functional · chronological this type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences...


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Page 1: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with
Page 2: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with

ChronologiCalThis type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with your current or most recent experience. as the most common type of resume, it is recommended for college students, professionals staying in the same career field, and for those working in a field where traditional job search methods are utilized. Typically, the chronological resume is one to two pages long.

FunCTionalThis type of resume highlights the professional skills you have gained throughout your career. The content is similar to a chronological resume but presented around skill clusters. This format is recommended for professionals with a variety of work experience, individuals interested in a career change who do not have direct job experience in the new career area, those who have changed employers frequently and those who have been absent from the job market or have gaps in employment. The functional resume is typically one to two pages long (see page 13 for a sample).

CurriCulum ViTaeThis is a special type of resume used within the academic community to highlight work experience as well as research interests and professional development within an academic setting. This format is recommended for graduate students and for those pursuing teaching or research positions in a college or university. For additional information, visit the Toppel Career Center website at

a resume is a professional representation of your education, experience and skills. it is a marketing docu-ment which is normally one page in length for undergraduate students and two pages for graduate students and alumni. remember, the goal of your resume is to obtain a job interview.

PurPoSe oF a reSume

make sure your resume focuses on most recent/relevant information use a professional email address Print resume and cover letter on high quality bond paper (white or cream) individually tailor your resume and cover letter to fit a specific job Be consistent in style and format (including font, use of bullets and dates) avoid using personal pronouns such as i, me, or my Create resume in a new Word document (templates can waste space) avoid listing salary information make sure your font size is at least 10 point Be honest...don’t exaggerate or falsify information avoid using acronyms or abbreviations Don’t include personal information such as age, hobbies, or social security number Keep your resume current by updating it often upload your resume on CaneZone (

TYPeS oF reSumeS

reSume CheCKliST


Page 3: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with

There are several components that are important to include in every resume. The following examples reflect the chronological format.

ConTaCT inFormaTionYour most current contact information should be included at the top of the resume. it is important to provide accurate information so that a potential employer can easily reach you.

• Usefullname,addresswithzipcode,telephonewithareacodeande-mail• Includebothyourcurrentcollegeaddressandpermanentaddress

oBjeCTiVe STaTemenTThe objective statement is a simple one sentence summary of the type of position you are seeking.

• Statetheobjectiveinthethird-person,avoidusingpersonalpronounssuchas“I”or“me”• Objectiveshouldcorrespondtothepositionforwhichyouareapplying SamPleS: •Toobtainafull-timeopportunityinthetelevisionnetworkindustrywithalongtermgoalof becoming an on-air reporter.•Toobtainaninternshippositioninthefieldoffinancethatwillenhancepracticalknowledgeand provide valuable hands-on experience.

eDuCaTionacademic credentials are very important to an employer, particularly if you are relatively new to the world of work or if you are pursuing a job that requires specific training.

• Onlylistcurrentinstitutionsorthosefromwhichyouhavereceivedadegree• Ingeneral,avoidlistinghighschooleducation• Liststudyabroadexperienceinthissection• Writeoutinstitutionname,cityandstate,fulldegreetitleandgraduationdate (um is in Coral gables, Fl)• AGPAof3.0orhighershouldbeincludedinthissection SamPleS: uniVerSiTY oF miami, Coral gables, Fl Bachelor of Science in Communication, may 2009 majors in Broadcast journalism and englishg.P.a.: 3.6

Bachelor of Business administration, December 2008university of miami, Coral gables, Flmajor in international Finance and marketing3.94 Cumulative g.P.a.

university of edinburgh, ScotlandStudy abroad, Summer 2007

reQuireD ComPonenTS


Page 4: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with

This is the moST imPorTanT ParT oF The Formula. When you pair the SKillS you used along with what you did, you are communicating much more information to the reader.

This part of the formula is basically your job description. if you include only this as an accomplishment statement you are not really describing what you aCComPliSheD. however, this is the starting point for your statement.

