fundamental limits of recovering tree sparse vectors from noisy linear measurements

Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements a ` (1) a ` (2) a ` (5) a ` (3) a ` (4) a ` (6) a ` (7) EE-8500 Seminar Akshay Soni University of Minnesota [email protected] (joint work with J. Haupt) Supported by

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Page 1: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements





a`(4) a`(6) a`(7)EE-8500 Seminar

Akshay Soni University of Minnesota [email protected]

(joint work with J. Haupt)

Jarvis Haupt University of Minnesota

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Adaptive Compressive Imaging Using Sparse Hierarchical Learned Dictionaries

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Page 2: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Data Everywhere

Page 3: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Integral to Science, Engineering, Discovery

Page 4: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Inevitable Data Deluge!

The Economist, February 2010

Page 5: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Novel Sensing Architectures

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Page 6: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements


Key Idea – Sparsity


Many signals exhibit sparsity in the canonical or ‘pixel basis’

Communication signals often have sparse frequency content

Natural images often have sparse wavelet representation DWT


Page 7: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Background --

Sparsity and Structured Sparsity

Page 8: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

A Model for Sparse Signals

Union of Subspace Model

A Sparse Signal Model

signal support set

number of nonzero signal components

A Sparse Signal Model

signal support set

number of nonzero signal components

A Sparse Signal Model

signal support set

number of nonzero signal components

Signals of interest are vectors x 2 Rn

Page 9: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Structured Sparsity

Tree Sparsity in Wavelets Grid Sparsity in Networks Graph Sparsity – background subtraction


(a) Wavelet Tree Sparsity (b) Background Subtracted Image: Graph Sparsity

Figure 1.3: Structured sparsity. (a) The brain image has tree sparsity after wavelet transfor-mation; (b) The background subtracted image has graph sparsity.

From above introductions, we know that there exists literature on structured sparsity, with

empirical evidence showing that one can achieve better performance by imposing additional

structures. However, none of the previous work was able to establish a general theoretical

framework for structured sparsity that can quantify its effectiveness. The goal of this thesis

is to develop such a general theory that addresses the following issues, where we pay special

attention to the benefit of structured sparsity over the standard non-structured sparsity:

• Quantifying structured sparsity;

• The minimal number of measurements required in compressive sensing;

• Estimation accuracy under stochastic noise;

• An efficient algorithm that can solve a wide class of structured sparsity problems.

1.5 Organization

We now outline the theoretical framework and application results which are considered by

subsequent thesis chapters. The brief introductory paragraphs provide more detailed outlines

for each chapters.

Chapter 2 investigates the benefits of the sparsity with group structure. As we know, Group

Lasso is a well-known algorithm for group sparsity in statistical learning. A theory is developed

in this chapter for Group Lasso using a concept called strong group sparsity. We theoretically

prove that group Lasso is superior to standard Lasso for strongly group-sparse data. This

provides a convincing theoretical justification for using group sparsity regularization when the

underlying group structure is consistent with the data. Moreover, our theory can also help

predict some limitations of the group Lasso formulation. We conduct a series of simulated

experiments to validate the benefits and limitations of the group sparsity.

• locations of nonzeros are inter-dependent

• structure knowledge can be used during sensing, inference or both

Page 10: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Structured Sparsity

Our focus – Tree Structured Sparsity!

Tree Sparsity in Wavelets Grid Sparsity in Networks Graph Sparsity – background subtraction


(a) Wavelet Tree Sparsity (b) Background Subtracted Image: Graph Sparsity

Figure 1.3: Structured sparsity. (a) The brain image has tree sparsity after wavelet transfor-mation; (b) The background subtracted image has graph sparsity.

From above introductions, we know that there exists literature on structured sparsity, with

empirical evidence showing that one can achieve better performance by imposing additional

structures. However, none of the previous work was able to establish a general theoretical

framework for structured sparsity that can quantify its effectiveness. The goal of this thesis

is to develop such a general theory that addresses the following issues, where we pay special

attention to the benefit of structured sparsity over the standard non-structured sparsity:

• Quantifying structured sparsity;

• The minimal number of measurements required in compressive sensing;

• Estimation accuracy under stochastic noise;

• An efficient algorithm that can solve a wide class of structured sparsity problems.

