from your president contents · spring 2015 table of contents 3 mike crandall sales consultant ext....

Spring 2015: Volume 34, Issue 3 Contents From Your President . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dara Gillis An Organization for All Seasons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Loren C. Veigel Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 William Zurkey Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Leadership Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Advertisers Bob Rogers Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ball State University . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Charms Office Assistant . . . . . . . 4 CMS Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Field Studies Center of NY . . . . . 5 Malone University . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Musical Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 OCDA Summer Conference . . . 10 OCDA Conference Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Soundwaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Stanton’s Sheet Music . . . . . . . . . . 7 University of Dayton . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Xavier University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 From Your President Who Is Serving Whom? AS I WRITE my final article as the president of OCDA, I am struck by how quickly the last two years have passed. I am preparing for my final conference as president and looking forward to sharing time with friends and colleagues from throughout the state. I am excited to bring Simon Carrington from Toulouse, France, to the great state of Ohio for all three days so that he may share his expertise and musical knowledge as well as his wit and humor. I am pleased that Howard Helvey will deliver two excellent clinics on church music and the creative process of composition. Kristina Caswell-MacMullen will share two thought provoking sessions on artistry and movement in performance and building community within the choral ensemble. Amy Johnston-Blosser will share her wonderful knowledge of literature selection for all choral en- sembles. Each of these will prove to be exciting, engaging, educational, and especially motivational for all in attendance. But, I must admit that as excited as I am to hear and see what our con- ference has in store, it will be bittersweet as it marks the end of my term as your president. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this position but more than that, I cannot believe the ways in which it has helped me to grow. We find ourselves in positions such as this most often because an- other in our field asks us if we would be “willing to serve.” As I look back over the years I have spent on the board of OCDA—first as region chair, then membership chair, president-elect, and now president—and as I look ahead to the new role I will assume on July 1, I find it somewhat ironic that we are approached to assume roles such as these in order to “serve others.” I say this because this experience has shown me that it is really the person serving who receives the most benefit. In the last two years, I have met some of the most prominent individuals in our field. I have been able to share conversation with them one on one over coffee or lunch—not just listen to their teaching from afar. I have traveled across the country to be part of leadership experiences I would never have thought possible. I have gained new friendships with colleagues I had only known tangentially in the past and some I would never have met otherwise. I have been permitted to share my own experiences and knowledge with you OCDA President Dara Gillis

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Page 1: From Your President Contents · SPRING 2015 table of contents 3 Mike Crandall Sales Consultant ext. 213 mike@ Todd Wessel Sales Consultant ext. 223 twessel@

Spring 2015: Volume 34, Issue 3

ContentsFrom Your President . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Dara Gillis

An Organization for All Seasons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Loren C. Veigel

Elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8William Zurkey

Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Leadership Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

AdvertisersBob Rogers Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Ball State University . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Charms Office Assistant . . . . . . . 4

CMS Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Field Studies Center of NY . . . . . 5

Malone University . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Musical Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

OCDA Summer Conference . . . 10

OCDA Conference Registration Form . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Soundwaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Stanton’s Sheet Music . . . . . . . . . . 7

University of Dayton . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Xavier University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

From Your PresidentWho Is Serving Whom?AS I WRITE my final article as the president ofOCDA, I am struck by how quickly the last twoyears have passed. I am preparing for my finalconference as president and looking forward tosharing time with friends and colleagues fromthroughout the state. I am excited to bringSimon Carrington from Toulouse, France, to thegreat state of Ohio for all three days so that he may share his expertise andmusical knowledge as well as his wit and humor. I am pleased that HowardHelvey will deliver two excellent clinics on church music and the creativeprocess of composition. Kristina Caswell-MacMullen will share twothought provoking sessions on artistry and movement in performance andbuilding community within the choral ensemble. Amy Johnston-Blosserwill share her wonderful knowledge of literature selection for all choral en-sembles. Each of these will prove to be exciting, engaging, educational, andespecially motivational for all in attendance.

