fundamentals of abap objects

IBM Global Services Fundamentals of ABAP Object s | 11.01 March-2005 © 2005 IBM Corporation Fundamentals of ABAP Objects

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Fundamentals of ABAP Objects


ABAP Objects - BasicsIBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Recognize the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Identify the features of Object Oriented Programming
Recall the history of ABAP Object Oriented Programming
Advantages of ABAP OOP over conventional ABAP Procedural Programming
Analyze the basic building blocks of ABAP Objects
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP) ?
The fundamental idea behind Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is to combine both data and the functions (methods) those operate on that data into a single unit. Such an unit is called Object, i.e. key principle of OOP is “Data controlling access to code”.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
The fundamental idea behind Object Oriented Programming is to combine both data and the functions (methods) those operate on that data into a single unit. Such an unit is called Object, i.e. key principle of OOP is “Data controlling access to code”.
Whereas in procedural programming programs are typically organized around code. This approach can be thought of as “Code acting on data“.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Better Programming Structure
Stress on data security and access
Data encapsulation and abstraction
Reduction in code redundancy
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Modeling real world entities and processes in a more natural way.
Hiding data and its related logic behind well defined interfaces.
Code Reuse
Same code can be reused multiple times by using inheritance.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
History of ABAP Object Oriented Programming
SAP Basis Release 4.5 delivered the first version of ABAP Objects.
SAP Basis Release 4.6 delivered complete version of ABAP Objects by introducing ‘Inheritance’.
SAP Web Application Server 6.10/6.20 enhanced ABAP Objects with Friendship and Object Services.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
SAP Basis Release 4.5 delivered the first version of ABAP Objects by extending the ABAP programming language with classes, interfaces and the ability to create objects from classes i.e. class ‘instances’.
SAP Basis Release 4.6 delivered the complete version of ABAP Objects by enabling “Inheritance” which is the key feature of Object-oriented programming for many programmers, and allowing the creation of a compose interface from several component interface.
SAP Web Application server 6.10/6.20 , the successor to SAP Basis, enhanced ABAP Objects with features like “ friendship” between classes and the introduction of Object Services for storing objects in the database.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
The ABAP runtime support for both the procedural and ABAP Objects programming models enables you to use ABAP Objects classes in any existing ABAP program i.e. in executable programs, module pools, function pools. This enables you to use new techniques based on ABAP Objects, such as new user interfaces, with out the need to completely rewrite your existing code.
ABAP Objects is an extension of the existing ABAP programming language.
ABAP Objects is designed to be downward-compatible.
In procedural programming ( see the upper part of the diagram above), execution always starts in a dialog module or an event block like START-OF-SELECTION, for example . You work with your program’s global data inside these processing blocks. You can modularize your programs internally with Subroutines or externally by calling Function Modules as external procedures. In addition to accessing the global data of your program, these procedures can contain temporary local variables that assist with the procedure’s internal activities.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
ABAP as Hybrid Language (Contd.)
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
In OO programming ( see the bottom part of the diagram above), the only structuring units are classes. Instead of working with global data , you work with “objects”, which are instances of classes. These objects encapsulate the state and behavior of self-contained parts of the application. The application state is presented by “attributes” that supersede the global variables used in the procedural approach. The application behavior is determined by methods that modify the object’s attributes or call methods of other objects.
Although a pure OO world is technically possible, most real-world implementations use a mixture of procedural ABAP and ABAP Objects. ABAP Objects is used in parallel with procedural techniques, and non-OO techniques, such as calling classical procedures or screens, or direct database access. This hybrid programming model of SAP Web Application Server allows you to take advantage of enhance SAP technology.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Advantages of ABAP OOP over conventional ABAP Procedural Programming
ABAP Objects provides advance level of data encapsulation that improves the maintainability and stability of ABAP programs.
ABAP Objects provides instantiation of multiple instances of a single class.
ABAP Objects enhances code reuse through “Inheritance”.
ABAP Objects helps us to work with an object’s business logic through a standalone interface.
ABAP Objects makes it easy to incorporate event driven programming models.
ABAP Objects are more explicit, and therefore simpler to use.
ABAP Objects offers cleaner syntax and semantic rules.
