from our kitchen to yours


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A compilation of Christmas recipes from the Tarisota Designers and Friends 2009 Edition


Page 1: From Our Kitchen to Yours
Page 2: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Line a mini mu�in tray with mini mu�in cases.

2. The Kingston Biscuits become the mini ch�secake base so to separate the biscuits,

microwave for 20 seconds so that the chocolate centres melt enough to a�ow you to twist the

biscuits apart easily. Chocolate should remain on BOTH sides of the biscuit once the

biscuits are twisted apart.

3. Unfortunately the Kingston biscuits are a tiny bit t� large for the mu�in cases we had

so use a knife to trim the biscuits if you n�d to, so that you can fit one biscuit per case.

Set aside the crumbs which can be used for to�ing if desired. Set aside while you make the


4. In a bowl, use an electric beater to blend together the jar of lemon bu�er and the jar of

cream ch�se until nice and sm�thy.

5. Sp�n even amounts on top of each Kingston biscuit base. Fr�ze for several hours or

overnight until set.

6. Serve by p�ling each mini ch�secake from pa�y cases and sprinkling the Flake

chocolate or the left over biscuit crumbs on top of each mini ch�secake.

Kim Says

This recipe has become a recent firm family favourite and was adapted and modified

from the 4 Ingredients b�k. For the mini chefs in this house (Jamison and Capri)

this was a quick recipe they were able to whip up easily.


1 pkt of Kingston biscuits

1 jar of cream ch�se

1 jar of lemon bu�er

1 Flake chocolate

mini mu�in baking tray


Mini Ch�secakes

Recipe and photo by Kim Archer

Page 3: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Preheat oven to 180°C. Coat a 12-hole mu�in pan with c�king spray. Pre� the

lavash rounds into the base and sides of the mu�in pan.

2. Combine the remaining ingredients and sp�n into the bread cases.

3. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden and firm.

Tip. Use your kitchen sci�ors to cut the lavash bread rounds, makes it so easy.

Rachel Says

These cute li�le ni�les are great to take to any party, you can make them in

advance and have them cold or re-heat them. Delicious !


2 slices lavash bread, cut into twelve

10cm rounds

3 rashers bacon, tri�ed of fat and

rind, cho�ed

60g reduced-fat tasty ch�se, grated

30g parmesan ch�se, grated

1 e�, lightly beaten

3 sha�ots, cho�ed

1 tbs fresh parsley, cho�ed


Bacon and Ch�se Tarts

Recipe and photo by Rachel Tucker

Page 4: From Our Kitchen to Yours

8 ozs bu�er

1 cup sugar

Cream the bu�er and sugar together, then a�:

1 e�

1 tablesp�n golden syrup

Mix we�, then a�:

2 1/2 cups plain flour

1 teasp�n bi - carb soda

**If you want to turn these into ginger shortbread creams, then also a� in 2 heaped

teasp�ns of ground ginger**

Mix a� the ingredients together. Ro� a tiny teasp�n fu� in your palm and squish

the top down with a fork.

Bake in a moderate oven (180 degr�s or 160/170 fan forced). C�k for around 12-15


Once c�l, join two biscuits together with some icing.

*******For a special Christmas treat, dush the shortbread creams gently with icing

sugar before serving***********


8 ozs bu�er

1 cup sugar

1 e�

1 tablesp�n golden syrup

2 1/2 cups plain flour

1 teasp�n bi - carb soda


Melting Moments

Recipe and photo by Mel G�dse�

Page 5: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. C�k the onions with the crushed garlic until translucent - a� the mince and c�k until


2. A� in the pasta sauce, soup, wine and pesto - stir until we� mixed tehn pop a lid on to

si�er while you make the white sauce

3. Melt the bu�er in a sma� saucepan - when bu�ling a� the plain flour and stir we�- th

mixture wi� be quite thick - remove from heat and slowly a� the milk k�p sti�ing as you

are a�ing - Once it is a� a�ed return to the heat and continue to stir util it thickens.