But, I must admit that as excited as I am to hear and see what our con-ference has in store, it will be bittersweet as it marks the end of my term asyour president. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this position butmore than that, I cannot believe the ways in which it has helped me togrow. We find ourselves in positions such as this most often because an-other in our field asks us if we would be “willing to serve.” As I look backover the years I have spent on the board of OCDA—first as region chair,then membership chair, president-elect, and now president—and as I lookahead to the new role I will assume on July 1, I find it somewhat ironic thatwe are approached to assume roles such as these in order to “serve others.” Isay this because this experience has shown me that it is really the personserving who receives the most benefit.

In the last two years, I have met some of the most prominent individualsin our field. I have been able to share conversation with them one on one overcoffee or lunch—not just listen to their teaching from afar. I have traveledacross the country to be part of leadership experiences I would never havethought possible. I have gained new friendships with colleagues I had onlyknown tangentially in the past and some I would never have met otherwise. Ihave been permitted to share my own experiences and knowledge with you

OCDA President Dara Gillis

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SPRING 2015 table of contents 2

on every subject from literature se-lection to traveling with students.Indeed, as I list here all the ways inwhich I have gained and grown inthis position, it’s clear to me that I’mthe one who has been served.

We are all busy people. It is dif-ficult to find a choral director whodoes not burn the candle at bothends and maintain a schedule that

would frighten even the mostdriven type-A personality. How-ever, I can honestly say, if given theopportunity to go back in time andaccept this responsibility again, Iwould not hesitate.

I thank you for the chance toserve you. I encourage each of youto take on similar service opportu-nities should they be offered to

you. You will be amazed at the pro-fessional and personal growth youare afforded through the experi-ence. I hope that you finish yourspring in wonderful, musical waysand I look forward to seeing youJune 22–24 on the Otterbein cam-pus for what I know will be an ex-citing and rewarding three days ofgrowth through music. d

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SPRING 2015 table of contents 3

Mike CrandallSales Consultant ext. 213


Todd WesselSales Consultant ext. 223


Caro Uhlemann-ShortInternational Sales Manager ext. 224


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Page 4: From Your President Contents · SPRING 2015 table of contents 3 Mike Crandall Sales Consultant ext. 213 mike@ Todd Wessel Sales Consultant ext. 223 twessel@

IN THE “SPRING” of my life, I stum-bled into a number of fortunate de-cisions. Having been raised by twowonderful parents and given everyencouragement to pursue my mu-sical aspirations, and inspired bymy organ instructor and highschool choral director, I changedmy plans to become an architect,selecting vocal music education in-stead. Next, I chose Mount UnionCollege for my undergraduate de-gree; as it happened, I sang withthe Mount Union Choir underCecil Stewart, who had createdthere a mini–St. Olaf in Ohio. I wasa freshman; he was in his last year

as director. en, I sang and stud-ied conducting with Bruce Browne,just then finishing his doctorate inone of the nation’s first conductingprograms under Rodney Eichen-berger. is was the greatest goodfortune of all. Bruce was deeplycommitted to the new AmericanChoral Director’s Association, andbundled us into a college van tohead off to each convention. ere,I fell in love with this wonderfulprofessional organization, and it’sbeen one of the great love affairs ofmy life!

During the “Summer” of my life,as I strove to grow as a music edu-

cator andchoral director,ACDA wasthere for me each and every year. Iread the Journal cover to covermonthly (every one is still on mybookshelf!); I built a base of treas-ured, life-long colleagues throughour own state conferences. MyACDA friends were always therefor me: to host a tour choir, to sug-gest repertoire, to serve as choralclinicians, to share stories andideas. One of my Mount Unioncollegaues and friends, Jim Feiszli,foresaw the future potential of theWorldwide Web, and helped begin

An Organization for All SeasonsPrident-Ele Loren C.Veigel

SPRING 2015 table of contents 4

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Page 6: From Your President Contents · SPRING 2015 table of contents 3 Mike Crandall Sales Consultant ext. 213 mike@ Todd Wessel Sales Consultant ext. 223 twessel@

ChoralNet, now one of ACDA’sgreatest online resources. ACDAcollegiality is now internationaland infinite. And then, there wasalways convention! Each year, thatincredible opportunity to hear thefinest choirs perform, to learn newliterature, to visit with colleagues,to learn from some of the greatestminds in our profession, and tospend three days of absolute joy inchoral nirvana!

