au uIbi.iI hi ti.e n.i<_r> ol Ihe rlvar, uppo n.I, l-li.t. l-.ol o,t s gnri ta a al|(nal uf dl> >¦

11^;. »-r. alth dJfflrnirx ¦*-. rd 1-, .!> '¦ ..

Mltily, Wd Ua* »oa«-a will ajfrrefBt. aCMaDOiBi1 __.. h'lNl'Wt .lariiagr In fhr r.(»rr- «a- lu lha

vlrlrrlt) "f trilMaaiapurt. M'aal,liigli<n ¦..,...t, Threlli _d« a* If-fxwatown and Wllllaoiapoft were waOBI Ihe ir,|tr-i h.sya, . |_a I ¦.,.,( -rUml V'Bll'l.'allrx-*<l IU i.e,a li-m brMge I- l» l!a 1'i.oi.ia.l.'H'-i won' iiu*.,. la.iMug l_-lng lefi uf _be -n ra-taiie\,.-pt iri» ,(,!-, ».!-,» fhe r.xntl l"h- OftglliaJof the brldga wa- »7.i..Maj. nii slnng.e KatoBaae il.e _*sirai*tlMB *.¦ rr i,

At md tietr W l!l!iiii«pnrT. wbrre th fonocoebeagii..ernpti-. InUi Ihe Potomar, iho loa* I* \.riThe WB-BBOUaet Of \|r,or C|«liWB. htefTev A l'rank Iiarby tre jaarlJally under «airr, and Ihelr]...e« will l,e great Mr />.il.v al'ine r.flinaiea hlaloa. at aio.'iiX) (m«t,.xlf af Hefnhn'a rhali factnixui. .wef.f aaay. r*.»..i atfer ihe fBeton ga, e wa)Thaodora Wolfe. aee rlghl***, aon of Lotila R W't.lfr,and Kamuel f'.-irtietl, rt,.t!. of NA'l!liBin*n.iri, atatied |na boal r" rooover *-Nrr»i i.air. NNf.iie ...i^t^i jndolBg *', M.'.t.l' NNi.lfe f.-ll lotfl the ill.-i Bl.'l i a

drowaed. Tb. I.o.ixe. uf Wllliaai Raurboff aml AF.rniliger, . therl itlalBIK* .lb'.ve Wllllaiuapori. u.-rrwaahaifl awa-,. Joaetib f retger. il-i *lttt, \v»-drowne,] iii .NtiHeiain f raeh Ywb aillei !,..!, r.i umiBIBsporl '«Ni-rBl bnuaei *»era wathral awa), in,J i!,..»«eblldrwn aee reporiad drowned. Al raliin^ Waienwheee ..r.h a f.*w day. Irefnre . ryelnne ran ad >i, mt.aod de.tnieUon, iwo house went down !., the ingrx»at'-r. aml the llttle lown waa alni,,.' titlr*-|\ mhmeige.1 ln ('arn.l! t'lHinty, *>t. lha Intae,wlll -*|, h -aieial lin'i'lre.1 tl,,,,,-aml .lollir*t.ei.rge lierrlrk m, drowned a' Trevaalon Milla,nn I'lpe < r-ek Along ihe PaiatiW'i l(IN-rln lloward t'ouat] greal damage aa* done lo mill*aml privata i j. ii-. *..-a. Kyketville tbe wafer

nined ihi Italumore and 01 lo !.-.,r.,-«. tra, > an.)a fi»-l|.'hl traln waa fuin.- I o\er a.. enihint.fuei,i.

J'.ldf.i, nt ttrangn 4;u,\r>. when the strurtuie wa*saarp' a«ai and ):.¦ n a never sr"n af-aln.

,n-'.l'ra!.|e daniag* w*s (iona ti, inlil.n? piniertvin lialilniore ., n.-. The B'a n-n Manufaeti.rlngt'ompanv. near rnarfceyavlll* vriII l<ia<- f6.f*no, \»

a .."un n.lll* >.l H.lllBin l:. Ilonoer .1 Hniia, II *

I'arkd-le. Mount B'aahlngtou aud cilpia-r n lll. work.a _a auapendad yeaterday.. iln nnler MVlng riltererithe abeal plU.

I'cit llepoall. Iirai' the ni'.o'h nf the )>ua.|tlch;ui'.,illlvrr la iiiuJer wai«r. Kealdenta ahmir lh>- iivrr fu.iiiIrfl t'.ei*- lionirs nu'l took rafilga on .Ina hill- li*c!i of|j |OWn Th* ilvr: |a aiilli HiouMii.l- ..f lb* brofcon booaii up lu ih<- tiniher reglnaa, Bbv«rral MBBll 'ta-iie ho'iaea. and lota of fuil-lt'irri havel*rn Baajating hy all Bay, I'rom the easiei-n andanulheni -rcflntia of the m»I-- coiura rejii.r.* of enllrefniit farms twepl awa- Tw-i men were .Ir-.w.i -1 lnthe slOI-1 I'V Ihe ra|..l*:iill* Ol B sI.m.ji nea. hillahur*


ril'.l.r) DKV1SI1VJ MF.AXB 01 tID.Wasbln-lon, June _.- I're-|.|"ni llr.rr..s.ii «l"l n'«.

attend ebarra. lo-day b.t *peni his time |n eianamnl-ratIng Wlth |r«.|a|«tn the flood.strl.'k"!' dlsti-'ci-. aalth i

\ii.44 10 (-raata. Iheni inolt aueeor as lay in the pow-rof the liovruuiieiii.

About H o'rhv k In fhe ni'iMln. Ornenl -.rhoIrM,.*< tliig Sccretary of Wa--. IIM la ihe Whlt"lloii.e. and hr and the PrasMeal repalre 1

to Ihe telrpraph rooni. trhem they were pm ln eom-munliallon \xl*h a* many pnltita aud as muny |aneoa*near Ihr llooded d'atrliia as aaaalblB. Tb* r>B*_l*OIoffered to extend to Ibe pnnplr ln dl.tra-as any siirror

tahlcli Ihe .ioxer.inienl co'tld glve. Iln snld Iha'

Ihe. iJovernmetit would s.ipply aa iiiau;, lenia audratlon* and soldler* to a*-.l»i ln thr aarfe of ifcla.natlon aa poxilrl*. (Joveiiioi llnaver, nf I',who waa at Annapolla, Md.. a* a member nf Ihe Iinanlof V|alt4.r. lo th-- Naval xrudrtnj, wa* comn.unlrite4lwlth and waa lnforme.1 nf UM OOWO-BBBOat- ivlllliif-neas io grant aif-eor aad t-ellef. The cnx-ernoraecured a aperlal traln and left Annat.olla loi- Vork,1'enr... for the p.irpoae of plarlng .hrxao offi-r« ...i ih>'

part of Ibe Goveinnient uie people ln thelli.Ml.-d dl*trlct».

The Prealdent and «.<-neral BefeBtoM .-eniBltieil nca-

Ibe telegrapli ln-triinieiit» reeelvlng an.l i*ep|ylug to

telegrania untll BOOB. After lun. heon IkOJai/enl rftma more time lt. telegraphlnp,Jj^,i ni ;| o'clock the lYealrrcii.went out drlvlng fo vlew tbe ilestiucllon whlrh thrBood* of thr Poioma*' hvl wroughf. H< aud Mr».HBUlBOB Ihen agaln went Into tb» trlrj-iaph 8BM0and afayed 'hero for MBM tlma, the Prealdent ei-

tending hla sympstnlai to tha afflletod people aad aa*

deavnrlng lo jearn of avery w»y ln which he mlghtbe of sei-vk-e lo them.

