from the editor - the editor . the...


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Page 1: From the Editor - the Editor . The Summer (of late arrival), ... Musical Ride and various other community activities during
Page 2: From the Editor - the Editor . The Summer (of late arrival), ... Musical Ride and various other community activities during
Page 3: From the Editor - the Editor . The Summer (of late arrival), ... Musical Ride and various other community activities during

From the Editor

The Summer (of late arrival), has ended and we are back into fall mode with our first monthly meeting already behind us. Summer got off to a rather sad start with the passing of our comrade and dear friend, Larry Power, only to be further saddened by the passing Larry and Patricia’s son Michael with a few days following Larry’s funeral. Larry was certainly missed but remembered at the various activities, of which he was always a willing participant and in most cases part of the organizing committee.

As noted in the following pages most of the regular coffee meets (except Tuesdays at Div. HQ) ceased for the holidays but are now back on track. . However, reports indicate that Veterans around the Division

have been active participants in Funerals, Parades, Golf Tournaments, Musical Ride and various other community activities during the summer break.

As always, we encourage members to contribute items of interest for publication in the Newsletter. Photos of activities, historical information, anecdotes and war stories (in good taste) will be considered. Thanks again, to those who have contributed to this month’s issue.


NL Division Membership Update…

Newfoundland & Labrador Division now consists of 257 Members. There are 189 Active Members, 31 Life Members, 35 Associate Members, 2 Honoruary Members and there are 0 Members with Unknown Status.

Retirement Notice:

After almost 35 years of service Jake Morgan is retiring! Please join us for this celebration at the HQ Mess on October 16th at 4:00 pm. If you plan to attend, please notify one of us by October 7th. Food will be provided so we will need an estimate number for ordering and collecting $10 each towards the cost. Contact me if you would like to contribute towards a gift, if you have any stories/pictures to share, or send along any well wishes. Contact - Jennifer Petten, Federal Policing, RCMP B Division, (709) 772-2057.

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Uniformed Services Annual Ball

7th Annual Uniformed Services Gala Ball is Saturday, October 24, 2015 at the Surgeon Lieutenant Commander W. Anthony Paddon Building, The Boulevard, Pleasantville, St. John’s. This year it is hosted by the 37 Service Battalion. The gala is open to all ranks of the uniformed services. Cocktails are at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 7:00 PM, Dance to follow. Tickets: $55 single/$110 double. Meal will be roast beef (substituted with chicken if required) 

Dress: Military Mess Kit or 2B 

RCMP: Walking Out Order 

All others: Dress Uniform - Business Suit, Formal Dress 

Tickets for this event sold out last year shortly after it was announced. Please contact your Uniformed Services Ball Committee member ASAP to buy your tickets. Members are listed below. The Uniformed Services Ball was created to bring both serving and retired members of all uniformed services together, in a relaxed and cordial dinner/dance environment. This includes all ranks of the military, police, peace and enforcement officers, fire departments, correctional officers, Coast Guard and all other branches of the uniformed services and their spouses.  

To buy tickets, contact the following: 

RCMP/ RCMP Veterans: Cpl. Blaine Beaumaster 772-4072, Helen Escott 727-1927 

District Reports..

Clarenville District

(by Joe Lowe, District Representative)

Our first coffee meeting of the season was held at Robins on September 17, with a small turnout of Hansen Dalton, Rupert Baker, Doug Hyde and Joe Lowe. There were no major issues to be dealt with. However, we did ensure that Rupert Baker’s new shed is being constructed to the standards of the National Building Code, as I have fear no real carpenters are involved.

With respect to the recent passing of Angela Wells, wife of veteran John Wells, our

group sent food to the hospital and flowers to the funeral home. As well the following members visited the funeral home as a group: Doug Hyde, Rupert Baker, Bill Meadus, Herb Goldsworthy, Al Bert, Hansen Dalton, Len Stratton and Joe Lowe. The funeral was attended by Len Stratton, Al Bert, Doug Hyde and Joe Lowe. I also met Stephenville vet, Ed Anderson, at the service. John is very appreciative of our support during this difficult time.

(cont’d next page)

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(Clarenville Report – cont’d)

I am grateful to Len Stratton for organizing the aforementioned events, as I was away for a couple of days.

Our 13th Annual Church Parade in Memory of Fallen Peace Officers is planned for Sunday, September 27th from the Roman Catholic Church, Clarenville. Again Al Bert is one of the main organizers of the parade and will expect nothing less than perfection

from those on parade. The results will be reported in the next bulletin.

Until the next time, Remember, you are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are!!

