fruit, it scottish rite. $10,000,000,sifter mx months from date of order. just received and for...

I ii i fi . .1 V YASONIO DIRECTORY. MASONIO DIKEOTOKY lsee. MWO. Awokroha. No. 168. Meets lat Monday r everj mouth, and Main. 1. B. Former. 2M Front street W. M.; Juno Woartiiali. Secy. South VMrUU.So. lip. Meet 2d Friday o each cr. r.iU-H- all, cor. Mauison and second A. J. Wheeler, W. M.; Bow. K. Puilen, Sec. LliLA Sc. rr. No. S3. Mec lt FTxtay of uaer ruouln -- Hall, corner Madison and Second MoiM Sie'.ig, v, . M., C C urns, sec J LafiL-ui, AO. SSt. Meat &1 Friday of eael mm, in Od Hall. li. J. Lynn. W. M.; W. U. Butts. Bee. Kiim; sun, So. 141. Meet b rrtda:-- t eac montn at HAath Memphis Hall, corner -- f Madison and George W. ML; B. K. a mien, 33d. . Sec borax abch. Pskk Chanter, No 4. Meota Id Monday of r monUi s' Halt John Zent, M. Ja. P.; B. M. Levy. Sec'y. r-- Connell, No. 8. Meets Id Monday ol tu-- u month Odd-Fello- HalL John Zent, In. 111.; X. J. V.gtr n, Hoc. Crxsxx norrjnaadory. Mo. 4. Meets 4th Mon-d- y or each month. John Seel, Com.; N. J. Wiiyrin.T'oo. A-- AND A.'. SCOTTISH RITE. 304 eo-- - Slew Hxrves Lodge el Perfection, 14th ; No. 1. Slated Communication., Id Wednesday night oi each mouth. Henry P. Woodard, 8Jd, G.-- . Charte H. Carroll, 14th. See.-- . aUTKRAS Lodge of Perfection. 14th.; No. X Meota.ih Wednesday of each month. George MUersh,x2d, G.-- . M. ; A. K. Frm.nkiand.2ld Sec-- . OAWrmACooncilo Prince of Tin mill lassi . No. 1. Ben;. K. Pollen, 33d., Tamil.-.- ; , Sac-- . Ca'.vabyChaftkk of Rose Croix, lKh.. No. 1. Charles W. Adams, tSd, M.: W. ; H. I. Tom- - lInaGn,2d, Bee.-- . Pnii.;pr-- Dc Connell of K h.Soth. No. 1. Henry P. Woodard, 83d., Comm.-- . Wllilam Y. Cirode. :2d, Rec . Oonsi-itob- t or West Iisscit, Sid. John AiDsiie. 33d., Comm.-- . in Chief; Dodge OL Trader, Sid. Rec. PROFESSIONAL CARDS MARLAND L. PERKINS, Attorney stt Law AND SOLICITOR IN BANKRUPTCY, Rooms 5 4 Knickerbocker Building, 16 MADISON STREET, : MEMPHIS. TENN. -- Special attention given to Internal and Admiral y cases. ma.'i H. C. MOORMAN, Attorney At Law, S 1MERVILLE, TENN. Mr Prompt attention riven to the Collection of Debt- - in Fayette and Hardeman counties. apiSihn JOHN HAI.1.CH. J. K. CHAXMXBS, X. B. TCK1J1 MaLIXM, f lALMEbB k TiRLKT, Attorneys at Law, MADAM VINCENT'S BUILDING. East Side Court Square, Memphis, Term. febll Im A. W&1GHT, 1. O. aCKUICK. LUKX B. WRIGHT. 1 RIGHT, HcKISICE A ?aI6HT, Attorneys at Law, the Kit Williams Block, No. S and 41, up-siai-n. Madison street. dec7 PIKX A SOW, Little Bock, Ark '"'If, Wt St., Memphis. HI H. PIKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Solicitor Coancery, Little Rock, - - Arkansas, W'li practice in the Federal and State Oonrta. iona promptly tended to. mj . : 'f iug' as City Off on Architect and Engineer. ne. h. htj.nt. X PXKX A Main in tXiiec a. ctfnlly inform bat he la pre-itio- n to neaxBV-BuUdlng- with to his patrons' mteiest while Lrnan Blocs:. Seoemd and Mad:-tiarge- a reasonable. J. H. McCLURE, Architect and Krielneer. i. t. HAKSOK Tito. H. Hunt Co., PREMIUM SILK AND WOOLEN GOODS SID Second Street, BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND COURT. attention given to Ladles' Dresses STFa'IaL Oeutiumen's Clothes Cleaned and d :n a superior style. N. 8. Not answerable fur Goods left in store sifter mx months from date of order. JUST RECEIVED And for Sale. lOO casks Bacon, 550 barrels Pork, 50 tierces Hams, 400 barrels Flour, 200 boxes Candles, 300 pkj;s. Molasses, 30 hhds. Sujrar. Also, all article!- generally kept in our line. U1LBKK4TH, STKWAKT A CO., Wholesale Orseers, apr im No. II I stasSt.. I. Blork. ABSTRACT OFFICE, KOOM NO. 1. Corner Monroe fc Second Bto. have the Abstract Books and Complete WE of the Megiater s Office, complied by the lale HK.MtV A. uhNK; and, after mora than a years' trial of their accuracy, and a careful experience In the business, (not one mlitake having occurred in all that time,) we are enabled to furniah complete deraignmenl of title to all fori Pickering, Memphis I Shelby County Lands, at the shortest notice and on the moat reason Me arnu. t. J. CAMPKKl.Uft i x. nihX Hneoaaaora to Bond A Camohell -- iHOBuR M. THEW, A88IOEE OF THE IT President. Lirectore and I empany ol the Bans of Augusta. In Kqaity. Va Archi- bald Bogg, and O. hers. Creditors of said Cor- poration-It appearing to the Court, by arB lavit died in pursuance ol (he rule of Court that Thomas lira uc ii lames R. Bra u oh, of the Slate of Vir- ginia ' William Djngherty, John A., William O. Pes era, Clluln J Brown, stiles O., Lem..el P. U rant, Lewla J. Dupree. Thomas H C arke, Benjamin C. Vancey. James h) Hamilton, Stevens Tnomas, Albin P. Dear-le- g Young i.. O. Harris, Robert llioraas Ben-jaw- y. liardeinan allllege Murphy, William Cllue Cliarle. O. rilllman, Andrew J. Cbeeay, John C Le. Willi. KHgore. John Carter, Wd-Jia- H. Murphy. Jasper N Pitman, John W. Btewail. all of different counties in the State oi O. orgla, other than Richmond couoiy . Thoma. J. Mackle, of South Carol na ; Kobeil A. asb, of Mlaaoart ; Wlldara B Shsppard, of Alabama , Jolin Katanga and 11 ugh McRae, uf Tennessee ; J hu D. u'Leary. oi Knulucsy ; and F Allen, of lwa or Wisconsin : maideout of ttiecountvof Richmoud, in which the alsive case which has been filed In tne Clerk' Term therefoie ..r serve 1 upon onoe a weett in the sitnti ii t ms twin, iviuiuKuip said i oort, has or.gnnted : It is that a of order be he defendants, or published r six week. In aom public gaaette of Geoiaia. Alabama, ienueaaaa. E.miii'ii . Vlraima. Missouri. Iowa or Wiscon sin, or an acknowledgment of service be from said defendants, and that the said defendants do appearand answer said ml at the .aid June Term, 1MH, of Court, or in default thereof, that said bill be taken as con- jee ed agalaat said defendants, and that said cauae do theu proceed without them. tlKOK'HA. Kk hmonu CoditY, Ci et k 's Office, Superior Conrt : I Letaveltc M Laws, Clerk of said Court, do be'rehy rVrtify that tee foregoing la a true copy fct ii.. .nier of .aid Court In the case stated, as record. ebruary 19, ia, upon the Minutes of Co .tt fol o( 25). Witness my official signature and isaai l o' said Court this Bd day of April, lses. mai mwMv Bar mjuiic ired copy ibis sakl then thia the LAFAYKI'TE HOLA.WB Ciark S ' .. K OL, Ua. lianolutUnu rm of bAKUKE at BRNSON has this d -- Bidved by the withdrawal of J. P. Tiie hualnesa will tie continued by 14. hither partus are aulbo id to settle. K. HAKKEK. J. P. BENSON, trakland, Miss. , A pril DO, UH, maM iw feH I .T'v I NEW YORK CARDS. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, DAIRYMEN, FARMERS, AND OTHERS CONSIGN YOUR lakes, Beeswax, Brans, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Floir and Meal, flax, Cotton, Fan and Bkiat, Dried and Green Fruit, Grain, Wool, Game, Fonitry, Satal Stores, Hops, Ginseng i Feather Eemp, Provisions, Oil, Lard, Tallow Totueco, Seed, Eorgham, Molasses, Itc-- , KU , TO JOS. AH CARPENTER GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 442 Washington Street, NEW YORK CITY, And receive his weekly PRICE CURRENT of Produce and Groceries, the moat complete Price Current published In the United States. SEXD FOB A PRICE CtRKEXT larking Plates and Cards Famished Free Liberal Adrances Ms on Consipaents. ESTABLIBHED MAY 1, 18& First Claaft Reference Given when Hav q aired. febfi ly THE BOARDMAH, (.RAY & CO. PIANO-FORTE- S. WHOLESALE AGENCY. 4 a mown firm, Agency, 1st b TPerober of we' has eatabUabedfa Who.ev 783 Broad tFay, New York City, Opposite A. T. Btflsrbrt's Dry (Joods Palace, cor- ner Tenth street. Where he will be pleosed to receive the order of hlsfrlends and public, and especially to heai from those who ha we so liberally besiowt: their patronage on the) Urm hereto ore. He w:. supply these superior l3trumcnt-- s to the and ttet-til- , at the very Lowe-- t Prices, made with the Iron Rim and Frame (ca.i In one solid plate). They excel all others in durability, superiority of tone, anJ elt gance of external a epearance. All these Pianos have overstrnng Scales, giv- ing in connection with the p&U-u- iron rim a- d frame. Full, Round. Ptrs-erfu- l and Sweet Mel- low Tones. The C a are e egaiit in appear- ance and easily and safely handled. B3T W arranted to pAve saj m.actory, or the money returned. Address ah orders to Siberia Ott. tea dawlOm 78S Broadway, New York. TAILORING, SCOURING Our Latest Imoroved IEW SCALE PIAXO-FORT- E. GROVESTE32N & CO., 499 Broadway, N. T., instrnmectfl, after the meet flattering THESE irom the first Piantsu in lis country, who, at our solicitation, have tested lininauund THE 11NK-4- T !SOU.JvE P1ANO- - FORTE MADE IN THE WORLD. it ntis always oceii our policy, uuriug ice tirty-l- x yean that we have man a facte red Pianos, ve StaasssssS of which are now in use in the Catted state and Europe, to give the finest Instrument at the lowest cost. Our supe- rior facilities enable w to oiler them from one to three buudred dollars less than any other First Class House. Tbe tone of these Instruments aro remaika- - ble for their peculiar - weetness and Great Bdi-- i liaucy, never ioslns; quality when farced to their ut.nodt capacity, rue lower reumer retaining its positlvences, does not destroy tlie middle and upper reglstart'. by mingling with them in disagreeable confusion, lue reQued boanty of tone being equally delightful to the unpracUoed and to the mast cultivated ear. They are an entirely new style of Piano, fin- ished in the most superb manner, uatA our round runt and Itack, heavily carved legs and Lyre Serpentine Base richly moulded, and each instrument Is fully warranted lor five years. aepft tfatwiy TERWILLICER At CO., Manufacturers of the improved Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Prooi SAFES, With Combination and Powder-Pro- Locks. Warranted tree from Dampness. Manufactory, 180 to UK West Houston St., Depot. 100 Maiden Lane, near Veer! St., SOidAWiOm NtW 1 ORE. MA YD WELL fc AXDERSOX, MARBLE WORKS. No. 59 Union Street, H.tws.ii Swoon I and Thinci. Deaial Sot lee. I bag leave to inform my friends and acquaint tnoes In the vicinity oi Memphis and thiougbout the South generally, that the report which has beeu circulated for aometlme that I have retired from the practice of my profession i Dentistry) is not mi, but continue to off. r my pieftaaional services (to those who prefer me), at my new office. No. nil Main strew., over the well known Drag emporium oi j. n. n asson a no. tiespectruiiy. iw j, a WAWnn.iantls B. B. & V. B. WADDELL, I TTORNEY8 AT LAW.-olB- e, Overton Ho- - tei, meuipuia, lenu, r. k. Haddeii aui give bis attention to tai, reprceniing n sers by pr ran, . K O000T1TI.E. No 1 out a perfect abal ai 11, win p 'ft, tbls Uieii only the purcnase or real es y the1nteresf of purcha-9T- , Ooon next, rccaie w'll he made with t f title. Those de- - Iriug 1 i ha desctiptlon and price Ul blieii ' 1" luiacucmiiu i ) u iniw, can gel ull lnfonnaliou as to the propel ty on the maiaet at our office, mall) lro B. B. A V n. WADDFI.U Trustees Sale. and by virtue or a Deed of Trust to UNDER by Charles Pfannenstiehl, on the 3d day of March, and duly recorded at the Kesjisier's ofOae of Shelby county, icui.c-aee- , In Record Book No bx, part second, pag. a 1U6 and 1W and 110 and 111, I will, on Monday, the algnteeith (tS) of May,18e, Between the hours of 10 am. and p.m., on the premises, sell, at pubUc sale, to thehUhest hld-d- lor cash the fellowlua deai-ribe- property : A oerlaln par el of land situate, lying and be- ing in the city of Memphis, tue couuty of She oy and the State of ieuueeeee, and de-- li llkSM as follows, to-- w it : Beiu a part of Lot numbered thiee hundred and seventy one (S71), as designated ui-o- tne original p.:.u of lot- - at the town of Meiupfala, which part of said lot Is thus bounded at the northeast cor- ner of a lot formerly known as Leorge Crom- well's ; thence east with Jefferson street fltty-eig- i3) feet to its with Third street ; thence sooth with Third stn el one hun- dred and forty-eig- ht (l feet six () inches to another alley ; thence with said ail-- y one hun- dred and forty-elg- h (14s) feet six ,8) inches to another alley , thence north u said last al- ley Uiurty-sl- x (Mi feet to the sooth boundary line of tne Cromwell lot aforesaid ; thence east with said boundary line ninety (SSV feet and six (H) Inches to the southeast con of the afore- said Croat we 1 lot ; thence north with lh east boundary line of said t romwell lot one bun- dled and twelve ILK) seat and six 0) incbe to the said Deg.nuiug loge;ner wi:u an me aji- - iruiHiKBiiiira Hirini'iui . , . . . - of Trust was executed to secure ' he payment of certain promissory uoles to tatwui v . Luinan fox the balance of the porche mouey. Ke-- i. as aa Inn waived. Title perfect, bus sell only asTrastee. J. I'. J0H'o01L Trustee, alomnhia. Anril la. 1MB. vi M ' THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1868. RAKOiis,. Beginning intersection MISCELLANEOUS. THE NATIONAL TELEGRAPH OOMPANT. A new enterprise, to be known as the Na Uonal Telegraph Company, has been organ- ised with valuable franchises con 'erred by a recent act of Congress lor the purpose of estab- lishing Trunk Lines of Telegraphs on all the principal railroads and mall routes In the United States. The stock is to be Issued upon he same principle as that of the Merchant's Jnlon Express Company, which recently com-nence- d operations. Ti e design is to Interest the entire business eoiimunlly In the enter- prise. This is done, no ; so much to dispose of the stock as It is la sec-ir- the business of the country through which the lin The Lanital la to be $10,000,000, In 100,000 Shares, of the par value of $100 PER SHARE, But the aotnajamount to be paid In cash i 35 Per Share, And this amaunt is to be paid as follows : One per cent, of the par at the time of subscribing, and no more, until the enure capital has been subscribed, and then on calls to be made by the Board of Directors ; instalments not to