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Rails 3: With a Vengeance Friday, May 7, 2010

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Rails 3: With a Vengeance

Friday, May 7, 2010

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Friday, May 7, 2010

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Rails 3: With a Vengeance

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New talk title:

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Rails 3: Tasty Burgers

DHH introduced Rails 3 at last RailsConf. He likes whoppers. I actually hate burger king entirely. I’m not sure how anybody can eat there. But that’s OK, because I can make my own rails burger the way I like

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A lot like Rails 2.3We tried really hard to not break any 2.x APIs unless it was really deemed necessary or a big win.

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But not really...

Only surface level stuff is the same. A lot under the hood has changed and there are a lot more features. I obviously can’t cover everything in depth in an hour, so I’m going to gloss over a lot and you can all look into details later.

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Quick Refresher

What hasn’t changed

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The router / controller / ActiveRecord model is still optimized for organizing your application in terms of Resources

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Some changes (Arel, query api - Not going to really cover this)General ideas are the sameassociationsActiveRecord pattern

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So, what did change?

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File structure

There were some tweaks to the default File structure, mostly in the config directory.

This is what you get when you generate a new Rails 3 app

One big thing about Rails 3 is that the app file structure is not sacred, it’s just a convention, not obligation

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# This file is used by Rack-based servers# to start the application.

require ::File.expand_path( '../config/environment', __FILE__)run AwesomeBlog::Application

Rails 3 is pure Rack. When you start an app, it evaluates, which is a rack convention. If this file is there, all rack compatible rack servers know what to do.Could put middleware or whatever here (could even put a full Rails app in this one file).

Who doesn’t know what Rack is?

Could put middleware or whatever here (could even put a full Rails app in this one file).

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# This file is used by Rack-based servers# to start the application.

require ::File.expand_path( '../config/environment', __FILE__)run AwesomeBlog::Application

That’s specifically the line that rack is looking for.

The constant is a Rack app that encapsulates everything related to the entire rails application that we’re building

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require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)require 'rails/all'

Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)

module AwesomeBlog class Application < Rails::Application config.encoding = "utf-8" config.filter_parameters += [:password] endend

This is the file that defines the application object from the last slide.

Let’s look at some key components

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require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)require 'rails/all'

Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)

module AwesomeBlog class Application < Rails::Application config.encoding = "utf-8" config.filter_parameters += [:password] endend

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require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)require 'rails/all'

Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)

module AwesomeBlog class Application < Rails::Application config.encoding = "utf-8" config.filter_parameters += [:password] endend

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require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)require 'rails/all'

Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)

module AwesomeBlog class Application < Rails::Application config.encoding = "utf-8" config.filter_parameters += [:password] endend

A Rack App!

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Application ObjectOne day, we’ll have many application objects in one process.

Ruby summer of code project to get this done.

Contains all application specific information. Takes the “in the sky” constants / globals that were needed for a rails 2.3 application and encapsulates them.

Routes, Config , Middleware, Initializers

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require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)require 'rails/all'

Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)

module AwesomeBlog class Application < Rails::Application config.encoding = "utf-8" config.filter_parameters += [:password] endend

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require 'rubygems'

# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.gemfile = File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)begin ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = gemfile require 'bundler' Bundler.setuprescue Bundler::GemNotFound => e STDERR.puts e.message STDERR.puts "Try running `bundle install`." exit!end if File.exist?(gemfile)

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require 'bundler' Bundler.setup

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Bundler is a tool we built to manage gem dependencies. As it turns out, as rails applications grow, dependencies become painful to deal with.

Many years in the making. Many iterations. It grew out of projects that had many complicate dependencies and it was basically impossible to deal with it all by hand

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source ''

gem 'rails', '3.0.0.beta3'gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'

It all starts here. This file is located at the root of the application.

All gem dependencies will be listed here. So far our app is small, so we only depend on rails itself (note the version is the one that we are currently working with) and also we have a dependency on sqlite since that’s the database that we’re using.

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$ bundle install

Step two is to run the “bundle install” command.

* Checks gems already on system* Downloads what is missing

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No step 3

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What are the major wins that we get from using bundler?

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Easy to update dependencies

Dependencies in applications will evolve a lot throughout the life of an application

Ruby is maturing. There are a LOT of gems out there that you’ll be wanting to use. Bundler makes doing it easy.

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source ''

gem 'rails', '3.0.0.beta3'gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'

What happens if you want to update your application to the latest version of rails?

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source ''

gem 'rails', '3.0.0'gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'

You’re done. All child dependencies will be handled for you.

The same goes if you want to roll back to a previous version. Just change the Gemfile

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You know all your dependencies are accounted for and you won’t be surprised when you deploy.

Bundler does not let you use a gem if it is not listed in the Gemfile. So, you can’t accidentally forget to install a gem on the server when you deploy.

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Your Gemfile accounts for all gems. You share your app with other developers. They run `bundle install` and they’re good to go.