When you can describe the types of results you achieved through the skills you used, you will have written a comprehensive accomplishment statement which will result in a better

exPerienCean employer will look over your resume to see what experiences and skills you have gained and determine the relevancy to the current position. Do not limit yourself to paid experiences. it is very important for you to develop accomplishment statements that emphasize the skills you have developed as well as any positive outcomes.

• Listprofessionalexperienceinreversechronologicalorder(mostrecentfirst)

SamPle: microsoft Corporation, Seattle, Wa network Specialist, may 2006 - Present

• Indicatethecompanyname,city,state,datesofemployment(monthandyear),titleofpositionheld• Begineverybulletpointwithanactionverbandbesuretousethecorrecttense(presenttensefor

current job and past tense for past job) • Developbulletedaccomplishmentstatementsusingtheformulabelowtohighlightkey

SamPleS:• Created and implemented four data systems utilizingMicrosoft Access and Excel designed to

improve the management of customer contacts • Responsiblefortheteamdevelopmentandsupervisionofthreesalesassociates • Producedacounty-widemarketingcampaignforalocalrestaurantwhichresultedin23percent

increase in patronage

ComPuTer SKillSin the current work environment, all companies are interested in the computer skills of their employees. Depending on the desired position, this may range from a basic knowledge of computer applications to programming abilities.

• Bespecificwithyourskills • Listallrelevantsoftwareandyourcompetencylevelwithspecificprograms • IdentifyingWindows2000versusWindowsXPisnotnecessary• Indicateinternetresearchingskills

SamPleS: • ProficientinMicrosoftOffice,AdobeIllustratorandPhotoshop • WorkingknowledgeofAccessandExcel• MicrosoftWord,PowerPointandAccess

+ =

WhaT i DiD SKillS i uSeD reSulTS i goT

reQuireD ComPonenTS


Page 5: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with

You may select from the following optional components to add to your resume. Select the areas in which you are the strongest and which help sell your skills and abilities to a particular employer.

honorSemployers are always impressed by accomplishments in the form of honors and awards.

• ListanyacademichonorsbestowedonyoufromtheUniversityoranoutsideorganization• Includescholarshipsandanyhonorsocieties(donotincludeamountofscholarships)• Donotlistdatesastheytendtoappearcluttered

aCTiViTieS/leaDerShiP exPerienCeCompanies often review resumes to determine how a candidate has spent time outside of the classroom or professional arena.

• ListactivitiesinwhichyouareinvolvedeitherattheUniversityorthroughoutsideorganizations (volunteer, community service, etc.)• Indicateofficesheldsuchasboardmember,treasurer,orpresident• Donotlistdates• Ifyouhavesignificantexperienceinthisarea,useformatinbulletedexperiencesection

languageSin the global marketplace, many companies are looking to hire students and professionals who are fluent in two or more languages. (Do not list english - this is assumed)

• Bespecificwhenlistingthecompetencyyouhaveinalanguage(fluent,proficient,conversational)

releVanT/SigniFiCanT CourSeSif you have little experience in a chosen career field, list any relevant course work that indicates experience in the desired area. also, students who are just beginning their college career find it useful to list relevant experience when trying to gain an internship.

• Selectupperlevelcoursesinaspecializedareathatsetyouapartfromotherapplicants• Itisnotnecessarytolistcoursenumbers;simplyincludethecoursetitle

liCenSure/CerTiFiCaTionif you currently hold a license relevant to your field, it is important for an employer to see this.

• Example:Accountants,FinancialPlannersandTeachersaresomepositionsthatrequirelicensing

ProFeSSional aFFiliaTionEmployers liketoseehowinvolvedyouare inyourchosenfieldthroughprofessionalaffiliations. Profes-sionalaffiliationsareanexcellentwaytonetworkandlearnaboutjobopportunitiesbeforetheyarepubliclyposted.