Season with cracked pe�er

4. In a baking dish place 1/2 cup of white sauce on the bo�on - sm�th it out so you have a

thin layer covering the bo�om. Layer with lasagne sh�ts - then 1/3 of the mince mixture -

lasagne sh�ts - mince mixture - lasagne sh�ts - the last of the mince mixture - a layer of

lasagne sh�ts then white sauce on top

5. Cover the sauce with grated ch�se and sprinkle with nutmeg

6. Bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes - depending on the brand of your lasagne

sh�ts- until golden brown on top

Tamar Says

This recipe may s�m like t� much work at first glance - but I promise its not once you get

started and its so delicious - serve with a simple gr�n salad


1 pkt instant lasgne sh�ts

700 grms mince

1 onion diced

2 tablesp�ns crushed garlic

1/4 cup pesto

1/2 cup red wine

1 tin of tomato soaup

1 jar pasta sauce

grated ch�se


White sauce

60 grms bu�er

60 grms plain flour

600ml milk

ground pe�er


Tamar’s Lasagne

Recipe and photo by Tamar Bostock

Page 6: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Traditiona�y used with lime juice from the Keys in Florida. This pie is an absolute favou-

rite in my house and it's so very easy to make.


Crush the malt biscuits into very fine crumbs.

Melt the bu�er, pour it over the biscuit crumbs, stir we�.

Pre� biscuit/bu�er mix into the bo�om and sides of a ch�secake or flan dish.

(I place baking paper in the bo�om first, hanging over the sides of the dish so it is easy

to lift out).

Place in the fridge to set.

Place softened cream ch�se and condensed milk into a bowl and mix until sm�th.

Fold in a�rox half of the 400g can of Dairywhip cream.

A� 1/2 cup lime juice and beat until sm�th. It wi� thicken up a li�le.

Tip into the biscuit base and place into the fridge until cold.

Garnish with the remaining whi�ed cream as you serve.

Nic says “Sometimes I a� a li�le more lime juice, it depends on your taste!

This pie is twice as nice the next day - if it lasts that long!”



1 1/2 packets Malt Biscuits

250g bu�er

1 x 8oz (240g) container of

cream ch�se, softened.

1 x 400g can sw�tened

condensed milk

400g can Dairywhip cream.

(Cream in a can).

1/2 cup lime juice

(You can buy it in the baking aisle).


Key Lime Pie

Recipe and photo by Nic Howard

Page 7: From Our Kitchen to Yours


Combine a� ingredients, refrigerate overnight.

To serve, sp�n into individual bowls and top with a few raspbe�ies and slivered


Yve�e Says

This recipe started o� in our house as a su�er alternative to po�idge, but we

love it so much that we enjoy it year round. I love that it's so easy to prepare the

night before, just by mixing a� the ingredients together and po�ing it into the

fridge, then the next morning it's ready to serve! It's great for those busy morn-

ings, or mornings where you just want to have an easy but yu�y breakfast! I have

substituted di�erent yoghurts and juices when I didn't have the ones the recipe

ca�s for.


2 cups ro�ed oats

400g vani�a yoghurt (I use low fat)

1 cup a�le juice

140g ti�ed peaches, cho�ed

1 a�le, p�led and diced

200g raspbe�ies

a sma� handful of toasted slivered


more raspbe�ies and almonds to serve


Bircher Muesli

Recipe and photo by Yve�e Adams

Page 8: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1.Grease a pie dish with a li�le olive oil.

2.Lay one sh�t of pastry into pie dish.

3. Crumble spinach onto base of pie.

4.Combine e�s with parsley and tabasco , and pour over spinach.

5.A� meat and ch�se to mixture.

6.Top with slices of tomato.

4.Cover with second sh�t of pastry and fold over edges to seal.

5.Place in a preheated oven at 180c for 20 mins and then check.

6.C�k until pastry is golden brown.

Ngaire Says

This is a simple recipe but very delicious made mostly from the bits you’� already have in

your fridge servewith a simple salad and a gla� of wine for an easy Christmas Eve di�er


two sh�ts pu� pastry.

6 e�s.

1 sma� diced onion.

1 cup frozen spinach.

finely cho�ed ham, or left over

roast chicken, or bacon.

finely cho�ed parsley.

1 thin sliced tomato.

feta ch�se.. or grated tasty ch�se..

or both.. a�rox half a cup.

dash of tabasco . ( optional)

Ngaire’s Leftover Pie

Recipe and photo by Ngaire Bartlam


Page 9: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Melt bu�er and mix a� ingredients together. Pre� down mix nice and firmly in a slice

tray. C�k in moderate oven for 10 - 15mins.

Ice and sprinkle with coconut if desired.