Joe Lowe

Gander District Report

(by Paul Hitchcock – Dist. Representative)

The first meeting of the Gander area Veterans was scheduled for September 7th. It was then pointed out to me that the 7th was Labor Day and our usual meeting spot was likely to be closed. That is a common problem with us old retired guys whose week is now 6 Saturdays and a Sunday, we take little heed of holidays and long

weekends. We finally got together on the 14th with Joe McGuire, Don Caravan, Dick Dionne, Ed Philpott and myself in attendance. Everyone had a pretty good summer in spite of the weather. The current election campaign was discussed at length as well as all our latest aches and pains.

Paul Hitchcock

Grand Falls District

(by Artie Daye, Dist. Representative)

Not much to report during the summer, as we took a break from our Breakfast Program. However, Lloyd Goodyear, Lou Stuckless and Artie Daye attended Howard Dornan’s 85th. birthday at the Dr. Hugh Thomey Veterans Pavilion in Botwood. Howard is doing as well as can be expected. His wife Sybil and his son Pat who is stationed in Deer Lake was also present. All told we had a good afternoon.

The Veterans in this area are cordially invited to attend the Annual Service of Remembrance by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 12. This will take place at the Memorial United Church at 11;00 a.m. on Sunday , November 8th. 2015. That’s it for now.



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NCO i/c Deer Lake apprehends four “Lifers”

NCO i/c Deer Lake apprehends four “Lifers” -On 15 September 37136 S/Sgt Pat Dornan visited the Dr. Hugh Thomey Centre in Botwood for the 85th birthday of his father 17090 Howard L Dornan.

In the photo from left right are:37136 S/Sgt Pat Dornan with four Life Member of the RCMP Veterans’ Association. 16245 Louis A Stuckless, 16227 D Lloyd Goodyear and 20299 Artie D Daye (the junior Vet on this occasion). In front is 17090 Howard L Dornan. The four Life Members served together on many occasions over the years. Happy Birthday Howard!! - Photo & Caption provided by George Powell.

Note of Thanks:

Thank you, Dear Friends

I wish to thank the Members of the Veterans Association for their support following my hip replacement surgery in late June. Stella Evans and Jean Ellis visited me following my return home from hospital. On behalf of the Association they delivered some much appreciated food to assist while I recuperated. I also appreciate the many kindnesses from other Members of the Association. From time to time I shared some of the “goodies” with George. I trust this was the right thing to do.

God Bless,

Bertha L Powell (A17809)

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Letter of Thanks:

On behalf of the family of the late Larry Power, former president of the RCMP Veterans Association, ‘B’ Division, and former National President and Governor of the National RCMP Veterans Association, I would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for everything the Veterans Association did for our family upon dad’s passing. Dad was a very proud man and to his very last breath, and beyond really, he was a member of the greatest police force in existence, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. At some point prior to his death, dad wrote us a letter with very clear instructions to follow upon his demise and topping that list was the names of some key RCMP vets to contact. Initially, our thought was these individuals would assist in notifying other members of the Veterans Association and provide some information as to how to proceed with the execution of dad’s estate. What we did not realize was how absolutely phenomenal that family of Veterans would be in propping us up when we thought we would collapse under the weight of losing our leader, our husband and father. As if that weight were not tremendous enough, a mere nine days after dad’s death, our brother and son Michael, age 50, also passed away due to complications from Juvenile Diabetes. Once again, without having been called upon, the RCMP Veterans Association was there, by our sides.

Over the years, we have come to know the RCMP as simply ‘The Force’. Little did we know what a Force it is indeed! The outpouring of condolences from all over this great country is a clear indication that The Force is definitely one to be reckoned with. The list of people to whom we would like to express our thanks is far too long to acknowledge everyone individually but realizing the number of people who respected, admired and loved dad as much as we did has brought us immeasurable pride and peace.

There are no words adequate enough to express our thanks to the Veterans Association, both provincially and nationally, for propping us up when we thought we would fall, filling our hearts with pride and making certain that we knew we too are members of this great big supportive family we affectionately know as ‘The Force’. On behalf of my mom, Patricia, sister Geri and the entire Power Family, thank you and God bless each and every one of you.

Kim Power-Barnes


(by George Powell)

It is nice to see our Members step up to assist those in need. For more than a year our Executive has arranged catering for our monthly dinner meetings. Food was

prepared off site and brought to the eating area where our faithful volunteers served the meal. (cont’d next page)

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(Helping Those in Need – Cont’d)

They also looked after setting up the tables and cleaning up following dinner and the meetings.