1.5 Organization

We now outline the theoretical framework and application results which are considered by

subsequent thesis chapters. The brief introductory paragraphs provide more detailed outlines

for each chapters.

Chapter 2 investigates the benefits of the sparsity with group structure. As we know, Group

Lasso is a well-known algorithm for group sparsity in statistical learning. A theory is developed

in this chapter for Group Lasso using a concept called strong group sparsity. We theoretically

prove that group Lasso is superior to standard Lasso for strongly group-sparse data. This

provides a convincing theoretical justification for using group sparsity regularization when the

underlying group structure is consistent with the data. Moreover, our theory can also help

predict some limitations of the group Lasso formulation. We conduct a series of simulated

experiments to validate the benefits and limitations of the group sparsity.

• locations of nonzeros are inter-dependent

• structure knowledge can be used during sensing, inference or both

Page 11: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Sparsity 1


3 4 6 7

Characteristics of tree structure

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Page 12: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Sparsity – Why?


•  Tree sparsity naturally arises in the wavelet coefficients of many signals •  for e.g. natural images

•  Several prior efforts that examined wavelet tree structure specialized sensing techniques •  for e.g. in dynamic MRI [*] and compressive

imaging [**]

•  Previous work was either experimental or analyzed only in noise-free settings

[*]  L.  P.  Panych  and  F.  A.  Jolesz,  “A  dynamically  adap9ve  imaging  algorithm  for  wavelet-­‐encoded  MRI,”  Magne9c  Resonance  in  Medicine,  vol.  32,  no.  6,  pp.  738–748,  1994.    [**]  M.  W.  Seeger  and  H.  Nickisch,  “Compressed  sensing  and  Bayesian  experimental  design,”  in  Proc.  ICML,  2008,  pp.  912–919.  [**]  S.  Deutsch,  A.  Averbuch,  and  S.  Dekel,  “Adap9ve  compressed  image  sensing  based  on  wavelet  modeling  and  direct  sampling,”  in  Proc.  Intl.  Conf  on  Sampling  Theory  and  Applica9ons,  2009.  

Page 13: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Sensing Sparse Signals --

Noisy Linear Measurement Model

Page 14: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Sensing Strategies

Page 15: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Sensing Strategies

Non-Adaptive Sensing Adaptive Sensing

• j-th measurement vector aj is a function of {al, yl}j�1l=1

for each j = 2, 3, . . . ,m.

Measurement vectors





Page 16: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Exact Support Recovery (ESR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

so that |xi| � µ > 0, i 2 S,

Task of Interest:

Page 17: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Primary questions:

Exact Support Recovery (ESR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

so that |xi| � µ > 0, i 2 S,

Task of Interest:

Page 18: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Adaptive Sensing of Tree-Sparse Signals --

A Simple Algorithm with Guarantees

Page 19: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Few Tree Specifics

•  Signal components are coefficients in an

orthonormal representation (canonical basis without loss of generality)

•  We consider binary trees (all results may be

extended to trees with any degree)



3 4 6 7

Page 20: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Page 21: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Page 22: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Page 23: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Q[1] = {5}

y5 = e

T5 x+ w

S S [ {5}Q {6, 7} [ Q\{5}

Q[1] = {6} S = {1, 5}

y6 = e

T6 x+ w

suppose |y5| > ⌧

suppose |y6| < ⌧

Q Q\{6}Q[1] = {7}

S = {1, 5}

y7 = e

T7 x+ w

suppose |y7| < ⌧

Q Q\{7}Q[1] = {;}

S = {1, 5}

Page 24: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Q[1] = {5}

y5 = e

T5 x+ w

S S [ {5}Q {6, 7} [ Q\{5}

Q[1] = {6} S = {1, 5}

y6 = e

T6 x+ w

suppose |y5| > ⌧

suppose |y6| < ⌧

Q Q\{6}Q[1] = {7}

S = {1, 5}

y7 = e

T7 x+ w

suppose |y7| < ⌧

Q Q\{7}Q[1] = {;}

S = {1, 5}

(can also measure each location r � 1 times

and average to reduce e↵ective noise)

