fromm's humanistic psychoanalysis

Humanistic Humanistic Psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis Erich Fromm Erich Fromm PSY103 – Theories of Personality

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Humanistic PsychoanalysisHumanistic PsychoanalysisErich FrommErich FrommPSY103 – Theories of Personality

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Emphasizes the influence of sociobiological factors, history, economics, and class structure.

Humanity’s separation from the natural world has produced feelings of loneliness & isolation, called Basic Anxiety.

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Erich FrommErich FrommBorn in Germany in 1900.Strict upbringing, similar to Karen

HorneyEclectic philosophyCombination of Sigmund Freud

and Karl MarxFirst infatuation / WWIMarried three timesWent to the US in 1934, affair with

Karen Horney

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Erich FrommErich Fromm

Went to Mexico towards end of career

Private Psychoanalytic practicePublication of researches and

booksDied in Switzerland in 1980, 5 days

before his 80th birthday.

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Influences Influences

1. Teachings of humanistic rabbis2. Karl Marx3. Sigmund Freud4. Zen Buddhism5. Johann Jakob Bachofen

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Basic AssumptionsBasic Assumptions

Individual personality can be understood in the light of human history.

Concept of Human Dilemma◦Reasoning facility◦Awareness as isolated beings◦Permits them to survive◦Tendency to solve insoluble


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Fundamental DichotomiesFundamental Dichotomies

Life and Death

Complete Self- realization and shortness of life

Separate Individuals and Social Relatedness

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Human NeedsHuman Needs

Also known as existential needs◦Relatedness◦Transcendence◦Rootedness◦Sense of Identity◦Frame of Orientation

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RelatednessRelatednessDrive for union with

another person or other persons.


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An urge to rise above a passive and accidental existence and into the realm of purposefulness and freedom.

Malignant Aggression

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RootednessRootednessThe need to establish roots To feel at home with the world.Influence of mother’s role

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Sense of IdentitySense of IdentityThe capacity to be aware of

ourselves as a separate entity.

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Frame of OrientationFrame of OrientationPhilosophy, a consistent way of

thinking.Refers to Goals or destinations

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Summary of Human Summary of Human NeedsNeeds

Negative Components

Positive Components

Relatedness Submission / domination





Rootedness Fixation Wholeness

Sense of Identity

Group conformity


Frame of Orientation

Irrational goals

Rational goals

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Mechanisms of EscapeMechanisms of Escape

Authoritarianism◦Tendency to fuse with another

person◦Masochism / sadism

Destructiveness◦By destruction, people restore

feelings of power.Conformity

◦Reactive, acts like robots

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Positive FreedomPositive FreedomSolution to the human dilemma

Represents overcoming of loneliness, achieving union with the world, & maintain individuality.

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Character OrientationsCharacter OrientationsA person’s relatively permanent

way of relating to persons and things.

Character replaces instincts

Assimilation◦Acquisition and use of things

Socialization◦Relating to self and others

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Non- Productive Non- Productive OrientationsOrientationsStrategies that fail to move people

closer to positive freedom and self- realization.

Not entirely negative


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ReceptiveReceptiveThe only way they can relate to the world

is by receiving things; more concerned with receiving than giving.

Passivity, submissiveness, lack self- confidence

Loyalty, acceptance, trust

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ExploitativeExploitativeAggressively take what they

desireEgocentric, conceited, arrogant,

seducingImpulsive, proud, charming, self-


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HoardingHoardingHold everything inside and do not let go

of anything.Rigidity, sterility, obstinacy,

compulsivity, lack of creativityOrderliness, cleanliness, punctuality

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MarketingMarketingDependent on the ability to sell themselves.Personal security rests on shaky grounds.No permanent principles or values.Opportunistic and wastefulOpenmindedness & adaptability

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The Productive The Productive OrientationOrientationWorking



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Personality DisordersPersonality DisordersPeople who are incapable of love

and uniting with others.

NecrophiliaMalignant NarcissismIncestuous Symbiosis

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Any attraction to deathHates humanityDestructive behavior is a

manifestation of their basic character

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Malignant NarcissismMalignant NarcissismImpedes the perception of reality

so that everything belonging to a narcissistic person is valued and everything belonging to another is devalued.

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Incestuous SymbiosisIncestuous SymbiosisExtreme dependence on the

mother or mother surrogate.It may be another person or


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ComparisonComparisonSyndrome of Decay

Syndrome of Growth

Necrophilia Biophilia

Narcissism Love

Incestuous Symbiosis

Positive Freedom

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PsychotherapyPsychotherapyDream AnalysisInterviewsQuestionnairesProjective TechniquesPsychohistory

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Social Character in a Mexican Village◦ Study of social character in an isolated

farming village in Mexico◦ Found evidence of all character orientations

except the marketing oneA Psychohistorical Study of Hitler

◦ Applied the techniques of psychohistory to study Hitler, the conspicuous example of someone with the syndrome of decay

◦ Fromm traces and describes Hitler’s necrophilia, malignant narcissism, and incestuous symbiosis

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Fromm’s Theory Is:◦High on Organizing Knowledge◦Low on Guiding Action, Internal Consistency, and Parsimony

◦Very Low on Generating Research and Falsifiability