exceed are per cent, per month When thirty-fiv- e pur cent, of the par value of the shares has been paid, certificates of stock will be issued This win give the company a paid up CAS1I CAPITAL OF $3,500,000, Which will be sufficient to duplicate lines to all or nearly all the paying points reached by the present monopoly. The preset: tTelegraph Companies of theeoun-tr- y have been consolidated into one huge monopoly, and are now earning over SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS per year, or over one hundred per cent, on the actual cost of their lines, their present capital having been watered over ONE THOUSAND per cent. THE NATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY have a recognition from tne Culled Stales (severnment of the Importance of their enter- prise, with a grant of the most valuable fran- chises ever conferred upon a telegraph com- pany. No competing line has ever had the riaht now granted by Congress to this company to construct and operate lines over every it Al LRO AD and MAIL ROUTE in the United states. The position cf this company differs from that of any company ever before organ- ised. The question of the RIUHI OF WAY IS FOREVER SETTLED. The stockholders of this company cannot be sold oat or 1 RA N8FERRED to any other company. The act of Congress under which this company has been organized, prohibits any transfer of the franchises granted. CALLS HOW TO BE MADE. One percent, of the Stock will be required on subscribing, and subsequent ca'ln, not to ex- ceed five per cent, per month, will be made by tb Board of Directors, from time to time, as may be necessary, to supply funds to construct an j equip the lines ; but no calli will be made afler the one per cent is paid, untii the EN- TIRE CAPITAL STOCK shall have been ACITAL CAPITAL REQUIRED The Company confidently believe that thirty-fiv- e per cent, of the Capital Slock will con struct and fully equip 95,000 MILES OF WIRE, Which will connect all the commercial cent aort important places in the United States 7"his opinion rests upon the most reliable esti- mates and responsible offers to construct and equip the lines. The National Telegraph Company is organ ized under the Laws of the Slate cl New York and franch sea conferred by an act of Congress, approved July U, IM. PHXSiriXT GEOROE B. SENTER, Of Cleveland. Ohio. m ROBERT SQUIRES, Of New York City. TRKASCKBB FREDERICK PRENTICE Of New York City. Sac Rxrr AST GEORGE B. WALTER, Of New York City. OOMPAKTS OFFICE : 3os. 64 and 00 Broadway, H. Y. A limited Amount of the capital stock of this com pany is allotted to this locality, and those having an opportunity, and subscribing, will be placed upon equal terms with its corpora- tors, and will secure Like interests in all fran- - or . by accrue to the company from any and all sot: I MB, Stock may now be subscribed in this com- pany at the office of THE MERCANTILE AGENCY R. G. DUN A Southwest corner Main and Madison, over Commercial Bank, Room 5, Memphis. Tennessee. S. B. WKHillT. General A Kent mhS tf Kor Memphis and Vicinity. REEVES' FOR THE AMBROSIA HAIR, Improved I It la an elegant Dressing for the Hair, it ceu-e- the Hair to url beautilnlly. It keeps the Scalp Clean nnd Healthy. II In vlg rales the Roots ol the Hair. It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxu- riantly. it immediately stops Hair Falling Out. It the Hair from Changing Color from Age It restores Gray Hair to Its Original Color. It brings out Hah on heads that have been bald for years. It is composed entirety of simple and purely vegetable substances. It has received over stz thousand voluntary testimonials or its excell nee, many of which from physicians in high standing. It Is sold in half-poun- d bottles (the name blown In the glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy Goods everywhere, at One Dollar per Bottle. Wholesale by Demas Barnes at ?. C Walls & Co.; SchteffeUn A New York. mliM l.v NOTICE. determined henceforward to do a JHAVE business exclusively, and have ranted my store and taken an office up stairs In same butldlni;. where I will be glad to see my friend and patron Thanking them past taron, I bag a conUnuance of the same. jbWI NATHAN HOrfTHIalMBB. mmnm appeal BY TELEGKAPH. TVoou Dispatches. Washington, June 1. Sehofield toe oflice of .Secretary of War, and will be sworn in ThePresi dent's friends claim that be ia in accord with the Executive. HU military com- mission is not seated by the acceptance of the Wsr office. Adjt.-Oe- n. Thamas resumes his old po- sition. Grant criticises severely the coarse of C'base, who comments freely on the Rad- icals and their foolish or wicked acta, personally and politically. It is rumored that Grant's letter of ac- ceptance will be of a conservative char- acter. A letter was received at the Treasury Department, last iSaturday, containioK i o one thousand dollar 7-- notes. It was postmarked X ew York, May 29," bat contained no evidence whatever that could lead to the discovery of the sender. The numbers of the incioHed notes were carefully cut out, and the address, viz : Department, Washington," had been taken from a newspaper aud pasted on the envelope. The interior contained the words cut from a former cewt-ppe- r paragraph, in a previously announced conscience case, "this money rightfully beioogs to the United 8'ates." The notes will be plaeed to the credit of the Treasury Department. 'foe Herald' Washington dispatcb contain the following : Eight huudred thousand acres of laud in Southern Kansas were deeded, many years ago, t- - the Cberokee Indians by the Govern- ment fur the Cberokees. The land be- ing apparently unoccupied, was taken possession of oy settlers and one thousand farmers being now settled ,in the land under the homestead law. The Indians, in 1866, demanded value of their land, and by some ma- neuvering, it is alleged, of Mr. Harlan, then .Secretary of the luterior, it was bought by speculators; and thus the settlers, who could have paid more than the speculators, are in a fair way to be ousted or swindled. This peculiar ar- rangement was originally fixed up ia a secret session of the Senate, the House having no knowledge of it whatever. Ban Francisco, June 1. Two heavy shocks of an earthquake were felt at Sacramento at nine o'clock on Saturday night. They were not felt at ail at Sau Francisco or along the coast, but weie very severe in Nevada, which seems to have been the principal seat of disturb- ance. Heavy shocks were felt at Fort Churchill and Virginia City, but dam- age was done at Virginia City. Large buildings rocked, anu everybody rushed out of doors. The pumps in the Savage mine were stopped, and the miners thought a cave bad occurred. Maj. Keading, who died yesterday, was prominently connected with Fre- mont's movements in the West. The Germans of San Francisco have received acknowledgment of six thousand dollars in gold, forwarded to Berlin for the relief of sufferers. New York, June 1. Tne bark Marco Polo, from Bremen, with 400 passengers, arrived yesterday. She had tweuty-fou- r deaths of children by scarlatina on the passage. London, June 1. The steamer Narva, with the new cabie to connect Cuba and Florida, under Sir Charles Bright, sailed this evening. RA.1AL ASj COftSJlERClAL. OFFICE OF THE DAILY APPEAL. Memphis. June 1, IMb. j The past week was memorable in Memphis financial and commercial cir cies, and now that the 1st of June has come, we hope that there wii! be a bet- ter feeling prevailing. Our merchants during the week just gone, baye been fijoded with bankrupt notices. Debts newly made, as well as those running back into the years before the war, have been wiped out, much to the relief of debtors. An old merchant, who for the past twenty years hu dealt heavily with North Mississippi, and who made money out of the trade, now says that he is even that what he made has been paid back in the shape of interest and bankrupt no- tices. His is not the only case of the kind, but unfortunately many have p&iJ back more than the profits their bui-nee- s, aad stand to-da- in the decline of life, much worse off pecuniarily than when they first put their armor to ea- ter the field of mercantile pursuits. Exchange is quiet and rates steady. New York eight is offered occasionally aud taken at par, selling at Jc premium. Checking on Nashville, St. Louis, Lou- isville and Cincinnati at 3 premium Buying, New Orleans, at ic discount, selling at par. Gold has not varied much during the week, though the premium Las rather tended downward. It opened to-d- ay in New York at 139J, and closed at same. We quote lob to 139j buying, selling at 1 9i to 1402. City Scrip was quiet to-da- There were no sellers at Irss than 73 to 78o, while brokers were offering 70 to 71c. We quote selling to tax payers at 75 to isOd, as to amount. , County Warrants are dull buying at 60 to die, selling at 65 to 68c. Police Scrip firm at 84 to Soc buying, selling at 88 to 90c. The prospect of a good cotton crop this year is very good indeed. The many rains last month which retarded the young plant to some extent, have done no serictis damage, aud the late warm dry spell hasgiveu it an impetus forward making it spring out of the ground as chlaes which have accrued, hereafter!..,. may , ,,wif magic. Of the result of the season s CO.. I keeps are Co.; Co., lor " the no an on on work, we can yet form no accurate esti mate; but those who are well informed upon the subject and whose estitastes of last year's crop were very nearly veri- fied, set the aggregate of the coming one at 2,000,000 bales, which is, we think, a very fair estimate. The market for the week has been quiet, with no desirable lists offered, and only one or two buyers to be found, The week opened with the Liverpool market heavy ; Uplands, Hid; Orleans, lld. While in New York Middlings were dull and entirely nomi- nal at 30J 2. The former market declined on that day Jd, and on the followiugone id Middlings in New York goiog down to29Jc. Tnere was a rally on Thursday to Hid in Liverpool for Uplands, and Middlings on that day jumped up to 30Jc in New York. All the markets were tirm on Friday, and an advance of ic was asked in New York, with no change in the Liverpool market. The same was the case on Saturday. There was no market in Liverpool to day it being Whit-Monda- y or Pentecost Monday. To- morrow will also be observed as a holi- day. The New York market opened quiet and steaUy. Low Middlings, 29 to 3uj; Miduliugs, 81c; Orleans, 3; Good Middlings, 323c. At noon and until the close tbeie was no change. Sales, 500 bales. Our market was quiet, with a few sales in lots running from i to 10 bales, upon a basis of 28 to 29c for Middlings. COTTON STATKBUOrr. CHAMaxjt or Cox ysKt-a- , I M Bateau, June 1, lass. Stock on hand Sept. 1, 1SS7 LOW Received y , 88 Received previously 352,327 252,115 ttx ported to-d- ay six ported previously.. Wiek's exports. lleceipis fol montaof May Fxp rts during the miaih Slock tu Liverpool Friday iHih uit Of which wai American Htcck afloat same d te OfwMek was Amercau Stock in New York Saturday .UOth... RecepU st all United (states ports r wee ending, sjiwday last...... 25!,io I ..J52,7 262,758 w- - Wholesale Market. The general markets have not im- proved in activity since oar last, and prices though very little if any lower, are sensibly weaker. Mm Pork is only in moderate demand, with fair stock. The demand for meats of all kinds, how- ever, is lighter than ever known bafore at this season of the year. Corn, hay and oats are in moderate demand for lo- cal purposes with some call for interior points. Large shipments of corn were sent to places along the Arkansas to Lit- tle Rock last year, bat this season the wants of that region are supplied from points above, where the corn crop was heavy. This season the news from that river is very favorable. Corn Is in tassel, with prospects of an abundant yield to supply all the wants of that section, if not affording a surplus for shipment. From North Mississippi, Alabama, our own S:ate, Kentucky, and, in fact, from every direction, the news is favorable of the coming crop, and without some in- tervention of Providence our people who have already been so severely dealt with by the band of the Almighty, may lookjj forward to a year of comparative plenty. ll raking the average oi the entire country, we are warraated by reliable accounts from private sources, and after a careful collation of the reports of the local papers, in concluding that the prospect of a hand- some return to the farmer and planter never looked better at this season of the year. The Dry Goods market for the week has been quiet, with only a light job- bing trade doing at last week's prices. The Commercial Bulletin of the 27th ult. says of the New York market: Brown Sheetings and Shirtings are in- active, notwithstanding the concession made in rates. The light weights are relatively the most in demand, tut are somewhat scarce in the market. Fine grades are slower of sale than standards, lor which latter there is but a languid demand ; Bleached do. and are not very plentiful, which fact may perhaps be accounted lor by manufacturers hav- ing tamed their attention more to Print Cloths, which have commanded a readier sale. 4-- light grades show a steady in- quiry; medium makes are dull, and fur tne better brands the demand is quite limited. Prints are quiet under a small steady inquiry for stock requirements. In Boots and Shoes there is no change to report. Outside a small inquiry to fill up "sizae" there is no demand. Prices show no signs of weakness, owing to the state of the Eastern market, and stocks are very good for the season. BUTTKK per pound, Tubs, good Common BRf KIMS, per dozen........... BEESWAX, per pound- -. .., per barrel. KcHcadnle . LoossvUle CANDLLS, per pound. Star COFKEE, per pound, llio Luguayra COB.NMK.iL, Ktlndned snd Fresh CHEESE, per pound. Weetern Reserve. Fngiish Dairy...