Page 25: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Theorem (2011 & 2013): AS & J. Haupt

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Q[1] = {5}

y5 = e

T5 x+ w

S S [ {5}Q {6, 7} [ Q\{5}

Q[1] = {6} S = {1, 5}

y6 = e

T6 x+ w

suppose |y5| > ⌧

suppose |y6| < ⌧

Q Q\{6}Q[1] = {7}

S = {1, 5}

y7 = e

T7 x+ w

suppose |y7| < ⌧

Q Q\{7}Q[1] = {;}

S = {1, 5}

Choose any � 2 (0, 1) and set ⌧ =


2log(4k/�). If the signal x being acquired

by our procedure is k-tree sparse, and the nonzero components of x satisfy

|xi| �



1 + log






◆log k,

for every i 2 S(x), then with probability at least 1 � �, a “repeated measure-

ment” variant of algorithm to the left that acquires r measurements at each

observed location terminates after collecting m r(2k+ 1) measurements, and

produces support estimate

ˆS satisfying

ˆS = S(x)

Page 26: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Question: Can any other “smart” scheme recover support of a tree-sparse signal having “significantly” smaller magnitude? i.e., is this the best one can hope for?

Theorem (2011 & 2013): AS & J. Haupt

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Q[1] = {5}

y5 = e

T5 x+ w

S S [ {5}Q {6, 7} [ Q\{5}

Q[1] = {6} S = {1, 5}

y6 = e

T6 x+ w

suppose |y5| > ⌧

suppose |y6| < ⌧

Q Q\{6}Q[1] = {7}

S = {1, 5}

y7 = e

T7 x+ w

suppose |y7| < ⌧

Q Q\{7}Q[1] = {;}

S = {1, 5}

Choose any � 2 (0, 1) and set ⌧ =


2log(4k/�). If the signal x being acquired

by our procedure is k-tree sparse, and the nonzero components of x satisfy

|xi| �



1 + log






◆log k,

for every i 2 S(x), then with probability at least 1 � �, a “repeated measure-

ment” variant of algorithm to the left that acquires r measurements at each

observed location terminates after collecting m r(2k+ 1) measurements, and

produces support estimate

ˆS satisfying

ˆS = S(x)

Page 27: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Our Investigation in Context --

Fundamental Limits for ESR

Page 28: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture: Minimum Signal Amplitudes for ESR

Let’s identify necessary conditions for ESR in each case…

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Page 29: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

[*]  S.  Aeron,  V.  Saligrama,  and  M.  Zhao,  "Informa9on  Theore9c  Bounds  for  Compressed  Sensing,"  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.56,  no.10,  pp.5111-­‐5130,  2010  

[*]  M.  J.  Wainwright,  ”Sharp  thresholds  for  high-­‐dimensional  and  noisy  sparsity  recovery  using  l1-­‐constrained  quadra9c  programming  (lasso),  "  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.55,  no.5,  pp.2183-­‐2202,  2009    

[*]  M.  J.  Wainwright,  ”Informa9on-­‐theore9c  limita9ons  on  sparsity  recovery  in  the  high-­‐dimensional  and  noisy  sehng,  "  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.55,  no.12,    2009    [*]   W.   Wang,   M.   J.   Wainwright   and   K.   Ramchandran,   ”Informa9on-­‐theore9c   limits   on   sparse   signal   recovery:   Dense   versus   sparse  measurement  matrices,  "  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.56,  no.6,  pp.2967-­‐2979,  2010    

Page 30: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

[*]  S.  Aeron,  V.  Saligrama,  and  M.  Zhao,  "Informa9on  Theore9c  Bounds  for  Compressed  Sensing,"  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.56,  no.10,  pp.5111-­‐5130,  2010  