I suppose “Fall” has now arrived.(It’s surely not “Winter” yet, at leastin my estimation!) Having retiredafter thirty-one wonderful yearsteaching music and directing highschool choirs, I now enjoy workingwith a talented and dedicated com-munity choir as well as dabbling inthe tour business with WitteTravel. My long-term relationshipwith ACDA continues and has ma-tured. I am privileged, delighted,and honored to be serving as StatePresident for OCDA over the nexttwo years. My opportunity to re-turn service to my colleagues andthis great organization is truly agift to me. Feel free to contact meat any time to let me know how Ican help you.

Over the seasons of my life, Ihave been nourished consistentlyand increasingly by ACDA. Servingas Ohio Treasurer early in my ca-reer, I sent packets of checks toWayne Hugoboom’s front porch inFlorida, and collected conferencefees in college dormitories eachsummer, where I also handed outlinens! Goodness, my heart swelledwith ACDA pride recently when,seated in the Mormon Tabernacle,we heard Tim Sharp report our na-

tional membership at 21,000!ACDA resources have grown withthe membership. e organizationhas improved in every way. Havingbeen around as long as I have, I’vewitnessed the way ACDA has af-fected the very style and quality ofchoral singing and literaturethroughout our nation, and is nowbeginning to do so globally.

My advice? Grab your ACDAresources, and use them! Makesure, this year, you let one othernon-ACDA colleague or newteacher know about our ACDA,and bring them with you to sum-mer conference. See you at Otter-bein, and, once again, thank you forthe chance to serve you. d

SPRING 2015 table of contents 6



R K KimD

Minnita Daniel-Cr.D




, Soprano Cox



. Robert JonesDrr.

. Sharon Davis GrattoDrr.

. Donna CoxDrr.


Errik Hood, Baritone

Andrea Chenoweth W

, T Tenor. David SieversDrr. David Sievers

, . Ryu-Kyung KimDrr.

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, Sopranoells W Wells


, Mezzo-Soprano

Ethnomusicology CoJazz Studies Concen

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Music TherapyMusic PerformanceMusic EducationMusic Composition



Student-directed a cappella groupsHands in Harmony ( Early Music Ensemble

orkshopOpera World Music Choir W

Ebony Heritage SingChoral UnionUniversity Chorale


cappella groups

(signing ensemble) ble



Page 7: From Your President Contents · SPRING 2015 table of contents 3 Mike Crandall Sales Consultant ext. 213 mike@ Todd Wessel Sales Consultant ext. 223 twessel@

SPRING 2015 table of contents 7




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Page 8: From Your President Contents · SPRING 2015 table of contents 3 Mike Crandall Sales Consultant ext. 213 mike@ Todd Wessel Sales Consultant ext. 223 twessel@

THE OCDA ELECTION BALLOT for2015 will be coming your way thismonth. e national ACDA officein Oklahoma City will open Ohioelections on May 12 and close onMay 26. Each member will be in-vited to peruse the candidates onan email blast from the national of-fice. Just follow the instructionsand cast your vote for the futureleaders of our incredible organiza-tion. Have your membership cardavailable with your ID number. Asa member of Ohio Choral Direc-tors Association you have a re-

sponsibility to vote for the candi-date that you believe will best serveour organization. You will findcomplete biographies and picturesof each candidate in the electionemail.