- - factory EOGS. perdozn FEED. Bran, per ton Hay. per ton orn, per bushe' Ear Oat FLOUR, per barrel, Fine Supet fine H; nil's Fvtra... Double Litra. .. Thrible Extra Fancy Brands FISH. Mackerel, No. 1, per bo4 .... Ko. liar. bbt.. " No X in. bni So. 1. per kit.. Ho. 2, " GREASE, per pound GCNPOWDkR, Quarter ktgs half kegs Keg...- - HlDFt. per pound. Dry Flint.. Dry Salt. Green Salt i. rei n Dser ?kins Hit Plastering - HA RL WARES, Nails, pi r keg. rates Castin Hol:ow Ware lb. Bat Iron - Horseshoe Iron..- - Nail Rod LEATtLKK, OikS ile Hemlock Solo, No. 1 Rip LARD p--r pound, 1 n I u tierce - LIMK A'abama gpL'sia,,,,; MOL 1 ajsj ifja per gallon. oiii;ar-tious- e Porto Rico OILS, per gallon, CoaL Lard . Linseed Train . 'Turne itlae .. POULllfY. per dozen, (Spring f hlckens Chickens, old. PKOVidlONS, Pork, mess, per barrel Prime M-s- s Prime Pork Jowls - Bacon. lear slde.j, per ft.. Clear tilhS des . Bib Rimes Mnou de s .... Breakfast bacon Haius. plain - Sugar cured canvassed GUNNIES, New - .. . Old RICE, per pound. In barrels, R'lSIN. per barrel SLitiAR, per pound. Crushed and powdered i luineu Coffee A 0. Extra C... B.own SALT, Per barrel Sack - SODA, p.r pjund.... SOAP, per ponn i, itertcau.... Palm Rosfn sil'vr TAl.LOW.per pound TAli, p r iii zen Begs TOBACCO, per pound. Extra Briaht Medium Medium Bright Haif pouni: Bright.... Common Halves t ommon Pounds...- -. Sni"kiog, Medium TWINS, pound VEG -- TABLES PotatosV New, Onions, p f VINEUA R, cider, WHISK V, gallon Common - i nue and per Old. per boi per bbi bbi per bbi per Imitatiou ikiuroon. I to- - - : - 20 1 50 2 70 - - : - -- ..its) O- - 1 19 23 41) 75 5 - - -- 20 I 30 00 00 9) 95 - 85 8 00 9 10 50 00 00 21 00 S fiO 8 00 2 2 25 4 8 '10 22 - - in 8 - 25 - 5 5 litt (ll Sjl3 ftjll - - a - 35 - 85 I 5i 50 1 50 .... - 85 ... 85 .. 43 . l m ... 1 35 .... 1 00 3 00 a cu 29 50 27 H 28 50 . 20 Ou - 17a- j- 84-- io Wr i Bourbon Cattle Hog Market. LIVE STOCK. Beef gross .lerior Sheep, head.... Hogsgross. a - sj a as 14 14 17 la 18 18 10 12 14 M 25 l; 35 14 18 17 oo i & 1 - 1 .VI In X) 14 00 CK to ift w (f- f- 9 i 10 1! a m ,a lu hi m- - so W -' 0 & - 9 0 450 00 0f.O 328 110 mm oo 928 110 mp is1; 17 - it, - - is.', .in - u - ... a 15, .. ! - 11 -1- 3 too i 8 1 ... . 0- - irv-.- M " 18 18'. - - - a- - 17 IUKA SPRINGS, XT 1S- H- 'i- - 8S3 19a- - 1- - mt Tishomingo County, im. Mil's DELIGHTFUL AND PLEASANT waleriug place opeu visitor fin On the First Way Jnuc Situated Memphis Charleston Railroad, accessible points, under present management, otters superior induce- ments parties seeking iwereallon during somraer months. While healthful locality water these Springs alone offer sufficient induce- ment visitors, proprietors spare efforts make most desirable place enjoyment found Sousb. Band Manic engaged season. STEFFKY, ARCH roal5 Proprletora. SELTZER AND M1NEE-- L LOUISIANA MANUFACTORY, Peoy-far- re stree', New Orleans. Seltxer Water bottles country dosen, barrel three dozen. Also, Tarred Seliser Water bottle Vichy Water bottle. Orders Factory, aldreased through postofflce Glass Box, iala. New OsssBsaV premptly attanasa apsim TREMOULET laaORKY, J 75 M 3 00 r-s- - 00 I - 9- - 1 - S - - at a so bm .. - io - ii, m . 0 .. cm 80 - - - 75 f- l- - til) a. 70 B fancy l t m i in . last 0 to - 9- - . 3 so . 8 25 . 1 . 00 S and No. 1 8 1. - ... per . 4 00 - . 8 8 be to 30 22 4 00 3u 4 oo J 00 27 St 42 4 25 oo i 1 00 HO 50 50 2l 00 2 i 2 12 M will of ZL 0 i- s- 8 oo 18 - 18 1 00 M H 2 26 j 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 45 I i o 1 26 m 85 00 in) XfBB 14 38 a 22 2S 23 ...... H 2D i8 I IT I i 2 50 3 -- - -- .. io li 9 8 9 :t 8 00 7 00 i 1 35 90 85 18 20 f0 7 ao 60 2 00 4 to 9 73 m li 2 T i oo a a 7 oo 0 9 00 a 1 75 9 2 OS 6 00 9- - X a- - 5 a 7 oo a-- 8 as tt lion the and to all its to all the the and the of to the wii) no to ibis th ot to be In the aw-- fine of ha been for the W. A. T. J. B US, Im No. 71 put up In for the at 82 per case of one and at 85 per of at 15c per ; al 25c per left at tne or the to No. A A GAL In the District Court of the United States, for the Dis-.rl- of is e-- Tennessee In the mat- ter of Jonn B Weld, Hausrupi. in Bant, ruptcy District of West Tuniiisais as. To whom it may conaarn : The unders gnrd hereby gives nottoe ofh la ap pointment as assignee of J .tleiuptiis, la me c- uaty Tennessee, whninsaid D judged a Bankrupt -- p.. tue Uisjlet (Jour, of aski Memphis, Tennessee AD., 1SSB. WILI ms27 t 10 of by the B. Wei. tby ho has been ad-jw- n by Bin day of May. r. In the District Court of the United states, for the District of West Tennessee. - In the mat- ter of Benjamin bankrupt, in Bankruptcy, District or Wesl T inn is To whom it may concern : uuderalgned hereby gives not'ee of their appointment as assignee of Benjamin Boxhora. o empnis, in uie county ol M.t-io- and State icuue-tee- , w.ii.m bu.-- i liiirlct, wno na been adjudged a t.on. Dlslr, Memphis, Term lies. my27 1 10 lllstricu .the day May. Wli.LlAM Y.C1RODK. OSCAR VVOOLDRlDE, Assignees, Commission Merchants, GREENVILLE, Mr Liberal Cash advances menu Cotton Produce. and Stat ol petition, Assignee, Boxiiora, The MISS. wn n.mri saiu JtltU of etc of and on all Consliia-feb2- 5 an In the District Court of the Doited for the District of West Tennessee, in the mat- ter of l. W. Carson, Bankrupt. In bank- ruptcy, District of West Tennessee --as. To whom it may concern : THE undersigned hereby give notice of his appointment as assignee of G. W. In the county or Lauderdale and Stale of Ten- nessee, wiuun said district, who ha been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition, by tne District i.ourt or said diatrict. Mem pins, Tennessee, Use iDth day of May, A.D., iabH. Wli.l, I AM. V. CiKODE, ma7 a 10 Assignee, etc in the District t ourt of the United states, for the DLstri'-- t of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of B. Raukinpt. In Bankruptcy, District of Wesl TsnisiSBlii s To whom It may concern : The undersigned laereby idves notice of hi appointment as assignee of Thoma i B. or Memphis, in the county of Shelby and state of Tennessee, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt ULoa his own petition, by me district Court of said Dis- trict. Memphis, Tenn.. the 18th day of May, A.D., US8. WILLIAM Y. ClRODk. ma!7 24 31 Assignee, etc. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of John Hancock, Bankrupt-- In bank- ruptcy. District oi West lenncssee as. To whom it may concern i The undersigned hereby gives notlee of his appointment as of John Hancock, of Ripley, in the county of Landeidale and of Tennessee, within said who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by tha District Court of said District. Memphis, Tennessee, the :Md day of May. AD., iftts. WtLLIAM V. CiRJOE. aM .11 7 Assign es. Etc. in the District Court of the United States, for the District f West Tenne see. In the mat- ter of Charles Cat, Bankrupt. In bank- ruptcy, District of West Tennnaw Bs To whom it may concern : THE undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Charles Catea, In the county of Lauderdale and Stale o Tennessee, within Bsid who bas been ad. udgeil a Bankrupt upon his own pe- tition, by the Kismet Court of said district. Meinpuia, Tenneaa-- e, the i6th day of May, AD., 1888. WILLIAM Y. Cl BODE, ma27 3 10 Assignee. K-- c In the District Court of the United States, for the District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of H K. Farmer, Bankrupt. In bank- ruptcy, District, of West Tennessee as. To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of Ms appointment as assignee of H. K. Farmer, of tue county of Haywood and State ol Tennessee, w thin been adjudg d a b petition, by the Distri Memprus, Tennt isu AD., 1868. W ma3.i 8 13 A.D. State mslrn wno has 1 upon his own of said District. 3.U SBW of May, Y. BOOK AND aHftefxrlSn Jaat JOK OFFICE. In i In the District Court of the the District of West leunesaee. in tne mat ter of G, G. Eiiis,, Bankrupt. In Bank- ruptcy, District or W tat ss. To whom It may ooncern : The undersigned hereby give notice of his j appointment a. oi O G. cilia, oi tha enmity of McNauy and stale of Ten- - nessee, wi.h.n said in. trie: who has been ii ci -- ii a Bankrupt upon his own pellulon. by the Diatrict Com t of said Diatrfc-t- . Memphis, Tenn., tue 4tn day of April, A-- ' 1888. J. T. tiUOOLESiloN, uiaSO 8 13 Assignee. In the District Court of the United Stales, for the District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of Nicholas B. Pniops, Bankrupt In Bankrup cy. District of West Tennessee as. To whom i t may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis aupolntmenl as assignee of Niche la B Pblpps, of Memphis, in the county of Sheiby and estate of Teuuessee. within sal. I District, who has been adjU'iged a buuarup. upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District 'Memphis, Tenn., the xstb day of May, A. D 18B8. WI LL1AM Y. CI RODE, ma-3- 8 13 Assignee, etc In the District Court of tne United States, for the District of West Tennessee, in the .lat- ter of Solomon Ro-e- Bankrupt. In bank- ruptcy, District of West Tciinesset sg. To whom it may concern : THE undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as e of Sclomon Kose, of Memphis, in the couuty of Shelby, and State of Tennessee, within said district, who ua been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti- tion, by the District t ourt of said d is! riet. Mernpbis, Tennessee, the 29th -- lay or May, AD., 1S88. W I LLLVM Y. CIRODE, ma30 a 13 AssUmee. Etc. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Wesl Tennessee. In the mat- ter of Edward Rtemin, Bunarupt. In bank- ruptcy, District of West Tennessee ss. To whom it may concern : Ihe undersign od hereby rivo notice of his annuinlineul as assignee of Edward Elernao of Memphis. In the couuty of Sn-ia- y, who bas been aoiuiiged a naukrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said dis- trict. Memphis, Tennessee, the nath day of May, A.D.. WiLLLUi Y. CIRODE, mal-R- 13 r.ia-- . BILLS LAD IX O, AS K. CIRODE Gaswasx, CiRoDcl, BRAT TICKXTS. SHIPPINQ TAOS, DRPQ T.ABOLS, very variety Mercantiie Printing. QtlK PDIW-Tivf-- . M 1837. gj W Jw THOM RKTHEBON CHARLES VICKERS.. PBBSrDBUT Sbckbtabt COLUER COMPWFS XIFCTTBES For Sale BY ALL DEALERS Ilf Memphis aad Mississippi Valley d eodawsm OVERTON STABLES, IfO. 164 MAI V STREET, OPWSITE OVERTON HOTEL, Maj.F.lLDeTassa, M. Kawllsgs, AGENT? AND MANAGERS. V H A V K two Etc pet. oi d w ci t M apf B. ma4 tiful and weli improved I e'unt n inns in Lee cointj'. Ga . within turee miles ot the city of Albany, bounded by one of the beat raiin-ad- s in State, and a tine Let and commodious Dwelling In th city, which I will gladly cell or exchange lor other o ins, A, WRIGHT. LEGAL In the District Conrt of tne United States, tot the District of West Tennessee. In to saajt tar of John C. Dougherty, Banxrupt. In bans ruptcy, Duauiet ai Waal fsnnuss aa To whom it may ooaoern : THE undersigned hereby gives notice of hi app ilntment sa a signs of Joan C. iruherty, m Memphis, in i he f my of Suelby anu j. lenneaaee, witnm aaia, wno ass been ediartaed a bankrupt anon bfej petition, by the District Court of said district. Memphis, Tennessee the 78th day of Mar. A.D UM. WILLIAM Y. C IfcoDK, ma28 5 12 Assignee. Rtc. 'INDEXTNTT la the Lustnct Court of the United States, for the Distriet of West Tennessee, in the mat- ter of Thoma Sherod, Bankrupt. In oank-rnptc- y District of West Taiisssiiii To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby lives notice of his sppoi tment sa -- asignee of Thomas sherod, of Bed Depot. In tne county ol Haywood and Slate of tenn esse, within said District, who baa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own potmnn, by (he District Court of said District. Memphis, Tennessee, the IM iar of liar, A D., 1888. WILLI iM r t IRODE, nud 31 7 AnBignee. Etc. In the District of the United States, for tae District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of s. H. Bibo, bankrupt. In Bank- ruptcy, District of West Tennessee aa. To whom it may concern : The hereby gives notice of his ofc. u Bibb, of Double Hi .dges, in the conntyof Lauderdale, and Slate of Tennessee, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti- tion, by the District Court of said District. i Tenn.. the 23d day ot May. A. P., 18S8. WILLIAM Y. CIRuDrt, ma2l 31 7 Assignee, ete. In ihe District Court of the United States, for the District of Wesl Tennessee- - In the mat- ter of N evils A Heme, bankrupts, in BMaatc ruptcy. District of West Tennessee --en, To whom it may eoncern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of hi appointment aa assignee of N evils A Rose, of Memphis, In the county of Sheiby . and State ot Tennessee, within said District, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their r.wn peti- tion, by ' he District Conrt of -- aid District. Memphis, Tenn , the 23d day of May, A. D , 1888. WILLIAM Y. CTROD -- :, mcM 31 7 Assignee, etc In she District Court of the United States, for the Visl let of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of Nathaniel S. Moore. Bankrupt-- In bankruptcy, District of West Tennessee ss. To whom U may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notlee of his anpclnlment as ascigneenf Natnaniel Moore, of the county of Lauderdale and State of Tence-e- within said District, wno baa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own peti- tion, by the District Conrt of sud District. Memphis, Tennessee, the 23d day of May, A.D , 1888. WILLIAM Y. CIRODE, m- -: 31 7 In the District Court of the United St slaa, Par tne District of Tennessee, in the mat- ter of Robert H. Goiigntly. Bankrapi. In Bankruptcy, District of West Tennessee as. To whom It may eoncern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee af Robert H. Gottgbt-li.