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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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I'm From By Trevor Nakata

Period 5


I'm from the Far East

On the continent of Asia

I'm from China's ancient past

I'm from stories about the past

Unknown if they are true or not

I'm from the start of a new era

A one known as the Dynamic Era

Where emperors and great wars happened

I'm from where King Wu ruled

And where the Mandate of Heaven chose rulers

And where the Battle of Muye was fought

I'm from the remnants of the Shang dynasty

From new customs coming together with the old

I'm from no centralized governments

But the ruling of feudalism

I'm from a two parted dynasty

The East Zhou Dynasty and The West Zhou Dynasty

I'm from new weapons and technologies

From bronze and iron being introduced to China

From the past making up the new

I'm from changes both big and small

From emperors turning to leaders

I'm from new Arts and architecture

Where bronze crafts were made and built

From a golden age in philosophy

From the great works of Confucius himself

I'm from Civil Wars which led to frequent attacks

I'm from these Civil wars which eventually made the Qin Dynasty conquer

I'm from a dynasty from 1046 B.C. to 256 B.C.

I'm from the Zhou dynasty