It is difficult to estimate the quantities, and from time to time there is left over food. Of course the food is perishable. The “left overs” have been taken to the Salvation Army Wiseman Centre where it is received with appreciation. The Wiseman Centre has 24 beds for “emergency shelter” and 10 supportive housing

Among our faithful members are those who have “previously loved” clothing. These

items are delivered to one of the local community centres or to a ministry assisting exiting offenders.

These items are much appreciated.

There are local “Thrift Shops”, but individuals and families living on a limited income have difficulty finding money to purchase items at thrift shops.

Remember the poor and less fortunate. Good used clothing is always appreciated. Winter is coming. Caps, mitts and socks also come in handy.

The RCMP Veterans Communiquie – is a weekly electronic bulletin published by Vancouver Division Veterans. If you are “on line”, and not aware of this site, it is worthwhile subscribing. It’s very informative and best of all – it’s Free!! Contact Sheldon Boles at the email address below to get signed up. It’s worth it! – (Editor)

Our weekly Communique and website ( continues include the latest details on various topics of interest to Veterans. These details are forwarded to us by various Veterans across Canada. If you have details (i.e. news stories, photographs, videos, general information) that other Veterans maybe interested in, please forward them to us at [email protected]. With both a Federal and Provincial Election looming in the next two months, here is a “Quote of the Week, - taken from the Veterans Communique – as submitted by Veteran Harold Feiertag.. “I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians”. ~Charles de Gaulle, French general & politician

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Opening remarks, moment of silence, welcoming -

The meeting was held at 2005 hours, 2015-09-15. The meeting was called to order by President Roger Hansford. The President welcomed everyone to the meeting. After the singing of O Canada, a moment of silence was observed for departed comrades and friends. Special mention was made of Robin Smith, Larry Power, Michael Power, Dave Dwyer and William J. Spencer.

Minutes, errors/omissions, approval of minutes -Minutes of the last meeting were adopted; moved by George Powell and seconded by George Phillips.

Secretary’s Report (Ed Lutz)-There will be a retirement party for Jake Morgan at Division HQ on October 16th at 1600 hours. Anyone wishing to attend, contact Jennifer Petten at 772-2057.

Treasurer’s Report (Leo O’Brien) -Disbursements totalled $615.18 (Web Master, food, flowers and mourning ribbons). Current balance is $13,298.17

Vice-President’s Report (Trudy Power) – nil

Sick and Visiting Report (George Powell) -George gave an update on several of our members who are facing medical issues.

Benefits/FSNA (Jim Skanes)-FSNA is holding a meeting tomorrow afternoon at the Legion on Blackmarsh Road. They will also be holding a BBQ on September 25th. FSNA is gearing up for the Honour Your Promise campaign. Their three year strategic plan got denied at their AGM. Pension and other issues can be found on their website. Jim stated that Mark Brown (ex-member) gave him a print which Mark did of an RCMP riding saddle. If the Association is interested, Mark would give the Association the rights to the original and prints. He would like to sit down and discuss this with the Executive. The President stated that this would be taken under advisement and contact made with Ottawa to determine the correct procedures to be followed.

Membership (Trudy Power) -Leo O’Brien advised that applications were received from the following and approved:

Noel Nurse – Regular Member, Jacqueline Nurse – Associate Member,

Celeste Cleary – Associate Member, Dave Hickey – Regular Member

Keith William Payne – Regular Member (Minutes cont’d next page)

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(Minutes cont’d)

Paula Marie Hansford – Associate Member, Elaine Pauls Turpin – Associate Member , Cheryl Skanes – Associate Member

The Veterans’ Association now has 257 members.

National Issues (Roger Hansford) -There were no national issues to report.

Entertainment (Ron Wiggins) -The President advised that the Entertainment Committee are looking for new people to join. Some members have been on the Committee for 20 years.

Newsletter (Ern Pennell) -Ern requires any articles for the newsletter to be e-mailed to him by September 25th. He will send out a reminder via e-mail.

Old Business (Roger Hansford) -The President stated that back in May Crime Stoppers had asked the Association to assist with the Musical Ride. Randy Mercer set up a committee and did a tremendous job. Appreciation is extended to the following for their assistance:

Randy Mercer, Leo O’Brien, Pat Pendergast, Ernie Reckling, Dom Broaders, Diane Butler, Dave Tipple, Trudy Power, Jim Skanes, Gord Butt, George Phillips

New Business-The new “B” Division Procedures Manual is now on the website. Everyone is encouraged to review the manual. If there is anything that you feel should be in the manual, let the Executive know. One item is the setting up of a ladies’ committee. Any items to be included will be discussed at the October meeting.

