front page music magazine analysis

The masthead is a white “Q” over a red square because it stands out. It is in the top left corner because that is where the audience look first (visual hierarchy). The subheadings are to the left, creating a frame around the band member’s face to indicate that Stereophonics are the main storyline. The main headline is in large, bold, white capitals so that it stands out more than the other subheadings that are red. Also, the fact that it is n the bottom left corner, means that this is one of the first things that the audience see. The picture is a medium close-up shot of the main singer in Stereophonics. This suggests that the story is about him and not about the band as a whole. Target audience – mainly males, but some females, Stereophonics fans, people who enjoy this genre of music. The use of the colour red is provocative and it is reflected in the page: “ME. A SEX SYMBOL?”. Also, the use of the glass, facial expression and lighting gives it a feel of temptation.

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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Front page music magazine analysis


Page 1: Front page music magazine analysis

The masthead is a white “Q” over a red square because it stands out. It is in the top left corner because that is where the audience look first (visual hierarchy).

The subheadings are to the left, creating a frame around the band member’s face to indicate that Stereophonics are the main storyline.

The main headline is in large, bold, white capitals so that it stands out more than the other subheadings that are red. Also, the fact that it is n the bottom left corner, means that this is one of the first things that the audience see.

The picture is a medium close-up shot of the main singer in Stereophonics. This suggests that the story is about him and not about the band as a whole.

Target audience – mainly males, but some females, Stereophonics fans, people who enjoy this genre of music.

The use of the colour red is provocative and it is reflected in the page: “ME. A SEX SYMBOL?”. Also, the use of the glass, facial expression and lighting gives it a feel of temptation.

Page 2: Front page music magazine analysis

The masthead is red, black and white so that it stands out. It is one of the first thing the audience sees as it is in the top left corner (visual hierarchy).

The main headline is in huge black and white capitals. It is larger than the masthead, this makes it stand out.

The image is medium close-up of Dave Grohl, the lead singer from Foo Fighters. This suggests that the storyline is about him and not the whole band. The subheadings are framing Dave Grohl’s face which indicates that the main story is about Foo Fighters.

Target audience – mainly males, but some females, Foo Fighters fans, people who enjoy this genre of music.

The use of the colour red and his facial expression suggests that he is angry.

Page 3: Front page music magazine analysis

The masthead is partly behind Steven Tyler’s head which shows that the Mojo magazine is a popular magazine.

The subheadings are framing Steven Tyler’s face and chest. This implies that the main story is about him.

The subheadings are in red and white bold letters to make them stand out.

The main subheading stands out from all the others because it is in the middle of the page which indicates that the main story is about Aerosmith.

Target audience – mainly males but possibly some females, people who enjoy this genre of music, Aerosmith fans.

The image is black and white and the headlines are red, this makes them stand out.