- at Memphis, in the c unty of ahelby and State of Ten oeasee, within said I'lstrict, who naa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own peutlou, by the District Court of said District Memt'ilia, Tenn. tne lath day of May A-- lasS. WILLIAM Y. CIRODE, mai 21 SO Assignee, etc. In the District Court of the United States, tor the District of Wa--l Tennea-e- e. in the mat ter of B. J. Eddins, Bankrupt, la Ueii ruptcy, Dtstrtei oi west To whom it may concern fhe undersign ed hereby gives nolle of his appointment as assUmee of B. J. Eddins. or tiempius. In the county of she, by and State of tennessee, w.Lhln said District, wh ha been adjndje-- i a Bankrupt upon his own petition., oy the District Court of said Dlat. 1st. Mcmpuls, Tenn., the lath day cf Msy, A-- IM8. WILLIAM Y. Cl Rt ;DK. mai8 23 39 Asslsrnee.ete. the nistrict Conn of the United States lor District of Wesl Tennessee In the niat-o- f S. R Soecc- - r. bankruDt. In baaa- - ruptcy. District o: West To whom it may concern : The ucdemlgned hereby given notice of his appointment as assignee of S. B. Spencer, of Pnrdy, in the county cf Mc Vairy and State of Tennessee, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Conrt of said Dls rtct. Memphis, Tenn., the 2Lt day of Aprti, H. B. WADF, u:al6 2? M AgUgooe. In the District Ourt of the 0 cited stales, for the Diatrict of West Tennessee, in the mat- ter of Orson A. Crosby, Bankrupt- - in bank- ruptcy, District of West Tennessee -- s. lo whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appo ntment ss assignee of Orson A. Crosby, of Mem phi-- , in the county of sheiby and State of Tennessee, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his nwn petiLou. by In District Court of sain district. Tennessee, the lath day ot May, A-- D., 188. WILLIAM T. CIRODE Assignee, Etc. male 33 30 In the District court of tne u ntusl states, for the District of West Tense see. In the cut- ter of F. J. Spencer. Bankrupt. In bank- ruptcy, District af West Tennessee as. To whom It may concern : THE undersigned hereby gives notice of his appolntm ni as assignee of F- J. spencer, ol the county of McNairy aud Stat of Ten- nessee, within said diatrict, who has been ad- judged a Bankrupt upon his own petiuon, by the District Cocrl of said district, Memphis, Tennessee, the 31st day of April, A.D-18- H. B. WADE, mala id W Asajs-as- a. In the District Court of tne United states, for tlie Ustricl of West Tennessee. Ia the mailer ef W. H. Under, Bankrupt. In Bank- ruptcy, District of West Tennesseeas, To whom it may eoncern : II!'. undeiaiened nereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of W. H. Grider. of Memphis, in the csun'y of Shelby, and State ot Tennessee, within said Id trict, who bas been adjudged a upon his ova pe-- and state of Tennessee, withm said aistncl. f Ution. by the District Conit of said Dbnsriex. 8 MWWWt of JSotice. Ihe Tennesteisass. Mem .'his, Tennessee, the a h day ef May, A. D. 1888. cTA. LEFFi Nti WkLL, mal9 28 2 S firnee. ate. The Hand Gin and Condenser'. H r'The Power Gin and Condenser. The Hand Gin without Condenser. The Power Gin without Condenser, The Cotton Cnlti vator, or Scraper and Chopper, -s Patent iron-ecre- w Press, for Hay Cotton, Patent Portable Hay ana Star Railway Horse Power, Star Lever or Sweep Horse Power, Star Thresher and l. leaner Combined, Hone Powers aad Threshing Mach'n Sheep Power, Portable Wood Sawing Machines-Vegeta- ble Cutters. prices famished Machines shipped by pHastjon to am a astral tf WH A.T05 irUBSjEaY- - Two Miles South Memphis, Ia the Dtstrtei Conrt of the i of Tenness i United - Lafayette Veal, Bankrupt. -- Dog i sr and of on iiau-n-- i West i.aie5, lor the BBBBBBf1 SB la bankruptcy, of West Tennessee To whom it may concern ; The undersigned hereby give notice his appointment aa assignee ot Lai aye tie Veal, of Memphis, in the eonnty of Shelby and State of Tennessee, withm said District, who has been udgod a Bankrupt on hla own petition, by the District Court of said District. Tennessee, tb 37th day of May, A.D,TIa WILLIAM Y. CIRODK, snab 4 11 Assignee. Ete. theDlstrtot Court of in United States, iot the District of W- -t Tennessee in the matter of Martin Cohen, Bankrupt In oankruplcy, District ot Wast Tennessee sa To whom It may eooearn : Th undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment aa assignee of Martin Cohen, of Memphis, in the county of Shelby, and State of Tennessee, within said District, who has been ,1'udged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by lb District Court ol said District. Memphis, Tenn., me . am uay or. May, AM.. 1888. ma 10 28 w iiaaaa x. Ia th of ad In .CI ROD! In the District Court of the United states, for th District of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of William C. MoConicn, Sankrnpt. In bankruptcy, District of West Tennessee sa. To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of hla appoiirtment asa-signe-e of William C. McCou-lc- o. of Dari-a- villa, la the county of Laodar dale and Stale of Tennessee, within said Dis- trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the District Court of said District. Mam. his, Tennessee, th 17th day or May, A.D.. 180. WHiliIaM Y. CIRODE LEGAL Court of the Cnltd states, tor tbrjiiSct of We Tannic -- In Use mr Bankrapiey. District of Wwt IsaiasBasa m TownoBBltsaayeonoein: That isilHBSH ' hereby gfv notiaw JjM. aaiotounsmt-saa-Urnsec- M oTMemptJfl, la the county oi i e i ny ajad StSTj at TVnneaaee. wlicirt snA tdstnet, who has seen ujvin Boti toartof W--rte. Memphis. tJ? ZlSEk.- - lw . i i . -- Le af e - in the District Court of the L a. led states, or the Dmnrtof West 3JIfc-I- n the mat-.- .. . ,.r f B. ecoda-r- , baaarfjpt. In Bank ruptcy. Piatriciof weal Ii To whom U saaW Ti.e' BBS, within VBBH was a hanarenot 1DOB petition, by tne District Coart of ij Wn- - w s.A llasSk swBBVW if I I 'iVlL-LiA- i. IK DE, Data Diatrict Court of the United Ssasaa.lbr the Diali of West Tennessee. In the mat- ter of John T. Shirley, Bankrupt, ia bank- ruptcy. District of W -- a Tennessee as To whom it may concern ; The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment, as saaSs-e- of Jo in T. -- hiriary ol Memphis, In the eoun.y ot he, by and .ml- - if T ssair within ml ' ' adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own peti- tion, by the District CoOi I of said Diatrict. Tennessee, tha Sss day of May, .v Delias WlLLLaM 1. IR'iDE 08 ASSLtnee. in the District Conrt of the Uuileo State, for the DLstrlct of West Tenness. e iu the aatir of Wiiiiam M. Street Bankrupt, la Daiil-inptc- y. District ot est Iannis To whom it may eoncern : The uaderslsed hereby gives notice of hi appointment as asignee oi w liiass H.sirerS, of ia tne County of siieiby, and late of Tennessee, within aaad who naabeast adjudged a nankrupl upon ns own pet lion, try tne District Court o. said Jlempnis, Te-ns- ee, ILe 31st day of Ma, A. D. 18ns, WLLLTaM X. CiiiUUlt. mal23 JO S etc in he District tVnTrt of the Cn ted the District of West leaaes-w-i- n in mat- ter of Van boodle, bankrupt. In Bank- ruptcy, District of West Tell iibbb . The nndersls-as- a her-rtr- y give notice of his ap- pointment as of Van Boooie, of Horn Lake, la tne county of Shelby, and c Late of Tennessee, within raid Diatrict, who baa been adjudged a banxrupt upon hiaawupeu-ti- n. by the Dis.r it Court ot sail DiaoSc. Memphis, Tenn., Ihe iSd day of May. A I Ises. WILLIAM Y. CRUDE, mai3 30 8 In the District Court o." the United States, for the District of Wesl Ten news- -. In the mat- ter f James M. Davidson. Barkn.pL in 'jankrnpicy, DisLriet of west Tennessee-a- s. To whom It may : Tha undersigned he-eo- y gives notice of has app .inlinent aa aes.aiieeoi j.uaes M. Dav.iaon. oi McNairy Stauon. in iha oi McNairy and ota.-- Of lenneaaee, witmu sa-- u i, who ha been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by tne instinct Court of said Dia- ls Memphis. Tenn.. the 22d d-- r of May, AO) , 1868. WILLIAM Y. ClRODk, mail 30 ate. In the Dn. trial Court of th the District of Wet i-- tar of Joseph M. Penning bankruptcy, District of W fr.r To wham it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notic a ( tjia appomtmenta. ot Josef h -- .. Feaaiag-tou- , in tne couuty Lauderdale and Suue of lenaesste, w.uun a. i uiatric, who adjudged a Bankrupt upon his owt by the District Conrt of sbid DistrtcL ma23 30 8 isjd day oi May, A.D.. Y. CI80DK, Etc. In the Dtitrict Cea 1 of the United States, for iiiMnui oi s ter of Jonn W. Siiiep, Baocrupt. In raptcy, uistrict ot west Te To whom it may eoncern : The under signed by give notice of hL- - appoin.iuen tne county an, within said De-tr- i upon trict Court said Tenn mA21 28 1 In the District the District o ter of Samuei rupicy, oi :. . la 28 inainri, fab let concern tne WILLIAM Aaatgnee. me as assi.n.b of Bankrupt of Memphis, : i. ie W. uf an y the , Y. CIRoDE, irt of the United Kt Tennessee. In tne Ulc-ss- . BankiupL Iu . To whom may eoncern : Tne undersigned hereb . gives notice of his appo n ment as afsignee or samo. i ot thecouuty of Shelby and State of A.D, mall 4 lenu, u -- m:u DISBI In the District Court of th the Dtstrr t of Wast Tenr.i ter of ge W. Payne, Ba ruptcy. Dtstrtei of west i a n Diatiict d: Siaies. in John, Dfev- - day of Mar, A.D. t As lgnee. rnat-- it aM who has a own ttrict. th day of May, . CiRoDE, Asaianesatc. ted -t .:es. or me i PL InJ To whom it may : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment aa or te rge W. Payne, of Memphis, in the oouni of and State of Ten: seate, wilt in sa.;d D strict, who has been adjudi-e- a Basal p ipiaahl inrn petiuon, oy me utsir.ei i onrt o ukiu Memsius. Tenn . the Wh day of May. 1888. WiLLiAM Y. CUbbBBs. malS 26 2 Asaocnea. IB the Court off United for the of West Teantwe. in tne tear ter of ie W. ia,i. Bauitrupt. in Bank ruptcy, District of West Tanmi ci ss. To whom it may coneern : THE undersigned gives no tea of Lis s ppoiauni-n- i aa assignee if 1 sse W. Pa-- e, 9r of Memphis, ia the of Sbeiby a:..'-tate'- Tenne-aee- within s id Instric:. vhA ku ... adjudged Bank-rap- t up hni by the Court ofal't Dial Memphis, Tenn., tb l&lh D.. ISO. WILLIAM 83 United iheSBas- - aesignae ahlpp. otea judged a etitioa, etc. petition, concern assignee Shelby District Btatec, Dtstnct hereoy a. Trustee's Sale. PURSUANT to a deed of ! execn'ed to Tiu-ie- e. by John H. Wg-gene- r, on ihe Sua day of Oetooar, -- SSa,an new i record in Crittenden - t the purpose of raising money' with whirk lo pay off two cert in promissory notes of tnai uate, and.' the lotevem thereoo, they belas for Ike a of 88.418 j,es:cn due on the J5ui day of October, 187, wi n tnterr si from date at tea (10) per cent, per annum ; and further, m rii-- money with wh"h to pay oS tholntei eat upon about 854,187 at ten per cent, per ana- ru from sa d 25th day of October. LSiai; said 854,1)T b tog the amount ef various other notes not due buc which bear interest from data, payable an- nually, rnantni an agsfeei-- sum of .hunt f!,K-- 0 of niir.-ipa- l and doe: now. therefore, I will, ss such Trustee, on Saturday, the UOth Baj of Jaae, liSS, At Mound City, In said county of atthelroLt o. r of t ie hotel, proceed toseU. at jaawic an Hon. so much sf the fculoalng 1 scrtwd pro pert . as will be nce-aa- r toay the said notes and Interest due. lt: :he Mound City Tract, appo ed to contain about iisO aires, a born four mile and a half above Mnaphls. and kcrwn asihe aoalhwe-- t qa of section 27, the aoiitheato-are- r frac ionai section 28, ana Nos 1 ai d 3 of t e spi i -- n grant 'section 34), and the tract conv,yed by Hopper to Cheek and alt ihe lan-- belong ng to said Mooed City Tract ; also tb st amboal reoata and th ferry pnviiege, which pa sen with the land, the boundaries of which will be given on tne day of sale. O, P. LYLS-- . la of Creditors and Nou-Reside- nt Notice. la Chancery Coart of Memphis, Tennessee. No. 2435, N. R. D. W. N. WUket-arv- et aL, va. The Franklin Insurance aad Banking Com- pany. St Btj In this causa it armea-ins- ? lull ilnBa, ilan n T seph F. Imoa, John F. er and Louis Fosa firm of Imrrs. Mever A Kasx"" . are non-rea- l- danlaof the State of Tennessee. It is tbereicre ordered by the Court, that they make their ap- pearance herein, on or before the first Monday Ln May. IXSS, snd plead, answer or demur to corr plain. ni l bill, or the tame will be taken for confessed as to them, and canse set for nearlnz ex parte. It Is fur her ord-re- d that alt persons claiming to be creditors, or having any ll character of demands. atnst ihe "Franklin insurance ami pensing lompany orMemphis shall Immediately come into th s Court sad have themselvas m!e parties to this ult and file their claims with the Clerk and Master with proper evidence of the same, that my' may severally reeover their raiaoie shares of tbeaaseuof said om pany. to be distributed In this cause ; and that a py of this order be publlsh-di- n use Memphis Daily Appeal for three Tl months from this date. March 10. 1888. A copy attest : A ALSTON, C. and M R. J. BLACK. D. C. and M. Estes. Jackson A McDavitt, and E Burke Plea ett, Scaleitora. ranll "aa Non-Reside- nt Notice. In th Cli cult Coart of Sheloy County. J. a Harvey vs. C. Morrison. TT appearing from affidavit in 'nl. , 1 the defendan-- , C. 8. Mom on h or renc Si T hiV VttK SL3Z-- lJ St at Memnhl. t.'- --. e, ,u me c:iy '.t. ,J " ajwasa menrsttCr Com-tkiii- V on Vw "lQ. 1888, and plead, answer or Vm" to plainanf Bill, or the same wii 7 be tor isnfsessil as to him and sag for lag ex parte, and that a In the MSfnhVl codv of iyi liiiir. A espy Attest : .. -- - D. L. STEWART, Clerk. Hame Stockton a Haynee. SeJJsjtrsai iar Compialnant. 0j iaww BANKRUPT SALE. In Diatrict of the United States, the Disci let of West Ten ne- - see. In lb matter of Benjamin Boxhorn, Bankrupt, In bank, ruptcy. HPH E undersigned, assignees of estate of A c ujamin nexnoru, murupi sell, at auuiuu . ai mv -- .vie, - , at l Suuiic on TUKSD lY, lsr-s- , of Clothing. Farair.lBg Goods, etc. noi said.: ore. Sale lo lueeee ai aJo'iloca i cf of UtxHlt lo be nei.vereo imraeoiateiy, a: d if v POSl, IU io oe vu 'Hi'uin. nrr ui AK WO-L- IDt.f WioLIAM X. CIRCLE MbbH-i- May x, ma, thi, -- 1 let. -4- SBM at IBM the for the wtu tne com COan maw Oes reel. 8 I s