Ilie 4ioveniment haa about -J.OOO tent* whleh lt ranlerid to Ibe aufferen. Tbe (.oxeriimeu. haa al... underlt* coiitiol th.iu-a.iil tent* lielcnglng fo themii;tia of the *e>v|ce, an.l ihr-e wlll lie loane-l If>!.. drd. The nffei- of aoldler* r. a* made for Mie rea»oi.ihnt it wa* thought fhev mltrlit be i/aeful In eleartn.away m1n», aeantilng foi- the rirnwnard and _t._rd.iii;property.

Tha <Uv h*« been on«i of feaiful .uspcnsi; to theprlvaua a>-ci-eia.v. Mr. Half nd. Mra. UalfoM and herdaughter. J>anettp, left Indianipolis on the traln thatgot 'ai of Pltt-hur*: mornlng. 11^ nas re-

a-snred, however, whan he reeelv.vl a me.*s»i;o fromth>- I'ennaa Ivania liallrnad C-a.n.any alatlr.g lhat MtvIfalfnrd aml daughter were all Hght, but had loat thelrbajtirage.

- »-




track-- i)i>T»ovr.i)-4"noi'4-, im thf", chk-


Klmlra, Juna 2..The aratee here laat ni/rit wa*

fiuuj a fo;.t Ij a fool aud a half iitniier than ever |aefur» know:. ihl> afternoon two hodlns floateal downthr river. A roof upon whlcli |bree pet-OM '.rr-

ellnglne I- iaM lo have puaaed bf ihe .-Uy laal nlght.Thi i. -i.y of i glri haby -va- aaabed **hore thi* aflarnootl ln Ihe lower portl B Ol tbe rlty. Tho Ki leBaflroad brhlga ui anchorrd ln Ba pbve last n:«htby two li-liis of loade.1 frailglit .af-, Tlie wafr

8 ta the r*r.. which. Bb* brl.lge, aet-il a* a

.lani aad 'io-rr.1 IhO" water hack Ihnnigli Ihe clty nn

i'- noi-th iMe 4if tho < 'r-miiri-i Brrer, trmert the

prlnripal hiulne-s houses ar-* lorate<l. The wst'-r

niv.-re-l tli- atreeta lo a dapth ..f two or three foolaml ih.- baaaneata "f Ibe atorei aera qulekl) Booded,

Kia-anda <if dull*/* of daataga. The nnlypoaalhla \v:i\ ..f .-nterlng the IfcvUlbOO* II.iu*e. thr

prtnrlpal t-oiel nf the cMty and oi Ibe rlrlef bualnoa-wai bj Imata. wbirii arera i_*jred illrerll. lola

Ihe hf.'el ofllee.<>n t).e BOtltt .Ide of the river liie aatBfl aore bald

ln r.'e.-k for -.'a.-rrij hmir-i b. the tan fo... i-llroadea.b_fl-i_.nt, hut bun-iad* ol famllle* «-r- drlvenln... lli" upper .loricx of thelr bo.nxes.* lo iheOVenlug, two-Uiouaand ttt* of the embanknieit -,

foiced away, and tl.e wa.'er carrled thr rallroa<l iracksand everyihlng elae liefore li. An extanafve lutnher-yard ln ih¦. path .-f the rnehlog uater was .w>-pl awav.

Xanj were h-vrned, and 'he people iiving nn

iba t'.M4 were reeened witii dlfBeultj bv thejanll. e a id Oremei,.

Tha 1 ir paaaanger traln whlrh had been btrtyaaterdaf in<.rnlng went aaal lo ii-iiTalu ui" »hl«aften4n.ii o\.-r the Lackawanna road. »>n Uie Flata.twla-a tnlie. we«! of hrrf. th.-ee mlle. of track* -..,.

washcs-l away, aml at Cot_!_g tiie tlg Iron br1-l*tearroxi ihe rlt-et aa», carricd awaay The Krle ex

pre-a N... 1, that arrlir.! hri* yeaterday afteinoona held bf il.e tlooi Part of 'he larlawar*.ijaeKawanna aad Weafert. Kallniad tildaearroa t!e sixrr a' Vaavrtiv I. pane. and the road »<¦**

th*" ira-ka from her- fo Illngharn'on "n fhe

Nurtheni Central braneh nf the PaanayhraaUl av*tem.ihr WOclboUBd cspraaa traln thal left herr op FtidBT

nlght la »falle»l lietween Mlnnequa »nd anton

The e are grca. wrahouta on «*ch -Nlr of ihr ti-ack.and rallr-.aal rnen aax thal tho road wlll i_.t he a ».-ck. Th- d.iu*_» 10 |r..f<t'' ll thia rHyand Vlrlully I. ea'lma"sl ai 0-00.01)0 Tbr rt-**

ihro.i.h-mt tbe (''-niueg \ *lley are aJmn-t r.iially| ,\cl.

Ihe | all Mn-ok l.a. laal two brldfea and*be tia.k I. t.adly wa.hci out batweea linaxvUla amlWcalfl.ll.

Ilili'a-s-ii !l\** ar* a-l'l t" !*'« been |oa« at ...rnlngA.i.l'.var, N Y., JaaO I * '.-iiltil'- ralnatoriu al.

Ited ihla a. i-tioii earh )r,tet-lav mornlng. All liie

ilreami an a-x-olleii f*i Btxive tilgh aaalri maik a-il

tlrld. aad r<i*ls »«*sia utertlowed Ma le*a Ihan a

down t.n.lzrs lu t..-.ii w.-is. .jnlfsl ai.a.1, Bli.l

nrwl) plani.-al rn-JM are m.erly riln-a-L Ihe watairoatlnaed io uv. rapklli uniil 4 aVIack. A> lhath..ui Ihe two d»ma *. ihe poada abov.- ihe xlllajegaxc a-*ai aad Ile aatlrr ruatied avil.'lT dowi_ IntoII,* Xi'la*-*. Nrarlv ra.ra v'lr-t |., ll.r place waa

tiv*rt1aj»fa|, a.i.i in inani ._.. ._¦< upanta 4if iaru lu the lipptH f,.r .airla tiaa.-u.

i.r;. tannerj *a. Bo-Urd »u<i rtilaad .xiii.'«"t eaen

.. ..f r»!lr.._.l 'raik u»- ewvtiod arvd auch "f H wlllt,»a.- i., I.e p, t.iili. Tlrf t.-w k at -oi.,r polnla 1- 'O'.

fieru f. rt wll.i ctiil, ai.d iralna anriot run lorI... oi 'i.rrs,- daya *i rfa Inmbor, aiaaj MaaU t.uiwina-s Bnd ..U;r| lia\e 1.,-Wi Brrle«l a« Bl

Mrii illlr \ ) J¦.-, .¦ '.' Ilie t.ravx i_lii r>l .water<Ib» iH.xe.1 rpreka Into rlaer. and rlxrisa Into lakea allLbroug 'hl» arrliou. Nevei, In lb* expericli- e .|f

ideat InhaMtaal, h~a Wellsvllh* baaen xixtteiaal'h an.l, _ rtoi.I Horh rn 1. »f Ihe lown l.aa.-r. .. .MhaieeOBd, wa.ei in manv .aaea aia.-i.tln/|, ». '., |||« ..»,(» i,f I, ..i.r. lariua i.ji thr fl*ta ah.'ii'|.-kea r-. k aml ..rneaee Hla r. fi.r mla*>a a,-. un. 1."r'ioiii .-*.¦ ln ten fert of ¦a-a'rr Hutldliin. brMgam.

ll. an.l l,4<- .' ck l.aae baaen gMOg- » ,|. Tb*-r ar* aeveral lal wa*.