[*]  M.  J.  Wainwright,  ”Sharp  thresholds  for  high-­‐dimensional  and  noisy  sparsity  recovery  using  l1-­‐constrained  quadra9c  programming  (lasso),  "  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.55,  no.5,  pp.2183-­‐2202,  2009    

[*]  M.  J.  Wainwright,  ”Informa9on-­‐theore9c  limita9ons  on  sparsity  recovery  in  the  high-­‐dimensional  and  noisy  sehng,  "  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.55,  no.12,    2009    [*]   W.   Wang,   M.   J.   Wainwright   and   K.   Ramchandran,   ”Informa9on-­‐theore9c   limits   on   sparse   signal   recovery:   Dense   versus   sparse  measurement  matrices,  "  IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,  vol.56,  no.6,  pp.2967-­‐2979,  2010    

uncompressed or


Page 31: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

[*]  M.  Malloy   and   R.   Nowak,   “Sequen9al   analysis   in   high-­‐dimensional  mul9ple   tes9ng   and   sparse   recovery,”   in   Proc.   IEEE   Intl.   Symp.   on  Informa9on  Theory,  2011,  pp.  2661-­‐2665.  

Adaptivity may at best improve log(n) to log(k)!

Page 32: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Problem Formulation --

Tree-Sparse Model

Page 33: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Signal Model:

Sensing Strategies:




3 4 6 7

{Am,ym} : short hand for {aj , yj}mj=1


Adaptive : aj depends on {al, yl}j�1l=1 , subject to constraint kajk22 = 1 8 j

Support estimate:

amplitude parameter (>=0) Set of all k-node

rooted sub-trees (in underlying tree)

Non�Adaptive : here Gaussian; row aj of A is independent and

aj ⇠ N (0, I/n)

Mm : class of all adaptive (or non-adaptive) sensing strategies based on m measurements

a mapping from observations ! subset of {1, 2, . . . , n}

Page 34: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

(Maximum) Risk of a support estimator:

Element whose support is most difficult to estimate

Minimax Risk:

Our aim – quantify errors corresponding to these hard cases!


for estimators and sensing strategies M 2 M

In words, error of the best estimator when estimating the support of the “most di�cult”

If R⇤Xµ,k,M � � > 0 =) regardless of and M 2 M, we have at least one signal x 2 Xµ,k for


In words, worst-case performance of when estimating the “most di�cult”

Page 35: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Non-Adaptive Tree-Structured Sensing --

Fundamental Limits

Page 36: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Theorem (2013): AS & J. Haupt

Non-Adaptive Tree-Structured Sensing – fundamental limits

Implications: no uniform guarantees can be made for any estimation procedure for recovering the support of tree-sparse signals when signal amplitude is “too small”.

For ESR with non-adaptive sensing a necessary condition is:

Page 37: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

[*]  AS  and  J.  Haupt,  “On  the  Fundamental  Limits  of  Recovering  Tree  Sparse  Vectors  from  Noisy  Linear  Measurement,”   IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,      2013  (accepted  for  publica9on).  

Page 38: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Same necessary conditions as for adaptive + unstructured!

Structure or Adaptivity in isolation may at best improve log(n) to log(k)

[*]  AS  and  J.  Haupt,  “On  the  Fundamental  Limits  of  Recovering  Tree  Sparse  Vectors  from  Noisy  Linear  Measurement,”   IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,      2013  (accepted  for  publica9on).  

Page 39: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Proof Idea – Non-Adaptive + Tree-Sparse Restrict to a “Smaller Set”:

Convert to a Multiple-Hypothesis testing problem:

We can get a lower bound on minimax risk over a smaller subset of signals!

minimax prob. of error for multiple hypothesis testing problem

Introduc9on  to  Nonparametric  Es9ma9on  –  A.B.  Tsybokov  



( (Am,ym;M) 6= S(x)) � supx2X 0



( (Am,ym;M) 6= S(x))For any X 0

µ,k ✓ Xµ,k,


• get lower bound on pe,L using Fano’s inequality (or similar ideas)

Page 40: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Adaptive Tree-Structured Sensing --

Fundamental Limits

Page 41: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Theorem (2013): AS & J. Haupt

Adaptive Tree-Structured Sensing – fundamental limits

For ESR with non-adaptive sensing a necessary condition is:

Proof Idea: this problem is as hard as recovering the location of one nonzero given all other k-1 nonzero locations.

