friendly screens presentation (may 2011) safe internet for children and teens digital citizenship

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  • 7/31/2019 Friendly Screens Presentation (May 2011) Safe Internet for Children and Teens Digital Citizenship


    For the Safe and Healthy Use of Communication

    TechnologiesFor Responsible Digital Citizenship

    Working for the promotion, participation and the protectionof children and adolescents on the Internet and other online

    technologies since 2004

    Internet / Mobile phones / Video games

    ( 2 0 0 4 2 0 1 1 )

    Pan ta l l asAmigas

    Genera l Overv iew

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    1 .1 . Bo rn f rom and fo r educat ion : oppo r t un i t y and cha l l enge

    PantallasAmigas is an independent initiative founded by EDEX in 2004. Itcame about out of necessity as a way to incorporate communicationtechnologies into the education and intervention strategies regardingchildren and adolescents. EDEX ( is a Non Profit Organizationwith an experience of 35 years promoting and protecting children andadolescents. At the time of its creation, there were many significantpossibilities online for minors, but also many challenges to face, as theInternet was becoming more and more relevant in countries such asCanada, the USA, the UK, and Australia.

    PantallasAmigas counts on support from Integral de Medios consultants whohave wide and varied experience with the integration of communicationtechnologies in education, which gives PantallasAmigas an importanttechnology backing.

    Therefore PantallasAmigas has emerged from the opportunities thatcommunication technologies offer to minors, and the necessity that thoseminors develop in a complete and safe way.

    1.2 . Focus and Appr oach

    The direction of PantallasAmigas is clear from its compound name:

    Fr iend ly : being positive and favourably disposed Screens: referring to different types of media outlets (the Internet,

    mobile phones, video games)

    Following on from this declaration of intentions, is the mission which startedin 2004 with the slogan: For t he Sa fe and Hea l t hy Use

    Safe Use: avoiding risks and reducing their consequences Hea l thy Use: in the sense of physical, mental and social well-being,

    both individual and collective, based on the WHO definition.

    In 2009 the slogan was broadened to include: For Respons ib le D ig i ta lC i t izensh ip

    Respons ib le D ig i ta l C i t izensh ip : the Internet opens up differentmethods of online socialising, where those who surf should do soresponsibly leading the way. Developing complete citizencompetencies, universal values and skills for new digital playing


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    1 .3 Lines o f I nvo lvem en t and Act ion

    The priority lines of involvement are:

    Awareness and promulgation. I n f o r m i n g and educa t ing parents, teachers, and other education


    Teaching and training children and adolescents. Research. Creating suppo r t systems, following them up, and online a le r tness.

    Some of which can be specified further as:

    The creation of educative and outreach resources (guides, multimediamaterial, didactic online resources, support websites etc.).

    Publications of opinion and outreach articles. Attending to the media. The planning and organisation of outreach workshops. Studies about minors and the use of communication technologies. Collaborations in municipal centres and schools. Participation at educational and awareness events and collaboration

    with governmental organisations

    Providing support and counselling to minors and families who havefallen victim to cyberbullying or cyber-crimes.

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    1 .4 H a ll m a rk s

    When carrying out their work, PantallasAmigas has kept to their hallmarks:

    The strategic use ofeducat iona l comm un ica t ions . The development of l i f e sk i l l s (put into three groups by the Pan

    American Health Organisation: social, cognitive, and emotional).

    The promotion of universal va lues (such as respect, cooperation,solidarity etc.).

    The mainstreaming of other educational aspects (inclusion, genderequality etc.).

    Applying i n n o v a t i v e m e t h o d s (media channels, agents, processesetc.).

    1 .5 T h e e v o l u t i o n o f t h e s u b j e c t m a t t e r a n d w a y s o fengagemen t

    Since 2004, the development and evolution in the objectives and methodsused by PantallasAmigas has been continuous, which has been necessary in

    order to reach their goals. They always put emphasis on aspects which needsuch a level of development, and work on strategies which can be taken onboard by other people and assigned immediately onto other imminentchallenges. This is shown by the different resources and activities put inplace and the dates when they were carried out.