.11 / .- i!!r.,_,i. N.. '..-ln haa.. arla-lhere ali.c* mkl.ilgh). K'lwanl luriir-rr «r. ii ..

If r i.ll.a ,|le V V.. June . ..ea.-ral l.ild..*e« on Ihe.. raklrt. ..f me eilj ar- j. and fh.- Ul2t.wa>. an-

milrr.*.:* -rlll "ifTe;- |.*i llcilarlT thel-rs .|ari tj ln Ih* vlciiiltv of Ihr ihOM la

rieij a.i.mrr-re.l w.rk '*ln* i .'alli li.i.eaixia.j "a-h.'.l- are rp.-i-1 «... 'he Kile. Nol a

I.Bli. x- anlae.l or .lejailcl ...Uarlford I'e- n J-.'n- 'J N'Ol a iraln Iia* px-

-:,in .Ihl-i.ii ol n,- Vea Vork. lakr Kdrmd -V.'i'ru Kallrvad lodaa F>s:,iu Wrll.i |l|r t..

MitiiIihI b .llstanee of t« .-n' thre.- mtlex. fhr ma.7aa ind. along the 1.41.h >.f tl.e Rlrni..' :t- 'a-.r occiirrr.1 at Flm \ »l|e> T»n Ta.|>.Alfreal aml Imnnd

. JK.TTY^rirR.; R THF STORSTS PATHMt< H nAM.'ii nom m:..i m> mr BTBTORK


fleftyabnrc. June 2 i-«r<sriali The .inrrn that d1-!xv.a- Iii VlrKHil* and Vai-at Vlrclnla on I'

re.riir.1 here KalUftlay mornlng Tlie ib'i! h-gan ai

7 .. .-!¦.. k I'tl'taT morrinf ard contlnurd BBtfl 'I o elo. kKatanlay lt waa dm .-cintl.iur.iia during.all tha' time *.. a t-raulf. fhe aire-ima in thia eounl)4a.-rt- l.l-'iirr tlan Hiea havr boefl for laenfy-flarycars. Iia a«-iual rnraanremrn. tf.- ral.ifall ia« 1.1

Im a** tbe ahovr huiira. Nearlv n\rr: -*|.|.elu ihe enuni) i. ei.hrr badly .i»ni»Ke>i nr sw.ipt away,snd faiturr who Ilv- --xr the iBierr a.ieanis fei.eea r»rHe.| awav atid fr.ln ile ll ruln

..i iba iBllri.ids le^iini? |n tli" town bave ha-i largeportlona of ihelr niut>anknie_il* ixa.h'd oi.t and inain

of ihelr brklgra dlstarhe-l Un ihe Haitinu.ix amliln, :.'..i- .I'-..,..; ..f iba iVeatern Marylea- Ballroa<lthe damage ata- *i- af M Valle) .liiii.flon l.ii.«. fe»4uf thr en.bankmenl haa-.- diaappeareil. and a;

ii'-.k. ni. fhe nrw braneh of Iha road lo llxgersi/ dlvlalona of Ihe brtdge aere .-uej.. a«a) \

M*.1* rurna/c a nrw Iron brldge haa nnlblng ln a*up. and further up Il.e :-oa.l ninre than l.-'mi f.f madha-Ml 1.14- been aaa-hed oul, A' Mflleaiown

Ulll) «.i|«ni-.. 1,500 feci ni ihe track on theKrawlerch dlvl'lon of Ihe IVnnax Ivvila n.Bd have Irr.,

'(-.I The t.'i-ttyabiirg an] lfnril* llailnalhas I.ev-ii h h"av) tuffen i. Sevan mllea fnmi fieity.bmir. al il,e t'onewagn ( ree!,. at let..t j *i

.... iu< '. have U-en iwepf j.ui, and b-tweeil Ihtlplaen and farlltle there are thi-iv wMhout.,Um ai pine ... ivi and Motthi II dl) nn Ih llne of

tlil. p.l. ie-.«i>- lha giB-teal damafs ara* .JuneIhe Urge l.ati.Iei .lllll.'i a.ippllri Ih-, wa!e: 1iiin th f,>r|T a' Plfle trove furna.-e. and whlrh eoventhlitv B'-r-x ol lan.l. I'iir»l. It .n.-p- BWBJ piri olibe f.uiiii aml i houte. The orrupanH umBJ iiii-n wi.IIm,- tn .v.iei up a. Ihelr ffl-rltt, A inilran.1 t half of liai'k oo the flne Ui-irve Itallrnad |.coii" .ml the r.el -III r-.t .. ln runnlng ofder fn.foiu ",e ..-rv lut I.e- wlf. on.. i-xre; run, lnMoUt't II l'y Wa* aW*DI BWB| bj the lloial if, 'BSlOB-dln ih- br aii" of 'I." ila'n wi.lrh fiinilxlie* watnt ,i ihe paper mh-i *'. th*J plare

_arge gapga of repalr hmd. ara xt work, and |f l»¦nooufl .-i tl i' fnlii* wlll le runnlng hv Moaday.Next NV.a.V wlll t.e romni'-iiceBMhl werk it I'ennavlraniB L'ollega, aad n.m; <.f ihe vi*nn,« nr«* .

,i,-lxye,| traln*. rttudeata « ho 8rtab*d thei;- exxmlntt.oi.s rml deatred to gO h'ime w || '*, detaltml foisrvenl .1 IJ

. . .»

' nN'1-TK" ai THI- MIIKV OP THE no.ij..raalateo, !C. f., iaae a iaprclali.-Caal«t*a hax

l**en iBVBtfed bv a Bood the er, nt whle.ihaa never heen known nr x.-en In this v|-inlivbefora, Thur.-d-v afteinoon a d-tr/llng raln liegtnan.l ciiillniied nnftl lt beratne a perln.-t dej iK,.. Th., rirrk* .n-I mouut.ln rllla Iriblltar) tn thefaalateo River bertni" hWo!|aM j-,1 _wept lum thnvllliKe, laandallng mmy of the »i|-e,Ma lo Ih- depihof thiee f*rt md oiherx fnim tlv.. to leven foer.Ihe of dainige done |,v tl,<* flixal ranno' a

pirariif be ae(-iirataiy .'rertHtned. but It li e«t(mst dthat lt wlll rxreed leieril thoaaand dollat-. Ibaitrerti ire *r«irrely p.*xab:e, and aii atore*. on M-lnm,.| ti.e adjareni atreot* are tlocled I* b depth of fromono to IWO feet and murh of 'l.o *» l« or

n-olled. Mani' hoi.iea wem!ed .way from fhel.'-iniidtlloi.a, .nd .everal tiarrow r*c.|a-i fnui dealb».',.. ____.¦

in.'' oolile ilecd. woilh) nf a,|ie.-|a! mei.*'o... wa

¦Brfo-OMd bv a voi.iia man, who ualrd Into th waerahrrv tbe 881*881 "a* >>*lft aml rau.hl a babv lu ma .a tt V*. thrown from Ihe w.i.U >\v of a houioi,,a. had J.iai 8e*B aui'|.f fnini Hl fmitidatloii.