Page 42: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

[*]  AS  and  J.  Haupt,  “On  the  Fundamental  Limits  of  Recovering  Tree  Sparse  Vectors  from  Noisy  Linear  Measurement,”   IEEE  Transac9ons  on  Informa9on  Theory,    2013  (accepted  for  publica9on).  

Page 43: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Recall, for our simple tree-structured adaptive algorithm the sufficient condition for ESR was

which is only log(k) factor away from the lower bound.

We cannot do much better than the simple proposed algorithm!

µ �q�2


�log k,

The Big Picture:

Page 44: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

(when m > n)

Note: for adaptive + unstructured, our proof ideas can show in case of m < n, a necessary condition for ESR is

µ �q�2



The Big Picture:

Page 45: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

The Big Picture:

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Related Works: [*]  A.  Krishnamurthy,  J.  Sharpnack,  and  A.  Singh,  “Recovering  block-­‐structured  ac9va9ons  using  compressive  measurements,”  Submi0ed  2012.    

Page 46: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Question: Can any other “smart” scheme recover support of a tree-sparse signal having “significantly” smaller magnitude?

Theorem (2011 & 2013): AS & J. Haupt

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Q[1] = {5}

y5 = e

T5 x+ w

S S [ {5}Q {6, 7} [ Q\{5}

Q[1] = {6} S = {1, 5}

y6 = e

T6 x+ w

suppose |y5| > ⌧

suppose |y6| < ⌧

Q Q\{6}Q[1] = {7}

S = {1, 5}

y7 = e

T7 x+ w

suppose |y7| < ⌧

Q Q\{7}Q[1] = {;}

S = {1, 5}

Choose any � 2 (0, 1) and set ⌧ =


2log(4k/�). If the signal x being acquired

by our procedure is k-tree sparse, and the nonzero components of x satisfy

|xi| �



1 + log






◆log k,

for every i 2 S(x), then with probability at least 1 � �, a “repeated measure-

ment” variant of algorithm to the left that acquires r measurements at each

observed location terminates after collecting m r(2k+ 1) measurements, and

produces support estimate

ˆS satisfying

ˆS = S(x)

Page 47: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Answer: No! We’re within log(k) of minimax optimal

Question: Can any other “smart” scheme recover support of a tree-sparse signal having “significantly” smaller magnitude?

Theorem (2011 & 2013): AS & J. Haupt

Tree Structured Adaptive Support Recovery


5  2  

3   4   6   7  

Q[1] = {5}

y5 = e

T5 x+ w

S S [ {5}Q {6, 7} [ Q\{5}

Q[1] = {6} S = {1, 5}

y6 = e

T6 x+ w

suppose |y5| > ⌧

suppose |y6| < ⌧

Q Q\{6}Q[1] = {7}

S = {1, 5}

y7 = e

T7 x+ w

suppose |y7| < ⌧

Q Q\{7}Q[1] = {;}

S = {1, 5}

Choose any � 2 (0, 1) and set ⌧ =


2log(4k/�). If the signal x being acquired

by our procedure is k-tree sparse, and the nonzero components of x satisfy

|xi| �



1 + log






◆log k,

for every i 2 S(x), then with probability at least 1 � �, a “repeated measure-

ment” variant of algorithm to the left that acquires r measurements at each

observed location terminates after collecting m r(2k+ 1) measurements, and

produces support estimate

ˆS satisfying

ˆS = S(x)

Page 48: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Experimental Evaluation --

Page 49: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Simulation Setup Non-adaptive + unstructured:

Non-adaptive + tree sparsity:

Adaptive + unstructured:

Adaptive + tree sparsity:











Amplitude parameter µ
















Amplitude parameter µ


b. E













Amplitude parameter µP

rob. E



4 orders of magnitude

[*]   M.   Malloy   and   R.   Nowak,   “Near-­‐op9mal   adap9ve   compressive   sensing,”   in   Proc.   Asilomar   Conf.   on   Signals,  Systems,  and  Computers,  2012.  