ABAP Objects offers the only way to use new ABAP technology.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
ABAP Objects establishes an advanced level of data encapsulation that improves the maintainability and stability of your programs. In procedural programming, a program’s global data area can encompasses a large number of disparate data objects that end up mixed together in a single memory area, where one function might change the application state in a way other functions do not expect. But in OO programming the state is kept in ‘objects’ that separate externally and internally visible data and implementations, ensuring that functions (methods in OO context) work only with the data they should, attributes defining an object’s state remain intact, and applications using that object continue to work correctly.
ABAP Objects provides you with the ability to instantiate multiple instances of a single class each with its own variation of characteristics defined in the class, and to use an object’s own functions (methods) to change its state. Together with the ABAP Objects automatic garbage collector, this means that developers do not have to deal with manually associating data and functionality for each and every object, or explicitly controlling the lifetime of objects. But in Procedural programming, which does not support multiple instantiation, data and functions are separate. You work with stateless functions that have to be initialized via their parameter interface with every call, and then manually cleared from memory.
ABAP Objects greatly enhances code reuse through “inheritance” which is a key property of the OO programming paradigm. With “inheritance” you can derive some or all of the characteristics from a general procedure (method in OO context) into various specialized procedures simply by programming the difference between two, which results in smaller procedures, and in turn improves maintainability. But in Procedural programming, you must call existing procedures ( subroutines or function modules) as they are or implement entirely new ones.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Advantages of ABAP OOP over conventional ABAP Procedural Programming (Contd.)
ABAP Objects provides advance level of data encapsulation that improves the maintainability and stability of ABAP programs.
ABAP Objects provides instantiation of multiple instances of a single class.
ABAP Objects enhances code reuse through “Inheritance”.
ABAP Objects helps us to work with an object’s business logic through a standalone interface.
ABAP Objects makes it easy to incorporate event driven programming models.
ABAP Objects are more explicit, and therefore simpler to use.
ABAP Objects offers cleaner syntax and semantic rules.
ABAP Objects offers the only way to use new ABAP technology.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
ABAP Objects enables you to work with an object’s business logic through a standalone interface, rather than working with it directly, which relieves you from having to know exactly how a certain functionality is implemented. It also enables you to later alter an implementation with out modifying the coding that uses the interface, so that modifications of standard code become less problematic. But Procedural programming does not support the concept of standalone interfaces as a point of contact to an object- the interface concept is basically restricted to parameter interfaces of procedures ( subroutines or function modules )
ABAP Objects makes it easy to incorporate event-driven programming models. Applications can be loosely coupled through a ‘publish and subscribe’ model, where a caller (the event) is not statically bound to the called procedure (the event handler). This provides greater flexibility than the procedural approach, where the coupling is much tighter and the flow of program control is more predetermined.
ABAP Objects is more explicit, and therefore simpler to use.
ABAP Objects offers cleaner syntax and semantic rules. Example obsolete and error-prone language concepts are explicitly forbidden inside ABAP Objects classes. In contrast , you can still use them in Procedural ABAP. In which case the syntax check presents you with a warning in some critical cases, nothing more.
ABAP Objects is the only way you can use new ABAP technology. For example all new GUI concepts, such as the SAP Control Framework (CFW) and Business Server Pages (BSP), are encapsulated in ABAP Objects classes. With procedural ABAP, you are stuck with classical screen and list processing.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Basic building blocks of OOP
Classes and Objects are the basic building blocks of Object Oriented Programming. When a real world entity is modeled into OOP world then it is known as Class, characteristics as attributes and functionality as methods.
Objects is an instance of a Class.
Example :
Inside color is blue
The box is semi open
Functions of the box? (Methods)
It can store things
It can occupy space
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Classes ( Global + Local )
Classes can be of two types:
Global Class (Created using class builder (SE24) and stored in class repository as Class pool)
Local Class (Created in any ABAP program)
Global vs. Local Classes
Where store ?
Tools required to create ?
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
Global classes are repository objects and accessible to any ABAP program.
Local classes declared within the global declarations of a program are only accessible to the programs within the main program.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
This declares and defines a local class “test ”.
In ABAP program this belongs to Global Section.
Class definition cannot be nested.
Classes cannot be defined inside subroutines or function modules.
A class definition declares :
Public, Protected and Private.
Classes cannot be defined inside subroutines or function modules.
A class definition declares :
The visibility of its components: Public, Protected and Private.
The class DEFINITION belongs in the global declarations section at the beginning of the program. The class IMPLEMENTATION processing block need not be at the top of the program.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Instance components:
For constants
Instance components exist separately in each instance (object) of the class.