Ihe lUe peparinient Hnlidin,. ono of fh» mo.roaih bbe Iin li, i"*n. **¦_. i.ndermined by th floodtad "he grsatei Parl -"*-. 11 t" ihe Krouml wllh a rra*h.Ihe town lall wa*. a<mo*t d>*irmrd. Iho lota oftheae t\i" biilldlngt wlU etitall a he»w rxp*iiw» onihe .... iK.rii.on. Nn IratBt or mall have arrtved hen'

'ihe iBlfl and flood have bean general throughnutlanilimr- aa B.-..18 P....I

w^-w-r* t_HMw wjb __a>vva«v

SeueiisyicMCarbonw.LITTIIA and V1CHT wlth T.milA. CART..BAD. KA<f'.II.MINl), KlaatllOS-g, EMS. --HNVAUBACII. PVR.

MOJfT. a'aAnalrted hy Uvr princlpil profexmrt cf chetniitr- li

186_. ar.d Indoraed la ah-alNtel- pnre wi ,,r rorrerlrnmr.altlo.ii pn-ierlbed br uie niryllril profetilon; n*elhr ,,,er 800 phytlrltpi and Ihelr rsmllle,. ,,- hiaplttlxrlabi, botrl*. flrai-claxt publir pltca. aad Oio-aaada ofprlvata fa-itllea.THE OM.Y fVBM AND COBMOf MINf.BAI.


Special Sals of ArUcte of

FURNITURE.Novel, Stylish and Very Cheap.

f.nillea' Deaka In very old atylea. I.onla XVI. Iterep.Iloii (lanlrs, Dliana, _r. t'ulonlixl Tnlili-* ofnnlnnc de-al__, Nl.i.iral < nblnrta und Hiniirta, Antlqnr Hockera,Raar ( hnlra, Raok (' itranr edd dealmi* i < hiffnii-alrrea, roarr ihan 1011 pnit-n.* mniilel Klnaerea aadI nbnieia. (ieuilofiiru'x T-IU't **t*nd*. F._t Keeti.K, ii-eaa. dtr., e\r.

ln stock, a large number of tastefullyupholstered Parlor Sui.s. Odd Chairs, &c,whieh the lateness in the season impelsus to offer at a considerable reduction onregularprices.


101. io« a\i> ins wrsT iith-m*.PARQl'nTTK 1T.00RS. WOOD MANTFI.M, AND M.l.


Thr srrat *i»iirt -alr*of thr late flrm ofIIohii* «V Finch, IH Lronard-at.,will bt? continneduntil the entire atockia dispoard of.By order ofTlH.l.s ri.crRRM \


Nicholson'sLiquid Bread

I* *ol1 larfelr ihrou-hn-r. ihe t'nlon tnd la an ifiaolutely jmra- Malt grtract uf dtlk-touilaaia, a .oah whlrh r**tnr<*4 _>_ iratetn ta t

tiralthr eondllioo. t llquid food of aseettBBt'4'ialllr for well or altk peraona II la rerom-

nieivled hr phy«lrla-ia ln caara of debllliv. rv

¦.au*'i.n and waaUna dlaraaea: al«o to nurxiiifnothrra aiid Infinl Invillda. It la an exrelleui

appatiier, a t*ta*Ma reatomix-o mJ raBMrarttva(4,..h li.arr. aicobolle deielnpment. manuff turedof .-hol-aeat materlal* and rlpened tijr Ui_e.

Niedlral and pojiular experlence haa prown theKt'rari of Mlll a m.,»t vil-.iat.le Miilo nr raniedlal

prepiretlon. whlrh I* freelr pre-a-rlbed bjr phy--irlan*. eaperiaily where the HlIOB. or phyatialn«t,-m« »-.. lajarad tf dl*etae or ovarwork.

hold by all leaUIn- f.rorer* and f)ra*_l*t*.

Che (Enrt.


SPi'.iM. Mi.rriM.. le^a.l'-NJTHN I. N V.

.XIONDA . IIM !.and (-nnlinuliig until

THURBDAY, tl'ttr, 18Parir.r Car Ttaln. I 40 I-lTji l.rtnd OBtnl Deniu

...ii.s iii \ i¦>*.. PreaiV-or.u I'KIM. ),'\il MI.KTIM. AT JrlRljMr.0 I'ARB Nlundav, .t.ilie 81; T-rada,. J tl-.,- 4thWe*ni--ay -ur.< '><a- 'rh-i.-l.) Ilia. Ch: Krldar. JuneT'h «Nj'..rday. iuni- 8th r>. "lxx Ju.e ll;h, NN,.,l;_a*-IIT I'.'.r Th'tr4rtav J...... ISth,\f NN N-.I'.K I I NTUXI. AND III DSOS I-l \i:n RAII.-

,-.,.V|) (i.Ml'NNY II4i:r.!rNt t)IVi>!< N.On all ro.v daya, Hrai *_-r,»| Tra.n wlll le», Craiil

i'._.iral Mtnon p*amp!lT at I.:S0 p. n. aiu! the li*, .'|0 . ,, ,,i! a> niai v adlll'i.i-l *(«¦- i-I ualn* wlll M

run ai tr-.jii-'i.' Intervtl* .a'iw-n thr hour, iiain.-1 »*

m r l^ i.-4)iiln-d the ireemni'xlail'iii ot the i..ih'l.-.R. pu'ir iralo.* l.-.tvini Oiand i-utral Siatton at 10 ST

i. I 11:30 a. I'. »lil an .mn 'a.r rliv have car*

Mtarhrd ahtrh wlll run thrnuth le th.' raea rour*>- wlth-,ui ban*.

rraln 1- avin. C;ti.,(1 ( »n'ral S_«'lon al - 0.N p. «n. ->lliitetVBl f'oBlhjiii on raee Utva.

_ail'iixl, Tl-NIN iirWAONRR nilNV.TM: ROOMI'hBJt wlll leave (.nnd < entral «tii.on

FIl.'M M.NN \i.KK NTIUI, WAlTlKli R'")OM.n .« h rtra dtv at 1 4(. B. «_, returnln. i>ror,ptlr tt

ih- rl.iae ,,t the rare..


.LT1M0KE AND <»HI<> KAILUOAU.ra* I-.ti.reai vla rillLADE-t'HIA. tl


I_.B\e NRNV-TORK foot of Mbertr-at. a* fo'kiwi:f-: fllD N'.n. » 18 P. ffl.. 1:-:0O md. tfht.Kr CUfCIKNATI »nd ST. I.OflH. d 5o i. m.. 6 OO

r..r WASIIIN'iTiiN. HAI.TlMORi:. 8 SO . rr., 11 00Bl.. I *. I" D V 111. J li P- IIN,. 5 OO P. Bl

t:H^nt7BrO a «. 1 ».: SO.8.15 6 t-.m..l2 n MnlaiiffrAll Ualnt tkip at I'hastet and Wiln.ini.-tou eacept S liIT!Kor Tlekra a. d i-.ii'man ''ir Spaee .-all it B. * O.

"irtat 81. 2B1. 415 ar.d l,H.) nn.rtaay. or itna'ion faal ol Uhafljr-a*. ,. . . Inu.-f. r CnrrpanT w:!I eall for and ehret.arcata from hr.t.-l or reaidcne*.

