fs2-episode3-130115072344-phpapp01 (2).doc

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  • 8/18/2019 fs2-episode3-130115072344-phpapp01 (2).doc


    Episode 3:


    Name of FS


    Couse_______________________________________ !ea " Se#tion _____________________ 

    Resou#e Tea#$e %______________________ Si&natue


    Resou#e Tea#$e (______________________ Si&natue


    Resou#e Tea#$e 3______________________Si&natue______________ 




    My TargetIn t$is Episode* I must +e a+)e to:

    • O+se,e tea#$in& of a dominant)- #o&niti,e o s.i)) o a/e#ti,e )esson

    0#o&niti,e )esson 1 Si+i.a2 s.i)) 1 Mat$ 2 a/e#ti,e 1 a)ues Edu#ation4•  Ta#e t$e de,e)opment of a #o&niti,e * s.i)) and a/e#ti,e )esson5

    My Performance 06o7 I 7i)) +e Rated4Fie)d Stud- (* Episode 38 Organizing content for meaningful learningFo#used on: The development of a cognitive or skill or aective lesson






    A)) tas.s 7eedone 7it$outstandin&ua)it-2 7o.e;#eedse;pe#tations<

    A)) o nea)- a))tas.s 7eedone 7it$ $i&$ua)it-


    Nea)- a)) tas.s7ee done 7it$a##epta+)eua)it-


    Fe7e t$an $a)f oftas.s 7ee done2 omost o+=e#ti,esmet +ut 7it$ pooua)it-

    %M- Ana)-sis Ana)-sis

    uestions 7eeans7eed#omp)ete)-2 indept$ ans7es2t$oou&$)-&ounded ont$eoies

    Ana)-sisuestions 7eeans7eed#omp)ete)-

    C)ea#onne#tion7it$ t$eoies

    Ana)-sisuestions 7eenot ans7eed#omp)ete)-

    a&ue)- e)atedto t$e t$eoies

    Ana)-sis uestions7ee not ans7eed5

    Gamma andspe))in&unsatisfa#to-

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    8E;emp)a-&amma andspe))in&5


    Gamma andspe))in& aesupeio5


    Gamma andspe))in&a##epta+)e


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    M- e>e#tion Re>e#tionstatements aepofound and

    #)ea*suppoted +-e;peien#esfom t$eepisode5


    Re>e#tionstatements ae#)ea +ut not

    #)ea)-suppoted +-e;peien#esfom t$eepisode5


    Re>e#tionstatements aes$a))o72

    suppoted +-e;peien#es fomt$e episode5


    Re>e#tionstatements aeun#)ea and

    s$a))o7 and ae notsuppoted +-e;peien#es fomt$e episode5

    %M- potfo)io ?otfo)io is

    #omp)ete*#)ea* 7e))8o&ani@ed anda)) suppotin&

    do#umentationae )o#ated inse#tions#)ea)-desi&nated5


    ?otfo)io is#omp)ete*#)ea* 7e))8o&ani@ed andmost

    suppotin&do#umentationae a,ai)a+)eand9o )o&i#a)and #)ea)-ma.ed)o#ations5


    ?otfo)io isin#omp)ete2suppotin&do#umentation iso&ani@ed +ut is



    ?otfo)io $as man-)a#.in&#omponents2 isuno&ani@ed andun#)ea5


    Su+mission efoedead)ine5


    On t$edead)ine5


    A da- afte t$edead)ine5


     T7o da-s o moeafte t$e dead)ine5



    Overall Score%ating $ased ontransmutation&


     _________________   Signature of 'S Teacher a$ove printed name(ate

    Transmutation of Scores to )rades* %atings

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    Score%(8%3%%%B8D8 +e)o7


    %atin)%( and+e)o7

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    My Map

    I 7i)) o+se,e t$e t$ee di/eent )essons e;e#uted 1 #o&niti,e* s.i)) and

    a/e#ti,e )essons5 0#o&niti,e 1 Si+i.a2 S.i)) 1 Mat$2 A/e#ti,e 1

    Liteatue9Edu.as-on& ?a&papa$a)a&a4

     To $it m- Target* I 7i)) 7o. m- 7a- t$ou&$ t$ese steps:

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    My Tools

    O+SE%,-T.O/ S0EET

    Name of t$e Resou#e Tea#$es O+se,ed: Ms5 Sonieta Ca+a))eo* Gina Laan=o* Ho#e)-n Moeno___ 

    S#$oo) Addess: anisi)* Genea) Santos Cit- 'ate: Hanua- (* (B%_____ 

    Gade9 !ea Le,e): Gade * Gade *

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    e#t on 7$at t$e- )eaned5