SummarY oF QualiFiCaTionSThis section provides a quick reference of your strengths and is typically used for individuals with extensive work experience in a particular field. Briefly state your achievements and the range of your experience. use a bulleted formatted or brief narrative. if you use bulleted lines, use no more than 3 to 5. Focus on tangible skills, avoid the soft/generic skills.

oPTional ComPonenTS


Page 6: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with





relatedreliedreportedresearchedrespondedrestoredrevampedreviewedScannedScheduledSchemedScreenedSet goalsShapedSkilledSolicitedSolvedSpecializedSpokeStimulatedStrategizedStreamlinedStrengthenedStressedStudiedSubstantiatedSucceededSummarizedSynthesizedSupervisedSupportedSurveyedSustainedSymbolizedTabulatedTalkedTaughtTheorizedTrainedTranslatedupgradedutilizedValidatedVerifiedVisualizedWonWrote

aCTion VerBS


Page 7: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with


STEVE SMITHPermanent Address Local Address1234 Anyplace Lane 227 On Campus CollegePembroke Pines, FL 33028 Coral Gables, FL 33146

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Miami, FLBachelor of Arts, May 2009Major in Finance, GPA 3.5678

EXPERIENCEClub Fit Fitness Centers, Sunrise FlPersonal Trainer, 5/06-6/06,7/06-8/06- Sold personal training packages to club members- Educated clients about proper nutrition and weight lifting techniques and exercises- Assisted clients during workouts

United States Air Force Reserve Officer Training CorpseEllsworth II Field Training Unit Rapids City, SDCadet, 6/05-7/05)- Received a month of rigorous military training in preparation for officership

Miami Beach Parks and Recreation, Miami Beach FLRecreation Leader I, 07/04 - 08/04- Responsible for safety of children at the summer camp and maintenance of thebuilding.

University of Miami Wellness Center, Coral Gables FLSecurity, Operations Assistant, 09/03 – 04/04- Checked identifications of gym patrons, maintained building, and helped set up for upcoming events.

Kenneth Cole, Sunrise FLSales Associate, 03/02 - 08/02- Customer Service, stock, and cashier responsibilities.

ACTIVITES- Member of Alpha Sigma Lambda- Member of Tri-Canes (Tri-athlete club)- Member of Salsa Craze

SKILLS- Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint- Fluent in English and Spanish

Can You imProVe ThiS reSume?

Page 8: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with


SEBASTIAN D. IBISPERmANENT LOCAL1234 Anywhere St. Apt. 201 5185 Ponce de Leon, #901Hollywood, CA 13131 Coral Gables, FL [email protected] (305) 689-1234

OBjECTIVETo obtain a full-time position in social services in which research, social, and organizational skills can be fully utilized.

EDUCATIONMay 2009, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FLBachelor of Arts, Major in Psychology, Minor in Sociology

EXPERIENCEUniversity of Miami, Department of Psychology, Coral Gables, FLResearch Assistant, 1/07-Present• Participate in Psychology Research Initiatives Mentorship Experience • Recruit participants for studies by posting advertisements on websites and visiting clinics• Conduct patient assessments using psychological measure• Collect and analyze data using SPSS• Assess statistics for Project SUCCESS and submit to evaluation coordinator

Switchboard of Miami, Miami, FLIntern for the Community Education Department, 6/06-8/06• Arranged meetings and presentations with local organizations to increase awareness• Researched data on community education and pregnancy prevention programs• Created monthly newsletter for students of local violence prevention programs• Implemented new computer charts/graphics for project assistants• Compiled and created information packets for respective schools

Cheesecake Factory, Miami, FLServer, 1/06-5/06• Served as team leader by overseeing completion of duties by employees• Managed tables to ensure effective and efficient guest service• Interacted positively with diverse groups of people while learning excellent customer service skills• Increased food and merchandise sales during promotional events

PROfESSIONAL AffILIATIONS• American Psychological Association• Psi Chi, The National Honor Society in Psychology

HONORS/AwARDSFlorida Merit Scholar, Alumni Academic Scholar, José Marti Scholar, Dean’s List

SKILLS• Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Outlook• Fluent in Spanish

reSume SamPle 1 - PSYChologY

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Susie [email protected]

(305) 555-1212Permanent Address Local Address1234 Anyplace Lane 0987 Collins StreetDallas, TX 59648 Miami, FL 33126

OBJECTIVETo obtain a full-time position that affords a broad range of experiences in the field of finance.