    Generally speaking, an emphasis has been put on the following naturallyoccurring phases:

    - Informing and raising awareness- Prevention (action and resources)- Involvement (protocol design)- Influencing public policy- Repercussions in supply and demand of services

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    2 .1 . Wide r each

    Work from 14 Spanish autonomous communities (provinces):

    Andalusia Cantabria MurciaAragon Castile and Len NavarreAsturias Castile-La Mancha The Basque CountryThe Balearic Islands Catalonia Valencian CommunityThe Canary Islands Madrid

    And more meaningfully and specifically with:

    The ChildrensOmbudsman in Madrid

    The Ombudsman for theBasque Country


    The Ombudsman forCastile-La Mancha

    Apart from collaborating with the various regional government institutions

    mentioned above, PantallasAmigas has also carried out projects withINTECO,, the Basque Countrys Data Protection Agency etc.

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    2 .2 . Recogn i t io n

    Because of their work, and also for being a point of reference in Spain andpresent in the main events related to their field, PantallasAmigas has beenspecially acknowledged on two occasions.

    Selected for Good p r ac t ices in ch i ldhood and ado lescence use o f newtechno log ies (October, 2008) from the Ministry of Industry, Tourism andTrade, and the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sport.

    PantallasAmigas was also selected for Good p rac t i ces in the f rameworkt o b e d e v e lo p ed i n t h e m e e t i n g o f t h e Pe r m a n e n t I n t e r g o v e r n m e n t a lGroup L Europe de l En fance . This was for the Seminar of Childhoodand adolescence: opportunities and challenges in the use of newtechnologies, by the Ministry of Health and Social Policy.

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    2 .3 . I n te rn a t iona l d im ension

    The job of PantallasAmigas doesnt stop at the Spanish borders, given thatit deals with a global issue that, in essence, doesnt adhere to geographicallimits and has a natural projection to the Spanish speaking world.

    - Collective agreement with the Ombudsman of Buenos Aires(Argentina)

    - Presence in events and field of work in Latin America.o Argentina: International Seminar Boys and Girls and Internet

    social networks organised by the Ministry of SocialDevelopment, Secretary General of Childhood, Adolescence

    and Family (October, 2010)o Paraguay: Conference of the Safe and Healthy Use of New

    Technologies by Global Infancia and the IDRC (October, 2010)

    - Various collaborations with the Generaciones Interactiva forum, withample presence in Latin America

    - Joint projects with Latin American representatives( and

    As well as establishing links with other Spanish speaking countries,

    FriendlyScreens has begun working its way into the English speaking world,with the project

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    The subject matter that PantallasAmigas deals with is quite diverse, which isthus reflected in the different didactic resources and initiatives which areexplained further on. Nevertheless, since the beginning they have paid closeattention to the cyberbullying phenomenon, which in the end, has turnedout to be the biggest risk and have the highest number of incidences. Thissection will highlight 10 spec i f i c i n i t i a t i ves that have come about since2006.

    3 .1 Cybe rbu l l y ing . A gu ide fo r m o the rs , fa the rs and educato r s(2006)

    3 .2 Cyberb u l ly i ng . Mu l t im ed ia Educa t i ona l Pack . (2008)CD-ROM (animations and interactive games) and d idac t ic gu ide .Intended audience: Children 9 11 years old and educators.

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    3 .3 E- lega l gu ides . (2009)

    Know ou r r i gh ts and responsib i l i t i e s on th e Net

    Intended audience: adolescents, parents, and educators.

    3 .4 S top-Cyberbu l ly ing Ki t (2010)

    D iv er s e su p p o r t m a t e r i al s + w e b si t e : w w w . st o p - c ib e r b u l ly i n g .c om

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    3 .5 I NTERNETamiga ACTA! ( I NTERNETfr iend , ac t now !)( w w w . s t o p - c i b e r b u l l y i n g . n e t ) (2009/ and 2010).

    Online educational resource for adolescents, made for Internet Day,integrated into the project.