Page 50: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Next Step --

1) MSE estimation implications?

Page 51: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

MSE estimation implications Unstructured + Non-Adaptive:

If the measurement matrix Am satisfies the norm constraint kAmk2F m, then

we have minimax MSE bound

Unstructured + Adaptive:



x:|S(x)|=k E⇥kbx(Am,ym;M)� xk22

⇤� c �2


�k log n,

[   *   ]   E.   J.   Cand`es   and  M.   A.   Davenport,   “How  well   can  we   es9mate   a   sparse   vector?,”   Applied   and  Computa9onal  Harmonic  Analysis,  vol.  34,  no.  2,  pp.  317–323,  2013    [  **  ]  E.  Arias-­‐Castro,  E.  J.  Candes,  and  M.  Davenport,  “On  the  fundamental  limits  of  adap9ve  sensing,”  Submi0ed,  2011,  online  at    

c > 0 is a constant. [ * ]

c0 > 0 is another constant. [ ** ]

Page 52: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

MSE estimation implications Unstructured + Non-Adaptive:

If the measurement matrix Am satisfies the norm constraint kAmk2F m, then

we have minimax MSE bound

Unstructured + Adaptive:

c > 0 is a constant.



x:|S(x)|=k E⇥kbx(Am,ym;M)� xk22

⇤� c �2


�k log n,

c0 > 0 is another constant.

Tree Structured + Non-Adaptive:

Tree Structured + Adaptive:

Page 53: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

MSE estimation implications Unstructured + Non-Adaptive:

If the measurement matrix Am satisfies the norm constraint kAmk2F m, then

we have minimax MSE bound

Unstructured + Adaptive:

c > 0 is a constant.



x:|S(x)|=k E⇥kbx(Am,ym;M)� xk22

⇤� c �2


�k log n,

c0 > 0 is another constant.

Tree-sparse + our adaptive procedure: There exists a two-stage (support recovery followed by direct measurements)

adaptive compressive sensing procedure for k-tree sparse signals that produces,

from O(k) measurements, an estimate


x satisfying

kˆx� xk22 = O✓�2





with high probability, provided the nonzero signal component amplitudes exceed

a constant times



�log k.

Page 54: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

-- Next Step --

2) Learning Adaptive Sensing Representations (LASeR)

Page 55: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

LASeR Use Dictionary Learning and training data to learn tree-sparse representations Learning Adaptive Sensing Representations







Example images (128⇥ 128)

Learn representation for 163 images from

Psychological Image Collection at Stirling

Learning Adaptive Sensing Representations !"#$%$%&'(#)#'






Example images (128⇥ 128)

Learn representation for 163 images from

Psychological Image Collection at Stirling

Wavelet Tree Sensing





m = 50 m = 80 m = 20

R = 128⇥12832

“Sensing Energy”

Qualitative Results

Details   &   examples   of   LASeR   in   ac9on:   AS   and   J.   Haupt,   “Efficient   adap9ve   compressive   sensing   using   sparse   hierarchical   learned  dic9onaries,”  in  Proc.  Asilomar  Conf.  on  Signals,  Systems  and  Computers,  2011,  pp.  1250-­‐1254.  

Tree Elements Present in Sparse


Original Image

Page 56: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Overall Taxonomy

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Sufficient condition for ESR for our algorithm:

=) nearly optimal!!  

µ �q�2


�log k

Page 57: Fundamental Limits of Recovering Tree Sparse Vectors from Noisy Linear Measurements

Overall Taxonomy

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  

Non-Adaptive   Adaptive  



Tree Sparse  

Tree Sparse  

Thank You! Akshay Soni University of Minnesota [email protected]

Sufficient condition for ESR for our algorithm:

=) nearly optimal!!  

µ �q�2


�log k