fun with social, windows 8 and javascript

SharePoint 2013 – Fun with SharePoint Social, CSOM and Windows 8 Joris Poelmans SharePoint Architect RealDolmen

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SharePoint 2013 – Fun with SharePoint Social, CSOM and Windows 8Joris PoelmansSharePoint ArchitectRealDolmen

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About meWork at RealDolmen

Technical lead and product manager

SharePoint Server MVP since 2005

Active in Belux Information Worker User Group –


Twitter: @jopxtwits

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Session Objectives• View what’s new with Social in SharePoint 2013

• Show how to develop a social app ...

• ... But mainly have some fun with Javascript, CSOM and the SharePoint 2013 social API

Session Objectives and Takeaways

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• What are we going to build?

• What is Social?

• Client Side Object Model (CSOM) Overview

• Win RT Overview

• Roadblocks and common mistakes


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DemoWhat are we going to build?

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What is Social in 2013?… it’s not about wasting company time

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It’s all about socialShare


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• Microfeed is open in nature – but possible to restrict view in community sites

• @Mentions is powered by users in profile database

• My Site should be present

I share therefore I am

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It’s all about socialShare


Stay up to date

FollowsSitesUsersDocumentsRecommendsCommunity site

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• Newsfeed shows you updates on social activities for items and people you are following

• People posts, profile changes, changes on followed documents, items tagged with followed tags, mentions, likes, company feed

• Recommended Content web part driven by Search Analytics provides follow suggestions

• Community site• Discussion boards gain functionality with

reputation settings, best answer roll-up, report abuse, etc …

Stay up to date

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It’s all about socialShare


How it works

MicrofeedAppfabricUser Profiles

Stay up to date

FollowsSitesUsersDocumentsRecommendsCommunity site

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• Microfeed list• It’s about the GUIDs• Consolidated View web part reads from AppFabric Cache

• AppFabric• Used by Distributed Cache service (Velocity)• Drives social and token caching• Fast State memory – not everything is persisted (e.g.

document activities)

How it all works

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CSOM … or the long version – the Client Side Object Model

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Allows development that runs outside of the SharePoint Server

First introduced in SharePoint 2010

Main investments in 20131. Client.svc is extended with REST capabilities and

implemented in accordance with oData protocol2. New APIs for SharePoint Server functionality – User

Profiles,Search, Taxonomy, Feeds, …


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CSOM in SharePoint 2010

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CSOM in SharePoint 2013

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We still have our old friends• Microsoft.SharePoint.Client

• Microsoft.SharePoint.ClientRuntime

… but with some new buddies• Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.DocumentManagement

• Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles

• Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Publishing

• Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Search

• Microsft.SharePoint.Client.Taxonomy

CSOM in SharePoint 2013

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Still works the same way• Create Context

• Build Request

• Execute Query

… but with extra classes• SocialFeedManager – Get Feeds

• SocialFollowingManager – Get Followed Content

• SocialActor – User,site,document or tag

• SocialPost – Text, attachment, likerInfo

CSOM in SharePoint 2013

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CSOM in SP2013 – code sample//create the client contextClientContext cc = new ClientContext("");cc.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

//prepare your querySocialFeedManager sfm = new SocialFeedManager(cc);SocialFeedOptions feedOptions;feedOptions = new SocialFeedOptions();ClientResult<SocialFeed> feed = sfm.GetFeed(SocialFeedType.News, feedOptions);

//execute querysfm.Context.ExecuteQuery();

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Something about Win RT

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New application architecture for Windows 8 OS

Native support for x86 and ARM architectures

C#; VB.NET and Javascript (also C++/CX)

New app model with focus on security and stability

Win RT Overview

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Learn Javascript & JQuery

HTML5/CSS3 supported

New controls in WinJS -

Able to reference Windows Runtime Component libraries (C#,VB, or C++)

Some things work differently – no alert, prompt, moveBy, moveTo, Resize, …

Win RT & Javascript

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Script “injection” is not allowed“toStaticHTML” filters HTML injected into the pageAffects the following properties and methods

createContextualFragmentinnerHTML and outerHTMLinsertAdjacentHTMLpasteHTMLdocument.write and document.writelnDOMParser.parseFromString

Also affects some Elements, Attributes, and CSS properties

Making HTML safer: details for toStaticHTML (Windows Store apps using JavaScript and HTML) (Windows) -

Win RT & Javascript

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DemoLet’s build it from scratch ... (but not completely off course )

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ReferencesCode samples and walkthrough will be posted on

How to: Read and write to the social feed using the .NET client object model in SharePoint 2013

Creating Windows Runtime Components in C# and VB

Walkthrough: Creating a simple component in C# or VB and calling it from JavaScript

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Thank You

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Q & A