Bundler tracks all child dependencies as well as top level app dependencies

Come back to a project 3 months later. What version of UUID was I using? (yeah, that broke deploys) Nokogiri?


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No conflicts

Anybody ever hit the “can’t activate gem foo, already activated foo at another version error”?

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Without Bundler

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The Solution!Step 1) VendorRails + Rack

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The Solution!Step 1) Modify the Rails source

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While we’re on the topic of picard....

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Unobtrusive Javascript

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Helpers do not generate JS anymore

In Rails 2.3, all view helpers that required JS would spew out a whole bunch of Prototype specific javascript inline.

This is bad.

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<%= link_to "hello", hello_path, :remote => true %>

<a href="/hello" data-remote="true">hello</a>

Rails 3.0 helpers will now only output HTML. All required information will be added to the HTML tags via data-*

Custom data-* attributes were added in HTML5, but they work in all old and busted (IE 6).

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$(document.body).observe("click", function(event) { // .... var element = event.findElement( "a[data-remote]"); if (element) { handleRemote(element); event.stop(); return true; } // ....});

The javascript that handles all the data-* attributes is in rails.js

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Using jQuery?

Rails will ship with the Prototype driver, but you can just drop in the jquery driver at public/javascripts/rails.js

We maintain it and it’s on github at the URL.

You can finally easily completely rid your Rails app of all Prototype

Who uses jQuery?

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$('a[data-remote],input[data-remote]').live('click', function (e) { $(this).callRemote(); e.preventDefault();});

This is the code that is in the jQuery rails.js driver

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Pick your JS framework when you write JS, not when you generate

your Rails app.

Other wins too.

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Just JS events being triggered. You can easily replace specific default behavior.

There are events that are triggered that you can bind to. ajax:before, ajax:after, etc...

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Everything is a “plugin”

Rails is like a toolkit to build rails. Think about it.

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You can build plugins too.

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Railtie is a class that integrates a library with rails.

Look at how ActiveRecord does it. Look at how everything else does it.

When we built Rails 3, we didn’t add hook points for all these other libraries after the fact. We made hooks for ourselves to use, which has the nice side effect of other libraries being able to use them.

RSpec, DataMapper, HAML, etc... all use the same hooks that Rails uses

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Rake Tasks

Generator Overrides


You actually rarely need a Railtie to integrate with Rails. Railties are for a few specific things.

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Rake Tasks

Generator Overrides


Provide configuration opportunities to Rails applications

config.active_record in config/application.rb

If you want to provide default config values, you need a Railtie

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Rake Tasks

Generator Overrides


All ActiveRecord’s rake tasks are in it’s Railtie, which means that when AR isn’t required, the rake tasks go away.

If you want to easily provide Rake tasks to a Rails app, you need a Railtie

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Rake Tasks

Generator Overrides


If you want to hook in to:* rails generate controller Foo* rails generate model Foo

you need a Railtie. RSpec uses this to provide the same level of integration that TestUnit gets

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Rake Tasks

Generator Overrides


If you want to hook into the initialization cycle of a Rails application, you’ll need a Railtie

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HTML escaping

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<p> <%= h @comment.title %> (by <%= h %>)</p>

<%= simple_format h(@comment.body) %>

Rails 2.3

This is what a view might have looked in Rails 2.3

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Rails 2.3

If you forget one spot, you’re site gets hacked

... I’m sure everybody here has missed at least 1 spot to escape

<p> <%= h @comment.title %> (by <%= h %>)</p>

<%= simple_format h(@comment.body) %>

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<p> <%= @comment.title %> (by <%= %>)</p>

<%= simple_format(@comment.body) %>

Rails 3.0

New! No more pesky h()

Now, you don’t have to worry about escaping anything anymore. Rails does it for you.

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XSS Protection by default

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def escaped(str) strend

def not_escaped(str) str.html_safeend


Simply returning a string a string will be escaped.

If you don’t want a string to be escaped, you just mark it as html_safe and it won’t be modified by Rails.

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Block helpers

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<% form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :title %><% end %>

<% box do %> <p>Hello World!</p><% end %>

Rails 2.3

This is what block helpers might look like in 2.3

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def box(&block) content = "<div class='box'>" << capture(&block) << "</div>"

if block_called_from_erb? concat(content) else content endend

Rails 2.3

This is the implementation.

I’m not even going to really talk about this, Just notice that it’s crazy

Most of this is needed to make the helper work in and outside of ERB.

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<% form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :title %><% end %>

<% box do %> <p>Hello World!</p><% end %>

Rails 2.3

Outputs method’s return value

Ignores method’s return value

The reason why you need the craziness is because of how ERB works.