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FLBachelor of Business Administration, May 2009Major in Finance, Minor in Computer Information Systems, GPA 3.5

EXPERIENCELehman Brothers, New York, NY Operations Summer Analyst, 05/08 to 08/08• Collaborated with Lehman departments worldwide to determine solutions to company trade breaks• Calculated a daily preliminary Profit and Loss Report for traders, and on a monthly basis for the department• Placed and confirmed trades made by “Prop Desk” with external brokers and resolved any differences

Cordis, A Johnson & Johnson Company, New York, NYFinancial Analyst Intern, 6/07 to 8/07• Presented results on a project to reconcile $500,000 discrepancy between perpetual inventory levels and general ledger• Developed weekly director labor reports in order to better align production efforts with business plan budgets• Assisted in yearly inventory audit by designing an Access database

Department of Residence Halls, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FLResident Assistant, 8/06 to 5/07• Responsible for the safety and well-being of 50 resident students• Ensured resolution of all floor conflicts and disciplinary situations• Planned educational programs to foster positive environment for learning and living

HONORS/ACTIVITIES• Alpha Kappa Psi (President and Treasurer) • Golden Key National Honor Society• School of Business Peer Counselor• Toppel Career Center Peer Advisor

SKILLS• Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Bloomberg• Fluent in Spanish

reSume SamPle 2 - BuSineSS

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JANE A. STUDENT310 Georgia Avenue #1012 • Miami, FL 33132 • 305-232-8953 • [email protected]

OBJECTIVETo obtain a challenging internship in broadcasting production that will enhance education and provide an opportunity for advancement within the network.

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FLBachelor of Science in Communication, 5/08Majors in Motion Pictures and Psychology

Westminster University, London, EnglandStudy Abroad, Summer 2006 EXPERIENCE“New Florida,” WPBT-Channel 2, North Miami Beach, FL Intern, 8/06 - Present• Work closely with producer and videographer in electronic field production• Operate boom, audio, and camera equipment

Film Department, Westminster University, London, EnglandDirector, 7/06-8/06• Directed a ten minute documentary on the legalized busking system in the London Underground• Assisted cinematographer, editor, and sound technician during production

UMTV “Canes of Comedy,” University of Miami, Coral Gables, FLProduction Assistant, 8/05-12/05• Controlled audio board and operated studio camera• Worked with stage manager to control a live audience

Student Films, School of Communication, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FLProducer, “Corrections in Red,” 9/05-12/05 • Produced, operated audio equipment, and edited sound for a seven minute shortAssistant Director, “Untitled,” 9/05-12/05 • Slated shots, organized extras, assisted producer and director for a senior thesis filmDirector, “Andrea,” 1/05-4/05 • Directed, operated camera, and assisted editor in a ten minute short

HONORS/ACTIVITIES• Provost’s Honor Roll• Dean’s List• Honors Student Association• Student Government Cabinet Member

SKILLS• Proficient in Microsoft applications: Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint• Working knowledge of Spanish• Web researching skills

reSume SamPle 3 - CommuniCaTion

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Crazy For CanesLOCAL ADDRESS PERMANENT ADDRESS1101 Stanford Drive, MRC 100 201 South Main StreetCoral Gables, FL 33146 Indianapolis, IN [email protected] (305) 284-5451

OBJECTIVETo obtain a position as a camp counselor in a recreational and educational setting.