    3 .6 www.Navegac ionSegu ra .es (safe surfing) (2009). In collaborationwith INTECO.

    Online educational resource (games and didactic animations) foradolescents. It deals with 5 matters: spyware, worms and Trojans, viruses,grooming and cyberbullying.

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    3 .7 I I n te rn a t iona l Cong ress on D ig i ta l Ci t i zensh ip (2010)

    Cyberbullying and other Internet challenges for minors at school and in the

    family: gan isa t ion and Techn i ca l D i rect ion by PantallasAmigas

    3 . 8 N e t i q u t a t e . ( N e t i q u e t t e y o u r s e l f ) Y o u t h I n t e r n e t e t i q u e t t e f o rSoc ial Ne tw o rks (2010)

    Promote co-existence and values on social networking sites duringadolescence.

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    3 .9 P ro toco l fo r schoo ls on con f ron t ing cybe rbu l l y ing (2011)

    Carried out by the Heard of the EMICI group coordinated by

    PantallasAmigas. It is the official protocol used by the Basque CountrysDepartment of Education, who participated and agreed on its production.

    The EMICI (Equipo Multidisciplinar deInvestigacin) Multidisciplinary ResearchGroup on cyberbullying members are:

    - Jorge Flores Fernndez (PantallasAmigas)

    - Maialen Garmendia and Gemma Martnez(Spanish team EU Kids Onl in e)

    - Rosario Ortega and Rosario del Rey(members of Laecovi , (Laboratory ofStudies for Co-existence, and thePrevention of Violence). Members of ISCHAction ISO801 COST Cyberbu l ly ing:Copy ing w i th nega t i ve and enhanc ingpos i t ives uses o f New Techno log ies , inre la t ionsh ips in educat iona l se t t i n gs)

    - Ofelia Tejerina, laywer from the

    Association of Cybernauts (Internet users)

    3 .10 Othe r on l ine ou t reach r esou rces and educa t iona l m easu res

    Training for security guards, teachers and educators.

    Training for students.

    Blogs: /

    Various articles.

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    As well as cyberbullying, other matters that have been priority inFriendlyScreens work have been sexual harassment/grooming, and privacy,especially related to social networks. 10 schemes that were created toattend to this stand out, as shown below.

    4 .1 Mu l t im ed ia Educa t iona l Pack Ven t anas ( W indow s) (2007)

    Didactic guide and CD-ROM multimedia with animations and interactivegames. There is an emphasis on having a cr i t i ca l sp i r i t about the trueidentity of the people on the other side of the screen, and ask ing f o r he lp if theyre in trouble.

    4 .2 . On l ine suppo r t w ebsi te aga ins t sex t ing (2009)Includes didactic animations

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    4 .3 . Gu ide abou t Ado lescence and Sex t ing (2011)

    In collaboration with INTECO

    4 .4 . E- lega l g u ides (2009)

    Previously mentioned in relation to Cyberbullying, it also includesinstructions about ones responsibilities related to crimes against sexualliberty and ones rights to intimacy, honour, and personal image.

    4 .5 . Webs i te Cu idadoCon laWebCam (Be Care fu l Wi th Webcams) (2010)

    Shows with the help of animations, the risks of using a webcam. Intendedfor a general audience. Made together with Generaciones InteractivasForum.

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    4 .6 . Webs i te Cu idaTu ImagenOn l ine (Look A f te r You r On l ineI m a g e ) (2010)

    www.cuidatuimagenonline.comGames and animated adventures.Topics: Privacy and personal information, looking after your image, sexting,using a webcam, using social networking sites adequately.

    With the support of the OEI (Organisation of Ibero-American States) and

    RIATE (Ibero-American Network of Communication Technologies andEducation), organisations and ministries of more than 8 Latin Americancountries have also joined.

    4 .7 . The Adven t u res o f Reda and Neto (2009)www.redayneto.comIn collaboration with the Basque Data Protection Agency.The promotion of a culture of privacy and personal data protection of youth.