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Rails 3.0

<%= form_for @post do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :title %><% end %>

<%= box do %> <p>Hello World!</p><% end %>

In Rails 3.0 block helpers have become consistent with ERB.

form_for will actually output content to the view, aka, the form tags. So, now you use %=

The same goes for custom block helpers

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def box(&block) "<div class='box'>" \ "#{capture(&block)}" \ "</div>"end

Rails 3.0

All you do now for block helpers is return the string that you want outputted to the view.

Block helpers aren’t special anymore. They work the same inside and outside ERB

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def box(&block) "<div class='box'>" \ "#{capture(&block)}" \ "</div>".html_safeend

Rails 3.0

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Massive API overhaul.

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Old DSL still works, just deprecated.

You don’t have to rush to update your route file to get on Rails 3.0

The old DSL will probably stop working in Rails 3.1 or 3.2, but you have time before that happens.

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map.connect "/posts", :controller => :posts, :action => :index

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map.connect "/posts", :controller => :posts, :action => :index

match "/posts" => "posts#index"

posts#index is short hand for specifying the controller and action. It’s just much easier to write.

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Optional Segments

match "/posts(/:page)" => "posts#index"

Will match a request to /posts, and a request to /posts/5

if page is not there, params[:page] will be nil, if it is present in the request, the param will be set.

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match "/posts(/:page)" => "posts#index",:defaults => { :page => 1 }

You can specify default parameters. If the page segment is not in the Request, params[:page] will be set to 1

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Named Routes

match "/posts(/:page)" => "posts#index",:defaults => { :page => 1 }, :as => "posts"

The same helpers are available. * posts_path * posts_url

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ScopesLet’s you set the same options to a group of routes.

Almost anything can be scoped.

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Path Scopes

scope :path => "/admin" do match "/posts" => "posts#index" match "/users" => "users#index"end


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Path Scopes

scope "/admin" do match "/posts" => "posts#index" match "/users" => "users#index"end

Paths are probably the most common item to scope on, so it’s the default.

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Module Scope

scope :module => "admin" do match "/posts" => "posts#index" match "/users" => "users#index"end

Routes to Admin::PostsController / Admin::UsersController

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namespace "admin" do match "/posts" => "posts#index" match "/users" => "users#index"end

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HTTP Methods

Routing by specific HTTP methods

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POST Request

match "/posts" => "posts#index",:via => "delete"

Any HTTP method can be used here

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scope "/posts" do controller :posts do get "/" => :index endend

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scope "/posts" do controller :posts do get "/" => :index endend

Yet another shorthand

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scope "/posts" do controller :posts do get "/" => :index endend

get URL

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get "/posts" => "posts#index"

get / post / post / delete methods are shorthands for :via => “get”

This method can be used anywhere in the routes file

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Regexp Constraint

get "/:id" => "posts#index", :id => /\d+/

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Regexp Constraint

get "/posts" => "posts#mobile", :user_agent => /iPhone/

Constraints on arbitrary methods of Request object.

Will use the “user_agent” method on the Request object

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Defaults + Constraints

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Constraint + Default

get "/posts" => "posts#mobile", :user_agent => /iPhone/, :mobile => true

How does it not get confused?

If you use a Regex on as the value of the hash, it is a constraint, otherwise, it is a default

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Object Constraints

class DubDubConstraint def self.matches?(request) =~ /^(www.)/ # true / false endend

get "/" => "posts#index", :constraints => DubDubConstraint

Any object that responds to matches? can be a router constraint

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Rack EverywhereCan be used without AC and only Rack. This is the minimum requirement for “Rails”

Everything that used to be in ActionController that made sense without ActionController. There is a lot, all rack middleware.* Session* Cookies* Router* Flash* etc..

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You can get a rack app for any controller action

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => PostsController.action(:index)

This is what happens behind the scenes in my previous examples

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => PostsController.action(:index)

Just a Rack app

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => PostsController.action(:index)

Any Rack app

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => MySinatraPostsApp

Sinatra app

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => MyCampingPostsApp

Camping app

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => MyRamazePostsApp

Ramaze app

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Routing + Rack

get "/posts" => MyConstantThatRespondsToCall

Any Rack app

The possibilities are endless

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It’s newMassive API overhaul

I’m out of time

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A lot of detailed stuff about what’s new with Rails 3.

* Articles* Blog posts* Screencasts* QAs* Aggregation of other Rails 3 info

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UpgradingI want to mention upgrading really quick

Rails 1.x apps -> 3.0 is really easy (15 minutes)

Rails 2.x is a little bit harder

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Step 1) Generate a new appLook at the generated file structure

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Page 128: Frozen Rails Slides* Mail API* Known broken plugins* Helpers

* But all this stuff still will work in rails 3, just will spew out deprecation notices.

It will try to find all deprecated but still working methods as well* Router* AR API* config/** Deprecated constants

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Questions?We have 2 other Rails core people here, they can answer

questions too.

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Email: [email protected] (I accept fan mail)

Twitter : @carllerche (I’m interesting. Really!)

I will tweet the slides. So make sure you are following me.

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