**NOTE** Do not overc�k otherwise the slice is very hard and t� crunchy :O)


1 cup Self Raising Flour

1 cup coconut

1/2 cup sugar

2 tablesp�ns cocoa

4 ozs (125 grams) bu�er or margarine


Easy Peasy Chocolate Slice

Recipe and photo by Mel G�dse�

Page 10: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Sift the flour then make a dough by a�ing sugars, e�, vani�a, bu�er, salt.

2. A� choc bits and walnuts/peanuts if using them

3. Drop by teasp�nfuls onto trays lined with baking paper

4. Bake 175-180 degr�s Celsius until light brown - 10 - 12 minutes

Yields about 2 1/2 dozen c�kies

(adapted from a Be�y Crocker C�k B�k)

Jane�e Says

I have long b�n a fan of chocolate chip c�kies and have b�n known to eat far t�

many t�. When one of my students recently gave this recipe to me, I was k�n to try

them out. I was thri�ed with them, they are not only super quick and easy to make,

they have quickly become a firm favourite of our family t�. With the ingredients in

the cupboard, I can quickly whip a batch together for aftern�n tea or when visitors

pop in. Only problem is, they never last very long. This year the children have

requested we make these for Santa as we� - I KNOW he wont be complaining...


125 gm soft bu�er/margarine

3/4 cup sugar (1/2 raw and 1/2 white)

1 e�

1 teasp�n vani�a

125gm choc bits

½ cup walnuts peanuts -optional

1 1/2 cups SR flour

pinch salt


To� House C�kies

Recipe and photo by Jane�e Wind

Page 11: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Pop a� the candy canes into a plastic zip lock bag and crush with a ha�er - you

want them to be quite crushed

2. Melt your white chocolate either over a double boiler or in the microwave at 70 %

power - 2 minutes to start and then 30 secs after each sti�ing inbetw�n - you

don’t want to over melt

3.Mix your pe�ermint crush into the white chocolate

4. Sp�n into moulds - we used silicone ice tray moulds shaped like stars and hearts

from ikea

5. Place in the fridge until set - then pop out

Makes about 18 chcolates

Sofia Says

The best part of this recipe is ge�ing to crush a� the candy canes - but it’s hard

to get them out of their wra�ers. My Da�y says this is his favourite recipe ever

and he wants me to make it very day so he can have some with his co�� and read his

paper. Mu�a says I’m not a�owed to.


6 candy canes

350 gram block g�d white chocolate


Pe�ermint Chocolates

Recipe by Sofia Bostock and photo by Tamar Bostock

Page 12: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Sift flour and then a� the rest of the ingredients.

2. Beat with an electric mixer until the mixture becomes pale

3. Fi� the cupacke wra�ers to about half fu�

4. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes until golden brown


125gm bu�er softened

1 1/2 cups icing sugra sifted

2 tabels�ons of milk

1. Mix together until flu�y and pale


Use spearmint levaes cut in half with sci�ors , silver cachous and ja�as to form

be�ies with leaves or to make a christmas wreath on top

Talia Says- These l�k so pre�y when you use special red wra�ers like the polka

dot ones.


1 cup self raising flour

90 gm softened bu�er

1 tspn vani�a

1/2 cup caster sugar

2 e�s

2 tbspn milk

cupcake wra�ers 6 large or 12 medium


Christmas Cupcakes

Recipe by Talia Bostock and Photo by Tamar Bostock

Page 13: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. Once about half of

it is melted, remove and stir with a sp�n until the remaining chocolate melts.

2. Dip the strawbe�ies topside down into the melted chocolate and a�ange with

the meringues on a serving plate, stacking them into a peak shape. As the chocolate

c�ls it wi� help glue the meringues and strawbe�ies together. Once the chocolate

has set, dust libera�y with icing sugar and serve at r�m temperature with a bowl of

whi�ed cream.

Rachel Says For a intimate Christmas di�er party try making individual

de�erts in sma� vintage champagne gla�es. Stu�ing !


300g white chocolate, cho�ed

2 packet store brought individual


1-2 pu�ets strawbe�ies

Icing sugar for dusting



White Christmas Magic

Recipe by Rachel Tucker

Page 14: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Preheat oven to 180*C.

In a large bowl mix together zu�hini, onion, bacon and ch�se.

Sprinkle flour over mixture and stir we�.

Mix in oil then beaten e�s. Season with a li�le salt and pe�er to taste.