.114* O m I.i. <:-n'i ria*amer Ag-nL/ T. ODBLL, ti.-.icral xiutu.''r_

j I Illt.M NAl-L... RAlL_a07\Tl.i'N*.-KMii R tkains laave fset ot ronlaadt and I)e.-

-,,.-.4 *.« J" f7 a ih. f«r -im.inarta.ti and Intsrnvdl.te. :n.lnt>s > bi. f" i.ri.e\.\ l-i.-ti* linira IU»ehe*iar, n.:-'!:.,

nl .he \N,-»r ai.,1 prlnrlual lr>. :i! polnt*, rhilr ai to.Iini.a aml rullaum ar ... K4i*|M>n_lon Hr I.-,

ii, f... l.linlni anl !>¦. li-- .« Ir.t*. -ara 10 rui.fcnann >. k .'onBcotlon lo lUadiua aalii i Im

|U p. in h.r Klmlra and :.rln.-lpal In'er r,-..> * .,. . p..!:i.<,¦ tn I in.l... an t r.illih.i, a|,sf>per lo t'lif.-.¦«..

« ao |. m. for Slatll<Bt"H Jinl InlermedlBle lailniir, io p n. f..r M»u.'a rhaak iad interaaedlBta poiata

'allin*i U'.ii "> lleadltiB aud llerel-taiir-r ( h.lli ,»r |-aklaoeh .'hunk

. fir Geneva i.r»n*, Klmlra, Borhf-ater, iimTiiii\\>.i. lViihinii aleepet I.yeni and Kuaprnat*).

in t/..Tra'.ia al H a in.. II 8. B_, I l>. ui ai.1 7) 40a_ ...iiucl tor aU iwilnt. in Mali.moy and llarleton

aal rraaluna.M'SIHV TRAIBB

B a ai. tor Maiicra t iniiik. ItB/l.-i >n anl laieinie-lBt*

.', 40 p m for M.urh < hunk anl :r.t.uni.'li:ite polnla.7 |i iu f.r I7eii,ia. I.4,ma Klinlri. It...-hrater. llilffalo

and *\r-t P.illman aleepet i.i l.rona aml S.iapen«!,.nBrl lt" __ __, .lir-nrral TaaUrn OITI.e, _g_ Hri>B.|4»ar.


V1A IM'NTRKI. K. lt OI' N'7W .17T..SF.Y.rnif.A and RRamvi; n. r.

and nATTPIORF. ant> ohio r. rBcllrl TV.lT.a- Vn Tra-l-f. V- Ftir» Vriis. f*. faat TlBl*.

pcr.r.M*"* ckh BTMVXCP] on ai.t. trains.

gC-U-DULS IN Jr-HXT MAY 1-TUTraln* Icaa* atailuu 4'ei.lrul Kallnia.1 ot fi caa-Jeraey,

foot*r.T..t., .Vorth lUxcr.For iVaaairiMton a:id ilar-.u.nraa, 8:80 ». iu. 11 a *_;

1 :<'. 2 80. 3 1), 6 p. n.. 1.' .n*ii.. -uiidaya, 8:80 a aa.;I -to, . l\ :i:is. I y «> '.-' .'Iflhl.

All traina atop ai Ch.«_M and XlfllinlngUm. rseep; 1:11P

Kor rhlladclphla *t 4. 7 :<S. 8:80. 0:30. 11 a. ta. 1:80,.._- ||5 4, s. 8;»0 TiBO P. m. 12 nlght. Su.idiy*.B SOl « 80 a. m. 1:80. 2B0. 8 11. 8. *f:J0 p. m.; Ul""'n'eketa and Parlnr car ar.-afi c»n iie procurej al 21, 71,ee.1 418 944. 1.1*0. 1.888 Praaadwav. 787 Oth-ave.. 2.)lWe.t 1*\Vh-al.. ISC B**« 12Rth-«t. Keaa V»rk; | Ceurt-¦ 1 8«0 F-i'ton »*.. 1)N nrordaa-BT. nr-v-klyn

.aTrw-Tork Tranafer (ompaiir "lll -all for and ekeckba_f»«fl tmm hn'rl or r*ad*nr*

YVKST MioRfc KAI1.ROAD. N. Y. C. «.Tf II II. H. lt. C*., I_4a**x4.-'Uaiita leaxe W-ai ti't

at atal.'U.. N"w-V.irk. *. loll'i*., -a.1 la.-nly nilnuieaa-srll'-i from f""* «f lav-at.. B. 17 Ohlrairn, Deirolt,leui'loii. Hamliia-u, -9:5) u. ni.. 6 11. .rtHA |>. m. _£l.oul. 8:14. _¦:»- p. tn To.ontu. 11*;.»."» a. tn. I ..I...¦B 1 i'l, in. Monle.l, canada Kjxt, 'Sila p. r.. Nli_ja.a)'ia,L r4inc'i-a-, I'tl.-a Biil principal liU'rm«-i:lB'<- suiloua,BilaC *'J *o a. o>.. 'b \b «:1.'. b, ih. |.i-a-l nll :3ai ». m.lor I'ttoa axnlyi. Kliigston, Sau-.-rrtnaa. . aiakill Xlliaoy.» 14, '7:1.',. 9 38. all 80 .. ni. au. a. .*. :1>, 'S 14 ,,. _,!N.iviiiira. '10:14 * m 1 4X. 4:10. :. itb. '41 _J. II :4.x

b, ni. IUier»traw. »._.*> a. i»., '-':46. H.U p. in. Ki.-gantr. iiina-.ara lot HuT.l.., N aeaiu .ulla. Torouio, Ix.«i -¦,..-.

ihKa.o aud Kt. I/oula. *l)*rly. ll)*liy. rxtopt Saiur-l»y.. Mth.v tialna dally n_cepi Kundaya. ia a) !.,._,>nJi.'ra«v 4'lty P. lt lt. <l_tli.u. ali:'.n a ni., a. 40 -_. n,.Iliilioken, Weai Hhoi* Matlon, all:*K) a. ni.. .74 V)ii m. Por tj'ket.. trnie-tahlea. or _puly «.!>fflrea: BrooklTii-B.8 W*_hiiialon*t.. 7-i) 8"_ft.ati-at.Xiiin'x iiftii.'. |...ii of N.'w.Vork Clty.1471. ,1n;|and 942 llroadwar. IMI-I B?w«ry- U 1'ark Place, aadWr.t fHhoraa Mt.atii-**, ffirt of Weat 42d-*t. and fool of J.v..t.. N. R. \V«_trnll Cxni-aa call. foi and chrcka h...raca frajai haiala and tttthA «a. tl. E, i.a.MBRBT.'^ G*B*ral l'aaaaujixir Agaat, I Vaudarbllt-av^., K. T.




TRAISS _x5R~filE YV__9T.Lejv* SlatloD*. foot of l)«*_ro_*ea aad Cartlaao* eaa I

Ou aud after Mar 20. 1800.9 a. m. Tke Olel.rat*l J-en Vork an. Chleado TJmltBd.'

Uie pioneer of thi* elaas of tt* enrvlce. com_-B**_ «x*l*v.atvely of Pullman V"»ilhu e si»rt>i_f, D*ai__, anatfcaioning C*r», l.eated hy atei-n aud flght*4 By B_*r*M*aloctilc llght* dally '<>r I'ittaourg. Chleago, tad C_vclnnatl. .