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FLBachelor of Science in Education, Major in Elementary Education, 05/09GPA: 3.25

EXPERIENCEOlympia Heights Elementary School, Miami, FLTeacher’s Aide/Observer, 01/07-05/07• Prepared lesson plans and instructed students in reading, grammar, and mathematics• Created a bi-weekly math challenge to increase students’ participation and enthusiasm in mathematics• Observed a class of 26 students and assisted with classroom management and discipline

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Miami, Miami, FLTutor and Mentor, 09/06-12/06• Developed relationship with fourth grade student and assisted with conflict management skills• Tutored student in mathematics and reading to improve scholastic achievement

Indy Parks, Broad Ripple Park, Indianapolis, INCamp Counselor, 06/06-08/06• Led a group of 10-12 children each week in creative, athletic, and aquatic activities• Created and facilitated a game for 60 campers and tied in an explorers week theme• Maintained a safe and fun environment for children age 6 to 13

Canterbury Preschool, Coral Gables, FLStudent Teacher, 10/05-05/06• Assisted in managing a Preschool 2 classroom of 20 to 25 children age 3 to 4• Led and organized small group activities designed to enhance children’s learning

HONORS AND ACTIVITIES• Dean’s List• Provost’s Honor Roll• Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, Recruitment Committee• Freshman Orientation Assistant• Fun Day Volunteer

SKILLS• Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook• Proficient in Spanish

reSume SamPle 4 - eDuCaTion

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reSume SamPle 5 - BiologY

JOAN A. HURRICANE 123 North 103rd Street • Miami, FL 33178 • 305-123-4567 • [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: To secure a position as an educator of high school students in the subject of biology.

EDUCATION University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL Bachelor of Science in Biology, May 2008 Minors in: Chemistry and Secondary Education GPA: 3.04, Dean’s List

FIELD EXPERIENCE Middlebury High School, Miami, FL Associate Teacher, January 2008-Present • Instruct 3 classes of 28 Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate biology students and a class of 35 honors biology students • Plan and execute daily lessons through the use of effective assessment and evaluation of students • Write and administer comprehensive exams designed to test comprehension of concepts taught • Prepare students for standardized tests through weekly tutoring sessions • Design labs that are complementary to the curriculum • Evaluate student progress through individual meetings, assignments, and homework • Assess student lab reports, projects, and tests

Miami Middle School, Miami, FL Assistant Teacher, August-December 2007 • Designed a lesson on rocks and minerals for an honors earth and space science class • Created and implemented classroom management plan highlighting expected behaviors, rewards and consequences

Doral High School, Doral, FL Assistant Teacher, January- April 2007 • Facilitated an activity using various household items to stimulate a typical cell • Observed a veteran teacher instruct anatomy, physiology, and general biology

South Miami Middle School, Miami, FL Classroom Volunteer, August - December 2006 • Assisted a veteran teacher in grading and conducting labs • Observed honors biology and advanced placement biology, monitoring cultural, exceptionality, and gender issues in the classroom

HONORS/ACTIVITIES • Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society • George E. Merrick Scholarship • Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority • University of Miami Leadership Summit

SKILLS • Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Internet Functionality • Volleyball/Track Coach

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John Doe5185 Ponce de Leon Blvd

Pearson Residential College, Room 604Coral Gables, FL 33146

(305) [email protected]

OBJECTIVETo obtain a career opportunity in the electrical engineering field and utilize knowledge of major electrical components.

