friday 13th october 2017 - steeple claydon school...late packaging, creating their own name and...

Mrs Fincher in Nursery reports “ This week we have connued our autumn theme...using paper to sck pictures of leaves. We've also been on some nature walks around the school collecng more items for our interest tray.” Mrs Snow says, “This week in Recepon we have been working on number recognion, ordering numbers and grouping objects in maths. In English we have been working on understanding vocabulary, sequencing and comprehension. Show and tell was a great opportunity for the children to pracse their listening and responding skills. Aſter half term, for show and tell, we would like to encourage the children to bring in Autumn objects such as things they might find on a walk or unusual vegetables for us to talk about.” Miss Atkins says, “this week in Year 3 we have been looking at mulplicaon in maths including a Herculean challenge! In English we have been wring explanaon texts based on how chocolate is made. In topic, the children have designed their own choco- late packaging, creang their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn’t on this week, we sll went outside, collected natural materials and did some rubbings.” Mr Foster reports, “this week, Year 6 have been having fun with fracons and the enthusiasm the children have for challenging themselves in maths is a real pleasure to be a part of. In English, we've been wring our own chapters of "The Silver Sword"; the stories have been full of Nazi guards, the dastardly Burgomaster and even an escaped chimpanzee - which is actually prey faithful to the book!” Friday 13th October 2017 This week has been parcularly full with children across the school making their teachers and themselves very proud. Almost every teacher has sent children to see me this week because they have produced a piece of work of significantly good quali- ty for them. There was a lot of compeon for the Headteacher’s Star Award this week! It is great to see the children making such big leaps in progress already this year.

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Page 1: Friday 13th October 2017 - Steeple Claydon School...late packaging, creating their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn [t on this week, we still went outside, collected

Mrs Fincher in Nursery reports “ This week we have continued our autumn

theme...using paper to stick pictures of leaves. We've also been on some nature walks

around the school collecting more items for our interest tray.”

Mrs Snow says, “This week in Reception we have been working on number recognition,

ordering numbers and grouping objects in maths. In English we have been working on

understanding vocabulary, sequencing and comprehension. Show and tell was a great

opportunity for the children to practise their listening and responding skills. After half

term, for show and tell, we would like to encourage the children to bring in Autumn

objects such as things they might find on a walk or unusual vegetables for us to talk


Miss Atkins says, “this week in Year 3 we have been looking at multiplication in maths

including a Herculean challenge! In English we have been writing explanation texts

based on how chocolate is made. In topic, the children have designed their own choco-

late packaging, creating their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn’t

on this week, we still went outside, collected natural materials and did some rubbings.”

Mr Foster reports, “this week, Year 6 have been having fun with fractions and the

enthusiasm the children have for challenging themselves in maths is a real pleasure to

be a part of. In English, we've been writing our own chapters of "The Silver Sword"; the

stories have been full of Nazi guards, the dastardly Burgomaster and even an escaped

chimpanzee - which is actually pretty faithful to the book!”

Friday 13th October 2017

This week has been particularly full with children across the school making their

teachers and themselves very proud. Almost every teacher has sent children to see

me this week because they have produced a piece of work of significantly good quali-

ty for them. There was a lot of competition for the Headteacher’s Star Award this

week! It is great to see the children making such big leaps in progress already this


Page 2: Friday 13th October 2017 - Steeple Claydon School...late packaging, creating their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn [t on this week, we still went outside, collected

Miss Davies and Mrs Anthony report that

Year 1 have been working really hard plan-

ing, editing and writing newspaper reports

about Rapunzel. Miss Davies is thrilled with

the results and so proud of them for includ-

ing so many wonderful adjectives. A special

well done to Isaac who wrote some super

sentences describing the witch.

In maths they have been learning about

money and having lots of fun in the ice

cream shop - Brennan solved some really

tricky problems involving coins even though

he has been poorly so a special mention for

him! Well done Year One - once again you

have shown how determined and fantastic

you all are!

Mrs Hopkin and Mrs Crawley report,

“Year 4 have had great fun this week

in maths. We have made our own

multiplication grids and fortune

tellers to help us recall times table

facts. We have been very impressed

with the children's understanding of

the short multiplication method!

In topic we have designed our

chocolate bar wrappers to include the

features of effective packaging and

we are now ready to make them!

Next week, to end our

scrumdiddlyumptious topic, we will

be taste testing some chocolate. How


Our Young Voices Choir are getting on

really well with their practices and are

starting to make a fabulous sound. Please

could we remind you that any orders for

tickets and t-shirts for the concert need

to be with Mrs Abu-Rish by Friday 20th

October at the latest.

Page 3: Friday 13th October 2017 - Steeple Claydon School...late packaging, creating their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn [t on this week, we still went outside, collected

FOSCS (Friends of Steeple Claydon School) EVENTS THIS TERM

Thank you to those parents who attended the first FOSCS meeting of the year on Tuesday.

Please support the school as much as you can by attending and/or helping at the events

below which have been arranged for this term. The money raised is used to directly en-

hance your child’s learning. We will let you know shortly what we are raising money for


Thursday 2nd November Halloween Discos KS1 5pm-6pm, KS2 6:15-7:15pm

Thursday 16th November FOSCS AGM 6pm

Friday 17th November Hot Dog Day 3:15pm

Friday 24th November Bring a sweet jar to school for extra house points

Saturday 2nd December Christmas Fair 12-3pm

8th & 9th December Rotary Christmas Float Timetable to follow

Friday 15th December Hot Dog Day 3:15pm

Well done to everyone who participated in

the Christmas Card Project and ordered

cards. You helped us raise £129.25. We

hope you are pleased with your order!

Final reminder

The Steeple Claydon box for Tesco tokens is

only open for a bit longer as it closes at the

end of October. Please remember to ask

for tokens when you shop and add them to

our box! Reporting Absence

If your child cannot attend school as they

are ill, please remember to contact the

school before 9am. If you ring the main

school number and select option 1, you

can leave an answer phone message at any

time of day.

Also, we would be grateful if you could

give a more detailed explanation rather

than saying they are ‘unwell’ as we need

to record a more accurate reason ie. has a

cold, throat infection, been sick etc.

Thank you!

Page 4: Friday 13th October 2017 - Steeple Claydon School...late packaging, creating their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn [t on this week, we still went outside, collected

Miss Richman says, “Year 5 have been

consolidating their knowledge of

division in maths and they have shown

excellent understanding of the ‘bus

stop’ method. In English, the children

have started writing their own

narratives based on the Lion and The

Unicorn. I am looking forward to seeing

the final versions! In art, children used

pastels and chalks to create authentic

and colourful Blitz skylines. Well done!”

Miss Rodwell reports, “It’s been a very

productive week in Year 2 this week!

We have been practising our 2, 5 and

10 times tables with lots of chanting

and practical activities. In English we

are looking at a new story. We have

been reading The Tunnel by Anthony

Browne and have been doing lots of

activities to understand the sequence

of the story. Including some drama to

think about what it felt like to crawl

through a scary tunnel. In topic lessons,

we have continued to construct towers

using natural and man made materi-


Page 5: Friday 13th October 2017 - Steeple Claydon School...late packaging, creating their own name and slogan. Even though forest school wasn [t on this week, we still went outside, collected

Please see above for more

information about accessing

and donating to St Michael’s

Church Community Food

Cupboard. Some of your

donations from the Harvest

Service were given to the

food cupboard last week.

If you are feeling creative, these

courses may be of interest….?