    Sin#e t$e sto- t$e- dis#ussed is a)) a+out )o,e* t$e students 7ee

    inteested a+out it5 E,e-+od- pati#ipated in t$e dis#ussion and afte t$e

    )esson* t$e tea#$e as.ed t$e students if t$ee ae some #)ai#ations and t$e

    tea#$e &a,e time to students to s$ae to t$e #)ass 7$at #an t$e- sa- in t$e

    sto-5 - doin& t$is t$e students e>e#t 7$at t$e- $ad )eaned in t$e sto-

    and t$e- e,en s$ae t$ei e;peien#es t$at t$e- #ou)d e)ate in t$e sto-5

    +1 'or the Skill 3esson

    %5 $at 7as t$e s.i)) )esson a+outJ $i#$ s.i))9s 7as97ee ta&etJ

    Manipu)ati,e s.i)) o t$in.in& s.i))J

     T$e s.i)) )esson is a+out undestandin& t$e sto- dis#ussed* t$us*

    t$in.in& s.i)) 7as t$e ta&et5 One of t$e o+=e#ti,es of t$e tea#$e is to +e a+)e

    to ans7e uestions 7it$ e&ads to t$e sto-5 As t$e tea#$e eads t$e sto-*

    s$e is a#tua))- #$a))en&in& e,e- students mind to undestand t$e sto- s$e

    is eadin& and afte it s$e as.ed uestion to detemine if t$e students ea))-

    undestand it5

    (5 ite e,iden#e of tea#$es en#oua&ement of di,e&ent t$in.in& +- t$e


     T$e tea#$e &a,e a #$an#e to e,e-one to s$ae 7$at t$e- #an sa- o

    7$at did t$e- )ean in t$e sto- t$at t$e- dis#ussed5 $ene,e t$ee is a

    student 7$o 7i)) ta).* t$e tea#$e and t$e students 7i)) )isten to someone 7$o

    is ta).in& and afte it* some of t$e students 7i)) ea#t +e#ause $e o s$e $as

    a)so di/eent ideas5 $i)e t$e tea#$e )istened to a)) of t$e ideas of $e

    students and a##ept it* s$e a)so e;p)ained to e,e-one t$at a)) of t$ei

    ans7es 7ee #oe#t a)t$ou&$ t$e- $a,e di/eent ideas5

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    35 $i#$ ae poofs t$at t$e Resou#e Tea#$e pomoted #on,e&ent t$in.in&J

     T$e tea#$e 7i)) as. e,e-one to #oopeate and )isten to t$e sto- t$e-

    7i)) dis#ussed5 $ene,e t$ee ae students 7$o ae not a#ti,e* s$e #a))s

    t$ei attention so t$at t$ose students #an #ope up 7it$ e,e-one5 M-

    #oopeatin& tea#$e a)7a-s ma.es sue t$at a)) of $e students ae )istenin&and no one is )eft +e$ind5

     T$ee ae a)so times t$at s$e is &i,in& &oup a#ti,ities to &i,e e,e-

    student a #$an#e to s$ae t$ei ideas to t$ei #)assmate so t$at t$e- 7i)) $a,e

    e;#e))ent ideas to +e s$ae to ot$e &oups5

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     T$ou&$ eadin& and undestandin& t$e sto- t$e students de,e)oped

    t$ose ,a)ues to t$emse),es5 A)so t$ou&$ intea#tion of e,e-one in t$e #)ass

    and s$ain& ideas5

    My -nalysis

    -1 'or the 2ognitive 3esson

    6o7 did m- Resou#e Tea#$e tea#$ t$e #o&niti,e #ontent

    meanin&fu))- and inteestin&)-J

    M- esou#e tea#$e tea#$ t$e #o&niti,e #ontent meanin& fu))-

    and inteestin&)- +- e)atin& t$e sto- t$e- dis#ussed in ea) )ife

    espe#ia))- in t$e e;peien#es of $e students5 S$e a)so &i,es attention

    to e,e- students and ma.es sue t$at t$e- #an s$ae t$ei ideas to t$e#)ass and +ea#ause of t$is t$e students moti,ated to )ean5

    #1 +1 'or the Skill 3esson

    %5 6o7 7as t$e s.i)) tau&$t meanin&fu))- and inteestin&)-J

     T$e s.i)) 7as tau&$t meanin&fu))- and inteestin&)- +- &i,in&

    a#ti,ities to t$e students5 T$ou&$ t$ose a#ti,ities t$e students #an

    pa#ti#e t$e s.i)) tau&$t to t$em +e#ause t$e- 7ee &i,en a #$an#e to

    do some a#ti,it- t$at #an de,e)op t$ose s.i))s5

    21 'or the -ective 3esson%5 Is it possi+)e to tea#$ a ,a)ue )esson 7it$out an- #o&niti,e +asis at a))J