Static components only exist one per class and are valid for all instances of the class.
Static components are declared with the CLASS- * keywords.
To access instance components, instance component selector (->) is used.
To access static components, static component selector (=>) is used.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
Static components can be used without even creating an instance of the class ( Example : Class name => static components )
Constants cannot be modified during the compile time or run time and hence are somewhat like static attributes.
Unlike instance methods, which can access both instance and static attributes, and trigger both instance and static events, static methods can only access static attributes.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Visibility sections in a Class
All components of a class must belong to a visibility section. Components can be public, protected or private.
Public components form the external interface of the class – they are visible to all users of the class as well as to methods within the class and to methods of subclasses.
Protected components form the interface of the class to its subclasses they are visible to methods of the heirs of the class as well as to methods within the class.
Private components can only be used in the methods of the class itself.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
All components of a class must belong to a visibility section. Components can be Public, Protected or Private.
The declaration part of the class is divided accordingly into up to three sections:
All components defined in this section are visible in the subsequent protected and private sections. These are also externally visible.
All components in this section can access the components from the public section. In turn, they can be accessed by the components of the private section. These components are externally visible only to the inherited class.
All components of this section can access the components of the public and private sections. They are not externally visible.
There is no default visibility section in a class.
The principle of Encapsulation is that the class should hide all unnecessary detail from the users of the class. Adhering to this principle, you should not make attributes public unless absolutely necessary. Since a public attribute can be changed by any user, use of public attribute can easily place the object of a class into an inconsistent state.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Methods are the functionality of a class , ABAP codes are written within a method to incorporate the functionality.
Methods are processing blocks with a parameter interface very similar to function modules.
Methods are of two types:
Standard Methods.
trap events.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
With function modules, you should type each parameter but are not forced to do so; with methods, you must type each parameter.
Standard methods are declared, with their parameter interface, in the class definition part and implemented in the class implementation part.
Additions for standard methods:
 3. …RETURNING VALUE (P) : Method that returns values
4. …CHANGING : Method that changes values that is passed
5. ... EXCEPTIONS p1 ... : Methods that raise exceptions
6. ... ABSTRACT : Abstract method
7. ... FINAL : This method cannot be inherited
8. … REDEFINITION : When super class methods is redefine in sub class
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
CLASS-METHOD class_constructor
Each class has one constructor. It is a predefined, public instance method of the class, with the name CONSTRUCTOR (or CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR for static constructor).
Constructors are special methods that produce a defined initial state of objects and classes.
Constructors are executed once for each instance. They are called automatically after you have created an instance of the class with the CREATE OBJECT statement.
Instance constructor
Static Constructor
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
You can define a special method, called a Constructor, which will execute automatically whenever an object is created. This is useful when you need to initialize data structures or set default values that require calculation
Constructors are special methods that produce a defined initial state of objects and classes. The state of an object is determined by its instance attributes and static attributes. You can assign contents to attributes using the VALUE addition in the DATA statement. Constructors are necessary when you want to set the initial state of an object dynamically.
Constructors are executed once for each instance. They are called automatically after you have created an instance of the class with the CREATE OBJECT statement. A constructor cannot be called with the CALL METHOD statement.
To define a Constructor, simply create a method called ‘Constructor’ (a reserved word in ABAP).
The Instance Constructor method has no EXPORTING parameters because its sole purpose is to initializing the object.
The Static Constructor method has no interface parameters.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
If the first access to a global class in a program is to its static components then explicit
Loading of the class definition is necessary. In release 6.40 this statement is not required.
‘CREATE PUBLIC’ addition is provided automatically by compiler if no create addition is used.
The additions CREATE PROTECTED and CREATE PRIVATE allow you to control the instantiation of your class.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
METHODS display_int.
CALL METHOD oref-> display_int.
Classes are the templates of objects; actual objects must be created and referenced to be of use (except for the static components of a class)
Reference variables (TYPE REF TO) contain references to objects- Users can only access instance objects through reference variables.
To use objects:
Declare reference variables.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
Classes are the templates of objects; actual objects must be created and referenced to be of use (except for the static components of a class).
Reference variables (TYPE REF TO) contain references to objects- Users can only access instance objects through reference variables.
To use objects:
Declare reference variables.
Use the object components
The operator ‘->’ is the object component selector.
To access static components of a class use the operator ‘=>’ (class component selector ) with the class name.
Example : (class_name => comp )
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
METHODS display_int.