9 a. m. Faat Mnr. wlth Pullmin V«*ti-ulO Parlor andBieeplna Cara. Iilnlng t'ar from P.lladflphia, 4*_ly fotPlUab.irg. .'luelnnail, Cicveiand, and Kl -out*, -slljr.exeept Saturday, for i_kIcai-o aod Toiedo.

«:30 p. m. Weatern Expreaa, .a-itd I'uilman V**Uh_itaaierplng C_ra aud Dlnluf Car. d»Hy for Ptiuoarg. Chl.eago aCIncinnatl. and St. LouJb, dally, «xo*pt _.{**_*-,fer Clevaland and Toiedo. . ____,8 p. m. Paeluc Expreaa, wlth Ptillman Ve*t1J"*iU* BlaaafBgCar*. dally for .'I'.t.hurg Chleago, snd Tot*do, dally.exi'«_nt Satarday, for CleveTand.

For lV(i|iam*|>ort, I/oelc Ilavaa, 9 OO a. it*.. 8 n. ta.: Ct_rrrand F.rle it m p. m,, «oo-i*cilng at Corry 888 TdUwxnuaFor LebBnon. 0:0b a. -.,. B.00 p. ra- and 12:15 nleht"tii Norrlatown. Pkoenlxvtlle, Pot"t_wo, and Readlng.

11 00 a bi 1 00. 2 .00, and 4 :00 p. <-. bunday*. 0:1_

*Dd ihe 011 Reilon*.>r Leblnoii. 9:00 *. n...

For Norrlatown, 1'hoenlxvllle. Potut_wo, and11 CO 1 ai 1 :OTand 10 :00 a m.

UAETIMORF.. WA8HTNGT0N AND TITZ SOtTTH,.'Warhlngton Uroltad Kxpre**" of Pullman Parlor tarlda.iT. except Hunday. 10:00 a aa.:* Waahlagtea4 00 p. m., and daTTy, wlth Dinlng 4 ar. st 8 40 p. «L,.rflvo ".Vaahijijttoii '.' 12 P- **.: re-ul-r expreaa, 4 At._:20, 8:00 anff 8:39 a. m, 1 :00. 2:00, 8:80. 4 SO. and9:4)0 p. m., anl |_:]1 mjht. S.nd-ry, 4 .00, 41:13 *n_B:00 *. m.. 8:80 4 :8o anr! 9:00 p. m., and 1iAb nifht.J-or polnta on Che.aneake aud l)hlo IUilway and Cla-rinniu. Sleepara, Dinlng Car. an. oo*e-«* Uroagh*.¦! jo i". a_ dailr.For Atlanik- 4 lu. 1:00 ;T7iroti«h Parlor Car) and 1*00p. m. weekdo.a. lor 4 a-<. May. 1:0*1 p. tn. w**k>daya.

FO!'. lyONn RRXNCH. BAY III'.XD JUNCTION, angiitenriellat* a atlon*. vla lUh-iiT and Aiuhoy, 8 :W).9:10 a. m. 12 00 n0on. 8:10. 4 -l) and 8:10 p. m. OaHunlar. _*:4t a. m. and 5 04- p. m. (do aot atop MAibuiy I'irki.

For 4u-J Poiur. pnd Norfolt. rl* Nrw-York, PbHa-lelpaieand Norf.;ii Iialii-ial, 8:00 p. ra. dally; vla BUU-nor**nd Bay l.lnc '. :fi. ». m. w-*ai||.U-,Tx.Beata 'f "Hn.oklrn A"i--v." /miaaal wtth all rhr'.e'ra

tMln* a. J."*-t r,rT> airording . apeedy anl dlt**ar»tranafer fo* Bro.klyn tr.v..;

KOR l'li I.ADi- l.l'ili a Kxi ri-aa Traina lea**e New-York.via I).-.h!.a..-s and Co.t'anli stroet lerrteB,a* [ollow*:--4:1.'. 0:20, 7 :.'.>. 8:00. .i :3o. ti .9 Cblraffo Li-_-*<__wllh D.n.n-t Car snd 10 Wualiln^_)n Llailted), an«11:00 a BL, 12:20. 1 :0J. 2:00. 74:00, 880. 4 00.« .30. 6 00. 6 :00. .1:30. 8 00 and 9 :00 p. m. aud 12 linlphi.. At. mmodar:ori. ll .10 a. n... 4:40 and 7 :0Op. m. SSunloA FxuraM*, 4:00, D l.V 9.00 .9 Umlted),and 10 a iu.. 3 30, 4. 4 :30. .*>. U :30. 8 and 9 p. m., a*_l12:13 nluht. Accnmmoiatlrin, 7 :f» p. m.

Traina l«avlu_ New-York daily. exc pt oiiaday. it 8:00,9 and 11:10 a. ra. 1. 2, 4. S. 8 p. m.. and 10a. tn.. snd 6 00 p. m. un Sundaya. coni.eet at Trentoafor Tamlen.Tlcki t Oflicea Noa. 1. 48f», 84f) and !)44 Broadaay. t

Astoi Ilouae. snd foot ot Deabroaaea »nd CorUandt »i* 14 i.ur* «t. a.'.d Ilrooklyn Annox Sla.lon. foot of Fn 110n..*._>Brooklvn T8 Iludaon*'.., llnbokcn S.atlon, Jeraoy Cl"y|KmiKt-nt Tl--k»t Offlce. C_atle Garden.

Tno New.York Tranafer t.'ump*.iy arlll <__l for andeha.k bagarvro from hotel a and residencea.

C1IAS F^l'l OH. J. R. W4X)D.General ('.-uer_l V-ufi Ax«ai


Time Table of Mar 20. 1889.4 00 a ra. for K-.tou. B-:hr.:ii*!:u. Ailcntown. Maaah

Chuuk. Wilkeabsrt- *nd Scranton. Readlng, .larrlabu-g.etc.

8:80 a m. for k*te-nln_:.'n. I.ika Ilnpatcong. Eaatan.Brt_l.bem. AUrntown. Man. h 4'huuk. Wilkeab.rro, Hrran-ton r..-*adln*t, llarrlaborg. pottavllla, Tara-qua, bha-.okUx,Knnbiirr. Lewlal.urs. XVlil!ainap..r_ _

1 00 p in for Flen-.inat»n, Kaatnn, Brxhlehani.'. Mauch Chunk. K.-*_*ig. Ilarrlaburg. Potta-rtlle, tr4>r_-

8:45 B. ru. fo.- Ka*t<>n. Bvtlil. b.:i:i. A,l*n(«wn, Mb«-_Cboi.a, xVilaeanirre. s-raniuu, lamaqu*. shainolun.

4:80 p. m. tor Flenilnglon, Lake iloiwtion-. baatoa.1:00 -nl 5:80 p. ni. lor ft.imeialllo and Fla-mlogum.5 46 p. ui. f"t Eaaton. Bethirh-m. Allentowa. ktaoeB

Chunk, Readlns, H-rrl.bui., et.. On J-uad-ya Bl ¦ :8o a Bw5 ;oo a. tn., rauniiaxa, for Eaa'^n..For Rrd Bank, Lonn Braneh. Ahbnrr Park. Ocran

Orove and Poln', Plca*_nt, 4 80, 8:15. II 18 a m., 1:80.4 00 4 :80. 8 :10 p. m. bindara 4 :00, 9 00 a. ni. _unda-rWatna do not aVjp at Ocran <>r:ivc or A.hury Park.