Jim Skanes received correspondence from Johnson Insurance with respect to their rates, which will be included in the newsletter. At the end of the year, the Association receives a bonus back from Johnson Insurance.

Correspondence was received with respect to the parade and dedication ceremony of the monument in Conception Bay South at 1400 hours on October 4th. Jim Power provided an outline of what the monument consisted. Also, on October 3rd , Conception Bay South will be holding Uniform Services Day. There will be a navy ship in the harbour which will be open for public visits. There will be a BBQ at 1600 hours at the Legion. If anyone is interested in assisting to serve food, contact Jim Power.

On October 24th there will be the 7th Annual Uniform Services Ball. The cost is $110 double. If anyone is interested in attending, contact Jim Power or Helen Escott.

Bob Hurman has spoken with the new caterers for Division HQ. They will be providing the meals for the veterans’ dinner meeting and the prices will be reasonable.

(Minutes cont’d next page)

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(Minutes cont’d)

Correspondence was received from the Commanding Officer extending her appreciation for the invitation to the Veterans’ lobster dinner and thanked those who were involved in the planning. She also extended her appreciation for the generous donation made for the Shave for the Brave.

Leo O’Brien advised that Randy Mercer organizes a lunch at the Gower Street United Church for the less fortunate. The next lunch will be held on October 14th. Randy is looking for volunteers. If interested, contact Randy Mercer. Ten people at the meeting volunteered and Leo will pass along the names to Randy.

The Peace and Police Officer ceremony will be held at 1400 hours on September 27th.

Dave Tipple inquired with respect to a date to attend Morgan MacDonald’s studio. Morgan won the competition to do the sculpture commemorating the Moncton tragedy. Morgan will give a presentation of what he gave the committee which won him the competition. Dave to find out a convenient date from Morgan.

George Powell stated that with respect to the refugee situation the Government should be encouraged to accept them.

Next Meeting -Meeting adjourned at 2055 hours. The next meeting will take place on 2015-10-20.

Mary Gruchy

Assistant Secretary


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Passing the Torch:

POWER, James Lawrence (Larry), Reg # 19154– Passed away suddenly on Sunday, July 5, 2015 at the Health Science Centre. James Lawrence Power, age 78 years. Predeceased by his parents Daisy and Jim Power; siblings Edwin Power, Mildred Ducharme, Jean LeBlanc and Dorise Tapper. Left with many loving memories his wife Patricia (nee Crawley); daughters Geri Holden (Blair), Kim Power – Barnes (Stephen); son Michael Power (Andrea); grandchildren Kylie (Matt), Alex (Jamie), Scott, Meagan and Mackenzie; sister Gwenie Boudreau (Rudolph); a large number of nieces, nephews, in particular Donna Power and David LeBlanc and a large circle of friends, too many to mention. Funeral took place from St. Paul’s church, Newfoundland Drive, St. John’s. A large number of Veterans and Serving members were present. W/O Jim Prouse of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment was the Bugler. Deepest Sympathy to the family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SMITH, R.J. (Robin) S/Sgt. Retired.Reg. # 29380, Passed away on Port Saunders, NL on June 26, 2015. Veteran MC Gillingham, acted on behalf of the Veterans Association at the Funeral. Dan Nugent, Alex McInnis were also present on behalf of the association. Sgt. Kelly Brian and Cst. Mark Topham of Port Saunders Detachment and Cst. Toby Acreman of St. Anthony were also present. Bugler for the occasion was Air Cadet W/O Bradley Warren of St. Anthony. Deepest Sympathy to the Family.

Lawrence (Larry) Warren, age 71, of Dartmouth died Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at Camp Hill Veterans Hospital in Nova Scotia. Born in Salt Pond, Newfoundland, he was a son of the late Norman and Alice (Brenton) Warren. Known in his home town as “Bucky”, Larry was an avid soccer player who was later inducted into the Newfoundland Soccer Hall of Fame. He went on to join the RCMP, graduating from Depot in 1964. He had a distinguished 40 career serving in Ontario, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Newfoundland. He retired with the rank of Assistant Commissioner, proudly in charge of his home province of Newfoundland and Labrador. He received numerous awards throughout his career, including the honored “Order of Merit” based on “the highest qualities of citizenship, service to Canada, to the police community, and to humanity at large”. (continued next page)

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(Passing the Torch cont’d - Warren)

He was the husband and best friend of Laurette Warren (Young). He is survived by Laurette and their two children and families; Jennifer (Rodney) Spurrell; with children Mckenna, Cale and Connor and Norman (Lesley Michael) Warren, and their children Lucy and Elliot. He is also survived by his siblings Evelyn, Shirley, Norma, Raymond, Kathy, Linsey, Peggy, Christine, Jim and Penny-Lou. He was pre-deceased by his sister Marie Warren. Larry will be remembered as a generous and remarkable husband, father, brother and friend to all who knew and loved him. Funeral service will take place immediately following visitation at 2pm in the funeral home chapel with a reception to follow. Interment in Dartmouth Memorial Gardens. A memorial service will be held at 11am on Saturday, October 3, 2015 in St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church in Burin, NL followed by a lunch in the social centre.

