frightening facts about private military companies

Fantastic Frightening Facts About Private Military Companies

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Fantastic Frightening Facts About Private Military Companies

Defion Internacional, for instance, hails from Peru, South America. This may not seem like the most obvious place for a frightening private armythat is, until you realize that Peru suffered a 20-year internal conflict that ended as recently as 2000 and is still trying to pick up the pieces.

Triple Canopy,like Defion Internacional, is known to employ discount South American soldiers. However, thats just a small fraction of their business. Founded by ex-members of the US Army Special Forces, Triple Canopy is a mercenary force that works mainly for the US government in Iraq.

In 2007, they received some troubling news of their own: A former German officer called Thomas Kaltegrtner had founded a mercenary company of his own.

According to Grunberg, his company and its horde of privately paid soldiers are established entities, have established sets of principles and employ professional people.

The name Academi, which has been in use since 2011, marks the second time the company has attempted to whitewash its name in five years. Its first name change was to XE Services, which lasted only two years, until yet another corporate restructuring took place.

The company is notorious for targeting the client countrys mineral-rich regions, often regaining and securing control of gold, oil and diamond regions before paying attention to other matters.

Her employer then decided to cover up the incident by locking her in a shipping container with no food or water for 24 hours. This was followed with a warning: Theyd immediately fire her if she left Iraq to seek medical treatment.

In 2005, a trophy video featuring presumably Scottish or Irish menrandomly shootingIraqi civilians was uploaded on a site that was unofficially affiliated with Aegis Defence Servicesa private military company that incidentally employs both Scots and Irishmen.

Stirling was a Scottish Laird and a skillful military man to the very core: Even before he started dabbling in the mercenary business, he had created a little something called the SAS, which you may know as one of the most elite special force units in the world.

DynCorp is one of the most powerful private military companies in the world, with most of its several-billion dollar revenue coming directly from the US government. Sadly, allegations have been made that the companys code of conduct leaves something to be desiredto say the least.


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