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Page 1: Fruit, It SCOTTISH RITE. $10,000,000,sifter mx months from date of order. JUST RECEIVED And for Sale. lOO casks Bacon, 550 barrels Pork, 50 tierces Hams, 400 barrels Flour, 200 boxes



i fi. .1




Awokroha. No. 168. Meets lat Monday reverj mouth,and Main. 1. B. Former. 2M Front street

W. M.; Juno Woartiiali. Secy.South VMrUU.So. lip. Meet 2d Friday o

each cr. r.iU-H- all, cor. Mauison and secondA. J. Wheeler, W. M.; Bow. K. Puilen, Sec.

LliLA Sc. rr. No. S3. Mec lt FTxtay of uaerruouln -- Hall, corner Madison and Second

MoiM Sie'.ig, v, . M., C C urns, secJ LafiL-ui, AO. SSt. Meat &1 Friday of eael

mm, in Od Hall. li. J. Lynn.W. M.; W. U. Butts. Bee.

Kiim; sun, So. 141. Meet b rrtda:-- t

eac montn at HAath Memphis Hall,corner -- f Madison and George

W. ML; B. K. a mien, 33d. . Secborax abch.

Pskk Chanter, No 4. Meota Id Monday of r

monUi s' Halt John Zent, M.Ja. P.; B. M. Levy. Sec'y.

r-- Connell, No. 8. Meets Id Monday oltu-- u month Odd-Fello- HalL John Zent,In. 111.; X. J. V.gtr n, Hoc.

Crxsxx norrjnaadory. Mo. 4. Meets 4th Mon-d- y

or each month. John Seel, Com.; N. J.Wiiyrin.T'oo.

A-- AND A.'. SCOTTISH RITE.304 eo-- - Slew

Hxrves Lodge el Perfection, 14th ; No. 1.

Slated Communication., Id Wednesday nightoi each mouth. Henry P. Woodard, 8Jd, G.-- .

Charte H. Carroll, 14th. See.-- .

aUTKRAS Lodge of Perfection. 14th.; No. XMeota.ih Wednesday of each month. GeorgeMUersh,x2d, G.-- . M. ; A. K. Frm.nkiand.2ldSec-- .

OAWrmACooncilo Prince of Tin mill lassi .

No. 1. Ben;. K. Pollen, 33d., Tamil.-.- ;

, Sac-- .

Ca'.vabyChaftkk of Rose Croix, lKh.. No. 1.

Charles W. Adams, tSd, M.: W. ; H. I. Tom- -

lInaGn,2d, Bee.-- .

Pnii.;pr-- Dc Connell of K h.Soth.No. 1. Henry P. Woodard, 83d., Comm.-- .

Wllilam Y. Cirode. :2d, Rec .Oonsi-itob- t or West Iisscit, Sid. John

AiDsiie. 33d., Comm.-- . in Chief; Dodge OL

Trader, Sid. Rec.


MARLAND L. PERKINS,Attorney stt Law


SOLICITOR IN BANKRUPTCY,Rooms 5 4 Knickerbocker Building,


-- Special attention given to Internaland Admiral y cases. ma.'i


Mr Prompt attention riven to the Collectionof Debt- - in Fayette and Hardeman counties.



AttorneysatLaw,MADAM VINCENT'S BUILDING. East Side

Court Square, Memphis, Term.febll Im


1 RIGHT, HcKISICE A ?aI6HT,Attorneys at Law,

the Kit Williams Block, No. S and 41,

up-siai-n. Madison street. dec7


Little Bock, Ark '"'If,Wt St., Memphis.


Solicitor Coancery,Little Rock, - - Arkansas,

W'li practice in the Federal and StateOonrta. iona promptly tended to.

mj . : 'f




Architect and Engineer.

ne. h. htj.nt.




tXiiec a.

ctfnlly informbat he la pre-itio- n

to neaxBV-BuUdlng-

withto his patrons'mteiest while

Lrnan Blocs:. Seoemd and Mad:-tiarge- a

reasonable.J. H. McCLURE,

Architect and Krielneer.

i. t. HAKSOK

Tito. H. Hunt Co.,



attention given to Ladles' DressesSTFa'IaL Oeutiumen's Clothes Cleanedand d :n a superior style.

N. 8. Not answerable fur Goods left in storesifter mx months from date of order.


lOO casks Bacon,550 barrels Pork,

50 tierces Hams,400 barrels Flour,200 boxes Candles,300 pkj;s. Molasses,

30 hhds. Sujrar.Also, all article!- generally kept in our line.U1LBKK4TH, STKWAKT A CO.,

Wholesale Orseers,apr im No. II I stasSt.. I. Blork.


Corner Monroe fc Second Bto.

have the Abstract Books and CompleteWE of the Megiater s Office, compliedby the lale HK.MtV A. uhNK; and, after morathan a years' trial of their accuracy, and acareful experience In the business, (not onemlitake having occurred in all that time,) weare enabled to furniah complete deraignmenlof title to all

fori Pickering, Memphis I Shelby

County Lands,

at the shortest notice and on the moat reason Mearnu. t. J. CAMPKKl.Uft i x.

nihX Hneoaaaora to Bond A Camohell

--iHOBuR M. THEW, A88IOEE OF THEIT President. Lirectore and I empany ol the

Bans of Augusta. In Kqaity. Va Archi-bald Bogg, and O. hers. Creditors of said Cor-poration-It

appearing to the Court, by arB lavit died inpursuance ol (he rule of Court that Thomaslira uc ii lames R. Bra u oh, of the Slate of Vir-ginia ' William Djngherty, John A.,William O. Pes era, Clluln J Brown, stiles, Lem..el P. U rant, Lewla J. Dupree.Thomas H C arke, Benjamin C. Vancey. Jamesh) Hamilton, Stevens Tnomas, Albin P. Dear-le- g

Young i.. O. Harris, Robert llioraas Ben-jaw-

y. liardeinan allllege Murphy, WilliamCllue Cliarle. O. rilllman, Andrew J. Cbeeay,John C Le. Willi. KHgore. John Carter, Wd-Jia-

H. Murphy. Jasper N Pitman, John W.Btewail. all of different counties in the Stateoi O. orgla, other than Richmond couoiy .

Thoma. J. Mackle, of South Carol na ; KobeilA. asb, of Mlaaoart ; Wlldara B Shsppard, ofAlabama , Jolin Katanga and 11 ugh McRae, ufTennessee ; J hu D. u'Leary. oi Knulucsy ;

and F Allen, of lwa or Wisconsin :

maideout of ttiecountvof Richmoud, in whichthe alsive case which has been filed In tneClerk'Termtherefoie ..rserve 1 upononoe a weettin the sitnti

ii t ms twin, iviuiuKuipsaid i oort, has or.gnnted : It is

that a of order behe defendants, or publishedr six week. In aom public gaaetteof Geoiaia. Alabama, ienueaaaa.

E.miii'ii . Vlraima. Missouri. Iowa or Wisconsin, or an acknowledgment of service be

from said defendants, and that the saiddefendants do appearand answer said mlat the .aid June Term, 1MH, of Court, or indefault thereof, that said bill be taken as con-jee ed agalaat said defendants, and that saidcauae do theu proceed without them.

tlKOK'HA. Kk hmonu CoditY,Ci et k 's Office, Superior Conrt :

I Letaveltc M Laws, Clerk of said Court, dobe'rehy rVrtify that tee foregoing la a true copyfct ii.. .nier of .aid Court In the case stated, asrecord. ebruary 19, ia, upon the Minutes of

Co .tt fol o( 25).Witness my official signature and

isaai l o' said Court this Bd day ofApril, lses.

mai mwMv


mjuiicired copy ibis





lianolutUnurm of bAKUKE at BRNSON has thisd -- Bidved by the withdrawal of J. P.Tiie hualnesa will tie continued by 14.

hither partus are aulbo id to settle.K. HAKKEK.J. P. BENSON,

trakland, Miss. , A pril DO, UH, maM iw

feH I .T'v I






lakes, Beeswax, Brans,

Butter, Cheese, Eggs,

Floir and Meal,

flax, Cotton,

Fan and Bkiat,

Dried and Green Fruit,Grain, Wool, Game,

Fonitry, Satal Stores,

Hops, Ginseng i Feather

Eemp, Provisions,

Oil, Lard, Tallow

Totueco, Seed, Eorgham,

Molasses, Itc-- , KU ,





442 Washington Street,


And receive his weekly PRICE CURRENT of

Produce and Groceries, the moat complete

Price Current published In the United States.


larking Plates and Cards Famished Free

Liberal Adrances Ms on Consipaents.


First Claaft Reference Given when Havq aired.

febfi ly



WHOLESALE AGENCY.4 amown firm,Agency,

1st b TPerober of we'has eatabUabedfa Who.ev

783 Broad tFay, New York City,

Opposite A. T. Btflsrbrt's Dry (Joods Palace, cor-ner Tenth street.

Where he will be pleosed to receive the orderof hlsfrlends and public, and especially to heaifrom those who hawe so liberally besiowt:their patronage on the) Urm hereto ore. He these superior l3trumcnt-- s to the

and ttet-til- , at the very Lowe-- tPrices, made with the Iron Rim andFrame (ca.i In one solid plate). They excel allothers in durability, superiority of tone, anJelt gance of external a epearance.

All these Pianos have overstrnng Scales, giv-ing in connection with the p&U-u- iron rim a- dframe. Full, Round. Ptrs-erfu- l and Sweet Mel-low Tones. The C a are e egaiit in appear-ance and easily and safely handled.

B3T W arranted to pAve saj m.actory, or themoney returned.

Address ah orders toSiberia Ott.

tea dawlOm 78S Broadway, New York.



499 Broadway, N. T.,instrnmectfl, after the meet flatteringTHESE irom the first Piantsu in lis

country, who, at our solicitation, have tested


it ntis always oceii our policy, uuriug icetirty-l- x yean that we have man a facte redPianos, ve StaasssssS of which are now in usein the Catted state and Europe, to give thefinest Instrument at the lowest cost. Our supe-rior facilities enable w to oiler them from oneto three buudred dollars less than any otherFirst Class House.

Tbe tone of these Instruments aro remaika- -

ble for their peculiar - weetness and Great Bdi--iliaucy, never ioslns; quality when farcedto their ut.nodt capacity, rue lower reumerretaining its positlvences, does not destroy tliemiddle and upper reglstart'. by mingling withthem in disagreeable confusion, lue reQuedboanty of tone being equally delightful to theunpracUoed and to the mast cultivated ear.

They are an entirely new style of Piano, fin-ished in the most superb manner, uatA ourround runt and Itack, heavily carvedlegs and Lyre Serpentine Base richly moulded,and each instrument Is fully warranted lor fiveyears. aepft tfatwiy

TERWILLICER At CO.,Manufacturers of the improved Triple Flange

Fire and Burglar ProoiSAFES,

With Combination and Powder-Pro- Locks.Warranted tree from Dampness.

Manufactory, 180 to UK West Houston St.,Depot. 100 Maiden Lane, near Veer! St.,SOidAWiOm NtW 1 ORE.


MARBLE WORKS.No. 59 Union Street,

H.tws.ii Swoon I and Thinci.

Deaial Sot lee. I bag leave to inform myfriends and acquaint tnoes In the vicinity oiMemphis and thiougbout the South generally,that the report which has beeu circulated foraometlme that I have retired from the practiceof my profession i Dentistry) is not mi, butcontinue to off. r my pieftaaional services (tothose who prefer me), at my new office.No. nil Main strew., over the well known Dragemporium oi j. n. n asson a no. tiespectruiiy.

iw j, a WAWnn.iantls


e, Overton Ho--tei, meuipuia, lenu, r. k. Haddeii auigive bis attention to

tai, reprceniing nsers by pr ran, . KO000T1TI.E. No 1

out a perfect abal ai11, win p





the purcnase or real esy the1nteresf of purcha-9T- ,

Ooon next,rccaie w'll he made witht f title. Those de-- Iriug 1 i

h a desctiptlon and priceUl blieii ' 1" luiacucmiiu i ) u iniw,can gel ull lnfonnaliou as to the propel ty onthe maiaet at our office,

mall) lro B. B. A V n. WADDFI.U

Trustees Sale.and by virtue or a Deed of Trust toUNDER by Charles Pfannenstiehl, on

the 3d day of March, and duly recorded atthe Kesjisier's ofOae of Shelby county, icui.c-aee- ,

In Record Book No bx, part second, pag. a

1U6 and 1W and 110 and 111, I will, on

Monday, the algnteeith (tS) of May,18e,

Between the hours of 10 am. and p.m., on thepremises, sell, at pubUc sale, to thehUhest hld-d-

lor cash the fellowlua deai-ribe- property :

A oerlaln par el of land situate, lying and be-

ing in the city of Memphis, tue couuty ofShe oy and the State of ieuueeeee, and de-- li

llkSM as follows, to-- w it : Beiu a part of Lotnumbered thiee hundred and seventy one (S71),as designated ui-o- tne original p.:.u of lot-- atthe town of Meiupfala, which part of said lot Is

thus bounded at the northeast cor-ner of a lot formerly known as Leorge Crom-well's ; thence east with Jefferson street fltty-eig-

i3) feet to its with Thirdstreet ; thence sooth with Third stn el one hun-dred and forty-eig- ht (l feet six () inches toanother alley ; thence with said ail-- y one hun-dred and forty-elg- h (14s) feet six ,8) inches toanother alley , thence north u said last al-

ley Uiurty-sl- x (Mi feet to the sooth boundaryline of tne Cromwell lot aforesaid ; thence eastwith said boundary line ninety (SSV feet and six(H) Inches to the southeast con of the afore-said Croat we 1 lot ; thence north with lh eastboundary line of said t romwell lot one bun-dled and twelve ILK) seat and six 0) incbe tothe said Deg.nuiug loge;ner wi:u an me aji- -

iruiHiKBiiiira Hirini'iui . , . . . -of Trust was executed to secure ' he payment ofcertain promissory uoles to tatwui v . Luinanfox the balance of the porche mouey. Ke-- i.

as aa Inn waived. Title perfect, bus sell onlyasTrastee. J. I'. J0H'o01L Trustee,

alomnhia. Anril la. 1MB. vi M '








A new enterprise, to be known as the NaUonal Telegraph Company, has been organ-

ised with valuable franchises con 'erred by a

recent act of Congress lor the purpose of estab-lishing Trunk Lines of Telegraphs on all theprincipal railroads and mall routes In theUnited States. The stock is to be Issued uponhe same principle as that of the Merchant'sJnlon Express Company, which recently com-nence- d

operations. Ti e design is to Interestthe entire business eoiimunlly In the enter-prise. This is done, no ; so much to dispose of

the stock as It is la sec-ir- the business of thecountry through which the lin

The Lanital la to be

$10,000,000,In 100,000 Shares, of the par value of

$100 PER SHARE,But the aotnajamount to be paid In cash i

35 Per Share,And this amaunt is to be paid as follows : Oneper cent, of the par at the time of subscribing,and no more, until the enure capital has beensubscribed, and then on calls to be made by theBoard of Directors ; instalments not to exceedare per cent, per month When thirty-fiv- e

pur cent, of the par value of the shares hasbeen paid, certificates of stock will be issuedThis win give the company a paid up

CAS1I CAPITAL OF $3,500,000,

Which will be sufficient to duplicate lines toall or nearly all the paying points reached bythe present monopoly.