Sp�n into greased mini mu�in tins and c�k for about 10 mins.

Yve�e Says For a variation: pour into a greased and lined springform tin and

bake 30-40 mins, until a skewer comes out clean.


400 g zu�hini (a�rox 3 zu�hinis),

unp�led and grated

1 onion, finely cho�ed

2 bacon rashers, finely cho�ed

¾ cup grated ch�se

1 cup SR flour

½ cup oil

5 e�s, beaten


Zu�hini Mu�ins

Recipe by Yve�e Adams

Page 15: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1.Preheat over to 240 degr�s celcius

2.Mix flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl

3.Cut bu�er into sma� chunks. Rub through flour / sugar mix until mixture resembles bread-


4.A� milk and mix with a bu�er KNIFE – this is rea�y important because if you over mix your

mixture your scones wi� end up hard and sma� NOTE: your scone mix should be slightly wet,

you don’t want it t� dry

5.Sprinkle some flour over your bench or work area.

6.Spread mix on the bench to form a large rectangle, spreading it to be a�rox. 1.5 cm


7.Take your brown sugar and spread over the entire flat surface of the scone mix – I use my

fingers for this

8.Next sprinkle ci�amon over the top of the brown sugar – a� as much as you like to taste

9.Now carefu�y ro� your scone mix into a long ro� with the ci�amon / sugar on the inside

10.Once your mix is in a nice long ro�, cut into 1/2 inch thick pieces with a sharp knife

11.Take your baking tray and a� a sh�t of baking paper to the bo�om

12.Lay your cut sections on their side, close together so they are touching

13.When a� of your ro� is cut into Chelsea buns, place them in the oven for 12 – 14 minutes,

again check after 10 minutes and c�k ti� lightly golden

14. Remove from over when c�ked and c�l on a rack

15. Sprinkle with icing sugar and they are ready to eat

Jane�e Says these are favourite of my family and my children often ask for them when

they have friends over to play. They are delicious served warm or cold and again, they don’t

last very long – even mum’s have b�n known to eat a few t� many!!


3 cups self raising flour

1 tbsp caster sugar

80 grams bu�er

1 cup milk

A�rox. 1/4 cup of brown sugar


Icing sugar for sprinkling on top


Chelsea Buns

Recipe by Jane�e Wind

Page 16: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Mix a� ingredients in a container large enough to fit your pork piece.

2. Score the pork skin with a sharp knife.

3. Rub the mixed ingredients into the pork vigourously.

Idea�y, do this the night before, so the flavours can infuse into the pork.


Have your oven hot as it wi� go.

4. When the light goes o�, and its preheated, place pork in the oven. Watch until crackle

blisters(a�rox 20 mins).


5.Turn oven down to 150 degr�s C and slow c�k pork for a couple of hours.(Based on an aver-

age 1.5-2 kilo piece.

Deb Says This pork is beautiful served hot or cold, and is delicious with baked a�les,

potatoes and fresh orange slices.


Desired piece of ro�ed shoulder or

leg Pork roast.

½ cup vegetable oil

6 teasp�ns ordinary salt.

1 teasp�n garlic

1 teasp�n ginger

1 de�ertsp�n soy sauce.


Sw�t and Salty Crackled Pork

Recipe and Photo by Deb Godley

Page 17: From Our Kitchen to Yours

For the dre�ing - Combine a� ingredients in a medium bowl, sti�ing with a whisk.

Store in a jar & k�p refrigerated. Be sure to shake we� before using.

In a salad bowl, a� Romain le�uce (torn or cut into nice size pieces). On top a�

crumbled Blue ch�se, dried cranbe�ies and cho�ed pecans. Serve dri�led with

dre�ing & enjoy!

Gigi Says "I love a g�d salad and this one is my cu�ent favorite. It has that perfect

mix of sw�t & savory and a g�d deal of crunch. A� in some gri�ed chicken and you've got a

quick, healthy, delicious meal in minutes!"



1/3 cup maple syrup

2 Tablesp�ns finely cho�ed sha�ots

3 Tablesp�ns Dijon mustard

2 Tablesp�ns Balsamic vinegar

1 Tablesp�n canola oil

1/4 teasp�n freshly ground black pe�er

1/8 teasp�n kosher salt


Romaine Le�uce

@ 1/4 cup crumbled Blue Ch�se

@ 1/4 cup dried Cranbe�ies

@ 1/4 cup cho�ed Pecans


My Favourite Salad

Recipe and Photo by Gigi Ke�edy

Page 18: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Preheat the oven to 180 deg c.