In this year’s election you willfind two fine candidates for Presi-dent-Elect: Rich Schnipke, fromXavier University, and DanMonek, from Marietta College.e position of Secretary is alsoopen this year. Brandon Moss,Choral director at Central CrossingHigh School in Grove City, and

Greg Ramsdell,Heidelberg Uni-versity are yourcandidates. ere are three re-gional representative positions thisyear. From the Northeast Region:Tyler Skidmore, Medina HS, andMax Jackson, Garrettsville UnitedMethodist Church, are your candi-dates. Candidates from the South-west include: Jeremy Jones, MiamiUniversity, and KellyAnn Nelson,Cincinnati BoyChoir. And finallyfrom the South Central Region:Keith Tankersley, Delaware City

ElectionsWilliam Zurk, Past Prident

SPRING 2015 table of contents 8

Audition Dates

Degrees Offered

Page 9: From Your President Contents · SPRING 2015 table of contents 3 Mike Crandall Sales Consultant ext. 213 mike@ Todd Wessel Sales Consultant ext. 223 twessel@

Schools, and Zeb Highben, Musk-ingum University. Once again, youwill find their complete bios andpictures online during the electionwhich runs from May 12 through

May 26. Don’t forget to vote!e 2015 Distinguished Service

Award winner will be announced atthe Tuesday business meetingluncheon during the OCDA Sum-

mer Conference. If you haven’t reg-istered, please take the time to com-plete the registration. It will be agreat conference. See you in West-erville at Otterbein University! d

SPRING 2015 table of contents 9

BALL STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC more information, contact Andrew Crow at [email protected].

Andrew Crow, Director of Choral ActivitiesKerry Glann, Associate Director of Choral ActivitiesAlan Alder, Director of University Singers

SIX CHORAL ENSEMBLESChamber Choir, Concert Choir, University Choral Union, Statesmen, Women’s Chorus, University Singers

DEGREE PROGRAMSDoctor of Arts in Music

Degree program includes a substantial primary area of study plus additional preparation for a career in collegiate-level teaching.

Master of MusicMaster of ArtsBachelor of MusicBachelor of Music Education

Undergraduate scholarships and graduate assistantships are available.

Possible in-state tuition for Ohio counties of Butler, Darke, Mercer, Preble, Shelby, and Van Wert.

Choral Studies

Tim Cloeter, Editor • [email protected] • 419-372-8288 office • 262-527-8151 cell

OCDA News, the official publication of the OhioChoral Directors Association, is published threetimes annually and is distributed without charge tomembers of the Association as well as to selectedmembers and officers of the American Choral Direc-tors Association. Distribution is by PDF file that is e-mailed and posted at OCDA reservesthe right to determine inclusion of materials submit-ted and to edit all materials proposed for distribution.

Copy and Ad Submission Deadlines: September 15for the Fall Issue, January 15 for the Winter Issue, andApril 15 for the Spring Issue.

Advertising Rates: a full-page ad is $135 per issue, ahalf-page ad is $80 per issue, and a quarter-page ad is$45 per issue. A 15% discount is offered on the pur-chase of three consecutive ads; other discounts areavailable. Please contact the editor for exact ad sizesand other specifications.

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Registration fees include parking, the Tuesday business luncheon, the Tuesday evening social event, and reading session music (guaranteed only for workshop participants registering by June 6, 2015). Fill out the registration form and return as indicated below. The registration must be postmarked by June 6, 2015, in order for the pre-registration fees to apply. After June 6, a higher fee structure is in place (see below). Reading session packets cannot be guaranteed for those who do not pre-register by the June 6 deadline. A refund will be made if a written cancellation is received by June 6, 2015. After that date a deduction of $80.00 will be made. The option to earn graduate credit through Otterbein University is available for pre-registrants only. If you would like to receive graduate credit information, please indicate this in the appropriate space on the registration form below. A current copy of your teaching license must be either mailed in with your registration form or brought with you to the conference. Mail payment and Registration Form to: Brandon L. Moss, OCDA Summer Conference Coordinator, 1759 Canvasback Lane, Columbus OH 43215. E-mail or call Brandon with questions: [email protected], 614-499-8089. Make checks payable to the Ohio Choral Directors Association.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Name ______________________________________________________________County________________________________ ACDA Membership # _________________Email address __________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Home or cell phone __________________________________ Business phone ________________________________________ First-Time Conference Attendee? Yes No Pre-Registration (postmarked by June 6, 2015) Late Registration (postmarked after June 6, 2015) ______ $154 ACDA member ______ $184 ACDA member ______ $228 non-member (includes membership*) ______ $258 non-member (includes membership*) ______ $74 retired member ______ $104 retired member ______ $119 retired non-member (includes membership) ______ $149 retired non-member (includes membership) ______ $89 non-member spouse (does not include membership) ______ $119 non-member spouse (does not include membership) ______ $44 student member/1st year teacher ______ $84 student member/1st year teacher ______ $89 student non-member (includes membership) ______ $119 student non-member (includes membership) * New member price reflects $21 discount, which equals the amount of OCDA dues for one year! Other Items of Interest