For I-ikrwood. Tcms Rlx-»r atd, 4 80, 8 :lgaml 744), 4 30 n. m. Parlor cara af 1 30 aad 4 »? p-at.

For AtUnt'e Cltr. Vlnelaad anl BrliiretoB, 4 30 a. m.,1 ^orPP»^th AmboT. 4, :30. « OO. 8 13. 10 :3f). 11:15 B, m-.1 :B0. 4 :0O. * 30. - :St). 6 :10, 8 80 p- ra. Sondaya 4 ;00.9 04) .. m.


OCRAN GROVE. Ao-From Pler ., .V. R,

For AU*ntlc Ul-.'hl.nds. HighUr.d Beach. Seabrlgkn;Monmoulh Bca. h. and Leng Braneh at 4 30. 10:18 a. bl.8 45. C 00 li- ni. Sundaya 9 :.o a n..

For llberoii. Aabury 1'ark. Oceaii Grov* i__l PetalI'.'-waant 10 :13 a. n... 'i 45 p- m. -Sui.iaya frxeepl AaImry Park and Oa-eau Grove). 9:80 a. m.

For I_ia8wood. Toraa Rlver and Barnrgx-. 4 .30 a BL,5 45 P. BL



BOCND BKOOK RGUTE,Va C-ntral R. R. of B*W-l*t*a___ rhlladriphla and R___.In; R. lt. 'ii.-I ll-iu-iore aud On-o R. I_, leaare fool *i;.. *. -r «t N. U.

For PMi-~le.lli.x, a* 4:00. 7:45, 8:30, 9:80, 11:00B Bk. 1 .*)¦ --W. 3 15, 4 00, 5:00. 5.80, 7:80, 12:00u. n- fit'NDAVS, b:30, 9 80 s ra., 1:30, 2:»0. 1:1*.6.00. 0:30, 1- 04) p. ui. ,_

Foi Bjitlraore and Waah'.ngton. dally. *l*8:80 (11:00rx'icu' Mindar, a. m.. I 30. _9, 3.15. 5 On, 1'.' 00 p. ra.

Traln. l-ailng Bl 7 45, 11 .4)0 a m.. 1 80, 4 00. 5 80.7 .30. 1 C<) D_ in have eonnecrton for Rc-dlng, Harrta-burf, Poitavnlr, Ar.T li ka-ts a-i-1 far! r 4'ir »«.ta can br procured at 71, 281,

418 944, 1,140. 1.3.3 Broadway 787 nth avr.. 564 Wea«l_.11.-at.. 184 Ea^t l.Jthat.. New York; 4 Court-**.. 800Ful'on-.f u*l Brcadw*-. Brooklyn.

Nrw-Yirk 'i aa -fc: <...inpany wlll oall for and t_-*kbaek*_e from hotel or realdrnee.


iirnso.N RIV-R RAii.noAD.Do -.'.l ...".' Mat .'.*> nati.. ¦¦.a*i.ll INIJ . ) NTRAL -TATION.

T.arge.t anl Ktiir-t ra.-OK- r su'ion tn Amertca,ls *. ni. H_s*_ra-M anl Uo:i:r.-al I'*xpr*«s drawtng.

roo.n car-, Nna Vork lal Allina. arul Aloauy to Mob__b1.ala D. t H. lt R. alao Ba*. Aibany ... bt Alban*. ./laCeatral ver.noat lla*.

¦'..50 a. in. FAMOD8 VHSTIIU'I.F.n NEW Y0Rj_.CHU'.\4.4J ANO BT.'l*> I.IMITF.D, comi^o*i»d excl--alaciy .f liuffara __si_lB.-*Br. <1liiln*-car. dr-wlna-room^r,ing .»r, fi.r Alb.aua. > taca. sa-r».-iiM, K&iliaMrr;Huii.i.i, Erte. rirariai .1 T.iirJo, tu-.. arrlving at Chloagoal 9:50 a BL, Indlanaioii* ll.S.'a a. m St Ixiata 7:40p. m. ncxt day. i:.inii':.:i» ai c'iev.'land wlth u_ln fori' ..un !..i- «m1 4'iiiciiinBii. Blagaaa corapart-ient Bleeplng-car* now ln nnrl**.

I 10 80 h. ii. C-icago '-aprra. for Nla*ara Falla, To-ront... Clra"7»n1, I'lna-lon iti. De.i-olt andChleago; .Irawinc-room .ar. tn i aian-lal.'-i anrl Rocbe-ter.

tli B ui . W-a-.'-ru N-aa- V'-rK aad Ni.rthern F.xiir***,f*t >irjtona, Ijxkc ..ror/. Hiitland. Harnntnitton. NonkA'l*m.. *. l)i_44 lnif.ra.,nt >_f* f.'r AHaxny aud Tr*y.

3:30 p. m., Albanv. Tr.iv and Cilca -spetlal. wlth draw-Ini! r.. ii car. to Triiy anl L'ttca.*S58p. rn.. At.-oron_ laion to Alb*ny aad Troy. C«B-

nrcts for Willtamat.w.i. N.,.-'h Xdum. and intennedtat*FlUliuiirj lt. K, Draia in«raoiu ar, Now. York

Ail.anr..>.. |. .n. ni«t .'hl.-ai:... 4'm> Innail and 8t. Ijoula Ex-

""-*, Ta>-pr**., '.".r Kiaa-ra >*;!.. "ByfTalo, Saapenal*a Brldgr,ranui and Cl*v*i*Ba_, I' In.l_n.a|ailla. St, Louia.Uetroll and Chl.-ago. wltb \.-tl'iuIed ala-epiag unddlalng ..»:..

0:13 p ni 4 .riaiidai-u. Au^orimoda'ion. Sleeplng-car.All.any 1* .'*nandai*ua Tii-uuyh alrepiriic-car, New-Yorklu 4 xnan laijtuj. o. tbr 7'30 p. m traiu

.7 J') l> i". Mootnaai, xdlrontlacka aiid .'ao-ndalj-aFxprraa. sil.-eptn.-. ar. dnt.a tv llatubnrg aud MoutraaJ.ina lUiuae'a I'.iU.: and xla ht. A'fre«.a. i-onnc.tlnB at Plat.avI.ura. 'ai.h parlor aa. for suranac l_ake and Adlronda.ixM..un'-.ii poinia. and to Sa-io- nae aod r.xna.idslgiw dally.rteepl s4indav.

¦'.. p. n. .s._^.-lal Mail T.iinl.el. arrlre* si T-iehcaler7 4" a in. r.ulrial.i 9 8.'. a. ii. BBd alrarland 1:25 p. m.

-tlll p. in.. I a»l N'.a-hl ICxpra'rs f.,r Roch'.-'er, Boffa-1... Mairora Fal'.a. T*_f*Bto. Cle*-a|*_d, Cinclruiatl. In-itlai.aiioll-x si Ixiui*. Dc'rol. .;,1 4 hlcago, wlth *leepln|-cBr*. sle.-pln4-*-_ra ti . :.yo... a'* I Oa*. dally, e_c«ptMturlav. alao to . at-*.i.lai,ux >.u Mindava only.