Grease a 33cm x 24cm tin.

Melt the bu�er and golden syrup together in a saucepan.

Combine the muesli, flour and sugar in a large bowl.

Di�olve the baking powder in the boiling water and a� to the bu�er and syrup.

Pour the liquid into the dry muesli mixture and mix thoroughly.

Using wet hands pre� into the tin and ro� flat to compre�.

Bake for 12 mins or until golden and firm.

C�l in the tin before slicing.

Makes 18 large bars.

Mardi Says I would love to give the author credit for this recipe but Ive hadit for so

long I cant remember where it came


200g bu�er

5 tblspns golden syrup

5 cups of muesli (any variety works)

1 1/2 cups plain flour

1 tblspn baking powder

1/4 cup boiling water


Breakfast Muesli Bars

Recipe and Photo by Mardi Winen

Page 19: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Lightly grease 26 cm pie dish..Spread che�ies over the base of prepared dish.

Beat e�s, milk, e�ence and sifted flour in sma� bowl of electric mixer until combined.

Gradua�y beat in sifted flour and spice and beat until sm�th.

Pour ba�er over che�ies.

Bake in a moderate oven for about 50 mins or until brown and firm.

Just before serving top with whi�ed cream.

Janet Says This truly takes 5 mins and never fails. I can whip it up quickly if I am

asked to take something to a morning tea etc. It is not overly sw�t but absolutely



2x410 cans pi�ed black che�ies, drained

¾ cup milk

2 e�s

2 tspn vani�a e�ence

1/3 cup icing sugar

1/3 cup plain flour

1tspn mixed spice


Che�y Clafouti

Recipe and Photo by Janet O Co�or

Page 20: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Melt bu�er and use a li�le to grease a 12-hole friand pan. Its a

g�d idea to dust with flour t�.

2. Sift the flour and sugar together

3. With a w�den s�on stir in almond meal.

4. Use a fork to foth up the e� whites

5.A� the rest ofthe ingredients - stir until combined - dont over mix

6. Bake for 30 minutes until golden a

7 Dust with icing sugar just before serving.- a do�op of cream doesn't go astray either!

Tamar Says These li�le morsels have to be tasted to be believed - deliciously light

and so much yu�ier than the ones you buy at the cafes. The only secret is to k�p on hand in

the pantry some almond meal- and you do not n�d much . I would also reco�end investing in

a cute pan to c�k them in.


190g unsalted bu�er

60g plain flour

1 1/3 cups icing sugar,

plus extra to dust

120g almond meal

5 e� whites

Grated zest of 1 lemon


Lemon Friands

Recipe and Photo by Tamar Bostock

Page 21: From Our Kitchen to Yours

1. Line a spring form pan with alfoil

2. Blend biscuits up until they form a fine crumb - a� in melted bu�er

3. Pre� into the tin and pop in fr�zer

4. In a mixer place the softened cream ch�se, sugar and lemon juice - beat until sm�th -

a� in condensed milk continue to beat , then fold through the whi�ed cream

5.Remove base from fr�zer and pour mixture in

6. Return to the fr�zer for two hours or until set

7 Place in fridge one hour before serving

8.Dust with icing sugar and mixed be�ies just before serving.

Tamar Says This is a go to zert if you n�d to impre� in a hu�y - It tota�y works tastes

fabulous and you can whip it up in no time at a� - because you fr�ze it as we� it cuts down

the prep time by a lot and there is no mucking around with gelatin :) You have to give this

one a try!


2 blocks of cream ch�se ( not low fat)

300 mls cream whi�ed

1 tin condensed milk

2 tblsp�ns caster sugar

a g�d squirt of lemon juice

1 pckt choc ri�le biscuits

60 gms bu�er - melted

mixed be�ies and icing sugar to serve


Ch�secake with Be�ies

Recipe and Photo by Tamar Bostock

Page 22: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Line a 19cm square cake pan with baking paper.

Mix the icing sugar, coconut,sw�tened condensed milk and e� white together - you

might n�d to use your hands to help towards the end.

Divide the mixture in half and a� a few drops of pink f�d colouring to one half -

mix we�.

