from demystification to learner engagement: doing education differently

From demystification to learner engagement: Doing education differently #OMLTA2014 Jacques Cool

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OMLTA (Ontario Modern Language Teachers Association) 2014 Spring conference keynote, March 28 2014.


  • 1. #OMLTA2014 Jacques Cool

2. 100% of the ideas expressed here are a direct result of my frequent interactions with awesome educators from my PLN (personal learning network). In todays world, I could not do this any other way. 3. Society School Student as learner Teacher as learner Ourself 4. WEB SURFERS : 2 500 000 000+ (35 % world pop.) PEOPLE ON SOCIAL MEDIA : 1 900 000 000+ (26 % world pop.) 5. There are over 6 600 000 000 mobile phone users. Thats roughly 93 % of Earths population. 6. From this 7. Your mobile is your concierge. 8. (via Laura Molina | 9. Ppres on Instagram and mmres on Facebook. (Les seniors dans la galaxie 3.0) 10. 11. (I DATE) 80 billion connected objects 12 billion connected objects 12. Plato scribes Gutenberg Internet An exciting time to be in education! 13. The learner must manage the flow he/she is in. (Jeff Tavernier) 14. Les mtiers de demain (Les Propulseurs) 15. Bill Ferriter asks The right answers should get us thinking about learning outcomes and pedagogy. 16. empowerment to take flight! 17. and lots of windows, SVP ! 18. Mozilla Foundation (2013) 19. EXPLORE 20. EXPLORE 21. BUILD 22. BUILD 23. CONNECT 24. CONNECT 25. Working with digital tools. The good use of visuals. 26. Projects where they can move. Working/interacting with their peers. 27. Making choices for their projects. A teacher that understands them. 28. Variety! Humanism and fun. 29. Linking their projects/work to real-world issues. A teacher passionate about his/her profession. 30. Beaverton High School ALL of its social media strategy is managed by the kids! 31. The world no longer cares how much you know; the world cares about what you can do with what you know. (Tony Wagner) 32. (George Couros) 33. Science creates the structure underlying the art of teaching. 34. Steve Masson, UQAM 35. OK, what roadmap to transform my practice? 36. We all start out ugly. (Ed Catmull, Pixar) 37. Destination russite II - Ontario francophone 38. Content PedagogyTechnology (My blog post) Contexts 39. doesnt have to know everything, is not afraid of making mistakes, 40. doesnt need someone to plan, organize and lead all professional development, doesnt just think of teaching content, 41. doesnt work in isolation. CONNECTEDNESS! @@@ 42. doesnt see technology as a trending fad, 43. makes sure that what was done in the past doesnt get in the way of what can be done ahead. 44. A teacher is first of all a learner. 45. As described, teaching in todays world is one of the most complex professions. 46. Technology in education is useful only insofar as it extends our own humanity. ( 47. Between and Lets not but rather find innovative ways to soar like an and make some 48. That each kid will like to come to school and find her/his passion. 49. Lets all be agents of change! 50. MERCI !! Keynote blog post: A Diigo list of cool references: Slides can be downloaded at: slideshare link Credits for images: link