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    4 .8 . Pr ivacy and socia l ne tw o rks : d idac t i c an im a t ions Available on YouTube:

    Social networks andprivacy:

    Be careful what youpublish about yourself

    Social networks andprivacy:

    Be careful what you

    publish about others

    Social networks andprivacy:

    Do you really haveprivacy on socialnetworks?

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    4 .9 . Sa fe Soc ial Ne tw o rks ( 2011 )Components:

    Multimedia didactic pack- Manual about social networks- Didactic guide- CD-ROM with a game and 5 animated adventures

    Website for support and help:

    Topics: Legal aspects, looking after your image, personal information,privacy, using a webcam, using social networks.

    4 .10 . Var ious w ebs i tes , b logs and ou t r each a r t ic les.

    Various articles

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    AND RESPONSI BLE DI GI TAL CI TI ZENSHI PSince its beginning in 2009, PantallasAmigas has emphasized the push topromote the opportunities that communication technologies offer childrenand adolescents with particular emphasis on their participation - instigatingminors as active agents and protagonists of such. In this section there aresome specific initiatives (involving the participation of children and youngpeople):

    5.1. CYBERMANAGERS, Learn ing and Sup por t Serv ice

    www.cibermanagers.comCybermanagers is a new Learning and Support Service experience thatturns the adolescents themselves into change agents. It puts them in aposition of being able to help others, with regards to the safe andresponsible use of communication technologies, instead of being the victimor part of the problem.

    Alumnado de Secundaria (Secondary School Students) (15 years old) isformed by PantallasAmigas with key questions regarding the safe use of theInternet and using adequate methodologies. This is in order to transfer thesame skills on to not only primary school students (10 years old), but also

    adults; maybe from the same school, other schools, or a non-related area.

    5 important positive points come together: The benefits of the diverse aspects that the methodology of Learning

    and Support Service (school curriculum + social change intervention).Values, knowledge, and competencies for a better society.

    Take advantage of the enrichment of education, of which thestudents will produce when the cybermanagers teach other minors.

    Reduce the digital breach between generations, when cybermanagersteach adults.

    Contribute by overcoming some of the challenges that minors facewith the safe and healthy use of communication technologies

    Its innovative, scalable and can be extended to other types of peopleand activities in the same field, such as online distance learning orassistance.

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    5 .2 . I I n t e rna t iona l Cong ress on D ig i ta l Ci t i zensh

    PantallasAmigas was co-organiser and in charge of technical direction.

    5 .3 . Ne t ique ta te . (Ne t ique t te you rse l f ) You th Ne t ique t te on Soc ia lN e t w o r k

    As described before, it gives an impetus foradolescents to take into account their well-being and that of others when they are onsocial networks. It provides some guidelinesthat the children themselves can, and do,reach a consensus on and respect.

    5 .4 . Ch i ldh ood and Techno log y . D idac t ic on l ine resour ce fo r ch i ld renand pa ren ts .

    www.infanciaytecnologia.comIt tackles technologies (the Internet, mobile phones, and video games) froma gentle point of view, favouring intergenerational communication, andhelps adults to get rid of their fears.

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    5 .5 . I NTERNETamiga . ( I NTERNETfr iend) D idac t ic on l ine r esource fo rado lescen ts .

    This has been advocated 2009 and 2010 internationally. It is divided into 3activities:

    I NTERNETam ig a DI SCOVER! allows for identifying and spreading positiveand enriching uses of the Internet, and investigates the multiplealternatives to leisure, culture, and learning, that arent as well

    I NTERNETami ga GI VE YOUR OPI NI ON! offers the possibility to reflectand make children aware of their own online rights, and moreover providesincentives for participating by getting them to give their own opinion aboutwhich digital rights are essential and

    I NTERNETam ig a ACT! puts forward adopting a proactive attitude againstcyberbullying, the prevention of it, its origin and consequences. It also

    shows the rights and obligations in a specific cyberbullying framework, andthe responsibilities that can be derived from those

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    Discover ! Give your op in ion ! Ac t !