Pre� the white mixture into the bo�om of the pan and then a� a layer of pink on


Leave in the fridge to set (about 3 hours or so) before cu�ing into squares.

Mel Says

Seriously yu�y! We use light sw�tened condensed milk for fewer calories in our

house and it works just the same.


840 grams icing sugar

200grams desi�ated coconut

395g can sw�tened condensed milk

1 e� white, lightly beaten

Pink f�d colouring


Coconut Ice

Recipe and photo by Mel G�dse�

Page 23: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Sift the flour into a bowl

A� the sugar

Pour the b�r over the top ( it foams up a bit )

Use a knife to mix it through - you’� end up with a lumpy kind of dough - quite wet

A� your flavourings - pesto black pe�er - I have also a�ed sun dried tomotoes

chi�i, tabasco, paprika, grated ch�se, bacon bits,whatever you like rea�y! - and

even nothing it sti� tastes g�d :)

Sp�n into a loaf pan

Bake for 40 minutes or until golden brown. Use a skewer to test when its done

Tamar Says

This is a rea�y great recipe- it tastes delicious - has never failed for me! and

takes just a couple of minutes to whip up and throw in the oven


3 cups SR flour

1/3 cup white sugar

1 can of b�r-r�m temp

1/3 cup of pesto

black pe�er


B�r Bread

Recipe and photo by Tamar Bostock

Page 24: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Mix a� ingredients in a bowl. Grease a pie plate & pour mixture into it. Bake at

350 degr�s for 30-40 minutes (until mi�le is set).

Serve with fresh tomatoes & enjoy!!

Gigi Says

"This recipe was given to my mother by her g�d friend about 20 years ago when we

harvested a huge crop of zu�hini from our first zu�hini plants. It has b�n a

family favorite since then; super easy to make and delicious."


3 cups zu�hini, shre�ed

1 cup pancake mix

1/2 cup onion, cho�ed

1/2 cup Parmesan ch�se, shre�ed

2 Tbsp fresh parsley

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp marjoram

1/2 tsp oregano

freshly ground black pe�er

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 cup vegetable oil

4 e�s, beaten


Zu�hini Quiche

Recipe and photo by Gigi Ke�edy

Page 25: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Line a lamington/slice tin with foil and then lightly grease the foil.

Melt 200 grams of c�king chocolate and pour into the prepared tin. Refrigerate

until firm.

Mix the fo�owing in a bowl while the chocolate is se�ing:

cornflakes, glace che�ies, cho�ed nuts, apricots, plain flour

Then melt the fo�owing ingredients in a saucepan:

bu�er, dark brown sugar, condensed milk,vani�a

Combine the melted ingredients with the dry ingredients. Mix we� and pre� over

the chocolate base.

Bake in a moderate oven (180 degr�s) for 15 minutes.

When cold dri�le with melted chocolate if desired - cut into slices and enjoy!

Mel Says

Oh my g�dne� - my most favourite Christmas recipe this year! I rea�y should have

made a double batch as ours were a� consumed far t� fast. They l�k lovely wra�ed

up in ce�ophane bags and tied with ri�on.


2 cups cornflakes, lightly crushed

1/2 cup glace che�ies - cho�ed

1/2 cup cho�ed nuts (walnuts,hazelnuts)

6 or so dried apricots - cho�ed

1/4 cup plain flour

90 grams bu�er

1/2 cup dark brown sugar

1/2 cup condensed milk

1/2 teasp�n vani�a


Florentine Slice

Recipe and photo by Mel G�dse�

Page 26: From Our Kitchen to Yours

Grease a 20cm square cake pan. Line base and sides with baking paper. Place choc

melts, vani�a e�ence, bu�er and condensed milk in a medium saucepan. Stir over a

low heat until mixture is sm�th. Remove saucepan from heat and c�l mixture to r�m

temperature. Stir in marshma�ows. Spread mixture into a pan. Cover and refriger-

ate overnight or until set. To serve fudge cut into squares. Store in an airtight

container in the refrigerator.

Jen Says

This is a yu�y fun recipe that the kids can make the hardest part is waiting for it

to set.


3 cups of Milk Choc Melts

1tsp vani�a e�ence

40g unsalted bu�er, melted

395g can sw�tened condensed milk

100g packet multicoloured ma�ow



Rainbow Fudge

Recipe and photo by Jen Kirk