The preset: tTelegraph Companies of theeoun-tr- y

have been consolidated into one hugemonopoly, and are now earning overSIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS per year, orover one hundred per cent, on the actual costof their lines, their present capital having beenwatered over ONE THOUSAND per cent.

THE NATIONAL TELEGRAPH COMPANYhave a recognition from tne Culled Stales(severnment of the Importance of their enter-prise, with a grant of the most valuable fran-chises ever conferred upon a telegraph com-

pany. No competing line has ever had theriaht now granted by Congress to this companyto construct and operate lines over everyit Al LRO AD and MAIL ROUTE in the Unitedstates. The position cf this company differsfrom that of any company ever before organ-

ised. The question of the RIUHI OF WAY ISFOREVER SETTLED.

The stockholders of this company cannot besold oat or 1 RA N8FERRED to any othercompany. The act of Congress under whichthis company has been organized, prohibitsany transfer of the franchises granted.


One percent, of the Stock will be required onsubscribing, and subsequent ca'ln, not to ex-

ceed five per cent, per month, will be made bytb Board of Directors, from time to time, asmay be necessary, to supply funds to constructan j equip the lines ; but no calli will be madeafler the one per cent is paid, untii the EN-

TIRE CAPITAL STOCK shall have been


The Company confidently believe that thirty-fiv- e

per cent, of the Capital Slock will construct and fully equip

95,000 MILES OF WIRE,Which will connect all the commercial centaort important places in the United States7"his opinion rests upon the most reliable esti-

mates and responsible offers to construct andequip the lines.

The National Telegraph Company is organized under the Laws of the Slate cl New Yorkand franch sea conferred by an act of Congress,approved July U, IM.

PHXSiriXT GEOROE B. SENTER,Of Cleveland. Ohio.


Of New York City.


Of New York City.

Sac Rxrr AST GEORGE B. WALTER,Of New York City.


3os. 64 and 00 Broadway, H. Y.

A limited Amount of the capital stock of thiscom pany is allotted to this locality, and thosehaving an opportunity, and subscribing, willbe placed upon equal terms with its corpora-tors, and will secure Like interests in all fran- -

or .byaccrue to the company from any and all

sot: I MB,

Stock may now be subscribed in this com-

pany at the office of


R. G. DUN A Southwest corner Main andMadison, over Commercial Bank, Room 5,Memphis. Tennessee.

S. B. WKHillT. General A KentmhS tf Kor Memphis and Vicinity.



Improved IIt la an elegant Dressing for the Hair,

it ceu-e- the Hair to url beautilnlly.

It keeps the Scalp Clean nnd Healthy.II In vlg rales the Roots ol the Hair.

It forces the Hair and Beard to grow luxu-


it immediately stops Hair Falling Out.

It the Hair from Changing Color from Age

It restores Gray Hair to Its Original Color.

It brings out Hah on heads that have been bald

for years.

It is composed entirety of simple and purely

vegetable substances.

It has received over stz thousand voluntary

testimonials or its excell nee, many of which

from physicians in high standing.

It Is sold in half-poun- d bottles (the name blown

In the glass), by Druggists and Dealers in Fancy

Goods everywhere, at One Dollar per Bottle.

Wholesale by Demas Barnes at ?. C Walls

& Co.; SchteffeUn A New York.mliM l.v

NOTICE.determined henceforward to do aJHAVE business exclusively, and have

ranted my store and taken an office up stairsIn same butldlni;. where I will be glad to seemy friend and patron Thanking thempast taron, I bag a conUnuance of the same.


mmnm appealBY TELEGKAPH.

TVoou Dispatches.Washington, June 1. Sehofield

toe oflice of .Secretary of War, andwill be sworn in ThePresident's friends claim that be ia in accordwith the Executive. HU military com-mission is not seated by the acceptanceof the Wsr office.

Adjt.-Oe- n. Thamas resumes his old po-

sition.Grant criticises severely the coarse of

C'base, who comments freely on the Rad-icals and their foolish or wicked acta,personally and politically.

It is rumored that Grant's letter of ac-

ceptance will be of a conservative char-acter.

A letter was received at the TreasuryDepartment, last iSaturday, containioKi o one thousand dollar 7-- notes. Itwas postmarked X ew York, May 29,"bat contained no evidence whatever thatcould lead to the discovery of the sender.The numbers of the incioHed notes werecarefully cut out, and the address, viz :

Department, Washington,"had been taken from a newspaper audpasted on the envelope. The interiorcontained the words cut from a formercewt-ppe- r paragraph, in a previouslyannounced conscience case, "this moneyrightfully beioogs to the United 8'ates."The notes will be plaeed to the credit ofthe Treasury Department.

'foe Herald' Washington dispatcbcontain the following : Eight huudredthousand acres of laud in SouthernKansas were deeded, many years ago,t- - the Cberokee Indians by the Govern-ment fur the Cberokees. The land be-

ing apparently unoccupied, was takenpossession of oy settlers andone thousand farmers being now settled,in the land under the homestead law.The Indians, in 1866, demandedvalue of their land, and by some ma-

neuvering, it is alleged, of Mr. Harlan,then .Secretary of the luterior, it wasbought by speculators; and thus thesettlers, who could have paid more thanthe speculators, are in a fair way to beousted or swindled. This peculiar ar-

rangement was originally fixed up ia asecret session of the Senate, the Househaving no knowledge of it whatever.

Ban Francisco, June 1. Two heavyshocks of an earthquake were felt atSacramento at nine o'clock on Saturdaynight. They were not felt at ail at SauFrancisco or along the coast, but weievery severe in Nevada, which seems tohave been the principal seat of disturb-ance. Heavy shocks were felt at FortChurchill and Virginia City, but dam-age was done at Virginia City. Largebuildings rocked, anu everybody rushedout of doors. The pumps in the Savagemine were stopped, and the minersthought a cave bad occurred.

Maj. Keading, who died yesterday,was prominently connected with Fre-mont's movements in the West.

The Germans of San Francisco havereceived acknowledgment of sixthousand dollars in gold, forwarded toBerlin for the relief of sufferers.

New York, June 1. Tne bark MarcoPolo, from Bremen, with 400 passengers,arrived yesterday. She had tweuty-fou- r

deaths of children by scarlatina on thepassage.

London, June 1. The steamer Narva,with the new cabie to connect Cuba andFlorida, under Sir Charles Bright, sailedthis evening.



The past week was memorable inMemphis financial and commercial circies, and now that the 1st of June hascome, we hope that there wii! be a bet-

ter feeling prevailing. Our merchantsduring the week just gone, baye beenfijoded with bankrupt notices. Debtsnewly made, as well as those runningback into the years before the war, havebeen wiped out, much to the relief ofdebtors. An old merchant, who for thepast twenty years hu dealt heavily withNorth Mississippi, and who made moneyout of the trade, now says that he is even

that what he made has been paid backin the shape of interest and bankrupt no-

tices. His is not the only case of thekind, but unfortunately many have p&iJback more than the profits their bui-nee- s,

aad stand to-da- in the decline oflife, much worse off pecuniarily thanwhen they first put their armor to ea-

ter the field of mercantile pursuits.Exchange is quiet and rates steady.

New York eight is offered occasionallyaud taken at par, selling at Jc premium.Checking on Nashville, St. Louis, Lou-

isville and Cincinnati at 3 premiumBuying, New Orleans, at ic discount,selling at par. Gold has not varied muchduring the week, though the premiumLas rather tended downward. It openedto-d- ay in New York at 139J, and closedat same. We quote lob to 139j buying,selling at 1 9i to 1402.

City Scrip was quiet to-da- Therewere no sellers at Irss than 73 to 78o,while brokers were offering 70 to 71c.We quote selling to tax payers at 75 toisOd, as to amount. ,

County Warrants are dull buying at60 to die, selling at 65 to 68c.

Police Scrip firm at 84 to Soc buying,selling at 88 to 90c.

The prospect of a good cotton crop thisyear is very good indeed. The manyrains last month which retarded theyoung plant to some extent, have doneno serictis damage, aud the late warmdry spell hasgiveu it an impetus forward

making it spring out of the ground aschlaes which have accrued, hereafter!..,.may ,,,wif magic. Of the result of the season s














work, we can yet form no accurate estimate; but those who are well informedupon the subject and whose estitastesof last year's crop were very nearly veri-

fied, set the aggregate of the coming oneat 2,000,000 bales, which is, we think, avery fair estimate. The market for theweek has been quiet, with no desirablelists offered, and only one or two buyersto be found, The week opened with theLiverpool market heavy ; Uplands, Hid;Orleans, lld. While in New YorkMiddlings were dull and entirely nomi-nal at 30J 2. The former market declinedon that day Jd, and on the followiugoneid Middlings in New York goiog downto29Jc. Tnere was a rally on Thursdayto Hid in Liverpool for Uplands, andMiddlings on that day jumped up to 30Jcin New York. All the markets weretirm on Friday, and an advance of icwas asked in New York, with no changein the Liverpool market. The same wasthe case on Saturday. There was nomarket in Liverpool to day it beingWhit-Monda- y or Pentecost Monday. To-morrow will also be observed as a holi-day. The New York market openedquiet and steaUy. Low Middlings, 29 to3uj; Miduliugs, 81c; Orleans, 3; GoodMiddlings, 323c. At noon and until theclose tbeie was no change. Sales, 500bales. Our market was quiet, with a fewsales in lots running from i to 10 bales,upon a basis of 28 to 29c for Middlings.

COTTON STATKBUOrr.CHAMaxjt or Cox ysKt-a- ,

IM Bateau, June 1, lass.

Stock on hand Sept. 1, 1SS7 LOWReceived y , 88Received previously 352,327 252,115

ttx ported to-d- ay

six ported previously..

Wiek's exports.lleceipis fol montaof MayFxp rts during the miaihSlock tu Liverpool Friday iHih uitOf which wai AmericanHtcck afloat same d teOfwMek was AmercauStock in New York Saturday .UOth...RecepU st all United (states ports

r wee ending, sjiwday last......


..J52,7 262,758


Wholesale Market.The general markets have not im-

proved in activity since oar last, andprices though very little if any lower,are sensibly weaker. Mm Pork is onlyin moderate demand, with fair stock.The demand for meats of all kinds, how-

ever, is lighter than ever known baforeat this season of the year. Corn, hayand oats are in moderate demand for lo-

cal purposes with some call for interiorpoints. Large shipments of corn weresent to places along the Arkansas to Lit-

tle Rock last year, bat this season thewants of that region are supplied frompoints above, where the corn crop washeavy. This season the news from thatriver is very favorable. Corn Is in tassel,with prospects of an abundant yield tosupply all the wants of that section, ifnot affording a surplus for shipment.From North Mississippi, Alabama, ourown S:ate, Kentucky, and, in fact, fromevery direction, the news is favorable ofthe coming crop, and without some in-

tervention of Providence our people whohave already been so severely dealt withby the band of the Almighty, may lookjjforward to a year of comparative plenty. llraking the average oi the entire country,we are warraated by reliable accountsfrom private sources, and after a carefulcollation of the reports of the local papers,in concluding that the prospect of a hand-some return to the farmer and planternever looked better at this season of theyear.

The Dry Goods market for the weekhas been quiet, with only a light job-

bing trade doing at last week's prices.The Commercial Bulletin of the 27thult. says of the New York market:

Brown Sheetings and Shirtings are in-

active, notwithstanding the concessionmade in rates. The light weights arerelatively the most in demand, tut aresomewhat scarce in the market. Finegrades are slower of sale than standards,lor which latter there is but a languiddemand ; Bleached do. and are notvery plentiful, which fact may perhapsbe accounted lor by manufacturers hav-

ing tamed their attention more to PrintCloths, which have commanded a readiersale. 4-- light grades show a steady in-

quiry; medium makes are dull, and furtne better brands the demand is quitelimited. Prints are quiet under a smallsteady inquiry for stock requirements.

In Boots and Shoes there is no changeto report. Outside a small inquiry tofill up "sizae" there is no demand.Prices show no signs of weakness, owingto the state of the Eastern market, andstocks are very good for the season.BUTTKK per pound,

Tubs, goodCommon

BRf KIMS, per dozen...........BEESWAX, per pound- -. .., per barrel.KcHcadnle .

LoossvUleCANDLLS, per pound.

StarCOFKEE, per pound,


COB.NMK.iL,Ktlndned snd Fresh

CHEESE, per pound.Weetern Reserve.Fngiish Dairy...- -factory

EOGS. perdoznFEED.

Bran, per tonHay. per ton

orn, per bushe'EarOat

FLOUR, per barrel,FineSupet fineH; nil's Fvtra...Double Litra. ..Thrible ExtraFancy Brands

FISH.Mackerel, No. 1, per bo4 ....

Ko. liar. bbt.." No X in. bni

So. 1. per kit..Ho. 2, "


Quarter ktgshalf kegsKeg...- -

HlDFt. per pound.Dry Flint..Dry Salt.Green Salti. rei nDser ?kinsHit Plastering -

HA RL WARES,Nails, pi r keg. ratesCastin Hol:ow Ware lb.