WRITE:/ int,
CALL METHOD oref-> display_int.
If an objects internally needs to provide its own reference. For example to another object, it can use the local reference variable “ME”.
“ME” is predefined and always contains a reference to the address of its own object.
Note : “ME” is equivalent to “THIS” pointer in C++.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
If an objects internally needs to provide its own reference. For example to another object, it can use the local reference variable “ME”.
“ME” is predefined and always contains a reference to the address of its own object.
Note: “ME” is equivalent to “THIS” pointer in C++.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
oref2 TYPE REF TO c1.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
oref2 TYPE REF TO c2.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
CREATE statement creates an anonymous object of the class that the object reference variable refers and assign the address of that anonymous object to the object reference variable.
The assignment of oref1 to oref2, as we saw leaves oref1 and oref2 pointing to the same object and no reference variable any longer pointing to the object created with reference to c1. That latter object is considered deleted and will be removed from memory by the run time garbage collector.
CLEAR oref1 initializes the contents of oref1, with the similar affect of deleting the object created with reference to C2 (actually not until you also CLEAR oref2, since oref2 is now also pointing to the object of type C2).
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
var = oref-> meth( i1 = a1….in = an).
Instead of CALL METHOD, functional methods can be performed in expressions.
A Functional method can have zero to many IMPORTING parameters and exactly one RETURNING parameter, that must be passed by value.
A Functional method can be instance method or it can be static method.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
Instead of CALL METHOD, Functional Methods can be performed in expressions.
A Functional method can have zero to many IMPORTING parameters and exactly one RETURNING parameter, that must be passed by value.
A Functional method can be instance method or it can be static method.
Example of static functional method:
max = CL_ABAP_EXCEPTIONAL_VALUES=>get_max_value(in = …).
min = CL_ABAP_EXCEPTIONAL_VALUES=>get_min_value(in = …).
Source data objects for the MOVE statement
Logical expressions
WHERE condition in LOOP AT
Note : In ABAP Objects all parameters for methods must be fully typed.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
oref2 TYPE REF TO c1,
oref3 TYPE REF TO c1.
DATA: oref TYPE REF TO c1,
oref_tab TYPE TABLE OF REF TO c1.
CALL METHOD oref->meth.
Pointer tables are used to store multiple instances of same class. This method reduces coding and more elegant against creating separate, separate object reference variables for storing every objects of the same class.
Reference variables are handled like any other data object with an elementary data type.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
Pointer tables are used to store multiple instances of same class. This method reduces coding and this method is more elegant against creating separate, separate object reference variables for storing every objects of the same class.
Reference variables are handled like any other data object with an elementary data type.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Dynamic Method calls

Do something to assign meth1 or meth2 to fld at runtime.
fld = ‘METH1’ or ‘METH2’.
CALL METHOD oref->(fld).
Instance, self-reference, and static method can all be called dynamically; the class name for static methods can also be determined dynamically:
- oref->(method)
- me->(method)
A method’s parameters can be passed dynamically using PARAMETER-TABLE
and EXCEPTION-TABLE additions to the CALL METHOD statement.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
Syntax for passing parameters dynamically is as follows:
Internal tables ptab and etab have specific row and table types. See the type group ABAP in the ABAP Dictionary, and the line type ABAP_PARMBIND and the table type ABAP_PARMBIND_TAB.
When assigning the method name to the variable use uppercase name rather than lowercase name.
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Creating a local class with different components in different visibility sections and showing how to instantiate the class as well as how to access the instance and static components.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Creating a local class with different components in different visibility sections and showing how to instantiate the class as well as how to access the instance and static components.
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
Code Reuse
Classes and Objects are the basic building blocks of Object Oriented Programming
When a real world entity is modeled into OOP world then it is known as Class, characteristics as attributes and functionality as methods.
Objects is an instance of a Class.
Classes can be of two types:
Global Class (Created using class builder (SE24) and stored in class repository as Class pool)
Local Class (Created in any ABAP program)
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01
IBM Global Services
© 2005 IBM Corporation
What is Object Oriented Programming ?
What are the main advantages of Object Oriented Programming over Procedural Programming ?
What is a Class?
What is an Object?
What is a constructor?
What are the various visibility sections present in a ABAP class?
What is the basic difference between static component and instance component?
Can we access the static component of a class by the object name instead of the class name?
Fundamentals of ABAP Objects | 11.01