    International panel of collaborators in the 2010 edition

    Prize giving in Bogot (Colombia)

    5 .6 . B logs

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    Without a doubt, mobile phones are the new point of access to childrens

    and adolescents digital lives. It is for this reason that PantallasAmigas cameto work in this area, to become a point of reference with minors. There havebeen 3 activities carried out on this.

    6 .1 . Secuk id , mob i le phone gam e ( w i th co l labo ra t ion f r om I n teco )

    A mobile phone game that gives childrenknowledge related to certain security conceptssuch as malware, cyberbullying and

    6 .2 . Mob isod ios . An im ated ep isodes fo r m ob i le phones

    Using a Bluetooth, the Mobisodios experimenttransferred animated episodes about awareness

    on cyberbullying, grooming, and malware topassers-by who chose to connect to the signal inpublic places. It received international recognitionfor good practices in a municipal environment.

    6 .3 . Ch i ldhood and Techno logy .Webs i te w i th dow n loadab le ca r toons

    In this case, as well as talking about mobile phones in a positive light, itwas also possible for the phone itself to reproduce a story with

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    In coordination with governmental and other organisations, two full projectshave been developed which allow for the training of educators, teachers,parents, provision of didactic material, and prior assessment.

    7 .1 . Dd@lo Pro jec t . Au tonomous Commun i ty o f Cas t i le and Len (2009)

    Under the supervision of AETICAL, PantallasAmigas worked on the creationof didactic material, teaching trainers, and assessing study techniques. Theproject, whose mission was the promotion of the riskless use of theInternet, reached 100 education centres in the region and more than 2,00010 year old pupils.

    7 .2 . - D isf ru t a laRED ( En j oy t he ne t ) . Cha r ted Com m un i t y o f Nava r r e .

    http://www.disfrutalared.comTeaching trainers, teachers, parents, and students.Scope: 800 12-14 year old students and 400 8-11 year old students.

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    8 . 1 T h e I n t e r n e t w i t h f e w e r r i s k s. Gu id e f o r m o t h e r s an d f a t h e r s (2006)

    8 .2 Mu l t imed ia d idac t i c pack 10 key po in ts to use the In te rne tsa fe ly (2007)

    8 .3 B i t Boys . The de fence o f ch i ld ren s r i gh t s in cyberspace

    Characters who star in a variety ofadventures related to the defence ofchildrens rights in the new digitalworld.

    DJ Guan & DJ Zero

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    8 .4 . Stud y Sa fe hab i t s fo r the use o f comm un ica t ion techno log iesby ch i ld ren and ado lescence and the e -con f idence o f t he i r pa ren t s with INTECO

    - Qualitative (more than 30 national experts from different disciplines)- Quantitative (630 Spanish households in 10 cities, adults and minors)

    About the Internet, but also mobile phones and video games- Minors 10-16 years old from households with an Internet connection

    8 .5 . YouTube channe l

    Image taken on April 18, 2011

    14 self-made animations available online260 subscribers

    77.000 visits to the most seen video: Sexting, dont do it

    260.000 total video plays

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    9 .1 . Cibera le r t a (Cyber a le r t )

    It is a system that in two phases (automated andmanual) converts relevant information taken from thenet into knowledge. Its mission is the early detectionof new risks and tendencies in such a way that it cancomplete its job of prevention in a timely and efficientway.

    9 .2 . CSI , I n te rn e t Secu r i t y Cen t re . (Collaboration)

    CSI is an Internet Security Centrewhich collaborates withPantallasAmigas, along with Inteco.

    9 .3 . Repo r t ing and suppo r t se rv i ces

    Currently there are two main channels from where you can obtain help orreport and denounce situations:

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    - On the website PantallasAmigas via the link Ayuda a padres (helpfor parents)

    - A service to report and denounce activities, which receives andresponds to a high number of queries and/or reports, however theyrefer to and deal with exclusively Spanish minors.

    9 .4 . Webs i tes and b logs abou t o th er speci f ic top ics .

    Websites with attention to abusive use:



    9 .5 Fu t u re co l lec t i ve w o rk : 2 .0

    Participation in social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Slideshare