Bat Iron -Horseshoe Iron..- -Nail Rod

LEATtLKK,OikS ileHemlock Solo, No. 1

RipLARD p--r pound,

1 nI u tierce -


MOL 1 ajsj ifja per gallon.oiii;ar-tious- e

Porto Rico

OILS, per gallon,CoaLLard .

LinseedTrain .'Turne itlae ..

POULllfY. per dozen,(Spring f hlckensChickens, old.

PKOVidlONS,Pork, mess, per barrelPrime M-s- s

Prime Pork

Jowls -Bacon. lear slde.j, per ft..Clear tilhS des .

Bib RimesMnou de s ....Breakfast baconHaius. plain -Sugar cured canvassed

GUNNIES,New - .. .

OldRICE, per pound.

In barrels,R'lSIN. per barrelSLitiAR, per pound.

Crushed and powderedi luineuCoffee A


Extra C...B.own

SALT,Per barrelSack -

SODA, p.r pjund....SOAP, per ponn i,


sil'vrTAl.LOW.per poundTAli, p r iii zen BegsTOBACCO, per pound.

Extra Briaht MediumMedium BrightHaif pouni: Bright....Common Halvest ommon Pounds...- -.Sni"kiog,Medium


PotatosVNew,Onions, p f

VINEUA R, cider,WHISK V, gallon

Common -


nue and


Old. per boiper bbi

bbiper bbi


Imitatiou ikiuroon.


to- -

- :- 201 50

2 70

-- :-







75 5


-- 20 I30 00

009)95- 85

8 009 10


21 00S fiO

8 002

2 2548 '10

22-- in8- 25- 5





--a- 35- 85

I 5i50

1 50

.... - 85... 85

.. 43. l m

... 1 35

.... 1 00

3 00a cu

29 5027 H28 50

. 20 Ou


17a- j-

84-- io




Cattle Hog Market.LIVE STOCK.

Beef gross.lerior

Sheep, head....Hogsgross.

a -sj


1414 17la 18











1 -

1 .VI




00CK toift




m,a lu


m-- so





0 45000

0f.O328 110

mm oo928 110


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15, .. !

- 11 -1- 3too i 8 1

... . 0--irv-.- M"18 18'.

-- - a-- 17


1S- H-

'i- -



1-- mt

Tishomingo County, im.

Mil's DELIGHTFUL AND PLEASANTwaleriug place opeu visitor


On the First Way JnucSituated Memphis CharlestonRailroad, accessible points, underpresent management, otters superior induce-ments parties seeking iwereallon during

somraer months.While healthful locality waterthese Springs alone offer sufficient induce-

ment visitors, proprietors spareefforts make most desirable placeenjoyment found Sousb.

Band Manic engagedseason. STEFFKY,

ARCHroal5 Proprletora.


stree', New Orleans. Seltxer Waterbottles country

dosen, barrel threedozen. Also, Tarred Seliser Waterbottle Vichy Water bottle. Orders

Factory, aldreased throughpostofflce Glass Box, iala. New OsssBsaVpremptly attanasa


J75 M 3 00 r-s--

00 I- 9-- 1- S- -

at a so bm.. - io - ii, m. 0.. cm

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GALIn the District Court of the United States, for

the Dis-.rl- of is e-- Tennessee In the mat-ter of Jonn B Weld, Hausrupi. in Bant,ruptcy District of West Tuniiisais as.

To whom it may conaarn :

The unders gnrd hereby gives nottoe ofh la appointment as assignee of J.tleiuptiis, la me c- uatyTennessee, whninsaid Djudged a Bankrupt -- p..tue Uisjlet (Jour, of aski

Memphis, TennesseeAD., 1SSB. WILI

ms27 t 10


by the

B. Wei.tby

ho has been ad-jw- n


Bin day of May.r.

In the District Court of the United states, forthe District of West Tennessee. - In the mat-ter of Benjamin bankrupt, inBankruptcy, District or Wesl T inn is

To whom it may concern :uuderalgned hereby gives not'ee of their

appointment as assignee of Benjamin Boxhora.o empnis, in uie county ol M.t-io- and State

icuue-tee- , w.ii.m bu.-- i liiirlct, wno nabeen adjudged at.on. Dlslr,

Memphis, Termlies.

my27 1 10

lllstricu.the day May.Wli.LlAM Y.C1RODK.OSCAR VVOOLDRlDE,


Commission Merchants,


Mr Liberal Cash advancesmenu Cotton Produce.

and Stat ol






wnn.mri saiu

JtltU of


of andon all Consliia-feb2- 5


In the District Court of the Doited forthe District of West Tennessee, in the mat-ter of l. W. Carson, Bankrupt. In bank-ruptcy, District of West Tennessee --as.

To whom it may concern :

THE undersigned hereby give notice of hisappointment as assignee of G. W.In the county or Lauderdale and Stale of Ten-nessee, wiuun said district, who ha beenadjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition,by tne District i.ourt or said diatrict.

Mem pins, Tennessee, Use iDth day of May,A.D., iabH. Wli.l, I AM. V. CiKODE,

ma7 a 10 Assignee, etcin the District t ourt of the United states, for

the DLstri'-- t of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of B. Raukinpt. InBankruptcy, District of Wesl TsnisiSBlii s

To whom It may concern :

The undersigned laereby idves notice of hiappointment as assignee of Thoma i B.

or Memphis, in the county of Shelbyand state of Tennessee, within said District,who has been adjudged a Bankrupt ULoa hisown petition, by me district Court of said Dis-trict.

Memphis, Tenn.. the 18th day of May, A.D.,US8. WILLIAM Y. ClRODk.

ma!7 24 31 Assignee, etc.In the District Court of the United States, for

the District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of John Hancock, Bankrupt-- In bank-ruptcy. District oi West lenncssee as.

To whom it may concern i

The undersigned hereby gives notlee of hisappointment as of John Hancock, ofRipley, in the county of Landeidale and

of Tennessee, within said whohas been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his ownpetition, by tha District Court of said District.

Memphis, Tennessee, the :Md day of May.AD., iftts. WtLLIAM V. CiRJOE.

aM .11 7 Assign es. Etc.

in the District Court of the United States, forthe District f West Tenne see. In the mat-ter of Charles Cat, Bankrupt. In bank-ruptcy, District of West Tennnaw Bs

To whom it may concern :

THE undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment as assignee of Charles Catea,In the county of Lauderdale and Stale oTennessee, within Bsid who basbeen ad. udgeil a Bankrupt upon his own pe-tition, by the Kismet Court of said district.

Meinpuia, Tenneaa-- e, the i6th day of May,AD., 1888. WILLIAM Y. Cl BODE,

ma27 3 10 Assignee. K--c

In the District Court of the United States, forthe District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of H K. Farmer, Bankrupt. In bank-ruptcy, District, of West Tennessee as.

To whom it may concern :

The undersigned hereby gives notice of Msappointment as assignee of H. K. Farmer,of tue county of Haywood and State olTennessee, w thinbeen adjudg d a bpetition, by the Distri

Memprus, Tennt isuAD., 1868. W

ma3.i 8 13



mslrn wno has1 upon his own

of said District.3.U SBW of May,Y.




i In the District Court of thethe District of West leunesaee. in tne matter of G, G. Eiiis,, Bankrupt. In Bank-ruptcy, District or W tat ss.

To whom It may ooncern :

The undersigned hereby give notice of his j

appointment a. oi O G. cilia, oitha enmity of McNauy and stale of Ten- -nessee, wi.h.n said in. trie: who has beenii ci -- ii a Bankrupt upon his own the Diatrict Com t of said Diatrfc-t- .

Memphis, Tenn., tue 4tn day of April, A-- '

1888. J. T. tiUOOLESiloN,uiaSO 8 13 Assignee.

In the District Court of the United Stales, forthe District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of Nicholas B. Pniops, Bankrupt InBankrup cy. District of West Tennessee as.

To whom i t may concern :

The undersigned hereby gives notice of bisaupolntmenl as assignee of Niche la B Pblpps,of Memphis, in the county of Sheiby and estateof Teuuessee. within sal. I District, who has beenadjU'iged a buuarup. upon his own petition,by the District Court of said District'Memphis, Tenn., the xstb day of May, A. D

18B8. WI LL1AM Y. CI RODE,ma-3- 8 13 Assignee, etc

In the District Court of tne United States, forthe District of West Tennessee, in the .lat-ter of Solomon Ro-e- Bankrupt. In bank-ruptcy, District of West Tciinesset sg.

To whom it may concern :

THE undersigned hereby gives notice of bisappointment as e of Sclomon Kose, ofMemphis, in the couuty of Shelby, and Stateof Tennessee, within said district, who uabeen adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti-tion, by the District t ourt of said d is! riet.

Mernpbis, Tennessee, the 29th --lay or May,AD., 1S88. W I LLLVM Y. CIRODE,

ma30 a 13 AssUmee. Etc.

In the District Court of the United States, forthe District of Wesl Tennessee. In the mat-ter of Edward Rtemin, Bunarupt. In bank-ruptcy, District of West Tennessee ss.

To whom it may concern :

Ihe undersign od hereby rivo notice of hisannuinlineul as assignee of Edward Elernaoof Memphis. In the couuty of Sn-ia- y,

who bas been aoiuiiged a naukrupt upon hisown petition, by the District Court of said dis-trict.

Memphis, Tennessee, the nath day of May,A.D.. WiLLLUi Y. CIRODE,

mal-R- 13 r.ia--.







DRPQ T.ABOLS,very variety Mercantiie Printing.

QtlK PDIW-Tivf-- .

M 1837. gj





Memphis aad Mississippi Valleyd eodawsm



Maj.F.lLDeTassa, M. Kawllsgs,


V H A V K two











tiful and weli improvedI e'unt n inns in Lee cointj'. Ga . withinturee miles ot the city of Albany, bounded byone of the beat raiin-ad- s in State, and a tineLet and commodious Dwelling In th city,which I will gladly cell or exchange lor other

o ins,A, WRIGHT.

LEGALIn the District Conrt of tne United States, tot

the District of West Tennessee. In to saajttar of John C. Dougherty, Banxrupt. Inbans ruptcy, Duauiet ai Waal fsnnuss aa

To whom it may ooaoern :

THE undersigned hereby gives notice of hiapp ilntment sa a signs of Joan C. iruherty,m Memphis, in i he f my of Suelby anu

j. lenneaaee, witnm aaia, wnoass been ediartaed a bankrupt anon bfejpetition, by the District Court of said district.

Memphis, Tennessee the 78th day of Mar.A.D UM. WILLIAM Y. C IfcoDK,

ma28 5 12 Assignee. Rtc.


la the Lustnct Court of the United States, forthe Distriet of West Tennessee, in the mat-ter of Thoma Sherod, Bankrupt. In oank-rnptc- y

District of West TaiisssiiiiTo whom it may concern :

The undersigned hereby lives notice of hissppoi tment sa -- asignee of Thomas sherod, ofBed Depot. In tne county ol Haywood andSlate of tenn esse, within said District, whobaa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his ownpotmnn, by (he District Court of said District.

Memphis, Tennessee, the IM iar of liar,A D., 1888. WILLI iM r t IRODE,

nud 31 7 AnBignee. Etc.In the District of the United States, for

tae District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of s. H. Bibo, bankrupt. In Bank-ruptcy, District of West Tennessee aa.

To whom it may concern :

The hereby gives notice of ofc. u Bibb, of DoubleHi .dges, in the conntyof Lauderdale, and Slateof Tennessee, within said District, who hasbeen adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti-tion, by the District Court of said District. i Tenn.. the 23d day ot May. A. P.,18S8. WILLIAM Y. CIRuDrt,

ma2l 31 7 Assignee, ete.In ihe District Court of the United States, for

the District of Wesl Tennessee- - In the mat-ter of N evils A Heme, bankrupts, in BMaatcruptcy. District of West Tennessee --en,

To whom it may eoncern :

The undersigned hereby gives notice of hiappointment aa assignee of N evils A Rose, ofMemphis, In the county of Sheiby . and Stateot Tennessee, within said District, who havebeen adjudged bankrupts upon their r.wn peti-tion, by ' he District Conrt of -- aid District.

Memphis, Tenn , the 23d day of May, A. D ,1888. WILLIAM Y. CTROD --:,

mcM 31 7 Assignee, etcIn she District Court of the United States, for

the Visl let of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of Nathaniel S. Moore. Bankrupt-- Inbankruptcy, District of West Tennessee ss.

To whom U may concern :

The undersigned hereby gives notlee of hisanpclnlment as ascigneenf Natnaniel Moore,of the county of Lauderdale and State ofTence-e- within said District, wno baabeen adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own peti-tion, by the District Conrt of sud District.

Memphis, Tennessee, the 23d day of May,A.D , 1888. WILLIAM Y. CIRODE,

m- -: 31 7

In the District Court of the United St slaa, Partne District of Tennessee, in the mat-ter of Robert H. Goiigntly. Bankrapi. InBankruptcy, District of West Tennessee as.

To whom It may eoncern :

The undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment as assignee af Robert H. Gottgbt-li.- at

Memphis, in the c unty of ahelby andState of Ten oeasee, within said I'lstrict, whonaa been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his ownpeutlou, by the District Court of said District

Memt'ilia, Tenn. tne lath day of May A--

lasS. WILLIAM Y. CIRODE,mai 21 SO Assignee, etc.

In the District Court of the United States, torthe District of Wa--l Tennea-e- e. in the matter of B. J. Eddins, Bankrupt, la Ueiiruptcy, Dtstrtei oi west

To whom it may concernfhe undersign ed hereby gives nolle of his

appointment as assUmee of B. J. Eddins. ortiempius. In the county of she, by and State oftennessee, w.Lhln said District, wh ha beenadjndje-- i a Bankrupt upon his own petition.,oy the District Court of said Dlat. 1st.

Mcmpuls, Tenn., the lath day cf Msy, A--

IM8. WILLIAM Y. Cl Rt ;DK.mai8 23 39 Asslsrnee.ete.

the nistrict Conn of the United States lorDistrict of Wesl Tennessee In the niat-o- f

S. R Soecc- - r. bankruDt. In baaa- -ruptcy. District o: West

To whom it may concern :

The ucdemlgned hereby given notice of hisappointment as assignee of S. B. Spencer,of Pnrdy, in the county cf Mc Vairy andState of Tennessee, within said district, whohas been adjudged a bankrupt upon his ownpetition, by the District Conrt of said Dls rtct.

Memphis, Tenn., the 2Lt day of Aprti,H. B. WADF,

u:al6 2? M AgUgooe.