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FL Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, May 2009Cumulative G.P.A.: 3.5

SKILLSHardwarePC and Apple environments, Electronic component repair and maintenance

System EnvironmentsWindows 9X/NT/2000/XP, MAC OS 9 and 10, UNIX Computer Languages, HTML, XML, JavaScript, C++, VHDL

ApplicationsMicrosim PSpice, Microsoft SQL Server, Altera MAXPlus II, Altera Mentor Graphics, Xilinx ModelSim, Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Visio 2003, Macromedia Studio MX 2004, Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Illustrator CS

EXPERIENCEUniversity of Miami Toppel Career Center, Coral Gables, FL Information Systems Associate, August 2006 – Present• Provide on-site technical support for Division of Student Affairs• Revamp Toppel Employer Relations and Career Expo websites to increase user efficiency• Design database to provide accurate statistics about usage of Toppel Career Center programs• Design and publish Career Column and Recruiter Connection weekly e-newsletters

Motorola, Inc. Wireless Data Solutions Engineering, Schaumburg, IL Systems Design and Integration Intern, May – August 2008• Researched and documented wireless component integration for Mobile Data Users Group Conference• Designed and demonstrated Mission critical applications utilizing Motorola’s MESH technologies• Assisted with the installation and implementation of a citywide Mission critical wireless broadband system

Motorola, Inc. IDen Software Development Group, Plantation, FL Software Development Intern, May – August 2007• Developed and implemented various programs for new Motorola IDen Smartphone technology• Designed programs for Smartphone graphical user interface to increase product functionality• Redeveloped Smartphone missed calls plug-in to increase product efficiency

ACTIVITIES/AWARDS• Iron Arrow Honor Society• National Society of Black Engineers, President• Committee on Student Organizations• University of Miami College of Engineering Dean’s Dozen

reSume SamPle 6 - engineering

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reSume SamPle 7 - FunCTional

Claire Monroe555 Manor DriveMiami, FL [email protected]

OBJECTIVETo obtain a full-time position as a special events coordinator that utilizes skills developed from prior work and internship experience.

RELEVANT SKILLSManagement • Hired, trained, supervised, and evaluated a staff of five full time employees and interns • Managed and organized a fundraiser that raised over $10,000 for charity• Served as a co-chair on a committee that organized a 5K run for the Red Cross involving over 200 participants• Maintained Excel database of over 1,000 organization members

Marketing• Assisted with the launch of “Kids in Sports” day which involved creating press releases and marketing materials distributed at local businesses• Researched target markets and created marketing plans to attract donors • Contacted potential sponsors in person and through print material resulting in over $5,000 in donations

Communication• Developed and maintained relationships with donors for non-profit organization• Trained new staff and interns on overall operations • Created and edited monthly newsletter distributed to over 500 readers • Established relationships with local employers, athletes, and children to ensure successful “Kids in Sports” event

WORK HISTORYAssistant Director, Hope for Children Agency, Miami, FL, July 2004 - PresentMarketing Intern, Miami Heat, Miami, FL, May 2003 - June 2004Office Assistant, Ocean Drive Magazine, North Miami Beach, FL, August 2000 - August 2001

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, May 2004Bachelor of Arts, Major in English, Minor in Journalism, cum laude Miami Dade College, Miami, FL, May 2002Associate of Arts, English, cum laude

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john Ibis5620 Hurricane Way

Coral Gables, FL 33146305-555-1212

[email protected]

OBjECTIVETo obtain an internship with an architectural firm to enhance undergraduate education.

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FLBachelor of Architecture, May 2009Minor in SpanishGPA: 3.75

Study Abroad, Rome, Italy, Summer 2007Courses included Classical Architecture, Italian Modernism, and Baroque Architecture

EXPERIENCEJohn Smith and Associates, Princeton, NJIntern, May - August 2006 • Completed documentation of existing residential structures for submission to client • Provided assistance on 3-dimensional model of downtown Princeton • Performed job site analysis including measurements, photographs, and general surveys of the site • Organized and attended meetings with developers and engineers

University of Miami Wellness Center, Coral Gables, FLfacility Supervisor, August 2005 - May 2006 • Trained, supervised, and evaluated a staff of 200 lifeguards, operations assistants, front desk attendants, and pro shop attendants • Oversaw facility reservations, set-ups, and equipment, prepared shift reports, attended Facility Supervisor meetings and training sessions • Mediated behavioral control incidents and ensured security of facility

HONORS AND ACTIVITIESAmerican Institute of Architecture StudentsStudents for the New Urbanism, TreasurerHurricane ProductionsGolden Key National Honour Society

SKILLSAutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Macromedia Flash MX, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

reSume SamPle 8 - arChiTeCTure

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David Estevez6601 SW 42nd St.Miami, FL [email protected](305) 444-2222

OBJECTIVETo obtain a position as a Family Nurse Practitioner providing care for women and children in a primary healthcare setting.