______ $8.00 I am interested in purchasing a box lunch for the Lunch Roundtable Discussions. Please circle your meal option: Ham Turkey Roast Beef Veggie (Interest areas include: College/University, High School/Jazz/Show, MS/Jr. High, Elementary/ /Boys, Church/Community)

______ I am interested in receiving graduate credit information.

ON-CAMPUS RESIDENCE HALL LODGING Rooms are air-conditioned. Linens are optional (see below) and include sheets, a pillowcase, and towels. No pillows are provided. Select date(s): ______ June 22 ______ June 23 Select room: _______ single occupancy $36.00 per person, per night _______ double occupancy $24.00 per person, per night _______ linens (optional)- please add one-time fee of $12.00 to total $___________ TOTAL CONFERENCE PAYMENT (Make checks payable to OCDA)

How did you hear about our conference opportunity?

____ Website ____ OMEA Conference ____ Referred by current OCDA member ____________________________ (member name) (Referring member receives a $10 rebate on registration to the conference.)

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SPRING 2015 table of contents 12

Upcoming Events

June 2015OCDA Summer ConferenceJune 22–24, 2015, Columbus, OH

Leadership Roster

PridentDara Gillis5205 Cascade DrPowell, OH [email protected]: 740-833-1010 x4355C: 614-327-1073Delaware Hayes H.S.

V.P. (Past Prident)Bill Zurkey32161 Teasel Ct.Avon Lake, OH 44012

[email protected] H: 440-933-3972C: 216-407-5500Cleveland Pops ChorusCleveland State UniversityBay Presbyterian Church

Prident EleLoren Veigel2851 Sherwood Ave NWMassillon, OH [email protected]

H: 330-837-8371C: 330-685-2558Voices of CantonUniversity of AkronWitte Travel

SraryRichard Schnipke3031 Eden Ave. #132Cincinnati, OH [email protected] O: 513-745-2832C: 614-325-9661Xavier University

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TreasurerKent W. Vandock8192 County Road DDelta, OH [email protected]: 419-822-5716O: 419-445-5579C: 419-270-5396Archbold Local Schools

NW Region ChairSandra Frey Stegman918 Bexley DrivePerrysburg, OH [email protected]: 419-873-0478O: 419-372-0281C: 419-779-5779Bowling Green State University

SW Region ChairSarah Baker90 Willow Ridge Ct.Maineville, OH [email protected] C: 513-659-6048O: 513-899-3781 x20404 Little Miami High School

SC Region Chair Brandon Moss1759 Canvasback LaneColumbus, OH [email protected]: 614-499-8089O: 614-801-6554Central Crossing HS

NE Region ChairPeter Hampton12000 Edgewater Dr. #701Lakewood, OH [email protected] C: 216-258-6586O: 216-227-5981Lakewood High School

EC Region ChairJon Peterson2960 Midvale Rd. NWCanton, OH [email protected]

C: 419.296.6131O:330.471.8476Malone UniversityAll-Ohio State Fair Youth Choir

Information Thnology CoordinatorEric West417 Jefferson AvenueDefiance, OH [email protected]: 419-784-2777C: 419-439-1763Defiance High School