In the District Ourt of the 0 cited stales, forthe Diatrict of West Tennessee, in the mat-ter of Orson A. Crosby, Bankrupt- - in bank-ruptcy, District of West Tennessee --s.

lo whom it may concern :

The undersigned hereby gives notice ofhis appo ntment ss assignee of Orson A.Crosby, of Mem phi-- , in the county of sheibyand State of Tennessee, within said district,who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hisnwn petiLou. by In District Court of saindistrict.

Tennessee, the lath day ot May,A--D., 188.

WILLIAM T. CIRODE Assignee, Etc.male 33 30

In the District court of tne u ntusl states, forthe District of West Tense see. In the cut-ter of F. J. Spencer. Bankrupt. In bank-ruptcy, District af West Tennessee as.

To whom It may concern :

THE undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappolntm ni as assignee of F- J. spencer, olthe county of McNairy aud Stat of Ten-nessee, within said diatrict, who has been ad-judged a Bankrupt upon his own petiuon, bythe District Cocrl of said district,

Memphis, Tennessee, the 31st day of April,A.D-18- H. B. WADE,

mala id W Asajs-as- a.

In the District Court of tne United states, fortlie Ustricl of West Tennessee. Ia the maileref W. H. Under, Bankrupt. In Bank-ruptcy, District of West Tennesseeas,

To whom it may eoncern :

II!'. undeiaiened nereby gives notice of hisappointment as assignee of W. H. Grider. ofMemphis, in the csun'y of Shelby, and Stateot Tennessee, within said Id trict, who basbeen adjudged a upon his ova pe--

and state of Tennessee, withm said aistncl. f Ution. by the District Conit of said Dbnsriex.






Mem .'his, Tennessee, the a h day ef May,A. D. 1888. cTA. LEFFi Nti WkLL,

mal9 28 2 S firnee. ate.The Hand Gin and Condenser'. H

r'The Power Gin and Condenser.

The Hand Gin without Condenser.

The Power Gin without Condenser,

The Cotton Cnlti vator, or Scraper and Chopper,-s Patent iron-ecre- w Press, for Hay


Patent Portable Hay ana

Star Railway Horse Power,

Star Lever or Sweep Horse Power,

Star Thresher and l.leaner Combined,

Hone Powers aad Threshing Mach'nSheep Power,

Portable Wood Sawing Machines-Vegeta- ble

Cutters.prices famished Machines shipped

by pHastjon toam aastral tf

WH A.T05 irUBSjEaY- -

Two Miles South Memphis,

Ia the Dtstrtei Conrt of thei of Tenness

i United -

Lafayette Veal, Bankrupt.

-- Dog i

sr and

of on

iiau-n-- i Westi.aie5, lor the

BBBBBBf1 SBla bankruptcy,

of West TennesseeTo whom it may concern ;

The undersigned hereby give notice hisappointment aa assignee ot Lai aye tie Veal, ofMemphis, in the eonnty of Shelby and State ofTennessee, withm said District, who has been

udgod a Bankrupt on hla own petition, bythe District Court of said District.

Tennessee, tb 37th day of May,A.D,TIa WILLIAM Y. CIRODK,

snab 4 11 Assignee. Ete.theDlstrtot Court of in United States, iot

the District of W- -t Tennessee in the matterof Martin Cohen, Bankrupt In oankruplcy,District ot Wast Tennessee sa

To whom It may eooearn :

Th undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment aa assignee of Martin Cohen, ofMemphis, in the county of Shelby, and State ofTennessee, within said District, who has been,1'udged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by

lb District Court ol said District.Memphis, Tenn., me . am uay or. May, AM.. 10 28

w iiaaaa x.

Ia th





In the District Court of the United states, forth District of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of William C. MoConicn, Sankrnpt. Inbankruptcy, District of West Tennessee sa.

To whom it may concern :

The undersigned hereby gives notice of hlaappoiirtment asa-signe-e of William C. McCou-lc- o.

of Dari-a- villa, la the county of Laodardale and Stale of Tennessee, within said Dis-trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt uponbis own petition, by the District Court of saidDistrict.

Mam. his, Tennessee, th 17th day or May,A.D.. 180. WHiliIaM Y. CIRODE

LEGALCourt of the Cnltd states, tor

tbrjiiSct of We Tannic -- In Use mrBankrapiey. District of Wwt IsaiasBasa m

TownoBBltsaayeonoein:That isilHBSH ' hereby gfv notiaw JjM.

aaiotounsmt-saa-Urnsec- M

oTMemptJfl, la the county oi i e i ny ajad StSTj

at TVnneaaee. wlicirt snA tdstnet, who hasseen ujvin Botitoartof W--rte.

Memphis. tJ? ZlSEk.- -

lw . i i . -- Leaf e -

in the District Court of the L a. led states, orthe Dmnrtof West 3JIfc-I- n the mat-.- ..

. ,.r f B. ecoda-r- , baaarfjpt. In Bankruptcy. Piatriciof weal Ii

To whom U saaW

Ti.e' BBS,

within VBBH wasa hanarenot 1DOB

petition, by tne District Coart of ij Wn- -w s.A llasSk swBBVW if I

I'iVlL-LiA- i. IK DE,

Data Diatrict Court of the United Ssasaa.lbrthe Diali of West Tennessee. In the mat-ter of John T. Shirley, Bankrupt, ia bank-ruptcy. District of W --a Tennessee as

To whom it may concern ;

The undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment, as saaSs-e- of Jo in T. -- hiriaryol Memphis, In the eoun.y ot he, by - if T ssair within ml ' '

adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own peti-tion, by the District CoOi I of said Diatrict.

Tennessee, tha Sss day of May,.v Delias WlLLLaM 1. IR'iDE

0 8 ASSLtnee.

in the District Conrt of the Uuileo State, forthe DLstrlct of West Tenness. e iu the aatirof Wiiiiam M. Street Bankrupt, la Daiil-inptc- y.

District ot est IannisTo whom it may eoncern :

The uaderslsed hereby gives notice of hiappointment as asignee oi w liiass H.sirerS, of

ia tne County of siieiby, and lateof Tennessee, within aaad who naabeastadjudged a nankrupl upon ns own pet lion, trytne District Court o. said

Jlempnis, Te-ns- ee, ILe 31st day of Ma,A. D. 18ns, WLLLTaM X. CiiiUUlt.

mal23 JO S etcin he District tVnTrt of the Cn ted

the District of West leaaes-w-i- n in mat-ter of Van boodle, bankrupt. In Bank-ruptcy, District of West Tell iibbb .

The nndersls-as- a her-rtr-y give notice of his ap-pointment as of Van Boooie, ofHorn Lake, la tne county of Shelby, and c Lateof Tennessee, within raid Diatrict, who baabeen adjudged a banxrupt upon hiaawupeu-ti- n.

by the Dis.r it Court ot sail DiaoSc.Memphis, Tenn., Ihe iSd day of May. A I

Ises. WILLIAM Y. CRUDE,mai3 30 8

In the District Court o." the United States, forthe District of Wesl Ten news- -. In the mat-ter f James M. Davidson. Barkn.pL in'jankrnpicy, DisLriet of west Tennessee-a- s.

To whom It may :

Tha undersigned he-eo- y gives notice of hasapp .inlinent aa aes.aiieeoi j.uaes M. Dav.iaon.oi McNairy Stauon. in iha oi McNairyand ota.-- Of lenneaaee, witmu sa-- u i,

who ha been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hisown petition, by tne instinct Court of said Dia-

lsMemphis. Tenn.. the 22d d-- r of May, AO) ,

1868. WILLIAM Y. ClRODk,mail 30 ate.

In the Dn. trial Court of ththe District of Wet i--

tar of Joseph M. Penningbankruptcy, District of W


To wham it may concern :

The undersigned hereby gives notic a( tjiaappomtmenta. ot Josef h --.. Feaaiag-tou- ,

in tne couuty Lauderdale and Suue oflenaesste, w.uun a. i uiatric, whoadjudged a Bankrupt upon his owtby the District Conrt of sbid DistrtcL

ma23 30 8

isjd day oi May, A.D..Y. CI80DK,

Etc.In the Dtitrict Cea 1 of the United States, for

iiiMnui oi s

ter of Jonn W. Siiiep, Baocrupt. Inraptcy, uistrict ot west Te

To whom it may eoncern :

The under signed by give notice of hL- -

appoin.iuentne county an,within said De-tr- i

upontrict Court said


mA21 28 1

In the Districtthe District oter of Samueirupicy, oi :. .








as assi.n.bof



: i. ie

W. ufan

y the


irt of the UnitedKt Tennessee. In tne

Ulc-ss- . BankiupL Iu.

To whom may eoncern :

Tne undersigned hereb . gives notice of hisappo n ment as afsignee or samo. iot thecouuty ofShelby and State of

A.D,mall 4


u --m:u DISBI

In the District Court of ththe Dtstrr t of Wast Tenr.iter of ge W. Payne, Baruptcy. Dtstrtei of west i

a nDiatiict



Dfev- -

day of Mar, A.D.t

As lgnee.




who hasa day of May,. CiRoDE,Asaianesatc.

ted -t .:es. orme i

PL InJTo whom it may :

The undersigned hereby gives notice of hisappointment aa or te rge W. Payne,of Memphis, in the oouni of andState of Ten: seate, wilt in sa.;d D strict, whohas been adjudi-e- a Basal p ipiaahl inrnpetiuon, oy me utsir.ei i onrt o ukiuMemsius. Tenn . the Wh day of May.1888. WiLLiAM Y. CUbbBBs.

malS 26 2 Asaocnea.

IB the Court off United forthe of West Teantwe. in tne tearter of ie W. ia,i. Bauitrupt. in Bankruptcy, District of West Tanmi ci ss.

To whom it may coneern :

THE undersigned gives no tea of Liss ppoiauni-n- i aa assignee if1 sse W . Pa-- e, 9r ofMemphis, ia the of Sbeiby a:..'-tate'-

Tenne-aee- within s id Instric:. vhA ku ...adjudged Bank-rap- t up hniby the Court ofal't Dial

Memphis, Tenn., tb l&lhD.. ISO. WILLIAM

8 3

UnitediheSBas- -


ahlpp.otea judged a






District Btatec,Dtstnct



Trustee's Sale.PURSUANT to a deed of ! execn'ed to

Tiu-ie- e. by John H. Wg-gene- r,

on ihe Sua day of Oetooar, --SSa,an newi record in Crittenden - t

the purpose of raising money' with whirk lopay off two cert in promissory notes of tnaiuate, and.' the lotevem thereoo, they belas forIke a of 88.418 j,es:cn due on the J5ui dayof October, 187, wi n tnterr si from date at tea(10) per cent, per annum ; and further, m rii--money with wh"h to pay oS tholntei eat uponabout 854,187 at ten per cent, per ana- ru fromsa d 25th day of October. LSiai; said 854,1)T b togthe amount ef various other notes not due bucwhich bear interest from data, payable an-nually, rnantni an agsfeei-- sum of .huntf!,K-- 0 of niir.-ipa- l and doe: now.therefore, I will, ss such Trustee, onSaturday, the UOth Baj of Jaae, liSS,At Mound City, In said county ofatthelroLt o. r of t ie hotel, proceed jaawic an Hon. so much sf the fculoalng1 scrtwd pro pert . as will be nce-aa- r toaythe said notes and Interest due. lt: :heMound City Tract, appo ed to contain aboutiisO aires, a born four mile and a half aboveMnaphls. and kcrwn asihe aoalhwe--t qaof section 27, the aoiitheato-are- r frac ionaisection 28, ana Nos 1 ai d 3 of t e spi i -- ngrant 'section 34), and the tract conv,yed byHopper to Cheek and alt ihe lan-- belong ng tosaid Mooed City Tract ; also tb st amboalreoata and th ferry pnviiege, which pa senwith the land, the boundaries of which will begiven on tne day of sale.

O, P. LYLS-- .



Creditors and Nou-Reside- nt Chancery Coart of Memphis, Tennessee.

No. 2435, N. R. D. W. N. WUket-arv- et aL, va.The Franklin Insurance aad Banking Com-pany. St Btj

In this causa it armea-ins- ? lull ilnBa, ilan n T

seph F. Imoa, John F. er and Louis Fosafirm of Imrrs. Mever A Kasx"" . are non-rea- l-

danlaof the State of Tennessee. It is tbereicreordered by the Court, that they make their ap-pearance herein, on or before the first MondayLn May. IXSS, snd plead, answer or demur tocorr plain. ni l bill, or the tame will be takenfor confessed as to them, and canse set fornearlnz ex parte. It Is fur her ord-re- d that altpersons claiming to be creditors, or having any

ll character of demands. atnst ihe "Franklininsurance ami pensing lompany orMemphisshall Immediately come into th s Court sadhave themselvas m!e parties to this ult andfile their claims with the Clerk and Masterwith proper evidence of the same, that my'may severally reeover their raiaoie shares oftbeaaseuof said om pany. to be distributed Inthis cause ; and that a py of this order bepubllsh-di- n use Memphis Daily Appeal forthree Tl months from this date.

March 10. 1888.A copy attest : A ALSTON, C. and M

R. J. BLACK. D. C. and M.Estes. Jackson A McDavitt, and E Burke Pleaett, Scaleitora. ranll "aa

Non-Reside- nt Notice.In th Cli cult Coart of Sheloy County.J. a Harvey vs. C. Morrison.TT appearing from affidavit in 'nl. ,1 the defendan-- , C. 8. Mom on hor renc

SiT hiVVttK SL3Z-- lJ Stat Memnhl. t.'- --. e, ,u me c:iy'.t. ,J " ajwasa menrsttCrCom-tkiii- V on Vw "lQ.1888, and plead, answer or Vm" toplainanf Bill, or the same wii7 betor isnfsessil as to him and sag forlag ex parte, and that aIn the MSfnhVl

codv ofiyi liiiir.

A espy Attest :

.. -- - D. L. STEWART, Clerk.Hame Stockton a Haynee. SeJJsjtrsai iarCompialnant. 0j iaww

BANKRUPT SALE.In Diatrict of the United States,

the Disci let of West Ten ne-- see. In lb matterof Benjamin Boxhorn, Bankrupt, In bank,ruptcy.HPH E undersigned, assignees of estate ofA c ujamin nexnoru, murupi sell, at

auuiuu . ai mv -- .vie, - , at lSuuiic on TUKSD lY, lsr-s-,

of Clothing. Farair.lBg Goods, etc. noisaid.: ore. Sale lo lueeee ai aJo'iloca i



UtxHlt lo be nei.vereo imraeoiateiy, a: d if vPOSl, IU io oe vu 'Hi'uin. nrr ui


MbbH-i- May x, ma,



let.-4- SBM

at IBM

the for



COan mawOes