1-. ml-tnlglii fnr Barauca. Wkltehall xn1 I'utlaad. «o.oiiii-,-ii.iu wllh traiu .^ Batai t*a m- 'ini.g ._*r* u>Albaar i .uineci-ot Aitianv wlth traln tor th.- a*«*

Tl¦ kr.a mid *\>ar<* ln _rawlng-roo-l i"! li¦"!_ "era oasale nt lir-ud irntial Siorlon. 413. TB8 aml IM- Jtr-xdwayIJ Park Plaee, 1 Batten R-a*4e..Ba__w*!«a l*__**_*y »>~»1.1. h-at. Btatl-a, >'. * vork: 333 xTaaklatTtoa and 7.0Fult.m st... anl ."nir. Badford-avi F. l).. B.-ooklyn.

tVeateatt. F_t|-*aaa talla for *ui eBsrBa bii-rat-a rrotah al> '« ,-ir r.'s..|..|.A__

Ba.) dalli othrra dailr excent Sunlaa-. l.vop at13{4in->: BUUoti to :ak- up pa'arnzera fo: Morth and Weat.

FAST MTTBFIEI.n DKD XORTTI XDAMS KPECIAtv4i i'i Hea*n_.xVaifner iii-ia'n(r :..«.". .ar*\ ira-ra r,r»ndCvntrai _tauT_>, na iiaiirn, IHvlMoa. daii* nteaaa Sunday,.1 3 .*_ 1. in Faar tmie. ri«P*r1«l api\|re."

m T'lii )'.v. ..)1di;i:e II. nANIFTJ*,a;..|,na- gap*riBteae>nt. latB'l I'aav.ig'r AgeiAaent.

1r,l.I_. lULLWA-'.-Tickat Offlces, 401, 81T._f 118 lial ¦'-'.' -4io_.l-ay. l-.>- U'.a*.uy, lo.- ixoal-a-.

1 llaiterr l'lue l'iiumbei'4 and _8.l-a_ forrlea, rf.WaYork; J-l anl S-tS Kultun-.t. Broo-hru 107 Hroadw*-.W HlBmaburs .orner N.'waik and Hudaon .ta., Uoboaea;ai.I No* -tati.u. Jrr-a-y City. wherv Tlck.ta ind Parlor,.i tilrenln. n... raaer\_u_u» and u~1or» fur rhv^ti-B an*ti-ti.tVr -'f baacaaao CBB bt« ubt-ln- i. _,\p~m traln.Ir_xe 23d-*_ 5 BBIiBBat earlb-r 1h.11 tlnia -hown rroail luiiib.-.a-ai. looal traln* j 1 I-"-j niiinite. cirller.j a. 11... lnv |-\ I'lillmai BuB'-t Drawin.roora

c.^rthr* i.i BiitTjl". ,,,iii..-r'. at llorn. lav.lle for Jame*lown anl t hauu'iijua l.ak.-.

A \i. m every day. -l'hli-a..i BB- _._ -*4_H l-lmlt**-,.- «oIlBI ullii-ii traln .«f Dny. Ii. iIbi anl si.-.-p.n. roac-.-* 8ai.irrr, Mei-iviiie. Y011111-4 own, Mirlou tnd 1 hloaaa«iih..u: ehaaga Ba_8l -taaftaa Mmetmt t-i Cl.vei-nCt in, lanail r:id Bt. I. iul*.

8 P n. .-er*- div. I'M, _m md uraol T-uak l.xnteaa M-41-.. iui.ti t'llti nf Dtv anl Buf.l Meepln. Coache* tailuiTalo. Nlagara r_!K HaeiHton. {.<> .ion. i.aiiaiai,lliitl.- Cre*k. (aoufh M.-n l j ni.-r-.n w .rhniu i-tuute.Ituilei S!.-< p:nt <-..|rh t« K," heifr. ,.-n\ 7.89.. m. Hor\i:-4 rlixr-r-- Iir fa*t tlme

9 :»o p. tn every dar, .. Chlo__o Expreta," Pullmaalluflrt M.aera-ra. F.lmin, H- rnellav Ile Jainea ciwri. Oor*.v. Mradvllle. Youi.git'.wii, Clm-lium: tn lCh:ct«o

Orsiiir.'. d. K:OT1-. B 11:10 1 nt.. 1. 411 210. 8 18.I -17 *-. 4:.*TL. 5 87*», .'. :<:.. (I 18, 8:4_*>. H. ». 9:45.II 80 p. bi. Snndir-. 8 4V 10.80 a. m.. 2. 0:14, 8:14,10 p. Ill

Rutherford, 4, 4:45, 8, 7. 7 .52 ., 8 .10. 0:30, 10:80. 11«. 111.. 1. 1:80, 2:50. 3 ir1. 4.07lj, 4 .37.. 8 :22_.5:37,r. 5:48, il, «:14. 8:.i). 7. 7 :8o 8, 10::»o. 12 n m

i*aa<at(-. |, 4:45 0. 7. 7 SCSs. 0 80, 10 *. f_ ,. ,... 11:50. 2:50 :i"7'j. 3 87'-. 4 0T*i. 4 87.. 5, 8:18.»:87«B, 5: IV 8 07V 0:1V d:ftO. 7, 7 :.<.). -.). 10 :*0 12

1'aiar.nn. 4. 4:1V 0. 7. 7 .2-. 0 :**). 10 80 |] i. m. 11 :50. 2:88, 8 :07V * BO. 8:87*-'. * 4 :()7N_. 4 aa.l:^1-.-. V 5:15 .V.TO. i 87. 8:48. 0:l7-. 8:14. 8:80 7.; 80, h 80. 8, 10 30. 11 p p.


N,.-T:.rk aud I'r'erao-i, vl* Newnk, 4:44, 8:40 7 52N-.ri-.if. 10 M S(> ... m.. a 3..H) 4:2... 4M .. 5:32__ft .,-¦". 8:'.2*», 7:90. 10_ 12 p, m.


Itl-irwiMil. 4. 4 :4.V 7 *._g*_. H :M:». 8:80, 10 :30 a m 11:50, »:07V 4, 4 :'.X 5. 5 :.>'.'., s ao. «. c 07Jr 8:88k7. 10:80. IJp. Bt. **

KufV: -.. I, I 4.V 7 :.._.- f» :».), 10 :30 a m.. l_5f\ 8 frT»a 4..-., 5 :80. .1 071:. 0 SO. 7. 10 :80. 12 p. m fV 8!«_ _T-t_rl-t l-'.xpr-a*. w ih |*'l.l ear.'r«*.'K 4:^5, 7:52'% 4. 10 80 a m., 1. 8:18. 4. 4:80.Ueah.ii'. 4:48. 7.52.. 0. 10:30 .. ra. -, 1. 8:80, 4 n%8:80, 7. 8:80_p. m.MHII-10W11. 4:4-. 7:48*1. 0. 10:80 a. m.. 1. 8:»>. 4(80

.1 :S0, 7, 8 :80 11. m.siii-lxv l.veal mi... miiii |ine. 4 45. 8:1V 10 80 .. af.

1 :1V 4, 0:30. \2 I).m. -.___.*__.F.xpiaeaa trxlna fn,r- the W.»*l arrtve la N.w-Y "tlt ta «._»7 :40 a. bi' 4 :55, « :55 ix m.NnUTIIKRN R\II,R.1AD OF N. .. MV,_J°*'

lunuiewood anl Touariy--*):14, 9,.I. 7:2?' a*' r-ai.'^anl T....atty--5:U. 0. 7. 1 :*>. J'^.J'4^8:48, 10:16, 11*1 12:14. V'1. ] ?.._, jjlta5-Vi, 5, 5;80, 5 :4_, 0:07%, «:«. 8. 1*'"w .« ""^

Oan't Btip'ta