EDUCATIONUniversity of Miami, Coral Gables, FLMaster of Science in Nursing, August 2008Family Nurse Practitioner Track- GPA: 3.5

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, May 2006Minor: Psychology

GRADUATE CLINICAL EXPERIENCEMiami Beach Community Health Center, Miami Beach, FL 3/08-5/08 • Providedoutpatientprimarycaretoadultandpediatricpatients• Recognizedemergentsituationsandrespondedaccordingly

University of Miami Family Practice Clinic, Miami, FL 1/08-3/08• Providedprimarycaretochildren,adolescents,adultsandgeriatricpatients• Assistedwithphysicalexams,healthscreenings,women’shealthseminarsandschoolimmunizations

University of Miami Pediatric HIV Clinic, Miami, FL 10/07-12/07• AdministeredphysicalexamsandHIVtestingtoat-riskinfantsandchildren• EducatedparentsonhowtocareforinfantsandchildrenwithHIV

DiabetesResearchInstitute,Miami,FL 8/07-10/07• Assistedresearchersconductingdiabetesstudies• Interactedwithsubjectsof thestudiesandconductedliteraturereviews

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEMiamiChildren’sHospital,Miami,FL 6/06-8/07Cardiac ICU Nurse• Providedcaretoinfantsandchildreninthepre-andpost-operativecatheterizationperiod• Educatedfamiliesandpatientsoncondition,stepsforrecovery,andmedications• Workedwithmulti-disciplinaryteamtocoordinatecare

CERTIFICATIONS & PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSAmerican Association of Nurse PractitionersNursing Student Association- University of MiamiAmerican Heart AssociationAmericanNursesCredentialingCenter-ARNPCertification;Exp11/2012

SKILLSFluent in Spanish


reSume SamPle 9 - nurSing

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•Havenumerouspeoplecritiqueyourresumeandcoverletterbeforeyousendthem•Focusonyourskillsandachievements•Resumesshouldnotbetootextheavyorhavetoomuchwhitespace(suggestedmargins:0.5forthetopand bottom;0.9forthesides)•Usebulletstomaketheresumeeasiertoread•Resumeandcoverlettershouldbetothepointandincludeeasy-to-readlanguage•Addressacontactpersoninyourcoverletter(avoid“ToWhomitMayConcern”)

if you don’t hear anything within one week, contact the employer to see if the position is still open. Be polite when you call, fax, email, or write a paper letter, and offer to send your resume again to the hiring manager if they didn’t get it the first time. Be persistent, but not pushy.

upload your resume onto CaneZone and a career advisor will critique it for you. The resume will be scanned and emailed back to you within 3-5 business days. CaneZone allows you have 10 documents in the system. This makes it easier to apply for jobs/internships on CaneZone because you can email your resume directly to the employer.

many employers prefer that you email your resume to apply for jobs/internships. Send your resume and cover letter as an attachment. include a subject line and a brief message in the body of the text. Keep in mind that employers often use keyword searches when scanning hundreds of resumes. make sure your resume is up-to-date with appropriate language for your field of interest.

emailing Your reSume

DiD You rememBer?

FolloWing uP

reSume CriTiQueS


references should be provided on a separate page from the resume and provided only upon request by theemployer.Itisawasteofspacetoindicate““Referencesavailableuponrequest”ontheresume;thisisassumed.


Page 18: FunCTional · ChronologiCal This type of resume consists of a list of education, job experiences and accomplishments. list each section in reverse chronological order, starting with