
A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University - Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE - Assignment 04 CONNECT AND COMBINE Creating a new sport out of 2 household items Julian J. Schnell

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Page 1: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -

Assignment 04


Creating a new sport out of 2 household items

Julian J. Schnell

Page 2: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -

Items you need to play this sport:

1. Refridgerator

Type A Type BJulian J. Schnell

Page 3: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -

Items you need to play this sport:

2. One Tomato


Julian J. Schnell

Page 4: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -



= FRIDGEOMATO!The new popular sport!

Julian J. Schnell

Page 5: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -


Fridgeomato is played in 2 different versions subject to the seize of the fridge and the players‘ body height

Julian J. Schnell

Page 6: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -


Version 1:You are using a Type A fridge and/or the fridge is not higher as the belly button

Version 2:You are using a Type B fridge and/or the fridge is higher as the belly button

Julian J. Schnell

Page 7: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -


All Players/Teams are standing in front of the fridge with a distance of at least 3.5 - 4 meters to the fridge.Subject to the played version (Version 1 or 2) the starting position varies:

Version 1: The players are standing straightVersion 2: The players turn their back to the fridge and stand with their legs apart


Version 1: Bowl the tomato in the top shelf (top shelf gets the most points). Version 2: Same goal, but the player has to bowl the tomato through his legs (remember: players are standing with their back to the fridge!)


Points increase from the lower shelf to the top shelf (lower shelf 5points up to the top shelf, for example 20points)

Julian J. Schnell

Page 8: Fridgeomato

A Crash Course on Creativity – Prof. Tina Seelig, Stanford University- Assignment 04: CONNECT AND COMBINE -

Have fun!

Julian J. Schnell