POWER, Michael (Lawrence) – Passed suddenly away after a lengthy illness and courageous battle on Tuesday, July 14, 2015, (Lawrence) Michael Power, age 50 years. Predeceased by his father (James) Lawrence Power. Leaving to mourn his beautiful wife and best friend of 22 years Andrea (nee Bowering); precious daughter Meagan; mother Patricia Power; sisters Geri (Blair) Holden, Kim (Stephen) Barnes; father and mother – in – law Lester and Ann Bowering; sister – in – law Debbie Bowering; nieces Kylie (Matt) Power, Alex (Jamie) Holden, Mackenzie Armstrong, nephew Scott Holden and life time best buddy Joey Johnson, as well as a very large circle of family and friends both in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Funeral took place on Saturday, July 18, 2015 from St. Paul’s Church, Newfoundland Drive. Deepest sympathy to the Family.

REID, Cecil - The family of Cecil Reid, Pasadena, is saddened to announce his passing on September 16, 2015. He was proud to have been born and raised in Baker’s Brook and to have served as a police officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for 27 years. Many of his happiest moments were spent in the woods enjoying the beauty and peace of the nature surrounding him. Cecil will be remembered with loving hearts by his wife Marjorie, son Byron(Debbie) and daughter Tracy-Lynn as well as a large circle of relatives and friends. Funeral took place from St. David’s Anglican church on September 19, 2015. Deepest sympathy is extended to the Family.

.(Editor’s Note) – Special thanks to Edgar Martin, District Representative who assisted the family with Funeral Arrangements and arranged for Pall Bearers consisting of three Veterans, two RNC Members, and one Regular Member. A total of twenty-one Veterans from the local area and Stephenville formed an honour guard. Some were in Red Serge, others in Veterans Blazers or Funeral Attire.

( Passing the Torch – cont’d next page)

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Passing the Torch – cont’d)

WELLS, Angela Evelyn Effie, Age 59 years, passed away on September 21, 2015 at G.B. Cross Memorial Hospital in Clarenville. Angela passed peacefully away surrounded by the love of her family after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Leaving to mourn with many wonderful memories are her loving husband RCMP Veteran, John Wells, daughters Heather and Tiffany (Shawn), son Matthew (Anita) and cherished granddaughters Mya and Bria as well as a large circle of relatives and friends. Funeral took place on Sept. 23, 2015 from Bethany United church, Swift Current, NL. Deepest sympathy to John and the Family.

Whitten, Cyril – Petty Hr. NL. – Passed away on Septembere 18, 2015. Age 89 years. Cyril was the brother of Stella Evans (Veteran Murray Evans). – Deepest Sympathy is extended to Stella and her extended Family.





Funeral Planning and Estate Settlement Guide for Vets to be updated: A revised version of the Guide, developed by Veteran Wayne Burry is in the process of being re-typed and will be posted on our NL Veterans Website and will be available soon for download and/or printing. Any member who does not have access to the internet or computer, please contact the division Secretary, any executive member if you would like a copy when it becomes available.

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Page 16: From the Editor - the Editor . The Summer (of late arrival), ... Musical Ride and various other community activities during

President’s Cup Golf Tournament -August 31, 2015

Winning Team – L/R – Rod Kavanagh, Leigh Desroches, Terry Lane, with President Roger Hansford with the “President’s Cup. Missing from Phone Team Member Pete Stevens. (Terry Gallant Photo)

Left Photo: Wayne Burry, waiting at the Door for everyone to “Fess UP”. Right Photo: “The Crowd”

Please see the Social Committee Report in this issue for further details on a most successful event.

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Annual Terra Nova Golf Tournament - ( Submitted by Rod Kavanagh)

See attached photos compliments of Leigh who also had the photos of Larry enlarged(Tks Brenda) so we could place on our carts. Larry's name and stories were told and spoken of many times during this trip. His presence was sorely missed but remembered by many......Larry was a good friend and travelling companion of mine for many years to this golf tournament and we had a lot of good times. Last night before shutting down my computer there was a message in my Junk Mail from Larry Power(at obviously someone had hacked his account BUT how ironic. The message said "How are you" !






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