    E;p)ain -ou ans7e5

    Fo me it is impossi+)e to tea#$ ,a)ue 7it$out an- #o&niti,e +asis

    at a)) +e#ause #o&niti,e )esson is t$e 7a- to impat ,a)ue )esson to

    students5 As t$e tea#$e tau&$t #o&niti,e )esson to $e students* t$e- a)so

    )ean ,a)ue )esson* fo e;amp)e in t$e dis#ussion of m- #oopeatin&

    tea#$e* as s$e ead and e;p)ain t$e sto- to $e students* t$ee 7ee

    ,a)ue )esson t$at de,e)oped in t$e mind of t$e students5

    !1 A #o&niti,e o s.i)) )esson is a ,e$i#)e fo ,a)ue edu#ation5 'o -ou

    a&eeJ !es* #o&niti,e o s.i)) )esson is a ,e$i#)e fo ,a)ue edu#ation5

    Students de,e)op ,a)ue )essons in t$ei mind as t$e- )eaned #o&niti,e

    o s.i)) )esson +e#ause t$e- mi&$t see and undestand t$in&s t$ou&$ it5

     T$ei )esson ma- &i,e t$em idea on 7$at is &ood o +ad t$at t$e- ma-

    app)- on t$ei )i,es* o t$ee ae a)so some instan#es t$at t$e students

    ma- ea)i@e somet$in& as t$e- do some of t$ei a#ti,ities5

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    My %eections

    %5 Someone said: KT$ee ae du)) tea#$es* du)) te;t+oo.s* du)) )ms* +ut no

    du)) su+=e#ts5 'o -ou a&eeJ ite -oue -ou e>e#tions $ee5

    Ma-+e t$ee ae du)) tea#$es +ut t$ee ae no du)) te;t+oo.s*

    )ms and su+=e#ts5 T$e inteest of t$e students to a te;t+oo.s* )mso su+=e#ts 7i)) a)7a-s matte on $o7 t$e tea#$e 7i)) impat it to

    t$em5 No matte $o7 inteestin& t$e su+=e#t is +ut 7$en t$e tea#$e

    is du))* e,e-t$in& 7i)) +e a)so du)) to students5 ut 7$en t$e tea#$e

    de)i,es $e9$is )esson #)ea)-* pope)- and inteestin& t$ose du))

    su+=e#t* )ms o te;t+oo. 7i)) +e#ome inteestin& to e,e- students5

    It 7i)) depend on t$e tea#$e on $o7 s$e9$e 7i)) moti,ate o

    inspie $e students to ma.e $e9$is #)ass a)i,e and fuitfu)5 S$e9$e

    #an use ,aious tea#$in& met$od so t$at s$e9$e #an a#$ie,ed $e

    &oa)s in tea#$in& $e students5

    (5 6o7 s$ou)d -ou o&ani@e su+=e#t matte 0+e of #o&niti,e s.i)) o ,a)ue

    )esson4 so t$at tea#$in& 7i)) a)7a-s +e fes$ and inteestin&J

    As a tea#$e 7e s$ou)d a)7a-s +e ead- 7$en 7e &o to ou

    #)asses* 7e must pepae ouse),es* mateia) and ot$e t$in&s t$at

    7e 7i)) use in tea#$in&5 e must $a,e enou&$ .no7)ed&e on t$e

    topi# t$at 7e 7i)) dis#uss on spe#i# da- so t$at ou students #an

    )ean ne7 )essons fom us t$at t$e- #an sue)- app)- in t$ei )i,es5

    In de)i,ein& m- )esson*I must +e s.i))fu) and I 7i)) pepae m-

    o+=e#ti,es so t$at i 7i)) $a,e a &uidin& sta and I 7i)) not tou#$ ot$e

    unne#essa- t$in&s in m- )essons5 I s$ou)d a)so $a,e a non8

    t$eatenin& en,ionment so t$at m- students 7i)) not +e intimidated5

    And it is &ood 7$en I 7i)) e)ate m- )esson to t$e e;peien#es of m-

    students so t$at t$e- #an easi)- undestand it5 I s$ou)d a)7a-s )isten

    to t$e ideas of m- students and &i,e t$em #$an#e to spea. up fo it5

    Last)- I 7i)) ma.e sue t$at )eanin& is an a#ti,e po#ess5

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    My Portfolio

    Resea#$ on9o #ome up 7it$ a )esson p)an 0#o&niti,e o s.i))4 t$at

    inte&ates a ,a)ue9s5 ?aste it $ee an out)ine of t$e )esson de,e)opment

    7i)) do5

    My 3esson Plan

    .1 M)- 3-5"/./ 0O+=e#ti,e4Sa .atapusan n& aa)in* an& m&a ma&8aaa) a- inaasa$an&2%5 Na.i.i)a)a an& m&a teo-a n& pina&mu)an n& 7i.a &a-on din an& m&a

     Teo-an& pan&7i.a(5 Natutu.o- an& pa&.a.ai+a8i+a n& 7i.a +ata- sa antas nito35 Napa&8uu&na- an& pina&mu)an n& 7i.a sa tuna- na .a$u)u&an at &amitnito