Conference Commiee ChairBrandon Moss1759 Canvasback LaneColumbus, OH [email protected]: 614-499-8089O: 614-801-6554Central Crossing HS

Children’s Honor ChoirJennifer Call39 S. Main St. Ste. 242Oberlin, OH [email protected]: 440-774-1633O: 440-774-4079C: 440-454-2813Oberlin Choristers

High School Honor ChoirCo-ChairsAnn Johnson9297 Cliff Springs TrailColumbus, OH [email protected]: 614-417-5100 x2529C: 614-218-2965Whitehall Yearling High SchoolJohn McClain1056 Marsala AvenueColumbus, OH [email protected]: 740-216-0471West Jefferson HS/MSPrince of Peace Lutheran Church

Exhibits ChairElaine H. Dwyer26709 Jefferson CourtBay Village, OH [email protected]: 440-871-2968C: 440-724-6789Bay Presbyterian ChurchBay Village Schools

Newsler EditorTim Cloeter1082 Fairview Ave., Apt. N3Bowling Green, OH [email protected]: 419-372-8288C: 262-527-8151Bowling Green State University

Membership ChairDoug O’Neal277 S. 17th St.Columbus, [email protected]: 614-271-3684O: 740-657-4276Olentangy Liberty HS

Student Chapter RepElyssa Hurley370 W. Central AvenueDelaware, OH [email protected]: 740-815-5729Muskingum University

MentorshipRobert Jones816 Otterbein Ave.Dayton, OH [email protected]@udayton.eduH: 937-275-9488O: 937-229-3909C: 937-684-7493University of Dayton

RiredJerry Parsons6590 Steitz Rd.Powell, OH [email protected]: 740-881-4193Retired

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Repertoire & Standards ChairsC HILDR E N’S C HOIR & C OMMUNIT Y YOU TH

Jennifer Call39 S. Main St. Ste. 242Oberlin, OH [email protected]: 440-774-1633O: 440-774-4079C: 440-454-2813Oberlin Choristers


Daniel Monek215 5th St.Marietta, OH [email protected] C: 740-525-7097O: 740-376-4689Marietta College


Frank Jacobs2444 Shadow Ridge LaneFairlawn, OH [email protected] Choral Society


Suzanne Walters6385 Sylvian St. NWNorth Canton, OH [email protected]: 330-497-8996C: 330-309-5076Strausser Elementary SchoolJackson Local SchoolZion Lutheran Church of North CantonCleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus


Sharon Davis Gratto821 Beech Hill Rd.Kettering, OH 45419

[email protected]: 937-938-1878O: 937-229-3968C: 717-253-7892University of Dayton


Kristen Snyder2061 Jones RdGranville, OH [email protected]: 614-806-5747O: 740-587-8105 x5020Granville High School


Libby Hainrihar1105 Rambling Brook WayDelaware, OH [email protected] O: 937-578-6200 x6355C: 740-972-6522Marysville High School


Robert Ward1866 College RoadColumbus, OH [email protected] H: 614-607-5206O: 614-292-4622C: 614-314-8113e Ohio State University


Eric Richardson32148 Teasel CourtAvon Lake, OH [email protected] H: 440-930-2767C: 440-935-6293Bethesda On the Bay Lutheran Church


Devon Gess31500 Tuttle Dr.Bay Village, Ohio 44140

[email protected]@bayschoolsohio.orgH: 440-871-9553O: 440-617-7480C: 440-821-6223Bay High School


Peter Jarjisian316 Carroll Rd.Athens, OH [email protected]: 740-592-1998C: 740-503-4086Ohio UniversityHocking College


Chris Ilg2767 Matthew LaneMedina, OH [email protected] C: 330-241-2005Highland High School


Kristina MacMullen58 W. Weber Rd.Columbus, OH [email protected]: 517-902-7524O: 614-292-9926e Ohio State University


Jeremy Jones112 Lantern Ridge RoadOxford, OH [email protected] O: 513-529-6009C: 615-584-1792H: 513-280-5001Miami University

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